Pest dem fat and ugly vidya characters

Pest dem fat and ugly vidya characters

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who gave you permission to post my picture?

>posts an ultra chad
Are you fucking blind?

Y'know what, I like this guy. He looks friendly. He looks like the kinda guy you'd call up when you wanna throw back a few shots of jager and listen to the classics.

Attached: Hm....jpg (500x375, 38K)

man he needs to fuck my wife

People who look like that usually have very narrow palates though
In other words he's not ugly enough, he's got the teeth of a chad

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Seriously what is the appeal of guys who look like this in hentai and doujin? Self insert? I don't even want the dude to be super attractive most of the time. Just normal. This nigga kills my boner like you wouldn't believe.

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The same reason blacked exists in west

It's like beastiality I think.

Is the vn he's from even good

fuck I wanted to stop fapping for today
here we go again....

I unironically self insert but there is also an element of corruption and contrast in it, the more beautiful something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it

i suppose it's to show how far the woman has fallen, either because she's forced to submit to such a beast or because she's been so mindbroken that she chooses to

based loli impregnator

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Women like to be humiliated, men like to see women be humiliated. It's not even that weird, pretty much hardwired. Fat bald ugly bastard right there guarantees that the encounter will be humiliating.

Samurai wants to put a bull in Smash and he’s narrowed down to three choices but wants YOU to make the final decision. The choices are

1. Ultimate fat, ugly, old man
2. Buff tan chad ala Daniel Garcia
3. Shota with an inexplicably huge dick

Who do you choose?

They're just that attractive.

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>It's like beastiality I think.
Don't talk shit about bestiality by comparing it to this shit tier fetish

you are small time friend

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>ywn be violently raped by a fat, bald ugly old man with a huge, smegmatic cock and become his personal horny bitch

A. to appeal to the insecurities of the reader aka self insert
B. some, such as myself, have become so desensitized they can only get off to women doing the most sexually depraved and corrupted acts such as fucking dogs or ugly degenerates
C. both

it's all about the eyes, he's got the eyes of a gigachad

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still hot

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>negative tilt

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self insertion

Sounds like you're a furry and you don't understand that bestiality is supposed to be revolting, which is exactly why it's comparable to having sex with a fat bald ugly bastard.

Based fat man. The least understood, most important hero we deserve.

Extreme Sexual masochism and defilement. Ugly bastard, blacked, and bestiality are different variations of the same fetish really.

Is what women do when they see this man

>tfw tall and fat but with chode dick
i was so close

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>gets into smash

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These are not ugly, they are beautiful

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I've often wondered, are faceless brown/old men in NTR stories weak to the dick?

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>tfw no futa doujin where a cute girl defeats faceless fat guy with the power of dick

I like beast but I hate niggers/orcs/fat men, I just like the roughness and violence of it. Just give me a massive muscleman dominating the absolute fuck out of the girl instead of some flabby ugly faggot.

>beat the cock with cock
Whoa, that’s poetry in motion

chill eyeless dude

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-09 at 22.12.48.png (731x759, 609K)

I never did because I don't consume NTR due to not being a literal cuck

nigga have you seen the audience who buys this shit? Its a literal self-insert.

The same appeal of that fuck fuck male pornstart Jeremy something has. Never actually seen him in a porn but he's world famous for some reason and is just a real life ugly bastard

Attached: you two look like shit.png (824x404, 432K)

wtf Johh Lennon can't get away with this.

I like the wiry lowlife delinquent

Nah man, they're both beautiful although on different tiers
Sam is a bro and venom is a daddy

Not at all, he's a fat bald ugly bastard, you don't even understand the archetype. He's a bastard in that he acts like a chad with women, don't see how that's a self-insert.

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autistic awkward gigachad with a lgf, the protagonist of every BeNantoka doujin

>Sounds like you're a furry
Most people who want to fuck animals don't dress up like faggot sport team mascots and I can only assume most furrys don't really want to fuck animals seeing as they dress up as things that look nothing like real animals
Also nice job telling other people why they like something you stupid faggot

>I recognize all 3 of those
top right is a nice guy though

What game is this guy even from?

He's a self unsert in a sense that most people that buy hentai are fat and ugly where the niggas that read it for free are ultra chads

This guy is actually right as most beast stuff is also humiliation.

where his butt buddy?

This ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot arisens and basically, you are fucking stupid.

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smough is canonically fit
the armor is just made to look fat because he eats people

Would you guys go out partying with this guy?
He seems like he'd hook you up with any girl you want.
10/10 bro

>most people that buy hentai are fat
That's not true at all.

>supposed to be revolting
I'm not even a furry and I know you know jack shit about anything. Isn't the stereotype about furry OCs about them being angsty edgelords and/or technicolor prettyboi faggots?

You would get his sloppy seconds bruh

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How do i achieve this bodytype
Also how do i get to be bald and yet have three anime protagonist tier-hairspikes

Can you read, nigger?
>bestiality is supposed to be revolting

>Sounds like you're a furry
>And this somehow ties to bestiality
Can you write, double nigger?

This dude looks like a psychicpebble character

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Degenerate H Guy Tier list
The man with the plan, loli rapist, DILF extraordinaire: Average old guy with zip ties and a weapon
>SS tier
Fat ugly bastard
>S tier
Eyeless dark hair chad, the brute force rapist
>A tier
Oblivious shota with a huge cock
Average anime protagonist with spiky hair (usually goes for lolis)
>B tier
Ooga booga niggas
>C tier
Literal animals

Attached: calling card.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Not him, you're just awful at reading, and I pointed that out.

Degradation. Especially if you self insert as the girl.

put average anime protagonist in D tier and you have the perfect list

>self inserting as the girl
that's degrading even without a fat ugly bastard


>no orc
fuck you sakurai

>Full set of clean white teeth
>Smooth beautiful skin for an old guy
>Kissable lips
>Neatly clothed
>Very tall
>Looks healthy aside from weight
>Arms are not fat, just very muscular and strong
>Hides a massive dong under that belt
>Has a lot of sex

I dunno OP, he seems like Old Guy goals

Do you think NTR antagonists regret what they have done? Imagine ten years later he's lying on his bed, trying to get some sleep but he can't because he's haunted by the deeds he has done, he has destroyed young love, shattered it forever just because he wanted some poon. More than once, in fact. And he'd then dump the cock-hungry women after a while, since he'd get bored of them. Now, years later, he has since redeemed himself and become a legitimately good person. He's slimmed down and became surprisingly handsome for his age. Yet he fears relationships, for he fears divine punishment. That in turn, it is he who is not NTR'd.
Perhaps, it's his fate to live a life of solitude.

>tfw when SS tier irl
Should I just go to japan and build a harem of vulnerable highschool girls and underappreciated housewives?

Orcs are ooga booga niggas

Based. That's the reason why I only play h-games with fem MC.

Where do small inconspicuous fantasy animals with big dongs go?

What about the obviously american guy with massive muscles and super chiseled jaw (optional mustache)

I'm not awful at reading. He drew the comparison between bestiality and fat fucks and said the other user can't see the link 'cuz he's a furry. Furry and bestiality aren't even in the same ballpark as far as fetishes goes, so YOU tell me what he meant by that.

source of top right? been looking for like 4 years
i remember the girl keeps squeezing his fat

You are awful at reading. Stop replying to me.

>no argument
As expected from a fat fuck cuck

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>caring about arguing about bestiality and furries

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You were the one to care enough to "not him" someone.


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Hero. Role model. Where can I buy a daki of this guy?
this was the first time I self inserted as the girl instead of one of the guys, it did permament damage to my brain but I don't even regret it

There's a battle royale video game?

3 everytime

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>no u!!!
You are pathetic. Stop replying.

What the fuck are you even supposed to insert as here, it's disgusting

Is kind of like that, but it's the blonde+tan+muscular NTR archetype.

>still no argument
And don't feel like it.

Context for the nice one?

A puddle of spooge on the floor. At least it is how I imagine people liking it.

I want a bf like that top right guy in order to do gay belly stuff with!

Found the brainlet

You really need attention, huh?

he eats

Will this guy ever do futa on futa?

>gay belly stuff

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Nah, I just want to screw around with poor fucks with a shit-tier fetish trashing another shit-tier fetish. And how's your day?

based pick

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yeah i love watching other guys fuck people i want to fuck

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he's just a fat otaku a girl gets a crush on until she gets frustrated at him for not making any advances and fucks him

Holy shit is has been years and I always thought that op's picture was Yonemi from br.

Who's actually this guy? A character from a persona game?

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>that one doujin with the yandere shortstack
>she ends up looking less fertile after having a kid

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what tag combo u rec for this?

How nice

so i made this with my mommies bra

where do i find a template now for anime girls, which i can pretent to touch their tits like here

That's just washed up dad bod

I still dont have the heart to finish reading Wolfguy. Was the ending sad and good or was it a happy ever after ending?

>wanting to fuck
Found the coomer


Sociopaths are incapable of regret and only sociopaths actively seek out to NTR people.

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>tfw no fighting game involving hentai protagonists

Attached: Buppa.png (340x192, 103K)

How are you going to explain to mommy why you stole her bra?

to coom

Alicesoft made a fighter that has Rance characters in it.

He is very handsome though.

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what tier is this

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Amerigoblin tier

You make it sound like you wouldn't like getting pinned under his belly.

Pizza and the Little Bully

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i would trust this man with my love interest

He attains Nirvana.

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>tags: bbm, vanilla
Get on my level, plebs

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why do you keep making these threads? what is wrong with you?

Fat, but not ugly. K. Rool is cute.

As most said, humilliation. Also humilliating for the man if it's NTR. Getting cucked by a fat ugly bastard is worse than getting cucked by a chad.

>tfw no ntr doujin where the guy is an actual velociraptor wearing a really shitty human mask but managing to fool everyone.
Why must I suffer?

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>Ugly bastard, blacked, and bestiality are different variations of the same fetish really.
this is an extremely racist statement
bestiality is way better than these other two

Holy fuck that's massive.


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>Possible match

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I am an east asian guy who draw old fat guys fucking girls and all, but I wont stoop to a level where I'll draw such a person with that tumor fucking any girl.

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Who even is the guy in the lower right

Why do you do it user?

>tfw still havent seen a bbm/ugly bastard megaman doujin.
Is there any?

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>This nigga kills my boner like you wouldn't believe
You obviously haven't read that doujin where the tanned, disgusting, saggy, wrinkly old man literally spawns the monster tag. I couldn't beat it to that, and I beat off to dogs and pigs and stuff fucking cute girls in my doujinshi.
That old man is my arch nemesis.

I hate myself and it's easier to self insert as the fat ugly bastard while fapping

Why are you looking at the guy at all, faggot? I've noticed that 99% of the people that whine about the ugly bald fat guy in hentai are homos or women.

t. fatso

I've seen old men too but they seem far less frequent to me
>Why are you looking at the guy at all
Because he can get me off to sometimes

>I've noticed that 99% of the people that whine about the ugly bald fat guy in hentai are homos or women.

>never been in a manga/hentai shop
>thinks he knows who buys shit there

I'm bi and my favorite kind of hentai si where both male and female are good looking

I like fat guys.

Attached: 006.jpg (1280x1860, 553K)

This doujin is almost 10 years old.

Ok this is actually kinda good

Attached: 10 (4).jpg (1280x1813, 663K)

>bottom right
That fucking artist better do a part 4 where the niece is preggo.

Attached: 06.jpg (1280x1818, 548K)

Whats an NDC?

Just be gay user, futa on male is just a giant cope, accept that you like dick and start your hormones.

Natedecock, an artist

God damnit.

that whole manga was suprisingly wholesome, but the part where he talks about how they're exploring their sexuality while everyone else in the next room only talks about maybe confessing sent me into deep sadness.

I was the guy who only dared to entertain thoughts of romance, while some lucky people in my class were already getting it on.

Ten years later, still a virgin.

>Why are you looking at the guy at all, faggot?
>ignore the thing that occupies 80% of the panel

Not-as-good-but-still-pretty-good Kunaboto.

I'm not cute no point in trying

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i didnt really understand this one. i mean i skimmed it and all i got from it is that hes some kind of magic fat man you can hire to fuck you

This guy's elf series was fucking 10/10.

Japanese market has a ton of old men that aren't married. Basically wish fulfillment and these guys have a ton of dispensable income.

>tfw no fat bf to squeeze and tease
It is really hard to find a guy who like their belly and is gay.

Sauce me

Fat's fine. I think I'd enjoy a comic with a guy looks like that as well. It's the ugly part that ruins it.

This one is a good one. So is he a man whore for the yakuza or was he stabbed by a random mugger?

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He's a super hero (I think).

Attached: 267.png (1033x1500, 477K)

all fat people are ugly

Wrong. While most fatties are pretty uggo, they are super cute or handsome ones that you just want to adore and give belly rubs to.

It's okay my man, I'm sure you'll be fine

>the Smash logo goes PSHWING!
>this starts playing

Attached: 633.jpg (553x600, 35K)

I'm fat and I get rated 8/10 still and have had a 9/10 sit on my face while sucking my big dick, stay mad TWIG
Really though I've lost most of my weight and being fat isn't good.

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I've already accepted my fate.


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what would you do?

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3, but only if his hair covers his eyes

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>why do you do it.
There is a certain cuteness when a guy who is clearly not the most attractive, is able to nab a woman who is definitely far above his station, specially if its a consensual story of the two ending up with each other.

Thats why I am so happy to know that Mohn is Lusamine's canonical husband to the point that I've drawn this semi-sfw art(still in WIP). I also find some the theories saying that Lusamine is the crazy/obsessed/yandere one in the relationship very interesting too. I am also happy that Nintendo is sticking their guns with this one, instead of listening to some vocal fans who wants Lusamine to end up with another generic handsome husbando etc etc.

Hmm nah.

Attached: Lusamine mohn.png (1200x1200, 613K)

>not only fat but also a self absorbed degenerate whore with a giant ego

beat up the black guy because black people are by default weaker than the average person from anywhere else in the world

>Read Watari-kun
>Suddenly Danger Level Demon shows up
Im scared

that would be an unstoppable force hitting an unmovable wall

I've only been sexual with 3 girls though, and I'm not self absorbed, just telling you my BIG FAT TRUTH. You seem upset cake boi!

But Alberto bodied Karate Kid

Garou should just turn into his monster form and crush the nigger

Attached: monster garou.jpg (189x267, 12K)

he said FAT, not chubby you retarded child

Get both of us to worship his dick.

I fucking hate that Japanese artists are getting into that blacked shit.

male:netorare bros ww@

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Is this the hentai that is followed by the one with this guy's delinquent sister who gets fucked by the black guy?

watch as the fatasses cope


Sauce on this please?

Nothing to cope with, you can fix being fat. You can't fix being bald, ugly and short like you :) Sounds like you're the one coping.


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I prefer hobos, this stuff is really rare unfortunately

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It's how they get orcs into a modern setting.

On one hand I hate seeing blacked shit.
On the other I like seeing women who pretend to be tough getting humiliated.

Shame that this has only one porn panel.

anime was a mistake

Not him, but seething

every fat character is forgettable so i will post my own

Attached: POPO.png (1680x1050, 3.42M)

Can I get the name user

Not him, but cope.

So the Joker is the most dangerous bull ever known?

It's not that much of a thing. Its also almost exclusively NTR which is garbage. You have to actively look for it to get niggers in your hentai. Monsters get way more action.

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he looks like the kinda guy i'd call up when i want to gang bang a loli

The one above all
who rapes the main girl and then has his henchmen rape her for several issues

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Low IQ runs in the family I guess.

Does black guy x japanese schoolgirl vanilla even exist?

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Not him, but dilate

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I'm not into it so I wouldn't know. I hate seeing niggers in my porn and especially Hentai. I still feel bad for the black folks who only get NTR shit and no wholesome stuff.

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Maybe him, but yikes.

male:netorare has too much gay shit but I do like seeing girls getting cucked by other girls
bonus points if they get catty has hell over it but still lose their man


Imagine being black and liking lovey-dovey porn and then seeing only NTR/Blacked porn everywhere. It's like your whole race exists as a kink, a fetish, where your personal preferences aren't even noted, even though in the porn you're being propped as the dominator

Suck my dick

Welcome to Wizard school user. Lets start coven when we graduate.

>he doesn't know

how about you properly spoonfeed me?

I haven't met a black person even on this website who wasn't into the cucking/bull stuff in some way so I feel no sympathy.

Unfuck yourself.

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>Imagine being black and liking lovey-dovey porn
I personally dont care about inserting so I dont need the mc to be black

Girls actually loves fat fuckers. Its unreal how many cute girls i've seen that are dating with disgusting obese faggots or neckbeard wearing overweight mofos.

Attached: 1551548882147.gif (250x101, 3.48M)

how does he do it?

There was that Black user in a similar thread begging for wholesome doujin or stories with a black dude. But otherwise you're kinda right. There's a reason things are this way. Takes two to tango after all.

FUCK OFF I'm tired of you guys pushing this meme I hate cuck shit

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what the fuck with those pupils

I never self insert in porn either but i only ever watch porn with the only the girl and no guys or dicks in sight

teach me or

I can be your chubby bf user


Yeah sure the people shitposting blacked memes and speaking broken ebonics from the 90's are totally black people and not pretending

That's probably just because the portion that isn't isn't making a number of themselves. It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy because people who care about you being black are either /pol/ack tier angry teenagers who hate the shit out of them or people who into them as a kink for that kind of shit.

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>not knowing that those posters are usually white or spics looking for quick (You)s
Fucking hell.

>Implying those are actually black people and not weird white guys or r/asianmasculinity faggots

I met a black guy on /trash/ who forces BLACKED shit in every thread and Discord server he goes to.

Post dick pics

Please fuck my wife

Trash visitors are not human

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What happened to that manga I will never know.

Huh, he is nice. That was a good doujin.

is there any white guy fucking japanese girl NTR?

Late reply but i honestly just wanted a thread about fat ugly vidya characters

That nigger owe me his life, i got him out of the boat

There are but not that much. Hits too close to home.

Attached: ntr kino.jpg (1280x1829, 485K)

it ended. no sequel

For me, it's mommy NTR featuring shotas.

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link me to some bro

ntr is for subhumans by subhumans

This its even worse when they make the man a nigger as well, I tend to look more into PoV stuff because of this because at least the guy isn't fat or black.

Ntr cant be kino

It can when it's a girl stealing a guy away from another girl.

Does anyone still draw mature women without shota shit?

I like bestiality but hate NTR.
Fictional bestiality is great because it’s just a chick getting railed by the biggest cock and any form of cucking is absolutely absurd because it’s a fucking animal.
It all comes down to not recognizing something as human or intelligent and even then I only ever like Horse and Dog stuff. Pig is just nasty.
I consider fantasy creatures like Orcs and Blacks the same way I do the rest of bestiality.

Don't tell anyone I posted this.

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I guess you can say that you got NTRd out if your own thread

No. NTR fags deserve the rope. I know it exists, stumbled upon one. But won't share this filth.

I really dont get why people draw ugly guys, I'm an artist my self if I draw a girl getting fucked it's usually by a silhouette or floating penis

>in a thread specifically about NTR
then why are you here? You get cucked or something ?


Oh you sick bastard

But I like really chubby guys. Like around 300 to 350lbs at around 5'10

I'm here to cuck you out of finding what you want. Here's your daily NTR. Checkmate user.

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What's the source?

This is even more pathetic honestly.

>You get cucked or something ?
I actually have and to this day I still can't bring myself to trust another girl to not do it to me again. I also have a pathological hatred of blacks.

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No, its either shota shit or them being fucked by some dirty old man. Why can't anyone just make mature/milk doujins with a normal young adult male?

What manga is the right-most one?

This is even more based honestly.

>cuckime poster
you got me there

>implying you could ever get a GF to even be cucked by a nigger

Don't use Nico to shitpost user.

I don't hold a strong opinion about this.

I mean anyone in this thread who says they don't self insert in porn is lying, why wouldn't you want an Aryan god slaying puss and boipuss alike? This is the closest thing to what I actually look like.

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Oyou see, I’d be alright with him fucking the elf with this. This is just wholesome. As long as it’s wholesome even the ugly guy is fine by me.

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Your a pathetic porn watching no ho having loser anyway. So it’s fine.

i just dont like seeing what might as well be scat porn

asian women where made for BWC so it isnt unusual

its kino

There's nothing wholesome about a father fucking their daughter. People like you are the reason I had to drop Usagi Drop, that stupid "I'd defeat a demon lord for my daughter" shit, god fucking damn it I HATE THIS

>Shota with a huge cock
This shit pisses me off, shota is already fucking shit and if the artist is going to make a big dick one then just make him an adult man for fucks sake.


I'm not sure I agree, most Blacked shit involves an inferiority complex that the other two rarely have.

stay mad old man

You make it sound as if he himself holds sway over what a random mangaka writes.

Faggot. Fucking your daughter is the greatest pleasure to be had.

If you won't fuck your daughter I will user

>I met a black guy
didn't even have to finish reading this pile of lies. Kevin up in here telling lies from his gated community again. Fuck outta here suburb boy.

Was meant for

Why are the fat and ugly always the most chad in video games


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Yeah, bazooka chin Kevin has to get up pretty early to pull one over on the ol scam master.

Attached: ed__edd_n_eddy___eddy_laughing_by_ali_srn-dbh8lfn.png (1600x848, 237K)

May your house collapse and all your body parts be pinned beneath it. Have a nice day!

a lot of japanese hentai protags are some ambiguously dark/grey skin color, so you can pretend or not if it's what you want

Attached: disgust.png (459x360, 353K)

>tfw no Eddy NTRing Kevin
how the fuck has this not happened yet?

1, i love playing heavyweights

Because the focus is on Eddy's brother NTRing Eddy

Attached: I'll treat your girlfriend real nice, little bro.png (737x833, 245K)

so you're saying it's the perfect age?

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>The new [...] body -- of the republican party
A crooked spine? Seems legit.

Damn, I heard of beer belly but this motherfucker has a beer chest.

>not fucking your daughter

Attached: our fate.jpg (1920x1080, 576K)

Any other fat virgins here?
28yo virgin reporting in.

you fucks need to stop fapping. blergh don't make me say the word

No, I'm not american.

Reminder that letting other people fuck your daughter is the ultimate cuck move

[Almarosso] Musuko no Doukyuusei ni Makura Eigyou Shita... Sleeping with My Son's Classmate to Boost My Career...

>cant get into doujins of evangelion, F/S night etc. unless its old fat guy, because my anger at faggy character makes it impossible to get hard
fuck those faggots
thats why NTR is best fetish, especially if those queers are also getting fucked

I never implied anything with father in it.

im 5'6 200 lbs anyone wanna play with my belly lol

>not fucking your wife twice as hard as your stepson can fuck your daughter to embarrass him
it's like you're not even trying

I love that older sister steals her homely sisters boyfriend shit
Especially that one JAV with Aika god damn

maybe if she were an adult slave, but it's more like an adopted daughter, which still isn't okay

I thought Naz liked the Double D

Is it better to insert as the fat bastard or the girl? Both sound amazing honestly.

Attached: ginko.png (1064x440, 219K)

Fine, can i fuck your daughter instead and you fuck mine?

Does a girl stealing a girl from a guy exist?

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I don’t care. Where do you think we are?

>Nickname is Double D
>2 D's
If Tails gets 2 dicks because he has 2 tails, then Double D gets to dicks because he has 2 Ds

Get on my level...
5'7 400lbs anyone wanna play with my belly?

I don't remember making that post desu, i'm the same
Thinking of hitting the gym but i get anxious thinking about going in as a fat autistic fuck in a place full of chads and stacies

This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

great, now I'm both glad to have found it and mad because no chubby chaser shortstack gf

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Let's get back on topic before the bump limit occurs.

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Who here is actually at or over 300lbs? Most of these guys who say they are fat are like 170lbs or 200lbs at the most.

Just give up on 3d and stick to 2d like me.

Only human male on female animal is good. Vice versa is a shit fetish

Go back to fapping to your degenerate NCR doujins you cuck.

Go back to /trash/, subhuman.

>Most of these guys who say they are fat are like 170lbs or 200lbs at the most.
fuck those fake fatties

Attached: wow wow.jpg (1280x720, 390K)


No thanks /an/ is my home board


All bestiality is shit

Human male on female anthro on the other hand is patrician taste.

>fantasy creatures like Orcs and Blacks
Are you from Greenland or something?

All the girls liked Double D except for the red haired Kanker. She was the only one who stayed loyal to her man.

Both are great, but I find myself mostly self-inserting as the girl.

as long as she eats all the eggs

hmm.. what are some good loli doujins?

Attached: clueless.png (256x206, 4K)

>fat men in hentais have lots of sex and tons of popularity as carnal gods
>meanwhile I never even had a gf and all my friends have families of their own and drifted away
Someone please kill me

>200mL per shot

Attached: shinji.jpg (2265x1640, 310K)

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Sounds like you need more money to spend on whores

It's not a doujin, but you don't know what that word means anyways.

Everyone liked Double D and he only gets shit for hanging out with Eddy, they even once asked him why he even hangs out with him.

>Self insert?
I self insert with the giant smug boy that laughs at the cuck. I also like when they do vanilla shit like hand holding.

but i only like solo porn

I need a bullet to the brain, that's what I need

Attached: Adjudicator.jpg (500x318, 34K)

nice doujin

Attached: hmm.png (312x294, 8K)

Wolf guy, don't read. The ntr is pure suicide fuel

While I’m here anyone have a source for this?

Attached: 52177CDF-5964-4965-A36F-A69DC0D17FB4.jpg (1125x1155, 371K)

yeah my friend is deathly afraid of this cause his girl is bi

Buy whores first then kill yourself. Teen whores to be specific.

I unironically would. Unless you are black, just cause they aren't my type.

Anybody know that manga with the girl who talks in love with comatose bbm? His original gf cheats on him with his best friend so this girl steps in and starts taking care of him. That one is great.

I'm looking for bad guy inspiration for a story I'm writing mainly, if you got more dangerous bastards you'd want to punch feel free to recommend

at least you arent short

of all the mooks who would feel at home in an NTR manga this has to be the one

Attached: he's back.png (467x615, 42K)

I'm a Big white hairy bear bb.

>Killing yourself because you're fat
user just stop eating so much it isn't that hard

its by itou eight. just sort by freckles

The damage is already done. The point of no return has been passed a long time ago.

This, honestly. Cuck being emasculated to the point of becoming a woman, especially if he was the bull’s intended target from the beginning, is top shelf stuff.


Attached: 2.png (166x240, 47K)

Here's another one - and it actually is doujinshi this time (though later released with their tank strangely enough).

I self insert as the shota in the doujins that I read. I guess people relate to being fat and disgusting in these types of doujins.

not him but food is one hell of an addiction, it's like trying to drop drug habit but 10x worse because unlike the drug you grew up over eating and your body has been ingrained with that in your psyche. Also unlike a drug you just can't stop eating like you can smoking or injecting. You need to eat to survive so the temptation is always there to over eat every time you eat.

Found it thanks

Give me source for the snakepussy.

how fat are we talking here?

if you have any other crops that you need source for I can probably help for those too. Sourcing porn seems like a better use for this thread at this point

Find a mean bitch caretaker who will abuse you and starve you until you're a skinny bitch boy for her to use.

Fat enough to not be of any interest to girls. The details don't matter anymore,

tell me so I know whether to laugh at you or feel bad because I'm even fatter

I don't get the "self-insert" aspect of it. Aren't the ugly bastards usually successful businessman?

330 pounds, since you asked nicely

Now that's a plan!


the one element of the fat man i dont like is that they always have to bring cucking into it. that or theyre extremely emotionally detached and do shit like whore out the girl or make her fuck his friends.

its always there. out of nowhere they introduce that kind of shit. and if the girl has no boyfriend, its the family that they try to cuck
>look at what im doing to your pussy, what would X think if he saw this?
i get that the shame is part of it but its annoying that they default to cucking of some kind or whoring. ive seen ONE where the fat man does it out of love but STILL brings cucking into it and mentions it frequently while fucking her.

its all so tiring

Nice! I wouldn't mind talking somewhere else if you wanted. I'm white 150lbs at 5'10

It's about half and half. Often you just get guys with an eternal chip on their shoulder and a grudge. The guy in OP's post is just a janitor.

pfff, that's nowhere near too fat
I hope you aren't skinnyfat because that makes losing weight even easier

lol no

This one?

Attached: 2BD43D7A-1B40-40D9-BC74-BA81C24F23CC.png (708x534, 233K)

>195 pounds
>already have a disgusting belly and am muffin topping
I want to die

Can't remember the name of that one "reverse NTR" doujin
It's a guy fucking random girlfriend
There's a slightly older office lady living below them and complains about the noise
The guy says he's bored of his current gf anyway
Things happen
At the end the younger gf gets dumped while his new woman practically humps him on scene
Anyone know the name? I know reverse NTR is retarded way of describing just a dude cheating on his gf but I can't think of a better hentai tag for it at the moment

Soredemo Tsuma o Aishiteru 2 -Jokyoushi Tsuma: Marika no Baai-

Theres a few that don't, theres a good illya doujin where a fat hung ojisan just pays her and miyu for a good time

125kg, 28 years here. Not virgin, though.
I look like fucking Sam Tarley and the only way I can get laid is to play on lust and insecurities of girls who are too inexpierenced to know they could do better than me.

Attached: 1540173412530.jpg (617x692, 416K)

it's netori, dumb non-weeaboo

I believe in you

> TFW this would be an appearance upgrade for you

Attached: 15b.png (294x358, 70K)

Degradation. I don't get why this is so hard for vanilla faggots to comprehend.

Gyaku Netori.

Attached: 1536527820173.png (310x302, 44K)

that didn't really help my search

was that about the blonde girl who destroyed his family garden or something?
then don't worry he's just her brother

I'm 26 and am a kissless virgin since I've been fat and ugly my whole life, why should fat and ugly men in hentai be allowed to get laid while I can't?

>great art
erry tiem
And the worst about them is how retarded they are:
>girls gets raped
>doesn't tell anyone
>blackmailed into more fucking
>plot-twist she was enjoying it all along

Woah, this doesn't look healthy at all.

There needs to be more K. Rool abusing Ashley

>seeing girls being blackmailed and humiliated by absolute scum isn't his fetish
what a fag

>the Auntie is clearly a bitter, hardcore brocon herself
>nothing ever came of it

That's cool. I couldn't care one way or the other.

Attached: image.jpg (758x840, 316K)

>no follow-up for the retard where it's revealed he was merely pretending

hey it got updated, he's actually just an overprotective bro

I want to have sex with her mouth, pupils, and breasts thank you

Rondo Duo is the greatest Eroge of our time.

Anyone else unironically love this dudes design? Its got real personality and oozes supreme macho

I know what you're talking about but can't find it. Might not actually be on panda but try male:netorare.

do you think, in the history of mankind, that a girl got fucked so hard with such a big dick she died from internal damage?

this. they are actively cucking themselves out of good content.

Attached: 00715d83.png (979x231, 230K)

I'm so horny

>blacks are fantasy creatures
Where do you live?

Yes, happens to children

>shota always has a big dick



nobody likes little dicks

I do~

he looks like he'd just be meek, rude, and/or dismissive unless you're a prepubescent girl with pastel colored hair for him to rape

>small dick shota
realistic, represents purity, a blooming flower, innocence and sexual immaturity
>big dick shota
just a midget with a third leg

>The retard one

Attached: 1439738579720.jpg (640x480, 38K)

Because they molest barely legal, weak-willed girls while you shitpost on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1563749801768.png (853x704, 35K)

>NTR thread
>Open this up expecting some shit
>It's vanilla with no cheating at all
Pleasantly surprised


Attached: 1567810285792.jpg (2113x1738, 3.77M)

They're a cartoon, and you aren't?

Attached: hes in.png (1280x720, 882K)

>a wario reskin
for what purpose?

>just a midget with a third leg

/trash/ is 98% anthro shit
and the shit that isn't is all dogs and horses

whats his moveset

Based Cu

ok i need to know what this retard is about

i think it was loli ryona

He's about returning lost items to their rightful owners.


5'10" 350 LBS GIVE ME A GF(or cute boy) NOW

just go gay

You are exactly my type, but I am a guy as well.

I'm not asking but I'll post this one with sauce in the filename since it took me some time to actually find it.

Attached: Gujira Cold Bitch Student Council President.jpg (225x225, 15K)


Attached: 1565879944616.png (1496x1042, 560K)

turn around and bend over first


Attached: 747ea094.jpg (700x514, 111K)

>tfw I like my belly but I'm not gay
>girls don't like fat dudes

Attached: 1537379846481.jpg (567x542, 102K)

The only posters who i saw posting in chub/bara threads were guys. Just saying.

Attached: 1567445235612.jpg (1024x927, 170K)

What’s the artists name? Link doesn’t work

I love this guy's stuff. The art is shit but the premises are hot af.

proof btw

Attached: 22.jpg (1200x1679, 368K)

what are you doing in chub/bara threads

first guy who comes to mind

Attached: Xavi.jpg (2000x1399, 298K)

He rapes and beats up a loli and her parents want to press charges but can't because he's retarded.

Goddamn I love this guy's stuff

>I only ever like Horse and Dog stuff. Pig is just nasty.
Patrician taste

It sucks for me too because guys who love their belly typically are straight or are only into other chubby dudes. The rest are just undesirables that are obviously mentally unwell or are just flamming queers. At least you enjoy your belly, so I am sure a nice women you would like would be interested in you if you take care of yourself and such.

What are some good Reverse NTR Doujins?

Like the MC's gf gets gangfucked and mindbroken and the MC takes revenge by fucking the other guy's family or some such shit? Or the MC straight up kills the guy who plowed his gf.

Attached: 1567944600194.jpg (1024x1536, 524K)

>tfw there is LITERALLY (and I mean literally) no feral spider art

Attached: 1566419144333.jpg (1000x664, 242K)

Do not lewd the spiders.

I groom pretty good and have a nice thick beard and I'm not balding. Sadly I got a bit of a baby face, and look like I'm 23 when I'm 31.

Shit sucks. Women HAAAATE younger looking guys.

Attached: 1564240807660.jpg (720x960, 87K)

I can't because there's no art.

Attached: 1566158336999.jpg (1008x756, 160K)

>tfw yurifag and you never have to worry about encountering fat ugly bastards in any of your porn
yuriCHADS where you at

Attached: 1538951118085.gif (300x250, 31K)

>I'm still in middle school
the fuck

Retard shoves his tard benis into a cute grill after returning her wallet

There's that one where a crossdressr fucks someone's wife and the husband reclaims his honor by raping him until mindbreak and turning him into their boyslut.

Nah, that teacher gets raped and that's it.
Wolf guy sucked.

I remember reading these as well, but I couldn't tell you story of either the bottom right or the left because it's been so long. I see people gave the sources for the right two, but what about the left?

If you're somehow still in this thread look .

>He didn't see the doujin of the fat bastard cumming in-between a lesbian couple

Attached: 1433998528521.jpg (651x708, 92K)

Judging by your response, the other post struck a nerve.


Yeah but you get futashit under the yuri tag which I feel is as bad if not worse

I wanna see this.

both left and bottom right are jingrock, I think left is from one of the elf doujins

Ok now post the rest

any NTR doujins where the fat ugly guy cucks a girl from another girl?

Well how fat are you for starters?

Really nigga? Try going more than 3 pages deep next time.

Ideally would want a girl around 200
I legit like myself this fat btw


but take my word for it - all that happens is that she gets raped the very next page

>someone posted that GFL holocaust doujin in /tg/ the other day
>surprise futa in the epilogue
I fucking hate it

Personally, I like guys bigger than that. But that weight is fine and it is good that you like yourself at that weight.

this nigger looks at the dude while looking at porn

Honestly, I've been stress eating a lot lately, so I might be even more. I don't keep a scale in the house because sometimes people want me to stand on it for their amusement.

>one of the elf doujins
Thanks, it's a start.

i dont think i've seen yuri ntr at all

its blacked but for non cuckolds

So is sadpanda still up or what? Is there something I'm missing? Even with the extension, it's been like this for like a month for me.

Attached: kokomade[1].jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Are you trying to use incognito?

Attached: wow-2.jpg (410x396, 32K)

I've tried with and without.

dame da, zen zen, dame da

Well just be sure to also eat well every now and then and don't let other people use you for their amusement if they are trying to degrade you.

I'm surprised this thread lasted as long as it did.
What are your favorite yandere doujins lads.

Attached: 07.jpg (1063x1500, 550K)

There's one hentai manga where a loli gives a black exchange student that's living in their house some aphrodisiac and lusts over his BBC
The loli is hot but having a black guy in it makes it automatically trash

Thanks bro. You a cool homo
I'd let you fuck me in the ass as long as we keep our socks on. Don't want it to be gay or anything.