

Attached: cod.png (1064x560, 308K)

retarded zoomer, nobody gives a shit about your garbage shootan "franchise"

Keep spouting random buzzwords and insults, I'm sure if you continue this someone will treat you like a human instead of the rabid dog you are.

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Unless you include zombies in the rating, move BO3 to B

I love everything post MW2 desu

Why do people by the same game over and over every year? This is as bad as FIFA.

do you want a cookie?

Blops 3 is C tier. MW1 A, MW3 and AW B. Blops 1 and MW2 are SS. IW is C thanks to a great campaign.


Modern warfare 2 > modern warfare 1 > modern warfare 3 > the rest

Im glad someone else likes Black Ops 2 as much as i do

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reddit opinion

I think you need to get that ass banned, kid.

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>No CoD1/CoD2 in the list
>CoD4, the last real CoD game is in B tier.
What are you? 5 years old? For fuck sake.

wow clap clap clap. take my crown.

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Fuck off zoomer

MW3 belongs in trash. Everything else is ok.

>No pre-4 CoD
>The game that killed the series in S
>the game that bolted the last nail in the coffin in A

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quit larping nigger

I'm glad someone showing love to advanced warfare. The jetpack system was a lot of fun.

Why are so concerned what people think of you on am anonymous image board?

Fixed, fucken zoomers

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swap S tier with SS tier
swap B tier with S tier
put the rest in b or below

except put ghosts in trash tier lmao