What are the chances of Nintendo and Sony agreeing to a deal which allows Nintendo to include one Sony IP into Smash...

What are the chances of Nintendo and Sony agreeing to a deal which allows Nintendo to include one Sony IP into Smash bros?

No shitposting please, i enjoy games from both companies and i’d love someone like Kratos, Ratchet & Clank, Wander or The Hunter in Smash.

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zero to nothing

sony is so proud to put one of their IPs on a childish party game

Who gives a fuck about console babies pestering.

Fuck off snoy.

Better call me a Nintendie or a Nincel since i own more Nintendo games than Sony ones.

Does Sony own Sackboy? Spike?
Either of them have very little of a chance but MAYBE. The 4 you listed have absolutely 0% chance to happen.

Hypothetically speaking why does Kratos have 0 chance? If Sony ever gets a rep he’s definitely one of the top candidates.

who gives a fuck? i swear, nu-nintendofags care more about nintendo making deals for party game characters than making actual new games.

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Yeah I'd love this, SotC is one of my favourite games and I wish it was owned by Nintendo to be honest, since I feel we would have seen more games like it during all these years instead of getting TLG that was more like Ico than SotC.

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Not every game needs a sequel user, it’s ok for good games to exist and not get milked to death.

It’s why i don’t want a new Mother game.

Slim which is the same chance Banjo and Sans had of getting in smash.

Jak and daxter are in

>He thinks Nintendo is about brave creative projects and not just spamming a bunch of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon and 2D platformers

That's a big yikes

No thanks.

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>He thinks Nintendo is NOT about brave creative projects
Come on, they made 2 or 3 new IPs just in 4 years, like Splatoon, ARMS and Dragalia Lost.
They are innovative, you can't deny that, sure they started playing it way too safe during the WiiU era, and we all saw what happened.

>he doesn't know about the Play Station prototype debacle

Dragilia Lost? The fuck?

Why do you want the people who make Arms and Splatoon to own fucking SOTC? That’d be a tragedy.

Zero due to 2 main reasons
>Switch XB1 Cross play video that ended up firing shots at Sony youtu.be/0l8nJ_liqrw
>rumors of PSASBR2
take that last one with a grain of salt

sony doesn't have any memorable character, they have no one who could stand with the industry icons in smash

imagine the jewish lesbian from tlou getting a character reveal trailer
>elie oy veys into battle!

OP said no shitposting.

Why do they insist on pushing Aloy as if anybody gives the slightest fuck about her?

when hell freezes over

The game sold over 10 million copies and reviewed very well.

Do you honestly believe the real world is like Yea Forums? You’re not that retarded right?

Characters that I want in Smash:
>Master Chief
>Lara Croft

Characters I don't give a single fuck:
>Dude Raider
>The lesbian from Last of Us

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because they are the same people who made Zelda or Metroid.

it's not shitposting snoyboy it's the truth

>sony doesn't have any memorable character
youre only thinking that way because youre a sony hating shitposter.

>and reviewed very well

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I’d rather SOTC stayed a classic instead of being milked to death by the people who almost exclusively make games with cartoon characters, thanks.

Not that there’s anything wrong with cartoon characters but... yeah, SOTC isn’t anything like that.


y'know what? I liked the old HAWP episodes. I still quote their Gears of War episode from time to time.

>Japanese character from JAPAN Studio
>History includes first game from that studio and first game with required use of the DS analog controller, which later became a standard for PlayStation controllers
>Sakurai is probably a shotafag
>Possible moveset potential including pipo monkeys
>That fucking music
>Ape Escape was once a major Sony IP
>20th anniversary
Spike bros...

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>milked to death
sotc got released in three consecutive generations of playstation you stupid fucking tranny

You're more likely to see both Steve AND Master Chief than one Sony owned character.


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That's not possible because Sony would need characters which implies they have games

Wait you are a Nintendo fan saying remasters and ports are milking? You sure you want to do that on the Switch era?

very low. Sony is protective of their IPs like nintendo, though not to the same extent. Kratos would be cool

god I miss old sony
I also miss when nintendo tried new shit and had successful secondary franchises like star fox and f zero

ITT: Seething nintenkidz.

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We already have the only good "Sony characters", Cloud and Joker

*also on PC

Sony IP's are not worthy enough to be in Smash

Neither one of those is a good character nor are they from good games. Give me Sly Cooper and Kat instead.

Damn this board is garbage even when the OP asks for no shitposting we still ended up with retards posting wojaks.

Give me a list of characters ACTUALLY OWNED by Sony and I'll tell you. That list is fucking minuscule at best. Joker doesn't count, and neither does Cloud and Snake. Crash and Spyro are also no longer owned by Sony, so even if they were added, they wouldn't be seen as actual representations. Sora could have potentially counted, but KH3 isn't exclusive to PS4.

Absolute zero. Sony does't play well with others.

>kat's game

Sly Cooper
Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank
Cole McGrath
Nathan Drake
The Hunter

better than a DVD menu for sure

the game sold millions of copies because it's routinely priced like a small scale indie game and marketed 10000 times more aggressively than a small scale indie game

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>I also miss when nintendo tried new shit
buy moon
yeah, not nintendo, but nintendo used to make games like that
they need to get the message that people still need games like moon

There is a bigger chance that Crash, Spyro, Sly Cooper, Kat and Ratchet & CLank to get into Smash than getting in a hypothetical PSABR2 judging by Sony's new business models.

Even if this person didn't review the game it would still have been reviewed well.

Horizon Zero Dawn is a niche game.

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Ok, whatever helps you cope.

Bloodborne 2 isn't even real

Okay, if PSBR2 happens and they have Lara like the rumor said, it will probably be new Lara since they want to make it feminist friendly, if thats the case then original Lara can be in Smash.

the level of cope Yea Forums has against sony is insane

After this I think we are getting one (1) Sony owned IP, preferably Kat from Gravity Rush.

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If you look closely, almost every single shitpost in this thread was made by a Nintendo fan.

Is Astral Chain not good enough for you? because it tries some new shit.

gravity rush faggots are incredibly deluded. A sony rep would either be kratos or drake, maybe aloy


Nothing is ever good enough, Ninty needs to make 20 new IPs per year at minimum.

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Man being a Nintendo and Sony fan here is true suffering.

Literally zero. Microsoft is based and already allows cross platform play with Switch. Sony won't even let people play Minecraft cross platform, let alone Rocket League. Besides, they have no characters worth putting in except Parappa and normies don't even know who Parappa is.

It’s a shame Sony seems so reluctant to play ball— you throw Sly, Jak and Daxter, or Ratchet & Clank into Smash (I’ll even take Drake), plus some of these others like Sir Daniel Fortesque, Raven, Sackboy, Parappa, Dart, and Spike.

pro-tip: every game goes on sale that low except for cheap ass nintendo

Let him in. He's the only one that deserves it.

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then the number of copies sold doesn't mean much, does it?

I don't see why popularity doesn't matter

That's fine, just don't expect me to think 8-figure sales figures for non-nintendo games are particularly impressive then.

there are less than 50 games to hit over 10 million sales, so yes the figure is still impressive

Sony missed a HUGE opportunity when it came to PS Allstars, they had many third party guest characters before Smash made a huge effort to include as many of them them, yet because of their incomepetnce they failed and the game and concept got abandoned, while Smash nowadays is more about bringing gaming worlds together than ever, Allstars is now completely redundant and unneeded in every single way, like how Horizon Zero Dawn became completely useless and have nothing to add when Monster Hunter World came out.

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Why are you saying that like there are a lot of us? I rarely see any kat supporters besides me, your reply only really applies to reimufags or stevefags

>HZD anything like MHW
tendies need to stop talking about games they don't play

GR cucks act like GR2 is a major ps4 exclusive

I played both HZD and MHW, HZD was fun for a while while and I completed the games main story and couldnt bother with any of the side stuff because they were so utter shit while I sank 120 hours in MHW before Iceborne, you are just a filthy snoy who get mad at idorts for going against your narrative.


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zoomer shit that copied mario sunshine's gimmicks
>Dragalia Lost
mobile gacha shit

ARMS sold as much as Bloodborne, its barely a flop

that was classic nintendo. nu-nintendo ruined zelda and lied about metroid prime 4.

Down Special, weapon select wheel

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Neutral special: Fire weapon

Each weapon has advantages and disadvantages and they will run out of ammo quickly to avoid camping

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>Nintendo copied... Nintendo
Are you high or just incredibly stupid?
>Arms flop
Into a huge pile of money shit sold over 2 million units
>Dragalia lost gacha shit

yeah, what kind of company would do something like that?

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Side special: Charge boots
Forward charge that has a chance of super armor. Has a cool down period

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Twilight Princess was a cross gen title for Gamecube/Wii, so it only got rereleased once.

Up Special: Thruster-pak
Sends Ratchet upward, might damage foes near by.

Final Smash: RYNO V

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the gamecube version was done and ready by 2005. they just delayed it to not hurt the wii port's sales.
the wii version was a cash grab to begin with anyway because the wii had backwards compatibility.


But it still didn't release 3 times like your previous post suggested

but it did. the wii version came out first, the gamecube version came out a month later (even greedier on nintendo's part), then the wii u version came out years later.

So all multiplats are now re-releases?

This means literally nothing though.

I think it would be pretty cool, if these companies did more cross-overs.
It only creates jolly vibes for everyone!

They can just give a neutral party, like Capcom, to get all 3 (Micro/Son/Nin) in one game.. and it would be a fucking blast!

This user knows his stuff!

Ohhh, that would be great, but I think it already has too many Sword characters?

I would nominate Sackboy/Sackgirl. They fit the aesthetics "more", plus he/she has the jolly vibes that jell with Nintendo characters.

user, not a single console brand cares about making new games anymore.
Somehow it became ok to have consoles without games

This but unironically.

that would be fucking hype. but i doubt snoy wouldn't allow it because they are retarded cunts

based and gallowmerepilled

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>the wii version was a cash grab
Oh yeah I'm sure not wanting to release their huge new Zelda game that had been in development for years on the fucking Gamecube with its 22m install base in fucking 2005 when it was all but completely dead constituted a "cash grab"

No, they wanted their game to not fucking flop. The GC was done in 2005, it had long since passed the point at which it could have recovered. What did you expect them to do? Release it just on the GC, have it sell 500k copies, shrug and say "Okay, better get to work on the next one!"

It released three weeks later on the GC, that's not a fucking re-release you stupid muppet. It got rereleased on the Wii U 10 years later and the original version was released on the Shield TV exclusively in China in 2017.

Zero:the origin of playstation is because of bad blood between nitnendo and sony. And japs are good at holding grudges

>Smash featuring anybody but THE premiere Playstation platformer
R&C is one of the longest running Playstation series that is also a platformer
they are iconic to Playstation and feature a unique design that would blend wel into Smash, plus they dont carry realistic firearms

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No chances because; 1) None of Sony's gaming IPs were even released on a Nintendo system (Unless Soccerguy goes ahead and adds master chief in Ultimate which breaks his rule of characters can only get into smash if one game in there series is released on a nintendo system completely) and 2) Sony is still see both Microsoft & Nintendo as competitors and Sony wants to stay on top as much as possible.
>>rumors of PSASBR2
>Implying Sony will ever make a sequel to PSASBR

>What are the chances of Nintendo and Sony agreeing to a deal which allows Nintendo to include one Sony IP into Smash bros?
We're already way past that point, m8.

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>None of Sony's gaming IPs were even released on a Nintendo system
He’s in.

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>implying Nintendo doesn't just do whatever the fuck they want

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>It's real
Well, I guess Wipeout is the only Sony series that can make it into Smash Bros.

>Well, I guess Wipeout is the only Sony series that can make it into Smash Bros.

He means owned by Sony, dipshit.

I would imagine Persona counts very much as a "Sony series".

Why not enjoy both?

I have 600 hours in Smash Ultimate. I'd enjoy the rosterfaggotry if it wasn't so repetitive.

*Ports game to PC*
Heh, nothing personal, Sony.

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No interesting

Persona is not owned in any capacity at all by Sony. So no, it is not a Sony series.

Why is there so much obsession over a sequel to PSASBR when the original was a gigantic flop on the PS3?

sony and atlus seem to view it as one.

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the only people who even still think about that game or remember it existed are smashfags - who are still furious that sony had the audacity to try to compete with their stinky game. just imagine how mad they would have been if psabr was actually good.

*flops in japan*
*never gets released anywhere else*
*future games don't get ported to pc*

Then why is Joker in Nintendo games?

Although not a sony IP, I'm still waiting for a Hunter from Monster Hunter in the game, the franchise did start on playstation, but had a big enough presence on nintendo consoles, what are the chances of this actually happening?

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>Smashfags live in PSABabbies heads rent free
Sounds like it's only wanted because the original game is so bad it's like an embarrassment and they must beat Nintendo in anyway possible (Unlikely)