What is something you never want to see again in video games?

What is something you never want to see again in video games?

>unskippable cutscenes

Attached: battleborn.jpg (960x540, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Anything performance/graphics related
>Input lag
>overuse of shitty filters and bloom
>bad lighting

Attached: 1567638085624.jpg (960x539, 139K)

Female protagonist

>grind to unlock in b2p game



you have sex with men

Real world politics


you're the tranny

black women with afros


Nope you are, dilate

I have a feeling the person who keeps calling people trannies on Yea Forums is the real tranny. Ever since that dilate meme came out this fucker has been invading literally EVERY thread calling people trannies and saying to dilate. Why haven't the mods ban his ass yet

>Fishing minigames
>Long animation puzzles.
>Water levels

Attached: Giant+Moth[1].gif (500x313, 1.06M)


Nope you are, join the 40% percent

>He wants every game to be first person from now on

fov 70

Ireland please

If it has to have cutscenes, no quicktime events please
also, i don't like when they introduce new mechanics near the end game. Bayonetta was good, but then near the end you have to mount a turret out of fucking nowhere - it's the only one and you don't do anything with it ever again