>Multiple touhou threads on Yea Forums daily
>Never any kancolle threads
Multiple touhou threads on Yea Forums daily
What even are those games
I don't know anything about the tofu series, but I like cute boat girls.
I think KC is on /jp/ or wherever it went. Lemme know when it gets translated so I can decide to pick it up.
Kancolle is dead and sunk.
Everyone is playing azur lane instead
Where's her penis?
because KC the so called "Touhou killer" is a fad and everyone moves on to azur lane instead. even the thread on /jp/ is slow and dying now compared to the old days.
go to 2ch if you want some lively KC threads
Isn't Tenryuu super cool? Good job, Tenryuu, keep it up!
90% of the "Touhou threads" are just Smash rosterfag threads.
>mobile games
lol casuals, get out
CBT from Tenryuu!
Tenryuu's fucking fat tits trying to fit in that tight, sexy as hell uniform makes me and my dick extremely happy
>Multiple touhou threads on Yea Forums daily
bull fucking shit there are faggot
>From Tenryuu
I'm pretty sure Tatsuta is the one you want for that shit.
God damn those are some big tiddies
Based canned coal bro
Chinks are always seething, so it's hard to get a thread rolling without assblasted fags. Look at this shit
Literally one second apart
Post your favorite ships
I don't play this game but I have a friend that is superhardcore with it, but whatever.
He said that he don't like the desing of this boat, that something is off and she looks weird even compared to the other "potatoes", but I think that she looks cool and I really like it, what do you think?
For me, it's Roma
browser game
azur lane has made kancolle irrelevant
The coloring is ass
The rigging detail and quality is ass
The aspect ratio is literally wrong
The design is ass
The eyes are to far apart
It is legit one of the worst designs in the game and I'm not talking about memes, the objective quality is more than questionable. It doesn't help that the drawing is by a chink that never improved.
Kancolle got fucking annihilated by Azur lane, which is a shame because fat cow Tenryuu and Iowa are great.
I only like Tenryuu
I hate the soul vs soulless meme, but that describes this situation perfectly. Kancolle is a fucking soulless cash grab with barely any gameplay at all.
And before you say anything, yes. I played Kancolle for like a year and a half. Game is shit.
Took you that long to figure out gacha is soulless?
>game makes no profit because no gacha
It would have been shutdown in 5 months if it was really soulless.
You don't pay shit for rolling your ships during construction unless you want to count port slots
That doesn't even count because it's a permanent upgrade, not a virtual currency
I see it now, thanks. I still like it though, but I think is because it reminds me of something, like I saw it in another place long time ago, maybe an MMORPG or some shit
Gacha games are designed to hook you in, I knew the game was shit from almost the very beginning, too bad these games are as addictive as any synthetic drug.
>implying the game isn't making any money at all
It was disgusting how the jews at Kadokawa denied everyone at Comiket to make fanmade games because they were scared people would make a better game than the official one.
You can make fangames now but nobody wants to. Only 1 guy did and it's a tetris game.
Too much thought involved for them to actually play the game. Even if it were in english it would still be too much. Long term planning is not this board's specialty. Better to just think with your dick and chase the latest gacha slut.
Meanwhile Touhou still dominates the fanmade music and games in Comiket.
If you think that kancolle is the soulless one, then whats the one with soul?
KanColle isn't competing for fanmade music and games. The whole rivalry is 2hu fags looking to cope over it's natural decay in popularity.
The face is still really fucked up but the rest I could definitely see in some old ps1 RPG. The problem is that gachas tend to hire a large number of artists. The comparisons come in naturally as a result, really highlighting the flaws when something like that character happens.
Is it legal to like small boats?
>It was disgusting how the jews at Kadokawa denied everyone at Comiket to make fanmade games because they were scared people would make a better game than the official one.
It's sad the way this gets parroted when it makes no sense if you think about it for 5 seconds. KanColle does not make money from its game. It makes money from its merchandise. They would lose nothing if everyone dropped the game so long as they kept buying merchandise. The game is simply a vehicle to introduce new characters.
Touhou obviously.
>ZUN is the only developer
>never sells the rights for Touhou despite being offered billions of yen because "that isn't in the spirit of Comiket and fanmade content"
>he makes games whenever he wants and not because of a schedule
>he allows anyone to do anything they want with the IP, as long as it is not marketed as an official Touhou product
>tfw large scale events require at the very least 3 months prep time plus another week of planning your fleets
Small events like the one going on right now are shit because you wont be pushing even 60 used ships.
Kancolle is still dabbing on 2hu and AL though
it's the #2 series behind FGO
Kadokawa did shut down a shiton of fanmade games for like 5 comikets. Your point is not mutually exclusive to Kadokawa being retarded.
>nigger cirno
>reimu smash autism
>games appearing on Switch
>the new upcoming gacha game
Maybe in 2004
>that big FGO drop
>that slight Can This increase
>Mao Lane already plateau'd
Maybe next time.
>opinion and being a racist cunt
>obnoxious fanbase having anything to do with the franchise's creation itself
>none of the games are official and align to what ZUN is applying since a long time ago
Potatoe eating potato chip
i cosplayed as tenryuu during anime expo 2016 and i got lots of hugs from admiral cosplayers
it was a nice time, i just have no tits
Your piece of garbage is already dying while CHADColle is still alive and thriving.
Yeah, I really saw it happen a lot in gachas but I seen worst shit, like in FGO there are characters that are traced even, (boudica in parvati).
Also for you what's the worst desing in Kancolle? Just curious.
The game isn't good but the porn was, and since FGO and Granblue Fantasy became dominant at comiket we see less ship porn and less shipposting
/jp/ still has threads though
Because it's mostly in moonrunes.
Notice how there were no Fate/go or Azurelane threads until they got the english versions.
But Touhou and Kancolle play completely different, I see why you make the comparation but I was talking more about the gameplay.
shame the game is stuck in legal limbo
how the fuck do you get out of the whol it dug itself in?
KanColle threads on Yea Forums suck anyways.
Lol keep coping
Shitcolle only survives from their hardcore fans and keeps stagnating
What legal limbo?
You got it backwards or else AL would be much bigger.
I've never played the game, I only like the girls
Sorry, I'm not the same guy who responded the first time. I don't actually know that many of the Kancolle characters.
t.retard who's glued to his phone
AL is bigger in the west than KC will ever be
>it's bigger in an area compared to another with no presence
1 is bigger than 0, that doesn't mean 1 is a big number.
I like to imagine Tatsuta is training Tenryuu so she can see to the Admiral's sexual needs better
Isn't this shit just a glorified calculator?
It's glorified Football Manager
fuck off gachanigger
Once you get your favorite chicks in the game it all becomes just a boring grind in preparation for the events that happen every 2 months or so. People just jack off to the porn nowadays.
The kancolle fad is already over just like VR.
>thread full of delusional Kantainiggers
>only response when Azur Lane comes up is "y-y-you're chinese" or "look at how much more we make than Azur Lane domestically plz don't compare our global numbers to Azur Lane's"
I don't need a ship.
KC is only dying because Kadokawa is an awful company that absolutely refuses to do anything with the series asides 'maintain the course'. Of course it was going to die over time without anything be innovated or really altered to it. It's not even AL killing it, it's themselves.
nice to see you again abyssal-user if that's really you
It is, forgot to re-sort that other image.
I don't really have any abyssal images but i hope any boat works.
It's okay, that's fine.
Hibiki is my daughterwife.
Never forget.
>No german ships in the current event
Just fuck my shit up.
Have you actually played KC before?
Abyssals are better than the Kanmasu.
Here is official art as proof.
The German navy is grossly overrated in real life and KanColle fandom.
For quite awhile I did, I was pretty happy how well I started off too. But I just didn't really enjoy how it played for the most part, just really that.
I just want my blonde bitches.
>will never ever beat fatechads
No english no buy! besides, waiting for victory belles! Any day now.
Fate couldn't even beat KanColle until they got young men addicted to gacha by 2017.
When is that chart from? I thought Fate got a bump somewhat recent.
Nobody is going to give a fuck about Kancolle until they either
>A. Make a game that's not gacha mobage dogshit
>B. Let players recruit abyssals
Porn is the only thing this series is good for
The bump was from last Winter Comiket, this is from Summer that just passed.
Same really for the second part, i eventually quitted couple years after playing since 2014/3, i still sometimes login to see my fleet and try to get something out of E1 events if there's something interests me. also is this kancolleviewer by yuubari? i used it all the time back then and swapping between other japanese forks, now i just use poi viewer since it's does everything i need
>Let players recruit abyssals
I'm fairly certain they will never do that.
How is the current event?
the game is awful but it's not mobage
honestly not a gacha either, at least not in the way people associate the word now
t. someone who doesn't even like kancolle
Cope KCnigger as your franchise fades into obscurity as Kadokawa keeps mismanaging it
The whole rivalry started when a company part of Kadokawa faked circle numbers from Comiket just to one-up Touhou back in like 2014, just to rile up the 2hufags and start a controversy.
Imagine trying this hard to oneup a drunk dude with zero advertising lmao
This is now an Italian thread.
Kancolle, soul.
Which is why this game is dead
Spoken like a true secondary
They deserved their fates.
>Actually playing this shit game
Short and easy. Been a while since they did a small scale event, but the last one was brutal on people's resources so they probably wanted to let everyone recover.
Kadokawa barely even manages it in the first place. It's incredible how little people know about this franchise.
I'm not too sure on the name since it's been years since I've been back to it, so now I mainly just follow works of artists I like that still champion the series still. I should really go back and check at some point since it's been awhile.
I still will always love the Abyssals and their designs, just a shame nothing much came of them, merchandise included.
Why is Honolulu french now
The won't do it because they want the Abyssal Fleet to be the bad guys because of how they look. Abyssals are the innocent ones.
Where is this documented? 2014 is the year it blew up. The rivalry started because shitposters saw the rapid rise in popularity and 2hu fags in Japan are insecure as fuck despite ZUN already saying both can and should get along, most likely because they are not even the same genre.
Also because she got some self confidence and grew even bigger tits.
>Shy, quiet pale German sub
>Becomes a tanned turboslut after living in Japan
What the hell did they do to her?
Pasta event soon in AL, don't mind him.
Improved her
It's a different boat? What the fuck
I still play but I stopped going on /alg/ months ago so I'm totally out of the loop on everything
Are her tits cubes or do I have to have my eyes checked?
But I like the Pastas.
ZUN saying one thing and the fanbase doing said thing are another. Fanbases have a horrible inability to get along with each other.
>KCfags and chink!KCfags threads are now just arguing that KC is reclining
>2huchads continue strong, still immortal, threads appearing have gotten more regular across many boards, and Comiket/Reitasai numbers still higher than anyone elses
Soul always wins.
>I still play but I stopped going on /alg/ months ago so I'm totally out of the loop on everything
Italian boats are being added this week along with an event. Mozzarella everywhere.
Japs are soulless insects, none of this shit has soul by default. It's fucking anime.
Reverse mindbreak.
They won't do it because the purpose of the game is to give you some sort of history lesson and the abyssals are mostly just generic filler ships. Collecting them defeats the point. But they barely get treated like the enemy. Half of them have lines that make them sound victimized, and they're always getting dressed up with seasonal stuff.
when will the gacha meme finally die
i don't even care about the games i'm sick of seeing flavour of the month waifu slot machine videogames getting anime adaptations every single season
Go back to playing your feminist AAA dogshit westcuck.
Oh good lord. Time to waste all my cubes
Why is the navy that actually won WW2 not represented in this games?
>these are suppose to be Italian
The Abyssals for the most part seem to have more thought into their designs. Then you also have official art like this. Seaport is a reason I own a ribbed sweater too.
There are plenty of us who like the hoppos.
I can't find the thread and the image again, but it was a thing talked about in /jp/ for a while.
The people organizing Comiket even apologized for it, although they didn't change the numbers and just put an apology on the side of the image.
Kancolle blew up and surpassed 2hu's Comiket numbers officially after the anime aired.
Uploaded wrong image.
>but the last one was brutal on people's resources
I was a newfag when it started and it destroyed my ass. Gonna start this one after playing some more iceborne.
A lot of stuff in the game is already pretty unrelated to history, like some k2 remodels.
Tenryuu is my pigbitch sow wife!
Well that's completely false because the numbers jumped way before the anime. Specifically it got huge during Arpeggio's anime airing and event collaboration. You fell for a ruse.
I fellow some artists too ever since KC was the thing to this day, i really love KC ship designs it really fits and the kanmasu have personality that attracts me to them, i do own two KC figurines (airfield hime chibi nando chink figure but it's it has good quality, and my daughter yuu in her japanese conversion variant ro-500) but that's all i own since i really happy from KC for giving me a hobby to loving warships, i really want to visit some of the ww2 survivers in the USA but i don't think it will happen anysoon though
>Leave kancolle years ago
>try to azur lane but it's pure souless
>miss kancolle
>go back to kancolle
>Planes have levels (?), theres some shit like Kai ni-2 now, a whole new class of bad art lolis which I NEED to do 90% of the content, too much missed content and items and shipgirls to come back at this point
the new anime can't come sooner
You should stay gone.
I've tried to go back like once a year since 2015 but the game is just trash. It even took an eternity to add some quality of life changes, much less actually improve or do anything neat with its setting.
>a whole new class of bad art lolis which I NEED to do 90% of the content
What the fuck are you talking about? They're basically like Maruyu except more useless. You could scrap all of them the instant you get them and never even notice a difference. And there's a baby easy mode now that lets players finish events even if they just started a month ago.
What's the name of the girl on the right? She's fucking cute.
Barely anyone in here actually likes that garbage game, most of the people who follow it just wanna spam images.
Dj hime by the community or just by oiler hime? or just supply hime don't remember actually
Supply Depot Hime.
She plays video games too.
Well, I found it again lad.
Sorry, but it's not a ruse.
Image attached is the notice and the explanation regarding the graph.
Supply Depot Hime/princess.
what's this from?
Found it on Yea Forums, it must be from some random doujin.
Me too. She’s cute.
I love my wife Ushio!
Fucki faggot shit jap game never have truer represetnat of Boeннo-мopcкoй флoт CCCP WHO REALLY WON Pacific and Hitlerites!
American dropped nuclear bombs out of FEAR of Soviet army invading bugmn islands and winning in two weeks when they pussy would have tken three years and millions dead LOL. Japan bugmen even afear Soviet Khalkhyn Gol victory kicked ass and BEGGED fir peace. Ran in error when Red Army tanks crushed Manchuko in one day with no dead to 100,000 dead bugman.
Soviet Navy was sthtonk on planet anmd Projekt 24 battrleships would kill Yamato baby shit from 50 miles on one shit, LMAO. Midway wasnot even Aemrcin intel but only soviet submarine which let them know and still almost lose lol.
What boring taste.
>American dropped nuclear bombs out of FEAR of Soviet army
This meme again. Fuck off Ivan.
I wish she was drawn more often in the draw threads, Hoppo is the one who gets drawn most of the time.
>so we probably have to wait for 2 years to find out if kancolle's gonna survive for a long time like touhou, or die out like other animes
because danmaku is power, da jeh
The drawthreads are a goldmine for rare Hoppous and abyssal content in general.
>Project-hui-karablya 42
yeah because blueprints really mean they were actually possible to contract them, do you remember the fucking kiyo DD refit into an small battlefield that's just filled with shore artillery turrets lmao japs were on acid during those times
AHAHA, angry fatner spotted.
Coвeтcкий Coюз have FIFITEN others mad and stornger than Yamato while fast than Iowa with armor. all made by 1943 but Hitlerite invasion blocked.
Tatsutas are for Tenryuus
I wanna play video games with her while she's sitting on my lap.
Touhou is here to stay while Kancolle was clearly a fad, just how Azure Lane or GF are fad also. Even if TH declined and isn't as popular as it used to be back then, it made an impact on the gaming landscape in Japan that will remain for another decade at the very least. From touhou doujins song still being added to current/modern rhythm games today, lot of new content being produced, reitaisai still being a thing etc.
It was rather funny to see the KC supporters saying that touhou was dead the moment KC had more circle than touhou at Comiket. Only couple more years for KC to rend below touhou now. And before someone says that I used English terms in Google Trends, this isn't relevant for terms that are categorized (i.e. here Video Game or Video Game Series). Whether you type it in English, Japanese or Chinese, it will parse all related results.
You realize they've only made like four hulls for it right? it's the same shit as the ibuki class cruisers that were production by the time the war ended, also are you actually russian or you're just an larping vatnik
It's dying tomorrow, trust me.
because they have such shitty animation
Nice feet.
How long is a fad for you niggers? The game is almost 7 years old. That's as long as a console generation.
Touhou has lasting power while many others do not due to how memorable the characters and the music is. I'd love to see if Kancolle can last for 2 decades.
Meanwhile I won't be surprised if 2hu can last for another 2 decades, or 5.
Touhou made an impact precisely because there was hardly anything like it at the time. If it debuted now it would be just another one of these sprawling franchises full of girls.
>Only couple more years for KC to rend below touhou now
It's very clearly plateaued and found a stable fanbase in the military musume niche. I don't see it dropping much anytime soon. Its only real competition could have been AL but that fizzled out.
People think you can only like one thing but in reality, fanbases are colonies. The colony dies when it gets invaded by another colony. Just look at Tiger and Bunny's Comiket numbers. That shit has literally no new content and it is still alive because nobody can replace it fully. 2hu filled a niche in the 90s and so did KanColle in the 10s.
It still boggles my mind that T&B still gets hundreds(?) of doujins a year. Life is neat.
After the figure for Seaport came out, I decided to bite the bullet and collect the rest of her official merchandise before finding out she really doesn't have much in general. Few cards here, game mat/card sleeves, keychains, and a few other bits and bobs here and there and that's it. Not going to complain about it since really they're not the focus of the game and such, so I'm happy she did get some things at least.
Still waiting on this piece, though I'm not sure if it will come out.
What about the kemono friends colony?
There were already plenty of girl only franchises out there back when 2hu debuted, even some of the games that inspired it were like that like Cotton.
What made 2hu unique was that it was entirely made by one guy, with it's ugly yet unique artstyle, music and crazy ideas everywhere. It was really a triumph in terms of doujin properties.
>Its only real competition could have been AL but that fizzled out.
AL is a chink clone trying to steal some of the spotlight just like any other Chinese ripoff, it's more similar to a parasite rather than something trying to kill you and sit on your throne.
They had a civil war which they never fully recovered from.
Another user, but I will now buy your game!
But it's free!
I just started playing it.
She deserves better.
>tfw remembering all the fear mongering about KanColle nurturing extreme nationalists because it features the Axis Powers and that's a big no-no these days
Kancolle girl designs > Azur Lane girl designs
How Touhou got popular in the first place is still one of the biggest mysteries of life. On the comiket right after EoSD it already had 7 circles.
Might not seem like a lot, but the fact that Touhou is doujin itself is something. Imagine making a game for fun and selling it on a convention, and then the next year there's 7 groups selling fanmade stuff.
I still think the music is the greatest factor. The very first time I saw the EoSD menu and heard the menu theme, I already knew I never played something like it before
Why did Kancolle die?
I pray for you, what a fucking waste of time this game was. I would recommend you to run away and play something that at least has something that resembles gameplay. But, I know you won't, because you hate yourself as much as I do.
>the franchise only produces porn since its inception
Creatively bankrupt.
Gamby a cute
I wish there was more abyssal figures, i almost bought the huge airfield one instead of my ro-500 but i decided to go cheaper since i didn't want it to get potentially damaged or fucking with the customs here.
Just because you don't understand the gameplay doesn't mean it isn't there in spades. KanColle's combat systems are stupidly complex. It's actually sad you played it for any amount of time and still think the cutscene battles are the gameplay.
Isn't gotland a starter ship now too? i would have picked her since she's rare unless you can LSC her now or something
Colorado is a good girl.
There were already 2hu games before that for the PC-9801 which already had some fans because they were pretty decent games for doujin standards.
Are you pretending to ignore non-H doujins?
They exist?
She's pretty lame compared to Saratoga. The American boats were great but then got pretty bland with the newer ones.
>playing around in menus and reading excel spreadsheets is gameplay
Jesus christ, might as well get a soul crushing cubicle job.
You mean those potatoes? Are you blind or retard?
Looks like she belongs in Astral Chain
KC isn't stupidly complex, it's stupidly volatile more than anything. It has way too many shit that just gets in the way of actually sound strategies for the sake of keeping it grindy and repetitive. If you want actual strategic depth and complexity you could do way, wayyy fucking better than this game.
I like both of them
Not him, and I haven't tried Azur Lane, but I dislike the seemingly random default designs. In KanColle, girls of the same group general share a theme. Then there is the general naval theme.
I started with Murakumo too some months ago.
That's cool.
this desu
That's just a meme surrounding Gotland. Murakumo is one of the best starter choices since she has a kai 2.
KC gets 2 times as many non-h doujins as h.
She's a naval soldier, not a futuristic cop.
>Then there is the general naval theme.
Azur Lane has a general navel theme
I feel like she would probably get way too serious and might accidentally throw her head back and nail you in the face,
Her neck looks like the front of a ship, so she looks like a futuristic cop slut with ship elements.
my ship daughter jojo is cute
I like characters in both games. Choosing one or the other based on misguided loyalty to one corporation over another is silly.
Also, they both have bad designs. We could go on all day about total blunders the respective devs have made, but there'd be no point because it's more fun to talk about the good ones.
>KC gets 2 times as many non-h doujins as h.
It really does
And I like those more in most cases.
Worth it as long as I can hug her.
As expected of coomers.
Kancolle isn't even a real game, its an RNG sim with literally nothing to do except raising ships so you get more ships to raise. No story, even during "events".
>Dude what if we made a "game" where all you do is grind a single node on a single map all day, just so you can get fucked by bad RNG during an event and have to start the stage all over?
I wish there was a compilation of all the most annoying voice lines to use as a alert tone. Nothing gets you out of bed faster than anime girls yelling at you.
Why is she so smol?
>tfw few people know of Kumano's kino career
Her hull is short
Why aren't you smol?
It'd be nice and such.
Deep sea housewife.
>this management game has no gameplay because all you do is manage things
And the story of each event is the battle it's re-enacting. Part of figuring out the best strategies is applying the history of the battle.
That's my favorite part. You get to read books or flex your Pacific War knowledge to other nerds.
A lot of times you also have shit that makes no historical sense though
Or just follow what everyone on twitter is doing
I have a temptation to get this but I have the wrong bodytype for such a thing.
What about smol but actually hueg?
These two
How do we feel about abyssals with shota admiral?
It never hurts to have some cool cosplay outfits even if it's only for room display.
But that's boring and not based.
Problem with Kancolle is that derivative works cannot be created/marketed as easily as for Touhou, that's mainly what's affecting its longevity. If you don't play the game anymore there's little to nothing else being released outside the porn as doujin kancolle music is nowhere as popular as touhou.
While for touhou, even if you don't play the main games, content still comes to you through other games like maimai/chunithm/ongeki, some spinoff got console release lately, some doujins games are actually enjoyable even if you don't like bullet hell etc. Kancolle is one of these game that once you drop it, it's annoying to return to. While for touhou each new iteration also brings some of its audience back.
Fitting for the game.
The one thing KC has over AL is that the Sirens are pretty bland in general, though Empress looks fine.
Good as long as it is not lewd.
I wish Midway Princess was my mommy.
No don't mess with the ladle.
I am sorry, user.
The claws are the issue, but also the best point.
You're giving it to me or the other anons that don't understand stuff about that? since i already know about that
The problem is that Kancolle came out in a time where gacha games were still fresh, so its "gameplay" could be forgiven. There is no excuse to not have story elements or actual shit to do between events at this point. There is no excuse for a game where regardless of what strategy you come up with, it can all be for absolutely nothing because every battle is just a roll of the die with no input from the player. Its even more soulless than generic auto-battler gachas, because at least in those you can set things up to cheese content. In Kancolle, no matter how much you think things through, or level up your ships, or equip them, they can get fucked by a single random crit that forces you to restart the whole stage, so you can get fucked again until the game decides not to.
For me, it's Isolated Oni.
Why the fuck not make an NA/EN verision
Nice. I do partake of the doujins of Azur Lane.
Lucky kid, but those doujin are always fun so the more the better.
The game is creating terrorists.
Prettiest BB
Good choice.
I saved all the Tenryuu images in this thread without permission.
kek i remember this, there was also some guy from denmark who did a synopsis about kancolle last year or the two
>I told her to get lost!
Badass Hoppo.
Sexual harassment at the workplace.
Claws would probably be a compromise so that I can still use my hands for holding people.
Midway is the most precious princess of the deep sea! And she's also my mommy.
user no
Post more.
How's richelieu ass feels like?
god bless u
Why does Yea Forums disproportionately like Abyssals more than shipgirls? Every single thread gets taken over by you niggers. Everyone else wishes to rape them to death.
Very cute.
Well, that's her husband.
Corruption is hot.
I have already posted plenty of shipgirls so now it's a good time to switch to abyssals.
The Yea Forumsidya always roots for the underdog. and they are cute and cool.
Please calm down.
The only place that gets uppity about abyssals is /jp/, you have a lot of abyssals lovers here, in Yea Forums, in Japanese sites etc. Also most of the thread is shipgirls.
KanColle needs more combat maids.
(They should be cute, too. VERY important.)
Abyssal love is a proud Yea Forums Kantai thread tradition.
See also the Abyssal thread on /c/.
Because the Abyssals are innocent. Although if it weren't for the shipgirls they would eat too many sweets.
I see plenty of both.
Seaport is such a fattie.
i live for big abyssal tiddies
I live for soft abyssal bellies.
I want iowa to hug me really tight to the point where i will faint on her
Seriously, why are touhoufags strangely attracted to this one image a child drew? It's so fucking weird there's a bunch of cuter ones but they love posting this one.
>blocks shipping and trading routes in The Philippines
Why is Summer Hime so radically different from the other Seaports?
>The Philippines
God bless them, they're totally innocent.
to rub and blow raspberries on?
YES! And also praise!
You mean creepy sea monster.
Is the it the plane or the fairy going into her bellybutton?
There’s a powerful gap moe between their monstrous bad guy designs and the mundane everyday stuff they’re usually depicted doing
>AL dying
lmao keep telling yourself that. this game will be alive and well for another 3 years, bitch.
Why would you save images of that dumb chuuni?
while you do that, i'll praise the abyssal tiddy
Is Tenryuu ripped or just fat?
Imagine being able to smother smaller shipgirls haha
touhou is a fun videogame
kancolle is a gambling non-game that westerners pretend to care about because it's popular in japan
Bad anatomy
It already peaked in Japan, and has been dropping in relevancy like most gacha games that aren't FGO.
You can say the KC only survives off a hardcore fanbase, but that fanbase is something that AL will never have.
post some Wo-Kyu: the cutest shipgirl.
Wokyuu is my only figure right now.
Weirdos like this kind of thing, right?
Are there any good KC fanartists left? Most of my favourite ones have left to draw FGO or AL instead.
Maybe post some facts next time instead of your reused shitpost
Submarines > Warships
boat boobs and butt
I want to face dive into that ass
The advantage of KanColle is also not being a gacha. AL has to compete with every mobage, meanwhile KanColle is free from threat because no gacha can compete with a true F2W business model.
Do you guys collect Kancolle merchandise?
My beloved creepy sea monster.
That's one way of putting it.
He's right actually
Not fuck dolls that's for sure
begoen faggot
Which one do you have?
DDs are the best.
Stop pining after the creepy, pale affronts to nature.
The power of seaport...
Then explain where's the gambling aspect in KC if you're that knowledgeable about the game
Very nice.
DDs are too small to be best.
The game's a skinnerbox that has dull gameplay but keeps the retard players addicted by promising drops rather than actually engaging gameplay. Dice roll over and over again until you get your drop like an idiot.
The plane
I will love this creepy cutie no matter what.
I don't see how that's a problem.
This one.
A terrifying power to have.
Any element of RNG is now gambling? I guess Touhou has gambling too. And the vast majority of players do not grind at all for drops. They clear the event for the guaranteed rewards and that's it. Grinding drops is something you do to catch up for the years you missed.
My first Kai Ni. Asashio is a total qt.
Hyuuga is cute too!
lmao okay
>dull gameplay
you realize that KC is literally EVE online of browser games right? it's nothing more then a glorified management simulator
>addiction by promising drops
Because drop rates isn't table isn't a documented thing right? also you don't need everything ingame to be "good"
>rng mechanics
spreadsheet sim also dice and? it doesn't hurt anything
Please dust off your wife.
I like Wo's hat.
Wouldn't say Waifu but jeez I didn't realize the dust until now. I dusted a few days ago but I changed my filter too so I guess I have to do it again.
>Any element of RNG is now gambling?
Nope. People aren't playing this because you like the gameplay or the strategy but because there's a drop they can get after that. RNG by itself can be accompanied by gameplay that's actually engaging without having to rely on the drops since it's gameplay is too weak to be actually engaging on it's own.
> And the vast majority of players do not grind at all for drops
Pfffft, utter bullshit, people grind and try the same shit over and over again to get drops and rewards all the time in this game since not everything is rewarded to the player by just clearing the event.
>ou realize that KC is literally EVE online of browser games right?
You mean a shittier, crippled version of an actually good game? Yeah sure, I guess bubsy is also the poor man's SM64 if you act like a retard.
She's amazing even without the hat.
She's the enemy. The enemy must be destroyed.
Pretty cool choice.
>"People can't enjoy things that i don't"
I would become a worse enemy than her if that gives her a chance at salvation...
How the fuck is KanColle still so popular? Shouldn't it have been taken over by Azur Lane now?
Same, she's the only design that wouldn't look like complete shit in any other game.
I don't enjoy realistic racing games and you don't see me criticizing them, I'm just setting the record straight regarding this pile of shit of a game.
Fucked up how kancolle let azur lane swoop in and steal the crown and did nothing about it baka
The head and cape have tiny groves modeled in to give them a texture.
I missed you Angry Reimu Poster. You make these threads official.
>Chink clone.
Warship girls is more of a KC clone.
Kadokawa slept on KC, they didn't wanna take risks.
Because I hate how Tenryuu is wasted on it.
She truly is wonderful.
AL has some good porn but it's also the definition of soulless
>However, Shigetaka Kurita, director of Kadokawa Dwango corporation, criticized Azur Lane for lacking the sense of "tragedy and heroism" in Kantai Collection. Kurita described the game as "merely an idol action game with a fleet motif". He found the greatest appeal of Kantai Collection to be the "sorrow of the Imperial Japanese Navy" saying that one might cry while playing Kantai Collection but not Azur Lane.
Why do you always copy paste this garbage in every thread?
Then why you're even here? did your little party at /alg/ was disturbed by people actually having a KC thread on a non trash board?
I think it's the difference between marketing in the west vs not, and it makes me really sad because I liked all the history in KanColle.
That’s exactly what it is. I played when it first came out but abandoned it sometime in late 2015 in favor of mobile games. Azur lane outside of it being global is also more accessible because it’s a mobile app so there’s that.
To incite people to shitpost in the AL general thread, same as any other reason people do this for opposing/other games.
I think I stopped around 2015-2016 too. it took me a bit to get into Azur Lane but I'm so glad I did, I do not miss the RNG at all lmao.
Cutest voice
Getting a ship you really loved and having her die was always fucked up. Audibly screamed when Amatsukaze died with that death audio, I will never forgive myself.
You mean damnation, because that's the only thing Abyssals have coming to them.
So many fluffy Tenryuus
I never got her, the only ship I sunk was Hibiki because I didn't even realize that could happen and she was the reason I started playing, I hated myself for like 2 hours. I also do not miss the map branching mechanics, that's the biggest reason I hated grinding events
I like the girls, just putting anyone who thinks the gameplay is actually good on his place.
OP asked a question and I answered it
if you don't like the answer it's not my problem
Please stop, she deserves love too.
Wo-Class is definitely a favorite of mine, but I idolize Seaport Hime. Too bad her figure is $340 and I still have to finish furnishing my apartment.
I enjoy the gameplay. I find it very satisfying building up my fleet, planning out a spreadsheet for each event, and clearing them on the hardest difficulty. If those elements contribute to my and many others enjoyment of the game, they are in fact good.
Post more rare hoppos.
>Ctrl+F kiso
>0 results
Meanwhile in AL, they are actually almost done with the kraut surface fleet. About a dozen more to go in 1-2 events. Then we have the Pastas that already outnumber the KC fleet on debut. There's literally no reason to play KC unless you are a hardcore IJN fag.
Good taste.
That's quite expensive also.
>chinks show up near the end of the thread
Every day I am amazed that Kadokawa managed to fuck things up with both Kancolle and Kemono Friends, two series that should be literally printing money, like how the fuck did these dudes manage to drop the ball so damn bad?
Based Tenryuu user
A lot of people say this over garbage games. Hell a lot of players complain about this game's gameplay and see it as a chore yet still play it because they're addicted to the skinnerbox loop.
I don't play chink shit with discord tranny TL, sorry Cheng.
And yet no one cares
This is my bae.
Did halloween ever catch on with the nips?
She's cute.
I love the Titanfall wall-runner one with RJ.
None of those abominable undead boats do.
These are always nice.
we've done this many times
It's a day dedicated to cosplay, of course it caught on for the last 30 years.
I enjoy doing this.
If there's one good thing about present-day Yea Forums it's that there's now room for 50 more botes per thread
Stop bullying, leave her alone. I would do anything to give her some love...
For me, it's battleship.
Tenryuu is for rape
Is it wrong to like both?
Cute boy.
What is she thinking about there?
That's so shameless...
There's nothing wrong with bullying the enemy. In fact, they should be bullied.
Also mommy material
Have a good day everyone.
BB is very stylish.
If you make another thread after this, I'll help post some Prinz.
See you user.
No, make love, not war.
I still love most designs in KC over AL, but the game was ass to play when you could even get in late at night with a script on your browser
AL also focusing on the world vs KC focusing on japan for years killed it
imagine having a tenryuu gf haha
>tfw your favorite franchise gets ntr'd by a bunch of horny china boats
Sinking once again
It's amazing how Azur Lane has a console game already but Kancolle just played it safe with the web version and arcade game (admittedly very fun but it's a guilt/money trip when they sink)
I don't think so. But KC Kaga will always be one of my favorites.
And there it is. Until next time
And that console game flopped
33k for a CH game isn't a failure.
>the second he comes back from his ban he starts to spam
Get back to being banned aceman it's the only place pathetic people like you belong.
And so it all ends.
Goodnight everyone.
Big sister Seaport loves you.
This thread was too fun. I'll make another.
>All these desperate chink shills trying to get (you)s
Until then
Imagine having a Tenryuu wife. Wouldn't that be weird.
Not the place for it, take to any other board for your circlejerk.
I don't know..it could be fun.
Please don't. These need time in between otherwise they'll just get spam reports and deleted.
get banned virgin
works for DOA gacha threads
You wish I were.