
I didn't get to finish my post and I wrote to much garbage to just let it go to waste.

Your feats are ridiculous, only two of them actively help you with combat, and one of those does nothing after the first turn, while the other one adds piddly damage until you're a high level. Of course you're getting your ass handed to you. Initiative doesn't really matter if you can't kill enough guys in the first turn to live through the survivors attacks. Your skills are also all over the place and probably even more of a mess depending on what the ones not shown are at. Don't bother putting points into dodge and evasion if you're not going to max them out every level, and even if you do they're not that great. Focus on 8 skills you want, this game chews up jack of all trades builds. That's why you get enough points to max out 8 at the start and at every level. On normal you can probably do 9 or 10 skills if you just put a bit into the extras during the start and then go back to pumping your main ones, cuz some skills you don't really need to max out, like throwing for example.

That's the problem, they're all only "kinda useful" instead of "really useful." You need some combat feats so you can actually kill stuff and stay alive. Your run is probably bunk just because of how bad your feats are, and it's only going to get worse as you progress until you get a handful of combat feats.

Honestly I'd start over and get stuff that helps you murder things and stay alive. At the very least you could get paranoia, which basically does what snooping and trigger happy do ontop of reducing your chance to get hit by crits. Then you can replace the other crap with shit like aimed shot, or suppressive fire, or whatever.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Crossbows, yay or nay?

SMG or AR?

X or Y?

new player here, i just got to core city, is there somewhere i can buy a new melee weapon? my mechanics skill isnt as good as my tailoring

>recycling a gun into scrap produces more mass than before
>I am now even more overweight

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To the user intrested in hammer wizard build.

The idea is to carry a full tungsten set, armour, boots and helmet, have whopping mechanical defenses to become fucking unstopable, you're very fucking hard to kill with high resistances, high shields, 10 CON, conditioning, sprint, thick skull, land stand, fast metabolism, throw in stoicism if you want to
Once you got 7 Will, get Force User and Corporeal projection, learn Tele Proxy.
Now, by that time you will hit like a cargo train with no brakes with your hammer, but by the chance you cannot hammer your problems away, you also hit like a cargo train with proxy punch combo

However, there are problems
Using all Tungsten means, while you will be fucking tanky, you will have 95% Armour Penalty at all times, this means 0 movement points and minimum dodge/evasion/stealth, you will be slow as a rock, to compensate for this you will need Sprint, which will give you free movement points for 2 turns that is not negated by AP.
The other issue is that 3 INT gives some considerable penalties. Crafting penalties. 3 INT will reduce your crafting skills, so it will make it difficulty for you to craft yourself nice gear, while crafting is a must, only homemade gear will make you survive, this is why you keep mechanics maxed out every level, also dont neglect tailoring and electronics
However, after you complete an oligarch questline in Core City, you will get your own house, which you will able to buy workbenches that boost crafting skills, negating the 3 INT penalty somewhat, also there's a drug called 'Hyper cerebrix' that gives 2 INT boost for a bunch of seconds, as well Under Pie that boost all skills upon consumption, this includes crafting skills

Pros: Hit hard both with hammer and magic, tanky as fuck, hard to bring down
Cons: Very slow movement, bad middle game due INT crafting penalties, thought controllers will make your life impossible

definitely apples

This game is so mothafuckin' cocksuckin' gay. You can't even fuckin' run in a game from 2019, give me a mothafuckin' break, bitch. Fuckin' Russian faggots.
> having to speed up the entire game to walk faster
> 2019
Fuck off, morons.

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Can pistols carry you into the endgame or do they crap out in midgame like in Wasteland?


How did you guys deal with dominating silent isle? the rat hounds near the entrance make it hard to set up traps and i cant fight them without drawing in the goliathus and getting boatbro killed.

energy? yes
boolet? lol

>turn the scrap into repair kits
>you are now less overweight

Turn them into repair kits dumbo

Pistols are garbage unless you're using energy or chemical ones I'm told

Normal pistols cost so much AP to use if they do any damage worth mentioning, they have small magazines, and you can't burst with them.

Is the plot too serious?
I might want to change my name or i'm going to have a giggle every now and then.

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They're not garbage but also not as strong as other firearm builds. Rapid fire build with a .44 hammerer does pretty good damage.

Yes it can be very serious, deep, esoteric, mindfucking and philosophical
Do it anyways, it should be fun with that name

i would personally go 7 con since it gives you room to for locus and decent int.

the plot unironically has laser cats and cyborg ninjas do whatever the fuck you want


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If I want crafting to be reliable do I need to buy materials?

You don't need to, in theory, since you can just find/steal a lot of shit but you're fucking yourself over by not buying high quality parts

Yes, sometimes, depending on what you're making, but they're pretty cheap most of the time and you're going to have a lot of money eventually anyway. If you're perpetually broke you're probably doing something really wrong.

Yes and the quality of materials actually increases with your semitism skill. If you don't fully level your crafting skills it's actually kinda possible to fuck yourself over and have merchants sell mostly stuff that is too good for you to use.

My own version of hammer wizard is a pure psychokinesis user, no TC nor TM at all, and the idea of the build is to outlive your enemies and recieve all the attacks and dish it back

I like how since release Mercantile took a 180 in usefulness.

Merchants who buy and sell guns should have some melee weapons on them but usually knifes and hammers. You can check in Camp Hathor they should have more melee weapons, but im not sure about that.

I heard that Mercantile (aside from dialogue checks) raises the median quality of the items that merchants sell, is it true?

Yay they are fun and versatile but robots will be hard on you and you need grenades and/or traps do deal with crowds.

going for heavy armor shotgun/sniper rifle
what am i in for?

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>heavy armor sniper

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mainly because the stats requirements are the same as shotgun. My main idea is to just tank myself up and blast shotgun to the face

kys stealthoid

>Grants you a special attack with a crossbow or a sniper rifle that deals 225% weapon damage plus additional 1% damage per stealth skill point. Can only be used in stealth.

help I'm melting in acid and basically out of healing items

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You won't even be able to use heavy armor by the time you can find it with those stats.




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Protip: Stop standing in acid
Also if you have any tailoring you can make acid resist gear out of mutated dog or siphoner leather

>Heavy Armor Sniper
>Heavy Armor
>Heavy Armor

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>gray army base
>can't lockpick the door to get the quest keycard
>can't past the persuasion check with the officers
>don't have sneaking
Am i fucked? Do i have to genocide all these russian faggots?

Well I just beat the mutant place with this shit build so I'll keep going.

Can't stop me!

I wish I could leave too but it looks like this is my new home now.

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no but you should do it anyways.

These sentry bots are harshing my mellow can I make a bum shocker fist weapon?

Can't you rise your str along the way though?

>Am i fucked?
>Do i have to genocide all these russian faggots?
You think this is going to be easy when the lights go out and the spec ops squad gets on your sorry ass, blyat?

Good Game

Yeah, maybe by level 16 you'll be able to finally wear some passable heavy armor.

Godspeed, lad. You'll learn more from this experience in the long run. Persevere long enough and your next time will be quite different.

You'll find metal armor you can buy hours before you'll be able to wear it if you start out with that little strength.

Should i dump int as well then?

the one from 1988? Is it worth playing?

Can you at least hack?

Is it possible to get through the game in a satisfying way with blind builds or do I need to spreadsheet this shit before I even hit new game.

I don't like collectathons, will I have to go out of my way to collect oddities or can I just loot barrels along the way and keep pace?


i thought i was ready but i was a pipeworker fool

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There's an exploit you can use. Make sure you're disguised, manually enter combat, pop sprint and adrenaline shot, then run straight past NPCs. It skips the enforced dialogue and shouldn't actually aggro the guys provided they don't see you entering restricted areas. If you're at the point where I think you are, you should do what I said and run behind a pillar to break line of sight when you exit combat.


you should be looting everything like an autist anyways tbqh

You're going to end up getting lost and backtracking and finding oddities in dumb places whether you like it or not. A lot of them drop from enemies, too.

That’s what I have been doing except I’ve been avoiding stuff that’s really out of the way and also skipping locked boxes if I don’t have the lockpicks to open them

Look nigga, people have been playing RPGs harder than this completely blind since decades, just play the fucking game and stop worrying about failure before you even do anything.

Hard mode is very punishing and the highest difficulty is like a challenge mode the dev made without knowing if it'd be possible to complete and a lot of the posts you see from veterans are geared towards that. If you're just running through on normal you shouldn't sweat it that much but it pays to check out the requirements for the feats/weapons you want in advance. Worst case scenario you'll learn the experience and reroll with something stronger.

Become a spy
Unleash your inner Solid Snake

Just buy lockpicks user they're cheap as fuck from Old Jonas and ~100 is more than you'll ever need

There are very few oddities that can't be maxed without opening locked containers, so that isn't going to be a problem.

Hey, brand new player here, I saw a really fun looking build for a chemist pistol? However I think it's out of date as the base feats and skills aren't available at the start of the game.

Can someone give me a build to give me a chemical pistol? With starting stats and skills?

Would be much appreciated, thank you!

I wouldn't suggest a blind build, I'd suggest getting an idea of a build. If you're used to some other RPGs where you can be a stealth hacker lockpicker heavy armor sniper melee guy and you try to do that you'll just end up eating shit 3 or 4 hours in and get stuck with no recourse. On normal you can make mistakes with your build and be fine as long as you're not trying to do everything and getting totally worthless feats.

You can level up 8 skills to max, to give you an idea of what you can do with your build. Not everything needs to be leveled up to max to be useful.

hey hey people

How do I destroy these damn rocks blocking my way? Apparently I should get explosives but my grenades do nothing.

Or Jackhammers

Where do you find builds? Forums are half filled with "gib build plx" and the other half with "very gud build, need to be eleet at game to work, not for new players". I just want something that works and gives me an idea on how to make my own builds.

just read the fucking feat descriptions, it's all there, make a damn spreadsheet

Seriously tho, why does all newcomers need builds?
I mean, when I was new, I just asked about some mechanics, explained feats and gave me some simplistic guidance, but my 'build' is something I came up with my own, fast foward and I'm about to win the game on DOMINATING
Yet why almost all new players are begging for cookie cutter builds, instead of being adviced on what they like, want to do and what they -can- do?

I know, zoom zoom, but you cannot just throw a tin can AR build to everybody, specially since it's fairly boring

Can you reinforce super steel with tungsten or is it a same steel kind of deal?

Well I posted my build and got laughed at so it makes sense.

Because people nowadays are terrified of actually playing a game for the sake of playing it, discover it and having fun, they play because others do it or because they need something to talk or brag about, see how Sseth's video made sales explode.
And it's not really a matter of being underaged, it's just the casual mentality that is slowly turning games into a second job rather than games, opening up online spreadsheets to find what's optimal and play another person's playthrough because who gives a damn about videogames and learning something or using your brain?

No, Super Steel and Tungsten are different kind of metals that cannot be mixed
However, you can reinforced metal armours with different kind of metal plates


Or maybe you're talking about 'infused leathers'

Is a short barrel and a choke better than a long barrel and no choke for a shotgun? Or should I just do short without a choke?

>Can you reinforce super steel with tungsten
No, Super Steel can be turn into fiber or sheets though.
Fiber can be used to infuse leathers to give them additional properties and raise their original quality a bit while sheets work as ballistic armor parts, which is useful for Riot Gear and the likes.

choke sucks lol just use a foregrip

>Level 24
>Still 0 energy edge emitters

pls help

Is it smart to keep leveling every crafting skill?

Choke is pointless to begin with because it lowers your attack and spread, ignore choke and just get an extension tube or a foregrip if you use combat shotties.

underrail info tm/build/?AQMIBgMKAwcPDwAAAAAPDw8AAAAADwAAAAAAAA8ADzkm378

Raise dexterity to 10 and then max perception. Opportunist and pack rathound are both feats you want. Pick up grenadier as soon as you can, get the initiative feats if you're dying too much and then go in hard on crafting / chem pistol feats after depot a.
i wouldnt be entertaining it if i wasnt bored waiting for these beetles to wander off

>Picked this game up again after dropping it a year ago after depot A
>Made a new character, did the exact same thing

I don't know why, I just can't seem to find a thing to do and stick to it once the game opens up.
I'm not used to games not holding my hands like i'm a special needs child, I guess.

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I just saw sseths video and bought it yesterday, starting now, I hope it's a fun game

some guy in another thread was screeching on how his build didn't allow him to do something and when told that's how RPGs worked he went ape shit and how it deprived him of 100% completing the game, you might be on to something.

its shit we only play it ironically

How fucked am i going to get on hard if i try some sort of a crossbow or shotgun build? Haven't watched anything about the new expansion. Are shotguns widespread enough or do i have to go to the dlc area to get one?

>he got bamboozled into buying it
lol get pranked nerd
but seriously you better be autistic because this game is autismo at its finest.

Sure step
Frag nades
Bear traps
Mutant dog leather armour

His video blew up the steam page for the game because he has a large audience and he makes every game he does a video about look fun due to his story telling and dumb jokes, not because people only play a game because other people are. It's very possible for a new player to get 10 or 15 hours in and then get blown up indefinitely, and some people don't want to replay an entire campaign from the start just because their build can't accomplish dick and they're stuck at some spot with no recourse.

they're accessible enough in the main game. good luck getting ammo though if you're doing combat shotguns

I bought this on impulse last night after seeing so many threads on Yea Forums. I haven't even launched it yet. If you had to give just one tip to a new player, what would it be?

>First time on hard
Jack, dont be stupid, swallow your pride and start on normal, after you feel confident, start on hard, after you won the game once, start on DOMINATING

can't you craft ammo? or was that just crossbow bolts?

What’s the Persuasion requirement to get a different weapon at the start? Is it even worth the point investment?

Man, I thought the game was going to be over soon after the faceless invade the institute.
Fuck crawlers, fuck robots, fuck coil spiders, and fuck tchortists

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yes but I still had loads of difficulty keeping enough on a burst build

That's not what I meant, I finished depot A, and didn't know what to do AFTER the depot

that's typically what you want to and are going to do, yes

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>ome people don't want to replay an entire campaign from the start just because their build can't accomplish dick and they're stuck at some spot with no recourse.
Yes, they're called casuals.

Around 15
Dont wear rathound leather gear while persuading since it reduces Persuation

I was thinking about a choke because I noticed that a lot of my pellets miss even up close in melee range, so a tighter spread would help me kill individual guys faster. 20p can miss as many as 8 pellets fairly often and 12p misses 3 or 4 a lot too.

>However, you can reinforced metal armours with different kind of metal plates
That's what I meant.

Core City after depot A
If a tin can, Foundry first

I played through the basegame a few years back on normal with a pussybitch stealthsniper build. Just sneaked around all the hard looking fights and ended up oneshotting the last boss


What do you mean tin can?

Then yes, you can.
Remenber every metal plates has different stats, so experiment.

Just got finished shopping with Harlan and he had three of them

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Stealth is definitely extremely useful for a new player. Won't stop you from getting raped by crawlers, however.

'Tin can' is a slang for Metal Armour wearers.
Also to lesser extend, it's also applied to Protectorade soldiers, since almost all of them wear metal armours.

Ah, fair enough then. Core it is.

Play as a spear wizard.

Pure wizards only
Hybrids go home

Play the game on normal with whatever the fuck build you want, get familiar with the mechanics for a bit, get stuck, read wiki, open build creator, plan out, restart and be a better man

it can't seriously be coretech only. I'm maxed mercantile now and still nothing

Is DOMINATING just reloading a lot to try and get favorable outcomes?

is there a multiple ending powerpoint when you finish the game?

Say that on my face
I dare ya

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You fundamentally misunderstand how shotguns are designed.
First off, shotties are for multitarget purposes, so if you use a shottie for single target damage you're already playing it wrong because there's plenty of weapons that effortlessly outdamage shotties on single target damage outside of some rare exceptions where shotties with tungsten shells might be better than other weapons, even sixth shell as good as it is doesn't lead to high single target damage compared to the output of AR or energy guns.
Secondly, "melee range" is often misunderstood, you're not supposed to literally hug people and shoot, most of your pellets will miss that way, always keep at the very least one tile of distance between you and the target, two tiles are the ideal distance given how you'll want to spread your pellets as much as possible, especially in the case of burrowers and spawns, a carefully placed 20P can clear out seven to eight spawns easily in a single shot for instance, basically, shotguns have a dead zone you have to consider and since the game doesn't show you your effective AoE cone you'll have to get used to it and make educated guesses.
Lastly, bear in mind that even with leading shot, your shottie's accuracy will ALWAYS cap at around 70-75%, this is not something you can get around, choke is essentially a soft and much shittier leading shot, so if you want more accuracy(You don't need really it, just mind the gap as the brits say) invest into Leading Shot and forget about chokes entirely.
This game isn't really made for casuals and catering to them and feeding their bad habits is always a bad idea.

If you do that then you're not prepared for DOMINATING
Although it can happen from time to time

>not playing a hybrid
It's like you hate fun, pipeworker.

Yeah, although the main quest itself has only one outcome with very minor variation.

Eh, my leather armor has about the same mechanical resistance.

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Mostly, yes.
Bear in mind Dominating is officially a meme difficulty setting, so don't take it too seriously.
It's not at all impossible, but it's incredibly tedious and a lot of stuff straight up doesn't work anymore on Dominating.

Which is better, hybrid melee or hybrid with guns?

Is the Psi-monk still a viable option these days?

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Hey hey people

Hybrid with melee makes no sense if you're not going psi monk and is cheese if you're doing it with a weapon. Hybrid with guns fits because of the whole psientist deal.

If you're looking for sheer sturdiness and tankiness, get yourself a Tungsten armour and cramp all the Tungsten reinforcing plates you can
However, I must warn you, it's quite fucking heavy so I hope you got high STR

Guns are generally more fun unless you REALLY like being a caveman.

Nikolai or Kolya here kind of btfo'd that build with his pure unarmed boi.

>This game isn't really made for casuals and catering to them and feeding their bad habits is always a bad idea.

Casuals who aren't given advice on how to play a difficult game will become casuals that complain the game is too hard, which the industry caters to. You're not shunning them and keeping them from tainting your hobby, you're enabling them to do so. A developer isn't going to consider dumbing a game down and making it easier because a bunch of casuals asked for advice and then got it. They will if a bunch of casuals complain about the game being too hard, which they will because of people like you letting them walk into a 10 hour dead end.

I for one am grateful to our slackjawed pipeworker friends for funding the next expansion before they get filtered and drop the game in a week.

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So psi + melee weapon is OP? Is that the deal with ‘hammer wizard’ spam?
Then what weapon is the MOST fun?

Did you already finish the game on dominating?

I hope they secured Stygian's future for the next few years.

It can be. Most people who melee hybrid just level TM up to get the boost abilities and psychokinesis on the side for force field. Hammer Wizard is just someone who went almost all in on strength to boost his TKP damage beyond the fucking roof.

how the fuck do I get to the nexus of technology

Psi monks and hammer wizards, while both focus mainly on psychokinesis, have very different builds
Psi monks are very nimble, very fast and very dodgy, but not really that tanky, also can hit 100 times in the same turn and run 1000 kilometers away
While hammer wizards are slow moving tungsten tanks, their mind punches hurt like a fuck, and they only need a single hammer swing to turn you into a crater

Regardless, psionic melee is really strong and fun, if a tad challenging

I just need to wrap up Black Sea, do the tchortist quests, and clear DC.

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>doubled the max current player count from launch
Gotta be worth something

What if I'm a brainlet can I still play it

Either you have become really good or I spend way too much outside home, I'm nearly finishing DC, hope you catch up
t. Ghost


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So how do you keep your gear in check early-midgame? I was kept getting cucked by my merchants and been able to craft a better sniper rifle and SMG only after about 4 levels. Also I still can't my mind around what would be better, leather armor or vest? And if leather armor, where do I farm high level rathounds/pigs?

I'm guessing this game requires a significant investment of time to figure everything out?


gas mask because fuck heartbreakers

just fuck them and fuck sea wyrms, holy shit

Yes, Underrail is not exacly a 'casual game'

You can but you will suffer, unless you beg for hand holding from us

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Asking for advice is one thing, asking people to play the game for them is another.
There's a big difference between somebody who's unsure of how a certain mechanic work and somebody who literally asks you to spoonfeed them an entire build to play the game on easy mode because they're terrified of failing before even committing to anything, and this is an extremely unhealthy mentality not limited to videogames and I will not enable it, no matter how many strawmen you pull.
>A developer isn't going to consider dumbing a game down and making it easier because a bunch of casuals asked for advice and then got it.
Except they totally do and I don't even care about it since just I won't play their dumbed down games anymore.
All hobbies, all activities inevitably lead to multiple 10 hours dead ends, this is what learning is about, if you're that worried about "wasting time" on your hobby then you must look for something else to do with your time, for your own sake.

Is there any reason I shouldn't defend myself from zoner gangsters?

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It also probably says more about GOG's small market and Deadire's lackluster reception, but earlier today Expedition in its second month surpassed the second and third Deadfire DLC's lifetime sales. For what it's worth I'm going to take that as a good sign.

I heard theres a yandere in this game is that true?

No, just kill them all, they're the Core City equivalent of lurkers and the like.

leave deadfire alone it was fine

They are murderous gangsters that will want to kill you
Why wouldnt you defend yourself?
Why wouldnt you kill them all?

Not really. The only time that really happens is when is when I'm trying to beat an encounter without having to back and restock on resources.
I tried playing on normal up to mid corecity once just to see what it was like and it felt like a big joke. Like I could just do what the fuck ever and still win fights while dominating will still fuck me over even when I know what's coming if I try to skip preperation.

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If you truly want to enjoy the game, then yes. IMO I'd say that this game is somewhat similar to Path of Exile in terms of build viability.

ive wasted 3 hours thus far just to choose the fucking character portrait

Get yourself a chip implanted
Pay the muties a visit

Oh cool, I actually bought this when it went on sale. I have some time tonight so I'm kinda eager to just go in blind. One small caveat though: what are the noob traps? Stats/builds/trees, etc?

What build should i do if i want a easy time around?
Care to link me a pastebin?

thanks brah

Because gangsters tend to be in a, you know, gang. And gangs usually go after those who fuck with them.
I don't wanna face a nigga with a pet deathstalker down the road.

Looks like proportional use of force to me.

This is just sales talk, gotta compare to something since we don't have actual numbers.


>Because gangsters tend to be in a, you know, gang.
Good thing you eat gangs for breakfast in this game.

so you broke into a guy's house and murdered him?

Nah, it's not.

Deathstalkers cannot be pets, user.
Otherwise people would have warned you by now

Any psi build is a guarantee to be a piece of piss

Metal armour Assault rifles

I opened the unlocked door to a building hoping it was a friendly establishment and they opened fire at me. So I set them on all fire.

You forgot:
Fuck Cans

Yeah. You could could just copy someone's build but that kind of defeats the purpose of the game.

Play as a hammer wizard

daily reminder that using psi is like playing on easy mode - you haven't really completed the game

>Then what weapon is the MOST fun?
Objectively shotguns.

Is telekinetic proxy worth the investment? I found one in core
From the sounds of it sounds like a MOTHERFUCKING Jkind of overpowered but it's pretty expensive

Well shit

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>He says as he makes more toxic gas grenades and crawler poison caltrops

Considering it doubles your telekinetic damage output for a pittance, yes.

Is it possible to just focus on one line of PSI, or do you really have to pick all of them to get the most out of it.

I only have 30 bear traps right now, it's ok

Ideaguy here

>Conditioning provides 10% damage resistance to mechanical, cold and heat damage and +1% for every point above 5 CON and below 10 CON, +2% for every point above 10 CON and below 15 CON, and +3% for every point above 15 CON

If you're going to use psi for main source of damage output then you may as well go all in since your gear will be based around it, if you just want CC (thought control) then you only need to buff that line and up to about 75ish is probably more than enough.

what's the shtick of swords and spears? how do they differ from knives and hammers?

So if I wanna use bear traps or mines do I just sneak around lay them down then open fire?

basically yes. some smarter enemies will be able to spot them. go for thin hallways

Look at me, psiniggers.
Play a no-magic melee build on Dominating RIGHT NOW.

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Spears have an aoe, a spear toss, an extra tile of range, and can be very defensive with their feats and innate passive.
Swords can be built to be defensive when paired with a shield + parries and ripostes or they can be an all damage all the time casino crit machine where you chop through crowds in a few seconds or miss once and die

All hobbies and activities do not lead to 10 hour dead ends like this. When would that ever be the case outside of something like making a sculpture out of marble and cracking the thing in half? If you're reading a book and get to a word you've never seen before you don't have to re-read the entire book from the start to try again. Playing the wrong note on an instrument doesn't mean you have to throw the entire song you're writing out the window and start writing it over again. Landing in the rough or a sandpit in golf doesn't mean you have to start the entire course from the beginning. Nothing is comparable to this at all, and it's absurd to speak as if it's some terrible thing that some guy wants to make sure he's not going to find himself completely stuck after investing a large amount of time on a single video game.

When has a developer ever dumbed down their next game because some players were just looking up optimal builds, and why would they in the first place if they're not complaining about the game being too hard? You're just making stuff up. And I never strawmanned you, fuck off.

why 1/1 could've been at least like 2 max

Attached: file.png (656x372, 89K)

Yes, specially if you're a psi monk or hammer wizard, they can easily deal 400 - 400 damage

>autistic wall of text right from the get-go
how vaccinated do I need to be to enjoy this game

If full psi, take all
if hybrid psi, focus on one or two, complementing with your weapons

Put me off the first time too
Dont worry tho soon it turns into a autistic trash sorting game

You obviously never seriously invested into any of the things you mentioned and you're also incredibly angry for no good reason, this discussion is over.

Considered you're already autistically shitposting in an Underrail thread, I'm certain you're good to go

Stoooooooooooop it.

I'm really starting to regret going pure wizard because hammer wizard sounds rad as fuck

I'm just trying to make the game even more fun user.

Hybrid is definitely more fun than muggle or pure psi

reminder that psi is for MANLETS and BABIES

no psi rise up!!!!!!

Welcome to the build carosel lad
Time to play every build in the game until level 12

Your ideas are shit and you're shit. Fuck off back to codex.

I've played with spears a bit. They're very reliable with their guaranteed crit feat, and ability to be thrown when necessary. The AoE sweep also is a good tool for certain encounters, and the 100% block with feats+spec also means you narrow the encounters that put you in real danger even more. Add grenades and traps and you shouldn't feel frustrated.

>Not expressing this a function of c
Never gonna make it

whats at the end of the expansion?

Fuck, is it worth re-rolling at this point then? I'm barely out the Depot
Yeah, ever play hordes of the underdark? That one NWN expansion? I used to spend ages when I was younger just fucking around making dumb meme builds.
I get the feeling that if I let it, this game is gonna do the same to me, but dragged out MUCH longer.

A weeaboo.

Which psi categories compliment which weapons?

im playing this game for the first time and i kinda like it

however im kinda having trouble with enemies, any tips you pro gamers can give me?

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Nobody can tell you what's fun, or if your build ADHD will die down. You can beat this game with just grenades and traps, so just figure out what you want to play. I've restarted and done a different build part way into expedition because I'm at peace with my autism.

You made a bunch of ridiculous claims, and a baseless accusation at me and you're continuing to do it, and now you're giving up because you can't bother to back up any of the nonsense you said. Were you shitposting or are you just high functioning?

All of them.

>spear throw

Yeah, it's not that I hate my build or anything, it's just that i'm not comfortable not having any actual weapons except for mind boolets, that and i'm the most indecisive cunt you'll ever meet
I think it would be best if I just try and contain my autism
Operating word being try.

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>reading comprehension

Spears are reliable, nigger. Throw your only spear with 60% to hit at the start of the fight, and come crying again. It's not my job to tell you when the right time to utilize a tool is.

There should be a big warning when you start the game to never pick snooping.

traps and grenades are the most broken thing in the game and you dont look like youre abusing them at all + your stats look really spread out and optimized.

Leave conditioning alone. Veteran feats are fertile ground for ideaguy-ing, hence why I stuck Titanic there

Use more grenades, and traps. Also for basically any new player: put your combat stat at 10. The times you don't do this are particular enough that you should just assume your build isn't one of those situations.

How should i allocate my level 1 skills for pure gun build?

Do you want me to toss out a sample build on which you won't immediately die but you'll also see early game content while recognize ng the limits off different builds? Because a simple dodge/eva hammer build goes a long way early game

>The times you don't do this are particular enough that you should just assume your build isn't one of those situations.
is this even english or am i being retarded

There's nothing wrong with my comprehension, you just typed that out poorly. They're still not reliable, this game is famous for its 95% "hit" chances missing, the difference is that if you miss a spear throw you're either going to run and pick it up or equip another from your inventory

Never pick snooping

I most certainly didn't accuse YOU in particular of anything, unless you somehow feel so threatened by the impersonal use of the second person singular pronoun of the english language to the point of accusing other people of being high functioning, or maybe you just have guilty conscience regarding what I said? Or is it unwarranted self importance? I'll leave it up to the audience to decide.

Secondly, none of my claims are ridiculous and any person who's seriously put some time in honing a skill or a hobby will tell you as much, you'll inevitably end up losing hours on something because, surprise surprise, nobody is born with preternatural knowledge about anything and you WILL meet set backs. you will fail at something and waste hours trying to figure shit out, pretending otherwise is simply ridiculous and completely out of touch with reality, kids wouldn't fail school tests otherwise.
Now, if you weren't so fixated and deathly afraid of failure before even trying to commit to something, you'd understand this very basic truth of the world and understand that handholding does nothing but nurture said paranoia even further, but I'm afraid you can't deal with that, and given just how angry you are at a simple post that didn't even consider you in particular, I'll reiterate that this discussion is over and suggest you to close your browser and take a walk to vent some of that frustration.

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Not necessary, you might as well post it if you've got it though, some other user might wanna use it
Thanks though.

Max out Guns and Mechanics every level
The rest is up to you

if you're on normal nothing matters just keep pumping guns
it will be easier if you follow others advice but its still not very difficult if you don't

hey hey people

>The times you don't do this*...
"This" is referring to the previous statement: "put your combat stat at 10"
>The times you don't [put your combat stat at 10] are particular* enough...
"Particular enough" means rare or not frequent
>Time times you don't [put your combat stat at 10] are [rare] enough you should just assume your build isn't one of those situations*.
"One of those situations" is referring to "The times you don't [put your combat stat at 10]".
>The times you don't [put your combat stat at 10] are [rare] enough you should just assume your build isn't one of those situations [where you don't put your combat stat at 10].

critical power is so based

It's simply the best for energy pistols and shotguns.

What about attributes? Do i get perception up to 10 at lvl1?

>not being a burstchad

Yeah nothing wrong with that
Usually you pump your main stat to 10 and tank the ones you wont be using
Tin can gunner or nimble gunner, or stealthy gunner?

Absolute newfag but from what i pictured i just want to put the most defensive armor and combat shotgun


I will go back being a burstchad when Styg unfucks the Double Barreled Shotgun.

>mfw infused greater siphoner gear

Attached: 1548509310622.jpg (788x524, 133K)

If you want to be come a Tin Can, you will need STR
9 STR for Tungsten armour, 8 for the other metal armours

Watch out for knifefags with crippling strike
If you wont use Will, also get some INT for some crafting boost

I made a medium freq energy shield....

What does this do?

>no matter how many strawmen you pull.
This was in a conversation between two people. Who else are you referring to?

Your second paragraph is you comparing apples to oranges
>you will fail at something and waste hours trying to figure shit out
Even this isn't similar at all to having to start over in a video game. But I could see how someone like you would think that, considering your apparent condition.

should i dump dex?

This game sounds amazing, is there a iron man mode with permadeath?

nimble tincan is ok with very light metal armor. the concept confuses most people in this thread though, they're all tungsten brainlets

There damn should be. And new content for ironman as well, even if it's just flavor dialogue.

It gives you aids.
Craft a Low-Low shield like a real chad, or a High-High shield if you're a tin can.

you could just start over when you die, and not ask the developers to implement a load of pointless stuff for you

Is the only relevant dexterity feat I can think of, and It's not that mind blowing

Here's a quick advice for you, when you want to tank a base stat to 3 or bump a skill 10, ALWAYS check the list of feats for that base skill


I can't afford that, what do frequencies even do?
Ah bugger this, I'm getting TNT and checking out that battery factory.

Are the story/characters in this game good? Is the dlc like add-on missions or does it flesh out the main game (think wrath of the chosen for xcom2)

It's not the same. It's much more satisfying when the game locks you out of features than having to restrict your own power level by yourself.

Frequencies block attacks of the corresponding speeds.

Tungsten tanks are chads
But nimble tanks are okay for gunners, I guess

Also, how punishing is going in blind (not understanding builds/mechanics)? Can I fuck around with builds to find out what works as I go or am I just fucked if I go something sub-optimal?

Why the fuck would anyone help that dickhead Gorsky in Core City?

Read nigga

Eh, is there feats that are for sure not worth taking like at all?

Is that me or half of the wiki is throwing error 500?

>Are the story/characters in this game good?
Yes, characterization more than story itself, however the background lore and philosophy it touches is superb.
>Is the dlc like add-on missions or does it flesh out the main game
>Also, how punishing is going in blind (not understanding builds/mechanics)?
Can be really harsh, read the wiki and ask for advice here
>Can I fuck around with builds to find out what works as I go or am I just fucked if I go something sub-optimal?
As a matter of fact, fucking around with builds is actually encouraged
Take your time, Underrail is a long game

EXP, son.
You also get to infiltrate Port Zenith in a fun way, and if you're good enough you can steal a jet ski from the cans.

People keep picking snooping and I have no idea why. Paranoia is basically the same thing, does what another mediocre feat does, and it reduces your chance to take a crit.

Yo that medium blocks sharpnel?
Hot damn I'm going to kamikaze myself.

sold me, thanks bruv

Actually yes, the wiki is having difficulties by the sheer amount of new users

do you have to kill all of them if you do this

hey hey

Because I don't want my character to be paranoid, he'd be a lunatic.

I wish the game had a respec function, uu.

Underrail has it's own slang in game that will quickly rub off on you
You will know why

Zoner here

What's wrong with that?

Oddity > Classic
prove me wrong

Not necessarily, but you can

Which is better, Knifelad or Swordchad?
can I make a good hybrid with either?

sounds like a pain but it'll be fun going to the nigger sea without caring about natives this time
actually can you just go and finish the whole DLC without even touching aegis

Both are okay but different to their core
Hybrid you mean knife and sword together or, knife OR sword with psi?

Now I'mma free-ski it outta here, and make sure nobody sees me...
You have to kill the front door guards if you want to use that area again, but the greater Protectorate shouldn't know/care. I did this the easier way by taking a junk ski to the water entrance, then doing a quick one-round jet-ski rider kill into stealing it, and riding away.

>can you just go and finish the whole DLC without even touching aegis
Nope, the Aegis camp will be hostile, which means you can't start the whole questline at all.
You can still rack up some oddities and materials though, it's a nice way to sequence break.

swords in rpgs are gay

It did this for a few days after Expedition released too

Oddityfags are still here causing trouble? Time to kick some Oddity teeth in.

Attached: hyyyyyaaaah.gif (392x392, 2.81M)

>Nope, the Aegis camp will be hostile, which means you can't start the whole questline at all.
Couldn't you technically check out the mutie isle on your own, get the microchip, open up all the ruins and fetch Acorn without ever dealing with Aegis or pirates?

Knife OR Sword with Psi
Sword AND knife seems like it wouldn’t work, but I’m pretty new

if i had to guess you probably don't get the option to take phil's arm because you have no reason to at that point

6p seems like it's kind of worthless, 12p does more damage against targets with armor and has more chances to crit, and 20p obliterates unarmored targets.

Seeing 'Legionary' builds are rather common nowadays
'Legionary' builds are basically swords with Riot Gear with shield, following a roman motiff
'Hoplite' builds are basically spears with Riot Gear with shield, following a greek motiff
You can see a lot of these builds exclusively running Temporal Manipulation

I disagree. I feel enemies are either heavily armored (6p, 3p if you can get it) or not armored enough for me to care (20p).

>you need tailoring to make proper metal armor

Attached: 1539032627040.jpg (1024x569, 45K)

6p is better against meatier single targets, same for 3p, though 3p also dazes.

How does the graveyard work? Are you supposed to randomly search corpses and hope you´ll find the right one before spirits get angry?

using multiple weapon types seems dumb, especially if they're both melee or otherwise similar

>3INT post
What do you think keeps that metal armor together, Akko?
A vest you have to sew.

yngwar tells you what to do
ferryman kind of also
and there's a huge hammer somewhere with the symbol on it

>You can see a lot of these builds exclusively running Temporal Manipulation
You can see pretty much all builds running around with TM now because free +15/20 AP for 2/3 turns is nothing to scoff at.

You can always pick up shitty quality vests and go nuts on metal plates

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No Shield/Knife?
How many points do I want to drop in TM? Any other Psi stuff I want to pump on a hybrid?


I got the part from ferryman, Yngwar unfortunately got monolith´d before giving me the symbol. What´s the deal with hamer though?

Here's the catch, Riot Gear has some Armour Penalty
Armour penalty will reduce movement points, stealth, dodge and evasion by a certain %, capped at 95%, in which you wont get any Movement Points whatsoever

Knifefags must stay light and nimble, which you cannot exacly do with Riot Gear
Sorry bre

Knife/Shield isn't explored as much because its a dex based build, whereas riot shield armor is a high armor penalty/str based build.

o shit
Haven’t seen a shield yet, didn’t know they gave armor penalty

Attached: its over, we lost.png (677x419, 24K)

Someone tell me this screen is optional and theirs another way around.
I literally cannot leave the second I step in because IT ALWAYS SPAWNS ME AT THE BOTTOM TRAPPING ME BETWEEN THESE NEVER
I literally cant kill them fast enough to even leave the screen because their are three more of these stupid fuckers offscreen.

Attached: 20190909180757_1.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

the two most common psi skills that mostly non-psi users take are force field (25 psychokinesis) and psycho-temporal contraction (55 temporal manipulation)
having more points in the skills do not benefit those two abilities so people like to meet the requirements and then stop putting points into it

Ahhhh, dominating.

How autistic do I need to be to play it

knifefriends defend themselves by getting cheap shot stuns on everything on screen and by running away, or by decloaking behind you, killing you silently, then cloaking up again. nothin personnel kiddo *tips siphoner leather*

and so the shitters begin to get filtered
yes there is another way around
the dogs are not respawning there are just a lot of them

bre, there's two entrances to that zone which you can alternate.
Or you could just stealth through.

>throws hand grenade
>wtf why is the entire map attacking me

Not joking, but seriously autistic level of autism are required for this game.

I like CRPGs, I love Fallout 1 and 2, Jagged Alliance, etc.
Nonetheless, this game is unplayable to me. You require to hate fun in order to play it.

>How many points do I want to drop in TM?
55 if you just want the AP buff Contraction. 70 if you want Stasis.
>Any other Psi stuff I want to pump on a hybrid?
Psychokinesis has the utility spell Force Field that you unlock at 25.

None of the above abilities' effectiveness scale with your effective skill level so they're useful even if you're a hybrid with 3 Will.

Does the game have a lot of range for exploration and general choice in quests? Thats really all I hope for.

Additionally, does the game have any sort of territorial warfare between the various factions? Really my dream game but I've learned to accept its never gonna happen.

If i want to invest into crafting, mainly Tailoring, Electronics and Mechanics what are optimal point investment in those ?

>start game
>check Ezra
>Q31 electroshock emitter
God damnit Ezra sell me the SHIT ones so my taser lasts forever.

It's a game made by autists for autists. You don't have to be super optimal to win though. Just know what you're doing.

Tell me where I can access it. Cant do anything except get lucky at this entrance.

do it continuously until the end of the game

This game is easier to get into than F1+2 and JA. Those games are so janky by today's standards. Underrail has better graphics, UI, gameplay mechanics, and rpg mechanics.

I do think you need a decent amount of autism to get into underrail, but you need autism to get into most cRPGs.

So anything goes then?

You just need to like actual RPGs, there's very little autism but most people in here are casual so they pretend this game is some unfathomable abyss of depth and weirdness when it's in fact very straightforward.
An effective 140 is enough for you to craft top tier equipment together with benches.
Theoretically, you might need 150 but 170Q components are incredibly rare so there's no real need to go that far.

unironically max it until the later levels, probably something around 150-160 effective skill (that's the number in parentheses)

>This game is easier to get into than F1+2 and
Stopped reading there.

Never reply to me again.

Yes, there is another way around.

yeah, two gangs of cats duke it out to the death
Don't forget about exothermic aura at 70 MT :^)

I see, thanks.

Its the truth.

Is unarmed good in this game? Can I do a Kenshiro run

>tfw you have to go fix a power generator and outposts in a giant rat infested cave, catch stupid rabbit gopher things, fight huge psychic bugs to save some scrub, explore an abandoned facility and fight more giant rats and the rogue security drones and stop a raider incursion, go to some ghetto shithole and help a gang do illegal shit, and then go into a horrible murder dawn of the dead warzone before your boss finally lets you take a nap

Attached: D4iFBMqUcAASJje.jpg (527x485, 85K)

dont reply

Yes to both.

Yeah, some user on here is obsessed with his bare fists only build. Its pretty strong desu.

>full wizard DOMINATING
>pop open Ratula's door
>stand in his house menacingly, waiting
>his rathounds finally line up next to him
>chuck a grenade at him with 15% accuracy
>1HKO them all

Yeah, there's both fist weapons and pure unarmed. Pure unarmed starts out weaker and lack fist weapon additions like electricity damage or bleed but you get more attacks per turn which works wonderfully with Psychokinesis psi school as you get a spell that adds plenty of extra damage and procs with each landed hit. There's also a feat that adds extra STR scaling to psychokinetic damage in addition to STR itself increasing unarmed damage.

all in a day’s work

>Does the game have a lot of range for exploration and general choice in quests?

>does the game have any sort of territorial warfare between the various factions?
You mean warfare they wage on their own? Not really. There's some of that in the DLC, but it's nothing like what you get from AI opponents in a strategy game

I'm after depot A and at the point where I'm supposed to go to Rail Crossing, but it seems like I have the option to go to Foundry right now. Why should I go there first as a tin can? Someone in a thread said you can get your first shield emitter at Core City, so I kind of want to go there, but the story makes it sound like I shouldn't yet.

Yes, monks and psi monks are very good and effective meme builds that can actually carry you through the game
Bonus points if you change the portrait to Kenshiro

>you become 5x stronger than you ever were before
>all in a day's work

Can I change my portrait mid-game?

Tin cans, be either hammerers or gunners, thrive in metal
Foundry is, per excellence, Metal center, Leonie can sell up to 90 quality metal: steel and tungsten the first time you enter
And when you finish the last Foundry mission, Kill the Beast, you will unlock another set of metal, TiChrome, and all these metals can reach up to 150 quality
Foundry is often nicknamed 'Tin can heaven' for a reason, user

>not using Z

Attached: RFW8xze.jpg (913x1024, 90K)

I highly doubt so, you might want to ask in the forums and keep asking here, or in the Discord

No thanks, I'd rather keep my ugly mug instead.
But I would love to find a way to edit saves.

Is there any transcript of all the will lore checks of the stones? Specifically the black sea one

fixed it

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>everyone says that firearm pistols are total garbage
challenge accepted motherfuckers

Attached: 600px-DesertEagleLastActionHero.jpg (1200x496, 104K)

if you're not doing it on dominating it doesn't count

Prepare to craft bullets for hours.

New idea:
>Oddities don't have a max number cap. Whatever oddity you find will always provide XP, no matter how many times you find it
>To balance it out, there are fewer oddities in the world and those drop from respawning enemies (like fancy rathound ears) only drop a limited number of times

Styg should hire me, don't you guys think?

>classic exp

>not doing this anyways
thats like half the fun!

Major spoiler warning to new players, consider yourself warned.

Attached: visions south underrail.jpg (1000x6420, 2.58M)

Dominating is bad and you can't beat it withunt gas and traps
Gas and traps should be nerfed hard. At least bear trap

Part 2, even more spoilers.

Attached: visions black sea v2.jpg (1000x4810, 2.14M)

Does sloped armor work retroactively? I don't have it yet but I might be able to make a good armor piece if I can find some extra mats.

i know you're just going to rely off of .44s bre

Most guns don't need crafted bullets, ballistic pistols live and die by how many crafted bullets you can afford since they're weaker than the rest and must find something to rebalance that.
This is mostly fine up until Hard, Expedition excluded, genociding Sormibaeren hordes or strongmen with ballistic pistols is incredibly slow and hard, and not the good kind of hard.

Fuck. Off!

So where are the flamethrowers?

I praise the nigga who gave me sprint on both of my shotgun wiz builds anons posted, I would be dumb and not have grabbed it, half the time I win fights thanks to it alone

In your mind, together with the rest of the metathermics.

How the FUCK do you beat the sentry bots in the third mission? Last thread they said there were AP bullets and EMP grenades, but I can’t find any of them. And you can’t just run past because of their flashbangs

B-but I don't wanna be a psi-freak.

...How likely is that travelling pilgrim Tanner committing the crime that got him on the last two Godmen's shit list?

Playing the game for the first time, I love it so far. My only grip is how fucking slow moving around is, just going back to one of the early shack outpost just to picklock shits took me a long time.

>all is going well
>mfw trying to rescue Norton
I didn't bring enough HE grenades for this shit

Attached: 1445288658085.jpg (667x476, 75K)

there are literally 3 EMP grenades in the camera room
I never bother fighting them though because I just run past them and close doors behind me

close the door set up a couple bear traps throw down caltrops
open the door throw a frag or HE out to lure all of them in the building and keep doorslamming until you see that they've all gathered up outside
molotov and run away behind the corner abusing LoS
I usually only need 2 molotovs for this sometimes even 1 if I'm lucky with the burns

The music in faceless-infested areas is so good.

Press + and -

>He doesn't want to be based and redpilled

Attached: Underpilled.png (525x137, 95K)

How is this game compared to fallout 1 and 2?

>run past
How? They stun my ass before I can get 3 feet

If I play a tank character, do I avoid taking the "despite being only 13%" pills for psi abilities? Or can psi abilities cover for the loss eventually?

challenge accepted x2
fuck yeah i am

Completely different atmosphere despite being post-nuclear. Underrail is a whole thriving new civilization on its own.

and what happens after
you're not just stunned for 5 turns

What determines super steel plate quality?

How about gameplay wise?

the early game of dominating is a series of progressively more soul crushing psi beetle rape dungeons. just accept your fate as brain fried breeding stock for the next generation of larvae.

The god of random numbers.

chance, have fun savescumming

But you are?
Flashbang is 1 turn, they close in for the taser for 2, and by then their friends show up who can flashbang again for 3 rounds. By then I’m dead

Just made my character yesterday, put alot into lockpicking, hacking, electronics, mind control, melee, guns and basically everything Issac Clarke would have used. I think I went with the feat that allows more movement point upon a kill and the evasive one. Good game so far about to go fight the crabs in mushroom cave.

Attached: J4xmGf2.jpg (1920x1080, 538K)

Just got the game downloaded and my imternet will be out for awhile. Can I go in blind or is it a wikigame?
Mot him but whats wrong with heavy armor snipers?

Pro tip for melee the crowbar has no durability so infinite bonking and it opens vents.

I got some bad news user

Underrail's gameplay is far more complex, difficult and skill-based, as well as much more balanced.
Let me give you an example of balance: Fallout 1 and 2 had Agility determine how many attacks you could do in a turn and how far you could move, and both actions were tied to Action Points. This resulted in Agility being broken and by far the most important stat in the game.
Underrail instead separates Movement Points (used to move) from Action Points (used to move and attack), and Agility only affects Movement Points, while all characters have 50 Action Points base, regardless of Agility, so it isn't a broken stat at all.
The gameplay was developed with plenty of dedication from the devs, I recommend you give it a try.

I'm going in blind and doing fine user
I wish ea didn't have them by the balls it's my favorite series until 3

Become a hammer wizard
Yes go for it

I'm sayin you spelled his name wrong

>been maxing intimidate for Yell
>still fail some intimidate checks

You didn't yelled loud enough

ghost, I've given up. thisparticular iteration of tin can Ψ-slamma-hamma was a mistake. fuck you for enjoying the 3 int life (and being effective at it)

>whats wrong with heavy armor snipers?
Everything since Snipers live and die by their ability to stealth, run away and restealth+reposition with a weapon that has crippling malus at close range and trying to couple that with an armor set that is by design against everything stealth related.

Fuck just noticed, I've been up for 3 days straight sorry.

I don't know what to tell you that never happens to me
the only time i've ever seen them taser is if i'm literally next to them
my best advice I think would be don't bother trying to fight them if your gun sucks too much and do your best to avoid combat abusing doors
you can kill the cameras so you'll have an easier time

also I've played through the beginning a million times now so I know where everything is and only have the possibility of running into one robot minus the mandatory one on dominating

How about Styg balances psi by making the skill requirements to learn each spell higher? It's bullshit how non-psi oriented builds have access to all psi utility skills just by putting a few points into psi skills. They should invest more on psi skills so that it becomes questionable if it's worth all those skill points instead of being the obvious optimal choice.

Remenber Will affects social skills
If low Will, intimidation gets penalized

Im sorry fren
Please forgiv

>55 points for contraction
>a few points into psi skills

25 for force field may be a bit low. I don't think Styg is valuing the utility correctly on higher difficulties but I also think veteran players underestimate just how much damage Metathermics shits out in an AoE on the lower difficulties

Yes, it's only a few points considering how powerful it is for *all* builds and that you don't have to put anymore points into that school afterwards. I'd give Contraction a 80 skill requirement minimum, or at least make its power somewhat scale with Temporal Manipulation

how hard is this game if I want to go in blind and figure everything out muself?
can you irreversibly fuck your build up?
can you grind exp at some easier locations before you move on to harder ones?
is there some kind of ingame build reset?

And forgot to add, you don't just get contraction, you also get Psycho-temporal Dilate, Entropic Recurrence and Limited Temporal Increment, and you're only 15 points away from Stasis. All of them are incredibly useful utility spells you get access to for a measly 70 points into a school. It's not balanced.

>Go psycho-temporarily dilate, psi freak!

No veteran can give you an objective answer anymore.
Yes, if you go classic instead of oddity, but you could also just work to find some easier oddities before running into some bad dudes

>how hard is this game if I want to go in blind and figure everything out muself?
You'll probably hit a wall with your first character, even on Normal. But take it as a learning experience. It took me 4 character resets before I settled on a build that I beat the game with.
>can you irreversibly fuck your build up?
>can you grind exp at some easier locations before you move on to harder ones?
If you play Oddity you could go explore caves a bit, but you can't just grind trash mobs to level forever.
>is there some kind of ingame build reset?
Yeah, the "Quit" button.

its almost like TM is a buffing psi school

>how hard is this game if I want to go in blind and figure everything out muself?
How well versed are you with RPGs?
>can you irreversibly fuck your build up?
>can you grind exp at some easier locations before you move on to harder ones?
On classic, yes, and on Oddity to some small degree.
>is there some kind of ingame build reset?
Yes, it's called rerolling your shitty character and learning from your mistakes.

>could spend 10$ to get it
>super cheap and may lose job
>wanna psi people

is it worth it?
its 7 something right now

It's too powerful and accessible user, that's my point. No reason not to take the gay pill.
Otherwise the pill should give additional penalties than just a shitty -25% hp reduction, like -1 STR or something.

Ah, dominating.

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Ah, that's good to hear. Best of luck and God bless you Issacbro.
That sucks, but it's to be expected. Still a shame since it was fun to do that in MechWarrior

Wish i wasn't such a brainlet so i could enjoy this game, seems really cool. Couldn't even finish the tutorial.

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Oh no.

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Where do I sell armor and crossbows? I can deconstruct crossbows, but not this shit rat armor because I have no points in tailoring.


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we've been conditioned to believe that, in bideo games, you should be able to walk through a hail of gunfire because you're the protagonist.
UnderRail tells you to even the odds by going Arnold in Predator, not Stallone in Rambo. Not everyone wants to set-up the occasional bear trap, throw the occasional caltrops, huck the occasional grenade, or hide behind the occasional corner , despite the fact that your adversaries will do everything they can to not die. Those people who do not want to play as one man taking down an army through guile will not enjoy the game.

Low low efficiency. Highest quality.

>items sell for 25% of their value on DOMINATING

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I'm at acid hunters and so far it only mattered at the very beginning
I got around that with pickpocketing
I don't need super steel for my build so I'm pretty set for the rest of the game I think except for maybe the house shit but I'm pretty close to the amount you need for everything

Oh but i didn't stop playing because of that, is just that i get overwhelmed with all the stuff on screen and the options; i honestly don't play this kind of game because the huge depth they have, i literally can't handle all that shit.


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Then go High-High, 3INT zoner.

Classic or Oddity?

Even naked, I kick ass.

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you can just take your stuff back

This was posted in one of threads.
Some questionable advises but overall it works.
Someone should just update this pic for ver 2

Attached: 1567727249804.jpg (1892x2456, 1.2M)

>mug some Stalker for his tactical vest
>get this shit
What the fuck is this trash? 2 DT? Seriously?

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tell me where it is first

that was the updated version
feel free to correct it yourself

literally the bin where you put it in
you only needed to put stuff in for the scan
you may have fucked yourself at this point

Attached: Respectably Hardcore.jpg (400x590, 91K)

but it was transported somewhere else

>doctor is shit
Hypos don't do dick when you have high CON without doctor. It takes like 6 of them to fully heal you.

What? That can't be real... right?

That's not what happened to me
did you implant the chip in yourself

...Hammer wizard, would you care to weigh in?


am i fucked?

You rang?

no that's what you're supposed to do
now it just sounds like my game was bugged
but there was no way i was making it through that area without my gear

Without the chip, the door just politely tells you to drop off. I didn't try picking my stuff up after the scan, but it would be beyond baffling if you can actually do it.

That's a lot of rats.

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Ghost here
My stuff was behind a destructable wall, theres dynamite in the other room, use it
I had the chip implanted

no what happened in my run was my first time through I had phil's arm but I didn't implant it into myself
so I was let into the scanning area and didn't realize it was the arm that was making it not let me in and i was just trapped in there from my stupidity
after i came back without the arm it let me in
I'm pretty sure that I just picked my gear back up after the scan though

Yeah you need the chip implanted

YES! There, you are! Daddy missed you!

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So you're saying that temporal manipulation allows me to stop time right?

yeah I even remember going into that room and wondering why there was an empty bin
I definitely picked up my gear right after the scan
whether that was a bug, i have no idea

Youre welcome

My agi-focused 3 int machetegirls deals absolutely no damage against naga protectors, but I eventually found a way to chip at them via sonocaster and EMP grenades.

-30 aoe damage per shot at 0 gun skill is better than anything else I have at my arsenal, and I can get to about 70% accuracy when they are stunned.

The 3 MK3 EMP grenades found in the nexus of technology is just enough for this encounter.

Attached: naga frenzy.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

It lets you go fast, make others go slow and dilate.

Just got the game, the stat system really looks deep.

What build best synergies with crafting?
I want to play with traps and nades.

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This game definitely will send analysis-paralysis people off a cliff

fast metabolism + doctor is the patrician way

Please help me, In the GMS quest i got the Bloomberg key bot where the fuck is the room where i use it? Which level and close to what?

Finally, on my second playthrough, I found what's beyond the gate. Can't wait to try out this bad boy in action.

Attached: naga frenzy4.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

eh, it sucks

just craft your own, OH WAIT

Everything. Especially traps and grenades. Crafting and traps/grenades are like some of the most useful things in the game.

It's really not that deep, just generally well executed.
>What build best synergies with crafting?
Galaxy brain Psi/Chempistol/Energy pistol characters, anything with high INT requirements in general, Energy pistols are the best choice by far since their feats scale off INT and/or are crafting related, which also scales off INT.
>I want to play with traps and nades.
Oh that you're gonna do regardless.

I'm at gms compound bout to get my first shotgun but I leveled up and just crafted my own combat shotgun time to RIP AND TEAR

>combat shotgun
Oh no


Does this game have an equivalent to the super shotgun from DOOM II?

third level, have fun sneaking around.

combat shotgun

That doesn't help me decide ahhh.
I keep remaking characters because I can't decide between melee, sniping, psychic etc...

Wouldn't a psy character benefit the most since you have to put points into int, and that also helps psy regen?

But then I think about all the cool guns and armor you can craft that I would never use in a psy play through...


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That's pretty vague my friend, are you at floor with all the deadly robots or the raider one? If deadly robots, look for a underground entrance, if raiders, the key probably just open one the rooms

Pump action shotgun, not combat shotgun, combat is more like the normal rifle.

Guns are the most versatile followed by crossbows and the most versatile melee is unarmed followed by spears.

Just commit to one build and force yourself to play that first. If you let your ADD take hold of you you're just gonna end up playing the first 3 or 4 hours over and over again and get bored of the game before you really experience anything.

I have the bloomberg key, but i need to find his room, the hostage guy said it is the room near the elevator but there is nothing in any of the rooms in level 3

Can it be double barreled?

There is one unique, double barreled shotgun but it's pretty shitty and you only get it later on, even if you sequence break you need a lot of luck to get it early on, and by early on I mean around level 15.

I just bought this game since it's on sale. I've totally avoided the constant Yea Forums shilling and didn't watch the SSeth video either. What am I in for?

>avoided the constant Yea Forums shilling and didn't watch the SSeth video either

>What am I in for?
play the game faggot

iIt is literally the rooms with shit in them, beds, bunkers, loot. You probably already lockpicked it, and the room is the far west, in the same floor

Stealth sword or Psi sword. Not sure what type of weeaboo is best for a first timer

You should be able to upgrade equipment beyond getting a shitty feat, making the parts shittier, and then just building it again with the additional components.

I have to download it first user...

Double barrel wouldn't even be good in this game with how much AP reloading and firing a shotgun costs. It'd just be a shitty backup weapon.

Anybody experiencing extremely slow startup times? Up to 5 minutes before the splash screen over here.

Is it actually possible to unlock Psi powers through meditation like Pasquale implied or is that not doable in game?

The shell strap exists for a reason, and AP firing cost are on point for shotguns.

Fuck, you're right i had already gotten the keycard from one of the rooms, guess im retarded for not checking my inventory. Thanks friend.

Psi sword.

Stealth melee is the worst build in this game sadly.

You have to take the pill. No other option.


Don't overthink character creation.
Just make something you think is cool,

Because you are just going to die at depot A and reroll a better character having learnt what's good and bad.

Also don't take snooping.
You can find secrets without it.

>struggling a bit on dominating energy pistol build
>finally get critical power
>i'm a god now

How can one person be this wrong.

...did you not get it as soon as you could?

i did
i was struggling before i got it

Why are you naked at all?

Enjoy your 6000 damage shots.

I'm going for the tanky/guns/crafter newbie build. Should I take armor sloping, or clothier?

so i stole ethan's medallion and i realize now i needed him to teach me limited temporal increment
where can i find a mentor