Spider-Man dev just BTFO Yea Forums
Spider-Man dev just BTFO Yea Forums
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It's amazing to me that people still do not understand what others are getting at when they criticize Sword and Shield. No fucking shit reused assets aren't a bad thing in isolation.
>"dev" ignoring the fact that pokemon were cut to get better and more animations, not just rehashed ones
3 strikes and you're out!
>Making animations kills you
>can't make new shit unless you work your developers to death
good one retard
Modern devs have a huge chip on their shoulders.
>We can't have all the pokemon because we put so much work into every new game
Then it turns out they don't put any work into the new games. That Spider-man dev is a complete retard.
>get hired for a job
>don’t want to do your job
because they're the generation that was never told "no", never punished for anything. They're all princesses. THEIR kids will be fucking psychopaths, so that's something to look forward to.
There's literally hundreds of the fuckers, no shit they refused animations.
Like there's shit to complain about with game freak, but animation reuse isn't really a good one since again, literally hundreds of the fuckers. Not to mention they're all 4 legged, fox or fox like and share the same proportions, why would they move differently? Pokemon has always been a quantity gimmick.
obviously they should reuse assets when they have to make 700 of them, the problem is "Haha I don't really know" Masuda said they were making new models and animations to improve the quality of the few pokemon still left in the game.
which they aren't, wingull still levitate in place in the wild zones and tyranitar looks the same as in pokemon masters.
The point is that gamefreak specifically said they aren't bringing back all the Pokemon because it would be too many new animations to make
Oh right. They cut them.
Yeah forget this post: I thought it was like 680 or so of them
>Ignoring the fact that they cut half of the pokemons and Game freak explicitly said "for better animations" and yet they re use the same animations and still have shitty fucking n64 graphics with a short as fuck render distance and models popping out of nowhere without smooth animations/transitions on a fucking Switch console that is clearly capable of doing much better
>work for an industry known for long hours and crunch periods
>complain about long hours and crunch periods
Why are you doing this OP?
Anyone know off hand how big Insomniac is? I imagine the work that went into Spider-Man dwarfs the fuck out of the combined efforts of Game Freak and Creatures.
Dystopian future but in the modern day
>People would rather have X aspects instead of Y aspects
>”You are getting less of X, but to make up for it, we will give you more of Y”
>More of Y is extremely minimum or none existent
>Anyone mentions this
>”Wow! Just wow! You’re just so entitled. You already have enough of everything else”
>The only other thing is just X, which is being cut
>Also point out X is being cut
>Oh my God! I can’t believe how entitled you are. Who even cares about X? I don’t care about X, so that means no one else cares”
>You also have to pay more, with additional subscriptions, than you normally would when get thing with X and Y
Literally dystopian novel tier shit.
Having reused animations/=no new animations you dumb faggot. The same trailer literally has new animations in it
>your damn right
Stopped reading there. If you're not educated enough to know the difference between "your" and "you're" as an adult, then there's a pretty high chance you don't even have the cognitive capacity to think critically.
If they were a smaller team working on a smaller franchise, I would understand.
If they hadn't blatantly said that they were cutting Pokemon because of needing to make new models and new animations, I would understand.
However, Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise ever. It has brought in more money than Marvel, Star Wars, and Mickey Mouse combined. On top of that, they've clearly been outed as being incompetent and lying sacks of shit.
yare yare daze...
DMC 4 and 5 are full of reused animations, but no one ever complains
>inb4 hurdur its perfect fuck off
Therefore pokemon is perfect and no one should complain about them reusing assets.
pretty based desu
you should add the fact that they're selling the game literally with waifu pandering only, Pokemon masters gave them this confirmation so get ready for harder waifu pandering in the future
Dark Souls literally re-uses like 90% of the animations and sound effects from Demon's Souls.
>nobody bats an eye
Pokemon re-uses animations from 6 years ago
>everyone loses their mind
There's no excuse, they could employ a different artist to model and rig a model each pokemon in the game and they'd still turn a profit, this is just maximum judaism.
When will outrage culture be punishable by death? Dramafags need to go.
Devil may cry fans are fucking autistic so yeah.
neither of the franchises you guys are mentioning are as profitable as Pokemon, go suck pokemon company's cock some more disgusting shill
>reuse animations
>still cut all the pokemon
For the 1000th time you fucking ingrate piece of shit. No one has a problem with game companies reusing assets. We have a fucking problem with a game company lying to our fucking face about why they're going to cut content, for example, gamefreak saying "we decided to cut the national Dex so we can focus on the games quality" when that's CLEARLY not there. Go fuck yourself you worthless nigger, I'm so sick and tired of seeing posts like yours completley miss the FUCKING POINT OF WHY WE ARE MAD. FUCK YOU.
God fucking DAMN I'm sick of this shit. Making a fucking video game is what these people get PAID to do. It is their JOB. If they need to put in more hours, boo FUCKIN hoo. It is not a fucking issue unless they are (A) not being paid for their work, or (B) are being forced to work overtime, both of which are FUCKING illegal and should not happen. Outside of those two circumstances, I don't fucking feel sorry for a developer that works for a multi-BILLION dollar company having to work harder to make a more quality product. If you're SO FUCKING WORRIED about overworking developers, programmers, or anyone else involved in the game making process, then extend your fucking deadline. When the fuck did the developer's happiness start to outweigh the customer's? Sakurai works himself literally to near death on his games, and has done so for almost three decades. The last time someone on a Pokemon project exerted more than the bare minimum amount of effort was Gold, Silver, and Crystal.
I'm so fucking angry.
>twitter screencap thread
Yea Forums fucking sucks dick these days
>GF claim that things were cut for nicer models and animations
>okay fine
>those things are all actually re-used, only new models and animations are for the new Pokemon
>this was never a problem before, but it is now
It's so fucking tiresome
The issue is that they claimed these animations and models were all unusable in swsh, citing that as the very reason there's not animations in main combat.
Then they reuse models and animations for other shit. Why? Why do that?
Reminder that if you buy Pokémon Sword and Shield not only you're a cuck, but also a part of the problem
Gamefreak has always been incompetent. They couldn't fit Johto into a gameboy color cart, Iwata had to fix it on his spare time for free and was able to also fit Kanto onto the cart. Modern devs need to be more like and take pride in their work, true artists do not complain about overtime.
you can put "dev" as much as you want in parentheses, that doesn't change he is an actual game developer unlike you.
>hurr duur kids these days
What's with the recent outcry against crunch and hard work
Obviously you shouldn't be letting your work fucking kill you, but people are acting like crunching is immoral and literally murders people.
The new Pokemon looks fine to me, I'm going to buy it, but also stop being pussies, crunching isn't the end of the world.
>healthy life
>is a fat piece of shit
>true artists do not complain about overtime.
its the main reason why so many developers are fine with development crunch, even if it takes their lives they're cool with it because they're creating something they love
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I hate trump but by god I'm glad this commie retard didn't win
And the devs forget we are the consumer and so we are entitled to the product that satisfy us or else they are not entitled to our moneys.
>it's okay to make shit games because devs work really hard you guise!!
Code monkeys and computer jockeys aren't artists. The actual artists are the higher ups, and they're all pretty much the same people that have been directing/producing for the past 30 years. There aren't that many new faces in the highest positions. It's just the same people over and over.
>sóyderman dev
>implying half of them will even have kids.
Between mainstreamed abortions, low testosterone amongst men, gender fluidity crap and an unwillingness to take on responsibilities, itd be a miracle if the white populations dont die off by the next generation
I mean in how many ways can you animate a glaceon being happy?
And why is it a bad thing that its the same? wouldnt it give the pokemon more personality?
Do they need to change their cries between games too or they are lazy otherwise?
I know its cool to hate on GF but people are being stupid now
People like this fag in the OP acting like working hard on a project is going to kill the employees.
If you're going to reuse the exact same animations for 6+ years with what looks like no refinement, that's not maintaining a healthy work/life balance, that's being lazy. It's this recent push of people trying to justify laziness and shit work by blaming things like crunch time or employees not being able to balance their lives, as if making new animations would kill someone.
Why are americans always complaining about their jobs? If you're an animator, it's your job to make animations. You are literally sitting on your ass and not doing any hard physical work, it's not going to destroy your work/life balance, it's literally your job.
they should have reused ALL their animations
>make perfectly fine animaton
>have to scrap it and make a new one for no reason
That makes no sense, if the animation works and conveys the emotion well why would you need to change it?
Just so internet manchildren with no jobs dont call you lazy? Fuck that
>reuses models and animations from the previous games
>still can't include all the pokemon
So this just confirms Spider-Man 2 will reuse a shitload of animations of 1
every time
>Animations so limited that even just having 6 of them in idle pose makes the best DS system stutter and go down to 10 FPS
>Animations that dont go beyond "I punch/Kick/move Head" for each mon outside of unique moves
They reused the same animations from X/Y in every 3ds game and the console could barely handle it. Now they have an opportunity to work with a much better engine and more tech and they just reuse the old limited ones? Come the fuck on. Maybe you'd understand more if you played the games on 3ds, but another generation of that shit on what is supposed to be a much superior console for $60? Suck my left nut.
umm sweaty you really expect me to work hard? lmao, uh sorry sweaty but you just got *cancelled*
Fuck off Joe and your shillforce
Remember when they future proofed their models in gen 6 to the point of causing lag for 2 gens?
haha I dont know
So you want new animations just for the sake of new animations even if they conveyed worse the pokemon emotions or moves
Im sorry it still makes no sense
And most players turn animations off anyways
Didn't gamefreak say they decided not to have everyone pokemon in the game because they spent all their work and time on making new models?
You seem very thick.
They could, you know, take the animations and improve them. They have hardware better than the 3DS shit they've been stuck with for years, an entire team of animators, and several years to make the game, but they can't improve some animations past the limited as fuck ones they had already? There's solo animators that do more than that.
>So you want new animations just for the sake of new animations even if they conveyed worse the pokemon emotions or moves
What the fuck is this sentence.
Blastoise, a turtle with giant cannons coming out of its shoulders, summons Hydro Pump out of its forehead. This is not "fine".
I don't give a shit about the devs
Charizard doesnt breath fire out of his mouth either.
Hang on, aren’t people criticizing those because Gamefreak said they were cutting Pokémon in order to make good animations? This dude’s missing the point entirely, isn’t he?
These retards havent touched Pokemon since the 90s.
jokes on you, because im gonna put the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""devs"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" in as many QUOTATION MARKS as i please!
>Charizard doesnt breath fire out of his mouth
I honestly can't tell if you think you're smart or if you're baiting.
He's not baiting if you check that trailer where Giant Charizard shoots fire.
It comes out of his fucking shoulder
What the actual fuck are you talking about you ape? Im trying to say that the hardware of the DS made it IMPOSSIBLE to fully emulate or show how pokemon could move, or give them different ways of moving for different types of attacks. What fucking kind of emotion is "take small step forward and move bodypart"?
I expect the pokemon themselves to be fluid and animated, so the ones that canonically arent, can have that as a trait, I want them to make use of the larger screen size to show the pokemon actually moving around, different types of attacks should elicit a different animation from a pokemon itself, perhaps 4-5 unique ones depending on the movelist of the pokemon. I genuinely hope you dont think that X/Y's limited animations are actually the "best gamefreak can do" for showing a pokemons personal emotion.
You are very out of touch.
posting twitter screencaps should be an instant ban
>The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
sorry im a drunk retard, don't mind me I'll delete that
Yeah, one of the world's most successful franchises should really cut corners on everything.
multi-billions which is gaining more as we are typing with Masters.
nobody is saying that is wrong to reuse animations you mongoloids
it's the fact that gamefreak said they made new animations when they didn't
and that they cut pokemon from the game because they had to do everything from the ground up when in reality the copy pasted all the assets.
I felt the same a while ago, but honestly I've given up. GF will never change. People will not only defend them, but also buy the new Pokemon games in droves, break records, etc etc.
Fucking hell, just go to Shin Megami Tensei if you're upset about the sate of Pokemon. They at least put soul into their games.
Not one of. The. Pokemon makes more money than any other franchise.
Hold on a second here, mister.
That's not an animation problem. That'll be to do with where the particle effect spawns from.
So that's the guy who fucked up
Well they weren't lying, dynamax/giantamax use brand new animations for each pokemon, those are the new ones they had to make, the rest are reused,
I'm sorry but if you defend the animations in this game as jUsT FiNe, You either haven played pokemon in 20 years, are a brainlet, or a shill.
Sounds pretty based if you ask me.
Wow a Sony dev doesnt fucking understand fan outrage who wouldve thought
Hillary was, unironically, a better candidate than Bernie. Only because she was a neolib instead of a commie.
DMC games keep ading more anw new stuff to what they already have, so the re using of asstets can be overlooked, pokemon cut content yet re used the same animations. Shit aint hard don
Why doesn't the person recording this have feet?
Lmao Im happy the game is trash because that means the employees are happy and healthy
I fucking hate numales so fucking much
>Intentionally misinterpreting the argument
Nobody is complaining about them reusing animations because we want new animations every game or something. They're complaining because they stated their reason for not including all Pokémon was for higher quality animations and models. Both of these things are proven undeniably false and they're just being very fucking lazy about it.
Jeez there are some grade A Sociopaths in this thread, but then again, it's Yea Forums so there's that.
DMC games actually add stuff amidst the reused animations.
Reusing assets is fine, as long as there's enough new in the package to justify it.
they removed the fucking full pokedex to add a CURRY MINIGAME retard.
It really feels like gaslighting. They keep saying but it will improve so much in other areas, lie about those areas being improved and when called out it is all POKEMON NEVER DID THAT WELL WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? I didn't, but you guys promised it cause you took out Scizor and then lied about it happening.
I didn't even want to make this trade and now I'm bad for expecting the other side of the bargain to be upheld. But hey, you can cook 1,000 jpgs of curry
>I eat shit, therefore other people should eat shit too
fuck off
He is an ascended Buddhist monk that can levitate. He’s only at the party so he can remind himself about the baseness of carnal pleasure
I don't quite agree, I want development to be a smooth process but the onus to make that happen is not on me. If a small studio can only achieve so much I can understand that, but if a much larger or richer (Say $95 billion) company will not delay or employee more people then questions need to be asked.
Being an understanding consumer does not mean allowing devs to get away with whatever he wants. Especially when it isn't Jimmy Hideki getting all that money, he spends weeks being a code monkey for a meagre ass salary while a fat cat who never did anything for the series reaps all the benefits. This won't have been an artistic choice, this will have been a we can make more profit and means keeping Pokemon a yearly franchise is easier. I hate the pretence that they are helping the devs, no you are covering for the bosses. I want a delay, I want more people employed and believe better working conditions create a better product. Fighting for the devs do not start at defending every product for being lacking.
That's not what it is, you dumb yokel.
This is what social media does, it puts socially well adjusted people in the same space as nerds, groups that are completely incompatible, and the two hate each other vehemently despite both loving games.
That's what the rise in prominence of social media over forums has caused, you suddenly have all these different kinds of people trying to share the same space, and everyone fucking hates each other.
>make some actual new animations for the pokemon
oh no, how could someone be so right
Yeah but DMC didn't reduce the amount of enemies in the game
>The consumer should accept a shittier product so the product maker doesn't have to work as hard
>dystopian future
jesus christ it’s a fucking videogame. grow up
>keep all pokemon and reuse animations
>remove some pokemon to improve animations of existing pokemon
Might miff some people, but fine
>cut pokemon to improve animations but then do nothing about animation quality, reusing the same animations for the past 6 years
>idiot jumps in to a conversation to show off how moral he is without even understanding why people are upset in the first place
No one would care that gamefreak was reusing animations if they didn't give the excuse that better animations were the reason they're cutting tons of pokemon from the game.
He's unironically right.
This generation is worse than their parents, and their parents were worse than their parents, and so on.
Humanity's only been getting worse and worse with each generation since classical antiquity.
Look like NPC gets triggered by people not writing like them
>capitalism encourages laziness
>capitalism encourages reused assets
>capitalism encourages cut corners
>capitalism encourages hiring those willing to accept the lowest wage: the desperate and incompetent
>capitalism encourages bare minimum effort needed to turn a profit
>capitalism encourages unintelligent, unthinking, mindless bootlickers who parrot easy to digest talking points in defense of their mediocre embarrassment they call a game
Says the nigger who doesn't know the difference between quotes and parenthesis. Shoulda stayed in school Jamal
You qualify for a free helicopter ride, sonny
>pokemon have had the same cries since their debut with the sole exception of pikachu
>pokemon has essentially been the same exact game with the same exact story arcs with a few bells and knobs added every generation
>but reusing animations is suddenly lazy
just face it, pokemon has never had to overtly try to be a good game. it sells regardless. The difference is now you're all adults and realize corners will be cut where they can when it comes to games targeted to kids, because they don't give a shit, and you're proof of it
What the fuck does Spider-Man and Pokemon have anything to do with one another?
They actually changed all the cries in gen 6
there used to be an actual progression of features and graphics over time that was a joy to witness growing up
the innovation stopped when they realized micro-transactions and nostalgia are the only features they need to turn a profit
this, why are you even playing a game for children anyway? have sex
200+ across two studios. It's the biggest Sony studio atm.
>stop bullying the multi billion dollar company
Samefagging shill
Okay cool, but if they're reusing almost all the assets why did they cut tons of pokemon?
>t. class traitors
>I don’t think I’ll be talking about Pokémon anytime soon
Good. Nobody asked for your take on it, retard.
Nothing wrong with re using animations, but you can’t justify content cuts by claiming you had to redo all the animation.
Im so sick of devs (literally) justifying their own shortcuts and laziness.
The real reason is lazy balancing. They'll need to keep a few faves, but this just tells me that the new mons will be unable to compete with the old ones power-wise.
They didn't take out magic and hammers though did they, fucknuts?
The argument is that the devs are using "we are focusing on making the pokémon expressive" as an excuse to REMOVE 200+ POKÉMON from the roster.
No proof of that statement which is why people are calling them out.
Did he already get BTFO?
>that was a joy to witness growing up
>growing up
right there
we had the unique experience of growing up along side this massive wave of technological advancement the likes of which had never been seen before, and now that it's starting to level out you feel like it was done on purpose and you think they're just being lazy
in truth, the quality of the games have been very consistent across every generation given their limitations at the time of their making
Game balance.
Some Pokemon are just too strong to keep around.
>but but quality takes time and that would work devs harder!
Then delay the game, dingus.
Contrarion corporate boot-licking consumption addicts.
Congratulations. You're one of the two or three people on the entire internet that seems to understand the conundrum.
It is better that the majority be crushed than for communisocialists win a single political post.
Oh no that would put the card game and merch cycle out of line with the games, and those earn much more.....I mean think of the devs!
The issue is not that they are reusing animations (that is expected), it is the fact that they lied and said there are new models/animations.
Did people forget already?
Fans have been complaining about how lazy the game have been getting for ages. Cutting more than half of the Pokemon from the game and outright lying about the reasons for it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
Most of the complaints with the animations fall back on not allowing all of the pokemon in game. If the excuse was dev time then why are we reusing textures and animations?
Such is the stupidity of the slaves who think they can be king.
Never forget that Chinese bootleg devs were able to make better animations than Gamefreak.
Game freak is just a japanese bethesda
Change my mind
of course the hat wearing basedbearded manchild with thick rimmed glasses would defend pokemon. why is this look so common among his kind?
>Masters made $26M in its first week of availability
you niggers aren't getting a good game ever again
was he late to the debate? first they said they weren't adding all pokemon because they'll make new animation but they are caught reusing the old animations.
>healthy work balance for the devs
this sounds way more entitled than it should.
>western dev
>shitting on the consumer
>acting smug
He doesn't even know why people are mad and just wants to shit on the consumers.
>Free healthcare!
>Free college!
>More welfare!
>16.5 TRILLION meme energy deal!
>It'll all pay for itself lol?
They've made more steps forward in gameplay than the fucking Elder Scrolls, which went backwards and lost out on key features (as opposed to the unfortunate loss of optional features in pokemon). That is until recently.
not sure if its because its pokemon and he has to defend the nerdy 90s trendy or because all who look like him are bound to defend their corporate overlords
Then they said the models were being changed but so far the returning Pokémon are just using the same models with different textures and maybe tiny vertex edits here and there. IIRC, one of their other horseshit excuses was "well uh we cut so many Pokémon to ensure better competitive balance!!!".
You could argue that this culling needed to happen at SOME point, and I'd agree to an extent. But not for the series' mainline debut on HD/console hardware. It should've been either Gen 7 or Gen 9. This is just about the worst Gen they could've picked for this.
>implying overworked gooks suddenly work less for the company cutting corners to save money
Somehow I don't believe they care about game balance when they added a Pokemon with a move that acts as a Hydro Pump and Stealth Rock at once.
You can't compare the three people that work for Itsuno with Game Freak.
clearly he wasn't paying attention when masuda specifically promised higher quality animations in exchange for cutting the dex.
>Spider-Man dev just BTFO Yea Forums
You mean the people who couldn't even do proper reflections?
>When the fuck did the developer's happiness start to outweigh the customer's
It's not about that, it's about getting customers to let go of any standard. That's why their go to insult is "entitled"
speak for yourself poorfag, i worked my way up to the 98th percentile
Are you shitting me? I didn't see this. Did they just not have reflections or did they do a fakey reflection a la Mario 64?
Pokemon are like animals and animals have a certain way of movement. It won't drastically change so keeping the animation is fine.
>expecting clout with this snarky comment to show he is right on a field he isn't even involved
>be called back for being a retard
>"lol im muting this :)"
what is it with fags these days wanting to throw shit at anyone over slight disagreements and calling their personal army to lynch them? everyone just wants everyone else to end up unemployed or living on the streets for not agreeing with them
not too long ago, there was a lot of justified outrage over crunch-time practices in the industry in regards to rdr2's development cycle. ever since then, corporate apologists have used the "but think of the crunch time!" argument to shamelessly defend products that are just lazy.
Game freak from Blue/Red was just right place, right time and managed to continue riding that wave.
>muh healthy work/life balance
maybe if first world countries stop importing third worlders then maybe the work/life balance would be achieved. fuck those boomers
It's balanced with poor speed and shitty typing, as it should be.
Uh, what do you mean fake reflection? Mario 64 is an example of the truest kind of reflection you can achieve in a game, you render the whole area twice which takes processing power which is why most devs don't do it. Every other type of vidya reflection is fake, comprised of muddy visual tricks and shaders to simulate a reflection but looking nothing like one.
and it'll disappear when it's time to make next Gen's shitty gimmick. Balance, like "Improved animation" is just a convenient lie to hide behind for wanting for people to lower their standards again.
>What's with the recent outcry against crunch
Influential journos like Schreier gave the command to start talking about it so now random twitter faggots won't stop whining about how hard it is to work overtime sitting at a personal computer in an air-conditioned office while they tell actual tradesmen to learn to code.
>Did they just not have reflections
The reflections are just images pasted on to the side of the buildings and if you climb up high enough it just fades into another sky image.
If this thread is twitterposting might as well post the replies that made him tweet this.
alright Yea Forums
which comic industry is the worst? DC or Marvel?
It could be all of the above as well as the desire to shit on the consumer. The west loves doing that these days.
They flip flop between good and bad depending on the writer but DC currently has Bendis fucking up Superman so I'll say it's them right now.
quotationpilled and dare i say it: based
Next thing people will complain about devs reusing an engine or upgrading an old one instead of building a new one from the ground up for every project they have.
in comics exclusively? both because they are trying to show who is more 'woke' by ruining good storytelling, and this is just ignoring the entire resets they made for new readers
when it comes to media like movies and such i say marvel. just wait when the new joker movie it's released. we would be drawing parallels how DC its alt-right meanwhile Marvel its antifa
>animations are made by developers rather than artists/animators
If a game reuses animations is not bad unless they cut content for it.
Simply as that,why can't people understand this
>he's never played Control with RTX
Not EVERY other type, user
Pokemon = always good = never wrong
>and this is just ignoring the entire resets they made for new readers
Only DC has rebooted. Marvel tried with Secret Wars 2015 but decided against it in the end. To be honest though they kind of need it with all of the shit that has built up over the years.
>when it comes to media like movies and such i say marvel
Have you seen how bad the DC movies are? Marvel isn't perfect either but they're still a lot more entertaining.
>He's unironically right.
>Humanity's only been getting worse and worse with each generation since classical antiquity
Not only we live better and better every century, but if that retarded meme was true, we wouldn't have survived the cold war.
As long nukes stay in silos you young haters will always be proven wrong, moron.
People are chumps when it comes to their jobs and a small batch of people who want to change that get shit on from companies that don't want to spend money to help mitigate and solve workplace issues.
"Crunch time" should be solved not with "just sucking it up" but with more hired hands and better management of assets. That cost money though, so lol good luck
>Lazy devs are reusing old path finding algorithms from 1980 instead of coming up with new, different ones from every game? Woooow
that joker movie is gonna be a blast and i mean that metaphorically because sites like twitter (mainly) will blow up (metaphorically)
live actions dc? yeah i give you that but animated is much better than what marvel ever tried. problem is, most marvel are trying too hard to please everyone specially now everyone wanting to be snarky like tony stark which grows really tiring
Back in my day, RTX was only used in promo renders. Damn kids and your "Control", I imagined RTX could introduce truer reflections to games as I typed my post but didn't realize games were already using it
I thought Gamefreak outsourced their models.
Sw&Sh defenders in a nutshell
>have like 80% of the game automatically done since you're recycling assets
>still end up deleting content instead of adding shit
Reminder that defending multi billionaire companies makes you a faggot
why are (((parentheses))) on your mind?
not a good look, user!
funnily enough ive watched this video and the guy hes responding too literally says "if they were going to reuse animations they could have atleast reused the good ones in pokemon amie everywhere instead of just the camp."
>Cut content for the purpose of better animations
>Don't make better animations
>People complain
>"wtf what's your problem"
>thick rim glasses
>add corporate brand somewhere
what do you call this look? because every single fag who defends corporations always have to have this same look
Prioritizing WHAT, exactly? Making more shitty gimmicks they're going to abandon by the next game?
>re-use shit
>still charge the price of something new
This is why I pirate
So then why isn't there a NationalDex?
He is gordon freeman
>Gamefreak says they cut Pokémon for new and improved animations.
>vast majority of said animations are actually reused
>people don't like being lied to
I don't get what's so hard to understand.
>wanting to be snarky like tony stark which grows really tiring
A lot of marvel character are snarky user.
>pour all your resources into "futureproofed" assets in 2013
>all 3DS games suffer as a result with poor performance and rushed content from permanent crunch time
>"it's okay, the Switch games will be worth it"
>Switch game is an upscaled 3DS game with half the Pokemon cut
How can anyone defend this company?
At this point i'd believe you if you told me it's the same 1 to 4 guys spamming the same retarded question over and over
>"it's okay, the Switch games will be worth it"
and yet the switch can't even handle all pokemon
That'd be fine if they didn't say they cut Pokemon to improve the animations
That fat fuck wouldn't know healthy if teabagged his fat face
I made an rpgmaker game so I'm literally objectively and indisputably a game developer
Yes, never put effort into anything ever. Just fucking eat shit and consume
Yeah and they sound like shit, it sucks. Pre gen6 all the cries were sharp and crisp. Now they just sound muddy and hollow.
those animations aren't completely the same anyways tho, I didn't notice huge changes but the changes in the way the pokemon moves adds personality to them, pay attention to their heads and it's noticeable.
This shit bugs me too, anytime something gets a decent bit of flak someone immediately goes all "WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE GAMEDEVS" no matter what the devs have done. Exact thing happened with that apex legends shit even after their lead dev threw insults at everyone on their subreddit.
As if being a dev is something we should aspire to.
Developers need to do a better job limiting their devs' social media presence, at least in ways that can reflect on them as a whole. Almost invariably, when they engage with followers on social media they just cannot fucking keep their cocksucking tempers in check and lose their absolute shit at fans.
He's right it doesn't need fancy animations, those are for Snoy movie games. Nintendo cares about the only thing that counts, which is gameplay.
>Masters is a massive success
>S/S will be a massive success
It's over. This is where it ends. pokémon will never get better.
>And the devs forget we are the consumer and so we are entitled to the product that satisfy us or else they are not entitled to our moneys.
Exchange goes both ways. If you act like a dick, you get nothing
Yeah, sure, reusing assets is fine
Now here's a follow up.
All of the X&Y animations are skeletally driven
So are the Battle Revolution animations.
See what am I getting at?
Perhaps the curry game was a mistake
You all wouldn't give a shit if you hadn't convinced yourself cutting pokemon from a roaster of 800+ was the ultimate sin. That's the funny thing about you Switch manchildren, entitled little cunts.
You people are aware that everybody who defend this game are either shills or little kids, correct?
If you don't even care about the Switch why are you here?
>pointing out flaws in the product = acting like dicks
Brainwashed and Jewpilled!
No, little kids are the ones that never stop making demands because they're entitled little shits.
This tweet and all those likes are fucking blackpilling me. I don't even really play videogames much anymore, maybe this is why. The entire industry has just become apologism for mediocrity. They are selling this rushed, lazy, watered-down, shallow and cynical N64 game for $60 on a current gen console and the only thing people can do is defend this corporation worth billions because of brand recognition. How fucking spineless do you have to be to not see how transparent this game is?
i know right? some people really do love to flex their job position. i always keep it in private my information so i can talk shit about my boss or coworkers while being vaguely about it. not that i need to but feels good having to ridicule them
Fuck off, Joe Merrick
People would probably be less upset if they were showing off the animations and improvements to the pokemon that did make it into the game were getting in return.
>People want a better game
>Little kids defend their beloved franchise like drones
>Shills defend for their monthly (((gains)))
aif you don't like it, don't buy it.
>Doesn't know difference between "your" and "you're"
Literally 12 year old tier "argument"
>We had to cut pokemon to provide more high quality animations
>These "high quality" animations are nowhere to be seen at all
>Seems its the same animations as before
Did anyone tell this faggot this?
Or is it just a case of
What goes through these peoples minds.
The problem isn't that they reused animations and models, it's that they pretended that it's so much work to copypaste 80% of the previous game and give it a lackluster coat of new paint, so they have to leave the last 20% out.
If anything he BTFO'd himself because he has no idea what he's talking about.
Too bad S/S gameplay is absolute garbage too
So what if it's reused? You don't play Pokemon for the animations.
Retard fuck off.
Okay Snoy, go play your movie games then.
>don't voice your concern as a consumer
kill yourself shill
just because manchildren like you also play pokemon, doesn't mean you are the main audience
Look, I don't want to cause a war with you Nintendo fans, but maybe this is a good time to lear that, yes, animations and graphics are important to video games. Not as much as gameplay, but still very important, Video games are visual media, so visuals are extremely essential. Don't be like these retards
not buying it also voices my concern how this game is lazy. whining over twitter does nothing but holding my wallet to buy it affects them
>Its 2019
>We have games that are a technological marvel and have lots of shit
>then we have pokemon
>the biggest fucking franchise in the world
>skimps out on development and gives everyone the equivelent of shovelware
Theres no excuse for this at all.
>we're cutting pokemon for better animations and models
>literally the models and animations are ported from the old games
Why the fuck were they cut then?
>animations and graphics are important to video games.
No, no they're not. In fact less animations and graphics improves gameplay because there's less visual clutter. I'm glad Game Freak are one of the few companies around that remember what counts.
>and yet the switch can't even handle all pokemon
And how would you know that? Do you work for gamefreak or something?
>Developers state they are cutting pokemon to make better animations
>Why are they reusing all these animations, where are the improved animations?
>Who cares about animations? Why are you expecting better animations?
Anyone who defends SwSh is fucking retarded, I swear.
i guess nobody told masuda that, because he cut the only unique selling point pokemon had in exchange for "better animations."
Fuck You. This stupid ass company had a long line of success with barely any effort.
I already told you fags.
Its a jewish trick.
Cut pokemon from games so people can't store ALL their pokemon on their save file.
Make people have to subscribe to pokemon home to store pokemon that cannot get in just yet or those pokemon get deleted from existance.
Its literally a case of forcing people to pay monthly for Pokemon Home.
>we can't put all pokemon -masuda
idk, call it a hunch
Then play those games and leave Pokemon alone.
How about you fuck off and let people voice critism.
You fucking nu-male zoiboy fucking zoomer fag.
Not everyone takes everything in the ass.
Can you actually move pokemon that aren't in SnS to Pokemon Home? Are they literally just stuck in purgatory until they've available in another game, and if you stop paying for it they get deleted?
Are they literally holding Pokemon for ransom?
So are they just pretending Game Freak didn't specifically say they cut down the roster size to focus on new animations? Gotta do anything to totally own the evil gamers. Then again this is the same piece of shit that peddled "puddlegate" when his garbage game got called on its bullshots.
>animations and graphics are not important to video games.
>In fact less animations and graphics improves gameplay
>I'm glad Game Freak are one of the few companies around that remember what counts.
Joe, get off Yea Forums
Look, I know you have a learning disability but let me break this down for you into bite sized understandable points.
>200+ pokemon removed for the first time ever in a mainline pokemon game
>People ask why they don't just port over all the assets from the 3ds games like they have been since 2013
>'We had to cut pokemon because we want to improve the models and animations'
>The models, animations, movesets, stat spreads, etc are all identical to the 3ds games
>Only new animations on old pokemon are for a battle gimmick no one asked for, while previous gimmicks like mega evolution and Z moves are cut.
Do you get it?
Pokemon Home is the new pokemon bank so yes you can hold pokemon that cant go to SnS. Theyre literally just stuck in home till you can use them in a Pokemon game.
And you have to stay subbed or your pokemon will get deleted from the servers.
Graphics shouldn't matter at all, they only come at an expense to gameplay.
Sword and Sheild can import/export to Pokemon Home. Every other game however is one way, so if it can't go into SWSH then yes, they're in purgatory until your paid subscription runs out or the next gen lets you use them.
Right, but he's completely missing the point. GameFreak are letting people shit all over the animators because they don't want to hire more people to work on the games. It makes billions. And they refuse to expand to over 100 people.
>because they don't want to hire more people to work on the games.
They had a few new hires recently actually.
>"Dwarf Fortress and Pokémon are the best games of all time"
>A few
And at this point? It's a bit late. Can I get a source?
Never Forget.
Masuda should step down.
Nintendo should just buy out GameFreaks share in Pokemon and give it to competent developers.
Pandering to Dwarf Fortress won't make Yea Forums agree with you, Joe
>claim you're cutting the national pokedex because you're focusing on making new models and animations
>turns out this is complete bullshit and the games just rehashes the same models and animations used in the 3DS games
>no effort goes to fixing the animations that really needed some work, like T-posing fliers
>game basically looks like an upscaled 3DS game anyway
>meaning there's no reason to not add all of the cut stuff, other than forcing you to pay a ransom if you don't want your pokemon getting deleted from the Home service
Imagine actually defending Game Freak.
>Buy out Pokemon
They'd never be able to. And why would they? Pokemon fans are retards and if Nintendo ever did buy them, people would just say, 'Oh, I thought they already owned them.'
yikes, zoomer. all those colors and symbols are a distraction. everybody knows that zork and pong are the only REAL games with REAL gameplay.
>not buying it also voices my concern how this game is lazy
Nobody knows you didn't buy it unless you say something you fucking buffoon. Go fuck yourself.
Why does Pokemon make Snoys seethe so hard?
>Implying the largest devs of the gaming world won't short content so they can charge you for them later
They don't want to give you a product with a generation long shelf life, there's going to be a ton of stuff missing because they want you to continue buying from them.
No one would be complaining about graphics if it looked like they actually spent the years they had to prepare for this making something decent, and then used graphics as a reason why so much was cut from the game.
None of the big Switch titles, rely on "muh gwaffix", but people still play them because they offered something that was deemed interesting enough to put money down for. Pokemon has neither.
And? Are you a communist? If the developers worked for it they deserve our money.
>Nooo this game make SNOYS seethe
>Noooo this game is making Nintendies fanboys seethe
This game is making averybody seethe. Stop trying to fish for epic Yea Forums points
is what nintendo shills say when they've lost the argument.
Based Josuke
>Pokemon has neither.
lol zoomer that can't still longer than 5 minutes detected. If you want to just press X to win then play a Snoy movie.
Get fucked you fucking boomerretard
Not at all, it's not something I would buy and its obviously marketed at children. Games with mods have a shelf life to fulfill that need, but taking things away is disingenuous especially if you claim it is to "improve" a product
>taking anything masuda says seriously ever
I'll call you braindead, how about that?
The dragon quest xi demo makes SwSh's laziness that much more inexcusable.
>Hundreds of monsters with detailed animations and attacks
>2D mode gives veteran players a new experience while appealing to nostalgia
>Orchestral and midi soundtracks
>English AND Japanese audio
>Campaign is 80-100 hours
Enjoy paying more for less and less but calling it progress.
Lol looks like shit. Cope harder Snoy.
I've played a few Sony games on the PS2 and PS3 and they were all more entertaining and challenging than the last 3 main pokémon games. Fuck this website, Fuck shills, fuck console wars, and fuck you
Oh, poor Game Freak... They don't deserve all this toxicity, oh man.... Won't ANYONE think of the corporations?
>Then play those games and leave Pokemon alone.
>"Noooo let pokemon be mediocre!!"
You and gamefreak are the downfall of this franchise.
Show us anything in SS that looks better
I am a real dev. I created a Survive the Disaster game on Roblox.
Show Ho-Oh
Keep using that word. Doesn’t make GameFreak’s efforts any better.
Literal SOUL
>Masuda should step down.
He doesn't really play an active part in development now anyways. Everything from ORAS onwards has been Ohmori.
This was proven to not be original and was stolen from another source.
Do people seriously think a mobile game that's designed to steal money from you will put more effort than Gamefreak devs do on their massive games?
>nintendo shills
He's clearly not a Nintendo shill.
>Do people seriously think a mobile game that's designed to steal money from you will put more effort than Gamefreak devs do on their massive games?
uhhhhh yes?
>This was proven to not be original and was stolen from another source.
Are you saying that even stolen animations from a MOBILE game look better than what gamefreak has? Are you trying to make them look even worse?
>This was proven to not be original and was stolen from another source.
Kek, and yet.
All zoomers are like that, fucking snowflake generation
Joe stop. You're making things worse for yourself
If they don’t like it they can quit. You can’t not have crunch, it’s part of every development cycle nowadays.
>This was proven to not be original and was stolen from another source.
And SwSh steals its animations from the 3DS games. It's not like GF is putting any more effort into this than they are.
>ok to reuse assets
>but leave out half the Pokedex
Keep your teapots and ice cream. I'd rather have nothing.
Why should I care about the well being of pajeets, chinks and assorted faggots?
>despite both loving games
>He doesn't really play an active part in development now anyways.
He is still giving interview and giving very poor PR. He's pretty much the face of Pokemon right now. If anything, he should step back and stop giving these interviews.
Back to the cuckshed Joe.
>having the need to soapbox in your social media account
>voicing your concern is soapboxing
>having the need to take corporate dick in your ass
Are people seriously defending gamefreak in this very thread?
do you read your posts before posting it or do you act retard on purpose?
>This game is so fucking awful it's making Yea Forums collectively agree with each other, even Sonyfags and Nintenfags
>Even Yea Forums and resetera agree with each other
Can it get fucking worse?
>the same people who eat up GF's modern pokemon shit are the same faggots who skipped good games like HG/SS, Plat, and B2/W2
It's just Joe Merrick and nobody else
>act retard
Go back to ESL, pajeet
don't mind me
>The pic
kek. /vp/ does good shit sometimes
Sure is nice of GF to make more animations for Amie than the actual fucking battles.
Worst are those who say that they stopped playing at gen 1 or 2 and thinking that anything they say has any value.
Oh fuck he's going for it!
Whelp, time to fap.
Okay, so then Dark Souls sucks too. How does that redeem gf, exactly?
This better end with impreg.
Did they cut out content so they could shill their non-existant new animations, you fucking retard?
>futa is ball-less
You need to take high school biology again, user.
Yes? Does Dark Souls 2 have all the enemies of Dark Souls 1?
A magic penis can make magic semen, you fool. There's no point to a dick if it's not putting babies in a girl, so there's no point to a girl if she's not growing a dick to put babies in another girl!
Ah, the Rian Johnson vector of attack.
Balls don't make semen, the prostate gland does.
Again, high school biology.
>Yes? Does Dark Souls 2 have all the enemies of Dark Souls 1?
Why not both?
that distantkingdom fag is literally jesus. they hated him because he spoke the truth
You poké faggots need to chill the fuck out. We all know you are going to buy the game and enjoy it. Stop bitching about every little thing. Who fucking cares if you can't get a bidoof just enjoy the fucking game
Why are Office Ladies so gay?
Main problem with this doujin is the lack of any falling action. It literally ends right on the orgasm.
>witches are for ____________
Why is the floor a radiator?
Dark Soul's premise does not include bringing every enemy back, especially because of the lore, are you stupid?
The games have been shit since XY though and everlasting compatibility was the last selling point the series had.
>It's okay if Snoy does it
Fuck off
Why is Akko so tanned?
>dick-bend in the first panel
Is it really okay to mate with your roommate and close friend, ensuring a teenage pregnancy by sealing your lust with a kiss?
Is this guy an anime poster or what? No one normal can be this brain dead stupid
DMC5 didn't cut Nero and claim it was to make Dante look nicer.
Pokemonfags deserve the half assed shit they get every release. Literally the only fanbase too pussy to speak up.
It was never about "Not reusing assets" it was about them claiming they had to cut stuff because they were focusing so much on "making new models and animations" and "improving game quality." It's clear from what has been shown so far GF has done neither.
Saving time and manpower is brilliant when you use what you saved elsewhere to improve your overall product. Saving time and manpower just so you can pump out a game with as little work as possible because you know it will sell no matter what is just being a lazy scumbag.
It still baffles me that the most profitable franchise in the history of anything had its shot at the first mainland console iteration in years and it looks like Sword and Shield
Like what fucking quota are they trying to make? Why does it just look so lazily done? Why are the cut corners even MORE transparent now?
Most of you, including twitter, are missing the point. Masuda said that the national dex wasn't in, but they would be putting in more expressive animations to justify that change. I'm not asking for them to scrap them, I don't think anyone is. It is just that they are using the same ones they always have, and there is no actual proof that they have put any new animations in, or made anything more expressive because it looks the same it always has, but in HD. Reusing animations is a completely normal practice, especially for pokemon. Its just that they said the lack of other pokemon would be justified based on new animations and such, when we haven't seen any proof it it in the slightest.
Because merch is the money maker and it's all ready to go.
People still complain about this when it's goddamn brilliant.
They already fucked that one up back in gen 1 with version/event exclusives.
U dun it now arry potter
>my damn right pokemon should reuse a ton of animations
oh yes, my F was certainly BTO'd very hard
Sword and Shield was a 3DS game canceled and ported to Switch.
There were actually events for Mew in Japan. The game's popularity in America was a bizarre surprise though taking like three(?) gens to start getting events going was a little ridiculous
At least it was possible, and a fucking brilliant business model back then
Now it’s actually impossible
To be fair, you'll always be a retard and no corporation can ever change that.
>and no corporation can ever change that.
The fact that you consider corporations as a source for education speaks volumes
Lol entitled babies mad
>no balls
what is the point
It's Japan so the devs absolutely do not have a healthy work/life balance.
I never stated any such thing, but seeing as you are a known retard I won't argue with you over it.
Why dont devs put work in up front to avoid crunch time? They sounds like spoiled kids who neglect homework and complain their essay is due tomorrow.
You are damn right Pokemon should reuse both assets and animations. But that was never the issue. Way to miss the problem completely.
The issue isn't that they're reusing assets and animations. The issue is that they're cutting large portions of the game, and using assets and animations as the scapegoat for why it supposedly had to be done. Only that they're still reusing everything so they've got no damn excuse. That's the thing.
Before Game Freak issued they're absolutely mind boggling statement in regards to culling Pokemon, the reused animations were a non-issue and everyone expected it.
Hilarious. How can you still be a fan of pokemon and complain about reused assets for a game that has not had any significant changes since it's gameboy release?
>but seeing as you are a known retard I won't argue with you over it.
Translation: I lost the argument and you're too good for me, so I'm just going to say what my discord friends told me to
If they were going to reuse animations anyway, then why didn't they bring back the national dex?
Work is their life. They would sit at home drinking until work comes it wasnt for long hours.
because social media enables this outcry culture of faggots.
op is a kaio-faggot x10 for posting a twitter screencap of who cares.
He never said shit about education at all, you dumb shitposting mook.
Why are people forgetting the fact they lied about new models and animations?
You said you wouldn't argue with me over it you lying sack of garbage
>you need to be able to make x to criticize x
It was a mistranslation, they technically never lied about making new models.
The animations part is complete bullshit though.
how is it so obvious when the person posting is above the age of 40? I even agree with what this boomer is saying but it's always something in the phrasing like its an angry facebook post or something.
>fear of context
>Thread I actually enjoy for once read
>Porn gets dumped
Fuck this shit
Why are you enjoying this thread?
I wouldn't give the pokemon devs shit for reusing animations if it weren't for the fact that they decided to cut the dex to shit (despite having all the models future proofed like five years ago) for the sake of "better animations" in the first place.
I enjoy reading about the absolute dumpster fire that is gamefreak / pokemon fans over the past 8months. It's either "gamefreak hates money look at this 2005 year old game" or "swsh sells well, gamefreak learns nothing"
And your autism can't ignore like 8 pages of porn?
Few people would. Most Pokefags were fine with the graphics/animations until the culling.
It's mostly the thread is getting deleted if mods ever do their job Also since I didn't see it was posted 40mins ago
I wouldn't say people were "fine" with game freak's laziness as much as they were willing to put up with it. When they did the purge everyone just lost patience with GF's bullshit rather than them suddenly becoming aware of the problems.
Reusing the animations isn't the problem, the problem is that we don't see the effort being put in other places since they don't need to work on the animation
Game still looks bad
Postgame will still be Looker Quest then nothing
The Pokemon still hop in place when using a move
Animations for the characters still looks stiff like they're stuck in a grid
Pokemon that already have their rigs, meshes and animations for Amie, walking, running, 3 standard attack animations are not in the roster or cannot be transferred to the game
So if they're reusing animations, reusing meshes, reusing rigs and slightly updating a few pokemon's textures, where is the effort being put in?
Where do you think you are?
>healthy work/life balance for devs
You missed the point of the complaint. Nintendo said they were cutting 600+ pokemon because it takes too long to animate them. Then it turns out Nintendo is just reusing the old animations anyway...
>clearly a millennial sóyboy
>blames zoomers anyway
sasuga yoomer
This is the crux of the whole "reused assets" shitstorm right here.