Early multicore processing

>early multicore processing
>resolution up to 704x480
>first fifth gen console to have an analog controller
>games with full 16:9 support
>a fucking modem for online play
Can we talk about how radically ahead of its time the Sega Saturn was, and how criminally underrated it is?

Attached: dims.jpg (960x531, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>no gaems

it's just beta version of dreamcast

Panzer Dragoon 1, Zwei, and Saga
NiGHTS into Dreams
Daytona USA
Sega Rally Championship
Virtual Cop 1 and 2
Virtua Fighter 1, remix, 2, and kids
Fighters Megamix
Virtual On
Radiant Silvergun
Burning Rangers

Many multiplats

Attached: vf.png (2062x984, 203K)

This is a really bad comparison, the Dreamcast and Saturn are about as opposite in every way as can be.

It also ended up having to compete with the PS1 and N64.

It was the proto-dreamcast in that it had many arcade game ports as well as experimental titles.

i don't know. both were very arcade games at home experiences.

The real question is why did they make so many games for the PS1?same goes for the PS2.Atleast this insanity stopped in the PS3

PS1: It was easier and cheaper to develop for than the Saturn and later N64
PS2: It was monumentally hyped and had the promise of appealing to both the sizable PS1 userbase as well as a new flock of people buying it just as a DVD player

And an absolute bitch to program for. Whereas the PS1 was easy and had superior 3D capabilities.

>first fifth gen console to have an analog controller
Lol, shut the fuck up. That control was absurd and the N64 was shown with an analog stick first. It just got delayed

Probably cheap and easy to make. Plus large userbase.
by the ps3 times i'd guess the development costs were higher? I feel like wii received more shovelware. maybe because the userbase was more "casual" or it was just cheaper to make games for.

It was also released first. June comes before July. Unsurprisingly, OP is a faggot.

what happened to the saturn was the same thing that happened to the genesis before it and the dreamcast after. no games.

i loved sega back in the day, but for every 1 good sega game, nintendo (and later, sony) had 10.

Ok one point down, Saturn pad is still better though.

>i loved sega back in the day, but for every 1 good sega game, nintendo (and later, sony) had 10.
Literally wrong, especially considering all the popular genesis games that were ported to SNES.

It also had onboard storage and an internal clock. The onboard system OS is pretty neat for a console that old.

>multicore processing
Are you retarded? The two processors are so different that they basically aren't interchangeable.

yes such greats like 3 Ninjas Kick Back and Barkley Shut Up and Jam

Attached: 1560901951769.gif (448x230, 1.92M)

I'm referring to the two SH-2 CPUs and SCU DSP you retard, not VDP1 and VDP2

I was thinking more Aladdin, Earthworm Jim, Pitfall, and Mortal Kombat but okay.

Because unlike nintendo and sega, sony was and still is very open with their documentation and willing to share new developments with devs without problem. Nintendo and Sega literally sent outdated devkits to third party devs leaving the updated docs to their first party devs.

Guardian Heroes, too

isn't aladdin different game made by different developers and publisher

and Shining Force III

Which zoomer youtuber did you hear of those from?

You missed SEGA Saturn VF2 being 60fps, SEGA Saturn is basically pleb filter

infamous different game
>Mortal Kombat
controlled better on SNES, blood was the only reason to go gensis. true sega boys like myself went with the sega cd version.
was my favorite 2600 game. even i didn't give a shit about the sequels and neither did anyone else.
>Earthworm Jim
does this even count since both consoles had it? aw, go ahead and have 10 anyway.
Super Metroid
Mega Man X
Super Ghouls & Ghosts
Castlevania IV
Demon's Crest
Magical Quest
Ardy Lightfoot

A giant dish with buttons isn't better

>Super Ghouls & Ghosts
>Wanting that steaming pile of shit instead of a very solid port of the arcade GnG

To this day developing for the Saturn is a nightmare.

Are you suggesting you can't do the same thing for the Genesis?

Sonic 1, 2, 3, K, and CD (five games)
Castlevania Bloodlines
Contra Hard Corps
TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist
Fantasy Star II
Revenge of Shinobi, Shadow Dancer, and 3 (three games)
Streets of Rage 1, 2, and 3 (three games)
Gunstar Heroes
Comix Zone
Golden Axe
Toejam and Earl
Kid Chameleon
Castle of Illusion

Thanks for revealing you've never held a Saturn 3D pad, it's extremely ergonomic.

Fucking bullshit western pleb. Saturn is leagues ahead of the N64 except without the super insane highs.

Saturn's 3d pad was terrific

Japs never whined about it

Nigga the Genesis had games. If you wanted to play arcade games and sports games you needed a Genesis. The Genesis beat the SNES for most of its run for a reason.

Check out that awesome fake motion blur

>saturn games

Attached: fighters.webm (720x405, 2.92M)

>he's checking that out instead
get a load of this fag

Fighters Megamix was really big in Japan, Saturn version sold about 400k copies

>what happened to the saturn was the same thing that happened to the genesis before it and the dreamcast after. no games.
Do Americans really think the MegaDrive had no games?

That's their brains on bing bing wahoooo

It literally outsold the SNES worldwide except in Japan, kek.

Mega Drive ended up jobbing in Japan due to lack of J-RPGs. The amount of J-RPGs on the SuFami is nuts they had about 6-9 of them released monthly

I hated Saturn fags so much. Simply for comparing Night Into Dreams to Super Mario 64. Then you get to sit down and actually play Nights 10 years later and realize it's a piece of shit, they were lying the entire time and the games had nothing in common except 3D graphics. Did I mention Nights sucks shit? I'm still mad.
One day I'm going to play Panzer Dragoon Saga and probably realize they were lying about that game as well.

>Simply for comparing Night Into Dreams to Super Mario 64
No one ever has ever done this, only perpetuated a fake quote by Miyamoto that he wishes he'd made the former.

NiGHTS is a short score-attack game with nice graphics. It got compared to SM64 because it was the only mascot game the Saturn had to compare, since Sega's Sonic project was busy falling through.
I still haven't played Saga. Should free up some space on my Saturn's save memory and give it a go.
Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei is dope as fuck though. I love that game as much as SF64.

The back room bickering about the Saturn Sonic game was funny as fuck
>Ok fine burgers you get to make the Sonic game
>produce basically nothing of values
>Nah fuck you

PS1 has 3000+ games
Saturn has 1000+ games
N64 doesn't reach 400

Attached: 1563254012549.gif (496x384, 2.56M)

The Genesis and DC did not suffer from a nogaems problem at all. Both were well supported systems by Sega and third-parties.
I really like the Saturn, but the library is a bit lacking.

like, Naka worked at STI for a while
Naka telling them to fuck off was kinda surprising given that
they were also told to restart like 3 times
man, STI wasn't a great dev team (like, really), but they kinda got fucked in that project

my favorite dumb Sega story was that the chipset that became the N64 was originally developed in a bid from SGI to Sega
the nips come over, purse their lips, and say it's not good enough for one reason or another (which is literal bullshit given the Saturn as released)
Kalinske's like "well, shit, sorry guys, you'll probably have to sell it to someone else"
two years later, their immediate competition shows up with it

>>early multicore processing
and yet even with maxed out CPUs + DSP it won't hit the T&L performance of the Playstation
>>resolution up to 704x480
barely ever hit it in practice, just like the SNES's apparent 512x448 mode

I bought one just so I can replay the masterpiece that is Enemy Zero

>Can we talk about

Yes, on please.

The virtua fighter and other am2 fighters were 480i
The snes 448 games are all just terrible

They did. It was their marquee title "The Saturn's Answer to Super Mario 64" in magazines and all that. Massive hype everywhere, and in the earlier internet days too no one would shut up about how amazing, beautiful and magical Nights was.
>NiGHTS into Dreams: Even Better Than SM64!?
They got away with it for such a long time too.

I think the only time Segafanboy hype has turned out to be true was the Streets of Rage 2 vs Final Fight debate. SoR2 is such a better game than FF I don't understand how it was even a discussion to begin with.

Fighting Vipers was hot stuff back in the day too. Virtua Cop. Princess Crown. Early vanillaware was hot.

>>early multicore processing
How did that work out?
>>resolution up to 704x480
Not standard. 480p is 640x480.
>>first fifth gen console to have an analog controller
Single analog lol
>>games with full 16:9 support
So did ps1
>>a fucking modem for online play
Snes says hi
>Can we talk about how radically ahead of its time the Sega Saturn was, and how criminally underrated it is?

Yes they did. Japs were infighting and almost killed sega. It was actually Sega of America and EU that basically kept the company alive while retards drained the company's wallet on shit like shenmue. Yeah the game did a lot of new. What it didn't do was market well.

>So did ps1
Name 5.
>Not standard. 480p is 640x480.
What the absolute FUCK does it matter if it's not a common resolution?

>first fifth gen console to have an analog controller
Didn't the Negcon come first?


But it's not the NeoGeo

Attached: 0016890001.jpg (1600x1722, 464K)

>What the absolute FUCK does it matter if it's not a common resolution?
Exactly we are talking about CRT days not like native res means squat

>Random literal who in studios in Japan manage to make Saturn games completely fine
Nah the burgers were the retards

beat em ups are a shit genre any way lmao

PDS is okay I guess, it's not special but if you like PS1 era JRPGs you'll have a good time.

>it's not special
Kill yourself.

>increased resolution doesn't matter because it's a CRT
maximum retard

>beat em ups are a shit genre any way lmao

CRTs don't have a maximum resolution moron. And what's your point anyways, that 704x480 wouldn't display on a CRT? I'll literally take a picture of VF2 running on a CRT to prove you wrong.

The burgers had given up at the time.
Japan literally fucked the dreamcast AND the saturn over. You have no idea what you're talking about. There were so many fuckups with the saturn. Games either had to sacrifice tons of frames or face fps loss in half the titles on it. Some devs like Itagaki cracked the code easily. Other ended up with inferior ports. History pretty much shows what happened. I like my saturn and dreamcast but I know they didn't last. Sega was microsoft's bitch for that entire gen and they had to be in order to not die.

>name 5
Nice cope


>early multicore processing
Doesn't mean what you "think" it does, moron
>resolution up to 704x480
"up to NNNxNNN" doesn' t mean shit, the "max possible rendering resolution isn't used 99% of the time in ANY platform for obvious reasons
>first fifth gen console to have an analog controller
Doesn't mean shit when 99% of the entire library doesn't benefit from this at all and it's not the standard controller, you need to buy it as an "extra"
>games with full 16:9 support
So? You can count in a hand the games that supported this, useless for anyone at the time because widescreen wans't popular or easy to find
>a fucking modem for online play
That pretty much no one used outside of Japan and died as fast as it came out?
I love the Saturn user, but you're a fucking retard

Am I not talking to still? What I'm saying is that "standard" horizontal resolution doesn't matter one bit for a CRT. It'll show exactly as much detail as you have pixels without any scaling artifacts either way (dot pitch notwithstanding)


N64 has like what ? 4-5 games ? It's a golden eye console.

Japan have no taste again.

Yeah plus a memory card that was worth $5 at best that you had to buy for 80$ to recoup that cost. That price was nothing short of a scam

do i even need to use the M word?
Dracula X
>Phantasy Star
i don't seriously need to list the MOUNTAIN of SNES RPGs do i?
>TMNT, Streets of Rage, Comix Zone, Golden Axe
batman returns, double dragon, final fight, legend, SNES had a lot of beat em ups
>Toejam and Earl
Pocky and Rocky
>Castle of Illusion
not sure why this one is on the list, i fuckin hated it. rented it expecting something like magical quest and it did not compare at all

>Kid Chamelon
>Gunstar Heroes
here comes yer 20
Mystical Ninja
Marvin Missions
Treasure of Sierra Madrock
Ghoul Patrol
Magic Sword
Illusion of Gaia
Pirates of Dark Water
Soul Blazer
Spike McFang
Gradius 3
first Power Rangers game
Sunset Riders

Burger king retards a SoA couldn't shit out a single game in three years while some random literal who studio in Japan manage to shit out games fine. Hell Kenji Eno even said going from PS1 to Saturn was basically a non issue
Sorry its the burger king retards

Dracula X was an inferior demake of Rondo.

>here comes yer 20
Think I'm going to cut it off here. Use google if you want to see a list of Genesis games.

SEGA of America games were always terrible and it was a major fuckup on Kalinski that he pushed so hard to get those shitty american games on the market for the genesis / sega cd / 32x. They were all fucking terrible barring Comix Zone (and Sonic 2 if you want to count that). It was a goddamn saving grace they didn't manage to do anything for the saturn as it would be a further loss of resources. And Sonic Xtreme from all we've soon it would've just been retarded

the "1000+" game Saturn library is so full of absolute garbage horse racing, pachinko, idolshit, etc games that when you cut it out, we barely got shafted here in the west
like, there's a bunch of arcade ports that had no fucking reason to not come out over here (especially in the case where they were coming out in the west on PS1), but that's it

>Not standard. 480p is 640x480.
this isn't really true, but people like 640x480 because it results in square pixels
you can modulate that signal as much as you want horizontally

wasn't the team on X-Treme literally like 5 guys in a room at one point
not really mass resources
Sega really botched the project. Understaffed, underfunded, undermanaged.

Why not 720?

can do buckaroo

Attached: ok.jpg (1296x293, 150K)

>the "1000+" game Saturn library is so full of absolute garbage
That's just how all systems are, a handful of great games, some ok ones, a lot of mediocre ones and most of the rest shoverlware shite., Saturn isn't any edge case, that's just how it is. Saturn has a lot of good stuff though, but a lot stuck in japan

Attached: 1542650084337.jpg (1920x5000, 3.84M)

Congrats you've won the argument.

>Ctrl+F Powerslave
>0 results
Every time

Attached: Nade_Jumps.webm (560x404, 2.97M)

Um, sweaty, it's called Exhumed okay

I was literally just playing that level not even an hour ago

Attached: 1564325801171.gif (320x217, 3.97M)

>Ctrl+F Exhumed
>Still 0 results
Same same

Um, sweaty, I'm seeing 2 results

Attached: 1560783795444.jpg (252x260, 6K)

Why you calling me sweaty though?

I know.

I didnt get a Saturn until 2 months ago. I like it alot. Playing Enemy Zero and Burning Rangers now. I was surprised I enjoyed Panzer Dragoon Saga as much as I did, I usually dont do JRPGs.

>I know.

Attached: 1548488171777.png (250x242, 2K)


WOW how wrong can 1 woman be?

Too bad it was just a 2d machine. Loved it.

Whole lotta saturn cope itt lmao

>Saturn could only do 2-

Attached: zwei.webm (720x540, 3M)

>2d machine

Dunno about you but the floor and ceiling planes looks pretty... planar.

I can hear the goddamn music


>playstation games

Attached: 1.webm (320x240, 2.88M)

>why yes im always ready for some high octane arcade games Time for another lap in SEGA Rally, TEAM Lancia of course what gave it away?

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

Reminder that the main panzer dragoon artist, Takeshi Iwade, passed away last week

Attached: 1537832831190.jpg (255x255, 10K)

>Want to get one of those SD card mods
>Guy who manufactures them takes his sweet time and is a dick to clients

Attached: 1567685600594.gif (540x395, 2M)

Was on the Genesis too

No u

you sound like some fat sweaty faggot defending sega. saturn was shit and dreamcast were shit. thats all we need to know.

What motion blur?

Attached: saturn-games-collage.webm (2048x1102, 2.7M)

He's probably thinking of last bronx.

satiator soon

Attached: satiator.jpg (1240x603, 295K)

I think he's confusing interlacing for motion blur

Attached: Panzer Dragoon.webm (960x288, 2.94M)

Pretty sure that's interlace combing.

Last Bronx has in-game simulated motion blur.

Fun fact Saturn was the Japs favorite SEGA system. The Dreamcast was basically dead after the Virtua Fighter fans bought the system. Japs never cared to much about Sonic Straight off the Japs
>Dreamcast Best selling software Seaman 524000
Speaks for itself, Dreamcast seems to have been a meme system there

They were both massive failures

All gimmicks

only a retard would say that. Lots of games but only real gamers would know. Not much mainstream trash on it, thats probably why you think that. OG gamers are all about the games. Modern faggots like you are all about the GAY-MEN

And the Saturn didnt cost $1000 either you fag. not to mention how expensive the game are

That's a neo geo cd though biggest problem there is that monkey who keeps juggling grenades eternally in titles released after 1993

post meant

English not your first language, huh?

>Saturn has a lot of good stuff though, but a lot stuck in japan
ignoring RPGs, there's like, 20-40 games we should have got, much of it being arcade ports and very little being specific to the Saturn
when including RPGs, add like 20 more or so, and a lot weren't going to have the localization costs spent on them

>Saturn isn't any edge case
I was really more trying to bring up the point that there really isn't much of note specifically for the Saturn in the several hundred games we didn't get.

It is! It's using a Saturn hardware feature to draw perspective correct planes. Saves on fillrate like crazy when you can use it (there's a lot of PS1 games that would benefit from being able to draw an infinite plane instead of throwing a couple hundred polygons on literally just the floor), and it's perspective correct.

PD Zwei is really, really pretty for a 1996 game.
but that forest scene does a couple odd things graphically that actually make seem it a bit rough there if I'm honest

I'm tired either way everyone who knows anything about NEO GEO CD. Knows what you mean when the grenade juggling monkey is mentioned

Zwei is an incredible game.

Attached: PDZ-WS-Gdrag2.webm (1280x720, 1.65M)

Look friend I legitimately cannot understand you.


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

The NEO GEO GEO CD did not cost 1000 USD user. If this is your post