Monster Iceborne

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Other urls found in this thread:

heh...nothing personnel, Huntsman

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So between the new hammer's spinning clutch claw attack or the CB's savage axe, which of them is more unga bunga?

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Post Namielle and Zinogre weapons RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Post your most abstract killscreens

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>hunts take 15min solo with n6 gunlances
Artillery 5 will save me, right?
Also, why is eating for feline bombardier still a pain in the ass?

You can use "Monster Hunter Iceborne", you know. Some lesser faggot mod removed the autosage filter major faggot mods added.

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I can't believe that Boomer Hunter is fucking dead

It looks like olimar escaping an asteroid belt followed by a supernova begging to form

>Only LS, GL, and Bow get unique models
At least the LS looks good.



neither. Clutch Claw is neither Unga, nor Bunga.

>Artillery 5

Wait, there's a set that uncap Artillery ?
I need it, now

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Zinogre Theme
Probably Zinogre

What Set(s) are needed for Artillery 5?

Also, has anyone seen if there's a Hard Artillery Deco? I know some Decos have Hard variants that add more to the skill.

MR zorah
no zorah fight, just find his parts in the guiding lands

Freedom 1
Proof of a Hero
Shagaru Magala

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You scared me for a second

>3U or World
>GS or Hammer
>Caedus' theme
>Brachydios or Great Jaggi

Really hard to tell since they all have big issues but FU, P3rd and 3U are my top 3.
Ancestral Steppe
Garuga, 4th gen abortion version excluded

Hunting Horn and Charge Blade

Freedom Unite
Hunting Horn

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whats the point in asking this same question every two threads? nobody reads them

>Ahtal Ka's theme
>Zinogre or Nargacuga

just beat glav and narga, they fellt less complicated to fight than barioth, but now it's time for tigrex and brachy

3U brachy
Alatreon because of his pompadour

helps bump the threads and it's actual game discussion and not shitposting

I just killed Velkhana. What are some good Insect Glaives and related armor I should be working towards?

Redpill me on Gore. Just fought him for the first time in a low rank quest and it was just awful.
>dude lemme charge more than a fucking rathian
>dude lemme just shit out AoEs everywhere
what the actual fuck


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>no elemental shelling

Best HH's in Iceborne?
I need something to fantasize about until 2020


Fact: most speedrunners are bad at the game. They will redo the same quest 200+ times until they get a run where they don't get hit/get good monster RNG, which isn't indicative of their average cleartime or general skill at all. Then they grasp to their precious "meta skills" and refuse to try anything else, or try to invent new strategies, until some random japanese runner btfos their time and steal his armour/strats and repeat the autistic grind all over again. And finally they circlejerk about their TA format and how its "old mh", when they ban items and mechanics that were in old games, and the runs just resort to flinch/trip locking the monster which ruins the entire purpose that their ruleset tried to prevent in the first place.
Funny how they dislike the built in speedrun mode that is arena, because the well designed pre-made sets would require them to find new strats since they cant abuse flinches and trips anymore. Makes you think.

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>2-star key quest: hunt a Cephadrome

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jesus dick, I wish

Handler wake the fuck up.

cute handler

>No altered shelling particle effects for different gunlance elements

>Plesioth key quest in high rank
>Plesioth/ Green Plesioth key quest in G Rank

Freedom Unite
Switch Axe
Gore Magala

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HH or SA
Brachy theme

Is there a full list of Iceborne monsters yet? I just beat shavaraishvaldalaldala

>progress a bit
>handler fucks off and I get a better handler in every single way
Iceborne has officially become the best thing

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all according to plan...

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he can’t do anything to you if you’re under him, but that would be cowardice
doing enough damage will boost your affinity and make you immune to further frenzy effects until it wears off, and you can take nulberries to reduce buildup, so those aoes aren’t even that threatening

how do I get serious handler back? I've had enough of the glutton.

>it’s only for 2 quest

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Doing Narga next, already beat Glaive anus. Thinking about putting some thought in my sets. I'm thinking about Slugger, since Diablos set break the cap. Is it any good for a hammerbro or is there other hammer builds up to that point that will do better?

Why are they still releasing DLC for a dead game that died two weeks after it released and everyone got bored of fighting the same 7 monsters over and over again?

Oh hey pards

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It only lasts like 2 quests, enjoy it while you can.

remember to use iai stance to counter monster attacks and close gaps!

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In case you're serious, give MHW PC stats a look

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>final unlockable fight is ruiner nerg on drugs
>not a black dragon like Alatreon or Dire Miralis
Well, at least it beats something like abyssal lagi.

>Edgier Glavenus
>Tigrex (Loud)
>Viper Tobi-Kadouchebag
>Coral Handler
>Mushroom Hazak
>Ruiner Niggagante
>Yian Garuga
>Daterape Paolumu
>Shara Ishvalda
>Gold and Silver Raths
>Maybe something at MR200, we don't know yet

how do i git gud with hammer? should I always charge?

Hunting Horn
Khezu' Theme Khezu

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It's not coming to Switch, let go

here let me save you the trouble. that user will spend time posting the equivalent of >lalala does not count

Alright Yea Forums, how long was the set that you made to prepare for Iceborne lasted?

>finally got a new PC so I can play MHW at glorious 60fps
>all my MH friends are still PS4 plebs
>asking me to buy Icebourne to play with them
>literally can't go back to awful 40fps console expirience

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I didn't make a prep set because I'm not a cuck, but I just repelled Velkhana and so far Beotodus armor is going strong

So will G rank be free DLC or what because MR does not feel like G rank at all.

>stays the true endboss
What now, velkhanafags?

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1 or p3rd. World is growing on me too, the absolute chaos of multi-monster investigations never gets old.
Crimson goat or akantor's LS
Old swamp ambience or chameleos' theme
og fatty

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Listen here, explosive-kun, I won't be beaten by you!

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There's an achievement for MR 200 so there's probably some kind of quest there. Probably not a new monster though, more of a Caravaneer's Challenge maybe

>Tigrex (Loud)

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Are they going to keep doing fesitvals on PC until January?

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>3U main theme brings a tear to my eye
>Jho or Brachy

>arena is well designed!
>most loadouts are absolutely terrible skillwise
>you’re given traps, flashes, and sonics to stunlock monsters with anyway
arena has some interesting limitations and they’re usually set up to teach you a couple things, like how important it is to keep dodo flashed/trapped when he has rocks so you can do more damage without blowing it up and having to wait for him to eat again, but arena runs are just as or even more Hail Mary than arbitrary TA rules
You’re correct however that speedrunners play extremely unsafe for the optimal time, and that monster rng is often the deciding factor between landing SAED spam and getting plastered. AT Nergi was a pain in the ass for both casuals and TA autists because of his instant dive, and people ground out runs like a glorified lotto

Up until narga

Nargas is too good

Niggas you should REALLY try guiding lands. Shit's top tier comfy especially in coop
>we don't know what's what
>people also don't know what's what
>we just hunt whaveter we come across
>all of a sudden 2 and a half hours gone as we hunted like 7~ish monsters

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>Charge Blade, with Lance as a close second
>Pre-World Teostra theme

Fuck velk. Seriously.
Every fucking time I go to fucking heal it fucking uses its ice breath AoE 3 fucking times in a fucking row and kills me. Every single fucking time.
Majority of the time youre running around like fuck anyways because Velk has stupid amount of AoE because Crapcom can't into monster design anymore.
Oh you thought you had an opening? Nope let me just spin around and get eveyone? OH wait you thought you had another, nah let me just U turn at 20000000000mph and stab you with my tail 3 times in a row.
Capcom can't fucking design monsters anymore. Its become nothing but AoE spam.

Name a single thing she did wrong.

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>World's Narugakuruga
>Naruga kuruga

Are there no cart limits like other expeditions? If no, it would make playing with randoms pretty comfy. The worst people could do is trip you and passively increase monster health, and in return you get to see them learn and/or ragequit from carting 6 times

Charge Blade
Bloodbath period phase


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No cart limits.
If you cart you retroactively reduce the rewards of the previous hunts you've done without reporting it first
This fact above can be avoided by you reporting your rewards to the handler every 1 hunt though so it's chill

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>playing the most streamlined and casualized version of Monster Hunter

Use Max Potions dumbass


you're alright, user

Exist as an Elder Dragon near Hunters. That's a mistake with one possible outcome.

So most of the monsters are reskins?

Im legit trying to heal, the second I try to use a potion boom she gets me.

imagine being angry because a game got rid of a shit ton of artificial difficulty
>the game isn't good because you don't stand in one spot to drink a potion and then flex like a retard

missing savage jho and scarred garuga

I never carted against velkhu but I agree. She is way too fast and moves around too much. You run around more than you fight, which makes the fight less enjoyable.

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God MonHun elitists is insufferable. Y’all are about 1 step above dwarf fortress autists

Cephadrome makes me want to kill myself. that was the least satisfying hunt of my entire life.
>hit cephadrome once
>Cephadrome goes 'lol I'm out nigga' and runs to another area halfway across the map
>get there
>'lol I'm out nigga'
Please tell me there's no High or G-rank Cephadrome key quests

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Was Xeno the strongest elder dragon?

what's up with these degenerate niggers flooding in

Welcome to g-rank rereleases

That will be 40 dollars plus tip

Why was Velkhana the flagship again?

Not quite, most of the variants have new moves that differentiate them a bit from their normal counterparts.

How are the rewards affected? If it’s just one extra drop roll then I would happily put up with it for the camaraderie

Worst part is you can't even use traps to at least get some uptime in because Velk is an elder dragon.

>forced to use the fucking aerial style because of the subquest requirements


I missed Savage Jho, Scarred Garuga (A Bird denied his Konchu), and Autistic Legiana here.
Gonna go cart myself.

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>big fluffy moose monster
>can be found in the fuck desert and lava land
That ain't right

Cephadrome is easily my least favourite monster in the series. I find fucking Plesioth more enjoyable.

Haha you're going to love Gravios
>Roars for 30 seconds
>Sleep fart
>Runs across the map
>Laser beam
>Run across the map
>Explosive fart
>Runs across the map
>Runs across the map
>Roars for 30 seconds
>Laser beam

He's always a key quest. I have no idea why, but every time he shows up, it's a key, every game. Shittiest monster in the series

is there even a nergi vs velkhana turf war in-game?

Not too much. I'm and we carted gloriously to Black Diablos twice, literally only 2 rewards is empty in the screen
Although we did hunt Girros>Blos>Barroth before the BBlos

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>healing being a commitment that will get you carted if you chug under a monster’s nose at worst and bleed you dry of resources at best
>artificial difficulty
Of all the things that World actually did well, you pick one of the things it did the worst?

She got in my fucking way

I want to ride a Banbaro.

Because you need to put a big scary flagship monster on the cover so that when you kill it everyone can collectively go “but there’s something even bigger-er to kill”

Just like every other monster hunter storyline

When you could just zone out in older games?

>reporting it first
what is this? saw some people reporting it and i dont know how to do this

having to stand in one place is fine, but if you defend the flex you are retarded

January suddenly feels a lot farther away. Oh well, I’ll get /fit/ in the meantime and pull ahead in my studies so I have room to be a lazy fuck when that time comes

Potentially, maybe. If what we fought was just a newborn with little control over it's power, who knows how strong it could be once it matured. I think the top spot is still Alatreon, a Fatalis or Daladamur, though a better educated user can correct me if I'm mistaken.

I did it.....
I double dipped.......

>*Is just being born*
>Shoots lasers from her cunny because she doesn't understand life yet
>You kill her
Why? She hasn't done ANYTHING wrong.

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Well the first thing it wanted to do after being born was murder, so there’s that

Go to the Handler at your camp and report your rewards, you still stay at the guiding lands but you don't have the burden of previous rewards being stocked up.
And if it's any indication, hunting more than 4 monsters fills up the reward box to the brim

Good luck PCbro

>All those theories people were coming up with before release about how Velkhana was the one keeping the Everwyrm sealed up in ice and all that jazz
>Turns out none of it was correct and Velkhana is basically irrelevant
>Gets overshadowed by the previous flagship in its own game
I have no idea.

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Because I want to make a belt out of her murderous face.

is the first Iceborne mission solo only? how hard is it with an IG? can the beotodus run away?

tie between 4U and Iceborne
baguette stick
yukumo guild hall

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That Viking spirit calls Banbaro to new lands, that he may plunder desert rocks, volcanic crystals and Daladamur ribs.

You could, but almost literally nobody ever did because it's such a colossal waste of time

uh, the MH song
Yian Garuga.

>Shara has the most weakness to Ice followed by Water
>Which is Velk and Nami's thing
Dunno dude, feels like they're natural born enemies

why do all gs users also use hammer? yall the same ass person!

that's a big cat

Freedom Unite
World, maybe Freedom Unite
QUEEN SELTAS and KHEZU are equally top

That’s going to be a series problem as long as farcasters exist.
I am. It’s a period where you still get the benefits of the item, which is sustainable in the short term and unsustainable in the long term because of stun, and longest term because you’re going to run out of healing doing that.

Monster Hunter (PS2)
White Fatalis’ Theme

>there are people who capture Garuga in Iceborne, the game where they don't always kill captured monsters
>there are people who knowingly let Garuga live to cause destruction

Remember to assert dominance by carving tails immediately after severing them.

velkhanas going to be ok, right?

In my head captured monsters are eventually euthanized for parts

Too many to list but I like pretty much all of the ones I've heard
got a few here but I'll shorten my list to Seltas/Queen and Vaal Hazak

Monsters have right to life

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Are you doubting the Queen of monster Hunter?

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Freedom United
3 Ultimate
GS, Hunting Horn, HBG, Hammer

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>Pokke Village Theme

I'm pretty sure some of the highly dangerous ones like Odo, Jho, and Bazel are, but the mildly and non-dangerous ones are released for further study after their nap in Astera.

Piscine type monsters are the second biggest embodiments of anti-fun in the series. Can’t hit their weak points because they are submerged, unless their weakpoint happens to be their fins. Can’t use a tool to bring them out unless they are fully underground which like they only seldom do. Imagine my fucking face when the first monster I have to kill is one of these in Iceborne.

Shara or Jho what's the better weapon if you want dragon element?


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>First monhun
>Fav monhun
>Fav weapon
Great Sword
>Fav song
Proof of a Hero
>Fav mon

Captured monsters in World are let go into the wilderness for some reason

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Garuga doesn't

The first mission? No since it’s the objective. You’ll be fine with any weapon really since it’s not that hard. Just expect the fight to be kinda annoying since the fucker just stays in dive mode for the most of the time.

>fights take half an hour, don't do serious damage until I've broken every joint on the monsters body
God yes I'm loving this

this is very cool

I use cb and ls too bro

Stop replying to him

Kokoto village theme

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I kinda miss subquests

anime levels are off the charts

Should I make the Velkhana Lance? I got the Barioth and Azure los Lance and both have great raw, element, and affinity but they're white sharpness only

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He teaches you to abuse sonic bombs on digging monsters if you value your sanity

There are a ton of things I miss.

Barioth is the perfect example. Feels like he's just a murdering tank till you break all his shit, then he gets way more fucked up than almost any monster, falling over, no fangs, all that

Hammer or Sword+Shield
Honestly couldnt decide

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A lot of the returning monsters have seemed bigger than I remember yet somehow Brachy seems small.

Brachy in IB is the 3U version. Animation cancels, sudden switching, and knocking your ass 1-2 times. The slimes take more time to blow up, but it would mean he can potentially clutter the entire area with sline

It made me switch from always going for the head to strategically breaking parts. Especially wings.

I want it.

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>actually never stops attacking
>entire body is considered a hit box on all of his moves except flying ice breath
>spams back and forth running attack so fuck your positioning
>reposition hop has so much range it takes you out of offense completely
>impossible to weaken parts for all but the quickest clutch claw animations and lance
>will continue to spam moves even when flashed
>recovers so fast GS 1st charged slash w/ lvl 3 focus will get dodged
Worst monster so far. How do you make this fight NOT last 30 minutes?

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So is Nami an asshole like other Elders or is it just trying to live?

He puts down way more, and the recess feels way more narrow than the volcano so it's especially claustrophobic. And his... Hold his punch to see which way you roll move is still in

Say my name

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Play Lance.

flying wyverns this time are fucking garbage. they never stop moving around.

>Siberian tiger is the worst monster since it doesn't sit there and let you kill it
Go and get some taste before you continue

Git gud

What exactly do you think a flying fire breathing wyvern would do if you tried to kill it

That's a lie and you know it. Everyone zoned out

>start v Tobi fight with a charged slide attack
>One thousand hits and blast procs
>Tobi just looks around like "what the fuck just happened"
Alright you fags, I converted from GS to hammer. Tell me what I need to know

4U, first online will forever be my fav
brachy theme for monsters, pokke village for comfy

>Make Toblerone Ketamine armor, looks nice
>Make Toblerone Ketamine CB
>El Generico bone CB with tufts of fur
I gave up my Odogoron CB for this shit.

I’d expect it to hit back harder. Not fucking run back and forth until it’s tired and runs away to it’s nest.

Yea I got caught by that a couple times, thankfully it's not a huge hit when he catches you with it but I still went "cheeky fucker" every time.

>fought Shrieking Vrlkhana without flash pods

I made a terrible mistake

there is not a single flying wyvern in world that breathes fire you mong

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Spam uppercuts (Lv2 charge) on monster's faces
Use Lv3 charges and triple pounds on bigger openings
Use Big Bang combo on KO'd/Paralyzed/Trapped monsters.
You can start a charge immediately after a golf swing or any charge attack besides the Superpound with no delay, it's faster than rolling out of the attack

What is a rathalos

>impossible to hit unless you use a weapon that can hit it
>can't hit it with this weapon but I keep on using it anyway
I think I see the problem.

More horrifying shit in the series when?

The flex was pure SOUL
>not learning the monster patterns and figuring out when is the best time for a sippy
Hand me your hunter badge.
And before you call me your local Boogeyman, I prefer with world's healing, but I had no issue with the flex.

Who here capture everything because monsters have around 15% more hp than necessary while doing story quests?

Iceborne or 4U

I solo'd most of 4U G Rank cause I got sick of randoms so I don't have any issues with monster HP so far.

No, people are just shitters who can't adapt with new encounters
It's been a longstanding fact a high mobility will come with a drawback, and Barioth's seemingly perfect kit is easily nerfed with one break on his wings, and more with further breaks
I'm baffled by the fact that people still wants to UNGA then complain about bullshit when they could just make use of whatever tools they have, having a slow weapon is not an excuse since i did him in 20 minutes with savage axe CB
>clutch claw into wall bang, focus on the wings
>do this twice
>if still unbroken, prepare a flash during his flights and focus on his wings
>fight is much more manageable after

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Think Khezu is still the winner here.

Maybe you only feel like they have 15% more hp than necessary because you're used to capturing everything. Killing them feels more satisfying, especially when they enrage near death and you go full DPS race to see who dies first.

The intro to Blackveil Vaal is kinda spooky.

draw GS is back baby
>deal 500 dmg on 3 charge with velk set

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Ready power charge any time you have a moment to, but don't be afraid to drop it if it's better to sheathe. Charge while you wait for an opening, but most of the time you'll want level 2 charge as charged upswing gives you that little dash forward and low end lag that's perfect for trying to pop a monster's head after they do an attack and then transition into a combo. You'll eventually figure out the rhythm for when to roll out of your charge so you can re-charge for level 2 or to just go into a combo raw based on what the monster's doing.

If a monster is too tall for you to hit the head, you don't have many options but to hit the legs - they'll usually be a weakpoint on taller monsters anyways so you'll get them on the ground before long. Jumping attacks can also help out a lot with this, the spin-to-win is entertaining and effective if you have a slope or wall-run around, but don't forget the charged slam, it can be a real KO hit.

When they're stunned or KO'd, you go to the head again, and if you have the charge to lead with a level 3 attack (that isn't the running hammer spin), do it. If they haven't recovered, just go for an uncharged triangle combo and hope you can get the golf swing off before they do. Anything more than that you are asking to get hit. If you don't have a full charge, start a triangle combo and transition it into Big Bang (O) as soon as possible. This one NEEDS to hit something on every hit or it won't do the following hit, but it's big dick damage and Stun if you do, you can often end up Stunning a monster right out of a KO or another Stun after the full thing, which is just a great feeling.

Fuck velk seriously. Its the worst designed monster ever.
>How can we make it hard
>Let just let it spam AoE's all the fucking time
We fucking had it limping
Yet no matter how much fucking damage we did to it, even placed like 6 mega bombs. It just wouldnt fucking die and kept spamming its fucking stupid fucking ice beam like it was nothing.
This is absolutely cancer. Its not hard, its just fucking Frontier Z omega AoE spam monster.

Zoning out was super fast, and was completely risk-free. Pretty weird strategy of you BINGs to pretend no one zoned out ever

>man this guy is a pain.
>I'm not dying, but I'm not hitting him a lot
>I could spend the whole 50 minutes just grinding him down, OR
>fires flare
>three LSs show up
>Night at the Roxbury ensues.

>Shagaru Magala Theme/Lunar Abyss/MH3 Main Theme

Also, shock traps/pitfalls exist.

>red rocket dragon
Maybe if it’s your first time encountering him

>It's not hard, just annoying"
A classic.


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You know user, you can admit a videogame is hard abd that you got your ass kicked by it

>Night at the Roxbury ensures
>Tigrex shows up and they wombo combo your three weaboo retards to death

>even placed like 6 mega bombs
So you did like 1k damage with bombs out of 12k+ HP? Congrats

AoE spam is not the sign of a hard monster.
Its the sign that crapcom have given up.

>three weaboo retards
Hey, for the record I despise LS users, but I want deny their effectiveness.

Post armor sets

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>HP cap is no longer at 150 in Iceborne

What is the max HP cap now in MH World Iceborne? 200? 250? 300? I remembered before Iceborne, HP capped at 150(especially with HP boost from armor and from meals). Max Stamina still caps at 150.

Velkhana is hardly an AoE spam, you can be in her ass at all times. You can can admit Iceborne has difficulty, no one will think less of you

Yeah. Mostly vestigial memes from the before time, in the long long ago. They're good now but still, I can't stop.

I think g rank monsters have hp in the 25k range now

>screeching legiana
>everything I hate about the regular cranked to max
>flashing does fuck all now
What's a good all purpose gun for g rank?

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>This is good monster design

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Shogun Ceanataur

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>shrieking legiana

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>buy iceborne
>forgot that i stopped playing ps3 mhw as soon as i beat xeno so i wouldnt get burned out for pc release
>didnt do any optional or postgame quests
>have no mantles, gems, supplies built up
>wearing a mix of LR/early HR armor and using a 400 atk weapon

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I don't think LS has ever really been on the bad end of weapons except for 4U, any random that mained it was just invariably total shit.

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>you can be in her ass at all times.
.t Not actually paid attention to the fight.
You see even if you try to stay near its legs. It will just either spin you, stab you with its tail or do its straight ice beam underneath.

Sold my PS4 copy and switched to Steam a few months ago.
Thinking about hopping back into PS4 due to Iceborne, should I do it?

Yo anons, if you want to make this kinda OP pic with other monsters, he's a transparent one

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>not stalling your wakeup when you see the second aoe to abuse invincibility frames

I remember when I first played Monster Hunter I jumped up off the ground immediately after being attacked too.

>Retard that doesn't know how to delay wakeups mean a monster is bad
Okay. Also they wouldn't have been two hit KO'd if they had a single point of Health Boost.
How'd that dumbass even get past Nerg in the story?

holy shit you're bad, get hit by the first shot, see the monster turn and set up the next shot of the exact thing you just got hit by, roll right into it like a dumbass, complain that game is poorly designed

>Monster Hunter P3rd
>Hardsplit between Switch Axe and Charge Blade
>Zinogre Theme
>Zinogre and all of his variants


>Rolling right after getting thrown
This isn't Dark Souls retard

Freedom 2
Vaal Hazak/Zinogre

>Switch Axe
>Bazel theme is the only one that really stuck with me
>tie between Astalos, Zinogre and Gore Magala

I dont know if you are retarded or not but that 2nd attack is a cone. Not one direction. No matter where he had rolled he would have got hit. Left or right.

>Bow nerfed to fuck in Iceborne

Fuck this I quit.

You know his other option? Staying on the fucking floor.

>tfw you will never use another weapon regardless of what MH game you play or how many other options there are

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So I don't remember ever having this much trouble with barioth before.
I guess I should just change to SnS since GS is clearly too slow for him.

Come join the glorious Bow Gun master race user.

I just can't get myself into the proper mindset for this game and it's pissing me off.
I don't hate World or anything, it's just so different from the old games that it keeps throwing me off.
All the little changes add up. I wish I had never taken a break from playing this. I just want to sit here and play it all day like a loser, but I feel exhausted after a single hunt.

Channel your inner Kajetokun, smack that fucker out of the air with lv 3 charged slashes.

>tfw getting married on saturday
>tfw no iceborne for a whole month while we go on our honeymoon

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pffffft i think there is a better game for you user, its called dark souls

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You can still zone out though.

I'd smack him with my switchaxe, and before I've recovered he's jumped away and speared me from halfway across the arena. More than once the ice platforms made me cart instead of diving

If you could only hunt with by far the most busted weapon in it's most overpowered form in the entire series so everything took less than four minutes to kill while they just sit there and die, monster hunter wasn't for you in the first place

>since GS is clearly too slow for him.
I'm feeling this way about everything so far... It's so hard for me to get used to the GS in this game.
Having to spam true charge for proper damage is killing me.

Now you're actually going to have to get in the monster's face and contribute instead of spamming dragonpiercer from 30 feet away. I don't even know how people found that fun to begin with, but there was at least one of them in every single 4 player hunt.

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>Implying anyone besides grandpa's even know who you're talking about
It doesn't make a bit of difference user. The balls are inert.

>that weapon is lance
I will never stop poking.

>I've Platinum all DS games
What a fucking pussie.

Are regular Vaal, Bazel and jho in MR ?

Not the weapon's fault keep trying. I killed it with beo gs just pay attention to it's attack tells and drawsnipe it during the recovery frames

i love gravios but i main lbg

>Having to spam true charge for proper damage is killing me.
Stop watching speedruns where monsters go full retard and literally walk into their swings. Hitting your Lv3 draw charge and rolling away is better than spending 10 seconds flailing at thin air and whiffing.
And use your jumping wide slash after a tackle more if you don't think you have time for a full charge or if the monster is at a bad angle, that shit hits nearly as hard as your strong charge.

>lost my save so I have to start over again before Iceborne hits
I'm not sure if I can sit through 10 hours of "hey pard where the food :DDD" again


Yeah I'm gonna learn a new weapon. These monsters aren't the sluggish airheads that were in World.

how did you get to Velk when you're so shit?

Guy sounds like he needs to git gud.

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Not knowing of the Patron Saint of the Great Sword is saddening to me. I shall educate the youths of this thread.

I randomly talked to one of the NPCs walking around and she said they take them back to the old world or wherever to study them, then they scavenge them for their parts. It made me feel bad.

The good old days. Is crit drawing viable in IB?

Were you ever a PS+ member, it might be in the cloud. I risked joining again and thankfully had a 300 hour save stored. Ridiculous it costs money.

I'm just gonna assume no.

Tri Ultimate
Heavy Bowgun
Frozen Seaway's battle theme
Ash Kecha Wacha

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Already gave up. Need at least new armour since his jump attack almost oneshots me.

>Giant reptiles
>In freezing cold temperatures

>everyone getting god deco combinations like offense guard/handicraft and attack/expert
>only good deco I got was the one they gave me (Expert +2)

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Village of Deeply Blessed People

I feel like I'm gonna be overwhelmed once I get World
So many fucking things going on at once

As opposed to all the other bullshit that doesn't make sense? MH is a weird mix of High Science and Magic.

physical pc when

Hell we gain abilities from rocks!

Odo set is good w/ kulu weapons and later narga stuff but I just beat the Anja sub assignment so there's probably better stuff soon

You know I didn't realize till earlier this year that the guy who invented over 9000 and gotcha bitch were the same person


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More than in base World, thanks to Velk

No, GS damage is still heavily backloaded and it still works more like a flowchart weapon rather than the hit-and-run tactics of yesteryear.

What armor sets should I make for Lance? I've only really done GS/LS.

Been playing Gunlance for a long time and want to try regular Lance.
What are some tips for it? How does the counter work?

cc is fun

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Does handler ever stop being annoying at any point? I just 5 star and she still wont shut about the most basic parts of the game

>No, GS damage is still heavily backloaded and it still works more like a flowchart weapon rather than the hit-and-run tactics of yesteryear.

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Offensive Guard is a cool idea but 15% does not worth the effort or slots honestly. It's should be at least 25%.

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My god I hate it so much
What is the quickest way to get the stake out? Shoot shoot stab?

>fight Shrieking Legiana for the first time
>holy shit that was fun, super tense but in a good way
>alright lets see what I can make with this, I know there's a legiana GL but I doubt there's a Shrieking version, they're both ice element so you probably just need Shrieking parts to get the full power of the Legiana GL
>There's a fucking Shrieking Legiana Gunlance that looks incredible despite being IRON'D
>and unique Skrieking armor
>and it all looks fucking amazing
I nearly came on the spot. I just couldn't resist anons. I had to genocide the entire species, but it was so fucking worth it. This build practically cut my hunt times in half.
>575 attack with nearly 800 fucking ice attack on a lvl 6 Normal GL
Shrieking Legiana is easily my favorite thing to come out of Iceborne so far. I've never been so happy with how a full set looks and feels.

Attached: Shrieking Legiana.jpg (1920x1080, 389K)

Time to switch to something else then.

shoot shoot stab as far as I know

Tobi saves Kadachidrome

How do into bowgun heavy or light anons? I've only tried bow before for ranged and I want to like the bowguns but I just feel like a turbo shitter when I play them

triangle + circle immediately after loading the ammo

>almost 800 ice
>normal lv6
God damn

>Little bro Tobi watching out for big bro Zinogre

>Does handler ever stop being annoying at any point?
No even post game she just doesnt shut up

What reptiles? all I see are Wyverns.

I don't know if I am retarded but i find not many chances to get a perfect rush with SnS off on a monster.

I feel that but at the same time I also feel the times where the stake gets placed in an absurd or perfect place thanks to that same flailing.

>adding another 3 feet onto Brachy's horn
>placing the wyrmstake INSIDE a Rathalos' mouth

Barioth slapped me around so hard that I'm abandoning GS.

>Longsword and Bow. But in 4U charge blade
>rathian to bully

that doesn't sound faster when the two ways to load are stopping for a year to pull out slinger or comboing off the sluggish rising poke

What a coward, learn dodge hitting you damn casual.

It's entirely possible that they're warm blooded.

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Yeah. Stick the wyrmblast through the wing into the head somehow.
You should basically always have that up right? I have no idea but it seems like an absurd passive damage increase

I'll give it one last try just for you.

>not sticking it out and learn to adapt like the apex that you're meant to be

He was annoying as hell when I used GS, then I realized using Clutch claw helps.


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>"New heal is bad, old heal took skill!"
>People just moved to new zone to heal
>"No they didn't! That was too inefficient and not worth it!"
>So it wasnt hard since you were never in enough danger to warrant switching zones
Which is it Yea Forums?

Use hammer, partbreaker and break and shit on him.

t. Dunker of barioth

Yes, it adds bonus damage to every shell basically. If the stake isn't up get it in there quick.


Think he means after a full reload for the regular wyrmstake.

Seems like it got a huge buff. Anybody have real numbers yet? On a wide 5 with art +3 my stake does 600 damage to the training pole. Seems like that'd be the thing to spam if you could, full burst on a normal 5 is only 240

>y-y-you just zoned out!
barely anyone did this, and you'd know if you weren't such a worldbab
not only that, but that's a huge waste of time and doesn't help you get better
would you like me to conveniently ignore the fact that in world you can zip back to camp at any time and restock completely on items and maybe change to your safety weapon if the one you're using isn't good enough for you?

Are there any mods to make the handler cute on PC

not only that but it used to be the case that when you chugged a Mega Potion if you got canceled you kept the heal and if you got the heal you got all of it, in World you can take a sip of a mega potion and get knocked out of it before you even have a herbs worth of healing from it

>Hey pard, you never told me why you came to the new world.
Stop fucking asking me, bitch. It’s not like I can respond anyway.


It is a nice addition.
>MFW Slamming monster's heads in with sling ammo and watching them get slammed into the walls afterwards

Satisfying as fuck.

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anons, if I can only get one would it be more worth my money if i got world on pc or XX for the switch? I loved 4U and Gen but then my DS broke

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Can't wait for PC version to come so I can cheat trainer it and kill him in one hit.

Januaray can't come quick enough.

You can full burst a helluva lot more than you can stake user

Any tips for brachydios anons ?

I'll never understand just how they manged to make her so unlikable

emulate xx
buy world on sale

>People just moved to new zone to heal
The most difficult fights in almost every game don't take place in maps with more than a camp and a single zone.

World on PC then emulate XX with Yuzu

Why the fuck do MH plushies cost so damn much, I just want to cuddle a Tigrex or a Lagia

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>characters constantly fucking ask you questions despite the fact that you can’t respond and never talk
Why do games keep fucking doing this?

I can save you a lot of money by telling you that XX is emulated near perfectly on PC for free.

Didn't know, after playing some hourse since i discovered that if you feed an insect that also carries an essence the buff it gets changes(nothing = more stamina, red = +damage, white = +speed, orange = ??? can't remember ). So what new moves did other weapons obtain?

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Do someone know the stats of Zorah and Brute Tigrex Charge Blades?

He's saying don't load the wyrmstake ahead of time, you can go straight into a wyrmstake cannon straight out of the "load wyrmstake blast" action where you load it, hell it apparently even has guard point so you can do it after tanking a monster hit and they're right in front of you.

I remember reading that yuzu wasn't going to try to get XX because it was a 32 bit system. If they decided to actually emulate it I know what I'm doing. Thank you anons!

Me again.
Carted again.
Sorry I can't do it.

>emulate XX with Yuzu
Dont do this.

GU doesnt even run well on Yuzu and doesnt have any kind of multiplayer capabilities.
Use Citra on PC, emulate XX, get the HD Textures and the 60fps cheat and youre good to go.

As often as shitters excuse themselves with that argument, it’s not always wrong. Gravios, Plesioth, Dreadking, the old metal raths, and to a lesser extent, AT Nerg, Lunastra, and Hellblade.

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Ah, I see I was not being completely accurate. Those numbers are post-build. This is the freshly forged base attack with no bonuses. Still fantastic though and even more so if you build around it.

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Perfect rush is pretty much SnS’s big opening move like hammer’s Bazinga combo. Even if you get the input timing right you still gotta take account of the set up necessary to initiate it, the animation time of doing said move, and then the latch on finisher. You should try to do it when you can but that doesn’t mean you have to try to do it every time there is an opening. If the monster ain’t completely knocked down or stunned, just go with the usual endless combo or the step back slam dunk.

I wish literally any other character could be your handler

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>they nerfed slicing ammo almost immediately in MHW
>instead of quitting like a fag I just kept shotting the monsters

Literally when doing MR quests, you really have to rely on the Clutch Claw if you really want to put a hard beating on the monsters.

>read this
>try it out
>Start off trapping him
>throw poison bomb
>start focusing his wing
>as soon as he recovers from trap clutch claw wall slam him
>break wing
>retrap him
>repeat the above flowchart
>both wings broken
>still wants to spam a lot but more manageable now because he has this quick trip recovery after every move
>continue to wall slam him to get good damage in
>throw another trap in to get some more damage
>a few minutes of quick attacks and dodges later
>Barioth is now limping away crying
>Use last trap to capture him
>hunt complete under 17 minutes instead of the previous 30

You were right. Today I learned to use all tools I have.
I'm gonna be fucked when I fight elders for relying on this stuff aren't I?

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And the time to flex is also shorter than the time it takes to fully drink a potion in world.
Neither one takes any "skill", they just changed it so it would be similar to the flow of the game. Anyone who thinks drinking potions ever took skill are basically only 4th gen players

Citra has it emulated perfectly, I'm playing 4U on Citra right now too. Emulation is the way to go for old world games.

wtf i just killed tempered barioth with a hit from my clutch claw

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Basarios Grenade Launcher
Original Tri Baroth before they did my boi dirty/Nibblesnarf

>the face of unskippable cutscenes
>other characters treat her as if she's you, including your own cat
>entire personality is food and whoops I need you to save me again
>escort quests
>never shuts up about the most basic things
>contributes nothing
>unappealing design
Basically everything that could go wrong with a sidekick character. I can't believe they doubled down on this shit instead of letting you start missions with your friends from the beginning in Iceborne.

>tigrex lance stems off the shit mudfish

>World Lavasioth
>World Kushala
>World Uragaan
>Old Garuga
>4U G-rank Zinogre (this one is actually kinda hard)

Might be more

That's not the point retard, obviously most people weren't shitty enough to do this, but the fact you even need to admit that in response shows the old way never took that much skill to begin with

the only thing I don't like about worlds healing is how strong max potions are

Let’s just say that she never stopped being this all the way to the new expansion. I honestly don’t know why they insists upon this character when ever other character is pretty well grounded. It’s like ok, you have characters with their quirks but they are all bearable but then you have this genki ass she goblin that feels like a flanderization of Chie from Persona 4 without any of the positives of being a tomboy.

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You had farcasters, and judging a game's difficulty overall difficulty by a small portion of the content is silly
In either game you have Max Potions which makes normal healing obsolete in most cases

Imagine thinking right looks better

What are you talking about? It’s extremely strong on weapons that block as part of their gameplan (CB, Lance, GL) and not an emergency (SnS, GS).

So use Temporal or Rocksteady to get in close. Flash it to break breath attacks, hell just superman the breath if you're really struggling. Clutch his face and run him into a wall (including his own ice walls), you've got a shitload of options bro.

Shoot shoot stab. Wide gunlance 6 never ever.
My strategy now is to clutch claw a monster to a wall to trip them over and put the stake somewhere easy to get.
Does anything increase the duration of the stake?

Manchild spotted

>other characters treat her as if she's you, including your own cat
I think this is the part that I find the most insulting.
Fuck off, that's MY cat, and I did ALL the hunting.
You don't deserve any credit.

I prefer World's designs in general but I hate they all use the same 3 or 4 base Iron/bone models, you can have way more variety than that.


Yeah that's gonna be a no from me dawg




and seething bazel

Only b*ngs disagree.

All of them
All time probably:
The true water ED chad

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>Had to finally """upgrade""" from my wyvern ignition GS.
>Already miss shoulder tackling my way through every attack and gaining all my lost HP back with a true charge with HP regain streamstone.
Jesus christ all this mid and early game Master Rank equipment is underwhelming but the High Rank stuff is starting to lose steam already and now I'm just a mishmash of absolute trash equipment barely scraping by wins.
I miss having good equipment.
Master rank sucks.

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HH's new beyblade move is fun.

>sonic pods

JEEZ DONT YOU THINK I WOULD BE DOING THAT IF I HAVE FUCKING HAVE THEM RIGHT NOW? God not even in the expansion for 5 minutes and I’m back to wanting to choke this bitch. ALSO STOP RUNNING AHEAD YOU DAFT CUNT.

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Wounding the monsters actually helps as well. Temporal Mantle + clutch claw is free damage especially against moving shitheads like Ebon Hot dog.

Right because monster hunter has only ever existed on nintendo.

for the love of God it came from a damn coccoon
its a soggy fucking teenager

You can roll out of healing now, not just move, and restock mid hunt. Why would you intentionally omit things that huge just to suit your argument?

>Generations (not GU)
>Hunting Horn
>Attack up L

What's the chance MH6 will restore Normal Lv3 to what it once was?
>previous games had it bounce off enemies with each shot
>idea being firing at the right location would cause the round to ricochet into the monster 2-4
>rewards for aiming would be additional damage as a result so you're not just blinding firing rounds
>World comes out and Normal Lv3 doesn't bounce off monsters anymore
>Instead feels like you're firing peas from an oversized straw
>Element is pretty much worthless for HBG
>now spend every hunt spamming Spread or Pierce ammo
>Iceborne doubled down on this to the point element and Normal ammo may as well not exist

It's saying something when you find a way to make HBG more of a routine than it already was, but Capcom sure as hell achieved it. I honest to god miss crouch fire and the risk that came with it and would gladly take it over the Wyvernheart. Wyvernsnipe can stay though, that actually forces you to sit still and aim your shots.

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Outside of a handful of exceptions you weren't ever running out of healing, the problem was always getting wombo comboed by 140 garuga to death. Amount of heals were rarely an issue in quests where they just kill you, same as world with Arch tempered shit

>It's another "every single set sucks except late game/elder dragon set" episode.
Why is capcom so scared of being "unbalanced"? There's no PVP. Go wild. Have some fun with sets. Make them goofy, gimmicky and fun.
Everything is so goddamn tame, grounded and limiting.
jesus fucking christ.

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I want the serious handler back
I'll change my tune if the handler gets an Aisha outfit

I was already hyped when the only good kajarr weapons I got from Kulve Taroth’s event was a blast HH and a para HH. Imagine my joy when I saw what the new move can do. Also impact songs are the shit.

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>tfw ED sets cannot compare to the true chad meta set of a bug

imagine putting your cock in that

I noticed you failed to address the fact that if you roll during healing, you stop healing and lose the potion. Also it takes longer to drink a potion now. Restock during midhunt was made because now you have several monsters on map at all times.

No matter how much you want to twist it, there was nothing ever hardcore about Pre-World healing. It was way more casual

These sanic speed one shots from barioth are getting old.

Tell that to all of the Frenchmen i had the pleasure of playing with in 4U. It may not matter much for players with brains, but it absolutely spoils new and brainless players.

Charging is a meme now, hitting the big bang finisher is worth more than missing it ‘cuz of the charge.

If you are being one-shot it might be time to drop your HR Drachen TAutist set and get MR gear

Nigga just let go of your old busted shit, the skills you lose are not worth the 200 defense you're giving up with the clownsuit pieces you insist on holding.

Plus the MR stuff have slots out the ass so you can just slot in a lot of the stuff you need anyways.

I’ve used Eye patch + 4 AT Vaal + Pandemonium’s Root (Hammer) for the whole iceborne campaign (0 carts)

>destroy his wing
>it's now easy mode

Of all of the things that made the old games more challenging to argue about, fucking potion drinking must be the biggest most pathetic grasp at straws possible, and completely outs you as being a gen 4 shitter.
The real answer is your first game was the hardest because you were a scrub and didnt know the mechanics. Has nothing to do with irrelevant shit like potion drinking.

I like Blackveil, but the area where he sleeps is just fucked. It's such a tight space for an AOE monster

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>These sanic speed one shots from barioth are getting old.
I'm legitimately curious when the fuck you're supposed to get a hit in.
I don't there's a single time when it has an opening to strike.
"just break it's legs lol" doesn't help when you can barely nick it without getting hit three times in a single swing of your own weapon.

Don't even get me started on the hipcheck. I think it used it 4 times in a row on me once.

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blow a trap or two to get the break

>cutscene plays and Velkhana walks around looking at you before you fight in Hoarfrost
>instant ptsd

Abuse the fuck out of traps, mounting and ramming into a wall at the beginning of the fight. Barioth is tuned in a way that is very challenging until you break the spikes. Consider slotting in Partbreaker if you're having trouble

It takes longer but you can jog so you are much more likely to complete it. It gets used even if you roll out, but you still get lossless healing where you’d eat shit in prior entries. I’m not saying old healing was hardcore, just that new healing is way more forgiving, and in no way is it less casual.

> tfw no qt hunter gf yelling zenbu as she shells the monster

His tail is completely vulnerable in the shoulder check. With gunlance I do the running attack at his tail and it gets me out of the way every time

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of him so far. I mean, if a particular weapon type is ass to fight a monster with (regardless of weapon type) then they basically fucked up. You should be able to fight any monster with any weapon and actually enjoy it. I just beat him solo today and I have to say I don't look forward to ever doing that again. These "fast" monsters just aren't fun in this game. Reminds me of Arena Azure Los or Kushala where they just refuse to allow you to use actual strategies that shut down their bullshit so it's just a boring fucking slog while you wait for them to stop having an attack seizure.

I knew I wasn't the only one. It's been a while since they replicated that feel

>LS but turning to Swaxe
>Deserted isle/Lagi

i just got iceborne and im stuck on barioth. i used to play mhw a lot back when it first came out, but stopped and didnt pick it back up until now. do you recommend i build a set of master rank gear before taking on more of iceborne monsterss?

>Brachy plush costs around as much as the Valstrax statue

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Does anyone know if Quick Sheath affects LS draw attack speed?

Fuck Barioth, seriously. I have 2 piece of the set. I'll probably fight it 1-2 more times max to get the rest and then never bother with this faggot ass again.

We were all joking when we said Barioth would be the casual filter right?

Seems Velkhana is the real one.

>still early in the story but gotten to the point where she stays behind and Serious Handler takes over temporarily
>everyone in Astera including Serious comments on how much of a fat fuck the Handler is
It felt good reading their comments about her, but I know I'm going to hate when she returns so I'm padding this shit out as hard as I can.

I've killed Velkhana 7 times and only got a single lash, but 3 crystals. I need two for the GL. Why is this allowed? And yes, I've cut the tail every time.

>Thinks base master rank gear will naturally progress from over a year of power creep event high rank gear.
Retard. MR is a progression from stuff like regulear old elder dragon gear. When we get all the MR events and tempereds and event shit, thats when the sets will be crazy good again.

As long as you begin the potion animation, you get the entire healing in older games. Healing in World is not only SLOWED DOWN while running, you will also stop healing immediately and lose the potion at the slightlest nick. In previous games, you could chug a Mega Pot anticipation being hit out of the animation but surviving because the healing is instantaneous, where as in World you cannot. And let's not even get into the the whole literally walk out of the Zone and you can fuck around healing and buffing yourself. Potion healing is the most straw gasping shit I ever seen

>Dude if you have trouble hitting him just try hitting him until an arm breaks and then you can finally get a hit in
seriously dude?

I can't tell if you are a shill or a worldbab who hates previous titles.
It should be clear that mh fans will follow the game wherever it goes. Like when it went from psp to wii. If you lurked 404 general before /vg/ became a thing, you would have noticed.

You know barioth is just easy tigrex and nargacuga right?

Which monsters would use rocks as gastrolytes?

just got an artillery + 2 lvl 4 gem hell yea
farming for my bow mixed set now, need legiana and shara mantles jesus fuck legiana is annoying to farm

is the vaal rarity 11 bow good? i got it at 325 damage and 500 dragon with crit boost n crit element ontop hopefully thatll be good damge

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Yes, absolutely. 300 more defense is going to help you out way more than any kind of handicraft shit you have going on

I don't need shit to be overpowered.
I just don't want every set to have fucking TOOL SPECIALIST and gathering skills on them.
Put something actually not shit on the armors for christs sake.

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Playing Portable 3rd makes me a manchild?

>You know barioth is just easy tigrex and nargacuga right?
Before World. Now its a tank with jets

>I mean, if a particular weapon type is ass to fight a monster with (regardless of weapon type) then they basically fucked up.
You should be encouraged to use multiple weapons. Every one of them has their own strengths and weaknesses. Unless you make every monster fight exactly the same way, there are going to be weapons that are far more and far less effective than others depending on the fight. If you choose to only use an ineffective weapon, this is an extra challenge you accepted for yourself. If you just want to get through the story, that's what SOS is for.

I dunno man, look at all the assbabies in the thread.

That's pretty damn good actually DESU.

Barioth without broken spikes is arguaby harder than both Narga and Tigrex

thanks, i'll try that.

>PC players judges the people who are actually playing the game.
every time

Can I run XX on a i54690k? I remember trying out 4U last year and ran like dogshit with red splices being rendered.

Normal ammo does need buffs but Normal 3 was almost never worth using over Normal 2 even on guns built for Normal like the Tigrex HBG in 4U

What are some good GL sets/skills before Guiding Lands? Preferably for normal shelling

>muh dps

XX yes, runs very well because you can turn the 3D off.

Uragaan and dodo are it i think in world. Gravios too I think

Sorry just realised im talking to a cringy metaslave. Have a nice day, and make sure to stick to only dps skills and never try anything unique at all.

I run it on an i5 4690 so for sure you can

>does the skill that only speeds up putting your weapon in it sheath affects the speed of pulling the weapon out?
I don’t know what to tell you here m8. I mean the description of the skill was pretty clear about what it affects.

Well yeah I don't like hunts being 30 minutes long every time. It gets too repetitive at that point.

Do I really need sos to get past this fucking walrus.

White Fatalis

have fun in your 40 minute hunts, retard

Hellooooo gen 4 player. Please do not think you're qualified to speak on this topic

I beat brachydios last night. Barioth is easy. Maybe since I've been playing since fu and have fought barioth before I don't think he's bad but he's basically always been an easy monster except for sand barioth.

Ok how the fuck do you get the glavenus mantle to drop
i must have hunted this nigger a dozen times and I haven't seen it once.

You're talking to a guy who needs Earplugs 5 at all times or he gets antsy, friendo. I don't give a ballsack what the meta is, I just want something that will kill monsters quicker.
The whole point to getting new gear is to be more efficient.

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I’m about to start using the hunting horn. What are the best skills to go on the hunting horn?

Narga was far easier than Barioth, he's got several attacks that shout "PLEASE HIT ME" until he goes into enraged mode, and even then he's not that troublesome.

I can probably wear a full Odogaron set, look dapper as hell and get better times that a wannabe TAutist like you

everyone else has already taken them all from getting 3 per hunt

Stop wanting it so hard

did they buff the shit out of barioth?
why is everyone having trouble with him

Nargacuga's not that bad but the jump patterns are drilled into me.


You realise there are people out there good enough to get good times without needing dps skills right? Of course you dont

I meant the iai Slash attacks. I compared it but I can't see any different with level 3 vs no level in skill. Also sorry if English is not good.

Sorta. The enrage double spin is way more threatening imo than basically anything barioth has

I've been playing since FU too and have fought Barioth many times before and never really had much trouble with him in the past but I can't beat him in IB.

The entire healing after a delay and while still leaving you open to getting hit for a couple seconds after vs. slow but much easier healing. I’m not sure why you think the latter is more dangerous. It would matter a lot more if we couldn’t restock, but we can. also, max pots are busted as shit and we can combine them without even menuing now
Here’s something old healing was definitely easier about: you were fucking invincible if you put down a small/felvine bomb to knock yourself out of the flex

The rebound rarely hit anything and spots that were good for rebounds rarely coorelated with shooting weakpoints except for cases like Akantor's big fucking mouth.

So I'm curious now. Do you just avoid using criticals, try not to use anything that will buff your attack, and still wholly to defense up charms?
Are you a lance player?

yes user, your 20 minute clear time is very impressive, good job!

They said Barioth was designed as the first wall for players in Iceborne, like Anjanath was for the base game. You have to actually adjust your strategy and probably make new gear at this point, but new and oldfags are too stubborn to do so.

Getting higher defense and not carting to one shots seem to be way more time efficient than sticking to your supposed skills and getting carted left and right

The only fucking MR gear you have by Barioth is fucking nothing retard.

you don't really need anything special
standard blademaster skills work fine
horn maestro can be convenient

Lost connection to Mon Hun servers the moment it hit midnight. Spooky

I thought I was the only one

They did that with Drachen though and everyone hated it after 2 weeks.

new gear doesn’t necessarily imply armor. Swapping weapons.

Hi Britfriends

How hard is this game compared to 4U? Can I do everything solo if I wish to do so?

PC player of world here, picking up a new weapon because i wanna see what other things are like then GS, how are dual blades?

>Can I do everything solo if I wish to do so?
Yeah I guess

What weapon allows you to safely attack Barioth without him climbing up your asshole?


Drachen was mountains better than everything else. Having a bunch of strong options vs having one or te is a matter of variety.

World has health scaling unlike older games, 1, 2 and 4 player scaling now

d i l a t e

What happens when you have 3

>Can I do everything solo if I wish to do so?
Yeah but it's harder. Having monsters change targets is a fucking HUGE help and monsters are very clearly designed around multiplayer now.

>want to hunt online since multiplayer hunts are always pretty fun
>trying to farm some Tiggy and Brachy mats so join in SOS flare rooms
>shitters carting left and right to them, can see a lot of them using HR gear and weapons
>cant actually make any progress since at best I'm getting tail carves
>better off fighting alone like I have been

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4 player scaling

Lance is pretty much untouchable in this gen unless you’re fighting something with environmental damage


teo* fuck I ruined the joke

Beotodus is a perfectly servicable armor set. Health Boost does wonders for survival, it had Earplugs that give you tons of openings and has quite a few slots open to play with. Of course it may not interest you since it's not the maximum DPS Tautism set, but that's your problem

Thank you

You can use IG to jump over most of his charges if you anticipate correctly

Velkhana is impossible with Lance, you're forced to eat her attacks

What the fuck are you doing? I did it just fine. Parry them

Elders can get wall slammed, and Velkhana's front half is pretty much never a hitbox, so that's still in play. Just no traps.

Is the timing strict for Offensive Guard as Lance? How long does the buff last?

Quick sheath only affect putting away the weapon so no. You will be able to initiate it faster with quick sheath but the attack speed and animation will remain the same.

Is Autoguard back? it used to be super OP.

Bonus is 5/10/15% based on rank and lasts 12 seconds. Timing is not strict if CB is anything to go by; procs on pretty much every guard point.

>try out CB in 4U
>it feels so fun to use
>can get Seltas limping with less than the first charge of my weapon with the unupgraded base CB
well looks like I won't be using this.

You get the buff from any quick block/parry. It's not really strict but it'll proc from just normal playstyle. It's perfect for lance


No but if you ever needed Autoguard for anything but P3rd Gunlance glitch parries you're a scrub. You want counters not autoblock.

Narga/bracy tier

How about solid bones?

I look at aesthetics before skills, and gem in what i want after. Missing 2 crit eye for 2 tool regen isnt going to shave 10minutes off your time fyi.

>Narga/bracy tier
How the fuck do I have two already? Last guy I fought was Barioth.

CB is busted in 4U, but Seltas is not particularly a good indicator, it has super low HP by design

Thanks. Skill looked real good but I was too much of a shitter to feel confident with Adept blocks in Generations, so I was worried.

mhw:i /w friends, mhgu solo
proof of a hero

hermanos, no lo puedo creer. al final estamos en casa...mi hermanos amados

Projection 3 charm

Pretty sure Barioth drops them too

Barioth also drops those

Sure is nice when Velk spams his ice beam 7 times in a row.
Such a great design amirite?

I wanted to use it because the moveset feels really fun, and I know Seltas is not perticularly health strong but it's the highest tier fight I had unlocked at that point and literally kill it with 4 phials

Well fuck me. I'd rather fight Tigrex and Brachy.

It's a pretty weak buff for what it requires, CB and SnS will appreciate it far better than Lance or GL which is unfortunate as those weapons need more incentives for aggressive play in this game.

It’s basically Adept but an armor skill and a damage buff instead of a fancy counter. It’s significantly easier to use and your only punishment for being too early is not getting the buff.

>Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
>Dual Blades
>Glavenus Theme

I'm fucking something up here...
Playing with an irl friend, in the same squad, neither of us can see the other person's session so we have to manually invite. It always says no squad session found, making a new one. Any idea? Annoying loading in then loading into another session

When you hit Seltas Queen, you'll be burning through Seltas like paper. I rmember shredding Seltas with DBs in like a minute too


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>trying to fight Barioth as a bow user

Well. This isn't fun

15% sounds huge when the activation is something I'll be doing anyway. It'll also scale well if it's % based rather than flat.

hey, think of it this way, you get to suffer like everyone else for once