Why did you quit playing Overwatch?
Why did you quit playing Overwatch?
I've quit for a while thanks to the MMR getting fucked by 2-2-2. Will pick the game back up in a month or so when I'm done getting matched with silvers in QP but Masters in comp.
Couldn't shit talk anymore
they kept pushing through metas and having only certain amounts of heroes, then roles etc
it kills the fun in not having multiple roadhogs etc
Roadhog nerf.
It's only fun for a month or two, then it gets incredibly boring.
banned for playing too much widowmaker/hanzo and not switching when my team asks
Already fixed
you can shit talk if youre creative, hell I spam the n word and gg ez every match and have only ever gotten warnings
2-2-2 role que got rid of metas, multiple of one hero is impossible to balance
He got re-buffed back to his original state, you cant hook 180 degrees around corners and shit tho
agree, i play every few months and then take a few months break
you were shit at both, you wouldnt have gotten banned if you were good at them
>2-2-2 role que got rid of metas
nah the reason they listed was refusing to communicate with teammates
Got boring after a month. I'm surprised the game lasted so long T B H
Based anpanman
It became so unbalanced that i couldn't stand playing it amymore, even with friends.
The fact that after 3 years we still have 8ish hero metas. The game is never going to be balanced
Cause my friends stopped playing (and every Blizzard game, for that matter) after they decided 76 took dick in the ass.
Not that I mind, Paladins is better anyway. Both are still shit.
>you can shit talk if youre creative
>I spam the n word
The Michelangelo of banter.
It’s a game for annoying pseudo-weebs
No idea, Blizzard games just make me do this weird thing when I play them for a long ass time and then suddenly just stop one day and never start them again.
Did it with Diablo, WoW, Hearthstone, and now Overwatch.
>Literally not allowed to play a hero and practice because you’re bad
God daddy/babygirl is so cringe
Most of the time the “babygirl” is usually a man to lmao what a bunch of fags
I dont always do that, its just an example of how they dont actually punish you for saying shit
Quickplay and practice range or bot mode are for practice, dont fucking practice in ranked like a tard
they reported you for that, but again if you were just good at the heros no one would complain, if you ever get a smurf widow on your team one shotting everyone on the other team why would they shit talk?
You just realize how shallow they are and the charm dies.
>2-2-2 role que got rid of metas
xgfn dgfthsdbgfrhsdtrnhy strju sgftj dxgnh se5tsr hjsetrnhasernh aesrn ghAWRn haeht
I just baited people into being toxic so i could report them. overwatch fucking sucks. it coming out on switch is its last gasp
>if you ever get a smurf widow on your team one shotting everyone on the other team why would they shit talk
Because the people playing the game are the biggest crybaby faggots known to exist. Even if you carry them to the win people will still bitch about something.
Ultrawide support, and no that garbage one isn't actually ultrawide it's just stretched 16:9 you even lose more of the height, this also applies to 16;10 monitors
Game's just not all that fun. Shooters are enjoyable when they are allowed to be overly chaotic but Overwatch is basically obsessed with players having structured team compositions and tactics.
>but [Every Blizzard Game] is basically obsessed with players having structured team compositions and tactics.
>cucks unironically log in to play mercy
I quit the moment they announced that they're releasing for that nintendo baby garbage.
I don't like games that force you to play in a certain way.
I think the playerbase got worse, I won all my 5 placements and got put into gold.
Imagine if ID banned people killing players while they type in chat and fixed strafe jumping.
2-2-2 has the POTENTIAL to make over-centralizing metas easier to get rid of due to having more structure. The dev team doesn't have to worry about how a character may be good in a 3 tank 3 healer comp, but shit in a 2-2-2 comp. We have double shield cancer now, but I think it'll be easier and less of a pain to kill than GOATS was.
>Got rid of metas
Every competitive game has metas. Saying it got rid of them is stupid. What keeps competitive games interesting is regular meta shifts, the problem is that the overwatch dev team works at a snails pace and every meta gets super fucking stale before they do anything about it. Not to mention that half of Overwatch's metas besides Dive have been complete cancer.
never played it, the porn coming out of it is good though
Because Blizzard are completely incapable of making it balanced. I got tired of seeing the same heroes on both teams every game, every update there is a pool of about 7 viable heroes, the rest are completely outclassed. I'm sick of retards feeding, trickling in and over extending/not backing out of a losing fight even after you've told them not to. I'm bored of press q to win.
It was the Mercy rework that made me realise Blizzard isn't just making the occasional blunder but genuinely has no idea what they're doing but I tried to stick it out just incase they fixed everything. In comes Brigitte, a character so overpowered that it stops being a 6v6 and becomes a 1v1 with 5 bots each. It was no longer a test to see which team worked best but a contest to see who had the better Brigitte.
Overwatch league is also incredibly pozzed.
>What keeps competitive games interesting is regular meta shifts
Only if the shift is caused by players exploiting the current meta weakness or by thinking outside the box and changing the meta completely.
Meta changes by patchnotes are a pretty pathetic attempt to make a boring game fun
>Meta changes by patchnotes
Would be a good company slogan for Blizzard at this point tbqhfamalam
Support is the most boring shit imaginable but every team requires a third of their players to play it. Ultimates are retardedly strong and can often singlehandedly win teamfights. Complete lack of customization means everyone plays characters the exact same and every match feels the exact same.
The developers hate the players.
Never played, why would I when there's TF2?
The only reason GOATS was so bad was because Brigitte was broken as fuck for like 6 months.
shield meta is not fun
Each patch after s2 made the game more unfun and frustrating to play in typical blizzard way.
I was high diamond/65 in s1 and s2.
I came back for a while but it was just.. Frustrating. Miora was fun on release though.
You can win games without feedback what you are doing right, and the same applies to losing.
Even in its current state, TF2 is better.
Shit community, shit devs, shit balance, shit netcode. Also hackers.
When I realized Paladins is the same game but not shit.
Rein remains the only good tank, and I just got bored of playing him after a few years.
Reminder that the Dive meta was the most fun we will ever get.
neither being bad (that is what sr is for) nor being silent is a reason for a ban
you probably got banned for being "toxic" in teamchat
just mute voice, and all chats and be as bad as you like without obviously throwing and you should never get banned
You could have all gold medals and 25k damage shielded but you'd still get accused of throwing if you don't pick the hero they want you to.
Can’t quit playing a game that you never played to begin with. That’s just science. Like it or not, this is what peak performance looks like. Sorry not sorry.
i realized they didn't give a shit when their newest hero, sigma, was just yet another barrier, another stun, another defense matrix clone, and another shield generator
I never used chat. Neither voice or text.
>the problem is that the overwatch dev team works at a snails pace and every meta gets super fucking stale before they do anything about it.
It's actually the exact opposite, things change so fast that pro players have zero time to experiment, especially because of the game's forced ESPORTS. Because of this, pros tend to go with the most obvious strategies because they don't want to risk anything. If GOATS went on a little longer, people would experimented with more triple DPS comps and maybe the meta would've shifted more naturally.
I got bored
low skill. can't solo enemy teams by being good since its a group game.
>Widow smurfs one shotting everyone
You mean fucking hackers? Because most of the one-shot everyone Widows aren't top-tier pro players. They're not smurfing. They're in low tiers because they're bad at the game when not cheating. You'll see these motherfuckers track you through walls in the replays.
At release, it was just a more boring version of TF2.
Now, it's just a more boring version of TF2 with LGBT and censorship on top of it.
Too samey. Was hoping it would open up with user made maps but that never happened.
Metas only naturally shift when there is depth and balance. Overwatch is as deep as a puddle and has the balance of a fat guy with one leg having an epileptic fit.
because cooldowns is lame, give me something to get good at.
Bots are dumb, only Riot has done uberbots and Blizzard pugs kill any semblance of competitive spirit, replaced with gambler's fallacy.
Surely the next game won't have pugs who throw on either side and turn it into a one way steamroll. Right?
>playing a healer ever
Because they made Tracer a lesbian.
Turns out the blizzard style of balancing really doesn't translate to a fps. Barely works in mmos, arguably. Blizzards new obsession with trying to force every game they make into an esport only made it worse.
Blizzard suffocated any player interaction in favour of chasing woke points and safe-spacing.
All that was really left was the charm of the characters, which probably could have carried it honestly, but Blizz couldn't stop themselves from poisoning that well.
The characters are cardboard.
how much did they pay you
I said charm, not depth, and really they never needed to be anything more. All it took was a single cinematic for the entire internet to explode over Tracer & Widowmaker. Had they continued to put out media of similar quality things would have been fine but they couldn't help themselves but fuck things up by agenda pushing, moralising, and general shit writing.
I never quit overwatch
I never started either
Genji is the only character I like playing and he gets hard countered by tanks to the point that it isn't fun.
Talking shit without getting banned is easy, you just have to shit talk your own team. There's no evidence if you never type. I always used to shit talk the faggots that would complain about the team not playing on some esports skill level when they aren't good themselves.
There isn't any need to have customization if there's just a different character in that same role that does something you need more. Like if you're playing a tank that doesn't have a pull and you need one, you need to weigh the pros-and-cons of swapping to a tank that does have one, like warthog.
They changed how mercy worked and removed casual appeal by limiting freedom in quickplay.
I mained soldier. He's fucking shit now.
Why do we need one of these "Why did you stop/hate it" threads daily when they'll never be able to fix the core issues? The game is unbalanced as fuck, the community is a goddamned mess and the game has truly devolved to Press Q to win while hiding behind 3 different Shields. The game sucks, Blizzard sucks, Overwatch fans suck and the only thing that doesn't suck is the porn. End of story.
yeah I quit because I consistently had majority gold and people complain nomatter what you do, its fuckin annoying to deal with these niggas constantly on the verge of tears
Same reason as LoL and Dota2. Its just kids who throw a fit if you dont let them solo top or something stupid like that
>Not to mention that half of Overwatch's metas besides Dive have been complete cancer.
Do you think thats.... just because the game is bad?
Same maps. One team stomps the other every time. By the time a game is finished, a 50 players have been switched out. Already played TFC and TF2 for 20 years before.
That's the problem. With a system like that, the moment you see a character you know exactly how they're going to be played. It doesn't matter who's playing them.
>the n word
Didn't liked the beta.
when they made soldier 76 a fag
the actual fps mechanics are bad
every gun is full auto or fires so fast that individual shots don't matter
unlimited ammo and shields enable infinite projectile spam
some characters like tracer and widow have obnoxious hitboxes
ultimates still build too fast
supports/healers in general
Because players are too stupid to figure out the counters.
Oh look the enemies have double shield.
What should we get??
Hmm... how about we get a mccree for doing absolute peanut damages to their shields?
That's great idea!!