>he doesn't prefer Puyo Puyo to Tetris
He doesn't prefer Puyo Puyo to Tetris
Other urls found in this thread:
Puyo Puyo is like 3 times harder
What the fuck is this Arle, what's the context behind her clothing here?
She obviously had to get a McJob
I do, but I fucking hate Puyo Puyo Quest and the general way Sega's been handling the series for the last fucking DECADE.
McDonalds X Puyo Puyo Quest ad.
Puyo has not evolved in the same way that Tetris has. There's simply more to do in the 35 years of Tetris than there is in all of Puyo on a gameplay standpoint.
Don't get me wrong, Puyo gives me a nostalgic fun vibe that Tetris doesn't bring me, and the characters are all pretty cool even though Madou era and Fever era should really be seperated, but the gameplay only really shines in competitive while Tetris has enough variations where people can choose to aim for single player or competitive goals.
God fucking dammit
Wasted her time playing Puyo Puyo instead of studying. She's a wagie now.
>tfw we'll never get fever 3
>Preferring Tetris or Puyo over the other
>Not realizing that they're different sides of the same coin and both contribute to block puzzle game wholeness
Swap or fusion or get the fuck out. And fuck the dimensional border.
I do like both but you can't play puyo online unless you're japanese or something, on tetris at least I can fight back.
I really want to play puyo but PPT and PPe are not very colorblind friendly, I can't even advance in the story mode of PPT because of that so I'm kinda stuck playing tetris
Damn, this is tragic. Hoping they release a new PPT game with accessibility options for you, user.
I agree that Swap is kino but Fusion? Literally how?
aren't there alt color and letter puyos like in every other game?
Pop'n > Puyo
It's really fresh and I enjoy how uncharted it is. Feels like I'm playing a completely new game. Just sucks I have no human players who want to play that mode with me.
>Super Puyo 2 made it to the SNES online
Not gonna lie, I got it just for that.
What a pleasant surprise that was
I literally emulate it on my phone, so I can get angry on the train. That fucking game seriously has a difficulty curve issue.
>Play on easiest
>Breeze through most of the game
>Play on normal
>Get literally dominated by Cait Sith
Maybe I'm just bad at Puyo...
It's okay user, we're all shit deep down
Fusion sucks dick
user... I really don't like feeling like I'll never not be shit! How do I organize colors!? How do I plan ahead!? Where do I begin finding answers to these questions!?
Have you played more than 1,000 rounds of fusion? If not, you're not experienced enough to cast judgement, go back and play more fusion.
>it gets good x rounds in
>it's bad because I don't understand it
Anyone for some rounds on ppt pc swap?
I'm "good"
I'm hoping for the same, it's not an uncommon practice for color-based gameplay mechanics after all, even Peggle has it
At least I suffer just from mild colorblindness, I can't imagine how hard it would be to play it with a severe or total deficiency
Yeah, but the alternative colors are just tonality changes rather than changing the base color of the Puyos, also the letter skin is just too overwhelming to play for me.
Pic related is a mod for the PC port that helps with the problem but it kinda sucks it can't be used on consoles without modding and sacrificing online play
Arle drops in
Don't play with my heart, user.
I'm glad I didn't have to be the one to ask. Host!
I'm "bad"
newfag here, what's the appropriate amount of colors used (not including "enemy" puyos)?
Some modes have 4 and others have 5
>mfw playing Puyo or Puzzle Fighter and I try to link a green and yellow or a purple and blue together, only realizing I was misreading the colors seconds later
It's fine at slow speeds but at fast speeds the games become just like random chance of whether I'll misintepret a color or not.
For me it's the other way around honestly.
Four is standard.
On the topic of swap gameplay, is there a particular reason why hard drop is disabled for puyo puyo mode by default? It seems to hold back puyo by a large margin.
4 if you're a fan of schadenfreude, 5 if you're a total sado-masochist.
4 always unless you hate fun
I don't know how to made one private, but is the swap public with arle icon
They're literally not even close to the same genre.
Also, Lapistoria was dogshit.
Oh so it was about pop'n music. While I prefer and am a bigger fan of pop'n than puyo, that shit is a music game, not puzzle and completely agree, lapistoria was dogshit and ever since the series have been going downhill.
I'm coming right now. Name is Novice Puyo Popper
>8331 ranking
Welp, I guess I'll just die.
>playing super puyo puyo thanks to switch online snes library
>it's not translated
>has a bizarre ad to take action against aids.
The Anniversary Series (15, 20, Chronicle) almost fixes this issue
fusion is best gamemode you absolute plebs you just need to spend a couple hundred hours grinding it online to begin actually enjoying it
>fixing anything
I'm honestly happy they did that, the fact they chose Super Puyo 2 to be on there even though they could've easily had Kirby's Avalanche instead really makes me think that Sega and Nintendo are both putting a lot of trust in a western Puyo audience now. I really hope we get more cool surprises like that.
If only they went the extra mile and translated Super Puyo 2 as well...
Puyo isn't good... it's just; Memorize X pattern. Now do X pattern faster than your opponent can to win. Shits like a Rubics cube.
Where's all my Meteos and Puzzle League homies at? Thats the good shit.
Then leave this thread?
user, I like Meteos and Puzzle League, but you are way oversimplifying Puyo
Feels like I'm playing a ROM on ZSNES.
Tetris is harder than puyo for me but I have more fun playing it
classic tetris is for hipsters
Some kind of cross-promo with japanese McDonalds.
You don't know how modern Tetris works?
For me it's Panel de Pon.
play jstris
Thank you user, that was fun, sorry but i need to leave
Damn, I was badly outclassed. Thanks for the rounds, Arle. I have much work to do. Hoping to play you again soon!
Oh hey, that's where that PPT tetris sprint song comes from. I actually love that remix.
>Kirby's Avalanche is destined to die forgotten in the pages of history
Good riddance. All that shit proved is the west shouldn't touch Kirby, especially in that era
I'm high key really happy to see a Puyo Puyo/Tetris thread not dying immediately. Please keep discussing my favorite puzzle games.
I wonder how many threads get deleted early on because of anons lewding Arle less than 10 posts in
I don't know, but I've posted 3 Puyo Puyo/Tetris threads last week with tame OPs and they had no more than 8 posters each. Made me believe no one really cared about Puyo Puyo here. This thread kinda restored my faith a little. Poor Arle though, I don't know what it is about her design that attracted the most autistic kind of lewds.
create a pc fusion room to keep the thread alive then
There is no good Arle porn..
Hosting fusion public room with Ess icon. Hosted by "Novice Puyo Popper"
None of the characters in the PP/T universe should be lewded.
There is no good Arle porn
What about Rulue? She's an adult and has Dominatrix tendencies
Postin' Arles in a Puyo Thread
>Poor Arle
With that design, she's made for the cock.
Have you tried the Sonic puyos?
Holy FUCK, I did not deserve such a beating! Thanks for playing! Hope to play Fusion with you again soon!
ocean prince is best puyo prove me wrong
thanks for playing fusion with me and be sure to practice it at home
I have no one to practice Fusion with and the cpus are extremely discouraging. But thanks! I'll be able to stand up to you one day!
When is the west finally gonna get a game with /ourghosts/?
I'm still mad that the youtube channel with all the footage of the 15th anniversary pachislot machine got nuked.
don't even remind me user, being a Yu fag is suffering
Uuuuuh!?!? Is this cannon?
I'm gonna fucking kill you if you ever post shit from /trash/ in my comfy Yea Forums Puyo threads ever again.
Someone on /trash/ recently drew the first ever r34 of Hohow Bird.
Remember that time when Arle decapitated Schezo
Only in the PC-98 version. He got better though.
He did deserve it for kidnapping arle and locking her in his creepy dungeon desu
I wish puyo didn't refrain itself from using kanji
makes understanding some words unironically harder for my gaijin brain
fever/2/7 are specially bad at this
and yes, I play puyo for the story
Katakana's way easier to read, though.
Schezo did nothing wrong though
Why does Schezo even want Arle's powers, or anyone's powers to be precise?
how many of the madou games have english patches? is there a list?
>inb4 0
Remember that time Arle pulled a universe reset
He wants to become the strongest dark wizard
there's a lot of homonyms in japanese and kanji actually make the reading experience easier and less contextual, at least when using big boy words
which puyo doesn't use that often, but those times it does make my whiteoid brain struggle for a second or two more than it should
I'm glad to see that this series has been doing well despite the issues it had, I hope that it gets more coverage outside of Japanmaybe smash bros would help but thats just what I've noticed
I don't know why but I feel like someone has probably made a /d/-tier story on this gag already
>kakatte koi!
Nobody's done anything like that yet, no. Someone on /trash/ did write POV Ocean Prince vore, though, but it's not related to that joke post.
i like puyo's characters but am dogshit at puyo the game
I sometimes wonder if the majority of the puyo posters here even know how to seven chain.
Just spam 3-chains until you eventually figure out how to actually play.
I can't really get more than a 5-chain reliably, but part of that may be because I play Fever and all the characters I like have dropsets made for building on Fever chains rather than making chains prior.
I can only do 4 at max. I am not very fast at it.
>seven chain
I can one chain seven times, that's good, right?
with a bit of effort I can pull off 8-10 chains fairly consistently
Yo~n is secretly the best game in the series and its only flaw is the speed
I did it one time
>tfw most of the time I pull off a chain it's by accident
I love looking at the cascading puyos and just thinking, "How the fuck did I do that?"
3 to my knowledge. 1 and 2 on game gear and Big Kindergarten Kids on SNES. Note that 1 and 2 are not the first games, but remakes of the real first game, 1-2-3, and that the last of the set is still untranslated. BKK is a prequel to 1.
i canbut i'm still not so great at the game, my chaining is super messy
If the garbage cooperates I can manage a 6. Never pulled a 7 yet.
is she evil?
Sometimes accidental chains are the best chains. Especially if it leads to you winning the match.
Yes, also a smug asshole.
I gotta learn how to play both of those more.
Start with the two step finesse, then learn how to set up T-spins
>Puyo Puyo
Start with learning how to 2 chain, then 3 chain, then learn how to do both of those really fucking quickly. Then learn how to break your 3 chain's trigger with another chain, that's how you'll get to higher numbers. Before you aim for higher numbers, practice on giving your chain set ups multiple trigger points. This will give you garbage resistence
Play the game, be ready and willing to get utterly bodied as there are simply no noobs left willing to play, and you'll soon be as good as you'd imagined.
>tfw when you're the victim of an accidental 8 chain
>seeing a fucking moon garbage puyo for the first time
I'm so mad that Puyo~n is the only Puyo game where the garbage indicators go above meteors.
If you really want to learn how to play Tetris, you should listen to , but also learn about Openers.
Learning stuff like the Hachispin, DT Canon, TKI, and Albatross will help give you beginning ideas about T-Spin Doubles and Triples, and formations like Fractals and Imperial Cross.
Thank you, user. You've taught me something as well. I'm frankly repeating what I was told in an earlier thread because it helped me shave 5 seconds off my shitty sprint timing.
post your sprint times anons
Obviously you'd never see most of the Yo~n icons in normal Puyo, but in high level Fever there's a pretty good chance you could.
Imagine an 8 minute long round of Fever with Yo~n garbage icons.
48:99, approaching my seventh month of Tetris autism here.
I'm expecting to crack into 47 by the end of this week, and hopefully under 45 by the end of this month.
Please no bully.
I'm a puyo novice, what's fever mode entail?
Thank you so much! I'd very much like to win a tetris 99 match for once!
Fever Mode's whole gimmick is that you can offset garbage forever, which means as long as you keep making matches the garbage never drops. Every time you offset, it fills up a Fever meter, which does crazy shit when it gets full.
Try playing Fever 2, there's an english-patched PS2 .iso posted earlier.
>That video
Damn dude, not to sound like a dick or anything (especially since I appreciate your reply) but can you link a video with more than 16 pixels on the screen at a time?? And thanks for the Fever 2 link but I'm not a pirate anymore.
at least give me warning when you delete my post you tranny nigger faggot janny
user, it's literally not possible to play Fever 2 legally on any modern system, let alone in English. It's a 2006 game that has yet to get any rerelease.
How that affect un her chances to be in Smash?
Okay okay, final excuse, hear me out: I have a toaster, would even be able to run?
Now please increase the quality of your posts or go away.
kill yourself
>people still doubt that ringofags are the worst posters in all of puyo threads
If your toaster can reliably run PCSX2, then it'll be fine. No harm in giving it a shot, at least.
It'll be worth it, don't worry.
Also, the translation is a pretty unfinished, so you may need to slap some of the menu options into google translate with a smartphone or something.
>I do, but I fucking hate Puyo Puyo Quest and the general way Sega's been handling the series for the last fucking DECADE
That reminds me, I still haven't actually finished the PPT adventure mode. 3-starring, that is.
There's that one swap battle against Ex where he either croaks in mere seconds or absolutely crushes me. I can't for the life of me get the required points because he dies so fast or I straight up lose.
And then there's also the fusion battles which I can win but not with a terribly high score. Haven't tried those a whole lot.
Beyond chapter 7 I have only touched 8-1 but it didn't seem to ramp up the difficulty from where chapter 7 left off. And than goodness for that.
In 2009, a new team took over from the team that made Fever/Fever 2/15th Anniversary. That new team made Puyo Puyo 7, which was a bad reboot which blew most of the budget on the new lead's (Ringo) voice actress. That game came out in 2009, and is the last mainline Puyo game we've had. Since then we've had
>Puyo Puyo 20th, a clone of 15th that was actually pretty decent since they had a lot of the Fever team working on it
>Puyo Puyo Quest, a shit mobage gacha game
>Puyo Puyo Tetris, a mediocre spinoff with balance issues, a lack of content, and a shitton of DLC
>Puyo Puyo Chronicles, a bad RPG with a bad artstyle
>Puyo Puyo eSports, a budget title made for tournament play in the Japanese eSports league
>tfw no Puyo Puyo game with artwork by Ken Sugimori
What's the definitive version of Fever that's been translated? Or are they all basically the same?
Do you guys think there's any chance of getting a puyo rep in smash? I mean, I don't want to discuss about smash but I am more interested about it being a possible meaningful marketing for the series here.
PPT has DLC?
Puyo Puyo is insanely niche, my man.
It was for Japan but the localization compiled it all together.
I think Sega is too retarded to do anything substantial for this franchise.
Fever is the only Sega Puyo game prior to Tetris that got an official translation, so they're all the same. That being said, I forget which version it was, but one version allows you to change voice language. You may want to do that, considering the QUALITY of the Fever dub.
Still better than the PPT dub
Champions is unironically soulless. Ichi, Ni, San is so fucking dull compared to actual voice lines. Also
>No Feli
Garbage. Ciel a cute tho.
Is puyo puyo esports worth buying
Can someone explain the appeal to owning more than one puyo puyo game per console generation?
I really wish I had insentive to buy that esports game or the Genesis one just put on the EShop, but I already have xTetris.
Damn, that's unfortunate. What makes 7 and PPT inferior to the previous games in your opinion?
Puyo Puyo Tetris's original release was in 2014, Japan-only. Every single Extra Chapter (along with everything you unlock in those) was originally DLC.
The ICHI NI SAN counting came from 7's HENSHIN mode, along with PPQ.
Not him, but i dislike the art
Holy fuck... PPT was my entry into the puyo universe. Am I a pleb?
so is kof, literally nothing is an argument for smash anymore
I have deuteranopia and I can play with the Neo Geo tileset, or whatever the retro one is called
there is nothing wrong with weird semi southern quiet ocean prince
Eh, it's fine if you just want bare bones Puyo
Hrrmn. You're right about that. I dunno then.
Arle is literally the only character I realistically want at this point.
It helps she's literally the only puzzle game character left that can be repped.
But all this said, I don't wanna get my hopes up
>played tetris sporadically since i was a kid, not really attached to it
>played puyo puyo since not so much of a kid, really love the gameplay and the universe, feel proud of my chains
>get tetris 99
>do fairly well, with a decent victory ratio
>get puyo puyo champions
>get bodied by everyone and their mother who can pull a 10+ chain in a blink of an eye
how am I supposed to feel?
give up user the japanese cannot be beaten in puyo they have the home-field advantage
At what point do I decide to kill myself?
How autistic do I need to be to git gud at puyo?
seriously this, puyo is so niche that you'll only find ancient japanese 20 chain gods playing online, so newcomers give up fairly quickly and keep the matchmaking murders going.
Or Starcraft.
You haven't even gone 100 games without winning? That's not a reason for suicide, then.
I havent played puyo before, only tried it when a friend had puyo tetris so I was wondering if it was good to get into with.
>6 wins
Doing good, kiddo! Keep it up!
>26% win rate
Nigga, you should kill yourself for being so easily discouraged.
It's cheap, and it has a fever mode
That said, Puyo 1 is now available too and if I had to pick between them, I'd pick Puyo 1
>puyo puyo 1 rules
Go un-plebify yourself by playing Fever/Fever 2/15th/20th, along with Tsu/SUN/Yo~n/BOX.
I don't know how, but the SNES thing completely revitalized my hopes of it happening
I refuse.
user, I fucking love Puzzle League, but that game's multiplayer is ass compared to Puyo.
I fucking knew it.
I got like a 10 losing streak against her in PuyoMode, I started to think that she was a dominatrix.
>suddenly translate two titles and then arrange with nintendo to drop a japan only title on their western snes service
>also merch on the sega shop
It's a hell of a lot better than what we got back in the day though
>Panel de Pon is dead is multiple different ways while Puyo lives
Victory doesn't always taste sweet.
Puyo lives in a zombie state, to be fair.
So does Sonic
Inept as Sega is, they're at least trying to keep what IPs they have left alive, even if it doesn't always work.
I think the fans of yakuza series were pissed too
Yakuza is probably the only franchise besides Sonic that keeping them stable, and unlike Sonic, is actually viewed as good for the most part
Their attitude is changing, with Puyo getting more releases in the west and Sakura Wars of all thing getting a worldwide release soon.
>If only they went the extra mile and translated Super Puyo 2 as well...
you do know about the english patch right?
Please don't be braindead and use searching meter as a reliable way to check popularity.
He obviouly means officially translated in the SNES app
How would I go about it, user? It was the method that came to mind.
Fine, but if that's the case don't even take it seriously or believe it's reliable enough to use as argument.
To be fair, Smash arguments are fucking useless these days.
You might as well cast chicken bones to predict the next character
Post cute Arle's
Fine. But not because you told me
That doesn't help me, user. What else should I be using in lieu of search statistics? Game sales?
Personally I read candles to tell me who's the next smash fighter.
Don't you mean Diacute?
It's alright, user. 49 posters, 198 posts, 6 hour up time. For a puyo puyo thread, this is great. Let's not force it. It's time to say goodbye.
Touch screen controls are too imprecise for Puyo Puyo. You will be sucked.
>set up a chain
I've been emulating a lot of Puyo Puyo Tsu on Genesis as a desperate attempt to get into the series as of late and it really feels like it's just fucking luck based a good chunk of the time.
>just get gud bro
I don't think that's the problem. I've gotten to Satan and beaten him a few times already.
I've set up chains that just needed one blue puyo to set off, but I've gone 14 fucking puyo blocks without getting a single blue. I fucking lost because of that shit like a week ago and I'm still pissed.
Does Puyo not have a system akin to the Tetris Random Generator, where you're guaranteed to get a certain color at least once within a few blocks? Shit's almost unplayable because of it in my opinion
Why not both?
>Does Puyo not have a system akin to the Tetris Random Generator, where you're guaranteed to get a certain color at least once within a few blocks? Shit's almost unplayable because of it in my opinion
Yes, sort of. I'm fairly certain it's not possible to get the same colors a certain number of time in a row. Even if it doesn't, it does have a system where you your opponent have the exact same "seed" for your colors, so you always have the same chance as your opponent to build what you want. Just pay attention to what they're doing and go for long/short chains appropriately.
I'm too stupid for Puyo Puyo.
How do I unfuck myself from using 1 button to switch pieces?
I'm here to party, motherfucker. I'm actually not, I already drank too much on Sunday morning.
>t. Draco Centauros