Anyone else notice how it's always the biggest fucking hacks in vidya that are the most popular devs...

anyone else notice how it's always the biggest fucking hacks in vidya that are the most popular devs? literally everyone in this pic is a hack

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>kojima is a hack


dont know who half the other ones are

Sakurai isn't a hack. He just adds stupid single-player shit nobody cares about, and doesn't understand the concept of decent online.
Kamira isn't a hack, either, but he does put too much gimmick shit in his games. They're good games despite that, though. You're right about everyone else.

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the unpopular devs are bigger hacks

Remove Kamiya and Sakurai from the list and i'l agree.

How is Toby Fox a hack

Sakurai is pretty cool.
Others are hacks indeed.

Why do you consider them to be hacks?

>makes some okayish deviant art homestuck le quirky rpg maker game
>gets praised as a visionary that made a masterpiece

yeah but Kamiya is based so he gets a pass. Everyone else in that picture is a faggot though.

Why does Toby Fox look different in every picture? In the OP he looks like a Central American immigrant, but in this pic he looks like an American teenager.

Attached: Toby_Fox.png (378x320, 306K)

To be fair, it was Game Maker. Which is significantly more featured than RPG Maker.

Wait, which one is Toby? The top left one? DAMN that nigga ugly

Kamiya is a faggot.

t. Insect

He's also a hack

Did you just use "American" synonymous with "white"?


So the only criticism you can give him is he made a game you don't like, therefore hack

Nice cope.

Well, Central Americans ARE white. At least in the sense that "white" means European.

Lurk more you fucking idiot

Sounds like you're coping.

He really isn't, honestly. It's not his fault that everyone including Yea Forums loved Undertale and Deltarune so much. Him being overrated doesn't make him a hack, those games are great regardless.

Kamiya has the most variety out of all of them, he cant be a hack. Toby also made one game, and his next one is the inverse.

Sounds like you need to have sex.

>Phil Fish
A hack. Talks like he made all of Fez but didn’t. Fucked off from the industry at the slightest criticism.
>Cliff Blezinsky
A definite hack. Like Phil Fish, Except he originally worked hard for his success. How the mighty fall.
>Toby Fox
Not a hack. His success was 100% hard earned, and even unexpected.
A hack. Had dreams of making wonderful new games and has now just consigned himself to the Smash Bros profit mines. Good riddance, but I will miss his name as director on Kirby.
We’ll know if he’s truly a hack or not come November. Data inconclusive.

Forgot to mention Kamiya. Kamiya used to be a trailblazer with clover studios, but he has since become a hack, being upstaged from within his own studio by based Yoko Taro

I don't see Miyamoto in that picture user

Ive had more than my fair share of puss desu. Maybe you should have some sex.

>Maybe you should have some sex.
No way fag.

Every jap, and toby here is great. None are as legendary as kojimbo and sakurai. Also you're really comparing them to a one and done indie dev? Kill yourself.

>Yoko Taro.
>Literally only makes games with shit gameplay.
He's literally the opposite ofnanhack since there's no allusions to his skill as a game maker. I don't even like Kamiya.

cliffy: hack
sakurai: hack
kamiya: hack
undertaleguy: half hack
thisotherfagontopright: don´t know him but he looks like a hack
but kojimbo? why do you think he´s a hack?
there are far more qualified liars then him. like molyneux, pitchford, howard or tabata.

Toby is a faggot

>everyone but kojimbles is a hack

But he said faggot in his Earthbound hack!!

>half hack
Full on fucking hack you toby cock sucker


You better not be talking shit about KING Molyneux! He'll come over to your house and kick your ass with FACTS and LOGIC and you'll be screaming and kicking while he lights a cig and sexes your gf!

Before I ever meet someone nowadays and they claim to be into gaming, I ask them if they think Undertale is a masterpiece. If they say yes I know that they’re tasteless morons with no opinions of their own and that I should avoid them. Thanks i guess, Toby

At least they have been/are successful at something. What about you?

I came in your mom

>successful game devs are hacks

I don't even know who half these people are but they're most likely millionaires

why don't you make a game if you're so good at it you fat ugly fuck

Accurate picture apart from Kojima because he's the only non-hack

I can feel the jealousy from here
how's that game coming along, buddy?

Turdeo Hackjima and Sakurai are the biggest pieces of overrated worthless shits in the history of video games.
Kamiya is actually good
Toby Fox isn't even a public figure, he mostly keeps to himself and doesn't whore himself out on Twitter like Hackdeo Turdjima for example.
Phil Fish is a one trick pony who hasn't been relevant for like 10 years, if he ever was.
Cuck Hasbeenski is a douchebag who is only now starting to grow up after having been an eternal 17 year old for the past 25 years. TL;DR only two true hacks in your picture.

>Turdeo Hackjima and Sakurai are the biggest pieces of overrated worthless shits
>Kamiya is actually good

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Sakurai is the only decent developer out of all of them.

SEETHING user is SEETHING because I called his hackshit idols worthelss human turd hacks.

The only true hacks there are Kamiya, Phil Fish and Cliffy.

Umad bro

Sakurai, Kojima, and Hideki all made good games before. So I'm not sure what makes them hacks.

Enjoy your 10 cinematic button mashing experiences™ that all play exactly the same

>tfw kamiya’s only good games are dmc and bayonetta

Why do people suck this chink’s nuts again

How the fuck is Kamiya a hack? The most "samey" game he's done is Bayonetta, because it's a spiritual successor to DMC. Everything else is unique.

Holy shit just end your life

Nice projection buddy

calls out hacks and lets out randy bitchford

Cliffy is not a hack. Kill yourself.

None of these guys are hacks. A hack isn't just "something you don't like" jackass, they've got to hack out work. We're talking yearly releases. A couple of those twits haven't even made more than one game.

itt, anons use “hack” to mean “person I don’t like.”

t. fraud hacks exposed

You only call them hacks because you know about them, you stupid fucking retard!

>implying I've made a damn thing in my life
Try again, retard. You can't be a fraud if you haven't made shit.

Yes? He is the most clear example

How can a person be a hack if they've made nothing but commercial successes without following any pre existing formulas for 30 years straight?

geeeeezz...... i wonder who (((hypes))) some shitty games and not others...

Replace everyone in that picture with an actual hack.

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Kamiya and Sakurai aren't hacks

They’re only hacks if you can fit the word hack into their name.


Using this foolproof method I have determined there are only 3 hacks in your image.


seeth more toby

He’s not even a fucking director anymore. He sits back and “supervises”
He’s washed up. A hack.

I ALMOST bought a sealed copy of Mighty No. 9 on Wii U just for the lulz, but even 9 dollars is too much to spend on that broken piece of shit

Kojima and sakurai are some of the best devs in the history of vidya, stay mad.

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oh god dammit

your mom's been nothing but a commercial success for 30 years straight

It absolutely baffles me how Austin went from a martial-artist gigachad to a white-guilt fatass while Toby went from some kid on the homestuck team to being a celebrated developer with one of his characters being represented in Smash Bros.
What timeline are we in again?
Has he even done anything since 2017?

>Phil Fish is popular
Get off my board, Phil.