Thanks for devaluating the console, jackass
Thanks for devaluating the console, jackass
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alright partner. you know what time it is
you're freaking me out, you wear a mask called counterfeit
you're freaking me out, you wear a mask
Is that Eminem?
no its slim shady
OK let's at least make this vidya before the jannies freakout
Sonic really is the Fred Durst of gaming
Imagine marketing like this to this
>all of these busses have been repainted and you've probably driving in one if you're in the USA
Fred durst made millions of dollars and fucked christina aguilera and britney spears in 1999.
Very cool
this guy gets it
Limp Bizkit are fucking awful and a stain on the history of the music industry except for Boiler, that song is legit good
I unironically love limp bizkit still
So did everyone else in 1999, your point?
They did? Where is my millions of dollars at then?
> the console that killed sega
> sega """""""""""fans""""""""""" love it
The console didn't kill Sega. Sega of Japan killed itself with their terrible decisions.
>went against the GameCube and the PlayStation fucking 2
Sega did nothing wrong with the DC, its demise was a combination of bad PR (thanks Saturn) and the consoles stated above
Yeah by making a console that didn't sell
Even the saturn was barely above water in profits, but it was still a marginal profit
Dreamcast put sega fully in the red
I'm hungry for games.
>All this talk of Sega is kill
But they're still here??????
Worse than that
>Everyone lvoes the Dreamcast
>Eevryone claims they had it
>People masturbate over Shenmue when it didn't even sell a million units
>Yet the Dreamcast nearly killed Sega completely
Activates the ol' almonds.
Man these guys just fucking disappeared. What happened?
World will never be that cool.
Now you will have Lil'Shitstick high on lean drool over your Sega DreamCaster 2XL screaming sonic gang
Shenmue is great but you really need a high IQ
> implying segasammy isn't sega in name only
This guy was in Jackass? I don't remember him
>ywn again hide behind the couch and quiver in fear as your older sisters play House of the Dead 2
>ywn again refuse to go upstairs because they said a zombie got out of the TV and headed for your room
I’m glad it’s dead.
Dude, dreamcast was absolutely raped by piracy. It's the one console some of my non gamer friends had/have. It's fucking bizarre. Everyone seems to own crazy taxi or nfl2k
At my high school there were kids that sold burned copies of dreamcast games for $5. They had big fucking binders of backups that they'd carry around. They thought me how to torrent.
The Dreamcast was just the last straw in a long line of stupid bullshit that killed console SEGA.
>SoA and SoJ being constant infighting retards in general
>the horrible architecture of the Saturn, combined with the worst of the aforementioned infighting and comically inept marketing/exposure outside of Japan
>Sonic Xtreme (this deserves its own mention for robbing the Saturn of a flagship title for SEGA's own mascot due to SoJ's monumentally retarded borderline sabotage of STI's development)
>maintaining too much of a lean on arcade culture and arcade like games with the SS and DC when arcade shit was just about dying in the west
I find it endlessly amusing, however, that the Dreamcast is more well known and remembered than the Saturn despite its lesser sales and lifespan.
unblocks your path*
I knew no one who had a dreamcast, even the rich kid who woned everything didn't have it.
My point is if the Dreamcast is as loved now and played by as many people who claimed they had it, Sega wouldn't have been pushed over the edge or at least delayed the push for another generation.
Dreamcast didn't kill Sega. It just wasn't enough to save it
Piracy really wasn't that big of a problem on the dreamcast. Yes, it existed. But you also have to keep in mind how fucking expensive CD burners were at the time. It's not like everyone had one in their home along with access to the Dreamcast library via the internet or friends with deep pockets.
Yep. Dreamcast literally had to be a smashing success not just #1 to keep Sega afloat. Shenmue being the most expensive game that time also didn't help.
And you now remember this game
>tfw couldn't play past midnight as a kid because my parents would hear the CD drive running from the other room and I didn't want to get shouted at
I don't know, I was pirating Playstation games even earlier than the dreamcast. My parents would take me to blockbuster on Friday and we would rent two games. I would just take them home and burn them. Downloading dreamcast games was fucking slow but I would just leave the downloads on while I went to school and overnight.
My point is that while it certainly happened, there were still significant barriers to entry back in the day, to the point where piracy's existence was a non-issue.
doesn't change an ounce of what I said.
A Fred Durst signed Dreamcast is just about the most late '90s/early '00s thing I can think of and I want one
is that lance bass
>hurrrr Dreamcast was bad
Cringe, and a yikes from me
>speed devils
>blue stinger
>alien front online
>sonic adventure 1,2
>resident evil 3
>house of the dead
>that the Dreamcast is more well known and remembered than the Saturn despite its lesser sales and lifespan.
Maybe because the DC actually got some games while Saturn was cucked outside of Japan by SoJ
Saturn was the console that killed Sega, Dreamcast was the life support for them but it was already too late.
""My bad""
Saturn, made a profit, was very popular in japan and some countries in europe, competing fiercely with the ps1 while N64 was a distant third.
How the hell did it kill sega?
Sorry, America's Saturn killed Sega
>Dursts movie bombed hard
Burned copies in 99? Kek. More like burned copies that didnt worked, since the best games were larger than usual to fit on discs without uncompressing them and removing uneccessary data which was only common in 2003 for games like Shenmue and SoA when self-boot was a thing.
Even games like Crazy Taxi would had graphical glitches back at 2000
So yeah, the piracy killing Dreamcast is a bullshit myth, but guys like you are making that myth a real thing. Congrats.
I didn't love it. It's my least favorite console. Most of its library were arcade ports and everything else got ported elsewhere.
I had a high school teacher sell me all my dreamcast games for 5$ a piece. That shit was ridiculously easy to pirate for. Sega lost money on every dreamcast sold
and planned to make it back from game sales, but the games got pirated.
what happened to limp biscuit?
In 99? Probably not, but less than a year after release piracy was real and big enough for Sega to care.
I don't think piracy had anything to do with the death of the dreamcast or Sega. My original reply was to this guy
Who was surprised that so many people claimed to have had dreamcasts and played games that sold poorly. I'm sure the dreamcast was officially dead by the time piracy took over but piracy definitely extended the life of the console unofficially.
Also the DC is just a proto Xbox
Nothing. They still tour and make tons of money.
I remember people burning games and shit all the time in the early 00's and even late 90's.
I actually like Build A Bridge
It was pretty big. Back in late 2000 my dad who worked at an auto plant bought games for the Dreamcast I just got for Christmas. Got like 25 games and he paid like $10 each for em. Burners were expensive, but those guys who bought them back then used them to do exactly that to make crazy bank.
The ridiculous part was that you didnt need to mod. Just burn and put the disc on.
But DC isos back then were faulty as hell.Games like Shenmue just didnt worked.
Things only got better around 2002 and 2003
Yeah, PC and PSX.
who else remembers the spinning reindeer?
I was the only kid in town with a Dreamcast, everyone loved Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 when I was growing up. Soul Caliber as well, I swear it looked like real life back then. Looking back I realize it was a kind of crappy system, but man it was unique. I remember tripping at the VMU screen being visible in the controller thinking like "This is the FUTURE".
Name a better song.
Dreamcast sold fine though.
It just wasn't enough to make up for the Saturn's failure.
You mean Sega of America with its refusal to market the Saturn and its insistence that they pour money into shitty peripherals nobody wanted?
With Sakura Wars.
>When I say nobody particularly wants a new Limp Bizkit record, it’s because we sort of morphed into this nostalgic thing to where people want to hear the eleven singles that we put out and that’s it.
>I can noticably see crowds attention drop when we play a song that is not “My Generation“, “My Way“, “Break Struff“, “Nookie“, “Rearranged“, “N2 Together Now“, “Take A Look Around“, etc., etc.. When we’re not playing one of those tracks, people go a little bit like “hmmph.”. Except for like 50 people up front going ‘Oh my god they’re playing “Stuck“!’…
>So when I say no one wants the new Limp Bizkit record, it’s mostly because of that.”
Sour, Build A Bridge, and Stuck are pretty good
>Captcha: select the bridges
Hell yeah. I also remember how fucking big it was when boot discs stopped being needed.
Saturn churned a profit. Dreamcast didn't
Fred Durst (As a director) just released this film
SEGA did that on its own several time.
Enlightened post. In a time when consoles were selling for less, while games were also reducing in price, Sega released an expensive console that absolutely required separate peripherals, which boosted the overall cost. Kids were left dumbfounded.
>girl that went to school with me gets el cancer
>her parents buy her a dreamcast
>she invites me over and we play vidyagames now and then
>eventually she, now I know, gets worse and dies
>never played dreamcast again
That console brings memories
*inquisitive grunt intensifies*
Sega sealed their fate with the Saturn
I didnt came here to get feels
because those few countries couldnt save the system
Is this another "everyone pretends they always hated limp bizkit even though they had their albums and t-shirts in high school" thread?
Again, the saturn didn't kill the company. The Saturn didn't sell amazing but it sold enough to churn out profit. SEGA was making money, albeit a big decline compared to the mega drive. Soon as the dreamcast arrived in the market SEGA went into the red and only started making money again once they were out of the console market.
Unironically enjoy the first two Limp Bizkit albums and a few songs off the 3rd album
I don't think so, Tim.
Ahh yes. The mantoolgestalt thing.
People thought he was a big deal back when they Dreamcast was the most advanced console. Neither reality lasted very long.
don't project your faggotry onto everyone else
The only people who listened to nu metal were the greasy losers in the remedial classes
How will Reifags ever recover?
No you asshole.
Those double deckers are as British as they come.
Is it any good?
keep rollin rollin rollin