Enemies scale to always be stronger than you

>Enemies scale to always be stronger than you

Attached: 1200px-Moose_superior.jpg (1200x1123, 411K)

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Retarded nigger mechanic.
>LOL what if the same weights just always stayed heavy

You just have to outplay them.

Attached: max evasion stat.webm (640x640, 881K)

Name one game. I can't think of any. Just curious which games actually do that.

> Protip: saying FF8 is a 100% invalid response, because it doesn't happen in the game.

Attached: FF8 scaling in a nutshell.png (882x720, 12K)

Moose aren’t that tough. They haven’t even figured out a way to survive mustard gas yet (something humans did months after it was first introduced).

>enemies are a scale

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Any Bethesda game. Yes, even Morrowind to an extent.

I saw a moose when I was a kid. I was in a car with my family on a mountain in Vermont. We were in our car on a side cliff, and this fucking moose walked up against our car, and just stood there, pressing himself against the car which made it shake. We were stiffling our screams so he wouldn't panic. It felt like the T-Rex scene in Jurassic Park.

He could've easily just pushed us off the mountain. Moose are much bigger than they look in pictures. They are fucking terrifying.

>ywn see the Irish elk alive in the wild

feels bad man

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Saw a skeleton of one of those on display in Dublin, it was easily bigger than that

Seriously, why even have leveling at that point?

i was just about to say that looks like a regular sized moose

> enemy can enter safe area

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Dumb okapi

i mean to be fair there's no real scaling in warframe it's more of you just being garbage at the game and playing underleveled

heh just like in my anime

> enemy can leave their designated area

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why risk your life doing shit like this
i mean, it's cool and all but for what purpose

Is it normal if I think that moose and elk are really god damn cute?

why live 80 years if all you do is avoid risks

I found a cow skull on the beach once. Still had some skin stuck to it. I was in college so I took to the bio lab and they put it in the box with the flesh eating beetles for a couple weeks then I got it back and now I got a cool pristine white cow skull to display.


>not genetically engineering all the extinct animals back to life
Get ready for Irish Elk and Dire Wolves.

to live 80 years

Because they are paid for it

for what purpose

Reasonable money and fame more or less

To live

>enemies do something that they are not supposed to do, or so everyone has always told you

Attached: sharky2.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)

Das cute

>game has body physics

Attached: 1545772581684.webm (368x640, 1.67M)

>what's up guys? om nom nom

Sharks are bros

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I thought wearing fancy clothes is really important for these guys?


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>player wanders into a high level area and gets one-hit

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>enemies have deathscreams

god tier pussy

>Enemy's weak point is the legs

Attached: never skip leg day.png (436x892, 419K)


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Rockin' that sexy bod, of course.

What should they have done here? Punched it in the eye? Or was it just seeing if the boat was food?

shoot it

>Game has safe spots and sanctuaries without enemies
>At some point in the game, enemies actually can spawn inside such safe spots

Attached: Horton smears a poo.webm (640x468, 2.56M)

It's working too, this lady came up and started rubbing her breasts on him.

>Horton smears a poo

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Have you ever seen how a girl acts when she gets cum in her eye? Now imagine that shark...

*to survive
*to exist

based pööööh

any vidya with enemies like this?

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Remnant: from the ashes.
Anytime you enter a zone (like loading screen to new sub-area), enemies scale to your gear level + 1.

Jesus, he's a manlet the least he could do is use the advantages that come with his dwarfism and build his lil' legs.

Sharks are retarded. I've seen a diving video of this Bullshark rapidly getting shanked with a harpoon by a Lionfish diver and it just kept coming
>hmmm this thing that I'm swimming towards to take a bite to see what it is keeps stabbing me in the face with a sharp metal stick so maybe it doesn't want me to bite it
Is there anything more retarded then sharks?

How can they be stronger if you win?

They taste fucking amazing though. Moose meat is the best meat in the world as far as I'm concerned.

That's what makes them so alpha. Only pussy fish would back off at the first sign of confrontation. Sharks take it like a man and will take you out even if they have to die trying.

If it's anything like venison it's trash, every wild meat I've had is trash compared to beef, pork, and chicken.

We managed to bring back the Irish Wolfhound, why not the Irish Elk?brits out

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Based Sinn Fein voter


sharks bite things to see what they are in general, not just to see whether they're edible. you can see buoys that are bitten to shit even though they look and act nothing like anything remotely edible. almost everyone who is killed by a shark is bitten exactly once, because sharks think people taste like shit

>and it just kept coming
Fossils of ancient sharks resemble that of modern day sharks. They haven't evolved/adapted that much. Primitive life was insanely aggressive, and fighting past logic to win was all that mattered.

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Probably has something to do with the fact that those animals are raised to produce or be food.