>45% of Switch userbase is female
>40% of PC gaming userbase is female
>25% of Xbox userbase is female
>20% of Playstation userbase is female
Thoughts on this? Why is it so heavily skewed across different platforms?
45% of Switch userbase is female
where the fuck is overwatch? guarantee there's more women on there than fucking cod
The more casual the game, the more females present in its community. Who would've guessed.
are they counting trannies as women?
Pretty ironic that the only company that isn't tripping over itself to cater to feminists is the one with higher percentage of female gamers.
Women don’t play FIFA
Of course.
Extremely doubtful unless they counted fags that larp as women and trannies.
Notice they put "Feminine" in quotation marks.
>Tales from my ass
I used to be a rare pc girl but now I only have xbone after I got robbed :(
>40% of PC gaming userbase is female
>(X) to doubt
How the fuck is this measured
The switch has sold 40m but it says 1m is 45%?
>Nu Male's Sky
>98% male
Are numales allowed to call themselves male?
They did that because it doesn't mean the games are necessarily feminine or masculine, just that they have an abnormally high proportion of a certain gender.
It's measured through facebook data and activity from millions of accounts.
>It's measured through facebook data
Mom buy switch and PC
Teenages buy PS or Xbob One
This isn't based on sales data though.
Get with the times, grandpa
>indie games
>use a metroidvania that almost definitely doesn't attract any women
>Thoughts on this? Why is it so heavily skewed across different platforms?
Women are crazy about the childish shit. Just look how obsessed they are with Disney cartoons even in adult age.
>Spend your entire marketing budget to say how much you love women and feminism
>Girls don't like your system because that's creepy and weird and literally just stuff incels say to try to get in girls pants
Oh Sony, you'll learn someday.
fuck yea space #1
I have always said that Nintendo is for women and children. PlayStation is for men.
Women fucking love Pokemon and Animal Crossing.
>no Nintendo games
women love metroidvanias, indies, action games like DMC, RTS games, etc. there is a lot more women in these genres than you would expect.
The only genre women don't really play are military shooters, sports games, MOBAs, and physics/simulation games
Switch is extremely accessible to gaymur girls because the games are casual as fuck so that makes sense, pretty much everyone has a PC plus this study includes the sims and I assume this "study" includes shit like Facebook games so that makes sense, Xbox has always been for dudebros first and foremost so the 75/25 split makes sense, and PS4 is for exclusives you can't get on PC and anime games, so the 80/20 split makes sense.
Castlevania (especially Metroidvania ones) has female following, and Metroid has it's own actually quite vocal fangirls as well.
>It's measured through facebook data
Well that's fucking retarded
>oh heck yeah, I love videogames! I love Portal, Metroid, Hollow Knight. Great games!
How many of those are trans do you think?
Nintendo makes casualised games so of course females flock to it
I knew pc and nintendo were for casual niggers, or in this case worthless roasties
>no man's sky
>it's actually every man's sky
>in fact, it's only man's sky
Other games with plot twists like this?
How was this determined?
Because they can play Mercy and Moira
Coming from someone who shitposted about it endlessly, it's actually not a bad game anymore. Took 3 years of major content updates to get to that point, however.
Was any research needed to know that?
I play this game everyday and I barely see girls, fake and gay
Shit, it was meant for op
>rts 40%
What? This is one of the least favorite genres for women. What are they counting as rts for the number to be inflated so much? Pre-installed mobile shit and MOBAs?
MOBAs are not really played by women. Even the most popular one with women (League) is 22% which is substantially lower than RTS, so it's not that.
Did they bother extrapolating the percentages of people of either gender who actually use social media? Otherwise the data is skewed and only represents the genders of people who both game and use social media. Even then, you'd also have to further extrapolate it to account for people who don't have Internet, even though in all fairness that is a small amount. Regardless, both of these extrapolations skews all of the data in favor of men. Keep that in mind
On an unrelated note, I found this funny picture that details the most common words used by AI to differentiate posts made by men vs posts made by women on Facebook in the UK in 2013
However this was determined it's the biggest pile of bullshit to ever grace mankind
A lot of women fucking hate feminist
Telling them to cover up meanwhile they’re running around topless in the street
No one hates feminist more than other woman
why do men have such terrible taste in video games
>In the UK
Don't know how I added that, but it's for all Anglophones worldwide
>study of Facebook groups is not 100% indicative of reality
Woooooow no way! That is shocking!
Clearly it is off from real numbers, because some of these have actually released demographic info and it contradicts. For example, League is
Animal crossing does none of that Incel shit and every girl and her 5 girlfriends are gonna buy it day 1.
Just make shit cute, the island beautiful, play cute sounds whenever they do anything and boom
Enjoy your 15 million sales
So what could be? Some facebook casual games counted as rts? Shooters, strategy games and sports games are holy Trinity of femoid repellent.
Anyone else kinda feel like women are the better sex? They don't waste their time with videogames (and when they do, they have much better taste in games), they are less violent, they live longer, they are healthier, they are more calm and rational, they have 3x less fatal car accidents per mile driven because they do less risky practices, they are much less likely than men to leave their partner if their partner gets cancer, they are a lot less shallow than men and want emotional support and see sex as an extension of emotions rather than just for the hedonistic physical pleasure, women are higher IQ, women are more prevalent in every top paying, influential field despite being less socially advantaged, women are more conscientious about environmental issues and animal abuse, etc.
Seriously what the fuck do us men even have going for us? Even the strongest men bend the knee for women. We had so many advantages for so many centuries and still the women btfo us so quickly
>Implying females are real.
Have you ever seen a female in your life, user?
That's what I thought...
Nintendo knows that female gamers literally want only one thing and it's an interactive doll house to decorate and play with. It honestly baffles me how Sony isn't pandering to that crowd at all and Microsoft isn't pushing Rare to churn out more Viva Pinata. That's what gamer girls want. Cutesy and laid back experiences. They could not care less about feminist action heroines doing violent things to fight the patriarchy.
You do realize online games are anonymous right
What? Are they counting trannies too or what?
>nintendo has biggest pussy pool
PC has hidden objects games.
Which are literally made for women as in i work for a company that makes them and it is our main almost 90% demographic.
Baseball is all man baby
Men are the niggers of gender.
These numbers make no fucking sense