What's the appeal of this game?
Darkest Dungeon
Other urls found in this thread:
To explore the detail and atmosphere of interesting well dungeons with unique well written characters
levelling up your characters, until you realise that actually fucks your run over
getting raped by tentacle monstruosities
Please explain?
Sickdarkness and getting fucked over by RNG
It's like playing D&D.
I love playing randomly generated games like Darkest Dungeon.
>interesting dungeons
>well written characters
lmao what the fuck are you on about atmosphere is the only correct thing on that list.
After they hit a certain level they "refuse" to do the more basic dungeons. It's a punishing mechanic if you're not aware of it
Art, music, and narration all add up to great atmosphere and presentation.
The game gets harder as you level up, as opposed to typical RPG's where you get stronger
It's a retarded mechanic. Thankfully there's a mod that removes it.
Lmao why not make a win button mod while you're at it
To git gud
A part of it is that Dark Souls audience that jerks each other off about how hard the game is but they play it. At least dark souls tries to make it to where if you die its your fault as opposed to DD's RNG making it luck based at times.
Another part is definitely the atmosphere, the narrator as well as the artwork and design of everything just oozes lovecraftian imagery and its fantastic
Another part is the unique Turn based systems, plenty of people tend to agree turn based games suck but DD has one that stands out and makes it fun and interesting to experiment.
Another part is the waifus
To overcome the odds through planning skill.
All the dungeons have established (ancestor fuckery) lore, and the character's personalities are shown gradually through their reactions, trinkets, and comics.
>hurr durr lemme grind low levels with my OP character
neck yourselfs
>love DD
>after 25hours finally get a crew high enough level to tackle the Darkest Dungeon
>get wrecked after my 6th encounter by bleed damage
No desire to go back and try again. But I really enjoyed the build up to that moment.
>an RPG should get harder as you level up
No U
How quickly the tide turns
Reverse-fucking RNG.
Trust me, if you beat it you still wouldve uninstalled
Theres no reason to play again after you did your first run
t. beat DD and never played since
watching your party of fuckups get wrecked
Goblin Slayer mods when?
Useless piece of shit battlegrounds tier rng infested game crap
Theres literally no reason to have characters locked out of lower level missions except to add unnecessary grind.
You've already faced the challenge to get your characters to a higher level in the first place, plus levels 3 and under missions are never actually hard.
Imagine thinking grinding out 0 level characters is "fun"
the extensive cast of characters all have a lot of soul despite little if any backstory or exposition
they're not good people, some of them are borderline evil and yet you strive to keep them alive
Your characters have pride so they won't do things they deem beneath them.
rogue-lite gothic rpg, hopefully the sequel is less shit.
Or you could stop being a little bitch and take a low level into a high level mission with 3 high level party members so the low level gains a huge amount of xp.
Luck and skill aren't mutually exclusive, scrubs.
That's why you see the same people over and over again in the poker world championships, not random people everytime.
So before you cry about muh RNG, just git gud.
If you remove the superior sound design? Nothing.
People like to bitch about rng but its more a long the lines of team comps for each dungeon. (Which is retardedly simple)
The same characters that see an ugly creature and go crazy. What a shit excuse, if an adventurer could choose and easy cave or hard one with the same outcome hes going to pick easy everytime.
Not a scrub, there is one thing must be mentioned
RNG and permanent death/forced autosave doesnt really mix, while non retards/severe autistic people can power through it, casual scrubs wont be able to do the same, and then will complain and bitch and moan
However, they are not entirely wrong, the game can get tedious at times if you're learning
I can not even begin to believe there are people who play with mods that unironically ruin everything good about this game. Imagine being such a basic beta bitch that you remove any and all difficulty from a game.
You fags should stick to movie games.
What part of 'pride' don't you understand?
poker and Darkest Dungeon are not valid comparisons for bullshit RNG
What part of 'shit excuse' dont you understand?
It's not shit just because you don't like it.
>a game that literally has a fear meter that can kill a character if they get too scared
Even without level restrictions nothing stops you from doing that in the first place. Level restrictions is completly arbitrary, it doesn't make the game harder, just adds absurd amounts of grind.
Rng is rng. There's no "random but not actually random".
Its not pride just because your desperate to find an in game reason for a shitty mechanic
It is when it doesn't fit the games theme
>pride in a game were characters die from fear
>it doesn't make the game harder
It does, because it requires you to fight challenges on equal footing, or, in the case of bringing a low level into a high level mission, a greater sense of danger because you're gimping your team with someone who can't handle the current challenge all while trying to keep him alive without sacrificing your stronger guys.
>pride stops fear
Are you guys literally retarded?
The absolute state of Yea Forums. I am so fucking glad this masterpiece of a game filters you sub IQ retards so hard. Thank god there are still games like this being made.
How do you guys rank the difficulty Darkest Dungeons? from least to greatest:
The Countess was unironically way more difficult.
You can still bring low level characters to a high level mission even with the level restriction removed. So no, it doesn't make the game harder.
Do you hate Oblivions Level Scaling by chance?
>without prior knowledge of the game
>with prior knowledge
>muh pride mechanic
Are you?
I just explained how it does make the game harder. You haven't said anything to dispute that. Stop while you're ahead.
Who said it should?
By wanting to bring characters who can steamroll easier dungeons for money/xp/items/heirlooms/etc instead of dungeons that can actually pose a threat.
No you didn't. Bringing low level characters in high level missions is an option that can still be accomplished in the game, with or without a level restriction.
I did. Read
plague doctor braps
You cannot be good at this game if game doesnt want you to.
You can miss every attack 6 turns in a row and enemy can crit every single attack.
You can fail every death blow check and insanity check.
You cannot be good at this game. This is rng simulator. Whatever you do, there is always a chance that you just lose whatever you do. I hate it and i love this game.
Fucking kill me.
This is one of the few games that I would kill to play on my phone.
The whole point of the game is Twitch bait. It's a game made to be hard and unfairly punishing so your twitch viewers can enjoy your antics as you're fucked and you have to try again.
The game has a dark cool and edgy atmosphere with a mysterious and interesting story to draw you in. The characters are cool and dark. The combat is generally fun. The events and interactions are good. The narration is great and spawned so many memes. Even the UI fits the theme. Perfect setting to draw in someone who wants to watch a killer dungeon master punish his party of players.
The game is made to punish safe play. Multiple safe methods of play, like beating all enemies except one and then stun locking them and healing your party, have been nerfed. Leveling up to safely take on a dungeon and a boss? No sir, they made it so your adventurers have a death wish and only take on content that's hard for them. Safe play where you try to do everything right may be rewarding for a player, but twitch viewers don't want that shit that's boring. They want excitement and real challenge where there's a good chance of failure or at least brutal set backs like losing a character to death or crippling insanity.
It's not designed to be a fun game to play, as there's so much randomness to it and it's designed to fuck you over. It's designed to hit you with nonstop setbacks until it LETS you win through luck and persistence. It's like it's designed to be a fun game to watch, not necessarily a fun game to play.
>By wanting to bring characters who can steamroll easier dungeons for money/xp/items/heirlooms/etc
You do realize the Antiquarian exists?
The entire game is a grind fest, I don't agree with that being the argument why I want to bring low level characters in a dungeon, but anyone who has fully unlocked the Hamlet knows how unnecessarily the game pads run time by making you go through an extra 50 dungeons you dont need to go through for a few extra heirlooms.
>meanwhile, there's dozens of videos of people beating the hardest difficulty without a single death
Yeah actually they should. Games that get easier the longer you play are boring and not worth finishing.
And how does that stop you from doing that in a non level restricted game? I'll say it one more time "you can still bring low level characters to a high level mission"
Hope the second game will have some non-human classes like Dwarves because it's gonna be in the mountains.
What's your A-Team/v/?
Also, any characters that I should not use since they're just an inferior version of another?
>And how does that stop you from doing that in a non level restricted game?
Because they didn't prohibit it. It's not that hard. You're implying it's inherently bad which it isn't. Again, not liking something doesn't mean it's bad.
>I'll say it one more time "you can still bring low level characters to a high level mission"
What the fuck is your point? I brought that up too, in the post you apparently cannot comprehend. If you want to power level someone then do it, just know there are risks in doing so unlike blasting through low level content with high level groups.
This game is balanced around the fact that you /can't/ have an A team, since the dungeons and bosses vary wildly. At best characters like crusader and bounty Hunter are universally great.
Plague Doctor - Vestal - Grave Robber - Man-at-Arms
They got me through everything.
A-Team doesn't mean your only team, it means your main team.
Sure, they could introduce new challenges to the game but DD's approach of giving you the same challenges but with enemies that have higher stats are akin to what another user hinted to, and thats Oblivions leveling scaling. You face the same enemies in level 1 as level 3 but with stat buffs and thats just not fucking fun
Anything with a plaque doctor
>pre nerf patch she was unstoppable
>looks cool
>has the most utility
Again, you can have main characters, but not really a main team, unless you intentionally plan to bring units who don't Excel in said environment.
Except that higher level enemies in DD also have extra status effects/movement effects/ etc. It's not just higher stats.
No, user, having a main team is very much possible. I bring a plague doctor to blight enemies in the Weald and Courtyard all the time even though Yea Forums will claim blight is useless in those dungeons, because most people are retarded and don't know how to play games. There's a huge difference between viable and optimal, and you absolutely do not need to be optimal in any situation.
DD2 when
Its bad becuase by late game it's just grind at that point. You've already faced the same challenges as some one who has a level restricted game to get were you are. You still have to play with low level characters to progress.
There is literally no point to level restrictions except to add play time from grinding.
I dont understand how the fuck you're not comprehending this
but not this one. Not today.
your missing the point, same enemies, same moves, just better stats/effects
>You can miss every attack 6 turns in a row and enemy can crit every single attack.
upgrade your attacks, fag.
Could never get into it myself.
Once I realized that your characters are literally the least important part of the game and that the whole "difficulty" of it is just basically how much tedium you can tolerate I stopped giving a shit and uninstalled.
You can never fail DD. No matter how many heroes fall, new ones arrive by the dozen and you can get them for free. They have no worth so there is no reason to worry about them or get attached.
Your main squad died? Well that sucks. Good thing there are already a dozen guys withe exactly the same stats at the door. All you lost are a few hours. You can try again and again, collecting stuff and advancing your base in the meantime until you get lucky and win.
It's a meme game, requiring minimal skill and a lot of persistence, providing people who grit their teeth and grind through it with a false sense of superiority.
Two things: Grinding is only necessary is you intended to do everything in the game, ie get every upgrade/building/etc. Lastly, grinding is not inherently a bad thing. I'll say this once again, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad.
God you're so fucking stupid.
But it's not the same, retard.
Early game enemies don't shuffle or have movement skills, so characters like leper Excel. Come late the enemies start to shuffle more and use skills that abuse line order, which makes the leper less viable and your strategy obsolete.
higher level missions give enemies new attacks as well as introduce brand new enemies with each difficulty level. This in turn provides new enemy formations that weren't possible in previous difficulties. For instance you'll never encounter 2 Bone Lancers and 1 Bone Bearer in the first or second difficulties. These new formations completely change how you play.
Lol g** g***
>I'll say this once again, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad.
>doesn't like it when people play a single player game the way they want to play it
Got a taste of your own medicine yet you colossal fucking hypocrite? How about you do you and fuck off.
Wow, you actually are mentally retarded. I'm sorry.
>people who hate turn based strategy are total shitters
Every fucking time
>Got a taste of your own medicine
What? No, not even close. You're literally complaining that something exists in a way that you don't like and want it to change instead of walking away or simply adapting.
I love how with a game like darkest dungeon, you can actually tell who played the game and completed the game, who played the game and stopped at early game, and who decided to read or watch a review on YouTube and then complain about it. It's really great at weeding those retards out because they say dumb shit that isn't actually true.
Yeah, I had barely 2 teams of level 5-6 characters at the end of the game. Any grinding outside of regular progression is optional.
Can't come up with an arguement? Stay frosty faggot.
>you're not allowed to criticize a game mechanic
I literally made points about why it doesn't fit in the game
I don't even notice the grind because battles are just fun to do.
And I countered those claims with my own but you refuse to acknowledge them. Just download one of the hundred mods that changes level restrictions, you big pussy.
True but I'd rather them not shitpost the threads.
Not saying there isn't a lot of unnecessary grind, as you've stated, in the game, but thats just factually not true. Characters refusing to go on missions adds a lot to how you manage your roster because you could find yourself in a situation where lower level characters are too stressed out to go, but higher levels refuse. Its one of a few things that makes it so you don't have to simply consider the mission ahead, but future missions as well.
I refused to acknowledge them becuase I disagree with them. Your opinions aren't facts retard.
>Just download one of the hundred mods that changes level restrictions
I already said I did.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Gameplay Mods Real Hahahaha Just Play The Game Like Nigga Get Good Haha
>I refused to acknowledge them becuase I disagree with them
Are you the guy that had like 50 gameplay mods that added dozens of overpowered classes and allowed each character to hold like 10 trinkets each and still couldn't beat the Countess and threw a massive shit fit on /dadg/?
>people aren't hiveminded and hold different views
Sorry we're not on reddit kid.
KEep digging that hole.
You know what does add an unnecessary grind? Running your lower levels through dungeons with a higher level.
No, literally beat the game but without level restrictions. Hell you don't even need a mod for that, just edit a file with a notepad
And you keep digging yours.
You didn't beat shit. You beat an edited version that makes the game extremely easy. Get good, fag.
Or you could just run a full party through appropriate-level missions. It's generally more fun, at least in my opinion.
yes they should
I agree, I mean to say cheating away level restrictions turns the actual game into a grinding slog
>but with enemies that have higher stats
Not really, higher level dungeons have special enemies with different mechanics.
They get harder in order to match your new skills, equipment, and knowledge of the game. If you can't overcome these challenges then you're just shit. DD does a great job at this by only lightly increasing enemy stats and adding entirely new enemies as well as giving older enemies new skills.
>extremely easy
You still need to level up. The game doesn't throw level 5 and 6 heroes at you.
You still need to beat 4 level 6 dungeons, at which point level restrictions dont matter.
The only difference is less grind to get there.
>i beat the game but with cheats
The difference is you got max level heroes without the challenge you were supposed to have by leveling them in dungeons where the enemies actually posed a threat.
Except for the part where you leveled your heros in a dungeon they shouldn't have been able to level up, retard.
Nice reading comprehension. I beat beat the game without an arbitrary level restriction. Still the same difficulty but with less grind.
>Still the same difficulty
Absolutely not, you lying sack of shit. A single level 6 hero can demolish a low level dungeon without breaking a sweat.
You still need to bring them to level 5 and 6 dungeons you retards. At which point level restrictions literally dont matter. You still need to level up low levels to even get higher level heroes.
>It's the same except for the parts I made different
You can be a cheating faggot without trying to convince strangers otherwise.
No shit, but you can use just one high level to carry 3 low levels with ease, instead of having a party of low level actually doing dungeons that can kill them.
you arbitrarily decided whats arbitrary
So? You still need to level a hero to 6. The game doesn't give maxed out heroes.
Are you being dense on purpose?
>instead of having a party of low level actually doing dungeons that can kill them.
You still have to do a full party of low levels to get high level heroes
No shit, which skips the grind and gets to the actual challenge faster. If you've already done low level dungeons with low level heroes to get high level heroes there's no point in grinding it out,
Its arbitrary when it only serves to extend play time through grind
I hope DD2 gets amazing original content too.
Dismas seems down right now. Find a way to cheer him up before the Stress takes hold.
i got to the point wherr i couldnt afford any supplies
If /dadg/ comes back from the dead, I'll gladly bump it to victory.
Hell, the door will be wide open for the next batch of District/Hamlet stories.
the presentation
Hey it's not in DD style, it's more forgivable than the ShindoL mod pack
It'd be hotter if the eyes were blacked out.
Dismas is angry enough that his eyes are visible. Truly a trying time.
You didn't make it less grindy, but you made it much easier, dummy.
Want to level chars faster? Take them to higher level dungeons.
Don't want to take the risk? Take them to dungeons of their own level.
By removing the level restriction, you removed the essence of the game - THE RISK. As it was mentioned earlier, high level chars would just simply carry a bunch of newbies, over and over again through these absolutely harmless for the high level apprentice dungeons. And since apprentice level dungeons do not bring a lot of exp, you made the game more grindy.
Such a good camping skill.
How many adventurers does it take to die in a pit?
Not the guy you're replying to, but my thinking is this:
The adventurers are drawn to the hamlet by the promise of adventure. When they've grown stronger over some odd months, becoming legends in their own right, it really would be beneath them to head into the same missions that are suitable for novices fresh off the stagecoach. That's my thinking anyway.
This is correct.
You cheated. Just admit it.
Allowing you to babysit characters while gaining exp, items, and materials goes against the settings and mechanics purpose of creating tension to make you actually give a shit about what's going on in every encounter. Realistically it doesn't make sense but we're fighting interdimensional pig-men, so I think gameplay mechanics take precedence over realism.
The only time the level restriction really creates an unfair scenario is when you get fucked for the blood palace levels which can get pretty ridiculous. That DLC was great in so many ways but also made a lot of mistakes imo.
>TFW you have a leper with book of rage and buffed to all hell, with the martyr seal.
Literally unkillable.
Until some tiny piglet oinks at him oddly.
Fuck you, Wilbur, taking three of my best Heroes fighting Swine God. Fuck you, your scratch damage, and your flags.
I like the game but endgame is legitimately dogshit.
It takes too long to grind out high level heroes to throw at DD1+2, and once you reach a high level you get less mission variety for your shittier teams
Wilbur can go straight to hell. But so long as you just keep a stress healer on your team (Crusader with Banner, Jester, getting lucky with occultist) It's not too much on an issue
Unless he gets a crit. Fuck the Warrens.
edgiest slot machine
Artstyle and atmosphere mostly
>tfw no big tiddy vampire gf
I believe you mean "insect hivemother who crawled out of Hell"
Learning the mechanics and trying to prepare your team's for dungeon crawling where the dungeon wants them dead. Shutters complain about "muh RNG!" But once you understand the game it will rarely break a run, and if it does you get a story.
get gud
The Ancestor probably already hit that.
But then again, who wouldn't want a piece of this Adonis?
well he definitely penetrated her one way...
Only the Ancestor could go from wanting to kill a guest out of boredom to trying to summon eldritch gods in roughly a day
Play dwarf fortress, I think you would like that game
>Vestal doesn't want it
>PD doesn't care
GR and Hellion should just fuck each other instead.
Actually, after PD had a taste of GR's absinthe, she wanted the whole bottle
I hope DD2 actually has cool heroes and not some cringeshit deviant art mod ones that you degenerate fucks play.
I have faith in Redhook. I mean, those fucks made a cool class out of a guy who whips himself.
I'm hoping for a sort of warrior from the far East, maybe a disgraced samurai
Why is his neck so long?
To make his targets very uncomfortable when he Marks them. He doesn't point at them anymore, he just looks them in the eye, regardless of distance.
Every time I see that thing, it gets worse
Steady girl; If we're called, we answer.
So is the DLC worth it?
And why is the Hellion the best character?
Good Bleed skills, Iron Swan, gets the Vestal hot and bothered, she cute
And don't forget she can heal herself or return to her position with ease.
Yes, though she needs to be smoking Herbs almost constantly
>Dead Cells requiring 5 runs to get true ending
>Darkest dungeon grindiness and general lack of being about the player success
>Slay the spire being balanced around optimal strategies
fuuuck this man I don't wanna play your indie game for 500 hours that I have to look up strategies to succeed in just give me something tight, polished and short so I can have fun and move onto the next one.
I want to stick my dick right in here.
Hollow knight
She flexes the wrong way, it's coming off
Easily one of my all time favorites even if the crimson court DLC bugged out and is impossible for me to finish
I play Darkest dungeon, I'm used to taking chances.
>Thinking the dog survived
Trying to make the most patrician comp possible, what goes in between the occultist and leper?
Houndmaster and Abomination
I'm partial to the highwayman but he's probably not optimal.
they refuse to go to lower level dungeons, and once a certain amoint reach max level they can trigger a surprise AND VERY DIFFICULT boss fight, that if you refuse to do, will destroy one town upgrade a week until you send a party to die or win.
I have mods that increase stack size, remove negative quirk gains from successful missions, let me skip weeks so my guys can rest
This game would be intolerable without these removing the grind. When you get older like me you realize that your time, not ego or pride, is the most valuable thing to save.
>imagine thinking grinding out level 0
nigga what upgrade your wagon wtf are you doing just use fresh meat lmao
the crits
We're going to die before this is translated
My job here is done
My absolutely favourite DD4 quote for sure.
For me, it's the Grave Robber.
it's like gambling except even more frustrating
>When you get older like me you realize that being a shitter, not ego or pride, is the most valuable thing to save
How is removing the challenge fun? Why not just play an easier game if this one is too challenging?
How do I improve at this game? All the tips are for the oldest version and I downloaded all the DLC.
It's nice when things go well, though.
I could never get her to work well for me, I don't get what she brings to the table that the others don't.
>giant hits the flagellant
Eating up time /= challenge
This video covers the basics pretty well.
Not him, but what would you do with the time you save?
Crusader is, and always will be top tier.
slimy yet satisfying
>tfw the one trinket that makes her a scouting and crits machine
argue on an alt-right imageboard about videogames, of course
It's fine to be a pussy little faggot, so long as you understand you're playing a completely different game at that point and any and all opinions presented by you are negligible and not to be taken seriously by anyone.
>using the word alt-right unironically
lmao you're not simply eliminating the time you're dumbing down the experience altogether.
You only need to grind a lot if you are really determined to build all the extra buildings.
The minimal amount of grinding you need to do to upgrade services, skills, weapons, and armor isn't all that much and you're taking out the risks of losing an invested character.
The game is risk and resource management so essentially taking out the resource management and greatly reducing the risk aspects means you're dumbing down the experience because you're a shitter.
The game is a masterpiece, I had around 200 people dead on my first run
It's literally one of my top 10 games of all time.
>bringing flagellant to fight the siren
idiot deserved that, I bet would do something like this and call it unfair.
Siren was such fucking bullshit the first time I encountered her.
>More DLC has come out since I last played.
Oh shit, what the fuck.
Shieldbearer and the color of madness? Are these worth buying?
Try pathologic the game is even more suffering
What about those of us who have multiple files that are right up to the second DD but are too chicken shit to actually risk it
GR is one of the most versatile damage dealers in the game, she can fit into literally any party set up. She has three basic builds: Lunge for shuffle parties, Thrown Dagger for sniping, and Poison Dart for blight parties. Her main roll is to snipe the main threat, usually a stress dealer, on the first turn of the fight. Given her high speed and ridiculous crit chance, she excels at this role. After that just attack whatever you deem worth her time next. She even can take on high-Prot enemies thanks to Pick to the Face ignoring Prot.
DD spoiled turn-based combat forever for me. For ONCE there's a game where combat actions have actual meaning and you don't spam attack attack attack.
I tried playing the new Dragon Quest after this and dropped it after the second encounter.
I feel you. Some of the only turn based games I can stand are DD and Paper Mario.
What's the best line-up against Siren lvl. 3?
Should have played etrian odyssey
I'd kill for an Etrian Odyssey game set in the Darkest Dungeon universe.
Got around 500 kills in the Farmstead with Hellion, Man at Arms, Jester and Vestal.
So toss some poor faggots down a hole with nothing and retreat once they get a few rooms of treasure. Then fire the crazed starving assholes and do it again with the next cart of poor cunts until you have enough cash to send a real expedition again.
Regroup. Reassemble. Evil is timeless, after all.
Great on blight/shuffle teams, pair with plague doctor and shieldbreaker for crazy damage. Generally use her to take out whatever backliner is at position 3.
Highwaymen in position one and two with pointblank shot.
Is this in anyway logical?
Is it funny when its successful?
Damn right it is.
>It's a retarded mechanic. Thankfully there's a mod that removes it.
The fucking state of zoomers
>plenty of people tend to agree turn based games suck
Well, homosexuals, mostly.
DD1 is the hardest. I left DD2 and 3 with a full party of low stress heroes.
>ignore the fact that you can grind low level dungeons for basically endless treasure with a level 6 Crusader and an Antiquarian
what do you guys think?
Persevering to overcome unfair odds in a game that just wants you to die horribly. Played it, loved it, I will never touch the damn thing again.
>Plague Doctor has curly hair