Another one bites the dust Steambros.. I'm getting fucked scared now..
EGS takes another game from Steam
Did anyone actually care?
thanks for the games Tim
Meh, never was into meatboy, you got full link for the article? Groble does nothing
didn't they announce that they were exclusive before metro exodus became exclusive
based ghost girls
I mean from a pure finical perspective it’s a pretty sweet deal, my curiosity is who is the EGS affording this? Is all of the fortnite money being used to fund this?
Seething steamlets and gogfags
>shills still trying to make people fight over DRM
You're an indie dev with little money, what do you expect when these billionaires offer you millons of dollars? I know it sucks but that's what anyone here would do.
On a positive note, lost sales are covered with that amount, so I don't feel bad pirating the game.
That and probably Chinese government backing to prop it up since tencent is a government owned business who owns epic
Fortnite is pretty much a money printer for Epic, they can squeeze it as much as they want and its not gonna go dry
they did, this is just a bait thread
The problem with publicly traded companies is that there's no liability or accountability, especially if China is involved. If they spend all of their Chinese shekels on securing exclusives, none pay off, and the company goes bankrupt, Tencent will just glom onto another game developer and suck the life from them until they're dry. Where the money comes from and how/if it's paid back is not a concern. These indie devs don't care about stopping this vicious cycle because they just care about money; not where it comes from.
I don't care that you have to install another client to play. Fucking neck yourselves, consolefags have been dealing with this shit for ages. To expect an indie dev to potentially bankrupt themselves just so you don't have to click a free client is retarded and entitled.
The money is goddamn peanuts. Remember we are talking about broke ass indie devs. I think the amount for Phoenix Point was a few million and that is a more high profile indie from an experienced dev. They probably gave the Ooblets fag like $1 million.
Fortnite brough in $2.4 billion of revenue last year to put it into context.
>Automatic runner mobile game
Yikes we don't even want that shit
The good thing is is that they're going taking shitty games so who gives a fuck.
How long until we have console war faggotry but on PC between Steam and EGS.
oh wait we already have that everyday
>1 million
you are joking more like 200k or something
Epic actually lose very little. They basically just "guarantee" sales up until a certain point.
So say they guarantee sales of 500k units at full price, the indie dev would get 500k * price * .88
Epic gets all revenue up until the guarantee (dev's split + EGS split, so 100%), then it goes back to a normal split afterwards. So if the game sells over the guarantee anyways, EGS loses literally nothing, and if it doesn't ever hit the guarantee, they lose money that is proportional to the percentage of the guarantee it hit. The main draw is obviously in the mindshare and having enough variety of games exclusive that most Steam users feels they have to get EGS to play their favorite games, and at some point, they just switch ecosystems to EGS entirely.
I am pretty sure this is how it works and I think I read this in some article where a dev talked about it, but might not be entirely correct.
The money is probably a lot higher, but Epic does earn a lot or all of it back.
>no fatmund mcmillen therefore no soul
it's shit who cares
Andrew Blaze will rise again
> its not gonna go dry
its already declining. not that it will not jizz money everywhere for the next few years, but the well is not as infinite as some pretend. epic is trying to use the money to build the money well, money and blatant lies.
So... what you are saying is that anyone can pretty much make a quick quick if they can get Epic to think their game is worth something?
we knew about this particular game going Epic from months
Steam is finally pushing back. They won't let anyone advertise on the platform unless they intend to release on Steam simultaneously or within 30 days of the start of advertising on Steam for launch and post-launch respectively.
>its already declining
holiday season is over, means fortnite will boom again
Based Edmund
Do you shill not even know that it was stolen by the SJW store months ago?
Metro Exodus technically isn't even exclusive to EGS. I literally have it on Steam
He wasn't the one who said it
It's time to start making them pay for these decisions. Especially an established dev who takes the Epic bargain is worth nothing but disgust. It's the equivalent of dumping toxic chemicals in the river or hiring shit outsourced labor just to make a buck - you're hurting everyone and everything to make just a little more money
Epic clearly can't compete on features or value, but with all that fortnite plus Tencent money thru just throw it around like this and say " doesn't matter of you get less sales elsewhere, we will basically buy a whole bunch of copies up front. " In any other industry this would be considered in violation of dumping or market manipulation laws.
It's different because I see no legitimate Epic fans, and they're almost all either contrarian or they're a type of paid shill.
is this game even out yet?
I've seen like 3 gdqs with this game being advertised and I can't tell if it's still in development or if it came out and I never noticed
Unreal Engine it's the most popular game for AAA games and they get a 5% of every copy of any game that uses it.
Thanks for paying for my pirated copy Tim!
Do people seriously don't know jackshit about such a relevant company?
Epic makes the world's most popular game engine (for non-indie titles), Unreal Engine, and like 1/4 of medium-to-high budget games are using it, and Epic gets a 5% of their revenue from all sources (game sales, dlc, expansions), and on every platforms, not just PC.
You actually give more money to Epic by buying games like Dragon Quest 11, Mortal Kombat11, Kingdom Hearts 3, Dragon Ball Fighterz, Tekken7 etc. than if you would actually buy games on EGS. The cut on EGS might be slightly bigger, but the maintenance costs most likely outweigh it.
Man who gives a fuck only retarded tinfoil chinese dick suckin retards believe in this EGS conspiracy. If you were in any Devs shoes and had to pick mere pennies or pick a pile of monies you'd pick the pile of monies. Stop acting like some self-righteous cunt who'd pick Steam to fuck you over financially. I would definitely pick the pile of monies.
>pile of monies
fuck off ESL tard
Tell me. You want to eat ramen or high-quality USDA approved angus steaks with a bottle of wine. You tell me nigger.
This is one thing that makes them so greedy. Not counting their shit support in the latest UE for Linux , they could make a strong living just selling engine support to those around the industry.
They didn't need to start a new store/platform that's incompatible and basically be a bad actor . Hell they could have been a keyseller and gotten lots of finding that way. But this is the worst thing thru could have done.
I want to live in a first world country instead of your ESL shithole
>Thinking anybody gives a shit about what a paid ESLtard shill has to say
Shoo shoo go starve in a corner or rape a teenager or something
It's an SP game, I won't be missing any content by pirating it. Thanks Tim
Good, steam monopoly needs to be killed and fuck valve
Wasnt this one announced long ago already? I couldve sworn it was.
>It's time to start making them pay for these decisions.
just pirate them. epic is already paying them for you.
Wait... are you telling me that Valve trying to lock people into their monopolizing system is driving developers AWAY!?
This was literally one of the very fucking first things announced to be an exclusive months ago you god damn idiot. Jesus Christ.
>another western shitty game
oh no the humanity
Steamies BTFO
Does anyone actually like this shitty game? And who the fuck is just now playing Super Meat Boy in 2019?
>Epic actually lose very little. They basically just "guarantee" sales up until a certain point.
This if anyhthing valve is a greedy bastard
Valve drones literally fite kver their favorite drm
>On a positive note, lost sales are covered with that amount, so I don't feel bad pirating the game.
Why even buy it on steam then
Muh tencent boogeyman
>no more Edmund
>no more Danny
Holy shit.
Like who asked for this game what in the actual fuck?
Super Meat Boy is terrible
it's a completely new meat boy game
>Super Meat Boy
>but its an autorunner
And nothing of value was lost
Kek I love it I always make steamies cry
I'm surprised that game has even a single person playing. Looks like artsy indie crap. Arthouse films dont make cash so why is it a surprise an arthouse game doesnt either.
Lmao meanwhile valve drones are for real literal drones who defend a drm monopoly to death
>make a platform hell staple into an endless runner
Nobody that is why they are taking the epic deal.
Le who?
Different stores... all for selling STEAM KEYS
>Steam is finally pushing back
More like gaben is scared kek
>the SJW store
the wat?
Can you fucks at least shill for better games or something? This looks like absolute trash.
Here. I'll even link you that new PAX video they posted last week:
When you make a new thread use this instead.
Reminder to support devs that tell Tencent exclusivity chinks to fuck off
>They didn't need to start a new store/platform that's incompatible and basically be a bad actor .
Neither did valve but they did and created a monopoly
No, epic is proposing deals only in the top wishlisted upcoming steam games, if your game is not there they will not even put your game on the store even if you pay them.
>not pirating every game especially those exclusive to steam
Damn drone
>epic is proposing deals only in the top wishlisted upcoming steam games
How very underhanded.
>top wishlisted upcoming steam games
Oh shit is that confirmed? Should we start taking unreleased games off our wishlists now? That's just going to make it harder to keep track of shit I want to buy, fucking Tencent insects.
>Why even buy it on steam then
Greedy assholes doesnt deserve any support, they already got Epic money because they thought they didnt need customers money, so they should get none of them.
B-but it isnt a monopoly!
this fat faggot hack was always with the hipsters anyway.
I can predict you that all the hipster/SJW mafia are gonna put their game on EGS. I don't care.
Next one to be announced will be spelunky 2
Im gonna pirate it now
Don’t feel bad. Tim is buying everyone a copy, all we need to do is find his torrent
Epic store is going to die out anyway.
>'muh competition'
When it comes to singleplayer games, Steam has spent the last 15 years competing with piracy.
Epic shills try and downplay the features Steam has as unimportant and act like 'convenience' is just about not wanting to install a second client. In reality shit like integrated mod support, refunds, proper security and infrastructure, community etc is what makes buying the game more attractive for a huge chunk of people than just pirating it.
Epic are living in some retarded parallel universe where they think piracy isn't a thing. All they're doing is pushing more and more people back to piracy. The only way around this would be to steal more multiplayer games, but they're barely doing that because then everyone would see that there's only like 50 other people playing.
>Next one to be announced will be spelunky 2
>How to make sure very few people will buy your game
>Epic store is going to die out anyway.
Any day now just like origin or uplay or gog amirite
>Should we start taking unreleased games off our wishlists now?
No need to do that anymore with the new Steam rules.
Any game that already has a steam apge cannot get released on steam more than 30 days later if it's released on another platform on PC.
Meaning that all that Epic can buy now is just a month of exclusivity deal, no more one year later. If Epic whant to make that time again, they must aim at games that are not yet on steam, and without being on steam they can't see if the game is highly wishlisted or not.
Noooo bros our favorite monopoly is at risk
>Gaben continues to show why he’s on top
Thanks for taking this away from GOG too, Tim.
>origin or uplay or gog
Do you actually think these prove that user wrong? He's 100% correct.
Bullshit. Valve was the first who basically started modern digital distribution. They were never a monopoly and never once required exclusivity by contract. Offering great features from then through today , many of them open API and open source, which made devs l want to support them isn't a monopoly ( ie many Japanese devs only brought games to PC with online play because of the Steam API for multiplayer because they weren't used to having to build a separate one themselves given console background which ).
Steam is thousands of times more ethical and with better features than Epic store. Epic has done literally everything in the shittiest and exploitative way possible.
Do not respond to anime posters
This game that looked so bland that nobody was hyped for it despite Super Meat Boy being somewhat of a classic among indie-titles
>Uplay and Origin as viable Steam competitors rather than just glorified launchers for the handful of games people got strongarmed into using them for
>any day now...
>Epic has done literally everything in the shittiest and exploitative way possible.
But they’re not a monopoly so it’s ok
Thank you based Gaben. Now at least I know it's safe once a game gets a steam page that it's not going to flip to Epic. I know I was sweating bullets for a while when Battle for the Grid had no info out about their PC version for months, thinking they were gonna flip to Epic.
I just wanted my games on GOG, i didn't want to get involved into any of this drm storefag bullshit, it's just pathetic to see anyone actually fight over this. Also isn't Forever an infinite runer phone game?
any day now steam bros, tim will surrender soo-
That barrel of fortnite money has a bottom user
yes any day steam bros....
Epic Store is 100% being propped up by Fortnite money, but Fortnite has managed to secure its place in real life culture similar to Minecraft and Pokémon.
They make nearly $300,000,000 a MONTH. They can spend 5% of that every month on the fuck Steam initiative and thats not even a drop in the bucket. Even if it halves they can get away with moneyhatting everything of value off steam for years. And its not at any major risk of slowing down.
If they ramped up the bribing and bought every AAA game and indie worth a shit exclusive for a solid two years, it'd cripple Steam. Valve can't live on Dota alone
those are barely launchers, more like fucking Developer DRM and nothing else
i have never seen someone talk about how many uPlay cheevo points they have
>Bullshit. Valve was the first who basically started modern digital distribution.
This fucking retard
>Post yfw Minecraft has returned as the most played game right now and several bad updates to fortnite is shrinking the community
>Valve can't live on Dota alone
It doesn't
someone said KSP2 was going to be Epic only and i nearly blew a gasket
thank fuck that wasn't actually the case
>Fortnite has managed to secure its place in real life culture similar to Minecraft and Pokémon.
It really hasn't
Be sure to add a shopping cart before your exclusivity deals rot away
So you are accepting steam is a monopoly(no real competitors)
>they ramped up the bribing and bought every AAA game and indie worth a shit exclusive for a solid two years, it'd cripple Steam. Valve can't live on Dota alone
lmao people actually think epic could throw enough money at this to undo steams decade and a half of securing itself
I had no idea being a monopoly meant literally being better than all your competition combined
I mean with such a sweet deal it should be no biggie for him if I just pirate his game.
Tim has compensated him handsomely like the Control guys at Remedy
its hilarious
microsoft even further opened up the java version of the game to modders just recently, coupled with the bizarre resurgence of minecraft content i bet we'll see a lot of it this winter
Origin is an actual launcher though, even if almost nobody here plays EA games, Uplay is just a way for Ubisoft to try and get all of the money from someone buying their games.
>Valve makes most of its money off retarded hats and shit connected to multiplayer
>Epic spends hundreds of millions basically subsidising people to pirate singleplayer games without feeling bad
>won't moneyhat big multiplayer games because you can't actually buy players to use your shit client
Works for me lmao
it really has based retard and its even more popular (world championship final ===> griezman, endgame-disney deal)
Gaming is a young and retarded industry so a lot of retards think this is based, while in other industries the FTC would be crawling up their asses.
Why did you start talking about GOG? I thought you were on Steam Vs Epic argument
>have never seen someone talk about how many uPlay cheevo points they have
wow so tw not yobly you accept valves monopoly but you care about stupid shit like "cheevos" lmao(who even says that lmao its not 2006 anymore)
>another free game
thanks tim!
Wasn’t always that way
True gotta support the underdog :^)
It didn't even reach the peak minecraft did
>Muh esports
Irrelevant, just go look a ow league for that
Nooooo our monopoly gaben save us!!
How is it a monopoly if you can just go and get the game for free?
It is young, gaming as an industry few decades old which is basically nothing compared to other industries (food, cars, guns, music, etc.) and the concept of selling games digitally is even younger.
And steam will die in your lifetime
Good thing I plan on living forever
it did
Im talking about real sports you fucking faggot (no its not eggball)
True they live off ripping other peples hard work by hosting they game and taking 30%cut
what else was there in 2002?
Securom physical releases weren't even around yet
the fuck
t. Decrepit boomer
Go ask any kid about fortnite
Hi Tim
Kek I love the times when big giants stay overconfident and fail hard
>>Valve makes most of its money off retarded hats and shit connected to multiplayer
Does people even buy hats anymore?
Based desu gotta give you that
They sure did during the Crate Depression
managing to excel at something just means drawing the ire of everyone who can't match your level. everyone needs to stew in mediocrity so feelings don't get hurt.
>stay overconfident and fail hard
The fact that they elected to not enforce the clause in their agreement to not delay steam releases when releasing multiplat really shows how few fucks they give
And EGS is still losing
MGS2 was a scary fucking game man.
what an abhorrent post, front to back. zero value.
he agreed to money up front deal with Epic, because we was worried it's not going to sell well, so purely from business perspective he made right call.
>opportunity to shitpost and falseflag
what do you think?
lol, babed gaben will sabe us
jubst waibt and bee
the irony is that epic is much bigger than valve, steam drones are just too confident
it's an auto-runner trash, literally a mobile game. nothing of value was lost, and it was gonna bomb anyways. the dev got a good deal
>Uplay is just a way for Ubisoft to try and get all of the money from someone buying their games.
Wasnt that originally what steam was
I guess you could say he got his steak and ate it too
Sure thing valve drone keep seething :^)
Pretty much, the only store that didn't start like that was GOG
>I don't know anyone who wouldn't take that deal
Auto-runners were only cool when Bit Trip was still a thing.
Who in the actual fuck thought turning SMB into an auto-runner was good?
>really shows how few fucks they give
Exactly as a monopoly with no real competitors they didnt need to worry
epic as a games store is not bigger than steam. epic might do more than valve on the dev front but that (apparently) has nothing to do with providing a good service and using it to your advantage.
this epic shit has been going on for... a year? And i have literally never seen people post a screenshot of their launcher. people post steam libraries. skins. store pages when sales happen. etc.
steam uses screenies of their client to advertise it. "look at how organized we are" and shit.
never once have i seen the epic launcher. not once. that speaks volumes to me
The China memes aren't entirely inaccurate.
See, tencent is "private" in name only. China uses their corporations to push out and take over competition in other countries and fund them to do so in their specific area of business.
Think of it like Walmart back in the day where they'd move into an area, push out the local businesses (and occasionally buy them out) to kill off all their competition by cutting prices so deeply that no one could compete. They could do this due to the fact that the mom and pop shop of Hicksville USA couldn't meet their prices without going out of business, while Walmart could operate at a loss in that area, by simply redirecting funds for the corporate bankroll to keep the prices low.
Now, take that basic concept and consider the deep pockets of a government like China and you can see why they're a problem.
Epic is 40% owned by tencent and tencent is owned by China. If tencent wants to force a takeover of the digital games market on pc, they're going to be able to fund EGS all day long.
Greed is a powerful thing, yet faith is even more powerful when tested and proven,
>the person who used slang is seething, not the person sperging out about it
whatever helps you fall asleep at night, chum
the only answer is that it's perfect for mobile, and mobile is a huge market I guess
if EGS is just going to keep taking shit games like outer worlds, borderlands and indie shit then i hope they keep it up
So what happens to Tim when the Chinese start asking about when they're gonna get a return on their money?
steam = valve, epic on the other side controls video gaming with unreal and making cash with fortnite, when steam dies valve dies, gaben is a talent less hack, tim on the otherside one of the GOATs of gaming development
>no """real""" competitors
that isn't how the term is defined. valve has a meritopoly, they earned the massive market share over the course of a decade+. no laws or processes are giving them an advantage. if anything valve is the one who fights on the frontline when it comes to reviews and shit, then other launchers go "well fuck they lost that court case better fix our shit so we don't have that problem"
Of what
We get the game for free, Epic pays the devs for and everyone wins.
>has nothing to do with providing a good service and using it to your advantage.
Steam barely does that
well nothing, tim owns epic
>unreal and fortnite control the gaming industry
you are a delusional little guy aintcha
Go back to plebbit faggot.
EGS is absolutely the sjw store. Tim has made a point in virtue signaling about how woke he is and how "tolerant" their platform is in that they will ban certain kinds of games and material on their store.
SJW journos then ate it up and began attacking steam for their hands off approach to censorship on their platform. The Loli fags can tell you the part about how sjw journos pressured steam to remove "pedo porn" from the platform.
Nope its a OLYGOPOLY
your opinion is outweighed by the opinions of steam's constant users. if you wanna pretend your personal bias matters for shit, without any kind of elaboration, idk why you even communicate with us unwashed folk, m'lord
He posts as he’s paid to, nothing more
Or maybe they dont need to give a shit because EGS is total shit
>EGS is absolutely the sjw store.
Meanwhile at steam
It's a shame Epic's entire financial plan seems to be based on some alternate reality where Denuvo actually does something
>your opinion is outweighed by the opinions of steam's constant users
The drones? By that logic reddit is the greatest website ever because the userbase say so
Why did it take them five years to make a Bit Trip Runner clone?
Noooo steam bros
I like it how you guys paint tens of millions of users as drones rather than seeing it as you being willing to defend literally anything, no matter how cancerous because you have some retarded axe to grind against Valve for X historical reason
>he thinks actual % matters
beauty of being "investor", and risk with accepting "investments" is that every company that wish to succeed will use extra money to grow larger, and become dependent on slow of money from investor.
>Chinese cut funding
>company becomes unsustainable because every financial plan includes money from them
meatboy sold so much they dont really have to make anything decent ever again
The End is Nigh already exists though?
>Nooooooo those millions of steam users are the ones who are wrong! They're all drones!
What next? Shopping cart is not necessary because its a privilege to buy games on the super successful EGS at all?
dunno, gay dating sims give me good laugh. Way more fun than yaoi stuff, with their effeminate "men", that act and think like women. Heck, with some straight date sims I was thinking they would be much better if turned into sausage fest
Another free game? Oh Tim you shouldn't have
Yeah a drone someone who defends
D R M (even typing it sounds ridiculous) as if it was holy or couldnt do no wrong lmao like those soibois defending disney
Im sure there are billions who are not satified with steam but hey where else will you get games with their current monopoly:^)
>muh cart meem
No, I don’t have the store installed. I wouldn’t even know what games I’m missing if people didn’t post about it here.
Not in steam, I don’t play. Pretty simple lol
I know right, I can't believe how nice this man is
Taking all that money from fortnite kids and just giving it all back to the gaming community
This explains a lot
>Yeah a drone someone who defends D R M as if it was holy or couldnt do no wrong lmao like those soibois defending disney
>Defends EGS
>dismisses the lack of basic features like a shopping cart
Amazing. The lack of self awareness is absolutely amazing
Except DRM is completely on the publisher/developer, not on stores. They could all release their games on GOG DRM free if they wanted to, or without steamworks. Vast majority of them just don't want to.
I've got significant cash on my steam account, so I can't afford to run poorly cracked steam games for risk of losing it due to a slip-up.
So any game that goes EGS only is just a free game for me, I have no cash invested in that store so there's no risk.
Im anti valve any other thing is a by product
>Except DRM is completely on the publisher/developer
>Steamworks isnt drm
This drone
It's optional. It's up to the dev/pub if they use it.
And steam doesn't make money off those keys
And get banned for suspicious activity!
>no longer able to buy games on your accounts because of MUH FRAUD
You do realize that blindly hating something no matter how good it is is drone behavior as well, right? Not so different from blindly defending something no matter how shitty it is
If anyone is a a drone here, its you
fuck off chink
>this epic shit has been going on for... a year? And i have literally never seen people post a screenshot of their launcher. people post steam libraries. skins. store pages when sales happen. etc.
you hit the nail on the head
it's sad honestly, if EGS actually tried they could easily mop the floor with valve, everyone is waiting for something to bring more value to PC gaming, more games, better ports, better prices, better support, but instead epic went this shitty anti-consumer route
They do making money of sale for Steam product dummy.
Nobody would be against Epic at all if they didn't poach exclusives. If Super Meat whatever was also on Steam as well as Epic then they wouldn't have such a negative reputation.
where do they get the keys then???
they do not
think about it
>dev sells copy on GMG
>GMG takes a cut and you're implying steam also takes a cut
why would anyone sell their games on GMG or any other non-stream site then?
Yes, they're so great, they still haven't released their fucking game on Steam...
Everything is cringe when you're a basement dwelling socially awkward moron such as yourself.
Don't forget sites like Reddit have already, as on 2019, taken 'sponsorship' from Tencent.
As a developer, you can generate as many keys of your game as you like on steam and sell them wherever you like.
>they just switch ecosystems to EGS entirely
This is impossible because EGS doesn't have an actual games library. It has a bunch of exclusives and other than the fact that those games are exclusive there is literally no reason for anyone to spend money there, nor is there a wide selection of games to choose from. Switching to EGS is not possible because EGS does not actually sell the vast majority of PC games available out there, it sells a few select titles and that's it.
>you can generate as many keys of your game as you like on steam
True but also false.
Valve will still stop you from completely circumventing their cut so you're not allowed to just generate an ass load of keys so that every sale will happen outside of Steam.
oh, i see
they should get rid of the spyware too lol
I don't understand why the people denouncing all the evils of Steam supports Epic.
It's like attacking Fidel Castro while being a Nicolas Maduro supporter.
>old news to shitpost
Thread could have ended here:
if you take epic money you just cease to exist to me. i'll never buy another game he ever makes.
what he's really saying is "I don't know anyone with integrity" which is fitting since he is part of the indie dev scene, a pit of vipers who loathe having to participate in free market capitalism.
>oh oh, daddy epic, please give ME a big sack of money! i can't adult good and have no savings, who WOULDN'T take this deal?! fuck customers! now i can just make stupid hipster shit solely for myself on Epic's dime! fuck you gamers!
I haven't played it yet
lol like you matter
Doesn't matter. I don't buy games anymore.
deepest lore for reality
Does anyone care about this game? I keep seeing it advertised but no actual hype.
i feel like SMB has no reason to continue existing, it's been outdone by other better games since then
You can generate keys for free. Steam only gets a cut of whatever is sold through steam.
A year or so ago steam was cutting back on indie devs generating steam keys and selling them for full 100% profit rather than give valve a cut.
We've known about SMB:F for a long time you retarded fucking shill
> super meat boy forever
You mean that soulless runner garbage?
Fuck it. The original will not be surpassed, at least not by team meat.
I'm not sure what games have done SMB better than SMB. But if SMBF is the only sequel we can look forward to then maybe it's for the best that it ended after the OG.
celeste has an actual plot and characters which i think expands on SMB only having raw gameplay and speed as its gimmick
That games been known to be exclusive for awhile now. It's also in development hell and probably gonna be forgotten.
Honestly I couldn't give two shits about the plot of Celeste but otherwise I can see why someone would think it's SMB 2.0 although I personally disagree. They're both worth playing.
So Valve is trying to monopolize generated keys and lock developers into just using Steam?
You must keep the Steam storefront page up, and you must keep your price on Steam competitive with your key sales within a reasonable time frame i.e. if you have a 50% off sale on your site for keys, you need to have a 35-50% sale of some sort on Steam within a few months - though it can be included in a Steam sale event like summer sales.
Outside of that, you can generate and sell as much keys externally as you want.
edmund "my video game is like a $50 steak" mcmillen