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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm trying to play this. I absolutely crushed the first full moon boss but the second tier of tartarus is really difficult. I'm playing completely blind.

the first couple of months are pretty hard cause the first Tartarus block gives fuck all worth of exp, just stick with it though, it gets better.
A general rule of thumb I used was to level up ~5 levels per month, the ride was pretty smooth after I got that going

Don't rush too much, if things get too brutal it's ok to just stay and grind a bit or at least merge personas

the tartarus bosses are always harder than the full moon bosses

Don't go into the dungeon too much, ideally you only go into it once to clear the boss before the deadline. The rest should be spent on social links and studying ect.

That sure is a low quality image for this being an imageboard

Arqa and the first half of Yabbashah are the hardest part of the game. After that, it's smooth sailing. Change Relic is probably the hardest boss required boss in the game, World Balance and Fortune and Strength are the only other two who gave me that amount of trouble.

My advice is leave this thread right now because the plot is amazing and some cunt is going to try and spoil it for you. Seriously.


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This, now I'm going to post some spoilers so you better go.

>the plot is amazing

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>Don't go into the dungeon too much, ideally you only go into it once to clear the boss before the deadline.
I never did this. Sure I didn't complete all the social links, but I wanted to gather money for equipment, level my Personas to unlock skills, fuse new ones, and complete Elizabeth's requests.

You can spend as much time in Tartarus as you like and still max out S. Links as long as you remember to use the social stat boosting arcade when it's available and max out Courage>Charm>Academics in that order.

This, I wish I did this. First time I played it I ended up doing the Punch Game at the arcade, which boosts your Persona's strength, and so thought that's what the arcade was for. So I grinded Courage and Charm with the shops in the mall, inefficiently, instead of doing it sensibly with the arcade or restaurants.



>Fighting guardian boss in Empyrean
>Bring Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru
>Set Yukari and Mitsuru on healing duty, Junpei on attacking
>Boss quickly dispatches Mitsuru and spends the rest of the time spamming nukes that leave me playing catchup
>Die, retry the fight
>2 more tries later, get frustrated by Mitsuru's utter uselessness in the fight and switch her up for Koromaru
>Boss then promptly forgoes spamming nukes in favor of spamming Hamaeon on Koromaru, and missing
>Koromaru and Junpei can do nutty damage as a result, Yukari keeps everyone healed properly
>Defeat boss in one try
Some of these fights are fun.


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>tfw the movies sideline her and she's depressed throughout the fourth film

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>Io actually tries to strangle her

This shit honestly always makes me feel good. Referring to P3 and its ost

There's just an unexplainable kind of comfiness that this game will always produce in me.

>shit tartersauce
>months without anything happening
Hahah no thanks babe

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>the plot is amazing
jesus christ p3fags are delusional


i don't remember that, fucking hell

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But the battle goes on, shadows of ASS

Who do you guys think is the worst Tartarus boss? Personally the Sleeping Table at floor 135 only boss to give me a hell of a time (first playthrough blind, playing on hard).

is that the one where a legitimate strat is to run the MC alone with a certain set of skills on his persona or something?

>the plot is amazing

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whats wrong with it exactly? use spoilers for poor OP

>Junpei Iori ace detective? more like Stupei, ace defective
why was she so savage

It spamed Maragidyne and raped your team with Megidola and by the end only the MC was alive with 29hp.

I used to get my ass kicked by that dancing couple and rainbow Hulk Hogan

wasnt there one that takes control of your party members and thats why its best to only bring MC?

user sorry to break it to you but no one likes this blue haired autist ;(

I don't remember but after that one no other Tartarus boss gave me any problem.

All the characters range from extremely boring to assholes. Nothing happens till the very end of the game. Ikutski is EXTREMELY predictable and when he reveals he’s evil he just fucks off and dies. Fuuka’s story is laughably bad. It’s just a fucking mess. It tries to put anime slice of life shit in with the extremely dark parts and it doesn’t mesh well at all.

How about that Persona 2, anons? I'm really enjoying IS so far, real shame about the lack of difficulty.

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yeah the MC dies, now fuck off personafags.

>still no EP undub

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Sleeping Table is the most notorious one, but there's a few like that where your party will be dead and it'll be just you for a few turns. I found that fusing Thor helped out a ton, because of High Counter and immunity to Strike and Electric does wonders against some of the guardians. Surt and Thor are the two Ultimates I fuse most often.

I just saw some PSX EP footage from 2013 that was with japanese voices

i dont know about that one but the PSP version is getting an undub that's been worked on for a few years.


You mean translation, and yeah that one's on hold

>on hold
damn, cj iwakura posts once every few months saying it's still being worked on, last real thing i saw from it was a test video from late 2018

>stupid faggot little cocksucker!

The hell is her problem?

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you like to post out of context hentai quotes

Okay, then your info is better than mine

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>requires you to grind
>punishes you for grinding
Dropped the shit out of this game after the first boss

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>started reading the Persona 1 manga
Am I missing anything from the game?

Grinding has diminishing returns. Once you reach the top of the block you're essentially done for the month.

Why doesn't anyone shit on the fact that the end of the game is boring as all fuck? The last two months have nothing to do in them. Your stats are maxed, most slinks are also maxed so you have to wait to hang out with the remaining slinks

>requires grinding
get good

The entire snow queen route? don't think that's in the manga.

>interesting story, boring gameplay
>no real story, okay gameplay

why can't they do both

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I didn't max out my S.Links at all in my first playthrough. I only did a little of Justice, Emperor, Hanged Man, Sun, Priestess, Empress, Temperance, and Heirophant. I didn't even know that Sun could only be started after reaching Hanged Man-3, and it was only open on Sundays.

it's called SMT

>get 60something hours in
>lose save progress
its been almost 3 years, i cant bring myself to start again.

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maybe the PSP fem route will be fresh enough for you to warrant a restart

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>persona 3 was the first game I played that had any VN/social simulator elements
>completely fuck up social links, never max them, just hang out with whoever i felt was cool for however long I wanted
>fighting nyx and all my social links grant me power
>I only maxed one
>it was this guy
>And that was it

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You maxed out only Nozomi, the worst link? Really?

Nozomi's an ass.

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oh wait apparently it's condensed into the main storyline

i have no fucking clue what I was thinking

lmao thats spot on

Why did you trick me into thinking P3 was better than P5?

i like how much more time you have to devote to things of your choice. 5 is more likely the better game overall

I think it was implied to be a dream, but yeah. Personas respond to your emotions and mental state, so if you become undone and seek to self-harm your Persona will respond in kind. Chidori's Medea manifested in broad daylight to strangle her, after all.

her dad dying, then her and her mother getting blamed for her dad's participation in mass death, then her mother abandoning her to sleep around instilled severe trust and relationship issues in her, and taught her to be self-reliant and depend on nobody

Oh, the dancer boss that spams charm. Just farm Narcissus' anti-charm accessory my dude.

>being a brainlet
You can easily finish all your monthly duties in a day and dedicate the rest of the month to the panty quest.

Or bring Aigis. Natural Dancer tends to spam Tetrakarn when it's not up, so make Aigis Rush to dispel it, since she's resistant to her own Pierce attacks.

>you can easily finish all your monthly duties in a day

If youre playing p3p version

>All the comedy outfits are terrible stat-wise for the time you get them
Such a shame.

I unironcally get hard as diamonds when I hear that line

Messiah a best

So I'm good then?

She likes teasing

I won a few of those heavy hitting physical bosses (can't counter with a resistance until much later) by charming them. Sometimes you need to back off from damage dealing and let the MC healbot while your party does damage with the proper orders.

Tentarafoo is underrated

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I wanna finish Persona 2:IS soon, hopefully this week. I think I'm near the endgame with all of the Zodiac temples. I want that sweet Internet cred as well but yeah P2 is a good game

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I love Fuuka!

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Chie is cute though

hi fuukanon


For me, it's Aigis, Yukari, Ai, Hifumi, and Chihaya.

Ai is okay

Marin Karin

Marin FUCKING Karin

1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4

Daily reminder


>Yukari is one of the most popular girls in school and requires max charm to start her social link
>But Mitsuru is the one who learns seductive charm spells

>got to the point you can date mitsuru
>havent touched it in months
Should I just watch the films...?

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Yukari even has that one spell that only removes charm and carries it the entire fucking game and never uses it whenever I actually need it

If you're looking for Mitsuru, don't look to the films. Makoto only has eyes for Aigis there, removing all other characters' significance.

I'm a Yukarifag. Just not sure how long I have left. Not sure I can handle another 20 hours.

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Mitsuru is around November right? Shouldn't really have all that long left.
Good taste in girls btw.

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IIRC the earliest you can date Mitsuru is 11/21, so you've got Christmas and New Year's Eve that you can take Yukari to. Once the race to the top opens up you'll have stuff to do, then you can beat the Reaper to unlock Monad, then powergrind like mad for fun to trivalize the final boss until it trivalizes everything you've done.

Yukari then gets a lot of focus in The Answer. She's practically the secondary main character in it.

Thanks bros. Will clock it out this week.

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I don't remember the name of it, but there was this one Tartarus boss that was the "set of 3 enemies" variety.
They all spam the fuck out of high level Zio skills, and my strategy is to just slowly whittle them down by equipping a Persona that nullifies Electricity and only bringing Akihiko with me. They have other attacks, but I have never seen them use them.
First playthrough I also managed to beat the Reaper without cheesing him, which was intense. Did it first try, too.

>First playthrough I also managed to beat the Reaper without cheesing him, which was intense. Did it first try, too.
I swear I get really bad luck and get critted on these sorts of things. It took me four times to clear it.

>Nobody is there at the dorm to greet you after you beat the final boss

Am I the only one that thinks every 'sexy' Persona costume looks like shit? It doesn't help that the models are all chicken bone despite the improvements.

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I love Fuuka, too!

yep, Yea Forums spoiled this game for me, but it was really my fault since I didn't play it until several years after it came out.

Sauce me on this. Looks stupid enough and im bored

>20ish hours in I find out you're supposed to be going to class, on dates, clubs, etc
>mfw I was just going from dungeon to dungeon


That's what I did too. Took me a while to get used to the social part, dungeon crawling was more comfortable to me. Which fits the characters too.

It's one of the fighting game manga adaptations. Never read it but I like the out of context panels and edits.

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are the p3 movies worth watching?
i do like the game a lot

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You can if you like. Expect lots of Aigis.

They're not the greatest thing ever but they're not utterly dogshit.

Top 5 Hardest in my opinion and in no particular order
1. World Balance
2. Change Relic
3. Natural Dancer
4. Fierce Cyclops x3
5. Those fucking Void Giants in Monad

>Void Giants
I hate these bastards. I always run from their fights, they're not worth the SP to kill them. It's funny how all these guys are in Empyrean as regular enemies though, seeing two Sleeping Tables and a Natural Dancer and killing them in two turns feels uncanny.

Unless you consider fighting every enemy you encounter along the way "grinding" then you never have to grind.

Bikini Armor is actually pretty good for when you get it but other than that yeah.

Speaking of the Answer, the three Cyclops fight you can encounter in Empyrean is probably the hardest fight in the game.

They're fun
I wish we could get a dub, especially when the VAs have been consistent in reprising their roles compared to 4. Jp voice is still great. Making movies instead of another anime was the right move. Still upset about certain music choices near the end of the last movie.

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Give template

Too bad we'll never hear another peep from english Junpei.

>Nice comfy thread without autistic shitflinging over which game is better.
Been a while bros. Let's try to have more threads like this.

Everyone should at the very least appreciate Fuuka

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I always hate the Hanged Man shadows, they're never weak to anything and come with lots of resistances and powerful spells. And they like to pull of Last Resort too.

Speaking of the Answer, are there any other Personas I should be on the lookout for?
Orpheus is for sentimentality reasons and in case I ever get the means to fuse Thanatos so I can get Messiah again, Nebiros is for Fear spam, Surt for Agi, Titania for healing, escape, Garu, and Bufu, Daisoujou for Hama spam, Melchizedek is holding an item, Thor for Strike and Zio coverage, and Hell Biker is fusion fodder.

I feel like I'm especially weak on Garu, Bufu, and Mudo coverage, but everything else has been okay so far and I haven't seen anything I liked pop up in Empyrean or be fusable yet.

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I didn't even know who voiced him until now. Dang, I hope whoever replaces him does better than Matthew Mercer replacing Troy Baker.

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Mercer sounded like Baker had a cold. Then again I've ascended to the glory of the undubs now.

So when are we getting a P3 remake?

Idk but I want to pound her til next Tuesday

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When Atlus is finally dead and no longer worth caring about, because remaking games that are perfectly fine in their original form is pure desperation.


Vic Mignogna dude.

Long story sort, he may have done somethings to underaged fans. he may just be the victim of people who hate him because he made some weird jokes. Who knows, who cares, kill all dub actors.

Because she's a teenage girl

Where were you when /ourguy/ came back with another masterpiece, Yea Forums?

I don't really care about dubs so I don't follow news or whatever

Well, you can trade homunculuses so i wouldnt worry too much about Mudo. The ultimate personas that you unlock by clearing social links are good, you can throw them into weapons too so i would be looking out for them too. With right setup the weapons can be strong as fuck


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Cannon girl is canon girl and you gotta deal with it

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Liz a best

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Sorry, I meant specifically for the Answer. No Compendium, no Social Links, and no Nihil weapons means I gotta be picky about which Personas I bring with me.

Pull the Trigger > Wait and See

Wiping All Out > Mass Destruction

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I want to hatefuck Yukari and I know for a fact that she'd be into it

>a girl with a severe fear of sexuality, trust, and romance
It's like you don't understand Yukari at all.

I understand that she drinks cum like it's water in the desert, boy

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Never replay games, but I've played Persona 3 four times without any problems. I don't even think it's even the greatest game I've ever played, but I just can't help but enjoying playing it again

You must be thinking of some other girl.

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Liz a weirdo

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I get the sense we could be friends, user

>just hang out with whoever i felt was cool for however long I wanted
It's alright to play naturally like that. I usually go for efficiency, but it's good to want to be around the characters more than anything.

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Liz is cute, funny and eccentric

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Why is P3MC such a chad

He doesnt give a fuck and girls are attracted to that

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The best way to do The Answer is to do fusion chains so you're always upgrading the elements. Like you start with an agi persona and just keep fusing him onto stronger fire personas with better skills and resistances. So basically there isn't a "best" persona, you need to build them up gradually. It's annoying because there isn't a compendium so you don't just fuse to fuse.

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>Choose Rise as your destined partner
>She has zero interest in you and treats it completely friendly and platonically
>Choose almost any other girl
>They're a stuttering, embarrassed, blushing mess, especially Yukari and Chie

Rise is shit, what else is new?

So if I've got Surt with Fire Amp, Maragidyne, Mind Charge, and Ragnarok, I'm good to go for Agi, correct? I don't think there's a fire-element Persona stronger than him.

Besides the MC, who would he date?

Don't say Akihiko.

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How is Q2? Does it have god tier stages like that spooky hospital stage in Q1?

Not really. Apparently the Evil Spirit Club was too scary for players, so any scary stuff is toned down. Yukiko even hijacks Junpei's ghost stories to neuter their endings so Chie and Makoto won't freak out.


>Comes with Repel Ice, Evade Ice, and Absorb Ice
oooh baby

If you're the P4 protag she treats it pretty intimately talking about having a bunch of kids.

Yeah basically. I think I beat Answer on hard by mainly using Odin/Surt with boost and amp. Don't worry about getting every element built up because you can always back off to heal while the others do damage.

The best one I think was Odin? You get thunder reign which is the best skill ever and I think he was easy to get passives on too. If you build him up, he's arguably better than Surt. If you get him you're basically done with the game since the guaranteed crit is so abusive. Just set everyone to not hit the knocked down dudes and make the enemy waste turns. It also does enough damage for that time limit gimmick with the final boss. You just need to fuse Thor into him somehow.

>tfw door-kun will never be saved
fucking hells

just have faith Liz will save him one day

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Tell Elizabeth to hurry the hell up. She already got her own wild card so quit dawdling around. The rest of SEES trying to change people's hearts slowly will lead to him being released not in their lifetimes.

Fuck you, stop. Leave it be.

That is actually a pretty good analyst

It's critical to P3's thematic credibility that he never comes back. His friends won't see him again. We don't get to have fun with him in games that continue the story. But we get to see everyone else grow up and move on. That's what his sacrifice should mean and that's what it should mean to die well.

If Atlus decided to ressurect him it would kind of illustrate that they don't appreciate P3's best creative decision.

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>Not wanting catharsis for the friends who parted with him without closure and even years later still grieve for him

Jesus-kun will eventually have his second coming.

>tfw you literally saved the world every day because people can't stop wanting to fucking die

>burn my dread plays while your'e getting mauled by nyx

Peak mid 00's emo weeb aesthetic.

>without closure and even years later still grieve for him
Welcome to real life. People die and you never get to see them again. That's kinda what the game is about.

Real life doesn't tell you that the person you thought died actually turned into a magic door.

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I’M going to remodel Aigis when the Persona 3 remake comes out on PC

That's called "The Answer retconning what was originally a simple metaphor for a tragic death."

The Virgin Nyx
>Wastes your time with 13 forms worth of filler before the main fight
>Skims the Wikipedia articles of the tarot cards to seem "deep"
>Silly design
>Final form is a slog that takes half damage
>One of his big attacks is hiding behind a shield like a bitch
>Theme is only appealing to soi boys who clap when they hear that Aria they recognize
>Ultimate move is a cheap shot that will only ever get you once and then never again
>Vulnerable to Armageddon

The Chad Erebus
>Plethora of dangerous high damage attacks that can't be grinded past
>Ultimate attack is very clearly outlined and turns the fight into a fun and intense DPS race
>Doesn't waste your time at all, either you lose quickly or win quickly.
>Cool genuinely unsettling design
>Doesn't talk, only goal is to kill you not give a boring sophomoric lecture
>Theme song is an original composition that gets the blood pumping
>Has never seen an Armageddon spell in his entire life.

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Yes, but at the same time this is a series where the power of human mindpower, amped up by the unfathomable force of an eldritch outer being, can cast magic from their fingertips, traverse through time, and cure severe wounds. Chidori died and then was resurrected by the life force she imparted to flowers next to her bed, and since Junpei has a necklace from her in P4AU we know she's still alive.

I think there could be a lot of potential in finally freeing him years later, only for him to now be completely lost as his own answer to life was deprived of him when he was resurrected, and with his friends having grown up and moved on and his wild card lost he's left with no idea what to do or where to go. Thus turning it from "a boy who dies to protect the world" to "a boy who was in a coma for 10/15/20 years and just awoke to find an unfamiliar world that does not need him, but must somehow carry on".

Golden references Elizabeth's quest, and it's her entire plotline in P4AU, so like it or not it's here to stay.

>Thus turning it from "a boy who dies to protect the world" to "a boy who was in a coma for 10/15/20 years and just awoke to find an unfamiliar world that does not need him, but must somehow carry on".
would be okay desu
imagine living a life no different than death

Did it fully translated ?

Why the fuck is there not a remastered P3 and P4?


>P3 with P5 engine and UI improvements
Would cum buckets, shame it will never happen.

They already have the new models from P3D

This post gave me cancer kill yourself

if they do bring him back Door would just join the velvet room and probably replace igor since his voice actor has passed away

>having an emo kid run the velvet room instead of based long nosed jew man

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Igor VA dying didn't stop him from showing up in P5 yes I know he doesn't show up till the end but he still appeared and was recasted so he better stick around

It's objectively better than P4, P5 and P2

Is the P3 Manga worth reading?

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>It's objectively
How old are you? kill yourself go back to redd_it

>Don't go into the dungeon too much, ideally you only go into it once to clear the boss before the deadline.

Dont listen to this guy. I did a three day cycle of dungeon-social links-social stats and maxed all my social stats and all of the important social links.

P3 plot makes way more sense than P4 & P5 with better lore, themes and characters.

P3fags getting sensitive

>All the characters range from extremely boring to assholes.
That's grossly oversimplifying the complexities of their lives, they have every reason to be. I guess you'd rather everyone be happy go lucky cardboard cutouts with just a hint of social angst like 4/5 though.

FuukaAnon if you still here, answer me this, why did Fuuka choice to befriend her bully? It is beyond my understanding

Not him, but I think she pitied her.

He will say something about Fuuka being so pure of heart and full of forgiveness, that she can befriend anyone.

The lighting in the movies was weird af. It was like the light was from right above their heads, different from the usual anime lighting.

>All the characters range from extremely boring to assholes.

I'm sorry there's no giant talking teddie bear to hold your attention.

>Nothing happens till the very end of the game.

Kek, imagine being this braindead.

>Ikutski is EXTREMELY predictable and when he reveals he’s evil he just fucks off and dies.

With all of the twists in P3, the fact that you think this is THE reveal shows that you paid very little attention to the game. It's literally a minor plot point.

>Fuuka’s story is laughably bad. It’s just a fucking mess.

Story of a girl getting bullied? Seems pretty down to earth to me.

>It tries to put anime slice of life shit in with the extremely dark parts and it doesn’t mesh well at all.

The entire game is about death. It's implemented in almost every aspect in the game.

Fuuka saw the good in her despite her outwardly cruel ways.

Actually she was just so desperate for anyone to interact with her that she tolerated getting bullied because it was at least some kind of social interaction.

Is it better to get half your party members at the start of the game like Persona 3 or should you get them through each stage?

Well it was fun while it lasted. Now the people who treat P3 as part of their identity have arrived

Because Fuuka tries to be friendly and nonggressive with everyone, since that's how she figures people will like her instead of her true self who is nice, but also somewhat reclusive and prefers to tinker with technology. Natsuki basically walked in and burst into tears, and was on the ground groveling for her forgiveness, so Fuuka decided to forgive her. When Natsuki showed up in class the next day without her memories but still friendly, she decided to be friends with her.

Not the Fuukafag by the way, that's just how it happened. Fuuka doesn't hold grudges and is uncomfortable getting angry, in contrast to Yukari who uses anger as a shield to protect herself when she feels vulnerable.

>It tries to put anime slice of life shit in with the extremely dark parts and it doesn’t mesh well at all.

I thought it worked well in P3, less well in P4 and didn't work at all in P5. Can't really put my finger on why, but I bought the P3 characters as kids just trying to live their lives while dealing with urban horror shit. Maybe because they didn't let the anime tropes get out of hand like they did in 4 and especially 5.

Is it worth it to play Persona 3 FES if I already played Persona 3 Portable?

i enjoy how they already had weird shit going on before the protagonist showed up. forming a group around the mc is always lame.

nice arguments

>you're wrong

damn bro u got me there

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I mean he looks emo but strangely he's the most hopeful vidya character there is

Why would I want to discuss anything with an overly aggressive angry person? We're in here having a nice time and discussing games and then you come in here.>FUCKING BRAINDEAD
>Strawman deflection arguments if you don't like x then you have to like y

Why would anyone want to talk to you when you're going to act like this?

>damn, people are calling out my shitposting
>better leave

And nothing of value was lost.

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>P3 has a bad plot
>y-yeah but these plots are worse
Okay? We were talking about P3 though.

So get the fuck out then faggot. Lmao imagine going into a thread about a video game and getting upset when people like it.

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>Strawman deflection arguments if you don't like x then you have to like y
Except that's only half of what I said retard.
>Why would anyone want to talk to you when you're going to act like this?
Why would anyone want to talk to a generalizing retard who can't see past the surface of a person?

Disingenuous. Thanks for proving my point.
>Retard retard retard
Do you have tourettes? Why would I pay attention to the rest when you almost immediately start strawmanning and getting mad over video game opinions.





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It still hurt

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>Do you have tourettes? Why would I pay attention to the rest when you almost immediately start strawmanning and getting mad over video game opinions.
Then don't. No one's forcing you to reply, but if you're going to make a statement, you better fucking back it when someone refutes it instead of screeching, "YOU HUWT MY FEEWINGS!!!" like a literal 2 year old.

Was that boss with the three dancing shadows?

>you better fucking back it when someone refutes it instead of screeching, "YOU HUWT MY FEEWINGS!!!" like a literal 2 year old.
Thanks for proving my point again. I'm just saying the reason people don't want to engage with you is because you're very clearly emotional and overly attached to this game. You're the only one hurling insults and getting upset in this whole thread, everyone else is peacefully discussing a game they like while you have to let everyone else know how stupid they are and how cool you are for your preference in toy for 14 year old Japanese high schoolers

Before you strawman again, it's not about feelings it's about quality of discussion.

>haha he strawmanned and I pointed it out, therefor i am the victor of this argument

If you use strawmen, it's a good sign you're not willing to argue in good faith which means further argumentation is pointless.

goddamn just shut the fuck up you stupid autists

Sorry, I didn't realize you don't actually care for the statements you made on why P3 is a bad game and really just wanted an excuse to bitch about nothing. In that case, this is the final (You) you'll get from me.

Why would I argue with you when you're not willing to argue in good faith and are embarrassingly emotionally attached to a video game?

or maybe you shouldn't be so sensitive to getting called retard on a japanese based internet forum

You must not have read the last sentence.

After Royal, I hope. Something to pad out the hype until P6.

Again, you can just accept that your statements were wrong and stop replying instead of bitching about some off topic nothing. No (You) though, the same bait won't work again.


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There's a remix of "Memories" that they play during some Slink scenes in January and it's not on the ost. Is this that, or another mix? Either way, thanks.

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My statements were not "wrong" since they were opinion and the fact that you missed this kind of proves my point. I don't want to respond to an overly emotional child who's more interested in shitflinging than actual discussion. I know you don't have the willpower to not reply, so I'll be the bigger man and end the conversation here for the both of us.

I don't think so, I think the one I linked was a fan-made remix.

FeMc is not canon, you need to let go user, you hurting yourself.

>I can ignore your post because you are making fun of me, your arguments aren't valid anymore

You must not have read the last sentence.

I checked one of the volumes once and there was a charming little original SoL scene on the train to Kyoto that I liked, so I would guess yes if you really feel like it.

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>Join a Persona thread late
>Everyone's having a good time discussing the game and joking around
>Join a Persona thread within the first 50 posts
How do I escape this hell

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>My statements were not "wrong" since they were opinion
You really don't understand how arguments work, do you?
>I know you don't have the willpower to not reply, so I'll be the bigger man and end the conversation here for the both of us.
I'm proud of you, actually showing the slightest hint of maturity after the tantrum you've been putting up.

This one was the opposite.

Fuse new, stronger Personas often. Don't bother with buffs, this isn't SMT.


Don't forget to say something nice to the birthday girl, Yea Forums.

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Why is this bitch so popular in-universe? Guys at school treat her like she's the most beautiful girl when it's clearly Mitsuru.

Ignore it and press on. This thread would've been dead a while ago if I didn't keep it alive with bumps every so often because I wanted to discuss Persona 3 with people.

I'm continuing through the Answer, and I still feel really bad for Yukari. And a little worried about the battles ahead because it usually takes me 2-3 tries to get the correct party combo down for guardian bosses here, so I'm wondering if I'll be okay for Shadow Minato, Colosseum Purgatorio, and Erebus.

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why is he such a peeping tom

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Mitsuru is so beautiful it can be a little intimidating. Yukari is seen as much more "attainable" which makes her more attractive in a certain sense.
Hope you've been training up Metis.

Who's da man?

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Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

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Yukari is outwardly really friendly, pretty, and sporty, so she's got a lot of admirers. Mitsuru is sort of aloof and I get the feeling the student body treats her as out of their league and not as easily approachable.

I'm keeping everyone leveled about even, and i switch up party members after every guardian or boss cleared. Aigis is at level 70 now and Metis level 63.

>Don't bother with buffs
Oh no no no no

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That's about the levels I beat the whole game at so you should be fine.

>all that bigger man stuff was bullshit
I see.

You don't really need to buff. Just set Aigis and Akihiko to do it and never worry about it since P3 puts all the buffs and debuffs on one character. The only time the MC needs to use buffs is early game with Cadenza.

In the end, only Fuuka knows for sure, but here are my thoughts.
Fuuka has lived her life surrounded by strict, cold and unforgiving people.
When she saw Natsuki crying and asking to be forgiven, Fuuka probably remembered all those people who were so strict with her, and decided not to follow that path.
Instead, she chose to forgive, and then befriend Natsuki, because she saw in her a lot of good.
And she was right, Natsuki's bullying stemmed from a neglectful household, she chose to take it out on Fuuka since she saw her as someone better than her, an honor student. Bullying her made her feel better about herself.

Bottom line, Fuuka is a kind and forgiving soul, and that's what kind souls do.

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Told ya

>The only time the MC needs to use buffs is early game with Cadenza.
I don't think I ever actually used Cadenza for buffs, I used it because it was the most reliable party healing earlygame.


Favorite version of this song

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Sorry, I wanted to see if you were eagerly waiting in the thread for a response. You responded back in less than 2 minutes, impressive. Anyway, that really is it I just wanted to confirm you were really high strung and looking for an argument. You immediately responded to a blank post with vitriol.

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What a fucking bop, honestly my favorite track in the game next to Kimi ni Kioku

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I love Persona 3

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Woah. Strange that it isn't on ANY P3-related albums I've heard. And I think I might have heard them all. I am more partial to this, however. It got that bit of an unease oomph in it.

Aigis is 20 years old today.

I wonder what she's doing now.

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>Yukari is afraid of relationships
>Learns Charmdi
>Mitsuru wants to have a relationship, but is somewhat unfamiliar with how it goes
>Learns Marin Karin, but misses often

Okay, I'll admit I am annoyed, not by whatever you were saying, but by the fact that you used it as an out to not justify your own views. People like you who just like to spout whatever you think and not even bother to back it up with solid reasoning completely disgust me and actively make this site a worse place.

I didn't pilot this little dork all to way to his tragic demise for you faggots to spend your only lives this way.

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>D-debate me! Argue! Conflict!
Take a deep breath deep breath deep breath deep breath

Probably still working for the Shadow Operatives, given that any other potential careers she might've had were crushed the moment the person she made a vow to protect with her life died seconds after she made it. I still think Aigis's reasoning for being obsessed with Door beyond December 31st is extremely shallow and made her character very one-note, but whatever I guess.

thanks user
I couldn't find it for months until I came across a playlist and it being called "memories of the garden."
i was so happy

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Actually, by not longing for death and being a depressed mopey sadsack, I can spend my time however I want and I'd still be helping Doork out more than most people.

I think that Aigis still being obsessed with Door-boy was a pretty mature theme that showed not everyone goes through a fairy-tale-esque perfect personal metamorphosis and sometimes can fall back on their old, bad habits after the credits roll despite how much they changed during the main plot.

All I'm saying is that if you have a criticism about the game, make it based in logic/fact, nothing more.

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She probably spends her birthdays alone. Just loses herself in the memories of him for a day. A day when no one has any need for her, and she is free to do anything. Maybe she's dreaming about Door, all the what-ifs and whatnot. Maybe she's helping Elizabeth out since they both have it out for Door. Who knows.

I hope would hope she's doing more than that most days, if not on her birthday. Isn't it better if she has more people than even just the P3 cast who care enough to visit?

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Sure, people to connect with ARE important. But days like these, maybe the Fifth of March too, these are lone days. Days to be with yourself, and yourself alone.

>the plot is amazing

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>All right. Let's do this.

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Perhaps, but it never seemed to me like there was any meshing personalities or basis for it beyond that, and people give Yukari a hard time for doing the same thing, having an extremely tough time dealing with intense grief from a lost love. I just felt like maybe Aigis, who lived her entire life attached to Door's hip, should've tried to take some time away and figured out who she wanted to be before coming back.

To me it just looks like Marta from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. A girl attached to a boy for a superficial reason, then stays attached because she falls for him without really showing what changed.

Yes but I never want to play The Answer

I wouldn't go as far as saying it doesn't have issues, but it's still pretty good.

Yukari or Aigis

>Perhaps, but it never seemed to me like there was any meshing personalities or basis for it beyond that

Admittedly, I agree. But for the most part I chalk that up to Door-boy being a silent protag, meaning you're supposed to fill in the blanks yourself. Yeah that's a kinda lazy, handwave-y explanation, but I think it fits the nature of playing a character you're supposed to self-insert into.

But I also think Aigis's attachment to the MC was a more one-sided thing. She cared for him because of what happened 10 years prior, and made him her own responsibility, regardless of what his personality was really like.

Yukari, by a mile.

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I don't think there's competition.

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>read spoilers about the ending
>completely forget them by the time I finally play the game years later
>see thread on Yea Forums when I'm near the end of the game
>read spoilers again

>Opening threads about games you haven't finished
Your own fault.

Sorry, man. But the impact is still really good for when you do go through it yourself, don't think your experience is 100% ruined. I was thoroughly spoiled for my first time playing it and I still enjoyed the hell out of it.

I guess talking and thinking about it my real issue is that the most believable romances for me are ones where the partners start off as friends, before something triggers the relationship to develop further. And since Aigis only gained her humanity in the last month, there was very little time to truly become friends and do the mundane life stuff that brings you closer together.

But yeah, I do agree with the one-sided thing. So facing the harsh reality that her reason to live is gone felt a little necessary, if somewhat hamfisted. But mainly I just wanted Door to leave Yukari something too so she wouldn't feel so left out while Aigis inherited his power, his last moments, even his Evoker. All Yukari could do was make a promise to him that he'd never hear while holding his cold, dead hand.

The ending is 5 minutes of an 80 hour game.

I don't know but I'll say with conviction that sure.

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>80 hour game.
I'm at 144 hours in the Journey and 30 hours in the Answer
How did you beat this in 80 hours?

>144 hours in the Journey
I talked to every NPC after every major plot event and did all of the Elizabeth requests and my game clocked in at around 90 hours. Answer took me 40. Did you leave the game idle for a long time or something?

I have no idea.

Like I said, this isn't SMT. Why do you think noobs start playing SMT and get rekt without buffs? Because they played Persona and expect buffs to be useless.

I love Chihiro!

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How many social links did you max? Did you read all of the plot or skip some of it?

Even if you didnt have it idle, a 100 hr playthrough is normal.

This just looks like a young sae

I maxed all the Social Links and didn't skip through any text. I talked to the dorm members every day and watched all the secret videos. Maybe you guys just got screwed on the fusion?

>I guess talking and thinking about it my real issue is that the most believable romances for me are ones where the partners start off as friends, before something triggers the relationship to develop further.
Again, I agree and do prefer those sorts of relationships in most other fiction. But for what it was in the context of the game, I think their relationship worked. However, I also did a lot of thinking about how their relationship would have developed on my own. If you didn't do that (which is fair, not everyone is autistic like me), I can definitely see how you'd find the relationship forced/underdeveloped.

>All Yukari could do was make a promise to him that he'd never hear while holding his cold, dead hand.
My advice is to just revel in the tragedy. Yukari never got to say a true goodbye to the person who arguably meant the most to her. It's more tragic, and thus better, somehow.

You need to adjust your eyesight

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So how did Medea manifest in broad daylight?

Seems like out of control Personas follow different rules. The same thing happened to Shinjiro and Yukari when they lost control of their Personas.

Chidori losing Medea and thus losing her memories makes me kind of wonder how tied to one's psyche their Persona is. So if say you somehow transferred your Persona to a robot duplicate of yourself, would your consciousness transfer over to the robot body too, while your human body loses its memories?

Persona 4 > Persona 3

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To be honest, I was never even sure what a Persona was supposed to really be. I sorta assumed they were a supernatural manifestation of someone's trauma/a part of their psyche.

Persona 3 never says that you can't summon in the real world or that you can only summon in the dark hour, that's just something p4/5 players retroactively assumed when it isn't the case



What the fuck?

cant argue with that


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Yep. P4 > P3.
Cant argue with that.

>Yukari is outwardly really friendly

To most people she's friendly and outgoing, it's mainly Junpei that gets on her nerves so they tease each other.

She's literally only unfriendly to two people. Junpei who seems to goad her into being pissed off on occasion and Mitsuru, who she knows is hiding something, but never gives a clear answer. She's civil with you (P3MC) after the first Full Moon Shadow incident.

I assume that in games after and including 3 they serve a different symbolic purpose depending on the theme of the story.

I think it's safe to interpret a persona in 3 a manifestation of a character's "resolve to live in spite of death's inevitability" and nothing more than that. It isn't like a TM novel or something where the emotional part of the story exists adjacent to a "consistent" lore or science that it has to abide by -- power in Persona plots is influenced directly (and pretty much exclusively) by emotion / mental clarity / willpower, which is what's supposed to make the concept so cathartic.

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I'm on the Promised Day and I wanted to play the Answer after I finish, any tips?

What difficulty and then what level are you? What are your built up Persona's? It's a long fight, so keep your SP in mind.


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For the Journey you can do a NG+ and keep your items, so it's up to you on whether to save all that rare stuff you've been collecting or not.

For the Answer you'll start out with nothing again, there's no Persona Compendium, and it's locked to Hard Mode. To compensate, Personas level up crazy fast and all the Personas are available to you, you just have to acquire them from Shuffle Time cards or fuse them. Sometimes there it's better to knock down all your opponents without doing an All-Out Attack, since it makes them waste their turns getting back up.

Aigis is good
But yukari is easily the better one

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>why yes my main team was Aegis, Yukari and Akihiko, how could you tell?

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>and nothing more than that
Actually, that's not what I mean on a thematic level. In the context of the entire series, the "persona" concept is loaded with subtext, and what it means to you specifically is just what you put in just like summoning/fusing one in the games, neato

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Mah nigga.

Is there even any other comp that works?
The rest of the team members are shitters anyways.

Are you looking for a physical interpretation on what Personas are, in context of the story and setting? Cause I can provide some of that if you like.

Playing through this for the first time soon, any tips for trying to max all links?

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>physical interpretation
I'm not sure what you mean by this, so go ahead.

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Only go into Tartarus once a month and you'll be fine.
Don't attack random enemies on the floor, only fight the guardians.
Once you hit the barricade, use your remaining stamina to go fight the shadows needed for Elizabeth's requests. Again though, don't fight them randomly.
Return to the entrance when you get low and before and after each guardian fight.
If you want xp, have been to the barricade, and have fulfilled Elizabeth's possible requests, fight strong enemies and roll an exp multiplier card.
Prioritize social links with date restrictions like Sun, don't max stats except intellect early because charm and courage fall in your lap by the boatload and offer little advantage outside unlocking social links - unlike intelligence which gives you unique rewards for your test scores.
Don't get a girl past 6 unless you are ready to take her to max level or she'll be PISSED. Accidentally did that to Chihiro and she seemed about the same because she's a bitch to you regardless, but other girls you might notice a difference.
Using just the personas that she asks you to fuse is enough work and they are pretty much strong enough to carry you through most of the game. If you get stuck on a boss, fuse a persona with that specific strength and weakness needed.
If you want things to be really easy, make Thor and save him to the compendium just before he gets his heart item around lvl60 or something. Then get the heart item, dismiss him, pull him out again and repeat a couple of times. Give the heart item - an electric immunity item to Aegis and Yukari. Half your team now has no weaknesses.
Weapon fusions are pretty pointless, but look cool. You WANT your basic attack to be physical damage so don't swap to the awesome fire sword or you will be useless most of the time.
Oh, and don't change your party members after you have 3 girls in SEES, male party members just aren't worth the time.

Specifically, all girls will start to get jealous starting at rank 7, but Chihiro is especially jealous and starts doing that at rank 5.

From the club book, a digital recreation of Ikutsuki after his death answering questions with Aigis:

>Q: What are Shadows?

>Ikutski: A good reason to use a flashlight.
>Aigis: The “S” was capitalized.


>Ikutsuki: -OUCH! Aigis, that hurt! Umm… well, then. To answer seriously, Shadows are parts of Nyx.

>Aigis: Does that mean that they are, in fact, not to be seen as her underlings or children?

>Ikutsuki: On the previous page, I explained how Nyx was suppressed in the depths of the Collective Unconscious of all living beings, correct? In other words, Nyx is located in the deepest depths of the unconscious of the psyche of every single living being.

>Aigis: That appears to be the case, yes.

>Ikutsuki: Now, I want you to picture the following: Assume that a certain living being, let us say, Junpei Iori-kun, for example, ends up thinking the following: “Oh man, I totally screwed up that test again~! How am I 'spossed to keep on living as such a loser?” The moment he has such thoughts on his mind, his unconscious would momentarily cease to resist Nyx. Now, what do you suppose would happen in such a case?

>Aigis: If this were to happen, then the “Nyx” in Junpei-san’s heart would surely emerge, even if just for a moment.

>Ikutsuki: Exactly. The part of him that is “Nyx” would emerge from his unconscious into his conscious mind. These fragments of Nyx’ psyche resting in our own are what Shadows truly are.

>Aigis: However, for being parts of something like Nyx, the Shadows surely don’t seem to be particularly well-organized or skilled.

I feel like revisiting p3 but i dont have the time. Should i watch the films in English or japanese? I played the game in english

>Ikutsuki: Because they are only very small fragments. They may be petty, however, they hold some special abilities and as they are beings existing in a state of pure thought and emotion, they cannot be destroyed by conventional means alone. Aside from that, however, they are not an especially impressive force on their own. Still, the information and energy contained in these existences we call “Shadows” is essential to the beings they dwell in.

>Aigis: Which means…?

>Ikutsuki: First of all, in order to make the Shadows, which were originally fragments of Nyx, part of their own psyches, the lifeforms of our current earth were required to greatly limit their individual lifespans.

>Aigis: However, I was under the impression that it was perfectly normal for a living being to have a limited lifespan…?

>Ikutsuki: This is the common knowledge about life in its current form, yes. However, the lifeforms in most ancient times were primitive. Unicellular organisms, such as amoebas, could split thir cells and multiply for limitless times, and as long as they were not devoured by other organisms, they also would not die. Earlier, I explained how contact with Nyx triggered explosive evolution in the lifeforms on our planet, however, it seems that this evolution demanded to be repaid by placing a limit on our lifespans.

>Ikutsuki: Aside from this, there is also another important point. The Shadows we hold in our psyches themselves are not just mere prisoners, but have become an essential part of the inner structure of our minds. Without a Shadow, a mind - especially one as highly complex as that of a human being - cannot function properly and ceases to work, as if it had been lost entirely.

>Aigis: Wait… Could this possibly mean…?

>Ikutsuki: Why, yes. The poor fools who have been struck with Apathy Syndrome and become but shadows of their former selves have in actuality all lost the parts of their psyches that contained fragments of Nyx - their Shadows.

>Q: What does it concretely mean “To be eaten by Shadows”?

>Ikutsuki: I believe the answer should now be obvious. Shadows have never actually been devouring people. Shadows are born of humans and, if that happens, said people become empty shells - “Shadow Men”, if you so will. The illusion that Shadows “eat” people is created because this phenomenon occurs when people are pulled into the Dark Hour. To a mere observe, the Shadows they give birth to appear to be following or attacking the host, and since these people always become victims of Apathy Syndrome, this falsely creates the impression that the Shadows must have devoured the psyches of these people.

>Ikutsuki: In our story, Fuuka-kun’s friend, Natsuki-kun, was said to have heard a Shadow’s voice calling for her when she was dragged into the Dark Hour, but in reality, what she heard was her own voice - The voice of her Shadow, that is. People who hide their fears deep in their hearts and try to forget about death, living without goal or guide, end up following the wishes of the Shadows in their hearts and wander into the Dark Hour, where they become empty shells… Quite a frightening thought, isn’t it? However, Natsuki-kun’s case is a special exception. She found new determination to live and oppose death due to her experiences in the Dark Hour, and was thus able to leave without becoming a Shadow Man. This is an incredibly rare occurrence, but people who manage to do this do exist as well! Aren’t humans fascinating?

>Aigis: …I am beginning to wish I was able to leave as well. May we proceed to the next question?

>Ikutsuki: Much rather, I would like to have you returned to the lab, so they can take a good look at you. I do not like the way you have been talking to me… *sob*

And finally:

>Q: Tartarus, The Dark Hour, The Potential, Transmogrification… I just don’t get any of this!! Just gimme a clue what all of this even means!

>Ikutsuki: Oh my, what an aggressive question. I wonder if we can’t figure out the identity of the person who asked this question, based on the amount of intellect put into it…

>Junpei: Hey, I’m sorry, I’m just not that smart, OK!? And anyway, ’s not like you’re the one to talk, always coming at us with those lousy puns. Who do you think you are anyway, Dave Spector!?

>Ikutsuki: What horrible words from you too, Junpei-kun… You could at least humor me! Won’t you allow a poor man plagued by Nihilism his few pleasures in this world?

>Aigis: Indeed, Junpei-san. You are horrible.

>Ikutsuki: A…Aigis…!

>Ikutsuki is moved to tears.

>Aigis: Punishing Ikutsuki-san for his horrible puns is my favorite duty. Your attempt to rob me of said duty is simply to be described as 'horrible’.

>Ikutsuki: W-Wait, that’s what you disagree with!?

>Junpei: Oh well, let’s just leave it at that. Now, gimme a good answer already, pleaaaase!

>Ikutsuki: Alright, now, first of all, let’s all calm down, good? Good, then… ahem. Incidentally, all the subjects mentions in the question addressed earlier are strongly connected to a certain ability of Shadows. So it is actually very convenient to address them all at once.

>Junpei: A certain ability?

>Ikutsuki: Yes. Once a certain amount of Shadows has fused into a sufficiently powerful Shadow, it becomes able to access this potential. This power allows Shadows to manipulate space-time. As I have already explained to you earlier, Shadows gather in order to unite and return Nyx to power. However, unlike living beings, Shadows are existences of pure thought and emotion and do not possess a physical body. Thus, they usually cannot move or act freely in our world. In accordance with this, they need to create a sort of space outside of time, independent of the usual laws of space-time, in which, instead of human beings, Shadows can move freely. This can be accomplished with their ability to manipulate space-time.

>Junpei: And that’s the Dark Hour, huh?

>Ikutsuki: Exactly! Created by the Shadow’s latent abilities, the Dark Hour is a special state of space and time, that can not be interfered with by the usual laws of time and space. In return, this also means that the Shadows are unable to interfere with the living beings existing within normal space-time. Now, to explain Transmogrification, this phenomenon occurs in order to make sure people who are not located within the Dark Hour are not affected by it. Due to this, they only appear as symbols without identity, featureless coffins, while the Dark Hour is in effect. The hard, metal exterior of the coffins symbolizes protection from the Shadows, a shell to avert harm from them.

>Junpei: Ugh… I still don’t get it at all. I mean… what about the people we’ve seen walk into the Dark Hour? What’s different about them?

>Ikutsuki: Ah, you mean those who are able to adapt. Normal people suppress the Shadows in their hearts, however, to suppress one’s Shadow always also means to avert your eyes from the truth. This is only natural, after all, who wishes to be constantly reminded of their own mortality? However, there are also those who are able to face the truth of death bravely, without succumbing to a desire for death. And there is a yet smaller portion among these people, who are able to tame the Shadows in their hearts and use their abilities for themselves.

>Aigis: In other words, the one ones who adapt, the ones with the “Potential”, are those who are able to use the Shadow’s power to time-space-manipulation for themselves.

So summing this all up and the fact that we know from both this game and later games that Personas are tamed Shadows, it seems to me that a Persona is a mix of both Nyx's psyche hidden within each human, as well as the human's own traits and repressed psyche to take form. Those with the "potential" to face the shadows of their hearts also have the potential to draw out their Shadows, and if they accept them as part of themselves, turn them into Personas, taming the space-time manifestations to fight for them.

My guess is the Shadows take monstrous form in Persona 3 and 4 because of Nyx and Izanami's influence, which is also why Shadow Selves don't appear in Persona 3. Nyx's psyche provides a stronger influence than the human aspect. After Nyx was sealed, the human part of a person's psyche could take stronger hold, and a person's Shadow could manifest as a Shadow Self, if they have the potential to face the crisis presented them. Shadows take the form of Personas in Persona 5 due to humanity's own beliefs about gods and demons causing their psyches to assume the form most natural to them, and without a restrictive influence the humanity within them can communicate freely, but others can influence them, like Akechi being able to make Shadows go berserk.

English then

Was that an eye?

I love this game. I'm about to finish P4 after a year of hiatus and the only thing that game did better are some of the social links.

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Run away before anything gets spoiled. I can't believe I finished the entire game spoiler-free

Makoto has all of the personality of a paper bag.

>no one from 4
well, you're based on that at least

No she doesn't



But she is

this is why they made persona 4 and 5 brain dead easy and no challenge at all user, for people like you.

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i dont blame you. persona 3 was the first game to do the social links system and the game kinda glosses over how important raising as many as you can for basically stronger personas/better stronger party members really is.

>fuuka is annoying / stupid in the game
>in the movie shes cute, modest, strong
b-bros, have I been wrong all along?

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>Persona 4 and 5 MCs no matter what happens, have a good and happy ending
>Persona 3 MC
>The game tells you from the very start that you cannot change fate, and you will die
>games entire theme is around enjoying life and what you have because you will die
This is why Persona 3 still gets talked about and memes on youtube and shit while 4 and 5 are just endless waifu posting.

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Fuuka only loves cocks.

not based

From the sounds of it none of the stratums in Q2 get as good. Too bad because that bit with the ghost FOE stalking you was kino.

Memento mori