Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on Sekiro?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on Sekiro?
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breddy gud
Inconsistant dogshit
How many times does the dust have to settle?
really cool !
Great game, a bit shorter than BB and DaS3, NG+ and subsequent playthroughs are way less enjoyable due to no armor/weapon variations, most combat arts being trash, and mastering parrying taking the enjoyments out of fights
Even a slight breeze kicks it up again
best fromsoft game to date no matter how hard snoys are seething
That's how you know its good.
For me Sekirp was an exceptional first deviation from the working formula that still left much to be desired. Felt like they could have expanded on many of the ideas.
Pretty damn fun. I hope they improve it in a future game and add more weapons and less things to hold you back from using the fun tools.
fucking loved it but I'll probably never play it again
lack of replay value certainly doesn't make it a bad game, but it's all a bummer
Could be better
*still a bummer
gameplay far better than what souls has to offer
too bad the world is kinda shit and boring
The best action game I've played in a while.
just beat it for the time time last week i liked it, but the boss fights felt a bit too easy other than the demon of hatred which was bullshit
it was too hard. i cheesed the bosses and will never play it again probly
whens dlc?
Really? I honestly found that it was way too easy. Most of the bosses fought the exact same way, plus you could just spam the parry button with little to no punishment for doing so
which parts of the game were too hard?
>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, The artworks.
user, I...
I never finished it because I wasn't having fun anymore. Never had that problem with DeS DaS and BB.
I assume they're hard at work on Armored Core and Elden Ring.
god I just want to play sekiro 2, elden ring better be amazing as well
mainly the bosses. shit like the demon of hatred was really brutal. i watched a lot of that sekiro guru guys videos to cheese stuff
>mastering parrying taking the enjoyments out of fights
you might as well say that mastering rolling takes the enjoyment out of Souls
demon of hatred was like an optional boss though. anything else?
Demon of hatred wasn't that bad with the suzaku umbrella. He's more scary when he's far away, you just have to hug him, and use the umbrella against fireballs and his slam dunk.
>using special tools that require spirit whatever
goddamn casual
demon would be fine if he had like 30% less hp, he's just a grind on top of all his attacks being strange and bullshit
having a retard moment and cant remember the names of shit i just remember getting my ass cheeks spanked a lot. the ninja guy where you start the game was pretty difficult for me and also the mini boss samurai guy thats close to him. the headless ape gaped me for quite awhile too. that felt good to beat though because i couldnt really cheese it
I don't see what's so bad about using the tools the game gives you.
they make the game too easy
Completed it twice for different endings, but after that and exhausting all the optional shit, that's kinda it for the game. That said, super simple but effective combat mechanics, felt constantly engaged. Most fun I've had in a singleplayer video game in a long time.
It's kinda like one of those extremely good movies you just can't rewatch, because every part is so memorable.
To a degree it does, but you atleast get a bosses full moveset. In Sekiro you can just be extremely aggressive and parry very simple moves to quickly go through a posture bar for almost every boss.
Sword Saint becomes a fat joke even the first time you fight him because of how strong parrying is in Sekiro compared to how strong rolling is in Souls.
its shit
>all his attacks being strange and bullshit
Not sure what you mean by that, the only real issue with him is that you get fire damage even if you deflect him, which is fixed by the umbrella and the anti-fire gourd.
I don't like hard games, I like fun games. Sekiro was tons of fun for me.
>Owl actually places Genichiro's severed head next to Isshin in Shura ending
We knew he somehow retrieved the Mortal Blade from Genichiro , but turns out he decapitated the bitch
also never got really good at parrying so that didnt help
If you were to have sex with the rice loli, would you feel the centipede tickle your dick while inside of her?
fair enough. sekiro does have very fun gameplay but also lacks challenge if you use all the tools provided to you
he behaves in an unusual way and does massive chip damage, so he's unlike other bosses, which means he's much harder in the beginning in addition to his "actual" difficulty
why did they censor that scene?
Managed 2 full play throughs before mind numbing boredom from lack of build choices and general replay value, 7/10 for it's gameplay being decent in spite of that
Jesus, imagine being this fucking stupid
the game already has decapitation with the ape
No idea. The camera in the cinematic just doesn't show it at all. You can hear the *thud* and the squishy/blood noises when he sets the head down at 0:25. He didn't have the mortal blade when we first arrived at the top, so between the fight with Emma and Isshin, Owl went on his own adventures and defeated Genichiro
This game wasn't from's priority and it shows, as it's rather short and lacking in some areas, like exploration and customization, however it's a damn good game and the sequel will probably be godlike if it does happen.
Great game. It's like one of cuhrayzee games but actually fun because i know what the hell i am doing.
Today we dance, Emma. The dance of death.
don't use them then
Pretty fun
Hot garbage.
Japan has a no decapitation on humans policy, everything else is fair game though.
Not as interesting as Dark Souls or Bloodborne, but it's fun to play.
Demon of Hatred can fuck off though, that is the most bullshit boss in any Fromsoft game
i misquoted kek
I like it a lot, nothing groundbreaking but it's a good amount of challenge and fun.
Best gameplay of any From game
Atmosphere second only to Bloodborne
When you run out of pocket ash
im pretty sure ive never used that item
i think the only item i've consistently used is divine confetti and the stealth sugar
they last too little for me to care
I think it's excellent. There's no garbage leveling system stopping you from enjoying what the game has to offer. For every Fromsoft game I've played I never quite had the urge to do NG+ as much as I did in Sekiro just because of how fast paced everything is.