The best metroidvania

Without even a shadow of a doubt.
Hollowniggers cower in fear at the sight of this GBA cart

Attached: aria.jpg (1600x800, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:,

Aria was bretty good, it’s up there for me with Portrait and Symphony. What’s Hollow?

IT WAS THE GREATEST EVER MADE and he was a good friend.

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I hope you guys found the secret best bullet soul in the game.

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Solid game all around. It's more linear than your usual metroidvania which isn't a bad thing.
However Hollow Knight and AoS are in the same tier for me.

What's the final verdict on Bloodstained, now that the dust has settled?

>implying hollow vagina has a fight this good or a weapon system this varied

Attached: aria1.jpg (480x360, 46K)

I live for Aria threads.
What a kino bossfight. Still gives me goosebumps, especially when the Grand Cross kicks in. Beating him after getting my ass kicked endlessly was great.
>reminder pic. related is an actual move you can use to dab on skeletons

>more linear
Suppose so. Less linear gets you stuff like Harmony of Despair, which is definitely a take it or leave it kind of game.

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Graphics and boss fights could be better and the story is really like whatever. Still it gives you the Castlevania vibe which in my opinion not a single indie metroidvania does.
The music is good but don't expect it to be on SotN level.
When they add more content I will give it a solid 7/10 but for now they are still busy with fixing the Switch version? It's ridiculous since no one really cares for the Switch version anymore.

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Super Metroid is still the best in the genre I've played so far.
Aria is the easily the best of the Castlevania metroidvanias though. Beats SotN by a mile, though Dawn and Portrait are pretty close.
Hollow Knight I'm in the middle of playing, but I'm not far. Action seems pretty tight. Exploration is structurally sound, but as pretty as the game is the visual cues are pretty weak.

>What’s Hollow?
hollow knight, it's the bug game

Remember the time when we got castlekino after castlekino guys?
>CoTM (fucking amazing)
>HoD (JUSTed belmont is underrated)
Goddamn what an era

Attached: justedvania.jpg (1066x682, 196K)

Aria of Sorrow is truly amazing, this is one of the rare cases I would like a remake in a powerful console

>I would like a remake in a powerful console
I'm sick and tired of you faggots.
Remakes are bad. Stop it you fucking sheep.
You can't have a 3D metroidvania, it's not just as mechanically good or visually satisfying. Sprites are needed in this genre.

>op isn't a fag for once

Illiteracy is a terrible thing. You should see about having that sorted out sooner rather than later chap.

People say that metroidvanias are overdue and I agreed... at first but then Hollow Knight and Bloodstained came out and those games are some of my favourite games ever.
So I guess that metroidvania games are still something to look forward to?
My English is crap. If there is something wrong I said please point it out.

I don't think Mina gets enough credit for being cute.

this isn't a youtube comments section user

I don't see the point in remaking a game that is already fine. A port with expanded content might be interesting, but a remake? In the worst case you have a worthless piece of shit, in the best case you have an unnecessary waste of effort that could have been better as its own game.

A game needs some kind of serious flaw to be worth remaking IMO.

You likely meant overdone instead of overdue.

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Circle of the moon is one of the worst games I've ever played.

stop posting this image

Lucky sheltered bastard

>metroid fusion so low
It's very linear I got it. It's still an amazing game.
It makes me mad.

It's the first Castlevania game I played and made me fall in love with the series.

Funniest is when the game started I was all like: Wow I know none of these characters, I should play the older games to know.

Fusion is a bad game for metroidvania fans but good when considered on its own merits. The art and sound design are 10/10, honestly some of the best of any 2D game I've ever played. The action is pretty tight with all of the boss fights too and the level design was solid even without the exploration element. I thought the story was pretty good even though the cutscenes dragged.

I replay it all the time, I love to 1% it.

Explain your point without buzzwords.

It has no soul, boomer.

Oh you're retarded. Gotcha.

This. CotM is the dmc2 of castlevania.

Nah, a remake for Aria would be solid. It's biggest problem is that it's audio/visual quality is hampered by the hardware of the time. For me, a decent remake would
>"remaster" the music, somewhat like this, so it doesn't sound muffled due to the GBA's sound card
>sprites could be redone, same style but greater pixel count, thinking like SotN
>same as above, environments could be topped up, maybe some 3d backgrounds in some places - like the underground resovoir
>glitches fixed, naturally
>bonus content - Julius Mode for Aria would be unironic kino if it had a story. Heard that there was some cut content that could be added back in
>double it up with a remastered Dawn of Sorrow

I really want to know how the fuck you understood I wanted a 3D remake
I just wanted to see something like an AoS with the animation fluidity, soundtrack quality and higher res like SotN. Would want the same with CotM or PoR desu

I agree with most choices on this list

See all the things you're describing there remind me of more of a port like the Megaman Zero/ZX collection rather than a full blown remake which I'd consider to be something like Metroid Zero Mission.

I think messing with the graphical assets could easily result in the game losing its soul but it shouldn't be too hard to add in a new soundtrack option. And new content is always nice.

Suppose its similar to what the Super Mario Advance series was, solid ports but obviously rubbed a few people up the wrong way with the voice acting and stuff.

>Strider 2014
>That fucking low

Whatever casual made that list deserves to be shot.

Super Metroid and SotN are by far the most broken, poorly designed pieces of shit ever made. You can literally beat both games by button mashing. Low IQ game for Low IQ gamers.

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Why do you seek out threads that contain things you do not like?

post your time you casual faggot

>No OoT
>No FF7
>No Persona 4

Official Metroidvania power rankings:

Aria of Sorrow
Order of Ecclesia

Portrait of Ruin
Circle of the Moon

Metroid 1
Metroid Fusion
Dawn of Sorrow

Super Metroid
Symphony of the Night

Metroid 2
Harmony of Dissonance

>Portrait of Ruin
>Circle of the Moon
Stop baiting.

>not circle of the moon

kill yourself

>super metroid below Metroid 1 and Fusion
Like how can you be so correct on Castlevania, and so wrong on Metroid?

Metroid 1 is the only truly linear game in both franchises


Aria's been getting a ton of attention here lately and I'm pleased.

The only thing left is to get Soma in Smash and Konami to make that 1999 war into a game, but that's too much of either

Aria was too small and didn't have enough good music to be top-tier metroidvania

That's a funny way to say Circle of the Moon.

None of the Metroid game have good music either (at least when compared to any given Castlevania)

>Soma in Smash
That, or Julius to go with Simon and Richter.
>1999 war
Might get a pachinko version of it on the Fox engine, so cross your fingers user.

>Aria... didn't have enough good music
Saving this post for when I want people to think I'm braindead.

It's literally "Soul" the game

Attached: Caos-soma-cruz-soul.jpg (770x750, 87K)

>1999 war into a game
I'd rather they not. Better to keep it a cool mystery than a shitty game made by mercury steam

Would be cool if they made Soma the next Drac and continue the cycle that way, would also mean tons of new elements that weren't really used in the "futuristic" theme

The OST slowly falls off a cliff by the time you get to the floating gardens with the exception of the Julius fight

Soulfull coomer thread yeeeeeees.

>Obvious contrarian

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>says this
>when the clocktower music comes right after

Graham was the only good boss, desu

Hollow Knight had a better Dracula fight than a Castlevania game. Feels weird, man.

Shut up cuckgeta

>Would be cool if they made Soma the next Drac and continue the cycle that way, would also mean tons of new elements that weren't really used in the "futuristic" theme
Did you even play the fucking games

>1 laser gun
>Some handguns
>1 RPG
That's it

Portrait of Ruin is probably the actual BEST game in the series.

>4 playable modes that offer different gameplay
>New game+ content that isn't just only a new mode
>Special item that summons all of the Belmonts to kick some ass with you, like a fucking anniversary party
>Castle is huge, with now paintings that that are dunegons with a unique aesthetic
>Online multiplayer with friends so you two can either battle or kick Dracula ass together
>You can trade items online or sell them, which is very useful
>Kino ost made by the same guy who did SoR ost
>Good voice acting

Shame it's sadly underrated because it doesn't have the traditional Gothic artsyle.

The two main leads are awful.

Based DissonanceChad

It's not like you have to pay attention to their dialogue much.

I think he means make Soma the main villain in a futuristic setting with cyberpunk Belmonts and shit. Of course it's a fucking awful idea because it would just bring everything back to square one.

Honestly think CotM is the best since SotN. It's the only IGAvania that brings the series back to its clunkier, more careful, more difficult roots.

I still can't beat the arena and the grinding is painful. Kill me.

>73 posts in
>nobody has posted castle corridor
let me fix that.

I give Dissonance credit for having equipment that wasn't just stat boost based.
Like the infinite jump boots, the crush boots, etc.
This was expanded later with the ability souls to an extent but Dissonance kind of showed the direction they were heading.

and this.

Attached: Charlotte's awful cliché animu angry face.jpg (530x505, 47K)

Still far more interesting than Samus, who couldn’t be any worse

And that's why you speed through the text.

It'd be worth it if, instead of cyberpunk, it was post-apocalyptic manapunk like Vampire Hunter D.

Harmony of Despair on PC WHEN?
Honestly I’m disgusted with myself at what I’d soc to make it happen

There's a fanmade Unity remake somewhere

So this kind of sub human is a real thing, huh?

Attached: taste.jpg (480x360, 18K)

I found it a bit clunky but fun.

I would

>Dawn of Sorrow down to Great
>PoR up to God
>Cotm down to Good
>Metroid Fusion up to Great
>AM2R up to God
>The Messenger up to Great
>Strider up to Good
>Tomba and Sundered down to Not Metroidvania
>Add Dead Cells, A Robot Named Fight!, and Rogue Legacy to Not Metroidvania

All the metriodvania games are shit in all departments except for art and music.

Awful gameplay, story, progression, level design, boss and enemy encounters. Total fuckjng waste of time.

Buy another copy of Skyrim and kys


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I need Silksong so bad...

>You can't have a 3D metroidvania, it's not just as mechanically good or visually satisfying.
I agree with everything else you said, but Dark Souls' first half is a 3D metroidvania and it is perfect.

Would undermine Soma's journey really. It's why his going evil is the non-canon bad end to the games.
I like the guy, let him have his happy ending.

What shader are you using?

Why is La-Mulana 2 so low on the list? I though it was just easier and with a slightly better translation?

play Harmony of Despair

based JUSTed Belmont

CoTM = AoS > DoS > OoE > PoR = HoD

Bonus round:
LoS > MoF > LoS2

but maybe I can't have an opinion because I never played SoTN. Only play the LoS series for 3D entries.