Yea Forums BTFO once again

Yea Forums BTFO once again

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I don't think anyone could honestly claim anything about Borderlands 3 being "amazing."
If you've played any of the previous three games there's nothing there to be "amazed" by.

Yea Forums's collective opinion is almost always going to mirror my own because I am exactly the sort of person that belongs on Yea Forums. Critics and journalists do not value what I value in video games, so their opinions are meaningless to me. I seek the opinions of people that actually play video games for the same reasons I do. Those people are on Yea Forums and they're very easy to spot because they back up their thoughts with the same line of rationale I use.

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Loads of reviewers haven't received BL3 for review. 2K and EGS are making sure they can get high score.

>haha le random humor while I shooty shooty!
Why haven't you grown out of this terrible series yet?

>700 gazillion weapons
>not amazing
Just because they're procedural generated from 10-or-so pieces doesn't mean they're not infinity unique in every way. Talk about entitlement


Well they Yea Forums users don't have the game numbnuts, and the ones that will won't be posting here during it's period of maximum relevance, leading to nothing but shitposting like with every other major release.

This, they're playing a weird game here and withholding copies.

Pay me 3,2k in gook$ and I'll write 'Borderlands 3 is better than any blowjob you can imagine'.


>game Yea Forums likes gets high reviews

"lol great game, owned"

>game Yea Forums hates gets high reviews

"reviews mean nothing"

pick one.

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It's better with Jay

So according to you the opinions of Yea Forums aren't worthwhile, and yet here you fucking are on Yea Forums. Make up your mind, dipshit. Do you want to be here or not? If you do then you need to pull the stick out of your ass and stop assuming everyone is shitposting if they're giving you actual reasons for why they think what they think.

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>MS paint image

Only marketers and morons give a shit about numbers. Every rational person here knows the devil is in the details.

>reviews only count when it's a switch game!

fuck off.

and all the ratings are inflated anyways.

These games have the worst fucking humor I’ve ever seen. I want to kick my roommate in the teeth when I hear him borderlands 2. Fuck these piece of shit games.

I thought you said lick your roommate in the teeth and got really confused.

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There's a few things that are truly badass. There's me, Randy Pitchford, the american badass
There's Gearbox... Mmmmmmmm don't wanna mess with them...
There's GameSpot, Destructoid and Polygon,
And there are those who work at IGN giving every game an 8 or a 9
To the man,
They're bad to the bone.

Right? Claptrap turned me off Borderlands 1 when I tried it many years ago and I never returned to the series since.

I can't tell if that's supposed to be pointing out impressive graphical fidelity or criticism of their lack of optimization

Honestly, just disabling the ugly fucking black outlines is a huge help to performance. They eat up so much processing power.

>advertisements are now reviews
give me a youtube video showing 30 consecutive minutes of gameplay or fuck off

Fuck bros... We lost

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I don't understand
Nobody ever said it was going to be bad?
Now calling it "AMAZING" is an overreaction. Borderlands games have always gotten way more credit than they deserve because there's more boring parts than fun parts in each and every iteration. All the walking and traveling takes up majority of the time you play and it outweighs all the combat you could be having instead.
Also, the initial couple of hours at the start always fail to give their best so people end up getting bored before they get to the good stuff and the pacing is very off.
Borderlands games are solid 7's, but nothing more, nothing less.

This shit fucking sucks and the character design is ass. I would rather play For Answer and Verdict Day.

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