What game scared you the most?

What game scared you the most?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ao Oni. Not so scary in retrospect but that freak gave me actual nightmares to the point where I damn near had gay sex with my cousin.

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The nightmare world in Silent Hill 1 and 3 made me incredibly paranoid as a teen.

LOL good thing i'm not easily startled or afraid of spiders.

I was playing 7 Days to Die, when I realized I was wasting my entire life. I had spent an entire day punching virtual trees so I could build a fort that wasn't real on a server that wouldn't last for more than a month, and in that moment, I saw the rest of my life sprawl out before me, a series of transient commercial distractions chained together by a cycle of steam sales and an addiction to novelty.

so, 7 Days to Die scared me the most

>nightmare world

When I first saw the cover I misread the title and I thought it was a Lorena Bobbit videogame.

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Existential fear is absolute

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echo night beyond. it was so bad that it made me want to rethink my life and sell all my games because there is a high probability that I'll end up playing another game as shitty as this some time down the road

Guess Yea Forums doesn't like scary vidya
Just make sure you lock the windows tonight is all i'm sayin'

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spook vidya was never really that spooky to me honestly
granted silent hill 1 and 4 spooked the shit out of me as a kid, 2 was just boring and the resident evils were hype as fuck, but now I'm an emotionally dead manchild and video games don't scare me

guy is on stilts wearing black top. Other guy is wearing pants and a dark top.

Super MetroidSilent Hill 1 and Silent Hill 4

Well Mr.detective?

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Fallout 3/NV. Bugs just makes some of the enemies appear out of nowhere, cazadores and Deathclaws. And that star bottlecap collector.

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STALKER did the same for me desu

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clocktower was an excellent horror game until scissorman appeared

I need to give this game a go sometime. Is there a version to go for?

The background would get obscured by their torsos if that were the case

>touching it with his bare hands

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>walking around the swamp
>shitty starter equipment
>can hear heavy breathing of a bloodsucker or two in the reeds but can't see shit
>shooting at where I think they are and dodging near blows before they run away into the reeds again
>finally kill them after like 15 minutes of this hell
>get jump scared by a fucking snork on the way out

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the first time Lisa strangled me in PT i almost had a heart attack

When I was a kid destroy all humans really scared me for some reason. I loved playing it in the day but at night I couldn't sleep because I thought aliens would abduct me. Haven't been scared by a game since but that part immediately after you get the arm in RE7 really got me.

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This is why I only play games where I can back up my save.

>sequel confirms no one besides jenny survived
also, the film it was based on was kino (except for the soundtrack)

fatal frame, by far
ghost design was the tits, plus the motherfuckers not playing by the same rules as our flesh contained, weak girly ass spooked mc plus being fucking hard did a number on me

>move exactly like marionettes
Whoa, so scary

I had that one in terraria

The first time a game actively scared me was when i was a little kid playing SM64. I couldn't play the boo mansion at all. I think it was the piano that made me terrified of that level as a whole. It's still unsettling

i forgot about this webm at the very last moment
fuck fuck FUCK

Silent Hill

dick ass ghost

The first one?

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Resident Evil 1 when it was new. Reached the windows dogs part but I need to sleep and got too scared to sleep. A lot of trees near my house and a lot of wind noise didn't help.


what in the fuck?

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Yes, in my defense I was pretty young

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It's not really a stretch to be scared of Silent Hill when it first came out, regardless of how old you were.

Not that guy, but yes.
To me it's not even a horror game as much as it is a terror game. It was the only game that had me scared shitless and i played it in 2003 i think. I even had to stop playing when i first got to the hospital because how scared i was., Nowhere was nightmare fuel.

My negro. I've played a lot of horror games, but none get to me like Fatal Frame does. Shame the last one was only kind of okay, though I did get a funny/spooky experience out of it:
>live on the third floor (fourth to Americans)
>bed is right next to window, often sleep with it open as it gets very warm
>been playing Maiden of Black Water
>tall woman is fucking creepy
>have a nightmare about her weird elongated arms reaching into my room
>wake up her arm is actually coming through the open window
>absolutely shit myself
>awaken fully to realise it's just the window cleaner cleaning from ground level with a long extended tool
For a moment I felt real fear there.

The first bloodsucker in STALKER SoC was pure terror, in addition to the setting being creepy as hell, the bloodsucker also broke with the "fast and invisible = weak" trope, which made it genuinely scary even after it was revealed.

This, the psychic dudes spooked me too since I first found one in the underground tunnels and couldn't tell what was going on

Same. I'm playing 2 right now, it really shivers me timbers

There was a hole here now it's nom

Underwhat circumstanced could you buy clock tower instead of other super awesome ps1 games ?

The only interesting things about this game is the cover art and that it takes place in Norway.

I played the intro sequence of Silent Hill when I was 7 and I was scarred for life. Years and years later I played it again and literally got repressed memory flashbacks

Did you grow up to be a faggot?

I played RE1 when I was 6 and had the time of my life
played SH1 when I was 7-8 and was pretty impressed with how spooky it was

No. I don't mean is scared me as an adult I just was coming to a realization that Silent Hill was the game that spooked me so bad as a kid, because I could never remember what it was.

I've played a wide variety of horror games from Amnesia to Penumbra, from Silent hill to every SCP game, from Corpse party to Dino crisis and plenty of shit new and old and the only time i have ever been scared and terrified playing a game was my first playthrough of Subnautica.
There's a huge difference between having control on land and having control under the ocean.

what the fuck is in there??

SH1's squeaky ghost penguine babies in the school spooked me when I was a kid
now I think they're adorable

anyone wanna explain this one for me

My step brother brought his PS1 and I played RE2 up to the licker and had nightmares for weeks.

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It's cause your radio is flipping the fuck out in a small seemingly safe room and then you see this shadow thing pop up out of nowhere. It's a good one time scare if you're going in blind, but once you figure out what they are they just become funny little idiots.

>everyone says how scary and atmospheric this game is
>it's boring as fuck
I can see why it would spook people but the menu navigation and how slow everything is just makes it frustrating

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same tbqhwy and I loved the first game

Clock Tower is janky motherfucking garbage but a lot of us that got scared by it were kids at the time. The idea of never being safe from scissorman showing up is pretty effective, but there's way better examples of that now.

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Clock Tower 2 and Ghost Head are janky 3D Experiments. The original and 3 are fantastic. Haunted Grounds is great too.

This motherfucker scared the shit out of me as kid

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When I was like 3 or 4, the original Maniac Mansion scared the shit out of me.

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It came out of nowhere

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>oh no manly tears shows off his nail clippers to a midget
What's so scary about that?

They're Daddy Long Legs, they don't bite, you wuss.

Amnesia. Uninstalled the game because I was too scared.

Wait until you realize that literally nothing you do IRL matter as well

poorfag cope

nosferatu the wrath of malachi

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I hate scare jump mechanics

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Uninvited was spookier

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Point and click sure did die quick

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as a child - RE1
as an adult - subnautica

That is legit one of the best games ever made.

SNES version with a translation patch. Absolute fucking masterpiece. Don't waste your time with the 3D sequels. They're shit and each is worse than the last.

Clock Tower is a SNES game that was released only in Japan. The PS1 sequels are crap.

No it's not

They do actually, its no worse than getting bit by a tiny ant though.

Settle down Max

What was that one scooby doo game?
You know the one.

System Shock 2 as kid, legit oppressive feeling playing it

You're opinion is shit

They are crap. Funny but crap.

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To give you an idea what it is it's a combination of Danganronpa, 999 and rpg maker horror games and yet manages to be its own thing.
Having said that this games has many moments which scared me.


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>forgot pic

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I was only 9 when it came out, my brother got it for Christmas and I snuck upstairs one evening to play it

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This scared as you kid? I played OoT myself when i was around 8 yo and I thought nothing by it. However I got really scared by those zombies and the claws coming from the ceiling.

As a child
>the butcher in the original Diablo
As an adult
>Upper Cathedral Ward in Bloodborne


Alien Isolation and fatal frame. i was too scared to even play those games for more than 2 hours or so.

>jumpscares and dumb scissor man
Not this game, that's for sure.

every time i play bloodborne i feel like im being observed

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Or rather, they do but their fangs aren't big enough to penetrate your skin, so nothing happens.

>to the point where I damn near had gay sex with my cousin.

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Alright, i'll admit it. I fucking jumped and actually gasped out loud.
Pretty fun, user. Thank you for that.

I was not expecting it at all. I lost to the boss and it took me a week till I mustered the courage to try again.

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Hmm, probably HL1 when I was 10. Excluding the kiddie one it's Condemned probably. FF2 also got close because of the falling lady and THAT FUCKING SCREENSAVER

Splatterhouse 2 and 3 terrified me as a kid

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Parasite eve 2

Catfish apparently

I was able to fathom RE3 because, Zombies lol just shoot them. But with Silent Hill after the first nightmare sequence at the alley and Harry getting shivved that's when I had nightmares. The worst part was hearing his screams. It didn't feel like I was playing a game that time. Never touched it since.

Bottle cap guy got me good desu. Was turning on laser gun and he just talked to me when I didn't expect it when I was on top of the power plant.



I see.

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fucking faking
how fucking bored and lonely are you that you have to lie about how scary SH1 was just so more people will play it? it was at most spooky but really overall just creepy

>some midget with a giant pair of scissors

But how I wonder?

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Context? What the hell just happened?

>that part near the end of dark corners of the earth where everything shakes in the underwater lair, the music picks up, and a ton of big fish niggas runs at you from anywhere
shit got me tense

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The first Dragon Warrior. I begged my mom to buy it for me when I was 5 and music, the monster faces, and the caves unnerved me so much that I kept inventing reasons to have someone in my room while I played it.

This and fucking Marble Madness scared the fuck out of me.

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The first zombie in REmake paralyzed me with fear when I was a kid. It wasn't the first RE I played as I had accidentally rented 2 when I was a few years younger than that, but the absolutely amazing graphics the game had at the time made me just lose my shit. When I finally got the courage to turn my Gamecube off, I was in a cold sweat. Eventually I did man up and get back into it, but I wouldn't beat the game for some number of years after.

In more recent days, I was playing STALKER CoP for the first time. I went out night stalkan and went to that fire pit anomaly area. On my way back to the ship, a Bloodsucker started coming after me. I didn't know what the fuck it was at the time, but I booked it back as fast as I could, drinking energy drinks to keep my energy up. Took a few hits, but when I got close to the ship, the Stalkers on the boat started firing in my direction trying to kill the thing (I think I got hit too, fucking assholes), but it was enough that it took its attention off of me. I was able to get inside and hide, but you could see the number of Stalkers drop in the minimap as the Bloodsucker killed them off one by one.

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That's cute, user.

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The first boss of this game.

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Sad Satan. A little goes a long way when it comes to atmosphere. Too bad I've only got the CP version.

lol fag

>being scared of gondola
I would genuinely give my left nut to live in an area where that goofy fuck is prancing around with his fellow friends

>mfw its the ghost of a kid who never got to finish the vidya he picked out on blockbuster friday night

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this. holy shit I had that sequence tattoo'd in my little brain for years
then nemesis came out and watching jill die by having the roof of her mouth pierced by his giant hand dick caused more nightmares in me than I remember

someone wants attention so they fake a ghost encounter. done.

The baseball father thing?

Killer 7 isn't even a remotely scary game, it just oozes style and perfection.
Playing killer 7 on PC with headphones is absolutely fucking terrifying though when you get a heaven smile ambush and hear that laugh

Mr. Bamballow i think it was called. And yes, the burned father who carries a flametrower with him.

which game is this?

Clock Tower for the SNES. It's fun. Check it out.

As a kid, probably Thief: The Dark Project. Especially the part where you go to the walled off section of the city. It wasn't just the zombies and haunts in the game either, but getting caught by guards and Hammerites and panicking your way through the corridors trying to get away long enough to find somewhere dark to hide, then they start looking for you cursing your name. >Enemies can also open doors. Some of the most heart attack inducing moments were when they acted like they've given up the search and resume their patrol route, their back is turned and you come out thinking it's safe when suddenly "AHHHH!" with their sledgehammer.


>Enemy wears the corpse of its victims.
What game does this? i only know of re5 el gigante wearing the corpses of the dead soldiers

based mass shooter gaymer

kill yourself nihilist
>duhh fun has no value

But how?

I still haven't completed Afraid of Monsters or Cry of Fear.

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there's a million ways to do it, strings being an obvious one

>You can't enjoy something I enjoy so I hate you!
Why would someone act like this? Isn't it enough that you still get something out of it? Why actively try to hurt someone who's already more bummed out that you?

Bates was the one redeeming part of Clock Tower 2, bless his heart.

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did you even read the post I was replying to?


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Yeah. The dude tells a story where something he used to care about abruptly became deeply unfulfilling made him afraid about his priorities and the way he's currently spending his life.

Then you told him to kill himself, implied he was stupid for not enjoying it, and further implied he had attacked the value of fun in general.

Seems like a pretty weird reason to lash out at someone.

lmao holy reddit

I never completed AoM because it's fucking hard and I lost my save file but god damn is it good.

has there ever been a single time a ghost actually killed anyone or some dude died in a haunted house under suspicious circumstances? seems stupid, they just do childish prank shit like knocking things over or popping out from a corner and disappearing. why the fuck are people scared of that?

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no one with a brain is actually afraid of it, it's just gullible children with over active imaginations. go to any youtube video of ghost stuff and the comments will be filled with obvious children saying retarded shit

I think this gave me legit fear of red screens with a constant noise. I remember Adult Swim had the emergency broadcast audio playing and a red screen with a skull in the middle as it's intermission/commercial whatever thing and it made me anxious as fuck.

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Resident evil 4 and dead space 1-2 were good because the enemy is just as lethal as you are
The tension of "I've got one mag left and my knife and I just heard a chainsaw let's see who" gets to me more than "I literally cant do anything so I have to run oh noooo"


>Horror games where you cant fight back

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Alright, faggot. Great point, thanks for the chat.

Penumbra: Black Plague was infinitely worse than Overture for this reason. Amnesia can get away with it because it didn't have a predecessor where you're swinging a fucking pickaxe at dogs.

>run line from one place to another
>hang pants from it
>put weights at bottom of pant legs
>attach strings to weights
>alternate tugging strings along to make legs look like they are walking
>pants will slide along cable as you drag each leg towards you.


>fishing line and a hidden accomplice.

Next please

I'm between two

>Resident Evil 3
Remember when you go to the police station, lock the entrance, but nemesis keeps banging on it? It was nerve-wracking, but at least you knew he was still there, not getting inside. If I remember correctly, you could still listen to the sound faintly even after moving some rooms.
Then something happened and I listened to a loud nouse, which made me think that Nemesis could have broken through (as a kid nothing stopped me from thinking this could have been a hidden timer until he's in), and at this moment I had to turn off the playstation and get OUTSIDE THE HOUSE to breath some fresh air.


Because playing it blind was a fucking nightmare, and even after I already knew how it worked, it still made me scream the loudest I think

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This scared the balls off me when I was a wee child.

Also pic related.

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So they don't?

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Looks scary. What game?

The Nerscylla in Monster Hunter is a spider-like monster that preys on bird wyverns called Gypceros and wears its hide. You can even find its lair in one of the maps, and it has a bunch of Gypceros carcasses wrapped in threads dangling from the cave ceiling.

Attached: Nerscylla.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Fuck the forest levels on AoM seriously.

People might not want to say it as it became enormously popular/mainstream.

But easily Amnesia. I played RE and Silent hill when younger but nothing ever got as scary to me as Amnesia, the game knows how to play with your paranoia and fear without relying on cheap jumpscares all the time.

Also god tier taste OP with clock tower

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I forget the name but there was some weird puzzlesque game i think on the wii where you were navigating a school and had to do something with managing light levels to avoid the shadows
I barely remember it now but something about it used to spook me good

Amnesia was really spooky and kept me anxious for awhile but eventually I hit the point where I didn't care much anymore and was running through everything to just get it over with

It's when you realize how death actually rewards you by respawning you and taking the enemy out of the game. The scariest part of Amnesia is probably the storage, because it's the first time the game really hits you with enemy encounters and it happens like, mid game.

Fatal Frame 2. Fuck ghosts and their ignoring physics bullshit.

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Dead Space, and it wasn't the horror of the game but the implications the story had for the infection.
>Marker is smart enough to gain influence for creating the necromorphs through Humanity's Faith in higher callings, having control in goverment means the infection could start whenever and wherever there was a marker.
>Even those who aren't Devout will eventually succumb to madness and either take their life or be killed in the chaos, serving as another creature to ensure the complete assimilation of the still-living
>Despite the gameplay necessity for enemy death, the necromorphs cannot die, only slowed by dismemberment as they reform.

It's that sense of hopelessness that made me really enjoy Dead Space's story. Shame EA threw that out the window with Dead Space 3.

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Thanks famm. Started playing it

Yeah, when you realize it's easier just to lay down and die, kinda takes all the tension out of the game.

Which way adventure is a piece of art

>horror game has good music

I find that hilarious. What scared you about it?

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The best part about bloodsuckers is when you man up enough to demolish them easily with the knife. Good shit.

i hate you

i fucking love this game. i knew from the moment i opened this image that you were my nigger :')

That was an urban myth and proven wrong on Myth Busters. For proof of this, their fang size is the exact same as the Brown Recluse, which does have a human kill-record.

Not FS1?
The goddamn house where you play as a little girl, especially?
And then you get out and everything is fucked up and there's little flaoting angels and the woman smiling and shit.

I like FS2 but c'mon, it was so inferior to 1 atmosphere wise.

Random shit like this every time I'd return back to the apartment.
TV turning itself on and off, rain of blood/heads falling outside the windows, bloody shoes walking on their own, radio static, fridge full of "stuff" in it, ghosts popping in and out to moan at you...

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I love Fatal Frame. Still waiting for a Switch collection because trying to play 2 remake and 4 on emulation with waggle controls is suffering

I remeber doing something similar to this as a kid. I jabbed a stick in a hole supposedly a rabbit hole and something on the other end chewed off bits of it on the other end. unfortunately i dont know if this memory was simply a dream or if it actually happened


You got me man, first time a muted webm scares me, now real talk, how the fuck does a bug get that big?

Does anyone remember that one old trivia game where if you failed enough questions a creepy monster would break down the door and kill people?

feels like a fever dream but I swear I remember seeing it

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RE3 with only five words: "Stars..."

yeah nigga Monster Trivia, truly the stuff of nightmares


I'm still mad that Remothered go C&D'd and then remade. It looked spooky as hell


>Killer 7 isn't even a remotely scary game
>Playing killer 7...is absolutely terrifying though

thanks anons. the worst part is how out of nowhere it is, like you'd never expect to see something like this in a innocent trivia game. more horror devs should focus on that kind of "unexpectedness" I think

I remember the skeletons spooked me as a kid. Then I eventually realized they weren't that bad, but those fucking helicopter plants were serious killers and suddenly day time became scarier than night.

Also zelda games in general just had amazing ambiance. I feel they don't get enough credit for it.

Playing any game on Xbox 360 during summer. Any moment can result in a RRoD.

Holy shit

What game?

what the fuck

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Fatal Frame 3.
>First boss is the survivor of a plane crash who is surrounded by shadow people minions that are the ghosts of everyone else who died

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>Existential fear

Carmageddon TDR 2000
There is a stage with giant molerat tunnels and one specific that you drive down and there's a really really big one. two hundred miles an hour into the maw of the biggest damn rat.

>untranslatable japanese pun

It's a shame SH4 is hot garbage tho
>"Dude what if we make a Silent Hill game that doesn't take place in Silent Hill and is one long escort mission lmao"
Also the ghost enemies were the absolute worst

This and the dogs through the windows. The zombie is just the right kind of unnerving. It's such a great representation of the concept of the monster. It's recognizable as human, but it's wrong in every conceivable way.
Compare that to RE2 zombies where some people masturbate to the fucking things.

>Every enemy is essentially a jump scare
What did Suda mean by this?

>Play RE, System Shock, and all the other usual spook suspects as a kid.
>Feel nothing.
>Metaphorically shit myself at Theme Park's game over screen and avoid playing it for weeks, even though it immediately nulls itself by having the guy comically poke his head back through the window.

yeah i don't get it

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Forbidden Siren 2 I believe

I love you.

The ending of the first episode of Your Turn to Die. I played that shit at night after work. I nope'd the fuck out when I started to see the bed bleed, still haven't finished it.


>also, the film it was based on was kino
what film?

I wonder if the zoomers that populate this website now would get this reference.

Not necessarily because it scared me so much, but because of how stressful it is. The setting, the bullshit enemies, the unending industrial noise and occasional distorted feminine moans make it literally the most stressful game I've ever played

Attached: Doom Total Chaos.jpg (1280x720, 337K)

wait this isn't just some pac-man clone?


>those nails
>those sausages the size of a hand
>amigara fault
what the FUCK did I just watch

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>Decide to haunt a blockbuster.

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Manlets are not scary


>be young me
>love swimming in water and just generally being oblivious
>play this game and other otherwise nonthreatening games with open bodies of water
>suddenly have a desire not to swim in open bodies of water anymore

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Only scary part was spoopy andrei fight


Some things are obviously pure evil, user.

Did you play shadowgate and dejavu?

If Dead Hand screamed like Orphan of Kos, he would have been seriously freaky for little baby me.

Attached: deadhand.png (1233x1069, 2.43M)

>make Dead Hand in 2019
>Fall into pit, cutscene of something brushing past Link's leg
>He illuminates the room to find he's standing in a mass grave
>As he turns around to try and find a way out, a hand grabs his face.
>FP view looking through link's eyes and a rotting hand as he sees the main body of Dead Hand rise up from the corpses
>Music cuts in
idk I'd dig it.

I remember renting this game and never being able to get anywhere in it.

I remember getting killed by that thing.

>that freak gave me actual nightmares to the point where I damn near had gay sex with my cousin.
u wot

I agree with . This post is reddit as all fuck. Mostly because there's this pretentious sense of superiority coming off of you. You're overstating what most people on Yea Forums would consider banter or even polite discourse by stating them as though they were crimes and acting haughty for it. We don't really have time to deal with pussies, so it would be better off for everyone if you went back and then killed yourself for the upboats.

Thought this game Killing Time on 3d0 was absolutely scary as a kid.

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So much build up. Then that pay-off was so fucking good.

he he

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You think that's bad? Did you ever run into the stars?

Give me your best spooky YouTube videos, Yea Forums.

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My favorite, and there's a free nostalgia bonus included


Yeah man. And I also went all the way to the edge of the frost world to meet this weird TV guy and some thing with a laser beam in its chest.
I was like 5 or 6 when I played this on atari ste and I'm really surprised by just how much of it I managed to accomplish.
It was one of those games I thought only I had played or that I'd dreamt it up.
I recall some lady that danced, and that the female scout had her tits out too.
Good times!

Forbidden Forest and Beyond the forbidden forest on C64 is some pretty creppy shit.
I love it.

This is my grandma's room.

So why was Scissorman so scary? He's a manlet with a pair of scissors just bully him to death lmao

Dead Hand would never exist in a Zelda game made today.

Stalker brain scorcher mission I played without a guide and had no ammo when I finally figured out how to escape (the zombie spawns are infinite there but a slow trickle). Literally had to use my knife to kill dogs in the access tunnel exit.
No jump scare or the like just pure slowly creeping panic

This is my absolute fav.


I never got far in the Silver Case by Suda51 because the atmosphere and artstyle of the game is so fucking creepy to me. Apparently it gets way more meta after the horror bits but I could never get there. Just looking at the character portraits gives me chills for some reason


So how are you meant to fight these?

Metro 2033 Library


>being wrong

Apparently you can level a little bit and equip everyone with bows. Source: One of the comments.

One guy off camera to the bottom of the screen pushes the cart, there's another guy on the other side of the shelf that DVD's keep falling off bumping the shelf. The guy stocking the shelf is intentionally putting more copies than will safely fit on the shelf so one will bump off.

you mean it's 1 word and 5 letters you retard/??

Pretty much the same
>play until midnight
>fuck I should sleep
>rolled into a weird position in bed
>my arm was numb
>wake up
>my numb arm immediately grabs my other arm
>nearly shit myself
It happened 3 fucking times.

As a kid, this:

Attached: chozo_ghosts.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

I wish Youtube had a way to report subtitles.

someone is pushing the cases from behind the shelves.

Thank GOD all of the cases were in the line of sight of the camera or we would have missed all of the spooky action!

>Some lady that danced

Isn't your thinking results-oriented? If the camera was faced the other way, the video wouldn't exist because we'd have no way of proving it. Also, why would you set up cameras that didn't capture as many of the cases as possible to begin with?

Yep. Use arches. And a couple of good buff spells from your mage/priest.

Super Mario 64

For some reason, I'd have nightmares where I'd start up the game, after Mario jumped out of the pipe I'd run towards the castle. All was well until another pipe appeared nearby in the corner of my view, and out of it jumped a Metal Mario. The Metal Mario would chase me and that was the main scenario for most of the nightmares involving that. Sometimes it'd be the game with Metal Mario chasing me but it'd be nightmarish, sometimes if he caught me the game would just turn off, or sometimes it'd go to the game over screen but with a deformed Mario face.

I don't know why I was so scared of Metal Mario, nor why I had these nightmares so much.

Oh christ.
Now imagine coming upon that when you're like 6 or something and it is past your bedtime.
And you're playing the game in an attic, and it's raining.

>This user is so stupid
>The game is called Trivia Monster
>The door keep getting holes as he's trying to break in
>You can see him look through the windows!
>Man, this user is so fucking stupid, how was he surprised by th-
Damn, I knew it was coming and it still scared me

playing this as a kid terrified me whenever i'd fall off

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The one half Zombie guy in the house in Ikana in Majoras fucked me up. Kid me just assumed hey they were evil spirit monsters, who cares about them. The concept of Ikana canyon kind of blew over my head but seeing the dad like that and the realization that the kid was trapped alone with her monster dad was fucking horrifying.

what is this?

>heartbeat intensifies

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My God...

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But was it fun though?

"What the hell is this? Some kind of haunted house?"

>Think it isn't that bad
>The screech effect
>The ending
What the fuck man.

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Minecraft using headphones mining underground when lightning struck. Heart nearly stopped

my nigga me to

Some game on the PSX that started on a ghost ship. I have no fucking idea what it's called. Maybe some other anons do.

what the FUCK made him turbo dance


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I want to fuck those things

There's plenty of pnc games on Steam. Even more on mobile. Most of them are shit these days though.

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>Not the original
This zoomer.
This guy gets it.

These have already been debunked

Fuck those dogs. I almost dropped the game because of them.

Amnesia is the only good (along with black plague) horror walking simulator. It is excellent in sound, level and graphical design and has perfect pacing. Hating it is only a meme because of the thousands of morons doing reaction videos.

Yes. As soon as I saw that ghost girl 8 yo me was like fug dis shit. I wasn't even supposed to have it some bootleg guy gave me the wrong game.

The facehuggers in Alien: Isolation give me panic attacks. Granted, I am someone prone to that already, but nothing in a video game has ever made me feel that way. Still haven't finished the game to this day which I think is a shame.

>people calling this fake like anyone were meant to believe it's real in the first place

You'll just have to ask /x/.

Those games were terrifying.

What a bro to feed the people who fucked up and decided to walk thru their hole.

man I never understood what those people were supposed to be thinking

I was so distracted by the guy that I found the edit of this webm hilarious

man i thought she was gonna walk up to that toilet and let loose a mad tootsie roll

>ctrl+f army men 2 you lose
>0 results

you people have no clue how much of an incentive it was for a child not to see these nightmare fuel game over scenes and get good at the game

Fuuuuuck Waxworks' gameovers.

That's only because Brown Recluse is poisonous as fuck though and makes tissue go necrotic.

>tfw didn't even flinch
Jump scares aren't scary guys, grow up.

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In FFVII having emerald weapon pop up almost right on you when driving the sub scared the shit out of me. Also the fucked up abominations in the sunken Gelnika.


>niggers immediatly try to ruin the fun about these kinds of webm.
truly Yea Forums

wow you are so cool dude

>having emerald weapon pop up almost right on you when driving the sub
I don't really know why but Lunatic Pandora in 8 did the same thing to me, even though it's just a floating box.

might actually been a rabbit

That's just gondola going out for a nighttime stroll with his friend.

i know

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>The guy stocking the shelf is intentionally putting more copies than will safely fit on the shelf so one will bump off.
That seems really implausible considering only one is falling off at a time, there's one specifically that fell off multiple times, and it looks like there's several inches worth of clearance that wouldn't allow for that to happen.

I'd consider the zombie one to be the worst, as that level was also creepy as a whole.



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Nah it's pretty true. Think of the past 6000 years of human history. How many "greats" are remembered? 100? 1000? Let's be generous and say that 100 years and before we have maybe ten thousand great people remembered for one reason or another.

The current world population is around 7 billion, even discounting the modern generation's population boom let's say most of the world maintained an average of 2 billion for a good chunk of human history, and that 2 billion essentially replaces itself every 30 years, slowing down as medicine and living conditions improve, but still growing.

Let me be generous and say that maybe in total an amount equal to maybe 200 billion humans have at some point existed and died or are going to die on this planet and we will remember maybe only ten thousand of them. That's a percent of a percent of a percent and a half. Out of every 50000 people on this planet currently alive, 1 of them will be remembered in 100 years.

Objectively nothing you do in life matters, and that's okay. Nothing a deer in the woods does matter either. The problem is we think we're better than deer. We eat our leafy things, we birth our youngs, then we die. We are just animals, the concept of history and life having value is a purely human concept. There is no objective merit, value, or "matter" to anything we do. Anyone who says otherwise literally only says so, so they can get a good night's sleep without thinking about the endless void that awaits all of us in a few decades.

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That part in scratches when you're in the furnace and you see the kid walk by. Nearly shit myself with that one.

I don't even remember.
Every "horror" game nowadays only manages to stress my guts because I'm constantly on edge for whatever jump-scare is next.
But it's not the kind of fear that makes you scared, more like annoyed.

Sort of a meme answer but Doki Doki literature club, before it caught mainstream appeal and then Yea Forums pretended to never like it- was actually very prevalent on Yea Forums specifically because of the unexpected nature.

Did you know it wasn't registered as a horror on steam when it first released and didn't have all of those "People with fragile psyches" etc bullshit? The game was released purely to be unexpected and people who stuck by it to the end found themselves what should have been an extremely appealing, albeit niche title.

Then again modern horror-core with redditors, zoomers, and youtube e-celebs completely ruined all sublty that exists between now and the edge of the universe so the concept of a "Surprise horror game" can only ever exist for about a fucking week, if that.

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Why wasn't there more pre-fifth gen survival horror games? It definitely could have been possible. Check out the demake of SH2.


Is it weird that I found this more adorable than scary? I just want to play with them

This isn't spooky, I want to stick my dick in her mouth

fucvk you fuck you fucvk you fuck you i have wpork and nowe ill never sleep

I literally thought my computer was cursed for a second because of ddlc. I think I might actually be retarded.
The game getting super real about suicide was unexpected but I was still on board because I thought the game would appeal to my savior complex and the game would be about saving your friend from depression.

Then she hangs herself and the game tells you in no uncertain terms that it's your fault.

There's a hentai about that.

>before it caught mainstream appeal and then Yea Forums pretended to never like it
Fuck off retard, people were already shitting on it for exactly the same things as they do now as soon as it came out. All the Natsukifags just hadn't been booted off to /vg/ yet.

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I did not expect that at all, haha

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>Did you know it wasn't registered as a horror on steam when it first released and didn't have all of those "People with fragile psyches" etc bullshit?
Yes it did. It had that before it even went on Steam.

>I literally thought my computer was cursed for a second because of ddlc. I think I might actually be retarded.

yeah, you sound retarded, like a retarded child desu

prove it

When I was nearly killing myself due to 6 year long depression I've had a deja vu.. or so I thought. But then I realized that deja vu I've had wasn't something that happened last week. but a whole year ago. My life of playing LoL for 18 hours straight for years on end was so monotomous, that an entire year flew by in memory as just a week. Pretty scary bro.

4 years later I'm alright now. Got a job, own house, love life, friends again, killed major depression. Don't let it go that far anons. Life's really good if you don't succumb to lethargy and fake nihilism.

>Only eats one of them
What a fair horrible monster.

Even before the monster shows up it sound horrifying


Enjoy, you ghost fucking degenerate.

the fact that you could get stuck on the zombie levels if you didn't find the upgraded default gun or whatever made that death animation a frequent one

those things have enough poison to destroy a human, but their fangs can't penetrate your skin

Not sure exactly who you're trying to fool but I remember the threads created for horror games and only occasionally seeing DDLC pop up in conversation and they were almost unanimously positive yet at the same time, hush hush. It seemed at the time to be a true unique game and maybe it's just confirmation bias but during this small period when it was released, everything I saw was positive.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that Yea Forums wasn't all over Undertale's dick when it was first released either.

It's a tie between Silent Hill 2 and System Shock 2 hybrids.

It is absolutely confirmation bias on your part because within the first week most people were complaining about the second half of the game turning into a bad creepy pasta and the first loop being the most interesting part of it by far. I was one of the people who actually liked it, by the way. If anything it only became more positively received over time, not less.
>Next thing you're going to tell me is that Yea Forums wasn't all over Undertale's dick when it was first released either.
No, that would be blatantly false.

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Literally just live action PT, but I loved it

To be honest one of the things that dsticks out as really disturbing in SS2 was when you run into the cyborg midwifes in hydroponics and learn the backstory behind them - probably because you hear it in audio logs

Are you sure you're not talking about /vg/ or something because I know what I saw and I can only take your word for the other things which I can tell you with no sarcasm I did "NOT" see.

>the first loop being the most interesting part of it by far
so what you're saying is this board has bad taste?

I don't go to /blogpostingcirclejerk/ general so no.

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alien versus predator 1, marine playthrough without motion tracker. those fuckers came at you without making a sound. Only screaming if they got an attack in.

only game that did that. Scariest shit ever. Silent enemies and slow turning speed will destroy your mind. also undodgable corpses of acid that will drain your life in wolf 3D like corridors

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I was a dumb kid when I fist played System Shock 2, and when I noticed a hybrid the first time, I ran up to it thinking it was a normal human being so I could talk to it, when it turned around and started yelling I shit myself and almost fell back with my chair. PTSD for life.

Tea Time
No Through Road (only the first)
Any Channel 58 videos (real sleep is my fave though)

I also always liked Marble Hornets series even if Slenderman is a meme now.

And they have same speed as you. Not this faggy 'I can outrun dah monstahs' shit.

Not understanding

Just the fucking sound it makes when you, "die," to them is the most unsettling shit. Playing that game with headphones was the scariest shit.

Wikipedia says it was based on phenomena by Argento

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>without motion tracker

you couldnt survive in that game without motion tracker

yeah I meant pre-motion tracker. Not getting that thing is insanity. Also RANDOM ENEMY RESPAWNS AFTER SAVING.

Best.thing.ever. Any save outside an elevator was psychosis inducing fear haha.

I just remembered as a kid on my first playthrough me and my little brother got stuck on sublevel 2 with the predator... without motion tracker. aaah, dont need big hardware for decent scares.

Thanks that was great, I want to fuck it even more now

never played clock tower but i watched phenomena how are they similar?

>Just the fucking sound it makes when you, "die," to them is the most unsettling shit.
Haha yeah, it's really unsettling.

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we assign our own meaning to the world. if you think being remembered by millions of strangers is the most important thing in life then you haven’t lived. if you think affecting a bunch of people long after you’re dead and can’t appreciate it matters, you haven’t thought about it. buy a farm, work the land, marry a beautiful woman and raise your children to be stronger than you. that is what matters in life. every caesar and napoleon and hitler died in the end too, and they died as alone as any human in history, and some part of them wished they’d had what you could have

>buy a farm
>marry a beautiful woman
user I've been subject to 'farmers' in my mid school years. Aside from the stupidity they displayed they also ... have weak genes. Their faces are quite less pretty now than they were in their younger days. Meanwhile my non-inbred-genes cause me to age very nicely.

Dudes how come I can watch a marathon of horror movies like and not be phased but I cant even play shit like fatal frame or the game without having nightmares?

Wow, so brave. Did you already have the gender change operation?

Me when I'm out

clock tower, the one with a chasing doll then the silent hill from ps1

Fuck that

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the boring answer is that people just didn’t know it was possible to even do real horror in a video game until alone in the dark got released, and after that the concept didn’t seem viable for consoles until capcom gambled on resident evil. there are a fair number of horror pc titles from the pre-5th era, though

>check out the demake

that couldnt have run on NES

Silent Hill. I still remember the first time I saw the trailer for it in one of those Playstation underground discs. The actual game was something else.

I despise nihilists, hedonists and moral relativists so much. Maybe you're resigned to live like a bug and you think that makes you so much more intelligent than the average sheeple but some of us grew out of your phase after high school, aspiring to a greater meaning in life. Maybe you gave up on finding meaning in idealism, altruism, metaphysics, religion, and everything else but your own banal desires but it's willful ignorance on your part instead of enlightenment. You're the one taking the easy way out.

Not even the same guy, but even if you despise them, you said nothing at all that makes what he said untrue.
You just said that you didn't like it and therefore he is wrong and ignorant.

No shit? What do you want me to do, hand you the written meaning of life? Prove there's an afterlife? Argue purpose from the standpoint of someone else's value system? There's nothing to prove wrong, he says there's no value and nothing matters, what an amazing original take. I disagree. But nothing I say is going to prove him wrong because all nihilists he'll respond to anything I value with "don't care" just like how I could give less of a shit about postmortem recognition which is what he based his entire viewpoint around. That's called the human experience, I have what I believe are the answers but trying to convince you of their value is a waste of my time because fallibilism means no one knows anything for certain and thus everyone can be dismissed as wrong

The point is that a retro style horror could have been possible before fifth gen.

Then why did you answer at all? You manged to write paragraphs about how much you don't care what he thinks. You don't come across as someone who is being honest here.

It may be silly, but WoW.

I like to explore. But then I found player corpses and skeletons where one would actually expect none. It made me a bit jumpy.

Because people like him are annoying, am I not allowed to vent about it? Read his last sentence
>My worthless viewpoint is the objective truth and anybody who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves to cope lol
So nuanced

Well, he got you good, didn't he.

Probably friday the 13th on NES. I still get startled when you fight Jason in a cabin.

Does the impact of your actions make for a meaningful action? Would the 7 Days to Die user (if that is you, then would you) have a better time with less existential horror in your life if you did something equally wasteful but with friends or in the outdoors?

No video game has ever scared me. Horror films can scare me fine but horror games just don't work. I think it's that I'm always aware that I'm merely playing a video game. It completely kills any and all immersion. The only way I could possibly imagine a horror game scaring me is that you get one chance to play the game, if you lose that's you one chance gone and you can never play the game again. But that's never going to happen for obvious reasons.

I'm always torn on what to believe in this regard. I always feel both of these at different points in my life and waver between idealism and non edgy nihilism.

>actually getting scared by video games
God I want Reddit kids off my website

geting scared of video games isn't reddit

Fucking fester's quest on nes, the box art and title screen scared the shit out of me, gameplay itself wasnt so bad until you entered one of the houses and the game entered first person view

Loved it, sure it's janky, but the atmosphere is just so good. Also has that early 3D comfy feeling.

silent hill for me honestly, even the shitty american ones are too much for me

What the fuck

Sure. There's no other possible reason someone could believe differently I'm just coping because I would literally fall apart if I was a nihilist. I'm so btfo right now.

>blocks your path

Attached: Tentacle.png (1068x1080, 671K)

this, fuck

Well, even if you attempt to hide it behind the mask of irony, it's pretty obvious that it's exactly what happened.

the protag is modeled after the protag from phenomena

what happens if you put your dick in there?

Because you, as the player, have to continue on with the story
You can watch a horror movie and close your eyes during scary parts and it'll continue no problem
You can't just do that in a video game


It's a 50/50 between pleasure and pain

There's a vague memory from my early childhood around the late 90's of a game that scared me SHITLESS. It's a spaceship game, pretty standard, but the game over screen was the hull of the blown up spaceship flying in space with a credits text describing how you frozen body would drift alone in space forever never to be found among the wreckage of your broken ship, and the description alone would make me freak the fuck out. Dunno why it triggered me that hard. Anyone know what game that might've been?

Sure thing samefag. You're so smart.

Thanks, but that was pretty obvious.