I'm honestly nervous about how the game looks. Survival crafting is not what I was wanting in an Animal Crossing game.
Animal Crossing New Horizons
It looks bad. I'm still going to get it, but I don't expect it to be as good as the GameCube Animal Crossing.
That's pretty much exactly how I feel
I'm still waiting until we see what's new in mid late game.
>Survival crafting
It's just crafting, and honestly it feels like a pretty logical thing to include in a series like this.
maybe i’m being overly optimistic, but since the trailers have been pretty bare bones/mostly shown just you and the nook co., i’m hoping there’s a HUGE amount of upgrading and building you can actually do on the island they’re keeping under wraps. like making a town from scratch almost, we haven’t seen any hints of the usual shop keepers so i’m wondering when we’ll see more about that..
Then go play something else.
It surprising how little we've actually seen.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 is the real sequel to Animal Crossing.
This. We've only seen footage of very early playthroughs. I imagine the game will be very robust a year in or so.
AC was my most hyped game of 2019
After the first trailer I lost all interest in it
Because it's not done. The game still has at least 6 months of dev time left.
>game will be good in a few years
I'm really getting tired of gaming at this point. I remember a time when games were good the day you bought them.
Calling it now: Nook Miles will be used to unlock new islands/areas. One of them will be a big city. I could see apartment buildings existing in the city where you can convince villagers to move to your island.
Animal Crossing games have ALWAYS been designed for play over a long period of time, which is why so many things are seasonal. The first game was just poorly designed so it let you cheese to rush through the game.
I just want villagers to be mean again
I’d rather have cut throat and co-dependent than bland sterile overly niceness
He means a year into you playing, not a year worth of patches. Animal crossing is slow to get going.
but it still used to be a good game on day 1. Any time the game might get good in a year or 2 I have already checked out and bought something else.
The overall atmosphere looks pretty good, but the only thing that worries me now is how'll they'll handle the villager and special NPC dialogue, the crafting, and if any special NPCs will be cut or retconned to the NookPhone. Otherwise, I'm pretty optimistic.
It was only "good" day 1 because the game wasn't designed properly and you could abuse the job system or talk to villagers over and over to get tons of shit very quickly but that was never the intended way to play the game. Animal Crossing has always been intended to be like those online daily games like neopets where you login, do your dailies, then log off.
>it still used to be a good game on day 1
This isn't really true, Animal Crossing generally takes a good few days to get going since you don't immediately have access to the tools you need to make money. Chances are you're gonna be stuck harvesting fruit for a little while, which is pretty boring. In New Horizons, you can get some tools day one.
same difference. Its the "it gets good 10 hours in" mentality extended to literal months and years of real time.
Its insanity.
It sounds like the issue is less that the game is designed poorly and more that you're getting too old and too busy for Animal Crossing, which has always been designed as a slow burn experience.
It sounds like Animal Crossing isn't for you, go play a 3 hour action game for your fix retard.
Animal Crossing isn't a game you play to complete. It never "gets good", it just is what it is. You either enjoy it or you don't.
Animal Crossing is a game where 500 hours of playtime is considered very low end, most people put in over 1000.
Nah, I actually play aimless games more than ever.
You guys are being too kneejerky in reaction to my post. My original statement was about all games in aggregate, not an attack on animal crossing specifically.
I get what people are saying about nintendo fans now. You guys are living in a stockholm syndrome.
It looks like the crafting thing is intended to replace the usual working for Nook at the start of every AC game. You do see quite a bit of the original town feel from the trailers so it's still going to have the quintessential villaging, just on an island.
Seriously? That's your response? "I finally understand why people hate Nintendo fans."
How do you expect them to make a game that is fun from day 1 and also lasts the player over a year and 1000 hours of playtime?
way to latch onto the smallest part of my post. Just like the original post what everyone misconstrued as a personal attack.
You are proving my statement about you guys having a warped mentality correct.
By making it fun...?
Just because what you are doing at hour 1000 is different than hour 1 doesn't mean hour 1 should be a slog. Hour 100 doesn't need to be the crest before it starts to get good either.
That's exactly what I'm hoping for.
The way to keep it fun over a year is to keep introducing new content and experiences every day, week, month, etc. So the less you start off with the more they can push out over time. Its similar to how online games work, where they start pretty barebones then keep getting updates every couple weeks. The problem with the original animal crossing is that after a week you would have seen a lot of the games content and the game would get pretty boring.
it's not really survival if you can't die
You keep comparing it to the original animal crossing when I told you I was talking about games in general. Compare it against all games. Most are fun out of the box, not 3 months after you've played every day.
I'm so starved for AC that I'm getting it and I'm ignoring all threads so I can take the game all in for myself.
I've been burned before. Skyward Sword and especially Amnesia: a Machine for Pigs
I hate how all these Nintendo games are going for the washed out colors look.
Vivid color depth would actually cut into the battery life of the handheld.
I'm not joking, that is why every game on the switch looks washed out.
I wasn't too blown away by it's gameplay reveal either. I'm hoping there's a lot more we haven't seen yet.
You shouldn't really be comparing it to single player games. Its in some ways like an offline mmo.
>First game in the series that actually changes up gameplay significantly and adds more depth and shit to do, as well as further refining and improving what's already there
All we've seen is the beginning of the game and the beginning of animal crossing is always boring.
I would prefer if they were called wife/husband, at worst spouse
>Vivid color depth would actually cut into the battery life of the handheld.
I personally would be fine with that. I never use my Switch in handheld mode.
I don't think you know what this means
>You keep comparing it to the original animal crossing when I told you I was talking about games in general.
Then explain this.
all single player games are offline mmos.
what is hard to get? Most games are fun day 1, even in 2019.
I'm excited. Though honestly, I wish the mobile game was closer to what New Horizons looks like. The idea of the full AC experience on your phone is too perfect. But I guess that was never gonna happen, since it has to encourage buying microtransactions and it has to account for all the different phone specs out there.
I call bullshit. Nintendo's screen is an IPS LCD. The way those work is that the backlight is always on at the same brightness and the individual pixels block varying levels of light out. Contrast to an OLED in which darker colors actually draw less power.
>for the washed out colors look.
Call bullshit all you want. Any non-nintendo, non-watercolor game is mired with low battery life problems on any board you go to to discuss the game. It isn't a coincidence.
That's a fat Ankha
It's very far from being washed out user. Even then you can just set it to full range.
>Any non-nintendo, non-watercolor game is mired with low battery life
Go on then, list them. I guarantee you're making the wrong connection.
this game is just coomer bait right? god what happened to games
For the tards calling it washed out, it's time of day. They showed the game has a lighting system that changes based on time, like botw does. People always shitpost about botw being washed out too, but what they're referring to are cherrypicked screenshots of specific times on day. They've shown footage inside houses and it looks great.
what the fuck is a coomer
Are you saying BotW didn't look washed out?
Are you trying to say it did?
It's the latest hilarious Wojak edit.
>the washed out colors look.
It's nowhere near washed out, that's just the time of day at work
Yes. Nothing wrong with the pastel look personally but it looked washed out. Even windwaker was less washed out and it took place on the open seas.
Animal Crossing is literally the opposite of a survival game.
He thinks that every game with crafting is a survival game.
It really doesn't. BotW just has a dynamic lighting system that looks bad in the morning, which is where people cherry pick their screenshots from.
This is how I feel. Animal Crossing has been shit imo since the first one. I know a lot of people loved New Leaf, but I think the series is just made to satisfy autists now. I think there's at least a chance they realize a lot of people still love the Gamecube one, and will try to please everyone somehow.
Imagine being so stupid and retarded you don't understand the world looks less colorful and """"""washed out"""""" in the morning. Go outside holy fuck.
Look how washed out it is. Might as well be greyscale at this point.
now do one of the doritos on the ground.
Fuck this game looks pretty. Also, is this the first time Animal Crossing has had dynamic shadows?
I am personally excited for the game and not sure why everyone is so mad at the crafting system. It's not survival either - the hunger thing only applies to heavy work like lifting trees so you don't immediately have access to terraforming the whole map.
I want to say yes but I haven't played an ac game in a while.
Unless you count the Plaza thing the Wii U had (which was not really a game at all), then yes.
I love the visuals honestly, no complaints about them, both the colour use and animation fidelity is exactly what I'd hoped to see as an improvement.
I still have so many questions about the island setting I want answered, but namely by the time your island is set up, how many usable services will be IN the town. Namely the museum is what I'm thinking. I really don't want to have to leave town to use the museum or for it to be off island at all. I do like the island concept on paper though.
When our island gets bigger (in terms of stuff in it), shops will come in.
I get the animation thingy, I just don't like how when they clap, their hands don't even touch.
Not as logical as animal roommates.
Not as logical as animal wives
As long as it doesnt punish you for not playing often like the last one did then I'll probably get it
Hopefully with the crafting itll let be build a fenced in area where other villagers cannot move into ruining my garden/orchards
Looks like there is a lot you can do with it
someone post some cute villagers stat!
When a bear wakes up from hibernation, it shits out a buttplug made of dried shit and blasts ass so hard it destroys tree-bark in the process, full of all it's stored up hibernation shit.
there's aFUCKING HUNGER Meter in animal crossing!?!?!?!!?!
Literal Cherry Picking.
I'm assuming both of these posters are long gone, but I think what happened here was one user was talking about how Animal Crossing games need to be played over long periods of time to get more content, but the other user thought he was referring to content patches
user, that's an apple.
As long as I don't have to be mayor again I'm fine with this.
Why do people think this?
>You know that game that's played in a completely unique way due to its real-time system? Yeah, we need to game-ify it more. Make it just like every other game that's come out since 2010.
You seem cranky. Up too late?
Bros there’s still a chance that we can get online towns shared between friends r-right? ;_;
still want more lizard/reptile/amphibian villagers. enough to fill a town. scalies are cool and furries are shit
>It looks bad. I'm still going to get it
And so Nintendo will continue to make shit AC's. Thanks.
what does this even mean
>Sensible multiplayer decisions
Pick one
I want them to announce the amiibo compatibility and whether the Sanrio crossover is still alive. I also want to date the villagers.
Especially Rilla.