Will we ever get 2006-2012 levels of lewdness in Video games ever again?

Will we ever get 2006-2012 levels of lewdness in Video games ever again?


Square Enix has a 3rd party ethics reviewer that censors their games.

Sony censors sexual content in their games now and even God of War 4 was nudity free.


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The entertainment industry is infested with feminist sjws. It's not longer outsider evangelical groups demanding changes, it's people on the inside pushing their worldview through their work. You'd have to burn the whole thing down and start from scratch

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I wish making games was easy, I would make lots of lewd games!

Whereever there is someone willing to pay for something, someone else will show up to provide it. The more people with wallets open, the more suppliers will pop up. The lesson here is if you want jigglies, BUY THEM. That's the only way to keep them coming. Don't pirate jiggly games. At least buy the base game and pirate the DLC. Pirate walking simulators and other trash that is plentiful.

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Sony allowed a Girls Gone Wild style porn quiz game on PS2. It had full nudity. Oh how times have changed.

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Is it me, or are Ayane's boobs bigger in the Sigma games. Something about 6 makes them look smaller than the games before, though I skip out on playing 5.

that outfit looks weird tho

Ayane's tit size has fluctuated throughout both DOA and NG. In NGB, she was 14 and they were small. In NG2, she was till 14, but they ballooned out to about their usual DOA size.

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>God of War 4 was nudity free.

Kratos was in morning the entire game and had his kid along


>bought Senran Kagura games
>bought what few merch my senran got
>put up with Yumi whoring so whales can fund more games
>series dies off anyway

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>we finally have great graphics, VR etc.
>the industry went full puritanical
why can't we have nice things?

Just support your indie devs that totally aren't milking their patreons/kickstarters.

>Square Enix has a 3rd party ethics reviewer that censors their games.
All this just because they slightly reduced Tifa’s breast size.

Ah yeah? Well, I'm willing to pay for a true immortality potion then.
Go ahead, I'm waiting.

Honestly Tifas breast are REALLY FUCKING BIG for the body type they gave her.
They should make her thicker and but also scale her breasts up with it

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Yes, when the current political trend dies off games are going to get lewder than ever before to overcompensate.

>Those jiggles
If DoA6 have one good thing it's gotta be the improved breast physics
Yeah i also thing Tifa is still fairly busty i just don't like her new costume

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I just want a good RPG allowing me to immerse in the story that has a lot of cute female NPCs and occasional lewds. I'm so fucking lonely bros

On one hand, her being a sticc makes her look bustier
On the other, thick thighs save lives

not with how cucked the west is now and how mainstream vidya is now

You just have to learn japanese bro
Material Brave was some good shit and the girls in Tales of Destiny DC are pretty cute
Alternatively play Ar tonelico 2 or something it's a small taste of everything you're missing out on

putting gratuitous nudity/sexual stuff in games makes the dev look like a manchild. I remember reading something about designing games that said don't have overly sexual shit in your games because it looks bad on you at the end of the day, even if some virgin across the world is jerking off to it

>I remember reading something about designing games that said don't have overly sexual shit in your games because it looks bad on you
Was the writer of this piece an SJW fuckhead or feminist or even just some cunt from the west? Because if so, then why would I listen to them when they can't even make solid controls in their own games.
>Delay input to response for some shitty animation to play
>slow down response time because you need to make shit """realistic"
Plebs that cannot make good controls do not get a say in what makes a game good or bad.

you are eating up feminist propaganda. there's nothing with nudity/sexual stuff as long as it doesn't feel completely forced or isn't just everywhere and turns the game into straight up porn. most of the artistically acclaimed movies had some kind of sex scenes or nudity and no one is calling those directors manchildren, but showing a female wearing soemthing more revealing than burka in a video game is causing outrage from leftists who will never even play the game

i doubt it

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it was ernest adams.

I want proper (tit) physics and also proper proportions/tits.
I hate people who are all about fanservice even if it's just garbage, basically getting off balloons that behave like Jell-O.

here's what he said specifically, this is like 20 years ago mind you

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>"We regret that the IGDA was involved in this situation. We do not condone activities that objectify or demean women or any other group of people."

you really want to try to hate this guy dont you? well he's accomplished way more and helped so many more people than you ever will, c*m brain

>IGDA approved
>Worked at EA on SPORTS GAMES
>Some cunt from the west
>Clearly hates fun
Did you think that someone with those credentials would be a respectable person worth listening to?
He's literally the last person you should care about when it comes to what makes a good game.
Even more so when Rance Series is older than every series this cunt has worked on. He has no place to speak of erotic content when he's some fucking newbie by comparison.

And just as cringe as trannies today.
You know what's worse than seeing things you don't like in popular culture? Actively shaming any sort of creative output because it doesn't adhere to your values. Liking anime tiddies and putting them in your game might make it clear you're a manchild, yes, but if you're competent in your job your personal appreciation for the post-realist depiction of the female form is no less childish and pathetic than forcing gay representation or adding assist modes for journalists and zoomers.
Stop limiting yourself by social constructs, as a creator and artist you'll get nowhere by trusting external societal values that change every half a decade regardless.

Oh and I forgot one
Why is this man saying anyone should grow up when he's the one who needs to the most?

Yeah he help them to be either gay or tranny lovers. Don't you have to dilate your wound ?

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it just might take a while

I cant understand what can make a man this terrified of his own sexuality.

in this example, they don't have to "allow" anything, it was developed and published independently
the only thing Sony can control is who they sent their dev kits to
it's not the late 80's anymore, where Nintendo could put their lockout chips on everything

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DoA has always been a joke of a fighting game. It was always more focused on being tantalizing instead of fun and balanced characters/game play.

>be surprised when Americans are prudes when it comes to anything that men like to see
Big oof and pure "zoomer" pilled.

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Terrible upbringing and some sort of social trauma

Aye, must be some sad shit like that. I honestly just pity him, I hope he becomes comfortable with his sexuality and what his dick desires one day.

I wish he could see the pic I posted.


Now that's a good look on life.

because the gameplay was ass.
They could have just lifted DMC/bayo or even the NG system and they would have been great games

Where is the uncensored version?

why would he have started a fanservice side activity if he was afraid of sexual content?

>censoring the inspirational message
what is wrong with you, user?

It's the current social climate. Sexual interest is discouraged and violence is glorified.

the best video games were made by manchildren for other manchildren

t. Doesn't play video games

Stop buying console trash, if you want lewd shit just download moddable eroge games

Im losing titties in games, I want to see those ones.

hello underage. well back before you were born gaming was in hot water because of sex and gore, and games with overly sexual stuff was getting the whole industry in trouble

I want titties in MK again.


I want to see em jiggle.

They need to make the games with better gameplay. Senran was a good example til it stopped trying on the gameplay part.

At least kickstarters have an end. Patreons are the truest dairy operations.

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He got one thing right, the angle about games being toys for kids rather than just another form of entertainment. That was why they got in trouble back then. Trying to get rid of fanservice ing games still doesn't help because those exist for movies, music, and literature as well while still having their accomplished works.

Didn't this get pulled when it turned out one of the girls was 17?

Believe me, I was waiting for that or to at least make Yoma the main enemy. NG but with SK girls would've been nice.

Never again, not after the sjw.

>gratuitous nudity/sexual stuff
>sexual shit
What kind of a huge flaming faggot are you?

Its not only that, they're trying to pass themselves off as "mature" now and saying they don't make games for kids which is where all this "we only make hyper realistic looking games" mentality came from. But what is their definition of mature? The whole reason I laugh and mock the west is that their very definition of mature is that of an edgy 12 year old.
>guns and gore and blood and violence
It's just the ramblings of an edgy child. To then turn around and say "Well we don't make games for horny 14 year olds, we only make mature games" is fucking laughable and the reason I'm mocking this mentality of "if we remove fanservice my family and friends won't think I make children's entertainment for a living."
This is of course coming from the same people who talk like they're 5 years old at times and exaggerate how in pain they are more than a 3 year old ever could.
Of course the industry(in the west) was in hot water early on because games were marketed towards children as it was seen as an easy market that then making an adult rated game would raise eyebrows. Nothing wrong with that but these idiots(and yes I'm referring to that EA fag being quoted, as one of them) is that to prove you make mature products you should also be acting the part.
Acting like a whiny brat about boobs isn't making you look mature. It's why even though some of them made a sad dad walking sim everyone still says they make games for kids.
They talk like children, still believe all girls have cooties and make content that shows as much maturity as an edge-lord neckbeard weilding a katana.

Who doesn't want to jerk off AND game at the same time?


I don't have 3 arms, tho

Get to a good spot, use one hand and let the jiggling do it for you.

I wish. Using straight up porn is not as fun as jerking it to simple jiggling.

I like when Yea Forums is covered in titty threads.

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Sonya's was the most hilarious considering she was suppose to be one of the more serious characters.

Nah, they are eating themselves every day. just sit down and watch it burn down, while playing superior b games, old games and the few very good indies available. Maybe some Japanese AAA if it is a good one.


capcom will save lewdness in games.

Dragon's Dogma
that nude bit in DMC5

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Mfw gonad-brains isnt filtered yet on v and as of right now will be the new comebrain

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They know how to draw them, they just dont.

That was the most based post this site had seen in years

Yep, it’s illegal to own a copy of this game since it’s technically cheese pizza.

What in the literal, actual, unbelievable fuck?

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He's covering his ass so someone doesn't call him a sexist pig enjoying the objectification of women. Dumb all around, but that's what it is.

Been that way for a long time.

>sexist pig

Honestly at this point I consider it a compliment