I just beat Super Metroid for the first time ever, just thought I'd let you know

I just beat Super Metroid for the first time ever, just thought I'd let you know

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I'm proud of you

nice job bro

I did it just last month. Can't believe what I was missing out on. Don't know why there's not 100 Super Metroid threads every day

Nice, what did you think? Been awhile since I played it, but I’m trying out handheld on Switch and it has been nice.

I beat it in a day and it wasn't my first 2D metroid (That was Fusion like 5 years ago) but it was still functionally great and controls like a dream if not showing its age in some ways

I've been playing it for the first time as well and I'm surprised at how little the floatier controls bother me after playing Zero Mission, Samus Returns and Fusion. It feels really nice to play.

Did you get the best ending (beat the game in under 3 hours)?

Just beat it again yesterday myself with a clear time of 2:27 via SNES Switch Online. Only had to use reserve tanks for Mother Brain's scripted attack.

Good job dude. Treat yourself tonight :)

Yeah, it's pretty impressive how well Super has aged. The original Metroid aged like milk and there are tons of mods just to try to bring it up to par. By contrast the mods for Super just remix shit that's already in the game. Randomizers are good and the mod that rotates the game 90 degrees is interesting from a challenge perspective but personally my favorite is Super Metroid Arcade. It's a game in itself where you tell it the difficulty level you want and it'll string random rooms together in a way that doesn't softlock. You go for a highscore of how many rooms you can beat before you die. Highly recommended.

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Nice. Now go play the Prime Trilogy

Super Metroid was ironically the only Metroid game I hadn't beaten (Excluding Zero Mission and GB 2) I've beaten all Primes at least twice

How would you rank all the games?

Super's controls and physics have aged like milk

I'd rank them best to worst peobably

I'll do it when it comes to Switch.

just emulate

I do love the prime trilogy so much

Did it in the past. Always came across as shit.

how do you get the spring ball there's a giant wall of sand

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The robot at the start of the room destroys the sand