Released two weeks after Astral Chain

>Released two weeks after Astral Chain
>Released one week before Link's Awakening an two before Dragon Quest XI
Why would Nintendo do this?

Attached: daemon_x_machina.jpg (1920x1080, 511K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is payback for Hiroshima.

Because they know this game has no hope, so they're just getting it out of the way between more relevant releases.
Reminds me of another certain game that never had a chance...

Attached: 3.jpg (1600x800, 301K)

>2.3 milion copies sold for a new ip
Cope and seethe

Splatoon 2 completely destroyed it in terms of IP relevance.
No one even remembers this fucking game, user.
It's not enough to simply sell, the IP has to stick in customer's minds, and ARMS didn't, because Splatoon 2 filled the same niche and aestetic beats, but better.

I agree that's a suicide mission but do your best anons and buy the game.
Sucks that a game for pedos and trannies overshadowed what could have been a great IP with tons of potential. I think it's still got it.

>not for pedos and trannies

I think it's only attracted the diversity-masturbatory kind in Twintelle, but that's just the West's doing. Söyligon and NoA buttfucked the character so much just because she was black. Splatoon is way worse.

Third Person Shooter
Fighting game

>same niche

People can't buy multiple games?

>it's not enough to sell
Sometimes games don't need sequels, and can exist as one off things.

That doesn't mean ARMS did poorly, just Splatoon did unusually well


>The game has no hope
Funny I remember people saying the same about Astral Chain before the "Oh no no no" meme took over

Games are expensive user

>inb4 lol poorfag

because it doesn't matter, mecha is niche

Bought AC and pre-ordered DxM.




Attached: 1554251202100.webm (716x480, 2.95M)

Because the five of us interested in mecha games is going to buy it anyways.

honestly this is going to wash the bad taste from my mouth left by astral chain
what a colossal disappointment

I was planning to buy it next month. Redpill me about it.

I like AC but DxM's framerate somehow feels way better despite apparently being 30FPS. I played AC and went straight to the DxM demo without a break and it was smooth

Attached: 1554251273764.webm (719x480, 3M)

I really hope there's some more variation in part design in the final game, everything in the demo is basically just White Glint. Which is cool, but I want to main a Guntank setup if possible.

>Complains about cost, but hasn't hacked his Switch
So you're a poorfag AND an idiot


Attached: 1567086493764.png (754x913, 258K)

The "Demo" is literally the start of the game, your saves transfer

i pirate pretty much every promising new release or port for the switch,but i have absolutely zero interest in this game

Its not about money for me as much as time, I dont know if I can even finish Astral Chain before LA

Dont think you will like it, seems like you suffer from shit taste

>lol just pirate it
>When the issue of the thread is about the game possibly not selling well
You're a special breed of retard

Attached: 1543808819347.png (1960x1728, 2.88M)

Platinum animation at 30fps takes some getting used to.
Meanwhile if you've ever played ACFA on PS3 DxM is downright silky smooth in comparison. pic very related

Attached: Spirit_of_Motherwill.jpg (1280x720, 449K)

You're always bipedal afaik. No full on tank setups early AC style.
That said, you can get a lot heavier stuff and feel a lot clunkier. The first demo had some of that lying around.

Astral Chain is shit and is a huge flop.

You're going to complain either way because you're a soi drinking faggot, so who cares

When I got the survey after the deno, the one thing I put on there was that the final game MUST HAVE gyro controls. I'm gonna be so disappointed if it doesn't.

>People will pirate a mecha game with Gundam VA's, designs by the Macross designer, the armored core producer, and a god tier soundtrack,

Just kill yourselves

I admire your spirit son, godspeed and may this game be the birth of a glorious new era

Literally neither of those things is true

The fuck are you talking about? I want this game to do well

Oh I see, you're one of those retards

The new demo has gyro controls.

>Paying for games

>motherwill shoots missles
>thinks the ps3 crashed
>nope it just turned into a slideshow
I cant wait for dxm since it feels like a 4 answer sequel.

Ive never played AC. I always wanted to but there are so many I never picked one. I wish the Xbox ones were back compat on Xbox One or something

is it cancer to play on the switch pad?

I just played the demo. It's a huge step up above the demo from ages ago. I just wonder though how much of this is the demo and how much is the game. It felt very not methodical if that makes sense. I never cared what I was shooting at, what I was locked onto, where I was standing in relation to anything. I never cared about my ammo. All I did was fly up to things and hold attack to blow them up, sometimes using the missiles.

I get the difficulty was probably turned down for the demo and enemy variety was maybe scarce. I do really like the look of the number of customization options that seem to be in the game, but it's all of naught if the gameplay is so monotone that I don't give any thought at all as to what I want to do. I hope for the best but I have a nagging feeling something isn't quite right.

Attached: 1520910848676.webm (1000x540, 2.88M)

Like the joycons or a pro? You can enable gyro aiming if you want to with a slider. Otherwise it's fine. Plays good either way

It's the very start of the game. your save can transfer over. I would assume some things may be cut though or not shown like story stuff. Not sure

>release when there were hardly any other games on switch

Is this from the series or one of the OVAs?

play the coop missions solo to get an early feel for how the difficulty might ramp up as you play the game. you will have to pay attention to what you are shooting or the snatcher boss and its AI adds will eat you alive.

Red shoulder OVA Id assume. Ive only seen the series so far.

sauce? I want a decent mech anime that isnt gundam or eva.

Votoms. It's great. Havent seen the newer stuff though. Pure fucking revenge story that had me guessing at the end of the series.

I can't find either the series or the OVAs for download anywhere.

Help a brother out.

Uh I got it from baka but then I dropped out of that sort of thing and apparently it's private now. Try Nyaa? They just got new blu rays in the states but they're SD on BD.

Attached: 1555515153966.gif (320x240, 1.99M)

I know a lot of people barely even try but I did. Anything other than private including nyaa. It's the first anime I can't seem to find anywhere.

Only other one that gave me trouble was breaker blade but only for the manga which doesn't seem to exist either.

>They just got new blu rays in the states but they're SD on BD
They got some deinterlacing issues too.
Getting into bakabt isn't all too hard btw, if you can use IRC you're pretty guaranteed to get in.

That is really weird. Maybe with these recent blu rays they went out and took some shit down or something? I never had trouble finding it. Honestly havent torrented anime in a few years so idk sorry. I hope you can find it it's good. Maybe try /m/?

He is baiting, enjoy your redpoll

Don’t worry Fifa comes out soon Jamal

This may come as a surprise to you but the original Splatoon's sales were absolutely not standard for a new IP.

>calling a Jose Diaz a Jamal Adams

Post your chuuni mecha name.

I've always named my AC mech "Cobalt" and given it a, well, cobalt blue color scheme.

100% it's on nyaa.

This feels a LOT better than the initial prototype, I'm impressed. Really enjoying it.
Druzki - 'daring' in Bulgarian

I don't have it on hand, but there's a torrent floating around that has everything Votoms in it.

Why did they release Fire Emblem Warriors a week apart from Mario Odyssey when the Switch was having month long spaces between worthwhile games in its first year?

Attached: 207.gif (300x100, 39K)

Where then? When I looked all the torrents "on Nyaa" had 0 seeders. I wouldn't call that "on Nyaa".

I'd really appreciate the help. I hope I'm just retarded or something but I'd like to actually watch the anime. It seems like a good one.

(G_P) Votoms

Because FEW was shite

Also I think this is just the original show and it is the one I watched. OG show is great


Why are you an invalid, user?

Just search Votoms and by seeder count I see the show and the OVA series with seeders

Alright thanks user. I'll take it on your word as I can't look it up for a few hours. I really do appreciate it.

Im buying it. Whats your theme anons? I named my Pilot "Dia" and her Arsenal is called "Calavera" which is a stylized skull commonly associated with Dia de los muertos.

Aloha Oe

No problem. It's an underrated series. Very unique in its style. There is also a PS2 game but I havent played it, I plan to.

Attached: votom1.jpg (1600x1136, 325K)

Azure Deus

Oh wait bro, here VOTOMS Kilotorrent Mk.3

It has everything. Just look up what released first. The OG show is under ATV and is broken up into folders by chapters.

>No one even remembers this fucking game
Clearly you and everyone in this thread does...

Are you really mad that the Switch has too many good games coming out?

Many people here are living off their parents money, so of course they have a limited allowance to buy multiple games within a short time frame.

Honestly user I'm not mad but it is a bit overwhelming. Yeah I dont have to buy them all and I'm not. Im buying DxM and Ill wait on zelda.

The combat is great, but a lot of the other stuff is rough around the edges. Chain jumping is a bit finicky and the case work is dumb.


I'm not mad, it's just too many games at once, I'm not even finished with FE3H yet. I'll probably end up buying it, but I won't get to it right away.

Recently got into mecha after marathoning the entire Xeno series, whats the sauce on this webm?
That animation is cumworthy.

I feel the same about DxM. The style is there 100% but it just isn't very satisfying from what I played.

Seabrook. Any direct upgrades retain the name but have a letter added to it arbitrarily.

Patlabor movie. But be warned, there isn't much else like it out there. If you REALLY like it, you could end up being fucked knowing something like it won't come around for a long time.

Because mecha's for chumps

Attached: 1561253021729.png (600x600, 110K)

Naming the pilot Nasdaq Jones. Need to look at some economic terms to find a decent name for the Arsenal, but I'm thinking Embargo might be a good start.

Based VOTOMS poster.

Well fuck I actually recently downloaded that and its sequel but they've been sitting on my backlog.
Now I really got a reason to give em a watch, cheers user.

10 character name limit


Nasdaq it is.

When does it come out?

Anyone else looking forward to making a cute anime waifu pilot in the full game, and then slowly replacing all their body parts with robotic replacements until they're just a brain in a crude robot frame?


Attached: GODDAMNIT.jpg (600x337, 23K)

Probably a trannyera whining about "IMMA COPS COPS ARE BAD WAAAAH"

Because there will be a huge tax increase in Japan in October, so they're all selling a shitload of games before that happens. That's why September is so busy.


ACfag? Is that you?

Arms was a fucking great game though.


Attached: 1541292881786.png (305x266, 64K)

acfag isn't getting this. "Too weeby" for him. Thank god for that; don't need to deal with his stupid ass in multiplayer.

Shit really?
DxM was fucked from the start.

I'm still balls deep in Fire Emblem, and keep getting distracted by Mario Maker 2. Haven't even played Astral Chain yet. I'm fucked bros.

Attached: 1564787061809.gif (358x188, 3.95M)

Ni No Kuni, Witcher 3 and Ori are all arriving in September too.


Xbone owner here, I will quite happily shill Ori for Switchbros because its fucking fantastic, one of my favourite games this gen. Do NOT let it slip under your radar.

Because it's shit and they're embarrassed by it.

Here is a tip for you

All those game suck ass, Ive preloaded DxM and ready to scoop up blasphemous at midnight. have sex

I haven't tried the new demo yet
is there anything in the settings worth changing? some user was going on about turning the music to to 10 but that sounds like a meme

Based gentle/m/an

Attached: 1567742450947.gif (500x375, 693K)

holy shit based

Neat. I didn't know they released anything like that, since I haven't been following much info on the game, besides like two trailers. Thanks for posting.

This... but I really want to play the Zelda remake, so I have that preordered too. But fuck jrpg rerelases.


Attached: nia.png (559x566, 438K)

Which control scheme is the closest to the Another Century's Episode games?

Ramp up the gyro since it's off by default

You can set a modifier button so you can make commands like Y+R, for example. Useful for the femto stuff, I've found. I also moved around a bunch of shit on the HUD for personal preference. Dunno if those options were around for the first demo, didn't play that one much, but definitely worth fiddling with.

It was subbed too


Attached: d2849cb7dcf58b529152cc6812055e76.jpg (750x889, 108K)

Summer were fairly barren for games why wait for fall?

Whatever, i don't care aout DQX1 and i want to get Link's Awakening when the price drops in... five years or something.

what did you change

>tfw not interested in Astral Chain or DQ11

I'm okay with this.

Attached: 1543542571116.jpg (208x227, 14K)

>pre-ordered this and Astral Chain
>will buy Dragon Quest XI on launch day
>Link's Awakening is either a skip or low priority
Seems pretty good so far, I wish the first half of the year was like this.

Have it out just in time for when people but gifts for the holidays

I actually think the default controls are mostly ok, might mess with them more later on. That's totally personal preference, but I've found modifier+boost for femto wings and modifier+right weapon attack for femto damage to be nice and smooth. As for HUD, stuffed all the meters into the corner, weapons/ammo off to the side, warnings towards the center. See what works for you.

tbqh they've been doing an excellent job marketing the game, they literally show it every time they can and they've release 2 demos so far, i think the timeframe is just unfortunate, i dont think DQXIS will affect it too much in america but zelda might, but then again i think this is just better for switch players, if you don't want to pay for a zelda remake you can get a fun mecha game instead

I'm buying all those games you listed, although I'm sure not everyone is going to be the same. Why don't people like giant robots?

>got DxM and AC with a voucher
>skipping the other titles mentioned


I'm picking up DxM and Borderlands 3 this Friday. Already playing Classic too. I'm going to be comfy for at least the next year.

>Got AC
>Still getting DxM
Works out for me.

What the FUCK do I choose for my new controller? Joycons are driving me crazy and my buttons are starting to go I'm pretty sure.
But I can't decided on the stupid price of a Nintendo Pro Controller for 60-70 bucks. Or a cheaper $40 wireless one.


Well there's Akira, but that's required viewing for any breathing human

It does. Just about every complaint about the game was addressed.


God please let the game have some dark grim undertone a la Evangelion or something. Don't just let it bout be robutts and ayyliums

Retard, ARMS cater to fighting autists, we all know they don't care about this game so only normalfags buy the game and then drop.

>Or a cheaper $40 wireless one.
Don't, those don't have gyro

I've played the demo and tragically it sucked and wasn't fun. This dropped in the middle of nothing would be disastrous.

Fuck that
I hope I can finish Astral Chain before DXM comes through my letterbox

Play the new demo, they fixed everything

>Get to the mission with Klondike Bar and Clifford the Big Red Dog
>Fight Klondike instead
>Take him down super easily with a sword
>Cutscene starts
>Red Dog is dying
>Cutscene ends
>Cut Klondike one more time
>VP reaches zero and he falls down
>Immediately gets back up as VP automatically refills and he leaves
>Turn around
>Red Dog collapsed on the ground in flames

Attached: 1551714910612.jpg (534x682, 41K)

Sent to die out since it’s idol anime trash. I can’t believe this is getting a second chance to fail. It’s laughable to think that this game only exists because some director at Atlus touches himself to idol trash everyday and wants an excuse to make a games out of it. Not only is this game a blatant persona rip off, but it doesn’t even play well with its long-ass attack animations. I assume those were only made so the devs could touch themselves at every moment of development. You think if they spent more time making a real crossover game it would be good. But it clearly isn’t because it panders to the lowest common denominator who don’t even buy games, but simply drool over images on a screen.

This is embarrassing.

Awful demo. Broken game. Hope it gets zero sales so Nintendo can rightfully sink

Shows you exactly how well this game is programmed. I can’t believe people pre-ordered this.

I don't think Nintendo has anything to do with this game.


Attached: 1469854214443.jpg (736x981, 75K)

With a mid-season upgrade, Rockwell Blues

Post arsenals.

Attached: EEEMUmQUEAUzVhI.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Time to make the toughest choice in the demo.

Attached: 2019090714374500-B88A8E3691F178B953C43CAADDE8EC48.jpg (1280x720, 288K)

Calm down Samus, your time will come

>can't even shitpost in the right thread
No, THIS is embarassing



Saved my voucher for this game

I just made it to file 5. I swear to god if Yoseph mutates my twin sister I will eat him alive.

Shame it couldn't release sooner. There are big releases every month and pushing it forward would have the same result. At least we'll be able to enjoy it as a complete game and not a game that was pushed back with a small team working a worse deadline.

It's a mecha game, it was never going to sell big even under ideal circumstances

Pangaea. I'm considering making it PANG-A-3A for shits and giggles though.

And then they'll wonder why no one makes good, niche games anymore

Did DxM or LA leak yet?


The Mirage Sessions thread is that way buddy

Attached: IMG_2828.jpg (500x489, 60K)

The legs seem nice at first, but they reduce your bullet damage enough that even those basic enemies can but a serious dent in you.

And then they will say:
>Muh EA and Ubisoft taking control of the industry and making shitty games
They are part of the problem and probably the main hackers are being paid by these shitty companies

and Kikuchiyopilled


Are people really gonna buy that ""remake""
It looks awful and for 60$ of a gb game doesn't seem worth it

Tiger Lily

Attached: TL.jpg (753x1077, 111K)

>had the option between his legs,chest and boosters
>Pick boosters thinking they were unique to him
>Play Free Missions where those boosters are commonplace

Attached: 1440724152746.gif (300x200, 1.57M)


Blademaw. Maybe with a Greek letter at the end for extra chuuni points.

So attachment that you can add on your wings, I have no idea how to use it but it says you can boost downward.

It's an auxiliary weapon. After you equip it, the default button for it is Y. It acts like a normal boost, but always aims straight down. You can combine it with the normal boosters to boost at a downward angle.

Yeah, but he picked that over all of the important parts.

lol poorfag

I should mention that all of my Arsenals will be named after supercontinents. Shits cool sounding.

nice copy paste

Attached: 42f.gif (224x233, 897K)

I was actually planning to get AC, but it went out of stock everywhere near to me, so I guess I'll get this one instead.

>make a better controller for the game
>not wireless so they can only be used in handheld

Mother fuckers

Attached: daemon x machina controller.jpg (1024x512, 98K)

The best supercontinent in the Earth canon

Attached: IMG_2831.jpg (750x450, 63K)

>2.3 Million for a very divergent 3D fighting game because the sequel to a critically acclaimed new IP did better

Do you guys just not think?

Also ARMS and Splatoon do not have the same niche or aesthetic, at all.


I can't decide between "AS-06 II 'ZAKO'" or "ZAKO-06 II"

The first one won't fit, so go with the second one

that looks like shit


Im pirating the game, but I am going to buy it, only pirating because I can't get it on release

is there a even chance this game could come out on PC?

The motion controls are actually really nice, but I just can't stand the shitty framerate and the constant texture pop-ins.

Attached: B1D86BCA-1F91-4A02-8CEE-ED192F0AECBA.png (2208x1242, 3.79M)

Yes, there is a chance. It just won't be for several months.

If Nintendo owns the IP it’s theres for good

Not sure if they do or not

Vulpes Rex

>mfw turbo button boost

Attached: 554654468.png (1051x652, 1.1M)

Sometimes upgraded to "Vulpes Caeser" or Cherry Boy Riot" depending on the game

Why are you posting a picture of a mini-golf course located in 54°40'50.1"N 4°24'13.3"W

>tfw DxM is the only game out of that list I wanted anyway

Attached: Erairaws_Machikado_Mazoku_07_1080p.mkv_snapshot_04.31_2019.08.23_08.38.29.jpg (1920x1080, 487K)

>Cherryboy Riot

does anyone have a chart for the next switch releases or something

Pre-ordered, I can't wait to do a light weight turbo build,with boost bound to the flaps AC4 MULTIPLAYER ALL OVER AGAIN BABY

DXM this friday
Link's Awakening on the next
Dragon Quest XI S the week after
Luigi's Mansion 3 on halloween night
Pokemon Lazy and Whatever

September for some reason is loaded

sucks BL3 comes out the same day too

peepeepoopoo me me shoot burger with gun meme make pop culture reference

Yea, crying shame

What is with people?

This game won't automatically bomb because of some crap titles releasing the same month.

Anyone who would play Borderlands in the Year of Our Lord 2019 wouldn't appreciate this game anyway

So what does the femto red thingys do? i assume the ones that appear around your arms increase damage or something. But what about the others? They don’t explain how any of that stuff works.

DINO controller. 100% Based.

Attached: 1537340887680.jpg (1046x1910, 291K)

Cope, faggot

AR35: Code Name Ares

Attached: 24962853.gif (500x353, 2.99M)

As a burger what are my best options to buy the Orbital edition?

I'm buying it and I already own astral chain
It's not hard to not be poor

less poor more I work mon-fri 8-5 so time can be precious

Why aren't you


Attached: IMG_2689.gif (500x500, 197K)

Tax hike in Japan starts October

Same. Definitely helps to have had rollover funds from Astral Chain for some reason though.

Arms are damage, wings are speed, circle around you is a shield. The latter two disappear if you attack. They don't drain femto, but they have their own recharge timers. And when your femto drops below the ticks on the femto gauge, it reduces their uptime. Which makes femto management a bit more interesting than just, "Bar's full, might as well use mirage".

Attached: 1565364308083.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Rave Blade

Should I eat 50 icecreams to get the mascot decal y/n

What's the ideal controller setup for pulling off high-speed stunts like this and other webms?

Personally I remapped boost to L1 so I could use it and my main weapon at the same time, and remapped everything from the d-pad to some modifier+another button.

Attached: 1564252697386.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Attached: 1558787220020.webm (640x360, 2.75M)

You'll do that over the course of normal gameplay in the full game. Don't bother.

Attached: 1547814814083.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

Raufboldjäger 00-1 going into 00-2 for each reconfiguration and redesign until I reach endgame where the final design is gonna be
something much cooler that ill firgue out then

>been stuck on character creator for hours now


These webms are really selling me

Getting real sick of these third party joycons not having wireless/rumble/batteries. Fucking assholes.

You can re-customize at any time for a pittance of credits.

I have more!

Attached: 1555750028245.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Attached: 1555307340494.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Who else is getting the LE?

Attached: 1560995642259.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

Attached: 1546424836064.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Did you cut off the webm right before you got smacked by the shield?

Schwermetall Kaiser, unfortunately that's too long for DxM.

Got it from a guy on twitter, yeah he might've lol.

I think he might have been able to barely escape if he used wing mode... but he probably didn't and just got rekt.

Attached: 1552561801639.webm (640x360, 2.78M)


I absolutely would if I wasn't in the States. Really tempted to get one from a reseller on eBay.

The moment when the mech exploded and suddenly I could control the pilot and still complete missions sold me on the game.

Attached: 1552821332810.webm (640x360, 2.79M)


Any reason all these webms are 640x360? Is that just a good resolution to use as opposed to 720x405 or some other number?

Oh god I wish you told me this earlier. Thanks. Time to actually play the demo.


What do you use for aux equipment/descend/swap femto?

Onyx Mariner

Blame gookmoot for still having a 3MB limit on webbums.

I find it big enough to not be annoying but small enough that clips over 10 seconds don't get too artifacted.

The switch also captures video at 720p so 360p downscales nicely.

He's got downboosters equipped, they're auxiliary equipment you can farm in one of the free missions.

I've got aux on left stick, descend on Y, and X as my modifier button. Then with the modifier I've got:
>X+R2 - swap right weapon
>X+L2 - swap left weapon
>X+L1 (my boost button) - wing mode
>X+R1 (my missile button) - arm mode
>X+A - shield mode

I also put the armor icons in my UI in the shape of a body like this guy did

Attached: 1566245440336.jpg (1280x720, 206K)


Attached: Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse - 14 - An Eishi`s Honor - [Commie](da0cf682).mkv_snapshot_24.36_[2 (1280x720, 100K)

Gotcha, I think I'll start using that res too then. Thanks!

I'm playing the demo right now, does anyone feel shit is too short? By the moment I'm getting engaged the mission ends.

Play the co-op boss missions, they're way better

I'm guessing the tutorial missions are designed for people who are bad at video games.

Freesia- like a flower
Very antropomorphic like mechas from DitF

You can use a boss's weapon against it.

so apparently in co-op you and your partners can swap mechs

Attached: 1540860875477.webm (640x360, 2.75M)

Remind me not to touch PvP.
Fighting this is anti-fun

Now I want to hijack somebody.

>2 Johnny Gs


Now neither of them will be virgins.

>Implying he doesn't get it on with Drake.

don't worry bro, there's a counter-build

Attached: 1540179307975.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

It's a pretty crazy month yeah

Attached: 1563166398462.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Or "Fiction" if numerized names don't work in setting.

Counting on mechafags to put the money down to support shit they like, I guess. We'll see if it works. I've already got the game preordered.

Attached: 000212.jpg (960x720, 97K)

At least change the HUD. I used this /m/ approved HUD as a base, boy does it clear the clutter.
I haven't messed with the controls yet, I want to touch on it little by little to find what's more comfortable.

Attached: 1567774583222.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>tfw preordered this, zelda and dq 11
>going on a trip the end of this month
>going on a trip december
>going on a trip next year march
Feels good bros

not sure if worth
those trigger back buttons though


This game is Mad Max with mechs.

Post Outers.

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you could almost call it

Mad Mechs

>/m/ approved HUD

You cheeky cunt.

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Probably just stick with something old fashioned like Genobee since 3-era Armored Core is a decent sub series

Hows she looking boys?

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Not so good. Is she going to be okay?

Shes just a little corpsey. That never hurt nobody.

Just give me punch out man

Already played DQ and not sure of link awakenning remake since the orginal wasnt that long

Will pick DxM since customization looks dope.

Waiting for the body modifications in the full game. I want to be able to take down mechs, mech-less

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DxM is a mecha game, it would sell badly regardless.


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>Tfw I don't even have time to give the demo a try
I preordered the game but I probably won't get around to playing it until Christmas.

It's been know to hurt me from time to time.

>customizable character
>customizable mech
>customizable controls
>customizable HUD
oh god

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>take down mechs, mech-less
There was a character like that in Kurogane no Linebarrels

Our mechs are powered by the tortured souls of the dead

Deemon or Daymon?

Zay-mon exu Machina

Da E, mon.

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Daymon. True burgers say things as they're written.

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Amerifats, everyone.

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seriously? wtfh is with september? that's at least six killer games in one month. That's insane.


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Based and rastapilled

I hope there are implants or something that make swords more useful. As it is in the demo, 2 smgs are the best combo.

>sept 6
what? that's a lie? Who fucked up?

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some gayman website on twatter


I named mine Shiranui too.

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But i bought the collector edition though?

Piracy = theft
How many times do the facts need to be repeated?



pretty terrible for a nintendo party game to only sell 2-3 millions. Thats less than 1-2 switch or how that game is called, tranny.

Sans deltarune?!

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How rare is it for mech games to actually let the pilot exit the mech and fight on foot? I think I've only seen that happen in this game, some Front Mission games and some of the Xeno games.

Corona or Prominence

Quality post
Excellent taste

One of the mechwarrior living legends, but that's a mod. There's also the lost planet series, but the bulk of the game is played on foot. One of the reasons I jumped on this game was because being able to get out of your mech was an announced feature. I just wish you actually got to carry a gun as opposed to just having a drone fly around and do the work for you.

Samus Metroid?!

I wasn't trying to make Samus, I only realised after. Maybe I should change the suit colour.

But it's pretty good for a fighting game

Something water based, like Tsunami or Typhoon. But I have no idea what kind of configuration I want.

The people who will buy this game will buy it no matter what the fuck's up and out.

Like this motherfucking patrician

>animu-as-fuck scifi game
so what's the over/under on collective consciousness/instrumentality being a plot point

Black Fly

Because Metal Black will be with me forever until the day I die.


I'd say the case work is hit or miss, a lot of people appreciate the comfy breaks between action, while others wanted nothing but fights non stop.

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Not even remotely Evangelion, user

Its chaos legion instead of bayonetta so its shit because i cant juggle entry level enemies while power metal plays

it doesn't need to be remotely evangelion for jap writers to shove collective consciousness into a sci-fi story
see: code geass, macross delta

Sure but that's what? 3 out of over 150+?

It's not a common theme even in sci-fi stories. The church or authority being evil is, however. And that pretty much seems to be the case this time around with Four.

To be fair
It could be worse.

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nah waaaay more often than that

not as common as evil church though

Personally I hope 4 and her faction can maintain their neutrality and moral ambiguity, it's more interesting that way.

Why are the fem pilots so beefy in the ass? What tactical advantage does an abundance of booty give?

in the demo it's PSYTIGER


Clap of the ass cheeks gives SONAR

>designs by the Macross designer
Kawamori made this?

He also did a lot of the designs in Armored Core 1-3 as well as White Glint, the guy is pretty prolific.

>comparing Splatoon 2 and ARMS

Why don't you compare ARMS and SFV for example? The former sold more than 2M way faster than the latter.

>bought Astral Chain
>will buy this and Link's Awakening
>also bought the Spyro Reignited Trilogy in the meantime
DQXIS is the one I'm holding off onto, I loved the demo but it's way too long. All these other games shouldn't take too long.

Sounds like it got titanfall 2’ed

F in advance


Pilot - Yamaha
Arsenal - YZF-R1

Do I buy this or Borderlands 3?

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If you have to ask, you won't appreciate this game

Wait for BL3 to release with all the DLC again

hang in there metroidfag

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where are the reviews? all i want to know is if it's not complete dogshit before i place my order

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Don't give Randy your money.

I don't want to, but my friends keep pressuring me into playing with them

>buying a game that will flop hard and stuck on a low-spec console