Fuck you, I think it looks cool

Fuck you, I think it looks cool.

Attached: 12.7mm Submachine Gun.png (242x118, 35K)

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How do you reload it?

>*Rushes you with three 12.7 subs and assault carbines at level 8*

Attached: LegionHitSquad.jpg (994x657, 157K)

what's wrong with it? aside from the bottom bit between the grip and foregrip its pretty doable, ejection aside its basically a .50cal P90.

People think it looks ugly.

God i love it, but I really wish it had an autorifle counterpart (not counting survivalists rifle)

I tend to just use the All American as my go-to for DPS in the late game, since 5.56 Match rounds are stupidly easy to get compared to 12.7

God damn the Legion looks so fucking stupid, how can you take those retards seriously? The Enclave were actually menacing. The Legion are just some LARPing fuckheads in the desert

Its a top loader.

They're fucking tribals so looking like autistic larpers fits decently

>how can you take those retards seriously
Cuz there's a LOT of these retards and their "armor" is probably just about as effective as regular NCR trooper armor at stopping bullets.

To the people of the wasteland, the enclave talking about pre-war america and the federal government also sounded like larpers.

I agree, it fits the Fallout aesthetic perfectly.
P90 style.

When they show up in fucking vertibirds, power armour and carrying plasma weapons people start taking them very seriously

You could get a group of people dressed entirely in elephant costumes and googly eye glasses and people would be scared of them once the crucifixions, death marches, and live immolations started.

that's what terror attacks are for, everyone laughs at the LARPers until they start slicing people with lawnmower blades

Same thing with the legion ISIS style crucifying and burning people. Hitler had a stupid haircut and a really silly mustache in his own time, but everyone is still scared shitless by the image of that angry manlet.

>and a really silly mustache in his own time
fashionable you mean
don't you disrespect the Chaplin 'stash

yeah honestly the NCR just wears coats

The new NCR recruits don't even get body armor, according to the Gun Runner at the 188 Trading Post. Ironic since Caesar is the one who totes the idea of not fearing death and the use of lightly-armored front-line cannon fodder. Every Legionary has at least a small plate of armor on their chest.

Attached: Poem.jpg (900x818, 74K)

How much DT does the NCR uniform have?

Attached: NCR Trooper Armor.png (658x846, 311K)

A pistol caliber carbine in .50 AE would be pretty neat actually.

Attached: 1564975084315.png (586x893, 542K)

They sound cool in concept but their armor just looks goofy as hell. Blame Obsidian modelers, they also came out with the Remnants pajama armor.

The Remnants armor is a direct recreation of the Fallout 2 armor.

They don't dislike the concept, they dislike the appearance.

Attached: fg.jpg (1000x690, 150K)

>The Remnants armor is a direct recreation of the Fallout 2 armor.
A very bad one at that.

It's almost identical. Any "goofiness" you might be perceiving is probably a result of transitioning a static 2D low quality armor into a higher-quality 3D worlspace with full animation.


Attached: The Father.jpg (800x450, 62K)

Midwest Brotherhood Power armor was such a cool design.
The Calculator should have been the main villain of a third isometric fallout RPG.

Agreed. It was way too skinny to be FO2 Enclave power armor. Needed more beef to it.

Chaplin was a comedian, though. Not to say he wasn't a fantastic actor, but he was a comedian, so I think even then, calling the mustache "Silly" is very fitting.

They needed to avoid weapon clipping and for your character to fit inside small interiors.

Attached: Rain.jpg (1200x780, 166K)

there's a balancing act, sure