Astral Chain

>Astral Chain
>Daemon x Machina
>Link’s Reawakening
So which do I buy? I just wanna have fun

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dq xI cause its the best version of a good game and its got a lot of play time and goofy fun.
Astral chain is less fun more serious,daemon and links awakening are both going to be incredibly short.

On pure fun factor alone, Link's Awakening. But like pointed out, more value in DQ.

OP, you are supposed to tell us your preferences in vydia, otherwise what the hell.
My personal choice would be Dragon quest since i like rpgs, my second choice would be astral chain.

Astral Chain, choose that one
I'm right and the other anons are wrong

link's awakening
>fun and new game
astral chain
>fun and needs your support
fun but it's been released on 3 other platforms in some form already

if you can only get ONE, go with DxM

this user is wrong. is right pure VALUEEEEE

I played the first demo and it wasnt fun, maybe the second demo is better or its just a niche genre.

DVD menus are not fun, and Links awakening can be emulated on a toaster so either AC or DXM

Why choose when you can get all of them for free?

>Dragon Quest
Why would you want to play an antiquated RPG made by hack retards

Second demo is much better but it's still a niche game

>too much of a brainlet for /m/ games

It really depends on which genre you prefer, they're all fun on their own rights.

DxM has 2 demos now, and DQXI S has a demo too. Try those out first no matter which you decide on.

I'm getting Link's Awakening and Dragon Quest XI S.

I will get the other two eventually, when they go on sale. I don't have time to play them right away.

Hack your switch and pirate all of them.

Deadly Premonition

I have a similar list as yours op. Right now I'm buying both Astral Chain and DxM.

Is the zodiac age a good port on the switch?

Astral Chain is bad
Daemon is obtuse and niche as fuck
Links's Awakening DX is the superior version
DQ11S is a fantastic game plus an orchestrated score

Get DQ11S

Astral Chain or Demon X Machina. Link's Awakening is a 20 year old game that isn't very long and DQXI you can just pirate on PC.

DQ XI easily. DxM demo was also pretty fun. AC is really bad and Zelda was never good.

There's a demo for two of those games and you could always emulate the original links awakening to see if you'd like a remake

Astral is too fun.

>dxm oribital edition was europe only

astral chain and link's awakening for me

DQ XI for fun

>fun but it's been released on 3 other platforms in some form already
but the Switch version is literally the superior version considering it has way more extra content, second being the PC version since mods, while PS4 version ends up dead last because its the old broken version and no mods