hopefully its fun when i get it and all of its DLC for $10 in a year or two
Nobody on Yea Forums actually cares about Borderlands ever since the original was shilled here.
>only bad review is just saying the story is bad
I was on the fence but I guess I'll pirate it
Is it me or 90% of games have a score between 80 and 90?
all this because you have to go next door to buy it
90% of AAA games from the major publishers. Then yes
Borderlands is my guilty pleasure. The NG+ modes are stupid fun.
When next door means you have to go to the vidya equavilent of a fucking crack den to get the game and stay there to even be allowed to keep playing the game after buying it, I'd rather wait until the game is out on Steam proper.
>17 critics
This, also a good discount
this shit will bomb hard. no zoomers aint buying it. whod buy it when they already have cartoon shooters like overwatch, fortnite. fps game is unironically not about mechanism. its all about graphics and its own appearance. this series is played out.
smells much like the same as lawbreakers which was a half assed sjw game.
Thanks for betatesting Epicfags. Can't wait to buy the GOTY edition a few months from now on its discount sale when it comes to Steam.'s impossible...I thought our smear campaign was gonna work, Valvebros...We...we failed Gaben...
Not true
borderlands? isn't this the game made by that pedophile who embezzles money and puts CP on a company thumb drive and leaves it in a restaurant?
Why wait when you can just pirate it? Wait sorry not pirate, I meant get your free copy since Tim paid for it
I look forward to getting it on steam.
I like Borderlands. The games were fun.
People really think too hard about it. I also love the setting-a lot of people are all saying "you don't play BORDERLANDS for the STORY, you play it for the BADASS LOOT" but I really do like the setting and some of the plotlines.
General Knoxx was great.
That's just the critics rating right? Why do you give a shit?
the usb claims were made up
Whatever you say Randy
its shit just like metro exodus
all epic store games are shit
>trusting critics on an overhyped AAA shooter game with aggressive marketing (and who bought ad space on review sites)
>after Mass Effect 3: Dorito Mountain Dew GOTY edition and the hundreds of other examples
Do retards really have this short of a memory?
>Do retards really have this short of a memory?
The marketers sure seem to think so
Delusional. Borderlands attracts so many normalfags you can't even imagine how much its gonna sell.
>see? Look at all these reviews, totally not made by reviewbombing steamfanatics
Tiny Tina was a walking migraine but watching her ways of trying to deal with loss in that last dlc was kinda heartbreaking.
What I don’t get is why pcgamer are shitting on it.
Did the cheque bounce?
>86 for pc game
>Yea Forums says it's shit
>same score for astral chain on switch
>Yea Forums sucks it off
really makes you think.
almost like this board has some bias. side note: both games are likely overrated.
Astral Chain has an 88, also Yea Forums hates Epic so that's where the hate is coming from. PC is easily the most popular platform on Yea Forums
no, this is nintendogaf
regardless, any piece of shit can get 80+ these days. pic related.
>most sells for this year goes to....egs
Shhh you'll break the spell
I care drone.
Oh that's good, because Tim already bought me a copy ;)
are you all learning now that paid reviews are meaningless?
He bought you a copy too? Same, and I don't even have to use egs.
no really, when every game gets 80+ what good is the rating?
It's obvious and everyone already knows.
epic btfo
Ni hao!
why should I care about this shit If Shadowkeep is less than a month away?
>trust our penny army paid shills, not the players! Fucking gwailo!
User score is the only thing that matters. The metascore is based off the critics who don't know anything.
Is it one year exclusivity like other EGS games or has Randy convinced 2K to keep it off Steam forever?
just 6 months
>based on 17 critics
OP is a faggot shill
It could be as short as 6 months.
Randy himself mentioned 6 months in one of the tweets during the backlash.
when next door is pro-china anti-hong kong its sketch