Auto-aim is turned on by default

>auto-aim is turned on by default

Attached: __uzuki_sakura_pazudora_anime_and_etc_drawn_by_trg_sain__0e1411da5f5c65a1b630ddcfaea86edf.png (800x860, 268K)

tags for this?

>default sensitivity is impossibly slow

Attached: 10a1f59f5eb.png (800x1000, 128K)

name one game

wh40k fire warrior

>won't even kill her most likely

>default sensitivity is a whole fucking SIXTEEN TIMES the setting you're comfortable with
What the fuck were the creators of Warframe thinking when they set the default mouse sensitivity to FIFTY?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-02-08-at-1.11.07-PM.png (1169x650, 630K)

I need a context with that pic.

what the hell is going on in that image

Attached: catwut.jpg (353x332, 13K)


how does this mechanism even work? is it sound or temperature based to trigger the wheel?

some kind of SAW trap it looks like

that's obvious, i was wondering how the hell it's supposed to work.

Attached: 1567304766067.png (758x824, 2.39M)

touhou in a zero escape game, specifically the featured one from Zero Time Dilemma

Every GTA

Which 2hu is that, I don't recognize her?


Get in the chair, Sigma

Attached: maxresdefault (10).jpg (1280x720, 131K)

lol nigga just put your finger infront of the hammer dumb nigga

Attached: dumbnigger.png (800x1000, 212K)

Neither, it's actually a scale that requires a specific weight to be placed on a pressure plate

There's no way to tell unless we can see what that pressure gauge is attached to.

Black Ops II

>hammer makes your finger trigger the bullet anyway from the force
congrats now you're paralyzed AND missing a finger

Or just play the game it's from for context, you total dumb fuck

hammers don't move that fast, user
if anything it'll just stab you with the firing pin

What moves the cog connected to the trigger? If the chain is already running over it you can't have another gear connected to that to move it and the distance to the two pins to the right is too far to fit gears in a diameter that reaches the trigger gear, 1/10 try again

Can you see what the gauge is connected to in the game

I think her hands are tied up

They explain the device and how it works like they do with every device in the game, hurrrr
Are you literally twelve or autistic?

Some weeb help a nigga out and play this shitty game already

What is the gauge measuring and what is it attached to

Why am I holding your retarded hand like this?

Alright, I skipped through 14 hours of footage of this game and didn't see it, I give up.

Attached: FriskCry.jpg (768x768, 91K)

I think the barrel is jammed down her throat and if she tries to swallow (the natural reaction to something being in your throat, hence "gag reflex") it'll push the thing and make the gun fire.

The vast majority of console players can't function without it.

It should really be forced off for tournaments, even if console shooter tournaments are already clownshoes.

Can the "specific weight" be calibrated and does it matter what it is? In other words, what does a higher or lower weight mean for how the device functions in terms of results. Also what about the concerns raised here

why are you treating syaro so poorly

It might be a fetish thing for her

>autoaim has completely different uses and effects and is balanced differently so as to be a combat option as opposed to easy aiming due to how the game works
>despite being a toggle already, it's off by default both in options and in settings for making a game

Maybe it just follows the "rule of cool" and doesn't actually function. If they step out of line you just walk over and activate it manually.

>chromatic abberation
people need to fuck off with that shit unless it's supposed to be seen with 3d glasses