I’d like to hear Yea Forums‘s argument about my nature, and how it relates to the guys who play as girls

I’d like to hear Yea Forums‘s argument about my nature, and how it relates to the guys who play as girls.

I’m a girl and I really, really like creating male characters, either as drawings or as custom characters in games like Sims 4 and modded Skyrim. If I can’t make a character in a videogame, I’ll almost always choose a male character. It’s part of why I liked TF2 so much.

so, what’s the verdict? am I an incel?

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Tits or gtfo
Alternatively dilate

Possibly the poorest LARP I've seen lately.

>I’m a girl
Stopped reading there no ur not tranny u will never be a girl

tits or gtfo

for fucks sake, do I have to post my drawers just so you take my thread seriously?

Anything short of real female clitoris won't count. Even tits can be faked.

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guys who play as girls are either doing it to be another gender(tranny) or because they wanna fuck the character(c**b****)
you, therefore, are also a tranny or a c**b****
that's all

>retarded fujo doesnt know how to post tits
what else is new

I do have ftm fantasies, but I still identify as a girl.
im still not showing my bras to strangers, fuck off.


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>the sims
lads this might actually be a girl

This is Yea Forums, not onions eating reddit. Tits or gtfo.

checks out, i am a massive coombrain and only buy games with cute boys in em. gonna buy code vein so i can take screenies of my mail character next to louis

I showed my dick to strangers before

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been a while since I've had to use this

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Hi Jared

>I’d like to hear Yea Forums‘s argument about my nature
lol faggot

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You're not a girl, you'll never be a girl, stop pretending to be a girl on the internet.

Only on Yea Forums though

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I think this is now my favorite image ever

do it again


cute umbreon

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tits or gtfo



Bravo bravo!

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Cute kemoshota

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