Late game food is overpowered

>late game food is overpowered

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Other urls found in this thread:,

>2600 calories
This isn’t real

That can’t possibly be true.

bulkan tiem baybee

>drink this
>get 2 days worth of calories

this is the future of food

Why isn't an instant version of this shake in every military ration ever

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>he doesn't oreo bulk
1000 calories less but not as much chocolate just "ice cream" and oreo

>he doesn't know
It's trivially easy to consume over 2000 calories on something like a large milkshake or a slice of cheesecake.

>2600 calories
>38g of Protein
Unironically good for bulking.

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>allergy data. contains: sóy

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I am a weak and pitiful faggot when it comes to milkshakes. They're fucking jampacked with shit and yet I love them too much.

>takes an hour to suck down
>takes 4 hours to push out
t-thanks, lactose intolerance.

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>See’s the word onions and starts having a mental breakdown while yelling PH NO NO NO

I like to think wojak posters do this in real life too.

Look at the sugar.

>food item are hard to obtain

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Would be great in a survival ration, carbs don't take much water to process and it could double as a substitute for the wake-up pills

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you don't?

>2 days worth

uhhh bro

okay like 400 calories away from 2 days worth

Do Americans really...?

>263 g of fucking sugar
That's your one way ticket to the beetus

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it's real, source: works at baskin and robbins

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>Sir would you like some onions sauce with that?
*Stands up*
*Sits down*

Only with a condom.

If its america you know its real for how much shit there is that will make you phat

Because it's not really food
I would be absolutely pissed if I was given this and then expected to go march, fight, whatever

How can you slurp this ? Is this even liquid at this point ?
What the fuck do you put in your cheesecake for each slice to be 2k?

>lactose intolerance.
Doesnt it mean that you shit out it asap?

According to country estimates for 2008, over 50% of both men and women in the WHO European Region were overweight, and roughly 23% of women and 20% of men were obese. Based on the latest estimates in European Union countries, overweight affects 30-70% and obesity affects 10-30% of adults.

It's a global issue, really. Seems that the more modern a nation becomes, the more obese it becomes.

I drink the super version of this with cherry coke every day, at worst every other day, I don't get an energy boost, but I feel good.

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This is bullshit. 32 oz cup huge, no adult could finish it, let alone a child. Cut all the numbers by a factor of 4 for a realistic serving. Still not too healthy but it won't be dishonest.

The architect’s weapon of choice.

I drink a litre and a half of faxe royal every day so I'm not much better.

>Saturated Fat 59g
>Trans Fat 2.5g
>Sugar 263g

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Because food is readily available, but the options you choose are always worse.

>135g fat
>333g carbs
>2600 calories

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It's my genetics tho

Who's this "you" you're talking about? You don't know me or anything about me.

based fatass

>Ordering anything but a glass of water and some lightly salted celery

Why do all sugary treats start at around 400kcal/100g bros??? Its not fair...

where can I subscribe, faggot?

you're supposed to have this over a week

6/10, not as based as Amsterdam maximators which is the gold standard for hobos

>every day
>a big gulp every fucking day
nigga damn

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There's a couple of things that could happen but it depends on how hydrated you are and what your gut biome ecology is consisted of. Most people would just get diarrhea but if it's an insane amount of lactose they would get constipated after the diarrhea and still be in agony.

It really was in West of Loathing.

>263g of sugar

you would die

Not him, but I used to drink 6 cans of coke every day

>start trend of fat being bad for you
>companies start replacing fat with SUGAR so it doesn't taste like shit
>really fucking hard to stock up on food without going over the daily fucking intake of sugar

Fucking America, i hope whoever started that fat is bad for you trend suffered a horrific death.

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>some lightly salted celery
Feeling a little frisky, are we?

because youre a lazy shite bag and you deserve the life you made for yourself

There is not a single fucking videogame related post in this entire thread, what the fuck are jannies doing.

it's basically blended cookies, cream, and other stuff densely packed. it's doable.

I know what spicy food does to me, but dammit I like taking risks!

nutty buddy's are so fucking good bros name a better sugary snack

You ever invested any thought into peanut butter?

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Why don't you fuck off to another thread with cunny spammers then you faggot?

Im none of these things
But i wish i could comfortably eat some snacks without feeling bad about it

This. Milkshakes are one of my weaknesses as well. Chocolate mcdonalds milkshakes are so fucking good.

There's just something so aesthetically pleasing about them.

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>Not becoming a millionaire making all sugar lemonade

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Im a fatass but at least I kinda keep myself in check with sodas and sugars. The mark buerhle body is terrible

Oh so I think I understand how amerikek s get to obese

WHO is this cum drum

i can't get how. coke/pepsi taste like chemicals, especially if you get them from the fountain.

Not wanting the Matt Stairs physique

Attached: Philadelphia+Phillies+v+Colorado+Rockies+K4Oj1A0nFbUl.jpg (390x594, 58K)

Broke: matt stairs physique
Woke: bartolo colon physique
Gigabrain: prince fielder physqiue

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Right here on these nuts, I encourage you to stretch your throat muscles first, shitstain.

Reminds me of when I went to Sonic and asked if I get a sugar-free fruit slush if it was sugar free like advertised. The fruit add-in is sugar free, but the actual crushed ice slush is chock full of sugar.

What the fuck, America.

>peanut butter
the ultimate chad condiment, slap that onto anything and it's better, not to mention the insane amount of nutrients in that shit, i could honestly live on potatoes, peanut butter with something to put it on/raw, fish, and eggs

>cherry coke
Based tastes. Everyone I know hates cherry sodas for some reason

You’re gonna judge me, but: dog cum
Hot sticky sweet!

Protein:Energy ratio is quite bad

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>coke/pepsi taste like chemicals,
Diet coke or coke zero or whatever, sure. That artifical sweetener tastes like fucking chemicals.

Regular coke tastes fucking good though.

Anybody else cursed with an insane sweet tooth? I really fucking love pastries, cakes, shakes, fucking any of it man. I even love when it's all fancy and girly or whatever, I don't give a fuck, I'll gobble it all down even if I look like some kinda fucking fruit. If I ever step foot in a place like France I probably won't make it even one week.

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>New Game Plus has even more overpowered food

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>peanut butter and honey sandwiches

On white bread, obviously. Nice glass of milk too.

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>regular coke tastes fucking good though
only if it's from Mexico

Do you know what is in fruit naturally? Take one fucking guess retard.

>dog cum
Why do brits give retarded names to their food?

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that's literally the same food

thread moving so fast no one will know I'm vegan


Do Americans really..?

how do you even process 260g of sugar in one meal

cute and funny?

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>lactose intolerance instead of actual milk allergies
Fucking casuals I swear to god. It's like you don't want to suddenly drop dead after eating a goddamn potato chip because some fucker decided it was a good idea to put milk in it.

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Correct. It's food. Wildly unhealthy, but still legally classified as food by every single relevant governing body in the known universe

Why do you devour my people

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Do you know what carbohydrates are? I'll give you a hint. Glucose is C6H12O6. Carbon atoms connected by molecules of H2O.

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see Fudge is OP

But you're right that shake keeps getting posted on Yea Forums for flimsy reasons.


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Americans have nothing on the U.K.

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>governing body

Here's some food

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I. What. Can you read? At all? The FRUIT ADD-IN was sugar-free, but the SLUSHED ICE MIX was full of sugar. Holy fuck dude, have sex.

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I had one of these when I visited america, for the meme. It didn't taste any better than a milkshake with 20% as much shit in it.

that is also food. Pic related isn't food

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>how do I move on with my life

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Are those pig brains from American oinkers?

Why this when Dairy Queen vanilla is only like 500 calories and taste great


why doesnt NYC have more dairy queens ffs

That is food for tv remotes. Don't be a bigot.

who here /hyped/ for Steve's 2-hour MRE review?

>295% of DRI for sat fat
H o l y
S h i t.


Dude, someone who weighs 150 probably needs 2300 calories just to sustain that.

The answer is sugar. Fruit contains sugar. How do you people not know this? The "slushed ice mix" or whatever contains the fruit which is full of sugar. The retardation on this board seems to just keep elevating somehow. It's amazing.

I'm ready

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>Try to have an argument about how game mechanics aren't the only important things in game
>Retard claims that I should read books instead of playing games because apparently books offer exploration on the same level as video games but shooting monsters is the only thing games can do

This is why talking about games on Yea Forums is so shit, everyone is so goddamn dogmatic in what they think games should be that it's impossible to talk about it, imagine telling someone to go play a video game if they like action in their movies.

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not drinking that stuff is one of the best decisions ive made in my life

What the fuck is this presumptuous shit? It's as if interior semiotics was made by pedophile.

Yeah, but I also lift every 2 days, so I still have < 15% body fat.

lemonade tycoon


They are on every fucking block in New Jersey

>how do I go to the beach?

Of all the countless ridiculous ones why did that one get me?

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Be my boyfriend

monkaGIGA O_O

>1770 mg of sodium
How in the fuck

Why the fuck are you responding to me like I didn't just post a fucking picture of a glucose molecule? The supreme arrogance of your dumb ass replying to me as if I'm wrong is astonishing. I'm educating your stupid ass about how people have been splitting up nutritional facts to suit their agendas for longer than you've been alive. Not only that but the entire reason you posted was because you assumed he didn't know that sugar was in fruit when he explicitly expressed that's exactly what was in it.

Shut the fuck up from now on you retarded ESL grade schooler.

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Yiff in hell.

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>263g of sugar

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Are you an Oreo milkshake because you're full of salt

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>38 grams of protein

Did they shred a fucking chicken breast into it?

I think furry art is occasionally hot, especially when the anatomical detail is good (non-human dicks are a hard pass), but this is just so fucked up

>the sister and erection one are next to one another

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I'm reading this thread while eating a nice oreo drumstick.

Are you my ex girlfriend? Because you're full of shit.

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Stop stroking you cock faggot, we were talking about why there was sugar in a no sugar added drink. If you want to try and look smart, this is not the place.


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Because fructose is the fruit sugar, retard

>nice oreo drumstick

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You know that's a good fucking point
How does an Oreo milkshake even manage to have so much fucking salt?

Preservatives, I'd wager

>learn what snow feels like
From someone that loves snow, that makes me kinda sad.

okay shit

No shit, you moron. I was illustrating that sugar is in even more things than most people think; not just milk shakes that say sugar free and fruit.

And fructose is a carbohydrate, you stupid piece of shit. All sugar is a carbohydrate. Just like all minerals, salts, and electrolytes are the same exact thing.

What is this diabetic concoction? You'd probably gain like 4 pounds just by consuming that. Too much sugar

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>almost 2 grams of salt
>almost a fucking pound of sugar
might just be my early onset Alzheimer's but i don't know how it's humanly possible to consume this fucking abomination, if you could somehow suck most of the sugar and salt out you'd have a drink of the gods on your hands though

if you have bad genetics, sure.

is this from a site or app?

sonic has one as well and its 1500+ calories

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with 1300kcal a day? bruh

How is it possible to be this salty

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monkaS ... she okay?


I would starve myself for 2 days just to drink that. Holy fuck.

oh if only you knew

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>32 fl oz shake

seriously who could even eat that, thats like liquid batter.

>Just like all minerals, salts, and electrolytes are the same exact thing

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I will miss her.

I remember seeing a Youtube video about this place and to be fair, they are completely 100% honest that it's your choice to eat there and slowly kill yourself.

>GI tract designed to handle 400-600 calories/meal at a time
>flood it with 2600 calories of sugar
Yeah, you’re gonna feel great

>fries cooked in lard

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>but I feel good.

thats very depressing user.

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Without memeing, could someone tell what could realistically be the crustacean ingredient in something like this? Does the recipe call for some kind of fish oil or something?

Jesus fucking Christ, that's at least twice the amount of a Sonic shake of the same size, and I thought that was bad.

I don't want to call you out as fatty cope but unless you're doing a decent amount of physical activity, daily, 2300 would be gaining weight assuming proportional height

Cod liver oil, they wanted to make sure it was healthy

There aren't any in it, Einstein.

>fried fries
>not baked

>lucky strike
Fuck yes

Read the chart again, user

to add to those stats, the average over 20 y/o mutt female is 5'3 and 177 lbs top fucking kek

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>but I feel good.
You probably don't, in reality.
You are just so used to your generally poor feeling that the sugar-high you get from your cherry coke is your "up" state.

Ah shit, just realized that it says "No!" for crustaceans. Got so used to seeing the one the other one where it says there IS crustaceans in it, but now I know it was all one big con.

Actual smoothbrain

What's funny is that frying fries in pure lard is actually healthier than frying them in the toxic, easily oxidizable vegetable oils we do today. It's just not well known yet.

It's only there to showcase allergy information user.
not that anyone should be surprised it contains no crustaceans...but maybe someone who is allergic to it might.

holy fuck thats scary, are they trying to eat trash?

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fiber one bars have filled that niche for me.

Not with that attitude.

>It's as if interior semiotics was made by pedophile
that's the whole point. its pretty great.

Can you actually smoke there? A burger, a beer and a cigarette in a restaurant would be bliss. And I don't even smoke anymore.

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You know guys like this eat around 20,000-30,000 calories a day.

I find it hard to eat more than 2,500 calories in a single day.

Same. 25 years old and I still haven't gotten over my sweet tooth. It's a miracle I don't have diabetes. It could be because of my exercise routine that keeps my body in check.

yeah she died but she's ok

Try Aussie Bites from Costco, they're lightly sweet and are at least half-ass healthy and will fill you up quick.

>travel to the mirror universe

theres a cult starting down there.

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its easy once you get an addiction to the high fructose corn syrup

its the white mans poison

I like how American eat shit that's full of highly questionable chemicals, but as soon as someone brings out lard for cooking, they lose their minds.
Lard is infinitely better than that canola oil shit.

There is no way this is real.

>moved awya from nyc
>now live a minute and a half walking distance from a dairy queen the past 9 months or so
I've only ever gotten large vanilla ice cream cups though. Sometimes with sprinkles. I'm not a big milkshake person.

Actually I think I got a smoothie once. Wasn't my own money so I didnt mind experimenting.

I agree with you. Fats solid at room temperature are generally better for you than fats liquid at room temperature

food that was thrown into the trash, yes. They video and stream themselves gorging for the other degenerates that partake in this behavior

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>eat aussie bites from costco
>shitpost for the next several days

If you're not making your fries in beef fat you're doing it wrong.

Lol imagine having your muscles so tender that your bones litterally just slide out of them.

Oh God. Is she pissing, shitting, or giving birth?

More like post shit, those things are high fiber.

Nah a 32-ounce McD's milkshake is just under 1200 calories and it is not easy to consume. Maybe in comparison to a fucking whole pizza or something but no one except the most seasoned fatasses are gonna down one of those without feeling like shit and probably passing out from 'itis.

kill yourself

Wtf are you talking about? 38g of protein is extremely low for 2600. If by bulking you mean get really fucking fat then sure, it's great for bulking

She's dropping the Cosby kids off at the sidewalk

President Eisenhower (a heavy smoker) had a heart attack and this cuck faggot told everyone it was saturated fat's fault. We were dumb enough to believe him.

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>how do I slay a vampire
>how do I make communism more popular

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>learn what snow feels like
>go to the beach
>pretend to be more religious than i really am
these are sad, what the fuck

Ever since the first time I saw that Oreo shake posted, I haven't ordered a shake since.

guess the gender

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HandsUp FeelsGoodMan

Please tell me that's two separate fat people at least.

I tried to about a month ago at White Spot, but the machine was broken apparently. Maybe somebody was watching out for me.

>candy cigarettes
>Just like dad!


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Because the key word is "Game" and the mechanics are the main way you interact with the game.

Its fucked up.
but I would unironically support a new hitler, if he put people like this into camps, and starved them.

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>2gs of trans fats
the calories are the least of your problems now

how is this even possible?

2 oreo cookies are a "serving size". You can only imagine how much they put into this shake. Milkshakes alone are nuclear bombs of calories.

The people that blow up to 500+ pounds are generally the people who don't read the nutrition info on the back and just eat the whole damn tray anyway

I think generic manga/anime protags should be gassed too, user.

>game can be modded beyond its limits

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>some people find this attractive

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>Implying it wouldn't be the best fucking thing ever to eat after living off of military rations for weeks or possibly months.
I don't care how unhealthy that shit is give it to me.


we still do with shit like this daily.
Hell theres an epidemic with vaping right now.

that's a thick burger.

>5 digit sodium count

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I can't even tell what's happening here

I am Mexican, and I was raised with lard in cooking, and it was when I moved here and started eating food with canola oil that I started to avoid it, because it made me queasy.
Mexicans have a high percent of obesity in their population, but that's hardly because of lard usage, it's because they guzzle questionable amounts of Coca Cola and other pop sodas.

>22,990g of sodium
>23kg of sodium
>50 pounds of sodium

Attached: 1X0A2fd.jpg (481x264, 23K)

>g next to calories
>22990g of sodium

>.5 kg of pure protien

This is giving me anxiety just looking at it, ive been losing weight over the past few months by eating the bare minimum, this shit would kill me

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That's just a brick of salt with a burger attached to it at that point

If you're gaining weight at 2300, then you're a sedentary shit who will die of heart disease by age 50. Download a pedometer app for your phone. There's a non-spyware one on Fdroid. You should be hitting 10,000 steps per day.

to each their own nazi-kun.

/fit/ here, i single handedly blame soda but realistically its because its because being fat feeds upon itself.

Like bring fat ruins every single aspect of your life, it makes it so you are low energy throught the day. It makes it so you cant get restful sleep for shit which makes you even more tired and miserable.
So you have miserable exhausted people who are eating sugary trash for the dopamine and energy which just makes them more and more fat.

>7640 cal.

Marc Hobbins you absolute madlad. Also they're dumpster diving to resell shit because they live in Florida since it's legal there yet fuckin retarded.

No crustaceans, no buy.
Just like my vidya

don't worry, they are starving themselves with their vegan diet
actual vegetarian diet is much better if you don't want to eat or if you have some sort of meat allergy going on, don't ever do vegan shit


jesus christ america calm down.

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Holy shit 22990g of sodium? Thats enough for roughly 27 years xd

Live stream?

>I argue with people who eat this on Yea Forums regarding stupid shit all the time.

God damn

I’ve got a beef brisket with mashed potatoes MRE standing by to eat while watching

Cops can run you off the property just like any other state. Saw it happen to a particular dipshit florida man youtuber several times.

Reminder that Healthy eating is a skill you cant slack on

Did the change the recipe? The stats I found online were slightly less ridiculous.

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>not buying this for your gf.

>23kg of sodium
We're set for winter this year

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Its like DBZ powerscaling, the numbers get to such a point where increasing them has no effect

In one of fat fucks dumpster diving vids he calls the cops because they found a bb gun that looked like a real gun or some shit.

It most likely said "No sugar added." It's not the same as "Sugar-free."

>American breakfast

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they changed it after the OP image exploded a while ago

sup bros

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When I was a kid I thought sugar free meant that they didn't charge you for the extra sugar they put in. I wasn't far from the truth.

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This for the people who want to do the snake diet and not eat anything else for the rest of the week.

Im pretty a regular pancake would be less expensive

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Try 2. One to my computer chair and the other to my bed.

god damn grand slams are good

Well of course. It's not called the minor slam.

I like how most Murrica posts consist of footage from New Zealand, Ireland, or Australia

what's up with the weird dark streaks on obese people's bodies? I've seen this before and I think I see it here on his cheeks

its funny how this guy basically killed millions.

>Free smells

Stop doing this to yourself. I used to drink 3 cans of Coke a day when I was younger. I got cavities sometimes even though I brushed my teeth, it was just too much acid. Anyways it got so bad my pancreas started to get sore. To this day whenever I eat too much sugary foods, it starts to feel sore again. I very nearly gave myself diabetes, I am sure of it.

Switch to something else, anything, wean yourself off of it. Once you stop eating sugar all the time you'll stop craving it.

Now step aside, God.. As I upset the VERY BALANCE OF CREATION!!!

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>how to get an heart attack instantly.jpg

You could dwell on it for the rest of the week if you like.

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>smallest foot item has the highest effect

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>TFW lift and be active and actually lose weight on 3000 calories a day
>Dropped 60 pounds on that many calories, maintain on about 3500

Still wouldn't touch it. If I was gonna have a cheat meal I'd get something more filling or at least with more protein.

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Just buy meat and make your own damn food

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see you at dr. nowzaradan soon user

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7/11 is a japanese franchise

What in the fuck is this?

lmao they put his ass in the slammer

I'll take your word for it

I wonder if he made enough on the bet to bail himself out.


A woman that has been doing daily videos for years about losing weight,she only gained weight in the process.

This man has the right idea

Eh, i'd fuck it.

Tldr: he could face 5 years in russian federal prison if convicted.

Not everyone can become an architect. It takes years of planning and subtle execution.

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It is in AMERICA

it's not livestream, check the top comment by Steve

I dunno, suddenly dropping dead sounds preferable to sitting on the toilet for four to six hours wishing you were dead

I have two cups of yoghurt blended with two bananas and a handful of frozen strawberries with a tablespoon of vanilla extract every morning for breakfast. Is that healthy? Its quite filling either way and I don't feel hungry until 5-ish pm where I usually have something along the lines of steak+potatoes or a wrap or pasta or something.

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are MRE's good, i've always wanted to try one

Manlet here. No sympathy for him. Hope gets a nickel.

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>Release dates got pushed back a little because of my largest project in development yet. A feature length video containing mulitple rations from over the span of 100 years. It will be over 2 hours long in run time, and currently it is about 2/3rds complete. So stay tuned for that!

It's gonna be so nice.

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>tfw slowly losing my lactose tolerance
I can't drink pure milk without getting real gassy and sloppy shits

I too play GoldenEye and post on Yea Forums.

>cooking food

just another side effect being way too fucking fat. you see it a lot on darker skinned fatties (islanders, hispanic, black, etc.)



>263 grams of sugar
can you imagine giving this to a kid, holy fuck the aftermath would be insane


all that means is you get to drink based Fairlife

She has gained 250 pounds in 3 years.

They're ok. A military supply store nearby sells them for $10, but I don't think they're worth it aside from the experience.


>Djibouti is looking for the strangest porn
this can't be real

the lankelet fears the judicial system, and putin

>Wagecuck in a small store
>Literally NOTHING that requires cooking of any sort sells
>Have to resort to only carrying things you can microwave or eat right out of the box

I can't fucking believe people are this fucking lazy, but I know people who have entire diets consisting of ridiculously salty microwavable meals and soda/energy drinks. My cousin decided to go on a diet years ago and all she did was replace cheap Banquet microwave meals with Smart Ones and Healthy Choice ones.

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That, or a sword dipped in peanut butter. If the blade can't kill you, then the allergies would.

that's fucking Rwanda too, so that shit is plus ultra depressing

I know you eat like shit, I know.

You won't feel good when you're passing those kidney stones

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Game mechanics and interactivity aren't necessarily the same thing, being able to open a door or talk to a character isn't the same as a mechanic, one is just the reasonable means of existence in that universe the other is a set of systems that exist because it's a game.

Put into simpler terms, you'd call something like
>Walking around
>Talking to NPCs
>Buying items that have no real benefit
A walking simulator because it lacks actual mechanics, something like Bernband but I guess with a little more to it.

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Kidney stones feel great once they're out of the ureter. Once they're in your bladder it's fuggin' smooth sailing at that point.

I kind of want to fuck this

Yea Forums, I need you lose fiddy pound in one munt.

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So that's the reason her videos are usually filmed really close up.

probably this December

>We were dumb enough to believe him.
He was right though, something that was borne out buy dissecting thousands of Korean War casualties. The real problem is that Americans will just not stop eating.

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God I want to hate fuck her

>contains no crustaceans
I'll pass.

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this nigga eating french bakes

What are you talking about? Can I get a quick rundown on this, can’t find anything on google about it. I love Steve

Absolutely based, if god wouldn't let you enjoy the foods you love because the human body is so shittily designed then you might as well go blind!

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at least college food isnt that bad if you make sure you choose healthy shit.

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You definitely don't know a single thing about weight loss or nutrition. Yikes.

You can make that shit at home for way fewer calories

>circle k is the only place with that blueberry mountain dew but the cups are 42 ounce
>7-11 is the only place with 52 ounce cups for a buck

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Feels good to be a skeleton out here in the states

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Ok then, what's your MDE?

I still can't believe that one guy gained 150lbs in one month.. thats insane

Reminds me of a restaurant close to my house that serves steaks with peanut butter. Each table has a group of different brands of peanut butter that you get to slather on at your discretion.

this got me thinking but being fucked in that thing might be the most boring things ever

John Romero?

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They wouldn't die of starvation though, the whole evolutionary purpose of fat is to store nutrition for when times get though. A fat person can survive for, in some cases, hundreds days without food (or very very little food) as long as they have water, their body literally takes almost a year to eat itself


I can't remember how many times some fat fucking baboon in Baltimore has begged me for money saying they're HUNGARY and need money for food while being 400 lbs and carrying one of these.

Fuck yeah, I love Steve
He's like that autistic kid who's so passionate about trains or pokemon or some shit that it loops around and becomes cool and inspiring as fuck

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It's a 32oz drink. Who the fuck is going to drink a shake like that other than a fucking landwhale?

For a cheap and easy bulk, I drank a gallon of milk a day for a month and a half. Made big strength gains and put on 15lbs like it was nothing. There's way too much processed garbage and sugar in that thing. What the fuck? Why is their onions in it?

>Live in NJ
>Everyone is fucking fat as shit
>We're apparently one of the leaner states

I could MAYBE understand eating yourself to an unappealing look and unhealthy life if you we're eating 10/10 dishes made for a king.

But they're not. People are killing themselves for fucking Hot Pockets, candy and soda. Ruining their bodies for fucking cheap grocery store desserts. Cheap fucking nasty shit. I can't be the only person who finds that legitimately fucking insane, right?

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James is a machine. Truly /ourguy./

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nigger, what? how are you exercising with

>only real sources of sugar in my diet are fruit and tea
Now if only I could cut down more on carbs

fuck... I'm supposed to be on a diet, but this is making me crave that sweet and spicy bacon burger at whataburger... fuck brehs, I'm not gonna make it

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>game has a "core gameplay loop"

Attached: cheeseburger.webm (640x640, 1.22M)

No you arent user. Im from NY and i said I have the mark buerhle body. Its moreless you have to understand that "shit I need to stop eating all this fatty shit while doing nothing all day"

Attached: Buehrle.jpg (1759x2775, 718K)

I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle.

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I cannot even wrap my head around how people get so big.

That is until I worked at a coffee shop. There are people out there that routinely drink a 2000+ calorie drink everyday they usually got pastries as well. If every one of their meals was like this these fuckers were probably stuffing their face with around 10,000 calories daily on the low end.

The Duality of Man.

she got even bigger

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Get wordfiltered newfag

Shit user, I was gonna order a sandwich the other day till I saw it was like 1,400 calories. I'd expect a fucking oreo milkshake to be that high.

This made me want to vomit

nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels.

I eat 2500 calories a day and I am overweight at 198 pounds at 6'2 height.

I refuse to believe people ate over 3000 calories 100 years ago.

It catches zeros apparently. Oh well.

>convince people that albinos aren't magic

>GI tract designed to handle 400-600 calories/meal at a time
Yea gonna need a source on that, champ.

S C O O P S?!

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>character creation has body sliders

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>this fucking thread
Americans are so fucking disgusting it's unbelievable to the point of disbelief

That's a guy in that suit... I've seen the full image set.

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carbs, thats what gets you in the end.

Mate thats what happens in americana...

>263g of sugar
>mfw barely consume 50 grams daily
>not even diabetic

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At least this burger never goes bad. Shit is fucking brined.

what the hell is this garbage


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What's the point of lying when people can easily find the person's twitter and actual image sets.

god I wish I could find a cute oni GF

>Imagine the power this nectar yields

Attached: pierced bunson.webm (960x960, 2.93M)

Everyone's talking about the sodium but I'm amazed it has that much sugar. From what? Ketchup?

>100 days

thats impressive.

Maybe or maybe not, but regardless these sorts of infographics don't say much. There's very little real variance in top searches- notice how none of the searches are "how to cook an egg" or "how to pirate movies" because those are top searches absolutely everywhere. So these sorts of charts are just amplifying noise, and usually cherrypicking the funniest relevant results too.

>videogame """""art"""""

Attached: fancy restaurant.webm (610x776, 2.99M)

>2 days worth
>he is a small girl
Me too, bro.

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how is this any differenth than a lan par-
>all that food

Extra thicc

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It is a Monday night, Yea Forums, goddamn.

I literally do this

Breakfast cookies were a normal thing.

The cookies we served were as large as dinner plates and a good 600 calories.

Some people got two to three of them along with their milkshake coffee beverage.

no one would ever love me like this ;_;

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>what do you do for a living?
>I smash chocolate plant pots in front of yuppie trust fund kids with bigger wallets than brains

latinas are cute.

is this even food?

looks like mac and cheese on a burger+bacon bits

Malnutrition is pretty bad for you even if you're fat. Most people not eating for 100 days will emerge pretty fucking sick.

>macaroni on a burger
weird but aight
>2 scoops
>a bit more and bacon

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Now that's a job I want.

Reminder the faggots burning thousands of their parent's dollars for this performance feast are the same faggots on twitter whining about capitalism.

what is it that makes this hot, but real fat girls fucking ugly?

Worst part about that shit is that I could eat 10 of them and still be hungry. Some people treat that stuff as actual food and not just an occasional treat.

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The face and neck.

theyre right desu. capitalism allows this.

I'm hungry now
I just had a bit of rice today and nothing else


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True, but it is completely possible for fat people to survive that long without food. There's been tests that prove this.


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this has got to be the most pretentious webm i've ever seen

Fat in real life doesn't accumulate in aesthetically pleasing places naturally, nor does it stop building up.


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We can't let this sort of power fall into the wrong hands, I'm glad we can trust you to keep it safe Mr. Brosnan

>22990g sodium

Realistically, what the fuck would this do to you?

>How do I watch Seinfeld

American consumerism wins again

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>the over grilled burnt hotdogs

Future cancer patients

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god damn why not.

It literally states that it has 300% fat of daily value. How the fuck is this allowed?

Does he have a youtube channel I can find

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>frog wearing a crown.jpeg

Americans are fat for a reason my friend.

That holster wont fit after a year with a proper architect.

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its like eating litteral soap.

>trans fat
Even fat is allowed to change genders now?

except ribs

fuck I haven't had ribs in so long

is /fit/ even worth going to anymore?

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because life is pain

>the table full of candy
It took me two fucking days to eat a box of whoppers that size, one of them, there's like 200 on that table.

Only if you're looking to have sex with men.

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Ketchup, the buns, probably some in the cheese

>cutting hard at 1600 cals a day
How do I stop feeling hungry?

Attached: haha.jpg (680x680, 32K)

What do you mean? It's only like 10 days worth of sugar.

>The last part
I lost my shit

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>implying parenting has to make sense

If your child doesn't accept your rules simply because they are YOUR RULES, then you have failed as a parent.

Stop eating

>what is fiber? read this site
already linked earlier but it's good and absolutely correct
if people actually started doing this healthcare costs would plummet in a month, no joke
unfortunately addictions are very difficult to break

Honestly probably everything. Sugar is in nearly every mass produced food item in the US as a preservative.
like, ass loads of it unless you specifically make sure to buy things without it.

>white bread
Uh oh, the trees better watch out.

Sure, this is approaching the heights of decadence, but it's a purely consumer market, if there weren't chucklefucks paying for it, it wouldn't happen outside of "Gastrononists" fucking about.

You're hungry because of the lipids in your body sending signals to your brain that you're hungry. Literally the less fat cells you have the less of this hungry hormone will be pumping through your body. The only way to feel less hungry is to possess less fat cells.

imagine being the genius who came up with this
>alright, we're just gonna...throw a bunch of random shit on the table
>just straight on the table, fuck plates
>we'll call it food art or some shit
>charge $500 for it
>millennials will make us thousands. Tens of thousands!

I'm shure in the recent chink ration video he did he said he had some old stuff he's filming
I guess the reason its not come out is because of that 2 hour video

>doughnuts with non-black coffee

absolutely disgusting.

Protip: Being a blatant hypocrite in front of your children, regardless of if they listen to you, spells disaster down the road.

>Do as I do, not as I say.

The thing that bothers me the most about it is how there's obviously someone filming it already, and the joker in frame is still taking a video with his phone instead of actually looking at his overpriced food being prepared.
Like, why are you even there?

If your a dude sure, keeping fit is good, if your a girl, thicc is in.
>inb4 bruh but i can lift a car
No one cares.

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>tfw used to think coffee tasted disgusting until you had to work 14 hour days and suddenly it became nectar of the gods

Attached: doog.png (379x380, 158K)

The only reason anyone would pay for something like this would be to post it online for e-penor points.

god, watching someone gain weight is the worst thing.

not for Pierce

based fatty

if the chick I'm fucking turns into a slob she's getting ditched, been trying to find a brapbeast at the gym but it's hard

I dont even get this much refined sugar in a year. Then again i'm not american

Everyone thinks the same thing about liquor until they had to start living 14 hour lives. In a manner of speaking.

As I was typing the post I started thinking of that but chose to ignore those thoughts in hope that it wouldn't be the case.
Absolutely disgusting.

Stop being such a little bitch.

I'm assuming the 1910s ration he mentioned is included in the 2-hour review

This is how you raise an dogmatic retard who has no rationale for the things they believe.

its honestly one of those things that is really finicky until you perfect it.

if you go slightly above temperature, cook it too long, don't remember to bloom it, make the grinds too smalll/too big, it can taste like rancid shit.
Hell Nine times out of Ten people burn their coffee.

>red meats
but the fda says it's worse for you

>mfw I used to be really handsome when I was a skinny teenager
>now I'm 28 and look like a typical, skinnyfat internet bum

I still can't find the motivation to do anything about this. For literal years I've been telling myself I'm gonna start trying to lose the 30 lbs I've gained over the past 10 years, but I never do it.

Beer and junk food are just so fucking hard to replace with exercise.

That's what I mean I guess I worded it badly. Been waiting a while for that looking forward to seeing this video

Clean bulk natty gains

>14 hour days
what is wrong with americans??

>god I could go for a beer
>I don't even like beer
>but holy fuck I want some beer
>*take a sip*
>remember i hate beer

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I've long since accepted its impossible to buy a good cup of coffee.

Onions cause bad breath.

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>drink 2.5L of coke zero every day, sometimes even more
At least I'm f-fit

I know people that are as insanely shallow as this. It's pretty amazing that they can find other people to do this sort of shit with.

I guess not having a sensible personality is a lot more common than you'd think.

No they don't. Onions are good for you.

You work a 12 hour day, then they ask you to stay longer cause someone else didn't show up, and or they ask you to come in early.

Just do what I do.
Eat the bare minimum and physically exert yourself every day for a living.
Then you can eat/drink whatever you want when the opportunity presents itself.

You mean milk?

9 hours at work, 2 hours commute time (1 there, 1 back due to traffic), 3 hours of household chores or taking care of children.

What the fuck is with people on this board liking fat fucks all of the sudden? Everytime you call them out they parrot the same response: "low t, fag, thicc!!!" as if having low standards makes you a high T gigachad.

Imo the brap-peresses that your going after in the gym are a fat grenade waiting to go off once they get comfy with you. Give it a year and a half of dating and they double their caboose.

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bro just do keto, it's easy as fuck and you lose a lot of weight quickly

>tfw water only (and juice with pulp) master race
God it feels good to be free of the liquid jew

Attached: wat.png (1023x725, 456K)

thats why you typically have to make your own.

The last time I drank was the day my daughter died. The smell alone just puts me back in the same state of mind.

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that's just about the dirtiest bulk possible right there

thats rough user, last time I drank I had a stomach flu and imagine heaving for hours everytime I smell bear.

They look like shamblers

how is it possible to have that much sodium

but carrying a thermos around of non shit coffee everywhere is a pain.

I took the lazy way out. I still eat shit foods, but I just alt-day fast. It's quite easy for me to do and it worked well for me to lose weight.
Just do what I do: stop eating for a day.

Easiest way to get started is to eat like you normally do, and then another day you just eat one meal. Most "hunger" feelings are just your food-ritual. You aren't actually hungry, you just crave that feeling.

This, holy fuck. I'll have maybe 1 energy drink a month, but the rest of the time it's water, post-workout shakes and coffee if I need caffeine. I can't fucking believe people give themselves obesity and beetus over fucking soda. It's flavored water. It ain't that good.

Hey it's that guy that goes around suing immigrants for not waxing his balls

8.5 hours is the absolute minimum for a decent job in the US.


Make room for the exception. It's so good. It's so goddamn good.

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>It's flavored water. It ain't that good.
No its sugar-water.
The important part being: sugar
Something the body becomes extremely easily adjusted to constantly having...but not easily shifted away from.

>but carrying a thermos around of non shit coffee everywhere is a pain

you have a mobile job or something?

>Cholest. 3500mg

Attached: 1391056746727.jpg (326x343, 32K)

>been macrofagging for year and a half
>1500 calorie diet plus daily cardio
>managed to get to my ideal weight
>almost have a heart attack after seeing one stupid fucking drink that has more calories than all of the meals i make through the day
this shit is legit scary, i used to swallow shit like that daily

Attached: deargod.png (556x382, 145K)

>those poor bastards that can't go to the beach because they're surrounded by a country infested with vampires

Attached: 1566657167301.jpg (530x530, 130K)

>he didn't get a tech job


I can't remember what it was, but I had some like local-brand hipster ass soda a few years ago.
It was the best tasting ssoda I had ever had and it's really ruined the taste of any other brand to the point I don't drink it now.

>It's flavored water. It ain't that good.

it stops tasting good once you stop drinking it for a while.

Tolerate lactose you bigot

fuck off bug

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>GI tract designed to handle 400-600 calories/meal at a time

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>a /fit/ thread on Yea Forums gets archived

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lmao faggot
who /gallon a day/ here

I'm a pharmacy tech. Does that count?

those beans are alright but disgusting looking.

if you consumed 23 kilograms of salt at once you would die
like, that very moment

I've long since resigned and just learned to drink my coffee with milk. I'll do black when I'm at home or visiting someone who actually gives a shit about coffee, but if I'm out and about I'll just pour in a bit to get the edge off.

At least you get easy access to opioids and antidepressants.

>that Gummo looking mother fucker

How many would I have to eat in order to fucking die? Three? Four?

literally shut the fuck up you stupid fucking cunt. Do you think you just have the right to insult hundreds of years of cultural innovation like that motherfucker? Jesus christ pls delete yourself

I will tolerate lactose when it stops committing hate crimes against my anus

I think one and a half will do the trick

Yes and No. they are designed to give energy for long marchs/ work days and to conserve for a long time. So very energy rich, with taste being a remote second factor.

They are cool experience, or if you somehow think you'll need them ( my dad keep a bunch at his cabin as precautions, most days he hunts or fish his food)

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Name 5 things wrong with vaping aside from M-M-MUH NICOTINE ADDICTION

Can you regain it or once its gone you are condemned to be a fuckign asian ?

I have about 150 pounds of MREs that I had to check up on just in case the recent hurricane flossed my power grid.

>Oh man, that looks good but no way I should ever drink that
>Friend gets one
>Think I'll just have a sip to see what it tastes like
>Sip for 0.25 seconds
>200 calories injested

literally wtf.

I'm so fukcing fat bros


my face is so fucking fat, I want to work out like when I was in middle school but gyms are expensive as hell ($25 a month), I don't know how to cook, and I've never used any pills like multivitamins and protein powder.

kill me bros.

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You're to much of a pussy to smoke.

>This thread
I was gonna skip out on working out today but you guys convinced me other wise

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It ruins your lugs at a far faster rate than normal cigarettes. I'd say that counts for at least 3 reasons. Reason 4 is it makes you look like a bitch. I don't have a 5, sorry.

It makes you look like a faggot
Its effects on health are probably not so light as vapers wanted to believe
Its still addictive
You are a faggot for defending it

>I don't know how to cook
this is the easiest problem to fix. "Cooking" can be as simple as tossing some basic seasoning on some chicken and throwing it in the oven for 45 minutes.

What's your routine brah?

>vidya thread
shitpostings and screeming
>off-topic thread
comfy, on topic funny enough with wide and varied discussion


Does the burger come with a complimentary massive brick of salt?

i was with you until the 2nd scoop. Wtf .

T.highschooler addicted to nicotine

I smoked for 15 years and my teeth are stained to shit even after dental cleans. I got sick of stinking, and i havent had a cigarette in like over a year i think. I manage to make a juul pod last anywhere from 24-48 hours. Suck my dick.

it can cause cancer within the first year of use, and the effects are caused by second hand vaping.

you are subhuman garbage if you vape.

Just pull ups, chin ups, push ups and squats
To cheap to buy weights and to lazy for the gym

Purple Drank is the thinking man's drug
>heartrate goes as low as 1 bpm
>literally don't realise you died
Name a better way to drift into the abyss

Its because Yea Forums takes videogame discussion seriously while being freeminded for off-topic shit.

jesus christ fucking pig.

>Gyms are expensive
Workout from home
>I don't know how to cook
>I've never used multivitamins
They're 5$, get some

Stop making excuses for it and get healthy.

I need 20 of those.

>source: my ass and ads run by big tobacco

I was this. Would drink 4-6 cokes a day, with one of them being a 510ml bottle. This was during highschool days.

>Start going to the gym for our phys.ed classes
>Decide to stop drinking pop
>Drop it cold turkey
>Literally lose 12lbs in ONE WEEK

It was nuts.

because Yea Forums has already discussed everything there is to discuss about video games.
if we had food talks all the time, this shit would be boring.

You can say the same thing about walking in sunlight. By all means try to live your life avoiding all risk and sucking the fun out of everything but don't for a second think you have any rational ground to stand on when you're being selective about what cancer you think you should avoid and what cancer you're willing to turn a blind eye to. You subhuman hypocrite.

I still am addicted to coke but I am equally addicted to perrier. Thankfully that's 0 calories and calicum, though the carbonation/acid does hurt enamel marginally. I highly recommend 0 calorie (and no sweetener) sparkling water for people who want to drink more water.

I wish I knew the magic that is responsible for that perfect waterfountain I feel every school or university had. Stuff that was as ice cold as the arctic. I feel like the pressure of it shooting out made it taste different, more sharp and crisp than if it was just a glass of icy water.

>fucking cheap grocery store desserts

Local Food Lion has 1.99 tiramisu that really is surprisingly good quality. But I agree for the most part. I don't eat great, but I cannot stand and will not have microwaved garbage.

>american Yea Forums

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oh lawd he comin

>>source: my ass and ads run by big tobacco

CDC you dumb nigger.
theres an epidemic going on, teens are dropping like flies from vaping.

>sunlight causes instantaneous cancer
this is beyond cope.

GOMAD brother

Attached: 1555364166183.jpg (415x604, 50K)

I've been doing 40 reps each of Curls, Lateral Raises, & Squats; don't think it's enough though. How do you do your chin and pull ups?

you are fucking retarded.

enjoy wet lung

>an entire /ck/ thread without jackposting
it just doesn't feel right

I like that people in africa like star trek, though I hope they're doing ok over there

Where the fuck did I say instantaneous? Make a proper fucking argument, you stupid shit stain. I know you don't want to admit that I'm right but at least put in some god damned effort if you're going to falsely act like I'm wrong.

>ads run by big tobacco
Big Tobacco is switching to producing vaping products because they're much more profitable and easier to transport, they wouldn't sabotage their future business investments.