

Attached: 1568052792119m.jpg (1024x965, 115K)

Why am I not allowed to complain about this? Why do I get remarked as a soi for speaking out?

>if you're annoyed then it applies to you

No, I'm just annoyed.

To be fair, Raiden sucks compared to the other 3 and is generic. Sol and Dante and top tier. Travis is mid.

Soibois love anime
And most japs are actual retard incels who hang themselves when they get bad grades. I know, the truth is hard to take in.

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Smashfags are a plague



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>Why am I not allowed to complain about this? Why do I get remarked as a soi for speaking out?

>>if you're annoyed then it applies to you

>No, I'm just annoyed.

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>And most japs are actual retard incels
This. Just look at all of their games

they'll say your a faggot for caring about smash then make 5 threads about how much they hate it so who fucking knows i think they just live off of inane internet fights
actually i take that back they're drowning in too much post-irony to just call you a faggot like the old days they have to use some flavor of the week buzzword and a wojack edit instead

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So you were ignored in the smash thread so you had to make your own thread. God, you really are pathetic

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>Why am I not allowed to complain about this? Why do I get remarked as a soi for speaking out?

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Wojakposters need to burn

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>Why am I not allowed to complain about this? Why do I get remarked as a soi for speaking out?

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>Why am I not allowed to complain about this? Why do I get remarked as a soi for speaking out?
>No, I'm just annoyed.

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>Wojakposters need to burn

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>he say this when Smash is from japan

If only mods cared about doing permanent bans and Range bans to phone users

There is no point to be made by posting this sort of thing.

Sure let’s pretend the problem is the 2 or 3 daily threads of people complaining about Smash and not the 500 smash threads FUCKING TAKE A BATH YOU SMELLY SMASHTARD


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That was exactly my point you moron

you're alright wojakposter

smash is fucking weebshit

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>wanting soi badguy in

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smashfags are the last people who get to complain about wojakposters with the amount of spamming you guys do.

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>The webm

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>retards on this site literally, LITERALLY, cannot even be assed to insult people, they just greentext messages and post a wojak
You guys are such useless pieces of shit you can't even throw out a proper insult, it's really hilarious.

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>You guys are such useless pieces of shit you can't even throw out a proper insult, it's really hilarious.

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So your response is to try to classify everyone who plays Smash with a white face wearing glasses and with a beard, their mouth agape?

How does that accomplish anything other than piss off everyone else?


Keep 'em coming, I need to add more hashes to my filter.

I don't get it. What do Sol, Raiden, Dante, and Travis have to do with SpongeBob's toy?

This desu

>Yea Forums is trafficked entirely by people who post about Smash Bros. and wojak posters, absolutely no one else

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God damn it, how come memes are so fucking accurate?