Is Dorothea pure?

Is Dorothea pure?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Younger Dorothea is superior

Does it matter?

She's a fictional character, so debating the state of her virginity is both impossible and irrelevant.

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Well she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina,
She's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize,
She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry Uncle,
From the Red Sea to Greenland they'll be singing the blues,
Well they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the Delta,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

She go from Nashville to Norway, Bonaire to Zimbabwe,
Chicago to Czechoslovakia and back!

Well she'll ransack Pakistan and run a scam in Scandinavia,
Then she'll stick 'em up Down Under and go pick-pocket Perth,
She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Oh tell me where in the world is... Oh tell me where can she be?

Ooh, Botswana to Thailand, Milan via Amsterdam,
Mali to Bali, Ohio, Oahu...!

Well she glides around the globe and she'll flimflam every nation,
She's a double-dealing diva with a taste for thievery,
Her itinerary's loaded up with moving violations,
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Attached: Carmen.jpg (468x444, 28K)

>Back-showing dress, also some butt-cleavage
>Hair covering one eye
>Wavy hair
>Looking at you
>Seductive smile
>Perfectly defined lips
>Hand on hips

I don't think she's very pure user.

Why is all the BE art yurishit

The primary audience for 3H is those who lack heterosexuality.

False, see the BL fandom stuffed to the brim with otomestacies

Accurate and true

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She literally fucked some greasy old noble for him to pay her way into the academy in the first place

pubic hair is icky
only in redheads does it look good

Girls don't play video games.

my sister plays animal crossing

Girls don't play actual video games.

>pubic hair is icky
you are literally homosexual

sorry for telling the truth

Then go fuck a monkey

She looks like she fucks other partyguests in the first best empty room

Yeah I can imagine Catherine having a full bush like the fucking gyaru bitch she is

Best Lesbo in all of Fire Emblem

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Annette is for Hilda!

>implying you can marry a rich noble without your virginity intact in medieval times
She’s 100% pure.

Move Lysithea and Shamir to trimmed and Manuala to hairless and it would be more accurate.

>Marianne is for Hilda!

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garbage boys except for based hubert

This, shit was actually a huge fucking deal in feudal times, so for her keeping it would be a gigantic advantage in the whole getting married to not be poor shit.

switch manuela and shamir
manuela very very clearly keeps it clean down there and shamir could not be fucked to do anything about hers cause she was a femcel until she meets billy b

You guys really don't think Manuela has a big bush don there?

She is less pure than manuela as she actually has enough of her shit together to get laid


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look at her pants bro she wouldn’t risk it
she takes such care for every other aspect of her appearance i couldn’t imagine her not doing it for down there too. maybe she’s not bald but has a wacky design in there?

kys homo

You can't slither with pubic hair user.

based af post

Its actually covered and talked about in the NPC convos in the monestary.
>Knights talk about how there are all kinds of rumors about her
>They eventually talk about how she doesn't belong there cause she is a street peasant
>They talk about how she is just looking to marry into a nobel and how any nobel will do for her (hinting she's a slut)
>Then you deal with some nobel types upset dorethea did not even acknowledge their advances and how she is street trash who doesn't belong at the school
when you go talk to Dorethea she is upset
>Admits yeah, she is looking to secure her future, but love does matter above all else
>She says this has been to her detriment because she ends up going on a first date and finding out she doesn't like the person.
>And she knows what the rumors are but at this point she doesn't care cause she doesn't want to deal with people who believe them
>Then clarifies more or less they aren't true.
She goes on lots of first dates and never calls back leaving a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. She expects to marry in to a class whose behavior she's disgusted by.
>She's much more complex than she seems

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Reminder that Ferdinand saw Dorothea naked as a child

she's a huge slut, she keeps it shaved at all times for ease of use.

It’s Yea Forums, you idiot. They refuse to waifu people who aren’t virgins.

My sister plays Kirby Air Ride.

Marianne smells like dogs

Dude, she lived most of her life as an escort. I’m sure she can just lie.


Can you tell your sister than some guy on the internet told her she's based?

Jesus I hate the crackdown that Nintendo is doing on this game’s soundtrack.

t. pedophile

I dunno why Dorothea was so shocked by that when she's bathing in a fucking fountain.

Reminder that BE is the waifu fag route

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Imagine if Edelgard was pulling the 'am I kawaii uguu~' act while massacring Faerghus.

Fixed it

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Not really. She is actively looking for a provider, so she's a thot, but she is quite definitely a virgin since if she threw that away she's deeply aware she'd tank her market value.

I can't fucking believe that Oda Nobunaga is a cute chuuni girl

I'm of the thought Rhea does not and in fact cannot grow any sort of pubic hair because dragon.

Only thorns left on that rose.

Is Lysithea the teacher's pet?

Why does she still insist on calling you "professor" even after everyone's left the monastery? Is that her fetish?


It's a term of endearment. Even the empire npcs think it's kinda weird

Bitch is defined by how fucking nasty she is, there's no way she shaves.
Also Hilda and Mercedes are both very obviously put a lot of attention into their appearances, they'd probably be trimmed if not hairless.
Annette on the other hand is always busy with her studies, she probably lets it grow out Lysithea can't grow pubic hair because of crest aids.
I would also suggest cutting doubles in general.

she fucked her dad, no.

Yeah, when she tries to get into your class she mentions how her grades and such are the best in the school.

>Hey, user, come here for a moment, would you?
What does Ingrid want, Yea Forums?

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I'd make her my pet.


BE is waifufags
BL is fujoshis
GD is tumblr
it's fair and balanced. church is for true chads.

She's realized you're black, user.

otome fangirls != fujos

>full bush petra
Drawfags pls

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Name literally one single thing Duscar did wrong. That's right, you actually cannot.

Terrible pairings. Especially when you're killing best girl with your yuri trash.

user, that's terrible! Marianne obviously smells like horses.

Marianne's best pairing is with Dimitri.

Fixed x2

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Commit 50% of all crime


>Name literally one single thing Duscar did wrong
Well they all died.
I'd argue that wasn't a smart move.

She wasn't shocked at that, she was mad because he ran away. She misinterpreted that as if he hated her when really he wanted to fuck her hard

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>American waxing is the removal of only the pubic hair that is exposed by a swimsuit, depending on the style of the swimsuit. For a bikini, it would be hair at the top of the thighs and under the navel. It is also known as a "basic bikini wax"

Remind me again why the Agarthians decided to arrange the genocide of Duscar

Because they hate black people.

Still, what did she expect a shy shota Ferdie to do?

because all men are completely hairless, right?

She wants you to look at this interesting statistic she found

>King is making reforms that threaten the Slither's plans
>They kill him
>Use a historically hated minority group as a scapegoat because nobody would question that

Purely for dick.

i dunno i don't really see it myself as an oda fag.

then again i can also actually defend every action he does as "did nothing wrong" unironically, something i have alot of trouble doing with edelgard because she atleast is acting on false information.

nothing is inherently fujo about BL, you have to stretch really hard to get the idea that any of them want to bang other dudes. BL is more of the punished house where everyone's life sucks

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I can’t help but laugh that you have people claim in these threads Edelgard is guilty of genocide yet the only 100% confirmed instance of it is done by the kingdom based off RUMORS

Dimitri/Felix gets pretty damn gay in their paired ending ngl. It is definitely an otome pandering house

I used to hate pubic hair for the longest time too but I started giving trimmed a chance and now I've got a whole new world of doujins to fap to. It's only a turn off if it's a jungle.

No, but why does it matter?

>some user say bush
>others hairless
Make up your mind

I used timeskip to reflect their personalities, I don't expect Mercedes caring much or Hilda being too lazy to do it at first but then as they develop more start worrying about it.
I'm 100% sure Annette has very few to begin with so she doesn't mind shaving all of it once in a while

idk user, sylvain definitely wants to fuck felix

3 houses would be a far stronger overall game if it was only one route (if you had to pick a current one to promote to main route probably blue lions) with 30-40 chapters instead of multiple routes crippled by having to replay the same boring first half multiple times, reused maps everywhere and withholding of information to make other routes worthwhile
the current game is an ambitious idea handled not so great

It is made even more ironic by the fact that she was only tangentially related to the tragedy- In the conversation that she has, as the flame emperor, with Thales and Kronya after Kronya kills dad she actually threatens Thales, stating that there will be no salvation for those who caused the tragedy of Duscur. She actively resents them for causing it.

its just sworn brotherhood, user, don't you have a sworn brother?

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But user, BL literally stands for Boys Love

Playing BL as Male Byleth feels like it's "no homo bro, but slightly homo" during his later interactions with Dimitri in Part 2

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>starts a war of aggression to unify the country and purge the influence of the church from government
sounds like Nobunaga to me

Manuela talks to Flayn about having to "do favors" to survive in the opera company. Dorothea works for the same company.

But Female Byleth is canon for BL

Why is Dimitri so much more popular than Claude?

Ride you like a horse.

Is that information even 100% false. It’s absolutely a rosy interpretation and paints nemesis as a hero when he was simply a pawn, but it is literally impossible for her to know the full context of what happened back then unless Rhea herself told her, and it takes 5 years imprisonments and being rescued to even divulge that information

i'd argue nobunaga's goal was never about wanting to purge the Buddhist sect, its just kinda a side effect of what actually happened, defending himself from getting ganged up'd on by the country because the emperor didn't like how nobunaga didn't accept his promotions.

Character development.

Otomestacies literally cannot get enough with him. He blows every other character out of the water with women

>Is a bad boy, which makes him complete otomeb8.
>Has an actual character arc.
>Has an end goal that isn't "open borders pls thx"
>Doesn't fuck off, fights for what he believes in
Claude is, ironically, too clean cut to be interesting.

it makes sense for her to behave how she does, i'm not lambasting her for that, i still have a hard time justifying that she totally needed to start a war on the whole country unless that was forced by the slither's as well, which i think thats one of the few things they weren't in control of in her life.

i'd argue claude goes threw his own development but its not quite as obvious or outstanding.

3H character with this mindset?

She spreads her legs for hanneman, so no. Its also implied she fucked him to get into the monastery in the first place

She technically doesn’t start a war on the whole continent though. It’s strictly on the church. A big deal they make in the transition is that both Faerghus and Leicester have pro and anti church factions (granted Faerghus also has the coup going on)

Claude's dream is more important to him than his relationship with your self-insert.
Dimitri needs your self-insert to function (codependency) which women find extremely romantic in fiction.

Hanneman is too classy for that.

Yeah but she still needs to take over all of Fodlan to make sure every trace of the church is gone by the end

the fuck are you talking about, all you need to get laid as a woman is not be morbidly obese, moderately overweight is fine. having your shit together is only necessary to get a steady boyfriend, manuela was definitely getting her holes filled on the reg

She thinks that the slithers aren't manipulating her into war but I'd bet 100 dollars that if she hypothetically decided to call it off they would replace her immediately, since btfoing Rhea is definitely to their benefit.

i used the wrong wording there i have to admit, still that just makes her more different then Nobunaga Oda in that regard, which goes back to my original statement of "i don't see the similarities between her and Oda"

i could totally see that happening.

i A-ranked her and don't remember any of this shit

I’ve said it for ages but if the extra DLC isn’t a prequel I fully expect the DLC route to kick off like this

A lot of that stuff is in other supports, like here with Linhardt

Keep telling yourself that.

I am a fujo and it feels bad I don't ship them since I see Sylvain as straight.

Manuela makes sure to take care of her physical appearance, and with how much sex she has its very safe to assume she shave for ease of access. She has said multiple times that guys only leave when they get to her place and see how messy she is, so she clearly bathes and probably shaves to put on the illusion of cleanliness. plus with the attire she wears she cant really afford not to shave

They hide a lot of important stuff in supports. Like, who on earth thought hiding why Jerald doesn't age behind Alois's B support was a good idea?

if it makes you feel any better, flayn stats that he has seduced both men and women in their c support

I want to marry and impregnate Dorothea

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Forget men and women, mans tried to hit on a SCARECROW.

Reminds me from PoR where someone said if you put a skirt on a tree that Gatrie would flirt with it

Why is she presenting her cleavage to me like that, dumb thot

What happened to her nose?

the two gays can have each other but why mercedes and annette, they are very clearly just super close friends

hey now, it was a very convincing scarecrow!

Most of the portraits have issues with the noses for some reason, either they don't exist or they're fucking beaks.

Flayn obviously has false information as well. I don't know, I just see him as straight. Also the first ending I got for Felix and Sylvain was on GD and that shit was pretty sad and kinda turned me off of it.

>with how much sex she has
Like once a year if shes lucky. Guys leave her at the bar as well going from her other supports. She has to resort to comely art of the male saints for action

isn't it the same as on the BL route?

>with how much sex she has
Nigga she can't get laid, that's the entire point.
It's probably dusty as fuck down there, having been untouched for years.

No. After the war they only see each other one more time and then years later a sword believed to be Felix's sword shows up at Sylvain's house. The support is the same but that ending fucking kills any shipping for me.

no instead of growing old and dying together, felix fucks off and mails his sword to him after the last time they ever met

>Ride you like a horse.
You got to wait until Sylvain is done

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alright that is super fucking sad after i got them on the BL route, i think i can understand now

You guys wanna play some uno?

>mans tried to hit on a SCARECROW.
In the original Japanese script it's a crossdresser.

I don't have uno, so go fuck off.

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I dont have Uno. I have the oldest xbox in Fodlan

Everyone has uno, dumbass, it came for free with your fukken xbox

she has sex all the time, saying she's with getting with a different man almost every night. she cant KEEP a man because of her disgusting domestic habits. the only times she says she doesnt fuck is when they go back to HER place. She was literally about to go to town on Byleth when you first meet her if he let her.

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What emotion is this expression trying to convey?

>She was literally about to go to town on Byleth when you first meet her if he let her.
Right, because she's repressed as fuck because she never scores.
Literally every time we hear about her finding a guy, it's because the guy immediately ditched her.



The feeling of not having UNO motherfucker

slut dyke

Who should I pair together on BE?
>Sylvain/Dorothea, Ferdinand/Marianne
>Ferdinand/Dorothea, Sylvain and Marianne forever alone
>Caspar/Shamir or Caspar/Petra

Attached: fixedd.png (1280x1808, 2.29M)

That's not Anna

why is all the S-rank art in this game goofy trash?

I'm gonna need some sauce on that buddy

>Punished Snake: Dimitri
>Naked Snake: ________
>Solid Snake: ________
>Liquid Snake: ________
Who are the others?

Byleth x Bernadetta
Ferdinand x Dorothea
Casper and Lindhart, they are already friends and have a bro adventure in their prologue.
Petra by herself, never really felt she had romantic chemistry with anyone.

>asking sauce for the only 3H doujin that exist

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>the only 3H doujin that exist
owo what's this

There's another.

It's a fem Byleth x Dimitri otome doujin.

fine then, the only GOOD one that exist.

>western trash

That's thrash. I want my !HegemonEdelgard x Byleth fic already

It’s Western, you fucking mongoloid.

Also, just wait until like June. There’ll be plenty of doujins at the ready.

If this isn’t proof that BL is worst house I dunno what us

Much better. Now can you please post a full correction on Tsumino? For some reason, somebody posted his Celica doujin on that site.

Which is why the notion that conquering them will bring peace is fucking retarded, I’m pretty sure they’d be lynching imperials
imagine the bloodshed if edelgard killed dimitri at the end of BL

You mean this?
archiveofourown dot org/works/20320234?view_adult=true

yuri shitters ruin good things

>HegemonEdelgard x Byleth

Attached: what.jpg (288x467, 25K)

trash yuri taste

You know exactly what I'm talking about

What I want to know is what exactly was Dimitri's plan if Edelgard did accept his hand at the end of BL?

Dates=/=sex. Shes always complaining men see through her good looks. Shes the opposite of Dorothea in that she hasn't hit the wall, but is too stubborn to realize she needs to love herself first before other men want to stay with her. Lorenz points out she could've been married long ago if she cleaned herself up

>implying he had a plan
"dude trust me it'll all work out"
Edelgard knows there's no way it would work out. That's why she forces his hand by drawing the dagger. She knew he was too soft hearted to do what needed to be done so she made the difficult (but correct) choice for him. This is why she smiles after he stretches out his hand.

Exact details are hard to say but he may have had her step down and go into isolation, that or take her prisoner.

So basically what Lambert did to Patricia, great plan Dimitri, totally won't backfire.

How do I build this man slut?

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Inhuman Female x Human male is top porn kino.

Marry Marianne yourself
Get Hilda to marry Caspar
Ferdinand and Bernie
Sylvain alone with the knowledge he killed his bestie Felux

Yeah I refuse to believe with the martial prowess Edelgard has that she couldn’t have aimed that dagger at a more lethal spot if she really wanted to. That was fully intended to force his hand and make him kill her. Just like she wanted to be killed by Byleth in GD/Church to prevent any dissent.

>Hilda, Manuela, Mercedes
this is a faggot chart (argue that Petra is probably clean too, bitch shaves her pits and legs, wears that skirt to show 'em off), Catherine probably does too desu.

Catherine only shaves if Rhea tells her to. Rhea is also natural because the thought of procreation never crosses her mind and no man has the guts to hit on her when she goes to town.

I found Sylvain's sister

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>Implying the pope doesn't stay completely clean

>not making Annette a dancer so she can sing and dance to support her husband Felix
Imagine not playing the game in the way I tell you to.

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Mortal Savant

You know, I've been meaning to try the meme that is mortal savant and I suppose he might make a amusing one.

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Also I'm already going to put Byleth with Edelgard since it's one of the only redeeming factors of the route.

If you want the McDonalds version just watch her support with Lorenz. She screeches at him in impotent range because he's a primo grade-A noble stud, but he never chases her like he does every other girl at the academy.

Koei is trash. Good writers (shouldn't have included gay shit, only gonna get worse from here) but shit production values though

>not making Bernie a dancer so she can sing and dance to support her husband Felix

I really hope the dlc brings a fuck ton of new classes. Even if a lot of them are kind of shit just having the variety for challenge and meme builds would be great.

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The BL route ending for Felix and Sylvain is them basically becoming their fathers, but they'll sneak out every so often to throw beer cans at one another's windows and talk mad shit. It's one of the better BL endings.

Attached: lenny thumbs up.jpg (512x384, 43K)

Bernie can support her husband Byleth as a Sniper or Bow Knight though.

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>Hey Dorothea you wanna be friends?
>Fuck you Lorenz you piece of shit.
Lorenz annoying the fuck out of Dorothea and Mercedes for simply being what he is is the best.

To be fair, you don't really need as many classes because weapon proficiency is universal now.
That said, I want to see more hybrid classes in general, especially in the lower levels. Hybrid units get fucked hard because they have nothing to go into for most of the game.

Return of Malig Knight and Master of Arms would be baller. Dread Fighter is for sure coming back as DLC.

Brigand into Assassin for insurance against RNGfucking. End in Wyvern Lord.

>constantly goes on dates to find a suitable husband for an easy life
>fucks for food
she is purer than every girl in the game even mercedes.

I want a Master version of Hero. Call it Superhero or something, and it comes packing a free Wrath and a unique combat art that puts the user at exactly 49%.

I don't need Fates' metric fuck ton of classes. but a good 8-10 of them would be great.

Call it Vanguard, Ike's class from RD

Purely for my dick

Marianne and her best friend, Hilda!

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>Bitch is defined by how fucking nasty she is, there's no way she shaves.
manuela's whole thing is that she is immaculately taken care of physically, but is a wreck under the surface. every inch of her body is probably groomed perfectly

Marianne with twintails is cute cute CUTE

>Str + 2/Lancefaire
>Lance Prowess
>Dex + 4
Wyvern Lord

>shitty meme youtubers are finally getting to post time skip Dimitri
>open the video
>gets Byleth killed on turn 1
>close the video
About what I expected

Give me one reason why I shouldn't choose Golden Deer and be comfy all day

>Its also implied she fucked him

I'll be real, the first map after the time skip was one of the toughest maps for me. My Byleth was weak as fuck though so that probably didn't help.

House is so irrelevant you can remove Claude and it still makes perfect sense in Church

I really enjoyed Three Houses, but the classes are garbage. All except for the first tier look fucking comically bad and the master classes all fucking suck in addition to looking ridiculous.

There’s people who are saying that Felix and Annette’s relationship is less romance and more covetous stalking.
And I can’t really disagree with them, since he mostly only seems to like her for her singing.

He's working on the doujin

Rank in order from best to worst

Sadly I think they wanted mortal savant to fulfiil that role. Hero is great though. It's usually the class I make my Byleth on playthroughs since he will already be great with swords and him being speedy is nice.

I actually have though of trying Enlightened One on my next playthrough, is it meme like I've been told? I mean, it's Byleth so whatever works with him but still.
Same. For me it's only really the beginning that would fuck me up. The thieves on that level are pretty strong compared to the units from the last map, a good portion of them carry silver weapons I believe. It's especially hard if you have been neglecting your initial students.

>My Byleth was weak as fuck though so that probably didn't help.
I don't know what you niggers are doing but my Byleth, especially on my second playthrough where I minmaxed and rushed for classes with good growths, but he was a living God outclassed only by Gorillagard/Bigmitri in raw damage output. He was pushing 60+ HP by the end and probably had around 40~ STR by level 40, with 35 something speed.

Do newcomers and casuals just blindly slap their units into anything with a red indicator? That first chapter is a cakewalk.
>stand in bush
And that's assuming they don't have Byleth playing Nosferatu tank, which the game heavily incentivizes.


Given how the two of them chimp out and lunge for each other's throats, I think Hanneman would only fuck her if she walked in wearing a gag.

Post more of Felix's wife.

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There is no source. Dorothea admits that she only managed to get into the Academy by smoozing some Imperial aristocrat, which Hanneman technically is, but if you read his supports, you quickly find out that he cut ties with the Adrestrian aristocracy like 20 years ago.
So no, perverts, she didn’t fuck him. Find someone else to accuse of couch casting.

Byleth is definitely the weakest of the three if we’re talking unit stregth.

Byleth's spell list is pretty shitty but his magic growth is decent and his defensive growths are decent, so he's good on enemy phase with Nosferatu. Enlightened One's biggest problem is that can't keep up with the mounted units once people start hitting 30. If Byleth learned Warp or Rescue than Enlightened One would be truly excellent.

Wait a second, Yea Forums. We've already established that the true secret leader of the Slitherers is Annette because she sung about "people coming up from to ground to the light" (the slitherers). But, now, we have established that the Agarthans killed the diggers because they hate diggers. What if Ingrid is the secret co-leader of them?

that's not bernie, that's manleth's wife.

Kris > Power gap > Robin > Corrin > Byleth
I need this meme about (you) being the main character to end.

Attached: kris.png (178x387, 97K)

honestly in terms of how the story handled them
>>>makato yuki
>>>>>>my cats vomit

Your thinking of Manuela, but yes, I also imagine their hatesex daily with Hanneman berating her for stinking of too much perfume and alcohol and how shes a disgusting pig, and with Manuela pointing put he has his nose in too many crests and needs to let go of the fact it's not his fault his sister died

Byleth is much better as he feels like his own entity but his choices and morals are shaped and based on (You).

But Ingrid is Felix's wife?

But this is my wife?

Robin felt like they had a proper personality. They could be cheeky, sarcastic, etc.
Corrin was the most fucking bland "We all need to stick together" naive fuckwit.
Byleth, I dunno, they feel more like a tabula rasa. They can be sarcastic, or nurturing or well, really whatever you want.

IS needs to get over the player dicksucking. Byleth is an inhuman walking piece of linoleum as far as personality is concerned but every character fellates him constantly. If they really want the main character to be whatever the player chooses to mold them into than they ought to just give the next lord hybrid growths and let them give them haircuts. They'll never stop though, because Persona 5, Awakening and now Three Houses have demonstrated that its what sells.

Someone write an idea for a Three Houses doujin

Ingrid getting raped by The Boar

Lysithea doing femdom with the Death Knight.

Slithers capture Byleth and is dommed by Kronya and Cornelia

Lorenz is based.

Post timeskip.
Byleth is off somewhere in the GD route.
All the kids in the BL club are miserable.
Dimitri wakes up half the camp with his incoherent screaming nightmares.
Ingrid starts making out with him to calm him down.
It degenerates into an orgy.
Like that one scene from It that Stephen King wants you to forget about, only everyone's college-aged and about to kill themselves from despair.

This is headcanon

Kronya is sent to a gangbang dimension after Solon sends her away. As she is lowly mindbroken tears in the dimension open and show her that Byleth destroyed the Agarthans and that he and all the humans lived happily ever after while there is no redemption for her and no one is coming to save her.

I'll take my award now.

That's fucked up. I like it.

>Byleth is much better as he feels like his own entity

Byleth's entire character is being an unwalking unfeeling emotionless husk that exists purely for the player to make extremely restricted dialogue choices through. Just because it's contextualized in-universe doesn't mean its gripping or interesting characterization.

Attached: he looks like you poindexter.gif (139x211, 371K)

Byleth going back in time continuously to fuck all the GD girls
Dimitri absolutely DESTROYING Edelgard in bed
Sylvain giving Ingrid white children
Tricking Petra into intercourse
Mercedes/Anette Threesome

Edelgard sexing Dimitri
FeMU gangbang
Bernadetta tentacle rape
Ashe /ss/

Monica being kidnapped/ lewd by Kronya, raped by the Dubsteps and experimented on. And then her last moments with Kronya taking her place.

In story I think it works fine enough but byleth supports are almost universally trash

Lorenz gives Hilda a pistachio shell haircut and then assfucks her over a table as she writes to her brother about how cool a look it is.

I don't understand this pairing, their support isnt good and they dont even have an A rank

m!byleth enters a reality in where he managed to convince the leaders of all 4 non slither factions to join forces, one night he enters his room to see dimitri and edelgard arguing who byleths favors more, to end this arguement, he fucks them both over the course of a night
and then they argue about who's the favored lord some more while byleths looks annoyed

>Dimitri absolutely DESTROYING Edelgard in bed
Who would want this?

Byleth impregnates Manuela after carrying her back to her room
The Empire captures Dimitri and Edelgard rapes him, Hubert joins in
Hubert and Ferdinand grow yaoi hands
Cyril rapes Hilda
Ashe is used by Imperial forces for stress relief, but he presses on thinking this is what a true Knight would do
Ingrid keeps having sex in places Dedue normally is to make him feel bad
Marianne jerks off Dorte, Ignatz draws it from the bushes

A giant orgy with literally everyone except Hubert

I am not going to fuck the king of delusions

Attached: FqqWrOyw.png (512x512, 174K)

My Blyeth sucked the first time I played too but Dimitri, even gimped as mine was too is just so fucking strong that it doesn't matter. Just jam him into the middle and let him fucking work.

FBlyeth making sweet love to the top tier female students. And then after a huge orgy, she looks at the reader and says, “They tried to resist the cunt. They can’t beat the cunt.”


She will once Sensei orders it.

How is that headcanon when we have two other routes of evidence to infer from?

>best supports are annette, bernie and lysithea

Why does felix like small girls so much?

Ingrid has a foursome with Dimitri, Sylvain, and Felix, get's triple penetrated.

Dimitri would want it

>he doesn't want a doujin with a critical hit cut-in as Dimitri leaps 10 feet in the air and throws a horse dildo at Edelgard

I meant more that his background at least makes him feel like his own entity rather then just (You). I mean, yes, it's a mute jrpg protagonist. The series will always have them from now on thanks to the waifu shit. Compared to Corrin who the biggest bitch ever I was able to at least somewhat relate to Byleth in some scenes, like seeing him cry over Jeralt. It''ll always feel weird, but Byleth is at least handled better.I feel.

Catherine teaching Ashe how to fuck hard

>“They tried to resist the cunt. They can’t beat the cunt.”

Attached: can't beat the cock man.jpg (1307x528, 368K)

>Dimitri charging at the enemy with a massive horse dildo strapped to his lance
"Ah, my nemesis! The hour of fate has arrived!"


Attached: 76304607_p0.png (1200x664, 919K)

I take it back, I want this

Wait, Rhea is trimmed but Seiros is shaven?

> Hilda
> Natural

Jesus Christ user my sides can only take so much

>dont even get a cg of dimitri tanking multiple spears 300 style

Rhea bathing Catherine, Catherine realizes she's never been given this attention by anyone, tries to return the favor by groping Rhea.

Tiddy Demon

Attached: 1566234010006m.jpg (919x1024, 125K)

>I need to test a spell user
>I really want to become a mage instead so please help me
>W-what happened
>Why do you look exactly like me
>Um user I'm sorry but it seems like I changed your appearance to look like me, in other words I accidentally transformed you
>I-I am so sorry
>I'-im so embarrassed
"Oh you think you are embarrassed?!"
>I'm so sorry that this isn't reversible but
>do you really have...
>Oh my y-you do
>Mind if I try something out?
>You are twitching when I do that heh heh
>D-do you like that
>I have learned alot of good ways to do this from all of my alone time
>Let's try going up a bit
>Gropes tits
>You really like that don't you?
>What about when I kiss them
>*A few days later*
>I need to show you something
>user I managed to get some shackles from the guards
>You know what that means
>Dont worry you will like it
>S Rank achieved


>you will never nut between those tiddies

>fucking anything not named Rhea or Shamir

Dimitri hatefucking cornelia would be much hotter than el

You’re not gonna get it. If there is a Cornelia doujin, it’ll be gangrape by the Agarthans.

This but with Annette.

Catherine and Shamir are platonic but shed definitely scissor with rhea

Imagine the threesome with Shamir starting as the alpha female before Rhea snaps into Seiros mode and dominates both?

>Catherine and Shamir are platonic
Shamir jokes about marrying her and Catherine blushes. Hell, they have a special bond in game. Only her and male Byleth have the ability to mindbreak Rhea out of her head.

What bonuses does newgame+ give you? I usually just play routes in games or start over from scratch. Does it give you a lot of bonuses that makes the game too easy?

>Alright, what should we name our molemen enemy?
>How about "those who slither in the dark?"
>And we'll call ourselves "we who rule in the shadows!"
Really, Hubert?

Lysithea x Death Knight vanilla

>Ferdinand von Aegir as Paladin
>Prancing around attacks from foes
>Sick 360° horse spin jumps into MASSIVE CRITS
God bless Ferdinand von Aegir.

There's only one answer

Attached: Felix_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 702K)

>Does it give you a lot of bonuses that makes the game too easy?

Pretty much, you get to use a bunch of free renown to jump to Professor A+, buy support ranks, etc.

shamir was just joking, even if catherine took it seriously

I like this idea.

Don’t forget Lorenz 360-noscoping bitches from horseback with Agnea’s Arrow.

NG+ is really nice because it allows you to choose just how broken you want to be. You can make yourself absolutely broken, or you can give yourself some boosts and ignore other things.

who is this?

is she from Fire Emblem?

>hey user you wanna go out?
>nah, you're just joking
this is LITERALLY you

Hard already felt too easy anyway. I think i'll just play through another route. Thanks for the info.

Ferdinand/Mercedes maledom.
And then Mercedes kills him

are you asking me out bro?

>Implying the two of them and I didn't form the Mortal Savant Club

Attached: 1567561854144.jpg (884x1024, 173K)

I am going to marry that glorious fucker in my BE playthrough. He is gunna dance his heart out until I am bored of that in a few chapters like always then just use his sword avoid ontop of his personal.

Attached: dancer_ferdie.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)

>Hey bro wanna kiss
>just joking bro

The boar...

you have to use renown to purchase the bonuses, so its only as much as you want. the only exception is saint statue bonuses, so if you bought them all i suppose that could ease things. you keep battalions too but, again, you dont have to use them.

Why would you want such a horrible thing user?

Attached: xDkniKWg.png (512x512, 138K)

Naked Snake is Claude
Solid Snake is Byleth
Liquid Snake is Edelgard

Bernie is into masochism but Hubie isn't as much of a sadist as she thought

NTRing annette with mercedes

Attached: 4ea.png (400x400, 199K)

Does you professor level and such remain the same? I heard something about skills carrying over to something is all that in the bonuses?

Any fun builds for Petra beside the standard assassin one? I only ever see people make her into a didgetank assassin or stick her on a wyvern to be a mediocre physical unit.

Attached: 76551655_p0.png (783x1000, 670K)

You got that off AO3, I know exactly what you're talking about you fucking cheater

you have to buy those

Welcome to Japanese lesbianism, dude: Where women can only be gay as long as they default to being straight once a man starts trying to assert over them.

Byleth x Shamir + Catherine
Pure love but beast like impregnation 3P doujin like NIGHT FUCKERS's GBF Yuel(+ Socie), Shikishima Guntool's and Tanishi's doujins

They can. You can use the desk in your room to buy back any prior rank you had achieved using renown. Same for skills and students, if you want a skill or student immediately you can buy them right there as well.


fuck off roastoid

I mean Hubert is willing to play the part if he must

Okay, so only the statues carry over innately.

The average faculty meeting

Attached: 1566960126000.jpg (1449x2048, 262K)

Isn't lesbianism in japan considered just a phase that the girl is expected to grow out of?
I remember people using that to argue against Soleil munching carpet back in the day.

Because Mercedes shouldn’t be courted by people who white knight for her.

I’m still fine with other vanilla Ferdie pairings, though, like FeMU or Dorothea.

Rhea gets impregnated with Byleth's child who turns out to be Sothis reincarnated. On the last page of the doujin when the child is born, Rhea will whisper into her ear, "Welcome back, Mother"

Attached: 76671747_p24_FEHH1.jpg (1280x720, 265K)

I see you are a man of impeccable taste. Truly the pinnacle of human taste

petra is a better wyvern (the best non-unique class) than most of the cast.

>stating the fact that Japs never admit to having characters be full lesbian is Jewish behavior
Fuck you.

this is a cursed image

>Dedue can die in BL, is killed by you in BE, and dies avenging Dimitri in GD and Church
>Dimitri on the verge of tears in BE, part of the reason he went nuclear in BL

>Kill Hilda in BE route
>Claude almost breaks down, was stupid and expected her to retreat instead of dying for him

>kill Hubert in three of four routes
>never see Edelgard even flinch
What did they mean by this?

Attached: Emperor's End.jpg (1200x971, 759K)

Fuck off Juan Gotoh, you’re fucking sick.

>Jewish behavior
?????????? based schizo

Mine one-shots everyone as an axe Wyvern Lord

Why does Shamir wanting delicious brown piss this user off so much?

Attached: 76357745_p0.png (2377x4021, 3.98M)

Well we never kill Hubert in front of Edelgard so we'll never know.

Guess I'll try it. I had heard her strength growth is mediocre so she only did mediocre damage and struggled to kill anything by herself.

Claude didn’t seem like he was about to break down at all, he just said he wanted her to pull back instead of dying.

Its a character trait that she actively tries to suppress emotions like despair and remorse so she won't falter from her path.

>dies avenging Dimitri in GD
He does? He fucked off after I killed El.

Edelgard x her loving husband, Hubert

Hilda will also tell claude to fuck off and join other houses. Dedue is the ultimate retainer, unquestionable loyalty who his lord grows to love as his brother and will go absolutely nuclear for each other when ones killed. Dedue will straight up turn into a demonic beast to help dimitri win

"Hubert died for a good cause. It's now up to me to win so his death won't go wasted"

-Edelgard, probably

With that hat? I don't think so.

>part of the reason he went nuclear in BL
Dimitri didn’t go nuclear because of that

t. Hubert

If he survives he burns edelgards body, cuts off her head and delivers it to dimitris grave which he proceeds to guard until his death

Please no. I don’t like Hubert as a romantic pairing with Edelgard.

Hilda absolutely shaves it clean and Mercedes has a forest down there.

Yep. Japan even has a term for works that cater to that belief, called “Class-S”.

It wasn't the sole reason but it clearly was a reason. When he comes back you hear Dimitri sound happier then any point prior to it.

How does Hubert fair oh wise user?

>dedue's solo charge on the throne room
Pure kino

Attached: 1567822878608.jpg (886x1024, 150K)

On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the maximum, how sad of a drunk would Edelgard be?


I probably should have made her a dancer so Dorothea could drop Meteors on niggas.

Dancer Dorothea is a meme

Same, though it's kind of awkward pairing him with any girl as he is always dedicated to Edelgard.. If it was purely a "boss and supervisor" thing it would be fine but their relationship is clearly deeper then that. I realistically imagine him being alone all his life.

you're thinking about manuela and they're obviously tsundere for each other

Attached: Late Night Grading.png (1280x1439, 989K)

Can dedeu successfully beat edelgard 1v1 if you stop the mages from killing him?

>the last pannel shows it was a day dream or fictional story Hubert was working on

Hilda is the only retainer that is able to betray her lord, unlike Dedue and Hilbert.

You could pair him with Ferdinand if you’re that guilty about him being alone.

psychotic depression/10

No, green units can't kill bosses and will always leave the boss at 1 hp. Some green units like Catherine are OP so they didn't want you to have them just clear the boss for you.

Well over 10, have you seen how much she gushes around Byleth, who is the only person she gushes around

FUCK grading papers
t. grad student

>Byleth trying to grade shit and just get to sleep while Sothis shits on any stupid answers students put

Dedue is based and metal as fuck

>kill Death Knight with Lysithea on week 4.
>she can't use the fucking Dark Seal.

THE DUDE breaking into Edelgard’s castle solo is the best moment in the entire game no matter what route you pick.

Please look at this Marianne.

Attached: 76645322_p0.png (1940x1799, 2.51M)

Male only lol.

>I know, Sothis, please I'm trying to concentrate
>I know, Sothis

Le ebin pitfall man sucks at FE? What a shock

I thought it was Mangs that was playing FE16, not Mekkkah?

How? This game is crazy easy.

Flayn wants fish
Proffessor is a 300 pound bald fat man and this doujin is by HELLDEVICE

Lorenz makes excellent use of both Dark Mage and Dark Bishop mastery skills. Hanneman does as well.


Attached: i'm gonna cum.png (560x763, 40K)

I was thinking of giving it to Ignatz or Felix.
I was thinking of going Dark Knight for lorenz though.

Hubert is THE dark priest. He one shots everyone for me at the greatest range, him and Petra were always my best units from the very beginning.

There are literally ZERO lance proficient classes that dont require you to master horse or flying.
Not even knight is lance proficient despite being historically the "lance foot soldier class" since the dawn of fucking time.

>Blue Lions
No thanks, I’ve just started my playhrough of that route after the other 3, and I keep hearing it’s the best route, so I don’t wanna spoil myself.

A doujin that features Petra, and then it eventually leads into Petra requesting anal because it's really popular in Brigid. During the intense ass fucking that ensues, she'll constantly be speaking in her slightly broken tongue the whole time.

>I would be liking that greatly!
>This gives me happiness!
>Please thrust with hardness!

Attached: rina being smug as shit.jpg (583x597, 42K)

>This gives me the big cum!

Vanilla manuela with her husband on her wedding night

Attached: 1567527171564.jpg (540x624, 60K)

>I am arriving!

How resourceful is this motherfucker that he not only scouted/ mapped out Edelgard's castle before you arrived but that he breached the castle in alternate route to the throne before you?

For a guy without a crest, family and homeland he makes a lot of the nobles look like shit in comparison.

Why are his thighs so feminine?

Attached: 1200px-FETH_Death_Knight_01.png (1200x1006, 676K)

This one’s good

>Vanilla manuela with her husband
And that is?

Shit, wrong one.

Attached: DK_Neutral_0.png (1600x1920, 450K)

I don't think you've ever seen feminine thighs

Attached: semen demon flips switch on crazy gadget.png (482x610, 451K)

All the better for getting fucked by Lysithea

Hanneman, duh.

Because he’s a fag, have you seen underneath that mask? There’s even another mask underneath that one

cyril's archery training with shamir [gone sexual]

Guessing either (You) or Lorenz


>More like crest of LAME

>start Raphael support
>Funny Footsteps starts playing

Attached: Metodey.png (541x471, 318K)


Whoever drew this might want to consider studying anatomy.

what was the point of this character

For you to kill him and join Edelgard right after, making his death pointless.

what was his deal

>Edelgard willing allows cannibal serial killers into her army

Marianne appears to be the cutest girl with the nicest smile.

Attached: 1568011853416.png (270x273, 107K)

>This guy got a unique portrait but Hilda's brother and Annette's uncle didn't

giving el an expendable minion

What would Hilda's brother even look like?

Attached: EDIBEAvVAAA7nXD.jpg (1452x816, 167K)

>Dimitri x Marianne
>Felix x Annette
>Ferdinand x Bernadetta
>Hilda x Caspar

These are THE best ships, prove me wrong

Ferdinand on steroids with pink hair

He doesn't show up in CF? I think him, Lorenz, and Marianne are the only ones who don't

loyalty is a hell of a drug, hell look at Hubert, another person with no crest, he managed to singlehandedly revealed the slithers base and 'takes care' of any obstacle in Edelgard's way.

Those last two are atrocious. Ferdinand/Dorothea and BerniexMexHubert

I'm sorry but

>Byleth X Marianne

Is the best

Attached: 1567966470546.jpg (2600x2000, 271K)

>Dimitri x Marianne

I didn’t even kill him in my BE play through. Though I suppose he dies when Rhea spergs out into a dragon. Guess Hubert didn’t like him enough to teleport him.

i genuinely cannot imagine holst goneril looking like anything other than a 1:1 copy of gigachad but with pink hair and eyes. if there was ever a character in 3H to fill the role, it would be him.

Attached: OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ[1].jpg (1080x1331, 109K)

No, you kill him right then and there. Doesn't matter what route or decisions you have made.

I really need images of drunk Edelgard now

>Why yes, I write to my cute little sister every week.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

yuri shitter

Same, I imagine basically that image but with a cotton candy beard

I'm sorry, for whatever reason I thought we were talking about Raphael. My bad.

Dimitri x Blyeth exists, the only reason to ever pair him with Marianne is if you were retarded and played as Manlyth. But you were still retarded because his Catherine and Flayn support are better.

Color this picture in with pink hair, someone

watch their supports fag theyre literally meant for each other

Yeah he died when I stabbed him while standing next to Edelgard. Funnily enough, he spouts about slaughtering everyone but if you get close to Edel in the mission she tells you that she has no intention of doing anything they said and she doesn’t move or attack at all. That dude’s just there to die, probably was a goon of Arundel.

>1v1 nemesis with no special weapon or super crest
How did he do it?

>dude it’s a prince and a princess they’re totally meant to be

I just did the Edelgard paralogue and I love how Holst asks for help because he ate poison mushrooms in the forest and started smelling really bad. Byleth and Edelgard start getting really interested in the smell while Hubert just appears grossed out.

user... her support with Lorenz and Ferdinand is better, hell her Ignatz one might be better too. You just say that for the ending tile, which again is only ok.

>Dimitri: tells Marianne to not worry about fake smiles in front of him because he knows how hard life is and would rather her just be herself than try to be someone she isn't
>Marianne's panties teleport through her stockings on the way to the floor as she genuinely smiles and says that that's the first time anyone's said that to her
How can (you) compete with that

>How else would I see my little sister again?

Attached: D6FtjxRUcAIs-Mp.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

>He didn't marry Marianne

Attached: 1566743666719.png (1913x1078, 1.99M)

By having Dimitri be interested in them. If he is fucking spilling spaghetti all over the place like a fucking tard he isn't romantically interested in them. He is only super panties dropping charming when he has zero sexual interest.

Sorry, thought you were referring to Metodey. In Church you have very little interaction with the affairs of Faerghus Kingdom and Leicester Alliance. The only student you see is Dedue, the rest disappear essentially if you don't recruit them.

There is one awkward scene where Gilbert meets up with you and says the kingdom wants your help and will fight alongside you but that you must fight Edelgard NOW, Byleth says he wants to work with them but fighting Edelgard so early would be suicide and has to refuse.

I almost forgot Hubert didn't have a Crest, simply because of how well he carries himself. Also even though he was the enemy in GD route I respect him for having enough civility and foresight to write a letter to you on the off chance Edelgard lost the war. Not many people would do that.

who keeps making these



>she sees your dick

Attached: 1566494131690.jpg (374x349, 48K)

Pretty much all of Felix's endings if you recruit him out of BL are like this because he feels guilty for abandoning Dimitri.

I see a lot of people ask for *HONK HONK* as dlc, you think ISIS would ever do it actually?

Attached: 76210571_p0.png (1075x1465, 765K)

>Hilda and Caspar go fuck off as unmarried Lovers and travel the world.
>Holst forces them back and gives them a shotgun wedding
>Forces Caspar to be a knight
>Gets a bunch of nieces and nephews in return.

Attached: b4b98a83da0cd1ebc13248bcb951a6a3.jpg (236x284, 7K)

only good if he's WATCHING or locked outside and he's screaming for Elutard

God I am going to fucking riot if we don’t get a portrait of this glorious motherfucker in the DLC

She’s blatantly in a position in which she’s a princess who needs a white knight to save her. Therefore, I call it like I see it. See also: Cordelia.

Nah, it’s time for Felix to become a man and cast aside the BOAR

>Missing out on the absolute kino that is watching Marianne's prayers and character change throughout the game because of your actions
>Enabling Marianne to defeat all her demons and turn them into power not just live with them
>That final support where she proposes to you first to show you how far she's come from when you first met, and because she wants to continue to grow alongside you
>Thank you for giving me the world

(You) are literally her best ending.

Attached: 1566665701698.jpg (960x1269, 151K)

Not him but Dimitri (let alone Cluade) Flayn A+ support are weak though due to writers flaking out on Dimitri's awareness of attraction or ending abruptly on Cluade. Which sucks because the Dimitri and Flayn B support was on point and soulful.

Based fuck weebs

So I didn't have to rush the boss to prevent Catherine from stealing me exp?

Even though Dimitri is denser than a bag of bricks, I still think it's pretty cute. Flayn restores his sense of taste, he gives her the ability to have a good night's sleep. It's the most human ending.

Not from the boss, but yes for the regular units.
That map is pretty dumb and Catherine can definitely steal like 75% of the kills if you're not fast.

Imagine how nice it would be to bully this cute autist had she not gone full retard/

Attached: 76285315_p0.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

Are you drunk, women love my dad body.
The key is being tall.

Women like tall guys.

In practice it's just because the game needs a way for your characters to address you aside from your actual name (since you can customize that) and while they could have that change post-timeskip

A) What to change it to would probably vary based on route
B) They'd have to handle the support dialogue that can theoretically happen pre- or post-timeskip

So they'd have to make as many as five versions of every line that addresses you. Easier to just have them keep calling you "professor" and explain it away is it just being out of habit.

I like your post user.

>10 minutes into burn sinners and chill and she gives you this look
What do?

Attached: 1564766969060.jpg (1280x720, 381K)

imagine top right on the throne but with her horns

robin > kris > byleth > yikes > corrin

Petra showing sensei her tats and being manipulated into becoming an exhibitionist

Wipe the smudge off her cheek.

Hubert x Bernadetta is cute as fuck

Let her sit on my face.

How did Ferdinand turn into such an upstanding person when his father is literally the fat ugly bastard archetype?

i like my lolis when they are starting to develop hair so get fucked

He looked at his dad and thought "nah"

Well if genetics are anything to go by he is going to end up bald.

>just b urself :)

Biggest lie Hollywood ever told.

>>Dimitri x Marianne
This is the best pairing for both of them if you don't count thier pairings with Byleth.
>>Felix x Annette
While I like pairing Felix with Flayn, Dorothea and Ingrid, Annette's is super cute.
>>Ferdinand x Bernadetta
Good, but Hubert x Bernadetta is a thing so no.
>>Hilda x Caspar
Yes, this is one of the best.

>that subtle hint of a Shamir-Cath threesome ending
Holy shit

Attached: 1510787774991.jpg (296x176, 46K)

>the two-toned whetstone is actually your dick

what makes it two toned?

Does anyone have the pic of her gazing down at you after you choose Edel over her? Was freaky as fuck

THIS, no way Hilda Manuela and Mercedes are natural.


This one?

Attached: 1564441748613.jpg (480x561, 126K)

If you're cut the upper half of the shaft is a slightly different color than the lower

>Manuela wishes to change her goals to GUN

Attached: 1567919050372.png (800x801, 566K)

Im about 20 hrs for BE route. My plan was to get most of story and play the other factions (BL, GD). Did I screw up and picked BE as first playthrough?

And here I was expecting some sort of joke about anal, instead I got a legitimate answer

Attached: 1549787491487.jpg (512x464, 74K)

Exactly the one, thanks user

BE felt great for my first route, helps that it’s the only route that lets you choose sides and it already covers everything with the Church and such.

>Manuela wishes to change her goals to COCK

Manuela has such big tits, I’m so tired of the japanese old used goods past her prime stereotype, I’d pork that bitch for a 5 year timeskip and she’d still be lookin the same

It's OK, clear it first to see how much of an improvement the other routes are.

It would be retarded. Especially if you have Leonie on your team. But considering that she gets betrayed by the slithers and has a reason to fight them they might be stupid enough to put her in.

Attached: 12b.png (536x2400, 1.84M)


That's been for goal for most of her life and she's only D+ rank.
Manuela's problem isnt that she's busted and no one wants her because she's old. Her problems are that she's a slob, thinks everyone else is in the wrong, and is an alcoholic.

Can't blame them, Edelgard's supports can be summarized as "fucking thirsty"

It will be hard to play after playing the better routes but there is something to be said of experiencing the story for the first time with the better routes.