You faggots Ding-Dong Diddly ready for the GOTY next month

you faggots Ding-Dong Diddly ready for the GOTY next month

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Other urls found in this thread:

>wwe 2k


>the man
>those arms

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i'll wait for Yuke's AEW game thanks

come on user we both know becky could snap ya like a twig

Sorry im playing fire pro and watching NJPW
Like a sane person

fuck that fucking half the fags there guilty of comedy wrestling and ruining the business

the only thing becky has snapped is attendance numbers

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He's in

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he is innocent

I'm 6' 8" 240lbs.

go take a nap Jim

of fat

I can't believe Kevin Sullivan and the Dungeon of Doom got away with it

I'm ready, pre ordered the ultimate edition, revving up my autism up to 11, finalizing my Caw roster plans for universe


Make the switch

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Why the fuck are they still trying to push these two as the face of the company? I haven't watched WWE in years, and whenever I tried it was just these two being shoved down my throat

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When will the E stop pretending that Benoit didn't exist?

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What's the best wrestlin game?

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>wwe games have been the same since wwe 12
>there will never be anymore smackdown vs raw games
>no wrestling game will ever be as good as here comes the pain

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Smackdown vs Raw 2010

>there will never ever be any more SOCK-O

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Here Comes the Pain/Fire Pro World/No Mercy

6 feet 8 inches of fat in your mouth

SvR 2006

Why is that girl wearing a shirt that says she's a man? Does WWE have trannies now?

They want social justice snowflake points by having a woman that is "stronger than men",granted she never ever beat a man in a ring and probably never will.

jesus you fagots its because she beat ric flairs daughter and its part of one of his old promos

Question, can i beat up women in this game?

Rare white Bengal tigers can do anything

As a man? 100% no

I think that feature was removed a long time ago

Have the games actually gotten any better? I saw some footage of 2K19 a little while ago and was surprised that it didn't look as shitty as the games have in recent years. As much as I like wrestling games, I don't want to waste money on another disappointment.

In wrestling vernacular the most popular person at the top of the card is "the Man"

Becky co-opted the phrase this time last year for herself when she exploded in popularity after an accepted heel turn.

At least Chyna was believable.

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>tfw I can't be fucked to watch wrestling anymore
New or old I just don't bother. This has been a problem all year for me. Maybe its time to move on. I've tried taking breaks but maybe discussing it and listening to the odd podcast here and there is still too much for a proper break.

The 2K ones are slowly getting better but still stiff to play. Maybe that's the term for it, it doesn't feel as smooth to play as older games.

Mixed tag matches are a new feature as you play as a man a woman in story mode but intergender wrestling has yet to be confirmed and most likely wont be as it's not a regularly featured part of WWE programming

I watch WWE every week and I hate it.

Fire Pro World or King of Colosseum II

Why the fuck not

Chyna was believable as midcard attraction,WWE wants Becky Lynch to be more important than top male wrestlers which is ridiculous.

Rumble Roses

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I've yanked my dingus to her porn videos more times than I care to admit

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It makes the men look weak if women can take their offense

She had Stone Cold doing promos for her,she had his cuck boyfriend that is the current champion do promos for her,they want her to be bigger than anybody else.

at least you havent jacked it to the sims or sfm guro porn

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>SvR 2007
>Tester challenge
>Beat the Great Khali as Mickie James
Who here beat that?

WWE's sponsors disallow damn near any form of male on female violence. Intergender in games is fine but in real life it looks stupid.

Here Comes the Pain
Smackdown vs Raw 2006
Smackdown vs Raw 2007

In no particular order

SvR 07
Here Comes the Pain
No Mercy

>It's a "3 minute warning run a train on HLA" episode

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>I haven't watched WWE in years, and whenever I tried it was just these two being shoved down my throat
>Becky Lynch shoved down your throat for years

Nah. Roman's been the failed attempt at a new Cena but Becky's only been getting shilled since last Summer.

based russo putting the smarks in their place

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>change Khali's moveset to be shit
>give Mickie all the good command grab "strikes" like Rock's spit punch


wcw vs nwo

Why wouldnt they?

They guy killed his son and crushed his wifes throat with his bicep

better question is when will they stop pretending that hogan didn't exist

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Hogan said the nigger word so even though it was always a toss up between Hogan and Austin for goat that pretty much secured Austins place

Didn't they bring Hogan back for that ppv in sand-land?


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Just like Kevin Nash was begging those black hooligans who ravished his virgin butthole to stop in the hot summer of 92

Someone really should've taught this manlet how to cope.

I want to FUCK The Man, with Asuka and Bliss

She needs a new ring outfit though. Her current one sucks.


imagine killing your family because youre a no dime drawing manlet

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I haven't kept up since Kofi won the belt, anything noteworthy happen?

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>Pinnacle of greatness
Pick one

It's so cool that a woman is the man now

>It's a "WWE went PG 12 years ago" episode
HLA was 2003


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>3 minute warning
>both dead
Man, I miss Umaga

What the fuck is this gay shit?
He can pin him in that position.

so does that make roman the woman?

mmmm wouldn't wanna mess with him

*beats Monday Night Raw and Smackdown in ratings*

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How do I get into WWE?

t. clueless yuropoor

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Watch NJPW instead,they usually go live during morning Euro hours which is peak comfy.

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Kino tbpqhwy
>tfw Asuka can speak english but WWE won't let her talk cause of her accent.

>speak english

Her English is very basic,if you can't cut a promo without interrupting yourself every 10 seconds they won't let you.

I'm not one of those "I wish I had an Asian waifu" cucks but goddamn Asuka and Kairi are both hot as fuck. Cute personalities, good at their jobs, interesting hobbies and skills, everything.

She could legit powerbomb average-sized men.

Vince should have told her not to get a boob job and let her have a solid run as a hardcore champ.

Hogan has been on like 5 shows this year it the WWE audience who wants nothing to do with

Reminder that Yukes have nothing to do with 2K20 and are busy saving rasslin vidya

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>the WWE audience who wants nothing to do with
Only the numale cucks in the IWC that unironically shit on Roman but don't shit on Becky for being the same thing with a vag.

There'll never be a sweet spot balance between sim and arcade like SYM/HCTP/SVR 2005-2011 again.

It'll all be stupid arcadey games like All Stars or boring 2K "sports" style shit.

Follow WWE on YouTube for match highlights and classic matches and skits

Follow one of the wrestling news outlets so your up to date on backstage stuff, find your local promotion as an introduction to indie wrestling
Pick up WWE 2K or Fire Pro World the games are excellent primers for whos who and moves

That's literally everyone who pays for WWE tickets