What are you hyped about from the new set?
/MTG ARENA/ - Fuck nexus fog edition
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looks like a strong card
Some new angels....
That's some creatures: the tappening right there.
is there any decent even?
Nexus will have rotated though so who cares
That's all green is and has ever been.
The fuck.
wilderness wont, and where wilderness exists fog exists
in the new set or the previous ?
I haven't played for two months. Is Izzet still viable?
on the spoilers, i dont remember any
Neither do i, i just hope there are some
Historics wildcard rate is fucking retarded. Anyone think they will go back on it?
Wizards has backpedaled harder in the past five years than they did at any prior point in the game. So yes, but only after the first initial batch of retards waste their wildcards.
I stopped playing cause ravnica is bad and war of the spark was even worse, has it gotten any better?
No! But it's about to get better just from all the stupid shit rotating out. No more nexus, no more big nig, no more scapeshift
That creature has vigilance so you don't tap it.
Based reads-the-card user
Nothing, because they aren't going to replenish my collection with good cards so I can actually win.
Oh and Dominara rotates, so I couldn't give a fuck.
Just craft some red unga bunga shit for a few shekhels bro.
There are articles written on how stupid they are for doing that shit. And every other thread on reddit is people shitting on it.
Throne of Eldraine will be the most disapointing this year.
Big Teferi is about to leave. Check back in after that.
>power creep doesn't exist
>playing Mono-Red
user, I want to be Teferi Cancer from the get-go without grinding in shitty colors.
I can do that on Xmage for free. I can't in Arena. Ergo, I can't give a fuck.
This thing won't be seeing play outside of Standard, but it's going to be very forced there.
I don't think it's bad for standard since it's last ability is good for killing PW's, and War of the Spark pushed them to no end.
jesus fuck mtg design is so lazy these days.
>dude just make it a 4/4 for 4 and throw a bunch of keywords on it lmao
this card is not that crazy when you realize is a legendary,probably a great commander for brawl tho
You DO play EDH, the best format, right?
Post your EDs.
Don't you mean brawl?
fuck im glad I stopped playing this shit 8 years ago
Why, yes I play a CHAD grixis reanimator
You mean when jace the meme sculptor existed?
Thinking on building around this fella
Don't bother, he'll be better in the 99 of my Sidisi self-mill deck.
>Cast Traumatise on myself
>Entire table explodes
>Then Dread Return on Gary or some shit just in case anyone survived
Usually play xenagos but this guy brings alot of salt.
>"cast off the law!"
>is white
thinking of taking apart my spider bro for that guy. I just like forcing combat but I always get controlled. fuck control
After the first line I thought one of the other 3 must be a downside. What the hell
Yeah sure, you won't see 4 of it in a legacy deck, but otherwise?
>Can't be blocked by fodder
>Vigilance and deathtouch
>Haste to make it extra nasty
>Two other bonuses on top of that
>Doesn't die to bolt
It doesn't have much protection by itself, but who needs that if you have haste and can apply pressure as soon as it comes out?
What the fuck no drawback at all?
A fucking 4/4 that kills everything can't be chumpblocked can't be prevented and kills planeswalkers? Good job wizard
dies to push, path, dismember, and is a 4 mana 4/4, it's not gonna see even modern play
MTG before
>4 mana 3/4, damn thats good
MTG now
>4 mana 4/4 do everything,wont see play
I imagine someones stupid enough to post this
I'd rather play with creatures than play solitaire with spells
If you knew how to play you would know that it has a lot of pointless text in a constructed environment, even in standard there's better 4 drops like shifting ceratops right now.
>playing mono-blue tempo
>every deck sideboards shifting ceratops
Even worse
>you meet jund dinos
>they have 4x ceratops mainboard
It has no protection other than not being able to chomp block it.
yeah 1998 was peak mtg
But is also GR, which are the anarchic colors.
What you get is a bunch of savages that care deeply about their bonds and comrades
>People complaining about a 4 mana 4/4 and not one of the best cantrips ever printed that will see play in all formats
Yea Forums MTG threads are funny.
MTG Before:
Pay B, get BBB
>"Hmm, kind of nice"
Free counter spells
>Cool, I guess.
2/3 for 1 and a 5/5 for 4
Because you are greatly overestimating it, the free part will be rarer than you imagine, it doesn't find colorless cards, the combo-based creature decks are very few compared to instant and sorceries combo decks that care about finding the right pieces.
Phoenix has been a top tier deck but orzhov vamp, scape shift and the new four color legends perform better. RDW is also starting to climb back up a bit
It finds lands
It was more like
>an 8/8 trampler you can play from your grave for 0 mana
Everyone complains for 2 months
Yes and? It's not the first card that does that.
>do wild crazy shit
>horrible backlash
>kick crazy shit down to original intended jew prices
>wow thanks for listening wotc!
Rinse and repeat
Which is OK except for that fucking nigger that has plagued standard for almost a year
What in the actual fuck is this abomination
This design is so boring. Its just "We need a strong pushed green creature thats an auto-include in midrange decks" Theres no flavor. Reminds me of Deathmist Raptor
That being said, can't wait to dab on nigg3rs with this on turn 4
Vigilance deathtouch is pretty mean.
I mainly play Modern but this instantly goes into Devoted Druid (a turn three deck), Neoform (a turn two deck) and possibly Tron (enables super degenerate keeps like 0 land hands - and if Stirrings gets banned this will definitely be in). In fact this is probably the card that gets Neoform banned altogether.
Why yes, I do have a mono-red EDH deck.
It'll see love in EDH. Fuck Angus Mackenzie.
I also mainly play modern and legacy, tron wants to keep stirring and stirrings isn't getting banned any time soon, they don't have flex slots, also it's bad regardless in tron since it doesn't find any artifacts or planeswalkers, I 100%, I would agree about druid-vizier decks, however Eladamri’s Call has been printed in MH1 and I don't think they are even running 4 of those, neoform doesn't want it neither, it's not a free spell unless you have it in hand t1, pacts are far better at that.
I was really disappointed when I found out the breasts were edited
she's going to be super fun in EDH
just genuinely really hard to deck build for, shit is super complicated on finding the right balance of creatures, equip, ramp, protection, card draw, etc.
Arenababbies will never experience the kino that is EDH, why bother asking them?
I'm working on some side projects atm, just wrapped up version 1 of Karametra Enchantress and Jhoira Storm is on its way, but my girl Tatyova is my favourite right now. Cracked her at prerelease and resolved to make her the helm of my Simic Ramp EDH. I don't even need to win to have a good time because I'm just drawing so many cards off of her.
I'm still disappointed that I can't buy my own
holy shit is that a motherfucking dark souls reference
Lordy Knight tribal is awesome. Kinsbaile Cavalier and Knight Exemplar all day every day.
The meme hammer will be great on her in EDH. Plus you can run swords for protection.
Based, I'm building Jhoira Storm with that exact edit myself, for when I don't actually feel like playing EDH with other people.
Yes i don't have any plans to win.
How could you tell?
I guess the boring but most effective thing is to just make it voltron, because if she's your general, the equipment is twice as effective on her as some other knight because you just need to do 21 damage instead of 40.
Historic sounds like the most dumpster-fire format imaginable. I hope no one here is seriously planning on playing it.
I wish WOTC would say "Hey, regarding your cards that are rotating out: tough-luck, they are gone. Play standard". That position, while it would be hard to swallow, is much easier to swallow than "Hey we are making this non-rotating format, 2:1 WC cost, and we are introducing cards like Dark Confidant & Wurmcoil Engine to deliberately sabotage the format." The thought that the playerbase is going to be split because of Historic makes me sad.
Wizards have shown that hyper-effective cantrips are on the watchlist after banning Looting, so while they'll definitely leave the format to settle for a while after the big bannings Stirrings is one of the highest risk cards in the format, so 'not anytime soon' isn't quite what I'd say about it. And how could Neoform not want it when it does absolutely everything? It can find Rider (and be exiled to Rider, for that matter) and SSG, it can enable sketchy keeps, and can help you find action when you're going off.
>Left off the flavor text
Because it's a deck that mulligans a lot and you don't want to mulligan into shit that finds you creatures, you DON'T WANT to find griselbrand or you lose, SSGs also exist solely to cast lab maniac, you'll find them through grisel-draw amd again, there's no flex slots in there either, I definitely wouldn't put a 2 mana spell in place of serum visions.
I'm mostly just hyped for rotation to finally kill Esper control, RDW, and Bant Scapeshift.
Looking forward to trying to make Jeskai Control, Naya Feather, and some kind of black heavy deck work though. Would love to see Izzet Tempo or Phoenix return too.
Zombies are the best tribe, don't @ me
They are printing Brawl decks right?
>Jeskai Control
Not gonna be a thing. Too little burn, not enough solid wincons, and most evasive white/blue creatures are pure beaters or weenies with few offering the ulility Jeskai wants.
3feri and Big Chandra +8 Scrylands may seem compelling but I promise you that the list will be bad unless some really efficient burn, card draw, and at least one alternate wincon are lurking in Eldraine's unrevealed cards.
Historic sounds like a "scraps" format which must exist in order for Wizards to keep its Arena players, honestly I'm not sure how a new format is going to break in to Magic as of 2019. Tiny Leaders and Frontier are dead, and everyone sees the Brawl precons as simply EDH support. As a Pauper player I felt interest dwindling on a paper level as well so I'm not too sure how we got our paper sanction, but these days you're probably playing EDH, Modern, Legacy, Cube or Limited, with Standard reserved for newbies and invested "career" tournament players. Not sure what niche Historic can carve in this pantheon- Pauper already exists for people too poor to afford Modern, and Frontier proved to be a fraud. It's literally riding on the success of Arena to grow any legs, I'd say.
Historic looks like something where they'll throw neat Modern cards in from time to time and play around with it. Really, it's just a second format that they can have players fall back on if a particular Standard ends up being shit. Give them an outlet to play the lesser of two evils rather than lose them to another game. That is if they know what they're doing and support it enough.
Oh nooooo, pleeeease /dont/ play your commanderrrr
A board wipe? Ahhhh so scarrryyyyyy
Nice how they made it specifically so that the zombie tokens cant block it
My nigger
Beating someone with their own stuff is top tier
Yeah let’s go back to a time where every creature was terrible and combo decks were the only viable option.