You don't autistically hoard shit in video games, do you?

you don't autistically hoard shit in video games, do you?

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Only money.

Yes I do.
Hentai too.

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Unique things and crafting materials

>pick up cool clutter/junk items I see lying around during my travels
>go back to base and try to place them around as decoration
>it's extremely hard to do so without them falling over or knocking something else around because of the games garbage physics system

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Based black man.

>Get rare item
>Becomes useless after several level ups and upgrades
>Still hold on to item
Why do I do this?

Yeah, in fallout 3 I horde unique weapons and armor which I'm never going to use

Guess I'm just an autist

I pick everything, sell most later.

No because Im even more autistic and I dont carry more than what the character realistically could

not autistically, no.
hoarding, though? yes, considerably.

Scrolls in Skyrim
also staffs

the feng shui mod helped a lot with that

My brother devoted weeks and countless hours to Fallout 3 where he’d pick up every single item he came across (even if it meant fast traveling back) and putting it in the fridge in the room you get in Megaton

I think he only stopped once he realized nobody but him thought it was that impressive or funny

>pick up everything I see
>drop in a big pile in house

Sorry, but my inner kleptomaniac says otherwise.

yes I do, what are you gonna do about it faggot

Does your brother have autism? My younger brother is autistic and did something similar. I ended up deleting his save.

Holla holla get dolla

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You are not real NV player if you didnt came out with all Sierra Madre gold in end

>he didn't let go
based retard

I still remember the times when I was a kid and played Fallout 3 solely with God mode and always stripped searched every body and grabbed everything I ever saw on the map. It always took time to find anything in the misc. tab

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I filled the Dinky the Dino statue with Dinky toys and watched as they poured out his mouth and left my computer chugging

In my modded house, I made a room full of the teddy bears I'd find in New Vegas in the memory of the dead kids they belonged to before the war
I was a huge emo faggot in 2011

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Only Yggdrasil leaves in DQ because you can usually only get 1 at a time but there are ways around it and getting more than 1 has actual uses.
If you don't hoard and display every unique weapon/armor in TES games you can delete yourself any time you want.

hey, that's my screenshot
tfw FO3 doesn't run well on my pc anymore and I can't do it again

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>Prowler's Profit
>Dump every gemstone I find in house
>Eventually fall to 0.5 FPS every time the 7ft tall gemstone pile comes into picture

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How did your pc get worse with time?

it got better, and now FO3 runs like shit because its engine is terribly made
it's just nonstop microstutters and it's awful feeling


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>didn't get the point

This, I never spent the gold, I keep them saved on my room.

i never bother picking up misc items in these games for decoration nor do i bother arranging items around player homes
but for some reason i always grab cartons and packs of cigs and sell them,thus encouraging and furthering the Wasteland's nicotine addiction

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to be fair those do give a good bit of money

I think people finding legit ways to keep that gold is what broke the fucker that wrote the expansions. He was always a petty fuck that hated the people that played the games he worked on but after NV he seemed to openly vent his anger at any chance he could.
What a loser.

I horde crafting materials and anything unique, even if I'll never use it. I go out of my way to find every unique or special weapon in every game I play, even if it's something like a rocket launcher and I'm using silenced rifles.

Officially, no.

He just suffers from manchild syndrome. So do I really but I’m more aware of it

Reminds me of that one dude not long after skyrim's launch who completely filled Whiterun with cabbages

I mostly only do that in New Vegas as I have a shelter (Underground Hideout mod) set up for me and my waifus.

It also gives me that provider feeling that I sort of can't express irl because I'm unemployed and single.

Morrowind is peak hoarding game



You need to get toilet paper from somewhere I guess

I did this with books in skyrim but the physics engine made them start sticking together and it looked retarded

>get consumable
>whoa this looks good for when I end up in rough situation, better save it for that
>nah I can win this without that item
>repeat ad nauseum
>whoa where did this full stack of useless crap come from

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Pillows! Morrowind has the best pillows, I hoard hundreds of them and decorate my houses with them. Every home I enter I steal their pillow(s), and there’s the crashed boat that has 200 pillows inside of it.

i only started colleting .357 revolvers after lvl 30ish. next run i'm gonna collect all of them from the beginning

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Do you not?

Anyone got pic of comfiest player home set ups?


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>the point is to let go didn't you hear how they said it fourteen times
but i'm not playing a fallout game to be told what to do

I do, how could you tell?

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I-i'm just here for the rats..

its the only reason i played skyrim for over 2 years
>install mods such as positioners, value modifications, clutter fixes, craftable dens and cellars, other lore friendly shit...
>end up with riften home a step away from becoming thane
>become guild master and earn every prize in thieves guild
>fill the home Carl room (its empty without a home Carl) with all sorts of loot in value of above 300
>weapons, armor, clothes, ingots, books, scrolls, magic sticks, silver platers, platters, midget chamber pots...
>game lags severely or crashes when i enter riften home
>decide to stop hoarding shit and sell everything
>delete medieval prices mod
>install cutthroat merchant mod
>install expanded fireheard mod so i can build my own chests, safes, furniture and position it the way i want to
>shove all jewlarry into one safe, money in second, sentimental unique quest shit into 3rd
>earn over 1000000 selling clutter
>finally become thone and have home Carl move in
>leave riften naked without a thing and start new life, no dragons yet, separate start mod included heh

>Decide i've had enough of this shit
>Start a character/run that specifically focuses on on crafting and acquiring said items
>Its fucking fun to hoard all the crafting parts and create tons of powerful items

I have learned to appreciate a good crafting system that rewards you for heavy investment.

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well it's fallout, they're all easy. any fun you can have is making the game harder

grenades I guess
though lately I've started forcing myself to use them

>keep the starting gear in every game/MMO
>get validated one out of ten times
feels so good

also the best example is having my 55hp "immortal" monk in guild wars use the starting gear as the "sacrificial" set because i was so broke i couldn't afford an armor just for it, then use said set and build to make myself filthy rich
(fuck GW2)
I wanna go back

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beth games are my weakness
>booze and nuka cola in FO3/NV
>fucking everything that isn't nailed down in 4
>books and enchanted weapons in all the elder scrolls games

i only pick up weightless or near weightless items, only sell items with weight if they're junk, and store the rest somewhere else "in case". like in new vegas i've always finished each run with a couple implants and an extra 30K caps, refusing to buy any guns or armor, just ammo.

>game has limited encounters with monsters, hence finite money and consumables, hence saving that one health potion is actually a net benefit in the long run

I fucking love the last sovereign for this too. its and RPGMaker game i tried for fapping and am at my 4th 80+ hours run, trying to optimize the shit out of it.

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i only hoard things that have use

I wsih I could do something more with alkie in Fallout 3 and New vegas.

When I was a kid I collected pillows in Morrowind and paved my house with them.

I have over 1000 vaulted relics in Warframe total.
I could sell them and get fuck you levels of plat, but then I know I'd miss them after, but I'm too scared to risk cracking them open in fissures for low tier rewards.

that unironically can bloat your save and corrupt it on consoles, lmao

I don't think hoarding uniques is that uncommon.

ducktales, woo hoo

I don't know how the devs knew that people would collect pillows and make that NPC with the pillow autism and the boat with her shipment of even more pillows.

I imagine my courier lounging on the sofa beside the bed , piss drunk passing out to this playing on the radio

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post your Mailmen

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No of course not.

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>Bottles aren't all at same rotation

taking a bath in dollars sounds like fun

aint nothing special

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Only if it fits the role playing of the character.

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>Nude child
Fucking freak.

i dunno why but this reminds me of that time i played TTW and my body replacer didn't blacklist old people or kids from the Fallout 3 portion of the game so there would sometimes be few slutty little girls running around

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I don't think you can even conceive how much of a pain in the ass it already was to neatly place all those bottles in there manually while fighting gamebryo physics. The beer crates in particular would always tremble ominously whenever I would enter and often times spin out of control like beyblades and explode everywhere in the fucking room if I accidentally bumped into one.

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I used to keep a huge pile of empties in that same room next to the couch

I do that with the weapons mods in SoC

based as fuck.

I wish loli mods for nv/3 weren't so... weird looking