It's out and it's hard as shit.
Have you beat it yet?
It's out and it's hard as shit.
Have you beat it yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, I don't play shitty games
Wrong thread, Celeste is a good game
I'm SIX hours in and I had to stop cause I just was fucking up basic shit. I think I'm on the last checkpoint. That LONG ass screen where you gotta carry around jelly fishes everywhere.
That sounds like the last screen. Luckily they put a checkpoint right there so you can go play other levels without losing your progress
I don't see it on the Epic Game store. do I just download the original game?
It's free update so it should patch on its own.
Well you better hurry up and beat it user because it's good
>there's a fucking golden strawberry
>been waiting for it forever
>my fucking 360 controller doesn't work
keyboard it is. fuck.
Why the hate for Celeste? Do you people care so much that the creator is a liberal non-binary? It's a fun game about overcoming depression, something Yea Forums users should be very interested in.
After /pol/tards forced the abortion meme the game never had a chance on this board
Yea Forums is triggered that they wanted to fuck the tranny composer but can't, so now they hate the game.
i liked the wavedashing powerpoint :D
it just never ends bros
it actually did, but it took me 5 hours and 1.1k deaths
Pretty sure they put that in just to troll anyone that wants to go for the golden strawberries.
It looks like it's going to be one of the hardest challenges in all of platformers barring N++ 100%, much harder than impossible boy and iron god since it's both incredibly long and incredibly precise
Time to go through the same shit AHiT did again.
holy based
Speedrunners will get it within a week. Nothing in celeste is RNG so it's all skill and muscle memory
end is nigh took like a year before someone beat it without dying
Even speedrunners and people who got all the berries said it took them like 5~ hours to beat the dlc casually which is incredibly fucking long
Some of the hardest parts in the End is Night are actually just utterly autistic though.
One of the devs has his speedrun time down to 15 mins or so. 15 mins of perfect play is incredibly hard but I'm confident speedrunners can do it. Those guys practice every room until it's 100% ingrained in muscle memory, some have even done all C-sides deathless in a row which is around the same length as Farewell
You are underestimating muscle memory.
end is nigh is a 40 min run but everything in it is much much less precise than anything in farewell.
The fuck? Do I have to throw the jellyfish backwards, destroy the generator then instantly go to the left and catch it? what a load of crap
nigga what are you doing
Wait do you have to do the level all in one go or are there checkpoints where you can save and return from later in?
Actually it seems there is a gem and platform offscreen to the left
So they expect me to wavedash on that tiny fucking platform even though every attempt takes like 2 minutes since you have to do the entire final room for every fucking try
what are you trying to achieve?
same as base game, mountain symbol on wall = checkpoints
or you can press save and quit and it'll save the exact room, can't go back to level select that way though
What were you expecting? That she had some nazi flags and posters of pepe covering her room?
didn't you notice all the platforms in the electricity? you have to go back after destroying the generator for the secret moon berry
Please tell me that the golden strawberry isn't needed for that final hidden achievement
I expect developers to not weigh in on things that the game has nothing to do with for brownie points.
Surely the character of Madeline has something to do with the game.
Can someone please tell me if there’s checkpoints?
if my hard drive didnt break i would post an npc meme riiiiight here
Gold strawberries were completely optional in the main game so I wouldn't imagine it would be the same thing.
This dev is overrated, Ryukar and Grandpoobear over rate this dev.
This game's about abortion isn't it
I dont like ball bustingly hard platformers.
But I'm glad that the people who liked it got more.
Celeste is not a game because you can't fail it.
that's kind of you!
No, it's about transitioning
>tfw you think it's over but there's even more rooms
>Still no Xbox update
I hate this shit.
I don't want to give people like that my money and I haven't gotten around to pirating it.
Where is this revealed?
Nice bait mate.
She has a couple cute flags near her pc monitor, one of which is the trans flag. This means she is trans apparently? Who cares.
>trans flag
I dont know it makes me laugh so much but fuck is it funny.
user, you do realize Madeline suffers mental illness's for a reason don't you.
I definitely wouldn't call such things 'cute.'
Based and redpilled.
Trans flag on desk and picture of little boy madeline with his/her mom on nightstand
Show nightstand.
That's the desk, not the nightstand, idiot. I specifically asked for this nightstand image because I had seen the desk and the SJW flags, so now I want to see this family photo.
About overcoming depression or 'overcoming depression'?
more pressing is the gamer keyboard she has. is madeline a gamer? what's her rank in csgo?
Beat it in 30 minutes. Too easy.
She uses it exclusively to play Fortnite.
I'd be depressed if I mutilated myself as well.
girls never have short hair. thats just science
>trans flag means Maddie herself is trans
If that was the case it would've been stated as such from the very beginning, she's just a virtue-signaling kike much like the devs
Well what’s good game to you then?
Making you float through an electric labyrinth in the last level was kind of bullshit, but pretty fun overall
last few CoD releases
oh no theres two squares with colors on them
now we all have to hate the game and if you like it and arent outraged by this you are a reserseeratrauainynspenensurmrerdresdirtrmumblrsosysosysosysisysiusisysosgsisussohss reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You fags get triggered at everything.
>he missed the true ending
Do people think regular, garden-variety depressives don't exist?
Does the entire modern left think all other forms of mental illness and self-change are superseded by "lol just transition"?
I feel like I don't exist in the eyes of... well, anyone.
I was happy Celeste changed that. For the first time in my life, I understood why people clamored over "representation".
I guess it was just a fluke though.
Oh well. At least it's fun.
>have to float through another electric labyrinth
>can't quit now otherwise I have to do the first part again
It means she's a SJW and it's a statement by the devs. You can like the gameplay but they don't deserve any money.
You should shower regularly
There's always AAA shooters if that's to difficult for you.
getting pissed as fuck at a fictional character. just hunched in my chair, steam coming off my balding head mad as hell at a fake person
You should just admit that you agree with them politically if it means this much to you, like this guy.
>You're a piece of shit if you don't believe cutting off your dick changes your sex, or that you shouldn't encourage children to do it, or that you shouldn't be fired for not agreeing with me
But user, I said to play the game. Just pirate it. It's the devs you should be annoyed at, not their sockpuppet.
No, I don’t plan to. Played through Celeste till the end, and it was just alright in my mind; nothing special. See no reason to run to this.
i saw some cute porn of this thing yesterday
> Game about aborting your black son.
madeline or a new character?
The achievements mention a hidden moon berry, has anyone found it yet?
absolutely rancorous, hair coming out of my scalp in fistfuls, that somebody put about 50 square pixels of three colors in my video game
Delusional people that shouldn't be allowed to force their nonsense on other people.
I'm so sorry about your autism user, you should handle your disagreement with the dev's politics more maturely, like me.
>Telling google you like cunny
wtf is cunny?
I don't like FPS but they're way better than these pixeleted indie games.
Not only that, but it's showing the fetishism of this community over some overly difficult mechanics just because.
Loli puss
When will it end?
Yes, it's at the end of a hidden tough optional section
yes, that shit is unnecessary. make a fun game and leave the faggotry out of it
Know who else is trans if this is the case?
If you buy a game you agree with the devs politics? You fags are SJWs.
I'm sorry for your baldness, user. You should just shave it all off and grow a beard, looks much nicer than balding.
No, but it does mean giving them money/support. I don't really want to do that, personally.
OH no no no no this is the current state of white boys LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
How old are you?
>maturely, like me
so who else here got this?
Do you guys even play vidya or do you just bitch about feminism all day
>not telling google you like cunny
lmaoing at your life from the van
>ctrl + f
> 3 results
Every single time.
it took me another 1 and a half hour to get it on top of the clearing the chapter in 6 and a half hours
Oh, here comes the argument that I must be a child if I don't agree with your politics.
I mean, I'm not the one losing my shit that someone doesn't agree with their politics being in a game.
Don't worry user, I sympathize with you, you don't need to keep showing me selfies.
do you need to have cleared all C sides or can you just do it whenever?
>I'm not the one losing my shit
if you say so user
I do. Thanks for posting, bro.
>free DLC that adds 8 hours of extra content for free when the original was already 20 hours long
based, I don't give a shit if the devs are SJWs or trannies, the game is good and that's all that matters
good shit user, that last section was awful
>mfw i see at porn of her ingame sprite
It's not difficult though, just follow the line and hit the buttons when you're supposed to. Holding Right and pressing jump cause there's a single spike isn't something you should be proud to do unless you're a literal 5 year old, at which point you should be way more capable than that at 8/10, assuming you're following the sites rules and you are over the age of 18 you should not be wasting your time playing games for children.
>faggots unironically defending the tranny pandering
this shithole has hit a new low, kek.
Only faggoty children type or say this
imagine being this retarded
Nah you don't get it, the game is confirming that trannies are all mentally Ill which is something that is based and redpilled.
No I think you're a manchild. How old are you?
But you just affirmed what I was saying, user. Restating it in a different way doesn't change that, whether you think I'm an actual child or a manchild.
But you're the one complaining about the devs politics
>imagine being this retarded
>I'm smart cause I can't get gud
Just get gud and stop being a bitch cause you can't get gud.
You're very dumb. How old are you?
But I got gud since I beat it
Meanwhile you didn't.
With a simple statement that I won't support them financially for them, sure. That's not the frothing at the mouth you try to imply, user.
>You're dumb
That's not an argument at all, user, nor a compelling point.
I'm not arguing, just stating a fact. How old are you?
4 hours 28 minutes, 1482 deaths. Pretty pleased with how I did, all in all. Fantastic level, though I dread the search for the Moonberry that apparently exists.
You have to prove a statement is factual, user.
based and openmindedpilled
it's actually quite obvious where it is
in the final room there are a bunch of platforms you can see behind the electricity
the real challenge is that it's another fucklong room
>Look at me I was only pretending to be retarded
>you're the retard since you didn't realize I was pretending to be a retard.
Not going to read the spoiler, but I noticed three spots through the level where it could be, and am trying them in order.
It's not actually hidden or anything ya know.
How much do you want to bet this DLC was made so someone didn't have to feel bad skipping a funeral
Pretty sure madeline is at least 20
Loli isn't about age, it's about looks. That's why you have 1000 year old loli vampires and shit.
Now what?
>Celeste has good gameplay
>the devs (and characters) are also insufferable chodes who think "overcoming" 5 self-diagnosed mental illnesses after dropping out of art school is a compelling story
We could just admit both are true instead of having 500 shitposts about it every week.
so basically good gameplay, but shitty story?
>thinking Celeste was ever a good representation of depression instead of a Life is Strange-tier "quirky" characters story
wow user stop being condescending. By the way, I'm not that user that you were talking to.
I've beaten truly hard games like Contra on Genesis and SoR3 on hard. Stop being annoying. Or are you just shilling the game?
that middle section where they mix base game stage gimmicks together in different ways is pretty fucking cool
>Game made by and prominently features trannies
>Was designed for and has an active speedrunning community
I don't doubt it's a good game for the genre, but it's also a genre I don't care for and the creators are faggots
>hurrrr picture a feather and you'll feel better
WOW life changing advice this game cured my crippling mental disorders
I really like the game but 100% of the story is skippable and anyone raving about it is just doing it to feel mature and pander to the mentally ill vidya crowd.
dev owned, game deleted, thread nuked, /thread
unwishlisted this game when people on Yea Forums tipped off it was basically a pro-abortion rant.. i won't support that shit
>used to fap to maddie like crazy
>thought she was cute
>this shit happens
>feel like i've been punched in the gut
Tell it to me straight fapping to old pics when she was a girl(female) still okay?
It is life-changing advice if you don't have any real mental illness and only "suffer" from self-diagnosed "anxiety" and depression like half of zoomers, which is why they think it's good.
Really? God, can't get away from this faggy shit anywhere.
now you get the golden strawberries
Done. Took about 4 1/2 hours. That moving block sectiin where you had to wave dash under it was the worst.
We hate this because it is about abortion
Do you know how many fucking niggers there would be without abortion?
Well also it looks like another bottom-of-the-barrel indie double-jumper.
You didn't get the strawberry.
Schedule your surgery.
You are almost there
then go get the moon berry from that screen again lmao
Is it through the rock to the right?
What'd he mean by this?
those rocks are part of the route yes
He means he's talking out his ass.
Fuck I haven’t even gotten like half of the hearts yet and I just wanna hear that music at the end in action. Don’t think I’m good enough to beat the whole thing but it’s a good excuse to pick the game back up and try at least.
He means we should talk about the DLC that just came out, not offtopic politics
Sort of. Just beat the stage first and come back for the berry later
Maybe cause
>hey should I play test and balance my game
>nah just add baby slowdown mode, who cares everyone will just call people who use it scrubs
scrub quotes
Its free for all platforms right? Has this game gone on sale at all on PSN?
Do you think a introvert girl would really care about trans flag shit? she would be locked at home playing vidya the entire day or something,theo on other hand would be the kind of twitter whore who would gladly tweet "trans rights" and state pronouns on his profile
anyway,not only its HEAVILY implied she is trans but considering the creator,this character most definitely is,im sorry you had a stiffy for a trans character Yea Forums :^)
The abortion meme is over since she’s a tranny and couldn’t ever get pregnant
What are you talking about? Do you hear what you're saying? Do you need the default game to be easier or are you just bitching? The game is totally fair without baby slowdown mode. There's nothing unpolished or unbalanced about it.
Having it in there doesn't change the game at all. If anything, it's a benefit because it lets the devs keep the difficulty high enough to be challenging and lets them basically have a get out of jail free card whenever anyone complains about it being too hard. The only downside is it gives idiots like you a reason to complain.
Anyone got a link to the souuundtrack?
Did you not see at launch? People where complaining about assist mode being a permanent toggle that marked your save
So the devs made it so you can turn it off and on like retards
Madeleine isnt fucking trans holy shit im gonna kick a deer in the nuts if this game is only known for doofuses spreading actual lies
The difference is that it's an official part of the game that madeline has a trans flag in her room.
The abortion shit is completely made up but her being trans at least has some ground in the game
I finally got both the achievements, died just over 2000 times. Fuck fish, fuck parachutes and FUCK THAT FUCKING BIRD.
lmao no I got it at launch but missed all of that somehow
I still don't see why having an easy mode means the game is unbalanced or wasn't playtested
I'm not him, just pointing out people getting butthurt that cheat mode marked their save
Dont you think a game thats so blunt about its messaging would mention that instead of just hiding it away?
Have some logic.
>granny died for this dlc
curse you ya old cunt
>madeleine continues her descent into insanity so she starts attacking the local avian fauna
She really wants that abortion
Imagine spending hours of your life playing a tranny simulator that stresses how important 'mental health' is, and lets you cheat at will.
Imagine spending hours of your life boiling about a game you'll never even play
why does it matter
Honestly how hard is this game compared to pic related? i've got all achievements for it except iron god and was wondering if it would be just as painful if i invest my time into it
About as hard.
Golden strawberries are harder than yolo cartridges.
Dlc golden strawberry is way harder than iron god
>Golden strawberries are harder than yolo cartridges.
Can you actually name even a single person who puts the trans flag on their PC/phone/fridge/twitter bio and who is NOT a tranny?
Outside of super mega cart, the cartridges are all super short since it's just 10 rooms a piece which makes doing them no death a lot easier.
Golden strawberries are completely optional and don't even have achievements attached to them however. Im sure even the most hardcore would still pass on the dlc golden strawberry
Nice Trick question you got there.
The super mega cart is harder than anything that's mandatory in celeste imo
I'm scarred by that
It's not a trick question, and that level of "subtlety" is completely in line with the game's themes. Madeline never expressly says that she has depression/anxiety/mental illness, but the entire plot is an obvious metaphor for it. If anything the trans flag is MORE obvious.
Doing it deathless isn't mandatory, with 30 lives it's a piece of cake desu
Chapter 9 is far harder
how many strawberries are there in total
All I know is that I've beaten everything in celeste, but the final two challenges of the end is nigh (the tower of ascension and the super mega cart) were absolute cancer
175 red and 25 golden ones
Plus 2 DLC strawberries
I don't understand how people think golden strawberries can be fun, glad they're optional.
SMB already pulled the do all of this shit in one life and it was trash
wow I actually got pretty close in red berries
first post based post as always
>has mental illness
>revealed to be trans
idk what you guys are complaining about this is perfect
too bad the granny died though,i guess she was too good for this world
Now what's this moon strawberry everyone is talking about?
>2.2k deaths in one chapter
Holy fuck user, I had less than that in the entire base game.
That's because I'm not good.
Show me the goods.
I’m more mad at Theo, I fucking hate him.
How can I get the DLC update if I have the pirated version of Celeste? cant find any new releases.
pls help.
>those flags
That's going to be a yikes from me dawg
Actually based.
If an absolute shitter like me could do it, you can to.
Farewell is harder than anything in the base game
Theo is genuinely the least likable character in a video game from recent memory. The Arena fanboy in Oblivion is a national treasure by comparison.
I'm trying user and I'm screaming my goddamn lungs out in utter frustration
there isn't even really any good madeline porn
For me, it’s just me not giving a shit about the story and not thinking much of the gameplay. It was challenging, sure, but once the hearts and B/C side cane out and told me it was mandatory to even try the core, I dropped it. Madeline was forgettable, I hated Theo, Badaline was actually cool.
Why play Farewell when I can play I wanna be the Farewell or The Farewell Medley
is there a checkpoint after getting the 6 keys for the locks the bird places
I love how /pol/ got this game banned here by making up shit to be mad about, none of which was true. You can get a game forbidden here by just spamming lies about it.
Based. We've got these transphobes seething now, friend. I'll see you back in the Reddit thread tomorrow.
I'm too tired from screaming in rage to be excited for getting past this and there is still more
just because no one wants to talk about doesn't mean its banned.
Well done. You can always save+quit and get back at it tomorrow.
Nah, I plan to do it tonight
Godspeed. When you finish it, Badeline strips naked.
Will do. I'm already at the updraft section