Would you buy it?

Would you buy it?

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>paying money for roms

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I already own a Switch

I already have all the MMBN games on my 3DS though

I'd buy it 7 times. Not even exaggerating. Literally 7 copies

I am the biggest Battle Network fag so yes
Give it to me nor Crapcom

been wanting this shit for 13 years op

I can already play it on my switch though

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>BN1 and BN5 get the shitty Gameboy versions and not the much better DS ones
Hell fucking no.
Also, if a BN collection was to come out, they better fucking include Star Force in there too.

But how would this work when more than half the Battle Network games went the Pokemon route and had multiple versions? Would the collection include both versions of 3 through 6?

they could easily just release the bn5 gba version but with the ds tracks
they could just do what they are doing for z/zx with remastered tracks

press + when selecting the game to change version
just like how you would change from us to jap.

>Battle Network collection with Online netbattling and chip trading
I would cream everywhere

>all that input lag
please no

I don't know. I can easily emulate it on my phone with whatever controller I want

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how well does a switch emulates ps1 games?


"omg guys!! snes games on da switch!!1!!1"
>has been playing snes from my pocket for 8+ years

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*Muffled back light resistor in the distance*

A shame they later models dropped the gamepad extension, I really loved my Xperia while it lasted

Capcom doesn't care about Battle Network you fucking tards. I am surprised they remember Megaman Z was a thing, but there's no way they'll ever acknowledge BN ever again.


If it has extra content and challenge modes, sure.

What’s the difference?