Be microsoft

>be microsoft
>make your own minecraft version running in C++
>runs great, looks good and runs on fucking everything
>make the worst fucking god awful UI in existence and add microtransactions for things that are free in the java version for no fucking reason

Attached: file.png (2560x1600, 1.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:

What sort of mental disorder do you have? (you play minecraft, so...)


what's wrong with minecraft?


Attached: D793C0A3-7A5D-4D89-8F14-D4E140C5E7AF.gif (351x398, 113K)

Look down your shirt and spell attic out loud right now.

>microtransactions for things that are free in the java version
like what

It is Yea Forums culture to dislike or hate popular things

Jesus fuck 10/10

Texture Packs

i fell for this
what does this make me


i already know that though

Don't forget
> fuck up a bunch of mechanics so that not even the "do it with redstone" autists want to play your version

They thought "how can we squeeze money out of retarded zoomers who don't know any better" and guess what it fucking worked.


its bcus they try to keep it multi platform it would work like shit on phones if it wasnt like this

They paid $2billion for it and they want their money back.

ALSO Don’t forget:
>You can’t pause the game in single player

why the fuck are there two versions of the game? why do they have different features? why can't they just commit to one version? seriously i'm confused by this.

Still play on Java with a bunch of mods, Mo'creatures and Ice and Fire and game runs great for me.

It's a shame the regular c++ edition is exclusive the windows 10.

I don't get it.

we are not in 2009 anymore user

A titty I see

Just download this on the resource packs

this is all fine to me... i just wish mods would come to it now. just think how much better the game would play.

why did you even launch the non java version of the game? are you retarded? what were you thinking OP?

Tee-Tee sounds nothing like titty

Based on your response I can say yeah, you're probably autistic

>mfw bedrock edition is the only one I can play on my android tv
Does this edition do ANYTHING better than java?

Attached: 1567800837391.png (785x731, 200K)

Me too what the fuck is bedrock edition?

it performs 10 times better

Microsoft didn't want Mojang working in Java anymore. some of Java's limitations couldn't be overcome without changing the programming language.

This, also
>can use your own custom skins, but one at a time and doesn't even show for everyone you play with
>Cross platforming, but largely dependant on Realms
>can use your own texture packs, but ones for Windows 10 edition are few and far between plus a pain to install since Microsoft buries the game files
>UI looks and works shit even on consoles
One the one hand, you can play Java at an inconsistent 50fps, or suck it up and play an inferior port which gets you a solid 250fps.

>performs 10x times better
>plays java on raspberry pi
Have you tried downloading more ram to play the game?

The Java version runs like dogshit compared to the c++ version, Java wasn't made for big games like Minecraft, so that's the main reason, plus I think it's easier to port. I think the only reason why they're still developing the Java version is it's still the most popular version mainly due to mod support and some version differences.

Bedrock is in c++
Java is in java

C++ is going to be way more efficient and run better

But it doesn't have mods so it still remains inferior.

Notch predicted microtransactions in Minecraft back in 2011

Attached: 1568070652632.jpg (1280x720, 347K)

bedrock edition should've caught up with java edition and had mod support a long time ago. what the hell are they doing?

jesus christ notch

They're actually maintaining 3 versions. The PS4 version is yet another codebase altogether


that was no prediction, that was a parody of the already microtransactionfilled TF2

Ahh my elementary days. Thanks for the nostalgia

>runs great

Not really, the draw distance is abismal even on max.

Not to mention the crapload of gamebreaking bugs like mobs not despawning and ender dragon cloning itself to the point it breaks the game.


Attached: mc.png (1920x1080, 3.38M)

You cant even see the end crystals from the ground on bedrock edition.

>Incompetent hacks get grandfathered into jobs they don't know how to do.
Many such cases.

> mod support
"I don't understand, user. You mean the players would... make content for themselves? How would we make money off of that?" - Microsoft employee

the only thing minecraft has going for it are mods, and java plugins are amazing. Therefore it is and will always be the only good version of the game

microsoft is the worst company of all time, great shame that they own minecraft

Java (og pc) edition still gets updates, often before bedrock.
Bedrock fixes some bugs and limitations and adds a few new things. You can currently cross platform between the bedrock pc, zone and switch versions. Sony "was" all for it but as usual pulled some fuckery and as usual is holding us behind in progress.

Xbone. Its what I get for phoneposting.

Minecraft's still incredibly popular on all platforms, only lagging behind battle royales and sportshit on console

>bedrock will never get mod and resource pack support

I'm so fucking mad, the java version sucks ass

>mod support a long time ago
>mod support
>in a game written in a language that compiles to native bytecode
the only reason mod support is a thing is because java is piss easy to reverse engineer

>no mod suppoet
Why bother in the first place

you know that they can just rewrite parts of the java version in C++ right
java has native interop
someone's rewritten the renderer to use vulkan, for example

how do you think it works in the first place, the core of java is written in either C or C++
mojang is just too stupid

Attic is spelled ah-tee-tee-cee? What the fuck

It wouldn't matter which language MS wrote bedrock edition in. The entire modding scene for Minecraft is focused entirely on Java. Javacraft might run like dogshit but it's where all the established technology is.