Why didn't you even call user? You know how important you were to my sister, and now she's gone!

>Why didn't you even call user? You know how important you were to my sister, and now she's gone!

Attached: gaby va-11 hall-a.png (205x180, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine a 3some with her and Dorothy

>I think you have the wrong person kid, I've never touched a girl before.

gaby and the yiik references are pretty much the only shitty parts of valhalla

everything else, imo, is very engaging.

there was a yiik reference?

>start playing game
>cool setting
>start to introduce more characters
>talks of government corruption, corporate control, rebellion, other cyberpunk stuff
>expect the game to ramp up and throw some heavy shit at you
>nah, just dead lesbian

characters reference it with a chrono-trigger-esque fondness in dialogue and you can buy a doll of the shitty MC guy.

the assumption i think most of us choose to make is that in their universe it's a much better game, or basically a different game altogether.

the real reason is they share a publisher

Didn't Vallhalla come out like three years before YIIK? So you can't really blame them for not knowing the game was gonna be shit.

that's a fair and civil comment.

i laughed when she moved in with Jill to get molested in the ending

How bad was Yiik? I thought about giving it a try, but the MC looks like a hipster retard and people keep saying he's a self insert of the the dev


Attached: lemonade.jpg (696x696, 42K)

It's just a pretentious waste of time. It has a handful of mildly nice looking locations to run around in but the combat is mundane and repetitive, the music sucks, the main character is an unlikeable piece of shit ON PURPOSE as some kind of meta-subversion by the creator, and anything interesting it does typically turns out to be something directly lifted from elsewhere, including entire lines of dialogue being lifted from a book the author liked, and springboarding the central character off a real life woman's mysterious disappearance with little to no respect for the source material


I dropped this game around this part. The melodrama was getting tiring.

what i don't get is why they put Anna's origin story in Dorothy's ending??? why would dorothy know?

Dead wife written by a 3rd grader.

>MC is a lesbian too

That was established very early on.


I thought Jill was bisexual? I coulda sworn she's definitely had sex with guys before, her last serious relationship just happened to be with a woman

I didn't even know yiik was an actual game when i got to that part, i thought some more weirdos just walked in like usual


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Can you tell this chick you didn't care about her sister at all and she was just another fuck?

why didn’t she call?
why didn’t you call?

The player isn't making choices, they're watching a story play out.

Oh, then I'm not interested in the game if it's all about some lesbian melodrama.

There's also in turn a Vallhalla reference in YIIK.

Don't look up how Jill looks in it if you appreciate your eyes

What the actual fuck.

Attached: 0034.jpg (800x999, 92K)

the lesbian melodrama is like... 5% of the story since you are mostly listening to the stories of the patrons.

But it is the main story/central narrative is it not?

the central narrative is more about the stuff going on outside the bar, which is illustrated through the conversations you have with the guests. sometimes you will also have to remember things about specific patrons to get their exposition, like how Dorothy always wants a Piano Woman when she comes in looking upset even if she asks for something else.

Eh, it just puts me off the whole thing, kinda like how the slutty prostitute robot already did.

Ayo fock yo sister

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I just hate prostitutes on principle, and lesbian melodrama (and lesbians in generally really) is awful. So that's two big strikes against the game, you know?

Who are you quoting?

Who the hell are you?



Just now