ITT: Piracy thread
what are you pirating, my fellow pirating anons?
ITT: Piracy thread
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A bigger harddrive lmao
You can find stupid big external hdd's for cheap
A call to the FBI
>the pirate bay
you guys really are underage, huh? let me guess, you use utorrent?
3ds games. Pokemon ultra sun, rune factory, and fire emblem and a few others I can't remember.
pirate bay is a honeypot that logs all IPs that connect to it. That's how it's even allowed to exist.
i dunno, is mk11 out already and are there good mods?
to what end?
Downloading games from it seems to be fine anyway
I've been pirating for 10+ years (not always but mostly from piratebay) and only got caught twice, both times were for movies
Last thing i pirated was Oblivion, and i'm thinking on getting skyrim next as i never played it either, but every time i think on it, i can briefly feel someone breathing down my neck.
So they can tell you that you have shit taste in games
Currently trying to find a fully working multi5/9 version of mass effect 2 with all DLC's.
How redundant. As if I wasn't already aware.
What a bad time and place to talk of piracy
>shit taste in games
All games are shit
Octopath Traveler
Piratebay mines your GPU retards.
Not true, I pirated a fuckton of music from there just fine.
>he doesn't have adblock/ublock
lol how does your computer even function
>there are people who use torrents when irc, ftps, newsgroups and ddls exist
i haven't pirated anything in over a year because no new games are even worth pirating. that's one way to beat piracy, i guess
Have been pirating everything not nailed down or on fire for the past 10 years no problem.
Gonna get octopath and blasphemous tomorrow, good shit. Hoping one of these slav fucks cracks the latest Total Warhammer 2 dlc and Hades.
I haven't found any worthwhile games to pirate for a couple years now
Mr.Smith, we meet again
I too enjoy bitcoin miners my fellow zoo zoom
I just downloaded the Spyro remastered trilogy so I can play it when I'm blazed.
Yeah but if you sneeze on them they break. Chinkshit is great but I wont hoard my data on cheap drives. If only tape drives were cheaper...
I’m pirating your piracy
>not using soulseek
are there really people who browse the internet in 2019 without adblock and noscript on at minimum?
>having to deal with scramoutcha
That nigger alone makes the whole thing a chore to use. I rather take my chances with smloadr and rebeccablack.
Yes. Streamers especially. I can't tell you how many of those faggots go to pull a youtube video up and complain about an ad, then when you say "what happened to your adblock" they're just say "nooooo i have to support advertising cause I'm a dumb duck asshole."
To the sending you lawsuits if you live in a country that enforces copyright, end.
Hasn't happened yet in the US and I've been pirating for several years now. What are they waiting on?
Anyone know where the fuck to get Left Behind: Eternal Forces? It's basically Abandonware at this point.
Making a rom/iso/PC release collection of every franchise represented on smash
I pirated mirror's edge a few hours ago
Downloading something from internet
are you retarded?
modern warfare 2, with the high fps graphics is one of the most entertaining clusterfucks i've played in years
Hello, Stallman.
Post a better suggestion faggot
you're probably from another country. it's a honeypot for the burgers mainly.
Underworld Ascendant
Yuropoor art house flicks
>Go on Pirate Bay
>Search for stuff
>Error 502, Error 502, Error 502
They need to fix their servers. Tired of running into Error 502 every time I search through the site.
If piratebay is shit what's the best alternative for games (and maybe music or game soundtracks)
waiting for scatlands 3
Disappointed no one posted this yet
Anime since there are no good games coming out
you are a walking caricature of yourself by using this very site.
Well sucks for whoevers IP my vpn is hijacking. Hope the FBI isn't too hard on them for me pirating FF7 and New Vegas
No shit streamers don't want to show they are using adblock. They have a seperate browser/computer for browsing when not streaming and that will have adblock
>its been over a decade and SSD is not even cheaper than HDD.
You'd think we have like 20tb ssd for consumer use for 200 bucks by now.
nice try FBI
I honestly feel bad for burgers. The party v& must be really busy.
I torrented Midnight Club II for PC. It's the only way to get it for a reasonable price now that they removed it from Steam. It's such ag reat game too, I would have bought it if I could.
>live in central euro
>literaly nobody gives a fuck about piracy
>havent used legal OS in my life
feels good man
Yes user, I agree, what is better than engaging in online privacy? Kek
Nioh Complete Edition. Looking for that middleground between Souls and DMC/NG/Bayonetta, and Nioh looks absolutely perfect for that.
i aint giving you money to join the cabal
CreamAPI_Release_v4.1.0.0.rar has saved my legit copies on Steam literally hundreds of dollars in not buying DLC bullshit
now imagine being a burger >geting caught for pirating
>fucking twice
imagine living like this
land of free my ass
you're one google search away from finding a better tracker that is not a fucking malware
>better tracker
gee its almost as if those pirated games you download from tpb are cracked by someone first and uploaded by them somewhere and tpb reuploaded repacks filled with malware and miners are literal unironic retard tax
glow in the dark retarded cia gorrila nigger
Externals should only be used to store important files that you don't plan to disturb too often. You'll wear down an external quickly if you read/write on it regularly like a normal drive.
how do you "get caught"?
For me? It's
I have the entire mass effect trilogy cracked and DLC added to it, and an improved texture mod. I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks to Timmy tencent of Epic Games, I'm going to pirate the borderlands 3 fitgirl repack with my seedbox.
Just downloaded Blasphemous. Looks like a good time.
Your ISP sends you an infringement notice because the company was watching the leechers and have a big list of IP addresses and what ISPs distribute them. Thats why people will tell you to torrent over a VPN because anyone observing you leeching doesn't see your real IP unless they know a lot about what they're doing with the internet. Honestly its useless for games because the ONLY videogame company that will ever ask an ISP to send an infringement notice is Zenimax. So you only really need to VPN to pirate Zenimax games if you wanna avoid "getting caught".
t. works for an ISP
funny. what do you do against dpi-blockers then?
>still can't pirate persona 5
soon pes 2020
kiwami 2 next week
you can emulate it for ps3 on pc
my gpu is 1050ti toaster
>what do you do against dpi-blockers then?
We don't. Maybe the companies out to protect their IPs do but we sure as hell don't. We don't give a fiddlers fuck about your traffic or what you do with the internet. You get a modem or ONU and you get your happy ass online. If you're not good enough at being discreet a company looking to punish you for infringement notifies us and we have to tell you to cut the shit out (Legally, truthfully we dont give a shit) If police subpoena an I.P attached to your account, they get your info and you're in uncle sam's hands now.
Come to think of it ISPs are really like the gun stores of the internet, but if guns were actually a utility.
i have been lucky enough to have to deal with those retards
Octopath traveller.
nigger what the fuck are you talking about
you can pirate both ps3 and ps4 versions
both if you have any of those jailbroken and if you're emulating on PC
stop spreading lies you fucking monkey
>not having a vpn
They pay for themselves senpai
What honestly happens if you "get caught" and sent a notice, are they really gonna fine you or send you to fucking mail for pirating old games? Is it all just finger wagging?
Any switch game when I get back from worktrip. Gonna buy a crackable switch, preferrably already cracked cause I'm afraid to fuck shit up. 60 bucks for a game is too fucking much for my shithole country and Nin doesn't have regional prices
What happens if you don't pay? I'm not a burger so this entire thing is very bizarre to me.
i heard from a friend who used to work at an ISP that they dont care what you download, only what you upload (seed). So as long as you are not seeding entire movies then you're golden?
is greedfall any good?
capcom did it too with it's resident evil 2.
They caught me for two games that I definitely did not seed.
The notices are just to tell you to stop. ISPs aren't beholden to corporations to do their legal bidding. If they want to pursue you in a court of law for infringing on their property thats THEIR baby. ISPs are just LEGALLY required by federal law in the U.S to make an honest attempt to deter you or face our own legal consequence. Different ISPs handle it differently. Most of them will terminate your internet with them after a set amount of infringements. (Which they will avoid at all costs because that's your money out of their pocket) Others might fine you on your internet bill for continued infringements. If you don't pay, see first option, which again, ISPs want to avoid at all costs.
The main thing is ISPs have to address the infringements legally due to copyright law, though in reality none of them really give a fuck. I have no idea how European ISPs handle it.
as long as you have something that is a GTX 660 or HD7870 with 2gb ram you're good to go
a 1050ti would have better performance than a 660
I was caught long ago for a marvel movie while living at the parents, but that only happened once before I started only downloading and removing the seeding part
Thanks for clearing that up. I actually just got one for Prepare to Die since they pulled it from Steam, and ACIV because I didn't want to give Ubi money.
Someone IS breathing down your neck.
It's Todd.
Partially right.
1. ISPs don't give a fiddlers fuck what you do with the internet
2. Copyright protection companies that monitor torrent traffic DO often find infringers based on seeders, though not seeding isn't a gaurntee that your IP (Provided by ISP) wont be caught just from leeching the torrent.
3. Movies are tracked a lot harder than games.
4. The only sure-fire way to make sure you never get an infringement notice is to get a VPN or a private tracker.
Again, 99% of videogames you pirate wont earn you a copyright infringement notice from your ISP regardless of whether you seed or not. Only ones from Zenimax.
6-7/10. The game is a potato.
i pirate soup at my local stop and shop.
River City Girls. The game is much more enjoyable knowing I didn't pay $30 for it.
good to know, perhaps I'll get back into the vpn game for future downloads
Oh so there isnt a better one? gotchya
>tfw i installed origin just for their free games and built up a solid library of 10 or so games from it, got all the dlc for bf4 free, and one of those free games is one of my favorites to this day
>tfw i currently have epic store installed specifically because they give out free games and i'm never going to pay them for a single game
what do you call me?
All you ever need for pirating is the GOD tor rehost and qBitTorrent with the RARBG plugin, and sometimes, you don't need no ShitBoy repacks or your shitty DDL sites like IGGCucks or fake Skidrow/scene sites.
I'm waiting for that user to upload the Sims
emulation performance is more about your CPU than GPU.
>falling for the VPN jew
greedfall just came out but I really don't like the look of the combat.
Looks like you only get 1 damage spell as a mage character.
>he doesn't have tracker blockers
never been caught for games and I've downloaded terabytes worth.
only things I've been sent notices for are shitty disney films for my boomer mum
I got caught with nfsmw on PC several years back.
>land of the free
Nothing. Although not because of some phony morals, but because there's no games.
Does anyone have the mediafire to ion fury?
greedfall right now
bought astral chain and daemon x machina. not sure if i want to buy or pirate code vein tho
>mining bitcoin = bad
Fuck off boomers
i'vve only ever gotten a notice when i uploaded and usually this is only from aaa movies and games. that being said notices are empty gestures
>tracker blockers
literally the dumbest meme in existance. All it does it block IPs from the Los Angeles area. This does literally nothing else useful.
They barely even open for registration and i heard they have the same shit like every other tracker. I heard they also reject forums without a reason.
how can i hide myself online, i'm not /g/user
waiting for greedfall's repack right now.
borderlands soon as it drops
>private tracker
>invite only
>must seed twice as much as you leech to avoid ban
>top notch quality
>good moderation
>variety of content
literally the best fucking tracker
using it for almost a decade and not a single time had any issues with it
>wanna pirate Skyrim SE again
>several comments say "my ISP tracked me down" or "don't download this, it's a tracked iso"
>half the other comments say "it's fine"
Fuckkk I wanna play Skyrim but I also don't wanna get fined 500 bucks.
If you join an easier tracker like Myanonymouse you can work your way to to GazelleGames. I like the site since they have quality control and are well organized. The forums are surprisingly active since one ranks up on the site by post amount
Black cat games? RIP UGC.
just get it from another source then user
I hope you're using a different password on your Epic account than on whatever other account that's associated with the same email address.
I've received like 8 emails telling me to change my password because some chink nigger tried to log in from the other side of the planet.
It's the only torrent on piratebay
I was thinking about buying it on Steam if it was cheap but apparently it's still 40 bucks so fuck you Todd
>black cat
it was vidya only if i'm not mistaken
afaik black cat is long fucking dead
>been using utorrent for many years now
>start to notice that it's being a cpu hog recently, forcing me to kill utorrentie.exe in task manager
I'm guessing one of the bottom left ads has a cryptominer in it
Gonna pirate the new Sims 4 DLC coming out tommorow
Nothing. Piracy is wrong and would never rob hard working devs of their money.
imagine being such an absolute fucking brainlet that you use tpb in 2019
you don't deserve the game desu
In case you incels ever dare do anything against the Deep State they will have a ready made list for the black helicopters to carry and drop in santa claus style and kill you all
Do they have vidya? After reading the rules and what not it sounds like they host anything but that.
You're right, I'm a söyboy
Teach me your ways please, I don't want to be a söyboy any longer, teach me better torrent sources
>he doesn't live in a country where pirating is legal
Games with little to no replay value that I don't care for to be in my steam library
Seeding 2x what you download is not very comfy, user. Especially when one has slow upload speed. GG with freeleech tokens works well for me. HDB, PTP, and BTN for my kino. BiB for my books.
They are the best audiobook site but if you rank up there you can get access to vidya trackers and more.
0 countries in the world do this though. At most you get strongly worded emails telling you to stop.
RARBG has the torrent for Skyrim SE, though RARBG is a bit buggy where it will show that a torrent has low seeders, but once you start it up it has dozens.
>letter soup
Holy shit, this better be bait. Or are you unironically underage and autistic? Nobody here is gonna spoon feed ya tard.
I don't pirate because I am a game dev.
I would only pirate if you can't get the game anymore or if it's ridiculously
rare (like Accursed Farms does)
I got one for downloading Tekken 7. Fucking Namcops
There are people in this thread that unironically use TPB and Utorrent...
at-least ascend to plebbit-tier jesus christ man
>Seeding 2x what you download is not very comfy, user. Especially when one has slow upload speed.
I don't think my internet is very fast, it's like 10mb in and out (on paper, but in reality it's close to 8mb)
Never had troubles with it though.
Rules are more complicated than that, but I just simplified it in one sentence to avoid the hassle.
I recently pirated GG Rev 2 but eventually caved in and bought it because I want to get my ass kicked online.
What's wrong with tpb?
fitgirl circlejerk the subreddit
When one has to compete against seedboxes with 1gb/s or 10gb/s upload, it makes it hard for me to attain upload credit. Thus I rely on bonus points or ratiofree options.
This is the most retarded burger shit I have ever heard and only works in burgerland.
use qbittorrent
Once I left my tracker running for a couple of months for seeding some hip new tv series and got 600gb seeded with like 180 leeched.
Never gave a fuck about rating ever again.
2.2.1 is still the best client around, prove me wrong.
That's not their servers.
your browser is blocking it.
It's been over a decade and people still don't understand that SSD are 50 times cheaper per GB/s per dollar
by not being online
you cant
this. just use i2p instead.
>using uTorrent newer than 2.2.1
>using uTorrent
2.2.1 is the lightest client and is open source.
Just waiting on the repack for borderlands
Think Borderlands 3 will be cracked this week?
depends how well they implemented denuvo
Greedfall currently
Are you sure that uTorrent is open source? Where can I find the source code?
bittorrent prior to version 6 was open source, and it was a branch of utorrent. I don't know if it's still available anywhere though.
Gonna nab Greedfall tomorrow. Want to see if my PC can even run it before buying.
redpill me on VPN services. youtubers always seem to shill for nord, is it any good? It's cheap but i know that's not always a good thing when it comes to quality.
>So when should I use a VPN?
>You want to hide your IP from a very specific set of non-government-sanctioned adversaries - for example, circumventing a ban in a chatroom or preventing anti-piracy scareletters.
Way to not even read your own autistic rambling, retard
You might as well post the sources too
I would if I could! It's just shit I've saved from Yea Forums "videogame" threads.
I do know that one though
I fucking hate videogames
What are your specs?
I always end up doing the same fucking ritual, spend 3 hours looking for the best rip, spend another 3 torrenting it, finish downloading and never watch the movie I just spent 6 hours pirating, same with games. I just don't get why. I may just be autistic
I just use transmission for everything, it just does the job with no bells and whistles.
>he doesnt mail people the HDD so they can copy paste it directly and then send it back
What's the best site to torrent normal ebooks?
KAT was the best, but now it's long gone and all of its clones/archives are fucked, offline or shady.
Project Gutenberg and Library Genesis are decent, but not that great. And TPB is a hit or miss, depending on the book. for eLearning, bibliotik for fiction and other stuff.
How is Greedfall? I heard it's single player with no mircotrannyactions so that's a good sign but how is the story and the gameplay
No idea downloading right now
770 and i5-4670.
Playing Spyro right now
Do you have it so they have to call your phone for a code in order to log in from a diff location?
>The game is much more enjoyable knowing I didn't pay $30 for it.
Except thats all the games i played