Videogames thread

What game are you playing through?
Is it fun?

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I'm playing pandora's tower on the Wii, just killed the first boss and its a weebier version of shadow of the colossus, the main character's design is kinda stupid but all the rest is pretty good so far

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about to finish system shock 2. level design, music, aesthetics, and some gameplay mechanics are all excellent and top notch. gun combat is fine and usually pretty precise, melee combat is horribly clunky sometimes. would have preferred more or different enemy variety, hybrids and monkeys get old after a while.

I'm 55 hours into No Man's Sky Beyond. I'm having a blast being a space tycoon in a giant black star destroyer.

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I only played that game on launch and was bored within hours. Has much been added?

Warcraft 2. The original, so it has plenty of tedium like no control groups or rally points. Either way it doesn't hold up very well because you just spam knights or ogres until you win. But the music, VA and the rest are still very enjoyable.

Great game, the only flaw for me is it's too time-consuming

a shit ton has been added and its actually worth playing now

10 hours into dark souls it’s pretty fun

got the plat for Control, Id say it was pretty fun, yeah
other than that Im jumping back into red dead online because I want to see how the new updates gonna turn out, maybe its good enough to keep me playing until the dlcs arrive for control

I've started Catherine yesterday, advanced until the butt tounge boss, it got my ass handled so bad. Also begin a Demon's Souls character determined to plat the game. I'm playing MHF in PSP, Jew Super Mario Bros 2 on 3DS and MadWorld on a Wii U.
Life is fun.

Bayonetta 2. All that's left is finishing the game on infinite climax (I'm on chapter 10) and beating rodin and it's over. I'm at like 90 hours. It's a ton of fun.

Downloaded some mods for bigger galaxies + more alien civs and made one alien species for each government variant possible.
I made myself a closed OP empire who refuses to interact with anyone else my purpose is solely observation.

Yep, I'd say it's pretty fun .


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Everspace, picked it up at the last steam sale. Having way more fun than I thought I would. This roguelite stuff works like wonders on my addict receptors for some reason, progression and threat actually feel fun: not padded out and casualized (too much) -- I think I've found a new genre to take a further look in.

I'm enjoying it so far but I honestly don't see what all the fuzz is about.

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Fallout 2.
It's a lot of fun, but I should've installed the unofficial patch, some bugs have been rather problematic.

Golden Sun Reloaded
I can't quite tell if I'm playing a more balanced game, or grinding more to get around bosses.

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Waiting for Blasphemous

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Is it the first time you're playing it?, also: on what console?
It was an amazing game, user. I remember a friend borrowed it to me. I had to play it as fast as I could so I woke up earlier that usual to play it with really low volume, but the sound of that music at 4 am, specially the map music, was magical. All this like fucking 20 years ago.

Spyro. It is.

I played three houses and Astral chain. They are good. But I'm bad at the game

It's fuss, fool.

no, it's buzz


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>you don't like the combat system
it's one of if not the best combat systems in a jrpg

Don't mind him. CT is magical.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Shamir will be my wife soon enough

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She's ugly.

Cliff Empire. It's a pretty nice city builder

Starsector. Found a seed with a battered down Legion close to the Yama system so I'm messing around in that seed.

Oh user you're such a kidder

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South Park: The Stick of Truth and FE3H. Both are top tier good fun.

On the final boss of Chrono Trigger. It's an alright game but not the godly shit I was expecting. It peaked at Zeal.

I'm also playing rimworld and I installed rimjobworld and now there is FUCKING COOOOOM everywhere.

Nioh and PSO2. Both are enjoyable.

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transformers devastation, and it's one of the most fun games i played in a while, platinum never disapoints

I finished Control yesterday. I'm going to try GreedFall today, no idea whether I'll really like it. If not I'll probably pick Rabi Ribi back up to finish it since I stalled in my playthrough, or Persona 4 which is in the same state. Or maybe I'll just emulate Persona 5 to get some nice, smooth 4K 60FPS action since I just upgraded my CPU/platform.

I'm playing Nioh.
What weapons are you using? I'm using single swords right now because of elemental damage.

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I need all the information there is about this image and I need it now

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Patrician choice, user. I'm playing 3 right now, and as shallow as this game is, it's so fuckin enthralling, the voice acting and delivery is so much worse than I remmeber, but I can't stop myself from enjoying the adventure this game sends you on


If this is the psp version then you deserve it. The ps1 combat is better an doesn't trick you into not leveling killer moves. Original dub is superior also due to not using shitty eva dubbers.

Dual Swords and Kusarigama 'cause I thought they looked cool. Dual Swords are totally fine for the most part, but I don't really know what I'm doing with the latter.

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Playing Devil Survivor. Shit is kino and magic MC kills everything in sight. Currently on the 7th day in Naoya’s path.

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Playing Dragon Quest 5. Yes, very.
Looking on eBay for a Dreamcast and GDEmu since the anniversary reminded me that I needed to get one.
Also need to buy a replacement PS1 disk drive since the one in my modded unit fucking died forever.
Kind of want to play some Smash.

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I'm playing Baba Is You and i'm having a blast

I picked that setup from the start. I used Dual Swords for most of the missions though. Low stance felt pretty good, but to beat that Benkei bitch on the bridge I used Raikiri and mid stance. I have no clue what to do with the Kusarigama either. Mid stance is pretty good for mid range bashing though.

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Finished Mischief Makers and Dark Souls 2 a few days back so now I'm deciding between Bloodborne or DS3. Never played the second DLC for DS3 so that's something I've been meaning to get at for some time now

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Yeah! Low stance felt super tight, but Benkei is in fact a bitch. I might swap the Kusarigama out for tonfas or maybe an axe.

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Are tonfas DLC? I've been using spears too. They have a nice low stance too. I like to use them when there's open spaces. They also have a flip behind bitches skill.

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Crusader Kings 2 modded

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>that smug look at the end
makes me harder than chinese algebra

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Doing some challenges

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Grinding through War thunder Helos right now

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They might be? I bought the complete edition. Slow reply, oops.

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Is Age of Conan still a thing? I quit a few months after release.

I got a greatest hits edition from best buy. Guess I should look into DLC later.

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to busy cooming

arkham knight
i thought bamham games are shit but goddam i was missing a lot

I just started deadly premonition on PC. It took me a bit of troubleshooting to get it to work properly, but so far it's kino. I just finished twin peaks too, so im longing for more.

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Speaking of 3, does it happen to have a mod that recreates the original campaigns (ideally from both 1 and 2) in the new engine? Ugly 3D would look much worse than meticulously drawn sprites, but quality of life things like autocast and rally points would be invaluable. The original tires you with tedious micromanagement like it's going out of fashion.

Post more anime tiddies.

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Disregard that, I forgot just how eye-gougingly ugly 3 can be. It will completely "ruin the mood", so to speak. I guess I can always try the Battle.Net version.

Pokemon Ultra Moon. easy as shit but still fun

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Properly playing through the entire Doom series, with the best mods.
I actually finished Doom 1, it was great, Sigil less so.

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Fuck man I've been working non stop since graduating high school and I'm just so sick of it. I don't belong in a work environment, I belong at home with my head in the lap of a big titty mommy gf.

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mods he said the fun word
delete this thread

I was playing FF8 on Switch on the bus and was having so much fun I almost missed my goddamn bus stop.

Looked up RIGHT as the doors were about to close.

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>the entire Doom series
Saying "both DOOM games" is shorter.