Does he even have a single (1) actually good game?
Or is Duke just being remembered for cringe prank calls for 12y olds?
Does he even have a single (1) actually good game?
Or is Duke just being remembered for cringe prank calls for 12y olds?
Other urls found in this thread:
manhattan project
Duke II
Duke Time to Kill
Duke GBC
Duke Zero Hour
Duke Manhattan Project
blow it out yer ass
Don't forget Duke Nukem Advance.
How is the Bulletstorm game with him?
>cringe prank calls for 12y olds
Duke Nukem's popularity predates the internet.
>confirmed zoomer whose only experience with the series was Duke Nukem Forever
Dook3D is better than Doom
wrong, had aol with internet before duke
Duke Nukem 3D, you stupid fucking zoomer.
zero hour is the best douk game
It's great but better than Duke 3D? Can't say I agree.
Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem 2, Zero Hour, and Manhattan Project are all good games, silly zoomie
Duke 3d is an excellent game even now.
its been years since ive played duke 3d
i might actually replay it right now
Duke 1 episode 1,2,3
Do it, man, and enjoy yourself. World Tour's new episode is good too if you can find it and don't forget Caribbean.
All of them.
Duke Forever really isn't THAT bad, it just has a reputation it cant shake. The DLC episode was fantastic.
dont mind me just posting the biggest pleb filter ever
I remember Time To Kill on the PSOne being amazing.
I've got a physical disc of Manhattan Project in original packaging.
Such a comfy 3d sidescroller game
I wish i was a cool as duke.
Well first you're going to need guns
Do you support trans rights
If not you never will be
Not anymore, Duke's modding community is dead compared to Doom's, do you see any "terry wad" equivalent for duke? i don't think so.
Excluding mods, DN3D + expansions is still the better official release and the build engine is better than doom's version of id tech.
3D is a classic for a reason. Manhattan Project is also really fun. ZER0 H0UR is pretty decent.
Time to Kill was sort of mediocre.
This one's not bad either.
Ofcourse Doom mods are better when you got Guncaster and Russian Overkill for instance
It is just a model and voice swap for the mc. It stops being a joke and half the time it becomes duke’s voice trying to say serious stuff. The actor knew it too and did a lazy rush job. The game itself is ok.
Thoughts on Ion Fury?
It's good
Wish it had a rocket launcher
>this outfit
Would have been a great thing if it was only for the arcade challenges. But sticking DOUK in the main game, without rewriting the rest of the characters and just trying to fit in around them is silly.
Really solid shooter, only issue is the lack of a big power weapon and the bosses are pretty meh.
>sewer level
>no crocodile boss
Cry some more
reminder that duke fucked lara croft
Pretty good, though the AI is a bit too easy to exploit. Also, bosses could've been better.
Duke fucked every woman on Earth
Fucking amazing. Hoping for expansion/sequel.
eh, looks like censored version
>censored version
You mean the remote control car part?
Nobody misgenders our ladies... and lives
Episode 1 of Duke 3D is the greatest thing out of a shooter in the 90s, it beats Doom, it beats everything.
the remote control car part was awesome. the whole little duke bit was enjoyable for me, but I like rats maps so idk.
it was the monster truck refueling gauntlet that killed it for me. it's like the devs just ran out of ideas right there. Up till the dam segment DNF is a solid game. Could be better, could be a lot worse. It could never have lived up to the hype.
>Duke Zero Hour
I would really like for NightDive to team up with 3dRealms and get this ported to modern platforms. The game would be vastly better running at 60fps instead of 10. And adding in a checkpoint system on lower difficulties or something, since the game was hard
Actually not having a rocketlauncher is great, because it is too braindead to use. Here you have same explosive power with grenade laucher, but it is trickier to use.
The build engine is a piece of shit. Compare Doom speedruns with Duke3D to understand what I am saying.
And even to play casually, it's an extremely precarious engine where enemies can't get around the map geometry, where you die because of doors or because you decided to get out of the water, etc.
Doom is much more solid. The problem is that it is outdated in resolution, frame rate, etc., things that can be circumvented today.
Build engine supporth much more things.
>little kid me trying to type in the cheats hunt-n-peck
everyone but me liked Duke 3D back on release. then again i didn't care for Doom either.
The hardest level for me was the final (I think) level in the first "episode," the one with the tank boss.
Duke was legitimately the game that made me realize I was a sexual being. That first level, I would stare at that fucking theater projection screen, mane. I didn't know why, but I sure liked the body on that woman, and her boobs were very exciting.
I think I was like 7 when I played it the first time.
Yeah, but pretty much all you can do is janky and that's annoying. Doom is limited, but at least what it offers is solid. In Duke3D you can even walk under closed doors if you want.
Huh, an actual honest to goodness expansion copy of Plutonium Pack for DN3d. That thing was erroneously MRSP'd at the same price of DN3d itself instead of half the cost, for a single episode's worth of levels.
It may be solid, but Doom's restrictions are too much. Quake's engine is the best.
i replay both Dooms, Duke3D and sometimes Shadow Warrior every year. Duke is fucking amazing.
Duke Nukem 3D being one of the most groundbreaking games ever doesn't count anymore?
How can you play Shadow Warrior? I find it unplayable. I play Doom and Duke3D periodically however...
Mate, yikes, it was sexist and gross, so now certain journos will argue that it was not important at all.
It's not the game developer's fault that aliens prefer female humans over male.
Not him but I've been replaying SW and have been enjoying it, but the lack of hidden shortcuts/backdoor routes in half the levels compared to Duke kinda blows. Granted Duke does have the Jetpack to more easily facilitate that by item requirement, where-as Shadow Warrior only has the repair tool for the small amount of maps that use vehicle, and said toolkit is rare as fuck unless mandatory to clear said stage.
That and fuck the suicider enemies that make the floaty ghost, although it gives an excuse to kill them with something explosive, which Duke lacked, leading to a lot of reserving your ammo until you reach an annoying higher-tier enemy.
3D, the GBA game, and Forver are all pretty great.
What ground did it break?
yeah it's not in the same realm as Douk, that's why it's not a guaranteed yearly replay for me. i first tried it some years ago and got to the cargo shipping level with all those fucking hitscanners. i always play ultraviolence or any equivalent difficulty and i dropped it there and then. replayed it 2 years ago and it's decent, but it fucking pales in comparison to Duke or Ion Fury (which was amazing overall imo)
>FPS with a character that has a personality
>Highly interactive levels
>Level effects not seen in other games for years (it took until Quake 2 for another FPS to have state-driven deformable landscape for shit like breakable walls)
>Level verticality
>Patrol routes for enemies
>Included all the tools on the disc needed to make your own maps or total conversion
Duke 3D is and always will be a fantastic game. Anyone who says otherwise clearly hasn't played it.
Though Blood is much better.