So is it ever explained what the fuck happened to Edelgard's mom? I played through BE and BL and I still don't know what happened to her after Duscur.
Also does anyone else find it pretty suspect that Lambert never even thought of letting her see Edelgard?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
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Buy the DLC pass if you want to play the full Crimson Flower route.
but this was info mostly given to to you in blue lions
You mean the sothis route, let that unfinished pile of crap rot.
it's explained in blue lions kinda, she caused the tragedy because she wanted to go back to the empire. what happens after no one knows
She died during childbirth
Do you guys think they'll add harder difficulty modes as dlc? Hard is rather easy if you played the previous games. Also, I love my wife Bernadetta!
No, she just exists to leave loose ends since no one besides Dimitri would really care where she's gone
There's already two difficulties in the game waiting to be released
I'd think edelgard would at least wonder what happened to her mother
Dedue killed her cause' FUCK YOU
Sorry user, but that's my wife.
Oh god damn it will the sothis route be a golden route
Your wifes mouth feels awesome
Was Jeritza the death knight after all? and what was his relationship with Mercedes? I did deer and in the middle of lions
Nigga just do Mercedes paralogue, you'll need Caspar.
I know that much, I want to know what happens to her after and if she really did do it to go back to the empire or if there's more to it.
>implying that the sothis route isn't a golden route
daily reminder dimitri and his fans are useful idiots. he doesn't have any ideological grounding in his actions other than to stop innocent people from dying in a war. edelgard and claude put their political will into action for a truly better world while dimitrifags just want to return to the church to power and have everything the way it was just a year before the war eg: ON THE BRINK OF FUCKING WORLD WAR
Reminder that wojak posters should be publicly executed
bros i just finished blue lions and i have no fucking idea why dimitri became so enraged at edelgard and wanted her head when revealed to be the flame emperor. can someone clear this up to me? is he mad that she is working with the people who instigated the duscur massacre? if she is just working with them, is that really enough to drive dimitri into an uncontrollable fit of angst? why is he so mad at edelgard?
He blames Edelgard for something she didn't do just because he saw a Flame Emperor-looking guy back when it happened
Remember that whole gimmick about his family being slaughtered? That was the Flame Emperor's fault. He got triggered when he saw Edelgard in the Flame Emperor outfit.
honestly i'm confused at the root cause of dimitri's anger. at first i thought edelgard committed the duscur tragedy herself or possibly killed dimitri's dad and friends herself but she is the same age as dimitri so she was a child too when it happened. sure she might be working with the perpetrators but is that enough to drive him mad?
>sure she might be working with the perpetrators but is that enough to drive him mad?
he's extremely confused by his feelings because he also really wants to fuck her but she's his sister
>sure she might be working with the perpetrators but is that enough to drive him mad?
Dimitri is not a sane person.
DImitri's not a rational boy, he just went 'well the FE was at Duscur and Edelgard is the FE so Edelgard was at Duscur' without thinking about how that doesn't quite add up. Also the fact that this was his sisterwife just made the whole thing worse so he fucking snapped.
Yeah but the event fucked him up so much he can no longer see the event with logic.
The worst part is that *apparently* the Flame Emperor he saw back then was Edelgard's mom or a TWSITD
Dimitri is equally as insane as Edelgard is, user. He sees hallucinations of his dead relatives who urge him to kill.
>Duscur (Dusk)
>Darcsens (Dark)
Low-key Vidya racism is my fave.
Unless he just hallucinated the Flame Emperor it had to be one of them, who else could have it been? Edelgard was a fucking child probably even more helpless than him.
Dimitri got survivor's guilt, so he really want to get revenge for dead but seeing his last family either as flame emperor or is working with people who caused the tragedy just make him more insane.
Also keep it in mind that Dimitri was like 14 when he start to killing people, so don't be surprised that Fodlan children can do these actions.
Man, imagine how badly Dimitri would lose it if he ever found out what actually happened to Edelgard.
>hypothetical golden route
>everyone's on the run from nuclear slitherereres
>at the strategy meeting
>edelgard has finally removed the stick from her asshole and is relaxed with the others
>points at something on the map
>Dimitri noticed she's not wearing her gloves like normal
>sees the mass of scar tissue running up her forearm
>demands to know what happened
what happens next
Dimitri storms the slithers base, they're forced to wake up nemesis and then we get the ultimate battle of Unga vs Unga
>he also really wants to fuck her but she's his sister
>Also the fact that this was his sisterwife
yea this is the interpretation i got from dimitri. he doesn't hate his sister, he wants to fuck her. his whining about duscur is all a big fucking farce. he knows edelgard had nothing to do with it and is not to blame for his stepmom possibly betraying him. i could definitely see dimitri going mad when edelgard rejected his advances. actually, i can't imagine dimitri even asking her out, i could see how him giving her the dagger was his form of proposing to her so he interpreted the left behind dagger as her rejection kek
Why would Dimitri want to band Edelgard when he has (you)?
You don't question a man's oneitis
byleth isn't a real person, bro. byleth, jeralt and arguably rhea are all just personified bible allegories and church laws. there is very good reason to believe dimitri suffered a life crippling case of oneitis.
After 100 hours and only beating the golden deer route i can say without a doubt that this game's story is shit
The gameplay is fun but do the other routes make it any better?
GD is the lore route, BL or BE is the ones you do for the story.
Yeah? The benefits of playing Golden Deer first is that it fills the blanks for both BL and BE since both barely explain shit
Also ignore the Church route 'cause is a colorswapped Golden Deer
depends on what you're looking for in a story.
the church route is just boneless deer, crimson flower is kinda interesting because it explains Edelgard's perspective and Azure moon doesn't focus on the lore and is instead all about character development
this is my first fire emblem game and i thought the story was the best part. the gameplay is too simple
>persecution complex
>literally gets ordered to stand in the middle of a fire
I don't think Edelgard would be too keen to open up about her scars.
Either you have some really bad taste in storys or you think the gameplay is god awful
and escort mission where you prevent dimitri from getting slaughtered while he attempts to mount thales's head on a pike
Dedede has like 3 res. How are people having trouble defeating him?
That desire is irrelevant when Unga, Lord of Bunga is shaking her and demanding to hear the truth
For Fire Emblem standards it's literally in the top 3/4 stories
>Unga, Lord of Bunga
Wait when did I get involved in this?
Damn, Fire emblem games really most have shit story's for this to be that high
>stop innocent people from dying in a war
wow, what an asshole.
how is it possible to be this fucking dumb?
>he hasn't heard of the story in Fire Emblem: Fates
you are like a little baby
I still haven't bought FE3H; is it as good as they say? I've even seen some anons say it's the best game in the franchise, which is ironic, considering how much shit it got when it was revealed.
The only games I've played were Awakening and Fates. I could barely get through six missions of Fates, though. It just never hooked me. Awakening is great, though.
The last game had an invisible kingdom led by invisible dragon that killed you if you ever spoke of it except for in one special spot.
>it's the best game in the franchise
it's too easy for that to be true.
>This whole post
Oh so you're a dumb fuck waifu fag that only started playing with awakening
Don't say this games story is one of the best in the series if you have only played 3 games in a 16 entries long series
Same goes for this faggot
I've played 6,7,8,9,10,13,14 and now 15
Fates is trash.
>he hasn't downloaded lunatic mode
just hack your switch, bro
I never said Fates was good, my claim was that Houses story is really bad
If you think Houses story is really good maybe don't try and show that by comparing it to one of the worse stories I have even seen in a video game
Don't tell me what to do.
Fates is some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a first party high publicity game that remains popular to this day
It is an embarrassment even to its own franchise where half the games plot is literally "some guy is a dick and dragons/a demon is back"
I agree, Fates is really bad
But this has nothing to do with anything I have said so far, and just seem to confirm my original claim that the other fire games stories are just as shit as or even more shit then Houses story
play them and find out baby
What made you drop Fates, but got you hooked to Awakening?
>one special spot
It’s the entire kingdom, but it’s retarded regardless.
>how is it possible to be this fucking dumb?
Please do enlighten us on what pisses off Dimitri so much about Edelgard. I am eager to know why he says he wants to kill her so much even though he gives her one last chance to live at the end of everything she has done and all the people Dimitri has killed just to get to her.
>falling for the Heavy Armor meme
>he uses heavy armor units
Why the fuck not. This is my 4th playthrough so I can do what the fuck I want.
this is your brain on edeltard
>35 def
That's cool with a shield and battalion. Kinda wasteful of Ferdie's passive though
Why the fuck was Patricia exiled from the Empire in the first place?
how many fireballs to take him down, two? lol
The nobles started a coup against the Emperor, so Arundel took Patricia and Edelgard and fled to the Kingdom.
Patricia was already in the Kingdom when Arundel fled with Edelgard
>they fell for the flying meme when the infernal meta is armor with the new Baron dlc class
>Baron dlc class
Don't do that, don't give me hope
Don't pretend anyone else here is as dumb as you. The fact you can't follow some basic character development is pathetic.
>these Lorenz supports
my god how could one man be so based
ok i am a brainlet please explain it to me like i'm 5 why dimitri is so mad at edelgard when she had nothing to do with the duscur incident or the resulting fallout of his family
Because he is literally insane and turns his brain off when he sees the flame emperor armor, all his brainpower goes into his muscles so he can hulk smash
Why is Edelgard rout so fucking short?
I said the same thing
To bad he sucks shit as a unit
They ran out of time. It's likely they had 2 choices: either make the church route similar to GD or leave post-timeskip Edelgard and Hubert unplayable
He's good, but not what most people want. He's just more or less Byleth without the special class and Jeigan starting stats
come on, dude, what did edelgard do to dimitri to make him so intent on killing her? how did she wrong him? why was he so fixated on her that he was willing to die to reach her, to get his best bros killed, and to kill the innocent people he claimed to care for along the way
>caring about stats in such an easy game
bruh if you're not using Lorenz, you are a faggot
Byleth literally solos maps even before he gets the absolutely busted Enlightened One. Lorenz is lucky to be a decent Dark Knight if his stats don't fall apart.
Not that guy, and I really like Dimitri, but what part of 'he's an insane, irrational schizophrenic with survivor's guilt that associates the tragedy that killed his whole family with the Flame Emperor armor' is hard to understand?
The tragedy fucked him up and made him lose his shit. That nice guy act during part one was a facade. Felix fucking tells you how unhinged he is and everyone just assumes he's being an asshole.
That's because of bases and earlygame. He starts off with 13 strength and decent speed with the only comparable unit being Edelgard. Lorenz is a grower that has questionably better bulk and more or less the same amount of rng failure
Why are you even bothering with that brainlet piece of shit?
I didn't like any of Fates' characters. The story didn't hook me. I didn't like Corrin. The music was pretty good, though. I played Conquest. I didn't care about any of the units.
I don't know. I can still go back and play Awakening and enjoy it, but I just didn't like Fates for some reason. I have a friend who is a huge Fire Emblem buff who is the same way. He loves 3H and has recommended it to me, though.
Are the futuristic magic space nukes or the weird Chrono Trigger cryo pod whatever the fuck containing Nemesis ever fully explained?
We still have one more route for it, and Sothis will probably tell us. If they don't make Nemesis the good guy
You didn't even start 1 fucking route, I doubt you even read one support. Most of the character development in most FE games are in supports, so of course you know nothing about them.
Hi all, popping into this thread just to say I haven't played the game yet but will likely side with Edelgard just because she's hot.
How the fuck would they make Unga the first Bunga a good guy?
by telling him that the slitherers are secretly dragons
I've been surprised with how much I like this game. That said I still like Geneaology and Sacred Stones more.
I love Sylvaine!
I get so many supports available I start putting them off. It'd be nice if they would still build up in points even when you've got a conversation ready to go.
Same, after Awakening and Fates my expectations were pretty low. I have my problems, but honestly what is there I enjoyed. I really hope the dlc helps patch things up.
Are you suggesting that you literally need to have “Fódlan is a post-apocalyptic world with hidden ancient lost technology” spelled out to you?
Just give him some money and he'll fuck up the slithers regardless.
>dude just turn your brain off and Dimitri's focal point reason for his character development will make sense bro
gotta say it's not a good look for the side that calls everyone who asks questions an edeltard.
what said
also the fact that she's among his last extant family and someone he had/has feelings for at some point
The game is easy but at least the map design isn't as bad as Awakening's open fields with enemies all clustered together zerg rushing and suiciding against your paired up gods Chrom/MU
Edelgard's mom was going to be final boss of Crimson Flower but was cut out due to lack of time.
I love Ashe!
I didn't know the was going to be easy 3 chapters in, I thought it got harder
If they make Rhea lie and the dragons actually were oppressing the humans back then.
Two more are already confirmed, with such fun details as
>Bosses moving rather than camping buff tiles
>Yes that means Death Knight too and he can reach you turn one in the first encounter
>Enemy reinforcements act the turn they arrive
>An extra six levels for enemy units, former lvl9s are now lvl15s
and that's just Maddening, not even Lunatic
How do I git gud and win maps without cheesing them?
Dimitri goes Full Boar and tries to mount a nearly suicidal mission to kill every last Agarthan
he or someone else affiliated gets seriously wounded as a result and the drama is used to develop a sense of restraint towards revenge in Dimitri
attack things up close with tanky units
keep spongy units behind them
use the speed boost battalions
I love Felix!
Gotta say for both suffering horrific backstories Edelgard handles her trauma a lot better than Dimitri does If being a control freak with an unholy level of determination is the worst you come out from being a experimental lab rat that has to watch your brothers and sisters die in agony while being totally helpless
>Enemy reinforcements act the turn they arrive
Garbage decision on IS' part. God I was hoping the new difficulty would be more along the lines of Conquest's Lunatic. The enemy stat buffs also feels like it might make the game more of a stat check.
Play the rest of the series. You'll only get good with practice, might as well go back and see what preceded this game in the process.
Please let this hopefully be real. I want Edelgard to actually take advantage of her budding talent.
handwaved Dubstepper tech probably
I think it's outright stated that Dimitri has always been soft hearted (either Felix or Dedue says he's too kind to be a king), so the Duscar incident probably hit him harder. Edelgard's memories were also fucked with, so it may just be that she can't remember most of it.
Not him but Felix WAS being an asshole. Dimitri does have trauma from the start but he doesn't become really unhinged until the tail end of part 1.
Which ones were the best bros?
her desire for control is pretty deleterious though.
I liked Manuela's.
Give me one reason why not having everyone be Wyvern Lords, Falcon Knights, Bow Knights or the Magic Knights isn't the most efficient master class line up.
Dimtri's main reason for being crazy does make sense if you consider the fact that he has incel levels of obsession for Edelgard and also his situation with the tragedy of Duscur.
>Everyone keeps talking about Edelgard setting Bernie on fire
>Can't find video of it happening
Is this real or a meme?
> muh superior politics ideologies
> worst ending out of 4 routes
Felix was traumatized from seeing Dimitri going feral when they were sent to stop a rebellion years before attending the academy. That's why he started calling him a beast pretending to be human. As far as he was concerned, the 'real' Dimitri, who he was best friends with, died during the tragedy.
>That nice guy act during part one was a facade.
It's not that black and white. Dimitri was always a humble, noble person, but he also had an insane side to his character that gets more and more prominent as he's exposed to his personal demons.
Not denying that, it’s just’s more subtle compared to Dimitri’s....everything.
But it also explains her motivations and why she does shit like start up a war that eventually encompasses the entire continent and when backed into a corner will go to extreme lengths to try and secure victory, especially with Byleth there to temper her worst tendencies. She also has a wicked case of sunk cost fallacy
Sort of. At the Battle of Grondor Field in the BL and GD route if you have not recruited Bernadetta she will be in the center of the hill on a ballista. When enemy your units or the opposing GD/BL units walk on top of it Edelagrd will set the hill on fire so that the enemies can not claim it. While the tile with Bernie technically isn't on fire the fact she set it on fire with her on it kind of implies that, at the least, she saw her life as worth sacrificing for the staying at the advantage in the battle.
Well that's my point, really; Felix was traumatized, so he wasn't assessing Dimitri in the most rational way either. There's no reason to think that Dimitri wasn't being perfectly sincere with people before the timeskip, despite his inner demons. He's a pretty multifaceted character and that's what I like about him.
>Dimitri I didn't kill your family I'm just working with the people who did. You have no right to be mad at me!
Not like she has much of a choice in that matter up until she takes the throne.
And the fact that Dimitri will likely not care about that but of nuance is exactly why they could NEVER talk out their difference
>its not my fault that my mother orchestrated your dad's murder and yours just to see me again, you are obsessed
He had every right to be mad at her. He didn't have the right to be delusional about it though.
For being childhood friends, Sylvain doesn't seem to have as much emotional investment in Dimitri compared to Felix or Ingrid.
But Dimitri was going too, after he stopped being a boar. At that point, El is too far gone though.
When she dies Edelgard just says "I'll make sure your death wasn't in vain".
She isn't flat out evil but people are expendable to her in the circumstance of war. How you feel about that could really shape your view of her I suppose.
how would dimitri know that edelgard knew who was behind the duscur tragedy? we know dimitri knows, but how does he know edelgard knows?
>in GD Felix drops the edge facade and actually gets sad as fuck Dimitri gets killed and wishes he could have been at his side
>Sylvain is all like "brah that forstress is like a gigant woman, huh Dimitri? sucks to be him"
truly best of buddies
I agree with you, but people don't exactly choose to go insane with grief. Probably didn't help that his dad's last words to him before getting his head chopped off was to avenge their deaths.
Somebody post the Lorenz foot edit.
He might’ve but there was no way Edelgard was going to spill the beans to him. Remember that her memory is damaged and she doesn’t remember him as fondly as he does her. In fact is it even stated that she explicitly remembered Dimitri from that year she spent in Faerghus?
That sucks man. I guess only the golden route will save them.
All the lords on all routes say "I'll make sure your death wasn't in vain" or something similar when you kill one of their allies on a map.
Can you explain how? I played BL on hard/classic and I ended up losing units left and right by the last few chapters.
I legit think the game would be better if Byleth didnt exist narrative wise, he just ruins the plot and just brings pandering with Edelgard obsessed with him for no reason
>There are people who unironically want a golden route after the abortion that was Revelations
Motherfucking W H Y
Edelgard isn't cray cray like Dimitri, she's just a cunt (AKA a regular woman).
Bait out enemies with beefy units, but beware of mages with things that lack res. Then you can let your weaker units all gang up on them.
The point was that Edelgard is too autistic to even realize why he was mad
Nah, when you kill the BL units on the BE there is a much obvious sadness in his voice. Neither attitude is particularly "correct", it depends on your view really. As I said, it's not like she is evil but she is unphased at the deaths of her soldiers, even those she knows by name.
this is a really good edit
I wonder if Patricia got SLITHER'D like Arundel and Cornelia.
>for no reason
I won’t deny it’s pandering but you straight up save her life regardless of the route you take user. That’s going to leave an impression on a 17 year old chuuni girl
>that tumblr tier artstyle
Cringe and twitterpilled
crest aids do give autism just look at Lysithea, she is self absorb cunt with zero self awareness
In her defense, I think she was just disturbed by his weird obsession with her.
Gremory and War Master exist.
ironic, since she wants sensei's dick
Can’t you really blame her? She had nothing to do with Duscur. Why the fuck would she be aware of why he has a massive hateboner for her at that point. I can get Dimitri thinking it by association but why does she have to entertain his batshit insanity at that point. That’d be OOC for her to stoop to his level
She was wearing the exact armor he saw at Duscur, and he knew that whoever was wearing that armor was working with Solon and Tomas. Now that I think about it Edelgardd could have saved a lot of trouble if she came up with a new disguise instead of stealing the Flame Emperor from whoever the fuck the FE at Duscur was.
How about this?
At very minimum we need Claude and Dimitri being bros, but only that. Also I guess Sothis, Jeralt, Gatekeeper, and maybe Kronya and Nemisis
Better, admittedly.
Dimitri listened to her and Thales talking how they orchestrated the massacre, and she is personally responsible for the bad shit that has been happening in the school, Dimitri has every right to think she is involved
*Solon and Kronya, fuck me
>she is personally responsible for the bad shit that has been happening in the school,
The ONLY thing she is directly responsible for is the bandit attack at the start of the game. Everything else is explicit slither fuckery by Kronya/Solon/Thales via DK. Of course unlike BE you aren’t given a fuck ton of cues to realize there are multiple factions at play because BL’s narrative is streamlined as fuck
But that would be retarded
and thats the thing, from the information you get both in GD and BL Edelgard seems the most responsible, both Edelgard and Dimitri are working with wrong information
>Dimitri has every right to think she is involved
BL shows he was aware she wasn't involved the whole time. The problem is that he has deeper feelings for her and it was making him delusional.
Anyone try assassin Shamir? Been thinking of making her one on my next run, never really used Shamir much.
isnt that the reason why he tries to forgive her? when he realizes the she is the flame emperor he is way to pissed to think clearly
Again, everyone in game knows shes working with them. We all know that she hates them too, but she never gives anyone else a reason to believe that besides "trust me I don't approve of their actions, I just need to wipe out the church before I actually do anything about them OK?"
Their relationship is strictly no homo you faggot fujo
She needs the extra speed.
I can’t blame her for being paranoid of discussing it considering that slitherer plants are fucking EVERYWHERE.
Seriously what the fuck is Rhea doing, she’s clearly aware of there existence yet is hilariously incompetent of weeding them out. They’re constantly a step ahead of them pre timeskip
I think it's the choker that always makes me diamonds when I see her
Bros, is it gay to pass away on the same day, as if conceding one can't live without the other?
of all the girls, Shamir is the only one i dont get her popularity
Golden Deer confirms that Rhea wasn't aware of their existence, also Edelgard clearly knows who's a slitherer and who isn't. (Cornelia, Monica, etc.)
She's boring as fuck, but her design is great.
Big tiddy both gf user.
>do the paralogue with Mercedes and Caspar
>your reward is Mercedes watching her brother die in her arms
What a waste
Because she's hot bro just turn your brain off
Wait what.
Did we read the same GD final chapter dialogue. She explicitly states she knows they’re the remnants of the group Sothis wipes off the face of Fodlan after they try to challenge her
hey you also get his scythe! if you beat him with caspar
Felix but with a pussy
Good design, and she's the only archer with a passable attack stat besides Claude but he doesn't count for obvious reasons. Plus for people who don't like students she's one of the four hag girls to choose from.
You do? Shit I might recruit Mercedes just for this paralogue I'm at chapter 11 right now
I was playing BE so I never trained him much after recruiting since I already had a full team at that point. I got a bunch of the other scythes with high durability though.
There's nothing wrong with it. Just finished GD and was surprised their support was different.
Who tops and who bottoms? Do they switch?
Damn, so there are different supports for the characters depending on your path? So I'm never going to get 100% support log.
lets pretend Edelgard gets shown as character in smash only to get stabbed by Dimitri in the trailer and he ends up being the character instead, i ask you what would be your reaction and how much salt would that cause here? we are talking hypothetically of course dont get autistic with me saying it wont or it will happen
They're both vers but Felix secretly prefers to bottom
I'd actually buy Smash if that happened.
Their GD ending was pretty depressing. I guess and are right; Dimitri meant more the Felix than he did to Sylvain, so after the war Felix just goes around fighting without purpose and winds up getting himself killed.
Watch the roster threads seethe about getting "Blond Marth" or "Link with an Eyepatch" over Sora.
God, Ashe looks like such a twink.
Yes, she realizes that they are the remnants, but she wasn't aware there were still remnants kicking around until you turn them up.
Wait do you mean their actual support conversations are different or are you just referring to the ending text?
Is Gilbert the actual worst unit in the game? Cool character but fuck is he bad.
Sounds about right, he was definitely more upset than angry at Dimitri in GE.
He IS such a twink and it's a shame they didn't make him one officially.
Just the ending text.
>you will never convince Ashe that a true knight takes it in the bum
There is no need to assume of he is or isn't being honest or not, the game literally tells you he does mean it and is that sweet but he has a darkness inside of him. The reason he goes fuck nuts so visibly is because he is too soft hearted and sensitive so he reacts to things poorly because he wears his heart on his sleeve. All that compounds into his PTSD, survivors guilt and schizophrenia.
Just write a book about it and he's all yours.
>Ashe isn't a gay S support
Why fucking live?
No it doesn't, he had no clue up until he is told to by big tit slither who mocks him and tells him no one ever loved him. I think he is a more than a little crazy and stubborn to hold onto Edelgard being the one who did it, but he isn't super rational about all this.
Especially with all his blushing in his support scenes. It hurts. At least Linhardt is cool.
Linhardt falls asleep and tells you its ok to keep going, Ashe makes dumb jokes and tells you about weird fetish positions
What about her hiring a hitman to try to kill both him and Claude?
>You know we were supposed to get married.
Their supports are really cute.
Only guy he's gay for is MUH LONATO
Tell me more.
>Falls asleep and tells you its ok to keep going
Damn I've seen yaoi doujins where one of them is fucked while asleep but never like that.
I can't ship Felix and Sylvain due to their paired ending in GD. It is just too bad and Felix is into Dimitri more than Sylvain.
From her perspective I can’t exactly fault her for trying that (sending two rival kingdoms into complete disarray with their heirs being knocked of would make her church upheaval plan run a lot smoother), although I REALLY had my doubts she actually thought it would work considering she comes the closest out of all of them to dying anyways
She has some good supports once you get past her cringy C supports.
Bernie is a weird character, people that like her do so for shallow reasons and people that hate her are justified, but often don't give her enough time.
Felix is a textbook tsundere. It's kind of funny that there are people who legitimately think Felix hates him when post timeskip he's constantly aggressively telling him to take better care of himself.
>the boar eventually turns into felix's affectionate nickname for dimitri
>get all my units to their desired classes
>game has some of them in their default clothing as that is their canon class
>other are in the traditional armor for that unit as it is not their canon class
>autism is bothered because not everyone is in their default clothing and not everyone is in different looking armor
Does this trigger anyone else's autism?
I did after their first support, but that changed the second I got a few more of his supports and his B support with Dimitri. Felix just wants his friend back and is frustrated that all his friends are ruining themselves in their grief/coping methods.
Maybe, he is still the only other person besides Byleth in the game who addresses Dimitri by his name, everyone else refuses to do it even when he asks them to. I liked that little touch. He probably does get affectionately called boar sometimes too.
Just finished Church route. What's the most interesting route I should do next?
I just went full canon classes. Fuck efficiency, and fuck master classes
Those comics are cute
>Daddy issues
I don't have much else, I'm sorry. Have this soft Linhardt
>Not doing church last
But why
So THIS is the power of Annette
I guess BL would be good to do next. GD is very similar to church so it wouldn't be good to do next. If you had the foresight to make a save before the choice you can do BE as well, it's shorter then the other routes.
BL next
I would say GD cause its the most entertaining gameplay and story-wise, but you just did Church and might want a direct view of the war, and BE repeat the pre-skip almost exactly like church too
But I posted that Linhardt two days ago.
Why is Felix such a jobber to women?
>Annette made him obsessed over her
>Mercie Ara-ed him to death
>even Detta *nothing personel* him and stole his sword
Annette is definitely the best female support for Felix
Yes, Felix's wife is good as a dancer so she can sing and support her husband.
That's all I have! But I found it on twitter.
Cute girls are any good man's weakness.
>ignatz is a useless piece of shit when the rest of the squad are all wrecking balls
>just have him be assassin lockpicker and Gambit stride buff slut
>meh maybe ill promote him to bow knight on a whim
>suddenly he's fucking guerilla warfare god, zipping across the map with canto, doubling people with a five range killer bow as they die to lethality/crits
>literally instagibbing monsters on his own while kiting them with his gorilla range/mobility
what the fuck
bow knight is disgusting i thought people were saying it was shit
His support with Lys was pretty cute too.
Went in blind.
My only disappointment is that Annette doesn't actually sing in their A+ support. But it's made up for by Felix completely falling apart in front of her
If they ever made an anime, which route do you think they would choose? Church?
Who the hell said BK was bad? But yeah BK is really useful. Still need to invest into lances and riding skills that archers and snipers wouldn't be really using, but it's really worth it for those boons.
Bow knight is an amazing class, pretty broken even, but it has awful growths. Because of that it's better to reserve strictly for endgame so that its shitty growths don't end up hindering your character.
Please dont post sad raphael ever again
Probably, but with Dimitri and Claude sticking around. Edelgard is still the love interest
They are pretty cute. Sadly I don't have much more of the pairing. Wish I did.
It was pretty cute. I'm glad I married them together.
They’d make it based off Sirius Route
>watch Bernie's English S support
>acting is fine, actress sounds emotional
>try the Japanese version out of curiosity
>entire scene is played out pretty comically
How the fuck do subfags play this game? You can shit on English Mercedes and all but Jap Bernadetta literally makes your ears bleed
Search for dimilix and fraldarddyd on Twitter, there's new content daily.
>talked to her only a handful of times
>ferdinand talks about how obsessed she is with byleth when you fight him
>i wanted to walk with you...
Really seems like her calling Dimitri obsessed was just projection
Ashe is for /ss/, not for regular /s/!
He saved her life, I guess it really had an impact on her
Pick one.
You know what guys? Fujos can stay in the FE fanbase
Push them all aside and head pat Bernie. Marinanne is great but she is for the Boar.
Because you like that the guys get better porn than the girls?
>pair him with Catherine for nice /ss/
>Based Rhea convinces her to marry Ashe in their ending
Can Seteth just give whoever he marries his dragon blood?
I made sure he survived Gronder along with Ignutz by having them attack an unarmed Ferdinand while Edelgard got BOAR'D
I'd ask Hubert first if you could pay his wife's head.
For me, it's Hilda, but all GD girls are good.
I'm considering that, but I was also debating pairing up Dimitri with her to fulfill his swordmommy fantasies.
If that person doesnt go crazy, sure
Tb h i dont really get how dragonblood works. The progenitor king and “nobles” got their crest rather hassle-free, even Cethlean, but the villagers just went off the rail
I love this guy but as a unit he just seems hopeless. I used him until the end in my GD run as a paladin and he was easily the weakest member of the team. Has anyone found success with him beside just slapping him on a wyvern?
Keep in mind regardless what route you choose Byleth saves her life. That’s going to leave an impression on a teenage girl
edelgard is smart, she knows Byleth is the gary stu insta win condition. every lord should be scrambling for byleths dick
Does Hubert's husband Ferdinand know about his wife?
I made him a Hero and it worked
Oh thank you. I only recently got a twitter to follow art. Still not sure on how this confusing system works.
Do his dodgetank build. Make him your dancer and give him his healing item. Let him dodge tank. Ferdinand is a great character though and so far my favorite Black Eagle student.
Felix has a smol fetish, he can't help it. as soon as a tiny girl does anything he completely loses his shit.
That's fair.
Mine had a slow start on BE, but by the time he hit paladin he was just dodging everything, barely taking much damage on the off chance he did get hit. Wasn't dishing out much in return, but overall he got the job done as my main frontliner.
Its RNG, really
I just went the super generic soldier > calvary + brigand > paladin, and then decided to top it all off with Great Knight of all thing, and he’s still a frontline moster
Interesting. Recently I've been planning to try out purely axe based Byleth so maybe he could have a niche as a sword user.
I like him a lot as a character, just seems rather weak as a unit unfortunately.
this desu desu. Every route has to deal with the fact that there is an unkillable social god who everyone wants to fuck and literally cannot die because they have perfect strategies in every situation (because of time travel) and is also empowered by fucking super dragon energy.
The main reason everyone goes so bugfuck crazy is that everyone's scrambling to get their super weapons out to counter fucking Byleth and every single one fails.
Good fucking job.
>mild-mannered/meek/spunky person has stats for being a murderous crit monster
Why didnt they do a The World mechanic like LUCT i wonder
>jumping between timelines (and before significant choices)
>can hypothetically have everyone in your squad
>creating paradoxes everywhere. People who should be death are walking the earth
>self-vs-self battles
It would be a tons of work, but fun as fuck
Casper doesn't fit here at all, Bernie would make more sense.
>It would be a tons of work
There's your answer.
My most recent run was a bit silly, but all of the silly builds were extremely good
>Dark Knight Ingrid (holy shit is Ingrid a fantastic magic user)
>Mortal Savant Marianne (complete with Vantage)
>Hero Ferdinand (dancer)
>Gremory Catherine
>8 Movement on The Boar
>Flying Chef Deddles
>Fist Wizard Byleth
This combined with the whole Dimitri’s stepmom deal leads me to believe Lambert wasn’t nearly as good of a person as advertised by Rodrigue and Gilbert. Jesus Christ
>Ara Ara motherly figure has zero qualm about war and killing
I have no idea what you're talking about? What's LUCT?
>one of the only people openly for Dimitri’s bloodlust and marching directly to Enbarr
Rather eye opening sequence there for her not gonna lie
>ara ara good thing the church executed those heretics without a trial
Rodrigue's kind of a dick too, if you think about it. He loses his first son and instead of trying to comfort his youngest, he tells him that his brother died like a true knight and that he should be proud Glenn became a toasted jigsaw puzzle. Then he focuses his attention on Dimitri because Lambert told him to before he got decapitated.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Rodrigue admits he fucked up though, so that is a little forgivable. I dont think he would change how he acted though. Either way healed Dimitri once you earn it becomes a fucking saint so patience pays off.
Tactic Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. It also has multiple routes based on choices like 3H
Practically you never have a real “ng+” there, but unlock a new mechanic after you have beaten a route once, and can jump back to any point on the timeline map to do the remaining 2 routes, recruit the route-exclusives units, etc
The great thing about it is the Codex. It acknowledges the paradoxes of these people in your squad ie in Chaotic route a valkirie is definitely dead, but then you jump to Law route and rescue her, and when you jump back to Chaotic, shes there in your team, and reflected in the lore
Its fun. Cant find the full map tho (cause its huge) but you get the idea
I thought that was his crazy ghost vision?
Not him but I've been interested in this game, what is the best version? I know there's a snes, ps1, saturn, and psp version.
Ignatz is a fucking crit machine, he just never stopped.
Lots of people prefer the SNES, but psp brought a lot of QoL and great mechanics to the table (some are questionable tho), so i suggest going for the psp one. It even has wheel of fortune (ala divine pulse) for when you fuck up, and an achievement for never touching it.
Then there’s the issue of broken archer and mage squad and weird crafting, but the mod One Vision sorta fixes it. It depend on you want a vanilla experience or not
heretics aren't people
Thanks user, I'll look into those two versions.
Yeah, he was decapitated pretty fucking fast, so that's Dimitri's insanity speaking.
I just one shoted ch20 edelgard in GD with a Bernie training bow deadeye crit.
I don't know if that was amusing or sad.
>Felix and Mercedes' C support is about the Death Knight and his identity
>completely changes if you do the Mercedes/Casper paralogue
This game has some cool attention to detail in areas.
in Crimson Flower? Because he turns into a monster in a big ass fucking chokepoint. I tried to get Ingrid over there so she could enact her race war fantasies but even she wasn't quick enough
>be obsessed with Byleth, to the point of painting him, writing stories about him, and trying to sound mature with names like "Black Eagles Strike Force"
>he chooses the smelly shut in
The idea of cucking Edelgard every run feel great
Bernie is a great unit for LTC in general, pass+bow knight+stride+warp makes any boss accessible in one turn.
>2nd encounter DK room has Flayn and Monica on the floor if you zoom in
I wish they did something to address Dedue surviving if you're playing GD and keep him alive.
Nah I was trying to weaken her for dedue to fight her after I cleared the map and was farming the reinforcements for Claude A axe rank, instead Bernie one shoots her with a fucking training bow.
I should have known 44 Dex was too much risk, I even used a combat art to avoid doubling her with 42 speed.
>Slitherin nuke Silver Maiden in response to killing Cornelia
>Edelgard tells rest of Black Eagles the Church did it
Edelgardfags are nothing but fedora tipping faggots.
literally one of the only smart things she does in the whole route you clod
found him! god spics are so easy to identify
Do you expect her to stop and explain the complex political situation to everybody. She was on a schedule and didn't have time for questions are dissent.
Green units can't kill bosses under any circumstance, they will always just reduce them to 1 hp when attacking.
>attempt to fight a two front ear with one of those factions ha I gotta plants I. Your army
You have to legit be the biggest moralfag on the fucking planet completely devoid of common sense to see how lying about it is the objective best move to make about it at the time
Its pronounced "Claude", Woolie
I just wanted to see them fight, I know they can't kill but just wanted to see if there was special dialogue, Dedue was taking too long so I poked edelgard with Bernie and she imploded.
I'm feeling the same exact way with Ingrid and Sylvain.
Ferdinand did just fine for me as a cavalier. Slaughtered everything and took hits like a tank.
Hes so cute, I just wanna stroke his hair and console him over Lonato. Maybe kiss each of his freckles.
My Ferdie is actually quite good as both a paladin, a fortress and a heavy knight.
People really obsess to much over his dodge skill instead of building him to Unga in a horse.
Choke on your fedora retard. Telling BE members the truth does not mean attacking two factions at once.
>hurr no time
Right, because it's not like you fuck about for a month at the monastery fishing, teaching, etc
>he would trust Bernadetta, Caspar, or Dorothea with a secret
She's already planning on taking out the slithers. Why is telling the truth such a big deal?
>doesn't trust friends
Another reason Edelgard is evil and her fans are incels
Ingrid is useless as anythi g but a pegasus knight, though she does well in the class. Sylvain is pretty mediocre but he can make a decent dark knight. BL is kimd of weird balance wise as units like Dedue, Sylvain, Annette, and Ash are rather weak but then you have amazing units like Felix or Mercedes, who are the best in the game at their main roles.
Maybe not Casper but Bernie and Dorothea definitely seem pretty loyal to those they confide in. Hell, Bernie wouldn't have anyone to tell the secret too honestly.
Ingrid is a decent Savant and a good Dancer, seen people trying to use her as Gremory to decent result.
Honestly BL is really geared towards magic hybrids now that I think about it.
The great and powerful do not have the luxury of trust.
If you do Sylvain and Dimitri's B support post timeskip, Sylvain asks him if he's hiding from the Empire instead of just asking what's wrong.
You could literally apply this to Dimitri and Claude as well. But you know this and are purposely fanning the flames for (You)s
>only Mexicans have shit English
also pic related
darcsens are jews tho
Even at his most feral Dimitri still trusts Dedue.
>Ingrid is a decent Savant and a good Dancer
Weird, I've never seen her as either, or anything beside a pegasus knight for that matter. With BL I think it's that its units are generally less flexible compared to those in BE and GD.
Dimitri is insane and does change
Claude is a fucking foreign agent
Why did Edelgard not immediately think we were a shapeshifter in Crimson Flower, considering that both cases of shapeshifting we see prior, someone disappears for a period of time and then comes back?
>shits on rhea for lying about history
>lies about history
>shits on dimitri for being obsessed
>is the most obsessed of them all
>hobby is debating historical viewpoints
>never questions the history given to her by her torturers
>arguments against dimitri and claude usually devolve into no u or ad hominem
Is this an edit?
Ingrid is really good as a mage.
Her spell list is pretty good offensively and she gets Physic.
Still in chapter 8 but for me Sylvain is pretty much on par with Felix, just with slightly less speed for slightly more strength. Dedue is a strong mighty wall. While Ashe is a bit lacking in defence and strength and Annette just plain sucks with underwhelming magic and resistance vs Mercedes and Lysithea. Mercedes and Lysithea have good speed, resistance and magic. Dimitri is like Dedue but better speed.
Childhood is thinking that Bernie is best girl, adulthood is realizing that Dorothea makes more sense.
Yeah, the eyes are less glossy compared to the real one, seen in
Well fortress Bernie was a meme until one guy made it Work.
Apparently the Archer crew aren't doomed to just be Wyverns and work well stacking pavise and Aegis before becoming bow knights.
Thats just what I did with my Bernie and she turned out great, also faith training for the luls ended up giving her 16 Res as a holy knight.
Because Edelgard is a poorly written character with a poorly written route. I rank her and her story below Fates. Atleast that shit was entertaining. I never want to do Crimson Flower again.
Just as Edelgard trusts Hubert, I’m failing to see the difference here.
Yes? And? They still do the same shit, why do they get a pass and she doesn’t? Because people wanna stir up shit.
I’m not even defending everything she does, that bandit attack at the beginning of the game and in BL/GD using Enbarr civvies as a shield is downright vile, but come the fuck on with this horseshit double standard for something that is an obvious thing to do in a wartime situation. This shit happens in real life to, or do you honestly think higher ups are going to fill in low ranking grunts with intimate details such as that unless absolutely necessary
>claude isn't upside down
I would say Bernie is probably the second best bow unit in the game, only Leonie is better. Bernie's only weakness is mediocre strength, which in my experience is nowhere near aa bad as some people say but still a problem at times. Shamir could be better then Bernie as her bases are godly but her growths are pretty mediocre.
Claude literally agrees with Edelgard completely from an ideaology/goals standpoint and only disagrees on the methods, which is hella ironic seeing as the ONLY reason Claude even gets shut done in his own route is due to those very same methods opening a pathway for him.
This dude has so little agency over the plot you can literally write him out of it and it can still make sense, seeing as the church route exists
Cause in no way a shapeshifter can wield The Sublime Sword of Creator. The thing doesnt have the crest stone, so a normal (or artificial) crest of flame bearer still cant really use it
It would have just added more confusion to people who did Crimson Flower first.
Seriously, Edelgard does a good job of giving you tunnel vision the entire time. I was confused about half the shit going on.
Why would he be upside down?
is he Australian?
>low ranking grunts
>Black Eagle Strike Force
the fact you see nothing wrong with lying about who nuked people to spur on your own to kill your enemy aka propaganda really says a lot about edeltards
Well in a game where you can rewind level ups, they aren't doomed at all, just that they aren't worthy to a majority of players of such a luxury
This is some next level seething right here
Look at the cover art for the game user.
Level ups can't be rng abused, they are set from the moment of your last level up. You can only rng abuse things lime hit rate and crit rates.
does the truth hurt you?
Not only is her story shit, it has less maps and the maps are not even good
>cherrypick one irrelevant part of the post and ignore the rest
Please go find the nearest bridge and don’t come back alive, this is your final (You)
Fuck, I guess he really is Australian
The thing is, we don't really have an accurate read on how things would've played out if Edelgard wouldn't have launched her retarded war. For all we know, Claude could've uncovered a lot more if he hadn't spent 5 years trying to keep the Alliance from falling apart internally.
If you remove Claude you pretty much make Lorenz the leader which would just be much worse.
>Some random user’s opinion is “truth”
It’s cute you have such a high opinion of yourself. Can’t help with your shitty taste though
It's true though. She's an insane hypocrite.
t. Played Crimson Flower first
Towards the end of the map you can just ignore them and let them get strength up next time which is better then letting them up some stats they don't need as much
Let's be honest, if Bernie didn't have a weakness for heavy armor, axes and swords she would be broken.
Leonie has better stats but Bernadetta has that insane Crest and Persecution complex, I you aren't an idiot and force her to brigand she becomes nothing short of an absolute monster.
As I said, that guy talking about fortress Bernie was right, baby her as Fortress, Paladin or Warrior and Bernadetta becomes broken unless you become ridiculously unlucky with her levels.
Trying to put her immediately in bow knight atrocious growths is also a bad idea.
The real question is which disease is better justified. The one who was experienced at an early age or the one who witnessed the brutal murders of his family / friends at an early age, was charged with murder and then sent to prison, then escaped and lived in isolation for 5 years while people were chasing him. But in the end Dimitri admitted his mistakes, apologized and redeemed himself. Edelgarde saw no flaws in his decisions (although they were more controversial than Dimitri's) and simply never reflects on what he does.
Yeah but if he has (You) Lorenz will become based. In the GD ending after Claude fucks off Lorenz takes over the alliance, since he actually matured he makes a great leader.
>claude and dimitri are the same!
>can't name a single moment
>probably thinks dimitri not giving a shit about leading his forces on a suicide mission is the same
I am better than you. My opinion is the truth as far as a crestless commoner piece of shit like you is concerned.
Lorenz would absolutely pussy out more than Claude because of the 5 years you're missing and his house is the Empire Alliance border
>The thing is, we don't really have an accurate read on how things would've played out if Edelgard wouldn't have launched her retarded war
We really do. Arundel/Thales just starts that shit himself seeing as he controls the empire from the shadows as things stand up to the point. Edelgard takes the throne in secret.
This is what is most baffling about the argument surrounding Edelgard, people think if she just doesn’t start it everything is going to be okay completely ignoring the background context of the Empire’s political situation
You can definitely change RNG lvlup by resetting the whole battle
I thought it was like you said, but one time i realize i used the wrong units to farm, reset, and the +1 in all offensive stats for Ferdinand turned into +1 def and cha
Fucking hell
Interesting that there was less shitposting when this thread was full of fujos posting Felix.
Not sure if I would agree on her being broken but definitely a domonant unit. With how strong training and iron weapons are her amazing speed lets her double and quadruple shit with ease. It's her typical low defenses as an archer that hold her back, on enemy phases she can't too all too much. I feel she definitely is among the stronger units though.
Man I pray to god I don’t even have to come to the point in life where I have to proclaim my superiority over others on a Mongolian basket weaving form, then I really know I’ll have hit rock bottom
I'm a dude and I like Felix, he is a total bro that is tired of his friend acting retarded.
Except for Mercedes, Mercedes is cool.
When you say reset do you mean to the very beginning? I admit I have only tested it using previous turns, never that far back. Sorry for the misinformation if that's tbe case.
>>lies about history
Thing is Edelgard isn't an immortal being, how much shit has Rhea lied about over 2000 years? Edelgard only lies about who nuked the city, and she likely cleared it up later
>>is the most obsessed of them all
She is nowhere near as obsessed as Dimitri, that guy literally turns off his brain when he sees her
>>never questions the history given to her by her torturers
If she questions the Slithers then they'll kill her, so she has to wait until after they're gone
>>arguments against dimitri and claude usually devolve into no u or ad hominem
Claude literally admits he knows nothing about Fodlan, and Dimitri is a retard that wouldn't listen to reason so there's no point in expending energy, better to just make fun of him before cutting his head off
>Level ups can't be rng abused, they are set from the moment of your last level up.
Source for this? I'm pretty sure I've reloaded my save from the start of a battle and had different level up gains from that.
Dimitri keeps his house in the dark for an extended period of time regarding his true relationship with Edelgard and is constantly putting them is objectively shitty situations because his hateboner for Edelgard is clouding his judgement
Claude’s case is less egregious but he purposely hides the Almyran reinforcements in the Merceus chapter because he knows it’s be easier to explain after the fact than before
Reset as in reload the game (and change the deployed unit, if that even afects anything)
Divine pulse doesnt change the lvlup like you said tho
I want Mercedes to hold me while I cry because I am horribly underqualified to be a professor.
This, Claude shit has at least a purpose, even if the fan was thrown into a pile of shit by the dubsteppers in what could have consolidated almyran and alliance forces as allies after Holst agreed to let them pass.
You can't reset any RNG with divine pulse
If you could you would just keep rerolling combat or level ups until you got what you wanted, making the game even easier
Divine pulse only works if you force them not to level on the current map. Resetting is more beneficial at the start of the map.
Edelgard knows pretty much nothing about fodlan, doesn't even know who nemesis truly was and then she tells claude he knows nothing when she knows fuck all aswell.
The Slithers had controlled the Empire for years at that point. Solon had been a plant for years at that point. If they ever wanted to act in open war, they had any number of times to do so if they were actually able. They needed Edelgard, otherwise they would've just kept slithering in the dark.
Because all Felix content is good content.
Well, afaik through testing, the lvlups are seeded at the start of each battle, so divine pulse does nothing, but reloading the game changes the seed
Im not very sure if the seed is locked when you save in the battle preparation screen instead of in the “choose your activity” screen, but seem like it doesnt
Another fun fact that I've seen is that when it's about Marianne the threads die early.
Haven't seen that happen often though, unless I actually miss them.
And she was aware of that fact, and used it as leverage while trying to accomplish her goals.
Thing is you only have so much rope, if she tries doing the shit she did in Arianrhod pre time skip I don’t think Thales is going to take that standing and would retaliate, and considering she has no real power at that point it likely ends in her being sent back to the rape dungeons or worse, and Arundel finds some way to spin it to further anti church sentiment in the Empire
Just like Marianne!
Edelgard is basically Grug 2.0, now with some restrain edition. The main purpose of Edelgard is a weapon to kill Rhea herself. They alr acchieved their goal of controlling the continent from the shadow
Just finished my first playthrough, finally.
Did anyone even bother with the right side of the final map on BL?
Right away there's a monster, and then you also have two long range units taking pot shots. Meanwhile on the left side there's only one long range unit, and you have some wiggle room before you face the monster.
it's difficult to write a very good story when most of the characters can just randomly die and never come back
The Slithers needed Edelgard for something, so Edelgard is retard for not playing that in his favor, since if he wasn't important he would have been killed and replaced from the beginning.
So many replies to this post but I don't see a single response that plausibly explains Dimitri's angst toward Edelgard. The flame emperor armor triggers him to go into a suicidal mission to "kill" her? Really? There are other characters who experienced as bad and worse traumas than Dimitri but none of them formed an unhealthy and irrational fixation on their rival like Dimitri does.
The only one you could even consider putting above it is Geneaology desu
>That image
>He wouldn't love El even in Hegemon form
I just warped someone in and killed off Myson, which also got rid of a few other mages on the map.
It happens whenever I try to talk about her so I just gave up.
I'm positive the level up RNG changes at least from the battle prep screen. I always keep saves there and reload them pretty often and see different level ups from that.
>There are other characters who experienced as bad and worse traumas than Dimitri but none of them formed an unhealthy and irrational fixation on their rival like Dimitri does.
Like fucking who? The only ones I can think of are Edelgard, Lysithea, and Rhea, two of which do equally fucked up shit because of their trauma.
I agree, to bad I didn't pay 60 dollars so I could say that the developer doesn't have to do the hard work they set out to do
I didn't pay anything at all to be fair desu
If you're gonna make a story that takes a lot of work and you're not willing to put in the work its no one fault but your own when that story sucks ass
In Dimitri's thinking, Edelgard inherited the work of the old FE
Because he saw the flame emperor instigating with the dubstep moles who just killed his teacher's father and conducted experiments on villages/students, so he connected the dots even if wrongly making him lose it, not to mention like Felix told you so many fucking times, dimitri is a savage beast trying to pass as human.
Edelgard and Rhea at least don’t become mentally ill baboons in the process
I will never understand the infatuation with his character, it is literally a poorly done Velvet Crowe
Im surprised Lys took it all so well. She just lives her life to the fullest instead
>Edelgard and Rhea at least don’t become mentally ill baboons in the process
Ironically she became the most insufferable bitch.
Ignatz? Really? He's been such a clutch sniper for me though
Ive had him critavoid in so many occasions when he needed to survive the most.
Don't forget Raphael, the guy takes it like a Champ and continues to bring smiles to everyone.
This. I was in absolute dissaray too, the Japanese dub just sounds fucking awful and doesn't capture the characters quite well as I'd imagine. I tested it out yesterday, and heard Marianne's voice and I just did not enjoy it.
Rhea spent over a hundred years building her revenge on Nemesis. This includes founding a Church, helping to create the Empire, and amassing an army for both, all so she could kill one dude.
Edelgard literally declares war on everyone except those directly responsible for her trauma, deluding herself into believing that only she could save the world.
>There are other characters who experienced as bad and worse traumas than Dimitri
Only ones that might fit this description are Edelgard and Rhea, who are both incredibly damaged individuals and unlike Dimitri neither of them really grows out of it. The man had to watch as his father and the knights he looked up to such as Glenn were brutally murdered, then had to bear witness to an attempted genocide in response when he knew the people of Duscur were not at fault. After that he has to deal with various other groups in the Kingdom trying to oust him from his position as heir to the throne as well as attempts on his life. Then he goes to Garreg Mach and things are actually somewhat looking up to him until the Flame Emperor shows up again and starts fucking shit up. Are you really unable to understand why when he finds out who is under the mask he doesn't stop to think about the logistics of said person being present at Duscur as well when he decides to rip'n'tear?
>Edelgard and Rhea at least don’t become mentally ill baboons in the process
You really haven't played the game, have you? They're just as, if not more, insane as THE BOAR, they're just more subtle about it. Rhea's facade breaks in CF after her best shot at reviving her mother turns against her and Edelgard starts an entire fucking war because she can't comprehend that anyone other than her might be able to make the world a better place.
Rhea goes pretty nutbar in CF but the only time Edel even approaches Dimitri’s level of crazy is when she goes full Hegemon
To match her height.
Should I have Ferdinand marry Dorothea, Bernie, or Marianne?
All of them are good choices for him. Who are the other options for the girls?
>Edelgard literally declares war on everyone except those directly responsible for her trauma
Explain Arianrhod then. Again, we saw it in WWII with the Allies and the USSR. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if you know ideologically you are certain you’re going to fight their asses later, might as well use them to take down the current enemy now. And even then Edel and Hubert can’t even contain themselves to wait that long and last out against TWSITD on multiple occassions.
Rhea is completely justified in her revenge tbf, the fact she didn’t kill off humanity as a whole is astounding. Her lies to prop up the church fucked over Fodlan in the long run though, she’s basically responsible for the continent reaching the boiling point it does in the game natch
It's already been mentioned that Dimitri is soft hearted and sensitive, I don't know how else to explain it. Even in the BL flashbacks with Edelgard, he comes off as kind of dweeby while she's more assertive. He went off the deep end harder than she did because he took everything worse than she did.
>Finished Fort Merceus
>suddenly dubstep
the music itself caught me off guard
Marianne has nobody else, but my boy Sylvain also has nobody except Dorothea, so either I have Sylvain with Dorothea again and everyone gets married, or both Sylvain and Marianne go forever alone.
Bernie has Hubert open and Alois for what I'm guessing is a platonic ending, but I kind of want Hubert to be alone.
Edelgard is a crazy girl, Dimitri is a sensitive boy. Obviously things are taken differently.
>There are other characters who experienced as bad and worse traumas than Dimitri but none of them formed an unhealthy and irrational fixation on their rival like Dimitri does.
You mean like Takumi?
Please don’t bring fatesshit into this discussion. Especially Takumi when we have Felix who is him actually written properly
Dimitri's character makes a lot more sense if you just think of him as an incel. he's obsessed with his oneitis. you can see this in how much he talks about her in his supports. so like how incels rationalize that if they can't have their gf then no one will, they develop a murder suicidal rage like Dimitri does.
>MFW just realized you can actually move the characters while zoomed in on them like in Valkyrie Chronicles
>MFW opening the doors up close and seeing those robots
Ingrid is my perfect wife
Nobody asked but here is my current Bernie.
Did I make a mistake going Golden Deer first?
Takumi and Felix are only tangentially related in that they both have issues getting close to certain others, that's pretty much it and there are more differences between the two.
You're fine, just don't go church next since it's mostly the same
Not really. You can either go BE and see how misguided Edelgard is, or BL to see how Dimitri becomes a crazy murder hobo.
Edelgard looks super cute so I'll choose her next
Did you choose GD because of cute girls
Good idea
Get the shorter, weaker route out of the way sooner
Played BL and civilians weren't used as shields. Unless it triggers in center of map.
You have the bigger picture, now you can enjoy the lords going full retard or Dimitri randomly stopping those who slither in the dark by mistake.
I reccomend BL first for Gilbert and Dedue, doing the bro story of BL first will just showcase how out of character shit gets if you recruit in BE.
not that guy but thanks for the heads up. I really liked the GD crew but I feel like I'm not getting the 3 Houses experience. I was here for dark themes and all I got so far was Dmitri really hates Edelgard I guess.
It’s not a gameplay mechanic it’s stated in the prelude up to the chapter
would be hella fucked if it was one though
I picked GD since it was my choice and also thinking it'd be the shortest route when apparently its the longest one. At least learning the history of Fodlan is nice
Damn I'm kind of conflicted. Which one is better to end the game with? Or maybe I should do Church route last
If you want darkness and edge and otome angst, you should check out BL next.
If you want to be the villain kind of edge, BE is worth a look too but it feels really shafted compared to the other routes.
I didn't know I couldn't BL with Claude. Then I met Hilda
The DLC will probably introduce characters bearing the 5 missing crests, as well as playable Anna.
Personally I'm going to do the church last and much later as a psuedo golden route where I recruit everyone I can. But between the two BL is a happier ending.
So pick BE if you want to end on an ironic note and BL for a genuine note.
I feel like Randolph, Ladislava, and Fleche should have been playable on BE to make up for not being able to get Catherine and Cyril.
I'm just hoping for portraits of all the characters they hyped up but never showed, like Holst. Flashback stuff with El's mom or Glenn would be cool too.
That sounds good. It'll be BE next then
BL meaning boy love, not blue lions. fucking nintendo. I'm trying to suck claude's dick I what I'm saying
Blue Lions has the best girls
I recommend BE last, either you do it first or you do it last.
I did it second and it felt so weird to have characters go full retard.
I recommend BL, GD, Church, and BE last just to see how insane Edelgard actually is.
Or to do BE, BL, GD and then take a long break before church or save it for last because you don't get a lord, instead you get Seteth so it is ideally the best route to try the new difficulty.
BE is better enjoyed first or last.
Who here is waiting for playable Monica? Does she show up more than not at all in the other routes. She was in fuck all of GD
Dimitri's dialogue is the same regardless of gender, if a BL experience is what you're looking for.
The same thing that Church apparently did to Edelgard to make her mad at them and sperge out like a retard by starting a war against WRONG people.
The image is referencing GD/Church
Oh yeah, BL is better enjoyed as fem Byleth.
Well I'm already halfway through GD so I don't really want to change
>Dimitri's dialogue is the same regardless of gender
Not when he carries you. He is bitching if you are Manleth and he needs to carry you since he sees it as a chore. His tone is even more unamused in JP version regarding it.
BL - best guys
GD - best girls
BE - best lord
You literally cannot disprove it.
I also started with GD, this is my second GD playthrough just because I made Claude an Axe beast in my first run instead of a flying sword and Bow lord.
Hand axes and Tomahawks are one heck of a drug in enemy Phase.
Edel is best girl
Why is this chibi everywhere?
>been playing off and on since launch
>already 80 hours into GD
>only just killed Edelgard
>thread says Deer is the longest route
>just want to fucking play Astral Chain already
I wouldn't say he is bitching about it. He just isn't too enthusiastic about needing to carry you if you are a male.
Don't worry about changing or starting over, it's more that BE is really jarring. As long as you're aware of that going into it, it doesn't really matter when you do it.
>thread says Deer is the longest route
Deer and Lions have the same amount of chapters (22).
If you wanted to speed run shit then you should've picked Beagles since they have the least (18).
You have to play the other routes user!
This is the true canon pairings list:
>Bernadetta & Ferdinand
>Caspar & Linhardt
>Hubert & Dorothea
>Petra & Ignatz
>Dimitri & Marianne
>Sylvain & Ingrid
>Dedue & Flayn
>Felix & Annette
>Mercedes & Ashe
>Claude & Hilda
>Raphael & Lysithea
>Lorenz & Leonie
>Catherine & Shamir
>Byleth & Sothis
>Edelgard & her detached head
His comments about Byleth's warm hands and how he's charmed by their smile is the same though.
Just wait for an update/dlc before starting new playthrough. It will take a while.
Oh, desu i skipped that bc BL route was stale compared to BE, Dimitri was getting on my nerves, and i just wanted it to be over with. Lol
I didn't want to browse any 3H threads for fear of spoilers. I went if for the better part of a month without seeing what you guys are talking about. Now I want to get off mr bones wild ride. I
Dimitri is fujo bait like Chrom was. Will make you think that he will slip his dick into your ass the next second, only to blue ball you in the end and marry some rando to get the "young prince" instead.
Based on appearances, it seems to any onlooker that the immortal dragon who's been running the church for the last thousand years is going to keep doing so. If your goal is to oppose the church, that means opposing Rhea, and Rhea tends to respond to opposition with fire and fury.
>but muh GD Ch.22 loredump
How in the world is anyone aside from Rhea ever supposed to know that information? It’s an intentional form of dramatic irony that makes the whole situation more tragic but even with that I don’t think it justifies what the church does to the region in the long haul, seeing a show in every ending where it’s either dismantled or radically reformed beyond all recognition Fodlan is objectively better off
>not Ignatz and Marianne
>not Cathrine and Lady Pope
he's a monster in literally any physical role if you go into brigand and get deathblow + brigand's strength growths like you should. The only bad ferdinand I've ever had was one I went cav-fortress-Gk on, and he would have been ok with deathblow.
>not Seteth and my mouth
Manleth can't pop his son out of his ass though. Since that thing is meant to be default Gilbert's ending, IS would need to make alternative ending in which Manleth gets cucked by some random NPC that will marry Dimitri while he is just some side-fuck. We all know that IS is too lazy to make something like that + homos would never stop bitching about being NTR'd.
At least all the fanart is more appealing than the official S Rank CG would've been.
>not Dedue and Mercedes, where they are responsible for reviving the Duscur people
>not Raphael and Ignatz, the literal "you can come over to my house and fuck my sister"
>not Lysithea and anyone who can keep her alive
I agree with most of the others though.
>be Manleth
>your female counterpart looks like a frog and has atrocious design
>sure you will be more popular?
>c*mbrains just don't give a fuck
>all Edelgard art is cringy /u/ trash
>your number of art is lowest
>the highest number of art that you do have, in which you do exist, is with Dimitri, but even there Frogleth beats you as well
How is that bitching?
He most likely meant to say that he was not that thrilled with it. Especially when compared to female. If you pick Japanese, then his voice is even more "meh" about male Byleth compared to female Byleth.
Dumb Fujokek
Whoa there, what's with the gay Seteth fanart and pairing?
>Lindhardt and Annette B support
I feel like I can relate to this sleepy fuck.