
Smash ultimate leaks

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>italian subs
Where was this screening?

What is it, I don't want Mustard Gas

yholy shit banjo's in

joker movie

op can fuck off
you guys are actually getting pic related

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It's just a two minute clip from the new Joker movie. OP is a fag.

Oh boy I can't wait to see the word "incel" paraded around fucking tenfold

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>what do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society
Damn... makes me think.

this but unironically, gonna be some good drama

Oh yeah, Joker in Smash...wait

Loners only become mentally ill because society actively forces them out while telling them they need to contribute to it.

So that one leak was real then


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wtf I want to watch it now

I can’t believe he is actually in
His gameplay looks sick

Why were people running around irl?

Haha this movie's going to be fucking awful

Not even a good take on the Joker

is that a sneed reference?

Why do movie writers turn Joker into a psychotic killer that murders people at the drop of the hat?

I also cried when RDJ died user. MEME OFF BRO!!!

IGN gave it a 10/10

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Because he is insane?

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>If you think this is trash you must love this other trash

LMAOing @ your life my guy


A good Joker would have pulled out a gun, shot it, and then a flag came out saying BLAM!

Because that's what Joker does.

10/10 culinary masterpiece

also he said the S-WORD!!!

Sony makes shit movies and spiderman will be shit again. The only good movie is 2.

If that's all he did then there wouldn't be a reason for batman to go after him.


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Marvel's spiderman sucked anyway

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A great Joker would've used the BLAM! flag to kill the host.

*wins an oscar for capeshit when Disney has yet to win an Oscar for their mountains of capeshit*

>not a single actual joke
>breaks character by crying on live tv and infront of a judge
this is the first time I've been exposed to this "Joker" and he is already the worst one I've ever seen

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Unsurprisingly, the only reddit threads left up were the ones praising the contents of this leak.

>italian subs
>not actual italian dub

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The movie looks kino

>being a retard not knowing what type of film it is.

The movie has an italian dub: youtube.com/watch?v=jzZ1ALIH7Po

Exactly my point. Like the other user said, screening a copy with italian subs feels pointless, usually they get released way down the line or for very few selects.