All Black Eagles members, come on in. BL and GD, go make your own threads.
Black Eagle thread
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The best.
>no tattos on Petra
2/10 made me reply
>pre time skip
Don't blame me, blame the artist.
Petra is a miracle of the universe.
Hitle- I mean Edelgard did nothing wrong
Is it time for 3H doujin marathon? Or still not enough?
Is this a Yuri doujin?
More like blacked egales lmao
We have to wait for c97
why did edelgard bother coming, she can't swim
based and shamirpilled
yeah, but what does that have to do with OP's image
I second this, Petra is best girl followed by Shamir
It's Nintendo's fault for not releasing it before summer comiket. Fuck them.
where is Flayn ?
Stacy is cute.
I hope we see some nun version of Mercedes in the doujins
Splice these 2 together if you want
>IS pawned off Three Houses to Koei because they thought WarioWare would be more prestigious
>Koei gave us the best written FE in ages, it sells extremely well also
>IS now want to handle the next game's writing
can't wait for another corrin
Are we going to get good doujins of this game? I felt like Fates crashed and burned on that aspect. Too much focus on Camilla and otomefags.
Isn't the story written by the Nintendo guy who steps in as Director in most Nintedo RPGs ?
>fishing with Jeralt
Well fuck...
Pawn it to Takahashi instead. I want to see scifi FE
Hell, dubstep molemen are actually fun as hell
>those eyebrows on Edelgard
Big yikes
>BL only has 3 girls
talk about a sausage fest, beagles forever
Gotta pander to the otomestacies somehow
>only tattoos on face
why include petra if you're just going to ruin my OCD
Petra is fucking perfect
Arent her tat on her deltoid and back, which cant be seen here.
>my child abandon your gale force axe spammer and vampire lord and in return you can get the girl obsessed with fish that you always bench and this atrocious brown useless shota
Who the fuck would ever side with the church in a BE route?
>Gotta pander to the yuristacies somehow
she is
Is that the grave of Byleth's mom?
why do you think byleth looks disgusted?
aside from seeing his dad have sex that is
Delete this
>Who the fuck would ever side with the church in a BE route?
the ones that want to fuck Rhea so she will give birth to Byleth's child who is Sothis reincarnated, and I know for a fact that the Japs will use that for a doujin.
Since Byleth is really Rhea's Mother/Sister/Nephew wouldn't that make Jeralt her own grandfather?
Of course there's the additional degree of literal blood relatedness since Rhea gave him a dragon transfusion giving him a superhuman lifespan.
Christ the family trees in this game are a shitshow
god I hope so, despite everything we still got a doujin with mikoto and corrin
I dunno user I think he's somewhat turned on...
Quality over quantity.
What is HE doing with Linhardt's wife ?
>he has to rely on OP lord units
True men go Black Eagles and then recruite all the cute girls, this way Edelgard is spared too
Beagles have both quality and quantity
This. I turned the other classes into sausage fests minus the slut Hilda that I wouldn't want anyways.
>giving Lindhardt to a used up more
>not using him to cure Lysithea's CrestAIDS
Linhardt is for Flayn only
Dorothea is Ferdie’s wife
Redpill me on three houses and on why that fantasy germany faction is the best, will probably play it whenever it becomes playable on yuzu
I'm sorry user I go by my first playtrough where I recruited Lysithea later on and didn't learn much about her, still I love to give the most "requested" girl to the laziest (yet smartest) guy of the bunch
>only one is good
Buddy I ain’t even a eaglesfag but like it goes like this
GD > BE > BL girl wise
Look on the bright side though, boy wise it’s
BL > GD > BE
Cute chuuni Empress with tragic as fuck backstory axes grief stricken ancient dragon pope alongside the rest of the continent with quirky classmates
Black Eagles: waifuing Edelgard route.
Blue Lions: Otome route
Golden Deer: dude weed Lmao route
why is el face desking when her entire motivation is to punch a dragon in her face?
>Social wreck, gold digger, and literal nazi.
Petra's ok if you can get arround the language barrier, but none of them are wife material.
She’s getting horny because Sensei looks so cool and is embarrassed
Daily reminder that Male Byleth is trans+**
>Cute foreigner
>Cute gold digger
>cute shut-in
>cute nazi
that makes sense
Fanfiction isn't canon.
FUCK the Black Eagles and FUCK the Adrestrian Empire and FUCK dubstep and FUCK Edelgard von Hresvelg
>literal nazi
t. Almyran half breed
why did it become a spectrum
I mean I get where you're coming from in that he is the soul of a woman in a man's body or something, but that's a bit of a stretch.
>No ding ding without the ring
Don’t you have pikes to run yourself through Dimitri
user if you value your partners on what they are and not what they could become you'll get nowhere in life
Lesbo of the Year
>i get a heart transplant from a woman
>makes me a woman
yeah right i dont need 1st hand experience to tell you how bullshit that is
Rhea don't you have some forbidden rites to perform?
>hnnnng fuck you Rhea Ooooh you lied to me about my son and my wife aaaah
>Yes fuck me fuck me I'm a bad pope
But Flayn is for Ignatz.
Go mourn Dedue Dimitri, because his sacrifice was worth nothing
>not marrying Lysithea yourself
>try to fix her the only way you know how
>she accidently gains a third crest
>implodes immediately
>he left Dedue die
Genuinely surprised how good of a character she was
Why people keep calling her a slut? Hilda is ten times sluttier than she is
>FUCK Edelgard von Hresvelg
Im getting nowhere in life regardless of what I do.
because some rich guy paid for her to enter Gareg Mach and they assume she bjd him
is this the new coombrain meme?
I have a big pike i want to run through Edelgard
Who is Dedue's best paired ending, and why is it Mercedes?
No Dimitri, sticking your dick in her won't fix things.
>Hilda is ten times sluttier than she is
Not true, without Marianne she would have been much worse.
Was Byleth's corpse just at the bottom of that gorge all that time?
What if a bird ate his eyeballs during those 5 years?
Worst BlazBlue
Don't worry, his eyes were closed
>professor, kill Edelgard immediately!
>haha, how about you go eat shit instead?
You can't prove that
he kept shitting himself while in coma so no bird wanted to go near his stench
Hilda just has dumb bitch brain. Dorothea actively hunting for rich men to take care of her.
Petra is an underrated girl.
>Professor, we must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children. Give me your seed.
Kind of shocked that Nintendo slipped the 14 words into a game.
This. Petrachads rise tf up
Maybe it's a setup for some DLC like Blyagh was somewhere else entirely.
The more likely scenario is that the devs just couldn't think of something better for a timeskip.
It's so fucking weird listening to Petra talk, she's """foreign""" so she has a weird speech pattern but she has zero accent at all so it just sounds like she has brain damage.
>Dorothea actively hunting for rich women to take care of her.
Petra is one of kingdom heirs. Dorothea would love to settle down with Petra and have a family there.
i need to resume to play this fucking game
how do you even play it 3 times?
still stuck in egale route in 30 hours
>Fates was atrociously written, approaching Mystery of the Druids level of shit
>Shadows of Spanish Province was dull as can fucking be
I hope he we get more scenes in the next game, where, despite crit'ing an enemy for 5x his health, we get a cutscene where the dumbshit main character talks about how they managed to beat all the enemy soldiers nonlethally
How would the mByleth/Dorothea/Edelgard threesome go down?
>only person to find relic weapons unsettling
>only person to bring up how monica makes no sense
>only person to say tomas is a creeper
she comes off as the most self-aware character
With Hubert watching from the darkness.
>dumb bitch brain
>only person who sees through Edelgard's bullshit
She is very high IQ. She's just lazy.
That just makes it exciting.
byleth dicks them both
She's the kind of character who is JUST on the cusp of figuring out the entire fucking plot of the game she's in.
AKA the best kind of character
>Petra, you really didn't have to show me ALL your tattoos...
And that is bad ?, Dorothea is poor and seeks a marriage for convenience, something quite common in his world.
Are we talking about Futa?
the tattoo is shit
Why DorotheaXPetra best pairing?
if it makes you sleep better night sure!
>a meeting with Jeralt in exchange for touching my boobs? I.. I.. Ok but be quick!
>futa on male
Actually, Hilda is one of the smartest characters of the game. She unknwowingly drops major plot points and secrets of FE3H's story and lore.
>implying that's a bad thing
Why is most art of Edelgard Yuri ?
Which is the best yuri of all Fire Emblem.
Why is it Hilda and Marrianne relationship unique.
I dunno user, Petra's kingdom feels like an underdeveloped country, her family feels too kind to keep the money for themselves instead of sharing it with the citizens
>fire emblem is still just a third rate waifu sim
Fuck the faggot shills saying "this ones different!"
So how did the slithers convince Grug to kill god and how did he manage to rule all of Fodlan before Wilhelm and Seiros teamed up to take him down? Also why didn't the slithers release him onto Fodlan to finish the job so to speak?
Okay sell me on this game. Is it actually good, both gameplay and story? No memes? I've never played a FE game ever so I'm curious.
Marianne and Hilda aren't yuri. It's the equivalent of being bros 4 life
Their ending was probably the least yuri of all the 3H paired female endings.
ngl I liked post timeskip Leonie's design
>go kill sleeping loli for ulimate power
i imagine it was pretty easy
Stop trying to fuck my dad, he's dead
Yeah. Both gameplay and story-wise, it's the best one in a long time. Bit on the easy side. There might be a demo on the Switch store you could check out.
design wise
>tomboy becomes woman
is pretty nice transition but
>becoming more generic
in a sense is kinda meh
How much screentime does Hilda get in the game? I might pick GD as my first house because of her.
>yo dude, there's a dragon loli in that tomb with the fattest ass you'll ever see
>Nemesis fucks the loli so hard she explodes and covers him in blood and guts
>Marianne and Hilda aren't yuri.
In the ending they actually live together after Hilda ditched her noble rich ex-husband.
A corpse boner is the hardest boner you'll ever get
>Byleth! You need me to get me pregnant to continue your father's bloodline! Your father couldnt do it you're fine too!
It's one of the best redesigns by far.
The only one I find weird is Lysithea, doesn't fit her at all.
Bernadetta has the best post timeskip design.
a decent amount considering later on they talk about holst alot
somebody edit that picture of Lightning getting her spine torn out with Nemesis and Sothis
She also saw through Sylvain.
Now I'm imagining Nemesis bringing the remains of her corpse to the slithers and asking them 'hey can you fix this?'
>Hilda's giant titty window
What did she mean by this?
You mean her Toblerone.
>Lesbo of the Year
That's not Bernadetta.
Can you recruit Hilda in BL if you're playing as Female Byleth and still see her drop major plot points of the game?
>virtually no time-skip ingrid art
does no one else prefer her more knightly look? I found it really fitting
She's unironically smart and sees through most of the bullshit in the first part, it's just a shame she's just lazy as all fuck and basically makes you and Claude carry the load.
Faggots hate the post time skip designs in general, it's a shame.
Wouldn't getting your spine broken in half like that instantly kill you?
>The only one I find weird is Lysithea, doesn't fit her at all.
How so?
Well at least she helps Marianne through her and confessed to her in the ending.
>two girls
Toblerones are meant to be broken and shared, so no.
All the vital organs are hooked up to the cervical spine so in theory you could survive having your spine snapped in the middle, mind you many of your body functions are fucked but that's not the point.
FemByleth can handle many girls than mBlyeth buddy.
Who's Bernie getting paired up with that's Yuri?
M!Byleth gets NTRd by female counterpart in that situation. Yuri beats all.
She has a paired ending with Edelgard but I did it and it wasn't really gay at all. I mean it doesn't mention them getting with guys or anyone else so there is that.
Maybe it's just me but it has a foreign, almost Romani look that doesn't fit any aspect of her I feel.
Cuz all of the time skip designs are an upgrade except for hers, Ingrid is the only one who suffered looks wise in part 2.
Relevant for those with that issue with the expansion pass
>Dumb yurifag can't comprehend friendship even with a nohomo disclaimer on the ending
Forgetting Mercedes exists?
Stuck how?
They just kept her the same but slapped purple veils on her, which keeping her the same is fine because Lysithea is perfect
Not him but I like her's, she looks like nun which fits her.
You mean Tolberone
Post the original, please.
Hers is fine and very fitting, Mercedes worst asset is her voice not her post time skip look. Ingrid's just cuts her hair stupidly short for no reason and it's supposed to look really knightly? Short hair=/= knighthood
She's also taller
I'd take Hilda over Edelgard so I would do that in the other routes.
Yeah, I meant Torbelrone. Spelling is hard.
Because Edelgard gives you 0 reason to join her after the terrible things she does to you and your class then threatens to kill you if you move?
Well, it really does make sense if you keep her as a flyer. Nothing like choking on your own hair as you fly through the skies.
>Fates was incredibly popular and was extremely pandering
>Barely any doujins
What makes you think 3H will be different
Trimmed, bush, don't have, shaved.
It's very very good. You spend half the time in a school setting, teaching classes and forming relationships with students in order to level them up and you learn about their backstory. That part is done about as well as any social sym has done it.
Other half is strategy battles, moving units around the map to take advantage of terrain, weapon advantages, and numbers. Never too hard, even on hardest difficulty, but it's permadeath so it can get very tense.
Surprise anal is the best anal
Made for big Duscur cock.
Considering the sketchy vibes you get of Rhea between Jeralt’s journal oozing skepticism of her and that VERY creepy post Ch.10 convo alongside genre savvy players knowing RPG churches tend to be evil it’s not that beyond the pale to think people wouldn’t wanna side with Rhea in that moment
If the devs never explain it just assume sothis's power removed time stasis'd him for 5 years to keep him safe.
FE barely gets any doujins to begin with. Awakening's got the most of them and understandably so.
It's got quality maps and gameplay, just a shame it isn't harder. And story ranges in quality imo but it can hit some really strong high points and Dimitri is easily the best lord in quite a few games.
>Dedue, Ashe, Mercedes and Annette,Sylvain and Felix, Ingrid last
Is that right?
>both sides of time is revealed to you. You and i shall be as one
>i am the Beginning. Now what shall you do?
What does she mean?
It's good for one playthrough then you realise they copied the first half of the game 3 times and then most of the second part of the game 4 times and you start to notice all the things wrong with it.
Unless you are blind of course.
Fuck off /u/.
It did have doujins, but they were usually not scanned or translated and centered around otomefags rather than waifufags
Petra got hooked up with Caspar on my BE run, fucking manlet scored the best girl outside of El.
It means that ur god of time basically
Also you have big whippy sword
>he say this when BE is the biggest /u/ there is
What did he mean by this?
>tfw 95% of the dates doujins where those shitty fem Corrin ones that where more focused on showing off the guy she was fucking rather then vise versa
Hurts boys, at least we got a couple good Elise doujins
Nintendo properties rarely get a lot.
Rhea does pretty much nothing the entire first half of the game except get angry at the people who are trying to kill her and then that odd scene where she sings to you while giving you a nursing handjob.
Meanwhile Edelgard gives the Death Knight to Thales who uses him to kidnap Flayn so they can use her blood to cause remire village to burn down and cause this little girl in the dining hall to lose her mother and father and home.
She has to die user.
There was a pretty good fem male corrin one that got really fucking weird by the end
>plays the dub
>surprised when the acting is shit
Had you played in JP you would have noticed Petra actually struggling with the language and trying to articulate words, instead of "fluent speaker just using wrong grammar" dumb shit dub.
>best girl outside of El
ISP blocks me from doing so, can someone post the S rank portrait?
>tfw 95% of the dates doujins where those shitty fem Corrin ones that where more focused on showing off the guy she was fucking rather then vise versa
Only good thing about those were how busty Corrin was but almost none of the had any paizuri involved. Also Corrin's eyes were absolute shit.
>Those Who Rule in the Shadows
>Those Who Slither in the Dark
>Black Eagle Strike Force
What was Edelgard thinking?
they shouldve gotten mike myers to do his fat bastard impression for 'ol miss macneary
She's chunni.
Dub is fine. Some characters like Bernadetta sound better, her Japanese voice will your ears bleed.
at that point edelgard hasn't really done anything to the any of your class mates or you either
>Byleth having green hair while Jeralt is still alive
Titfucking is overrated as shit.
Its really accurate how people talk in a foreign language though.
>what sounds cool?
unironically it would be fitting if her postskip design had an eyepatch
but purely for the purpose of "looking cool"
Your ISP blocks you from handholding anime pics?
Manipulating your students/soldiers into sex with a higher position of power is a crime!
That first name is Hubert’s m8
and here i thought the foreign merchant was more accurate
she thought they were cool, please understand
Fuck off trannyfag
It is amazing the lengths people will go to whitewash Rhea just to shit on Edelgard when she herself acknowledges a lot of the things she did were fucked up and detrimental to Fodlan overall
>Hired bandits to kill your classmates
>Turns innocent students into Crest Beast
Yeah she's really swell
>Bernadetta sound better
her grandma voice doesn't fit her at all
>recruited everybody in my GD hard run to do all the paralogues
>start Mercede's and Caspar's with recommended level being 30 and Caspar benched since level 20
I've made a terrible mistake.
>looks like a boy
>2nd most deployed overall
what's her appeal?
>had Claude and Dimitri almost killed
>put the students in danger multiple times since all their missions revolve around her actions and them havi g to stop them
>reason Flayn is kidnapped
Looks like Morgan so you can pretend she’s your daughterwife
She is a easy archer for BE that can hit half the map super early on.
Did you just completely skip the cutscene after Ch.9 user. Kronya admits that’s her doing with the crest beasts
Being a Romanticized version of a NEET.
Though if she were an actual NEET, you would all fucking hate her guts
nigga you're dead for five years and they become the most powerful people in the continent before you actually get to fuck them
Reminder that the current president of france married his high school teacher, if it's good enough for the frogs it's good enough for Fodlan
The one that hiroshimoot blocks so he can force shekels out of me for a pass.
>people once again pointlessly arguing about the choice in ch11
It's not a logical choice. It's an emotional choice. You decide with your heart, not your brain.
On either decision.
You either side with Rhea or Edelgard, out of gut feeling.
that is the best part.
Wasn’t the whole point of that to get another Empire/Slitherer plant installed as the professor but Claude ran away completely derailing that
you just made me think of bernie but with pic related's granny ass voice
There is a lot of neat details that makes sense from a "I am learning a language that I was not learning growing up."
Like, fucking up conjugations, using the wrong words that are fairly similar in meaning but missing the nuance. The bit I liked the most though was the "I understand you, and I can read the language, but speaking is hard." Which is especially true of anyone that studied a language a lot, but didn't spend a lot of time WITH people that only spoke it.
No, it's a problem of the game.
Rhea literally does nothing, she never gets to.
Edelgard's messes are what you are for the most part cleaning up in missions.
It's never stated.
People just make stuff up to enforce a narrative that it was somehow a smart move.
Edelgard did not died, she was sent to another dimension.
>>Not in Education, Employment, or Training
>>Attends the most prestigious military academy in the continent and actively fights and kills in real battles even as a student
>>Prior to being a student she was mercilessly trained and groomed from birth to be a noble's bride to gain favor for her house
Holy fucking shit shut the fuck up you retard. Not every fucking introvert or shy girl who hates attention is a fucking hikkikomori. There's absolutely nothing NEET about her past, present or future. Being a homebody is not the same thing you dumb animals
What happened to Dimitri's eye? I finished the BL route and they never mentioned it once.
Fact, the whole thing would have been avoided if Dimitri and Claude DP'd Edelgard. obviously Dimitri would choose pussy because he is the gentleman and Claude would pick ass since he likes dirty deals
I don't think its ever mentioned. He just lost it some time between his escape from imprisonment and before meeting Byleth.
>>had Claude and Dimitri almost killed
right, exactly as planned, which is why Edelgard came closer to dying than either of them at that point
>>put the students in danger multiple times since all their missions revolve around her actions and them havi g to stop them
Edelgard=/=Slithers, that's a point they hammer home about every chance they get and yet people still miss it.
>>reason Flayn is kidnapped
see above.
Why did Edelgard even want to get rid of that specific professor though?
The bandit was told to kill as many nobles as possible. If the teacher was the only target she would have specified them exclusively.
Read the dialogue speed reader (:
In the context of what Edelgard is trying to do at the start of the game it kinda is. A culling of the two heritors would send those nations in disarray and make their eventual plan of rooting outbthe church that much easier.
It is an unquestionably diabolical move but she’s a character fully powered on survivor’s guilt and sunken cost fallacy at that point with no Byleth to temper her worst tendencies
Put it down somewhere and when he came back it was gone.
Most of the timeskip designs were made to advertise the game better
so is the foreign merchant inaccurate or not
because when i try and speak in nihongoisms to my acquaintances i like to talk exactly like the merchant
Yes, the whole point of Edelgard's plan with that bandit attack was to chase off the guy that was going to be a teacher at the academy so Jeritza or something could take his place.
But people somehow twist it into thinking Edelgard wanted to kill Dimitri and Claude because he told the dumbass bandit to "kill any nobles you see" since that was just so she could lure him into the group that the guy was escorting
But her plan was fucked because Byleth became the teacher instead. That's why the she's all like "what was that woman thinking hiring a mercenary she just met"
Did you read the script because they never mention trying to get rid of the would-be professor, only that he ran away.
Unless you can show me proof of your theory it is just a theory.
one of two options
it was gouged out when he was fleeing for his life
or he gouged it out himself to appease the voices in his head
since he doesn't have it in BE, it was probably the former, but I like to believe it was the latter
Stabbed it out trying to get rid of the S P O O K Y ghosts telling him to kill people
>There's absolutely nothing NEET about her
Correct, she's a student
>Not every fucking introvert or shy girl who hates attention is a fucking hikkikomori.
She is a fucking hikkikomori though, she only attends classes because either Edelgard or Ingrid break into her room and drag her to class.
not user youre replying to but
>actively trying to stay in her room isn't neet
yeah okay
>everyone who doesnt like my stupid c*mbrain fetish is a tranny
Fuck off you fucking obsessed underage faggot
Show me then?
Because you cannot.
Because people made it up to suit their narrative.
>BE has dorothea
>GD has Hilda
>Church/School has Manuela
Why isnt there a whore in blue lions?
She starts to attend classes more often after she gets to better know more people there like Alois and (You) since she feels more comfortable around them.
hikki and NEET are two separate things, even if they do overlap a lot.
Her name is Ingrid
BL does, his name is Sylvain.
GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY THREAD!!! No more fighting, seriously, I had enough with you all.
>literally not a NEET
>"yeah but according to my personal headcanon definition of what a NEET is that doesnt count"
Blue lions is for otomestaceys
yes, that's her overcoming her hikkikomori status. as the game goes on she gets more comfortable thanks to the kindness and effort of her classmates and sensei.
I'll take what is "Sylvain" for 2000
That's not what a NEET is you retard, that's a shut in.
shut-ins and neet are not the same thing, retard.
You can be an outgoing neet, and you can be a shut-in worker/student.
I really like the latter too. Head-canonish, but in BE he just gave up to the voices and went full nuclear. In BL he just “yeah, you want an eye? I’ll give you an eye you fucking ghosts. I AM ME”, and it marked his “improvement” and belief in Byleth
Shut in/hikkikomori=/=NEET you faggot
That's gay and dumb.
she still sucks tho
>Forgetting the giga manslut who please women everynignt cause hes too jaded
You cant be getting an education and still be a neet you retard
Sure mate
This. Then you're just a net. For catching fISH FOR FLAYN
Sylvain isnt actually a slut his entire persona is a front for his real depressed self that's meant to get back at girls trying to use him for his crest
Reminder that if (you) join up with GD then Igrid, Dimitri, and Felix have a threesome together
>actively trying to skip class is getting an education
yeah okay
This but unironically
It's not a bad plan.
Based whorebreaker sylvain
Didn't need much convincing because Sothis and her kind ARE invaders. Benevolent ones that tried to peacefully coexist with the Agarthans, yes, but they're still invaders. He was the King of Liberation because he "liberated" the world of the Nabataeans by slaughtering them all, save four.
I love Dorothea
isn't that how satire works
I am rising up with you fellow Petrachad.
>save four
Both are. The foreign merchant is someone who is learning through interaction more than anything, while petra studied, and is now finally interacting.
>Wanting used up commoner pussy
i´d love to see it, minus Ingrid of course
The only reason Rhea "did nothing wrong" is because she did nothing right. She's incompetent to an absurd degree. Five attempts just to make a vessel for her mother's soul and she finally gets it right by accident. Tries to have the last vessel sit on the throne to wipe their consciousness away so Sothis can be reincarnated, fucks up because Sothis fused with the vessel instead. Rewrote history to make Nemesis and the 10 Elites seem like good guys and gave the nobles power, only for the nobles to then be corrupt and overtaken by Slithers in their midst.
Church route seems underrated. The idea of you dabbing on the entire fucking empire with little more then some adrestian traitors and a handful of church knights is funny.
God I wish you ironic weeb niggers misusing stolen vocabulary would just get your heads caved in.
So yes, I will save Rhea.
>Hilda, Sylvain, Linhardt
The "High IQ but lazy" trio
user where in that post did you see me arguing about that dumb jeritza headcanon
this had bad art
For a western it wasn’t bad at all and was surprisingly on model
The Four Saints, my guy. Rhea, Flayn, Seteth, and Macuil.
Was it five? I thought it was more?
Then your post was superfluous to the conversation and you just cannot stand being left out?
What do you think would have caused these to happen?
No shit, it's western.
which order to do houses in and male or female MC?
the fuck is the lore of all this?
>Say move is a dumb move
>explain why from a character’s perspective, move is not dumb move
>hurrr superfluous
?????????? retard
You missed the turtle you dumb fuck.
Order don't really matter in my opinion, I chose male for GD and BE then female for BL
>threatens to kill you if you move?
play the game BLfag
Do them in any order you want, pick whichever gender you want. There's some bi characters, but less on the male side.
Petra is unironically a better Lyn
oh so those are the only four nabateans left in fodlan
just making sure you filthy BE player
think about what you just said you dumber fuck
I gotta say, taking your students out to kill bandits while theyre still basically children combat wise is a very solid tactical move. While the bandits are busy raping them we can come in for a sneak attack, and it'll only cost a few bruises, maybe a death or two if the soldier isnt cute enough
Oh then you were just simply mistaken.
It's my bad also for a bad choice of words.
I meant it's often embellished to be smarter than it actually was when it was just a simple case of murder which almost went wrong.
That's much better for both of us.
Yo-you wanted to be seeing my tribal marks did you not profesor?
Please ve quick
How the fuck do you dubfags stomach Mercedes voice?
>tfw i sped read
but seriously guy rhea is not one of the 4 saints
I fucked it, it was Cethleann, Cichol, Indech, and Macuil as the only surviving Nabatea. So, five Nabatea total, when adding Seiros.
I constantly forget he even existed. Turtles are retarded anyway.
Play male MC on blue lions. Female MC can instantly recruit Sylvain on the other routes if you want so
Just dont do GD 1st, cause then you will understand almost nothing about the main conflict. Otherwise its dandy to go in any order
Gender depend on who you want to marry (and the general game-sense). I just went full male for the authentic autist-face simulator
I mean.
Why bother user?
That's some real Fire Estrogen Three Houses shit.
Imagine if this game came out 7 years ago. Jennifer Hale would be voicing 80% of the women.
We should be able to go to the rape basement where the slithers do their experiments
>that face
its great and all
>but that face
Because it's less ear bleedingly bad then Japanese Bernadetta.
Are you stupid or do you do this just to entice anger for no reason?
so no real story changes with female MC just marriage options?
Byleth loves his students. He’d never agree to executing her.
Speaking of voice acting, why is the dub so fucking shit? It's not fates tier bad, but it's fucking terrible compared to echoes
You can be an autistic crybaby nigger all you want but there's functionally no difference between four and five when you only ever meet three of them unless you go out of your way to do the paralogues.
If she loves her students she would never let someone threaten them in the first place.
Now post the Byleth engage quote from BE
I didn't think it was bad at all.
Her title is fucking Saint Seiros mate
All 5 of them are “Saint” by the Church’s category, but only Seiros canonically “received the Goddess’s word”, which is why shes the only one with mint hair, not green, and got the additional title “divine”
How strong is Dimitri? He apparently can't even control his own strength? What the fuck?
>forgot to give Petra Steal, so I lost the Ochion Shield
It hurts just a bit
what was so bad about fates dub
>80% huh's and what's
i mean she may be a saint but "the four saints" refers to a very specific 4 entities in fodlan
I can think of 2 reasons to join Edelgard right now
I'd think the one defending her should have that no?
She is directly responsible for the tragedy in remire village.
She is an enabler of evil and therefore is evil.
Also, they ruined Camilla and Effie
Some minor gameplay change (that is pretty hilarious), and very minor changes in reactions by the students during events and support
While is female Byleth so much more popular for the BL route?
>plot twist
>dimitri has dissociative memory disorder
>the first time edelgard taught him to dance was the last time he saw edelgard
>the slitherers kidnapped her to fix her shattered spinal cord
>she's super angry at dimitri but has the decency to not remind him of his atrocity
explain the first one
Daily reminder to dilate
>She is directly responsible for the tragedy in remire village.
Did you just miss the entire cutscene during that chapter where Solon admits to doing that
Can you really ruin a character as shit as Camilla?
He literally broke a trained soldiers skull with his bare hand as a teenager
Sylvain the skirt chaser will join you immediately without any requirement if you are Femleth
>5 bishies, 3 waifus
They ain't gonna A rank themselves, user
Who gave the slithers the Death Knight, the one who kidnaps Flayn, the girl with the blood to send people insane enough to kill their fellow villagers and destroy their own village?
Was it Alois?
Was it Myson?
Refresh my memory please user.
It's mentioned in a support with Felix that he's strong enough to break a sword and I'm pretty sure he can't feel anything in one of his arms. His left arm was it? He also can't taste anything and hasn't slept in a long time.
Oh and forgot the obvious gender-locked classes
Pegasus and gremory for female
Dark mage line, warmaster, and hero for male
Girls want to self insert as an otome protagonist
Edelgard didn’t know exactly what was going to happen to Remire til you got there. She’s scared at first in BE until Hubert reminds her to focus on the objective. She also tells you about the slithers hiding nearby and Hubert starts to hush her
do we actually know how solon turned those villagers insane?
like yes the DK being there doesn't look good for her, but it seems like a waste of dragon blood just to drive some bumfuck village mad
>DLC includes Holst
>has a marriage option for female Byleth
How would the fanbase react
She didnt expect it tho, and is visibly angry
Its not like they dont have her by the throat. Kronyica follows her everywhere
You are a bad person
I think it relates to the blood experiments they had done, this is after they had kidnapped Flayn. My personal theory was crestless civilians were injected with crest blood and went insane.
Edelgard’s not exactly in a position to refuse if you’re even remotely aware of the Empire’s political situation at the time and aware that Arundel is Thales
She never gives the direct orders for any of those events
Yeah just give the Death Knight to the big bad enemies, nothing can go wrong there.
The bad guys were never going to make the Death Knight do anything evil, oh no.
They just wanted him to train their soldiers.
He's an educator so it makes sense!
>I love Dorothea
We know Petra
Its a step-by-step experiment imo
>1st its dragon blood
>then its crest beasts manufacturing
why did petra become a fucking easter island head
Raphael support said that his training regimen as a kid was to run through the mountains with heavy armor on, lift large boulders, and carry barrels loaded with nothing but rocks. Mercedes support has him snapping needles when he attempts to knit due to can't control his strength.
He will literally snap his wife in half once he starts having sex.
but they already know how to make crest beasts, controlling them is what they have issues with
Like, can she even refuse? Shes a fucking puppet in their hand. Im surprised that she can snap at them afterward
Strong as she is, shes just another piece on the board, and can be discarded anytime. The slitherers have been cooking the scheme for a millenia, they can wait some years more
Not until we got Mintleth on her side that she grew bold and just went “well fuck all of you”
Cause it’s the gayboi oteme route
How the fuck was Edelgard able to teach him to dance without winding up in the ER?
>Best Support
>Best Goddess Tower
>Best Paralogue
>Best Smile
Beagles just can't compete
I love the lengths people will go to defend Edelgard.
Even when the undefensable happens she gets support.
Mandelgard wouldn't.
is based
you cant just greentext every known artist for no reason
Thats why Marianne and FByleth are the only correct choices. They can withstand it with their crests easily
im telling you it wasn't a slither rape dungeon
it was a trauma center
the crest of serios also grants her super strength, why do you think jeralt is so strong?
I dunno if they'd just discard Edelgard, after all she's their greatest creation. I mean sure they'd probably take her back to the rape basement which I imagine Edelgard would not want to happen but she wouldn't necessarily be discarded.
/r/ing someone to make a Sakurafish edit with Flayn
You act like they are even remotely threatening when in one of the routes he just gets killed randomly.
>not marrying flayn because she is an innocent virgin
It was made almost as soon as people heard she likes to fuck fish.
Man Edelgard is just Arvis and the people who’ve actually played Jugdral defend him to the death m8, even if Edelgard doesn’t do anything remotely as evil as barbequing the entire first generation army
People do the same shot for Rhea too even when she’s intentionally written as a foil for Edelgard
Her calling Kronya disgusting and Thales just laughing it off was a cool scene. I think a lot of people on different routes didn’t get this scene cause it really drives home the fact that she was a tool of the slithers, he calls her “their greatest experiment” and treats her like their sekrit weapon. Not surprised since she was supposed to be their Nemesis clone and has that mutated form
Rodrigue's death in BL is so cheaply done I ended up laughing at it. They didn't make it a cool looking cutscene or anything, it was all done in a visual novel format which didn't make it hit as hard. It's a good thing Dimitri's voice acting is on point otherwise this would have been wack as fuck.
They're still perfectly fine with helping her after she assist in killing Kronya and Solon.
What if the reason Dimitri is obsessed with El is because she's one of the few people that is capable of taking it from him?
>Side with BE
>Either have to kill Flayn or force her back into hiding.
Yeah I'm thinking Edelgard is just the worst person to have ever existed.
Just found out Edelgard is the flame emperor and the church wants to kill her.
Did I fuck it up? I want to stay with her.
Apologies for being an idiot then
For Dimitri.
And yet he’s not when she plants her axe in Cornelia’s face, someone he actually found unlike unlike the other two
when your life subterfuge there is such a thing as doing your job TOO well
>teleporting dark magic ancient slitherpeople aren’t threatening
Thales may get ran through in BL in his human form but you can’t just ignore the cutscene where your dad dies and Thales teleports out of nowhere to deflect the Sword of the Creator
Technically Solon was the one that killed Kronya
Edelgard is nothing like Arvis since Arvis didn't have a problem with anyone, not even the lopto sect.
He believed everyone should be allowed to worship who they wanted.
Sigurd was just a means to the end.
Edelgard is pretty much the opposite.
One of her biggest dislikes is losing control. She’s a control freak, willingly going back to those days as a lab rat is 100% out of the question to her.
Willingly going along with their plans short term to eliminating a shared enemy with plans of eliminating them next is common sense and seen many times in history. Fighting a two front war is stupid
I just sniped that fish bitch with bernie, rot in hell dragon
Expert Arvis' dream world is actually a good one, and he give everyone at least a decade of paradise before a fucking cult ruins it all.
technically he says she got sent to the shadow realm
sure she was screaming in pain but im going to take his word for it that she's floating in limbo
To be fair, Kronya was a bait-sacrifice to trap Byleth inside the shadow realm.
And what do you suggest these “masterminds” to do in the Solon situation? Make Ega go “hey how about we spare that guy? Hes not THAT bad”? Solon’s stubbornness in killing Byleth right there instead of peacing out like usual dug himself a grave
Honestly the fact he didn’t have an issue with the Loptyo sect makes him even more comically inept than Edelgard ever could hope to be . Jesus Christ
If you didn’t get the choice to spare Edelgard when Rhea tries to wipe your identity with the throne then yeah, you missed it
For Byleth
I wish we actually got the missions where we wipe out the slithers with Hubert's secret police instead of getting some lines in the epilogue.
All 4 endings for every route end with an objectively better future for Fodlan long term than if the status quo was kept so this is a moot point
She doesn’t even want to work with them, she hates her uncle and Hubert is the one that makes Edelgard and you help him. Hubert’s paralogue, for example.
That's functionally as good as having her dead.
user, they get killed offscreen in the BE route, they get destroyed in like 2 chapters in GD.
I don't even know what they do in church but since I haven't heard anything I can only assume very little.
And in BL they all just get killed in their human forms.
They are like a less competent Black Fang.
>Hubert is the one that makes Edelgard and you help him
God damn it Hubert I love you but you really fucked up there
The difference between cuckbrain and this is that coomer is actually based
Is it at all possible for her to find common ground and trust in the other Lords prior to the time skip, or is war inevitable?
>BE route is better
If you ignore the fact that the next 100 years is going to be nonstop bloodshed sure.
they have to, they need their strength to win the war.
Hubert hates them but it was the only logical choice to pretend to be on their good side and use them to win the war.
Then when they'd be in control of everything, they could destroy them
user have you possibly come across the fact that at the end of the day this is a FE game and the good guys have to win somehow, even if it means the villains doing retarded shit just do the heroes stand a chance.
The nukes alone put them above just about any other villain in the series threat level wise
You know if this nigga were the one to get into smash I’d actually be pretty happy. He looks based as hell.
How shit is the Empire?
>do we piss people off by making BE 11 chapters long
>or piss them off by being lazy for another 7
considering the slithers pretty much ruled the empire from the shadows, they had no choice
I’m not arguing about game mechanics bro I’m just saying story-wise they’re the biggest threat to human society. Like sure Rhea has manipulated humans and experimented on replacing one’s soul with her mother’s for hundreds of years but the slithers can banish people to the shadow realm, teleport, cast plague spells, create Crest Beasts, have hundreds of nukes and mechs as well as Nemesis and the Elites. They also killed your dad. They’re kind of a big deal.
With that logic in place then Edelgard has to be evil to make the story make sense.
There, we made it.
>if we let slithers attain positions of power and influence we can destroy them later
this just sounds silly
It’s really not for multiple reasons. Even in the extremely contrived way you could somehow get Edelgard to get trust her (justified, if I might add) trust issues to reveal her situation to Dimitri, the second he hears she’s the FE he’s going to fly into a tard rage and kill her on the spot. Not only that, in what world is Arundel just going to take his living weapon not doing what he desires when he essentially rules the kingdom from the shadows. At best she gets dragged back to the lab and at worst she’s killed outright.
The Slithers rule all of the Empire since Arundel/Thales is the Regent and they control most of the Holy Kingdom through Cornelia and when they hit up Dimitri’s mom and caused the Duscur Tragedy. Everywhere’s fucked except for maybe Alliance, but they have Almyra and slither nukes too
They can only banish people to the shadow realm by killing one of their own and charging a spell for like 20 seconds.
Based off what, your headcanon?
Away from the expansionist edges Rome lasted a pretty damn long time m8
The next fire emblem after this one is gonna suck isnt it?prob gonna go back to pure waifu garbage.I hope they let tecmo make atleast one more game.
Maybe? Claude at least is on neutral term with her
Dimitri? Without a limiter shit would hit the fan. Hard. Esp if she confide in him waay too late
Will the war be stopped? Nope. Edelgard would be sent into exile (or disposed off, or worse, wormed to mindbreak), Thales would elect a puppet emperor, and went to town with the Kingdom, esp after the slytherin have been destabilizing it for quite a while too
War is inevitable
>let slithers attain positions of power and influence
They... don't do that? Arundel had already been replaced by Thales for a long while.
And he was pissed that Edelgard killed Cornelia, that he threatened her that Enbarr would be nuked like Arianrhod if she got on his bad side.
Retard this shit was already done by the time the game started, they don’t have a say in the matter
>Edelgard gets rid of crest culture
>Now the Sreng region can invade from the north due to no fear of the Lance of Ruin.
Maybe there is a place in the world for crests after all?
Did anyone else think it was really fucking creepy how Rhea wanted you to sit on the throne and how you were forced to do it? Did she think that you were going to be wiped and Sothis was going to inhabit your body from then on?
>fall in love with Flayn
>give her all my stat boosters
>always make sure to lecture her
>make her my dancer
>she just fucking ditches me on the BE route
>?prob gonna go back to pure waifu garbage.
Nah. Three Houses is a huge success and they want to push LGBT stuff than ever before.
That was only one thing out of all the others I mentioned. Crest Beasts, nukes, mechs, Nemesis, dead dad.
Need to fix her shit ass res somehow
Also saved, holy shit that's a good image.
I didn't say you didn't mention those things?
>rally the people against them
>they nuke
>find them
>kill them
>call their bluff
>they fire the missiles
>locate them
>wipe them out ala GD
>call their bluff
>they dont do shit
>still get held by the balls
I dunno looks like no matter what as long as you confront them they're fucked
lol dude they're not going to waste all of the new engine and shit they already have on just this one game. There'll be a new few FE probably by 2021.
They're probably working on it right now while they're finishing the DLC route.
Why would she join you in destroying her home?
Well yeah
Her post-mint lap-pillow scene was extra creepy too. Like its a child starting to lose her mind when her favorite toy is right there before her
at the very least it seemed like sothis had to consentingly do it
it was all guess work after all
we don't know how the war against them went in BE.
Only that they battled them and were defeated eventually.
We don't know how long that took, or when the empire went to hunt them, etc. All that shit is left up to your headcanon.
>thinks there isn't going to be a civil war the second edel dies
I don't know, why would that slut Annette join me in killing her father?
She’s straight you fucking dykes, leave her alone
Yeah nukes don’t even matter bro no one even cares when it wipes out your city haha Arianrhod? What’s that I just walk through nukes man I don’t give a fuck
I hope they scrap this engine.
It's not very good.
>his living weapon not doing what he desires when he essentially rules the kingdom from the shadows. At best she gets dragged back to the lab and at worst she’s killed outright.
Easy, Slither informers hear El confess her problems and trust issues to Byleth. El thinks she's not being overheard but unlike in canon, she is. When word gets back to Arundel he declares her a compromised asset and orders her to be replaced by a skinchanger. El survives because (you) intervene, but she has to go into hiding. Meanwhile, House Slytherin puts a puppet Edelgard on the Throne and directs the secret police to distribute propaganda warning against fake (actually true) Edelgards coming forward and kills any who dare try to tell the truth. Fake Edelgard uses the strats El's been putting together to go to war and fuck everything up, but because the villains (verdadera) are in charge now the conquest is FE:Fates/Conquest levels of brutal. Since El has no money, armies, or power, she is powerless to stop this. She links up with Dimitri and Claude to stop the dubstepper rampage. (You) spend the rest of the game trying to stop Punished Dimitri from killing Edelgard, and a desperate Edelgard from usurping command of (your) armies as you all try to stop the nuke-weilding molemen. It's a fun time, lots of yelling.
no all that shit is left to how things went down in GD you stupid fuck
Wait I nade her dancer does this mean I'll lose her if I stick with Edel?
God fucking damnit
Because the game is shit.
Did you know, in Radiant Dawn, Meg and Brom will never attack each other, because they are father and daughter and it would be fucking retarded if they did?
When she raises her face and looks down at you before whispering about flaying and burning you. She really fucking loses it once she realizes that you aren’t going to be her Sothis doll
>t. dumbass who didn't play GD
one city getting turned into a crater vs an unprecedented continent wide war
gee fucking whizz i wonder which is the worse outcome
The thing is people are scared shitless of opposing them. Nukes aint a joke my friend
Which make GD even more hilarious for me. Like, they just accident the whole thing, and just go with it
The problem is the shitty FEW zoom mode that nobody uses. They need to scrap that shit because the whole map is being rendered in the background and chugging performance in the "full map" mode.
Also characters to have unique animation and not recycle them all. Some characters look silly doing all that warlock/mage poses and swirls.
So you agree that them having nukes is a big deal and that they must be dealt with asap
It's ok, you'll be able to beat the crap out of her if that makes you feel any better
this is some SCREAM level shit
>hurr durr just make a voice changer
>hurr durr lets just replace them with a shapeshifter
almost as cringe as
>hurr durr time travel and dimensions
from fates
>Doing second Gronder battle on BL
>Claude says he'll hang back to access the situation
>Okay that makes sense I have no reason to attack them
>Suddenly Claude apparently has no idea what's going anymore and just charges
>Wipe out the deer nerds
>The retarded Rodrigue death (him dying is fine but the placement of characters in the scene makes the death look so fucking stupid)
>Now Claude is begging for help after I curbstomped his dumb ass and put his friends in the dirt just a few chapters ago
is the game done going full retard yet
yeah just like Jill and her father don't attack her father in PoR?
Marianne and Hilda aren't fucking gay.
That makes me feel worse.
>Straight girl who doesn't even have a support with Ingrid will say otherwise
Funny how even after the nukes are launched, exactly one (1) person is able to figure out where their base is from it, and that person being Hubert. If Hubert didn't leave the letter going 'yeah the slithers are here', Claude would be fucked.
Diplomacy nigga, and if that doesn’t cut it Edel probably comes to slap their shit just like she did for the Almyrans
What is this from? I feel like its from some porn comic.
No, something better happens, she can be recruited by him
That's so much more imaginative than anything they did in the three houses.
Enemies recruiting your units.
It's genius.
But the slitherers literally do replace people they don't like with skinwalkers, that's their MO.
I'll bet she has a womb tattoo.
>Flayn and Monica are there
Its the little thing. They just need to find a better, stylized grafix and we are dandy
they're more cruise missiles than nukes
and yes I don't see why this equates to "they dont have a say in the matter" or why the BE solution is remotely "the best way to go about it"
>mexican janitor was somehow tougher than the giant dragon
this fucking mission
Green dragon fish loli is not for Ryona
oglaf, it's technically a porn comic but I don't know that it's ever been actually sexy
Unpopular opinion.
Despite 3 houses decent game play and combat I think it's one of the weaker fire emblem games and is only being so highly praised because of waifu simulator and the fact it's capitalizing on all the faggots who want to live out a Harry Potter fantasy at Hogwarts as a professor. You end up spending more time talking to people and helping their life crisis then you do actually fighting and it also has one of the weakest stories. Change my mind
oglaf does cover sexual humor as well as normal humor
>She’s straight you fucking dykes
Mercedes will say otherwise till she's still locked Ingrid in her room.
So your headcanon, got it
>if I imagine the worst possible outcome of an ending that means it’s shit! God forbid something like Dimitri’s son is an idiot king or UK:Fodlan edition elects a Boris Johnson
Sreng is weak, Faerghus conquered half of its territory during king Lambert's reign.
The best
>Not Marrying the best girl yourself
>Not giving her the world
Only on the first playthrough, I had the most fun playing GD as my second go at the game since I skipped the BS and got the story quickly
I swear it's like three different people wrote Edelgard and they couldn't decide what she was going to be.
So she became a patchwork of the less good sides of three different characters.
>I hate the church
>No I only hate Rhea
>I hate the Goddess, the people don't need one
>Oh hello Byleth fused with the Goddess will you join me?
>I'm doing this war to stop unnecessary sacrifice of people
>Like Lonato I will be a ruler who sacrifices her people
Make your mind up.
cause edelgard wanted to wipe out the church too. slithers help kill dragon, hubert kill slithers
let me guess you're one of those fedoras who think "Exposition of the Holy Incest" has a good and DEEP, MATURE story
y u gay
>Flayn and Cat ditched you
>or Hubert and Edelgard ditched you
Its something
And 3H just take the “this is war, no hard feeling” a bit too far. Like the kino that is Sylvain vs Felix
considering it was the missiles that created the valley of torment, it'd say nuke is an apt descriptor of them.
Where the fuck did the Harry Potter shit even come from? It’s a military officer’s academy, not a wizard school. Just because there is magic in the series doesn’t make it Potter shit.
>cause edelgard wanted to wipe out the church too
yeah edelgard should totally be allowed to act on a notion instilled in her by a bunch of molemen
I did, that's why I married Annette.
Claude’s gonna open the borders and allow Almyran shitskins to fuck your girls and flayne
Edelgard wants to destroy the church because it's the entity endorsing the crest elitism, that in turn caused the corruption in nobility, and their leader is a corrupt dragon.
None of those are lies.
no one knows it’s false until you play through GD
i dont recall nukes turning merceus into a volcanic hellscape
and i dont recall nukes turning hiroshima into a volcanic hellscape
so no and no
Holy shit the forehead on Mercedes
>Regular old Anne
>Not the MarryAnne
Big Gay
Annette is worse.
Well, super-nuke it is then
And Ballistic Missiles do?
I'm kinda digging her supports with Ignatz too.
No I think one where I'm actually a commander not some random Merc that became fucking Jesus and had questionable relationships with his students and playing Hogwarts simulator for more then half the game makes the start for a good story.
Every path in 3 houses feels week because they forced 3 campaigns that are all different stories for the last like third of the game in. The story would have been far better if they would have done a single story that have 40 + chapters that lead to the church being ousted and then a choice toward the end to either dethrone them or work with them. A better story would have been a mix of the BE and church route. Humans kick the dragons back promise not to fuck with them if they don't fuck back,l.
The point is that no one else has futuristic tech including missiles and ballistics you absolute retard
>vampire lord
The only reason I'm doing BE instead of BL on my second playthrough is to fuck Hubert.Then reload and fuck Edgelord.
Who are you going to fuck or who did you fuck on your second playthrough?
Ignatz is a beta cuck and deserves no woman. Give him to satisfy Raph’s desires
Thank you kindly
and my point is
>this totally stops byleth and the students of the officers academy
>somehow killing a space dragon will make killing the slithers even easier
yeah this totally makes sense
hubert likes to cosplay as dracula, its the dark creepy look
>somehow killing a space dragon will make killing the slithers even easier
No one said this. Her first goal is to get rid of the church. Regardless of the slithers, she wants crests gone.
Hubert. Dude is obviously a Tremere blood mage.