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wut happen



Unironically the best company out right now

Doesn't matter. This site will continue to suck Capcom's dick.


>REmake 2
>DMC 5
>MHW Iceborne

Press D to finna dab on OP

They are doing great, Monster Hunter World is a smash hit, Devil May Cry 5 is a smash hit, Resident evil 2 remake is a smash hit, plus they suck Sony's dick 24/7 which makes all the sóy slurping faggots love them even more.

Press D twice for DD2.

who cares about REsistance shit, Capcom as been on a roll and REmake 3 is the real prize.

But DMC2 on Switch and SF5 keeps defecating characters and no Ace Attorney stage show at TGS...

Listfag is still mad that people are enjoying games

Is this about the RE spinoff? They're probably just messing with the RE Engine some more before or during dev on RE3 Remake, some people liked the outbreak games so they might just be doing that.

Looks like Conman apologists and the FGCucks are still seething.

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You are about 5 years too late, OP. Capcom has actually been on the upswing lately. Now if they can actually put out a decent Street Fighter title again, they might finally redeem themselves

>bank on getting SMTV and Ace Attorney at TGS because that's how it always goes
>neither happen
Set me free already you motherfuckers.

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Capcom's new teaser for Project REsistance apparently didn't impress OP, to the point that it undoes the large collection of successful titles released since Monster Hunter World.

Pretty much this, its mainly their fighting games that need addressing. And it sure would be nice if the revive breath of fire by making a non phoneshit game.

well, while we're here
someone should buy this and distribute it

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But what if I never cared about Resident Evil


>whoring out Mr X like pyramid head



F to shitty 2010 capcom, all hail the new kings of games that are back on top.
all they need is a non shit mvc4 and dd2 (which is pretty much guaranteed to happen now) and we're good

We have not even seen a second of gameplay and you losers are already spazing out. This is your brain on tortannic.


>Ace Attorney at TGS
Wait there really isn't going to be anything?

You do realize Outbreak had tyrants too, right?

I mean, mr x IS meant to be mass produced and they did send like 6 of them to raccoon city to fuck up the RPD and a bunch of delta force dudes

Not unless they come out swinging with something out of left field. They don't have anything scheduled to show.

Remakes are fucking cancer

>multiplayer resident evil

Recipe for disaster, not even outbreak was that good despite what memesters on Yea Forums like to think.

I'm glad Yea Forums will always have shit opinions

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>implying you FGCucks deserve a new MvC after the shit you fucktards pulled.

>Not even Outbreak was that good despite what people who played it like to think

I just wished it will be better than that shitty WWZ game.
L4D killer my ass, the game is static as fuck and the PVP mode is just a shitty shooter CTF instead of Zombie vs Human.

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