I've never played any Yakuza games, and I'm getting mixed info online. Should I start the series with Yakuza 1 on the PS2, or just play Yakuza 0 and follow along with the Kiwami games?
I've never played any Yakuza games, and I'm getting mixed info online...
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just play Yakuza 0 and follow along with the Kiwami games
Rent or pirate whatever is cheapest for you.
Get a feel for the combat and the writing.
There's a 50/50 you'll promptly drop it.
Its an incredibly uneven franchise that sort of like comfort food, so its best to start with Yakuza 0 since its one of the best and a good introduction.
play zero, if you like it play the rest
>xbox game pass
>uplay thing
>ps now
>EA access
renting is BACK
why was 0 so good but the rest mediocre?
Do you care about the series evolving or just want to play some games
best pacing and story
1, of course. Don't listen to zerobabies, relase order is always the only way. Though if you don't want to play all of them and plan to stop after kiwami 2, it's okay to start with 0 I guess.
There's a tripfag in Yakuza threads sometimes who knows everything there is to know about Yakuza. You should ask him for an objective recommendation.
0 is the 6th main game in the series so the devs knew what the fuck what they were doing by that point. 6 suffers from being half a game since most of the development time was spent on the new engine.
Devs themselves said 0 is the new starting point.
>Devs themselves said
Yes, that's called marketing. If they didn't said that people would be scared to start playing the series. 1 is the first game and you should always start with the first game
why does kiwami 2 run like shit ?
is it time to upgrade or is it just a bad port ?
Start with 0. Yakuza is the series of diminishing returns. Kiwami is shit, 3 is shit, 4 and 5 are okay but there is a lot of tedium and story bullshit in them, and then 6 is fucking terrible. It's really not worth playing so many games which are all so long only for so little payoff. They're only really suitable for players who have literally absolutely nothing else in their lives.
You're lucky if you manage to finish even just 0 without getting bored. But remember, the others are all far worse.
Whichever you begin with, you will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yea Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.
That's what you're in for.
Kiwami 1
Kiwami 2
Dead Souls?
Skip Dead Souls.
It runs great on my machine. It might just be you pal.
Dead souls is alternate but try Judgement instead. Its about a detective in Kamurocho.
i got k2 on release it ran pretty bad, ive been playing again this week and after some patches it runs great. im still using a 970 so if you have a newer card it should run super great. you can also disable dof so walking around the city isn't so damn blurry. sotenbori at night looks really good.
Just 0. Don't worry about the big plan for the whole series. 6 is like someone shitting into your mouth anyway so it's not like it's worth investing for a big payoff. A lot of people don't even enjoy 0, so play it first and see if you even want to sit through 1000 hours of the same shit again and again.
This. I've known idiots who buy all the games before even starting one of them and regretted it instantly. Fools.
Reviewers claimed that yakuza 6 was the best starting point.
But Yea Forums told me Yakuza games only got 0/10s because all journalists are SJWs who can't handle such an ALPHA japanese game
Play in release order if you can emulate Yakuza 1 and 2. If not, just start with the Kiwami games then onto 3, 4, 5, 0, and 6. The Kiwami games don't seem to really retain the same old grimy feel of Kamurocho, but that doesn't mean anything to someone just getting into the series anyway.
Don't play 0 first. It's the best one and you will really notice the shortcomings of the other games if you play them after. Play all the other ones before 0 or you'll think they're shit.
Now that you have the option,
>kiwami 1
>kiwami 2
>the remasters
Dont listen to this guy, playing the older games is jarring if you havent played a ps2 game recently. Although i do say you should play the original for a bit just to hear Mark Hammil as Majima
Dont listen to this guy either. Atleast if you dont like the game go out on a high not a play the finest it has to offer first.
>jarring if you havent played a ps2 game recently
Bitch, it isnt even good by ps2 standards. Suck my dick.
Back to rebbit.
kys reddit scum
6 is the ending for the lead character, that's like starting Metal Gear with MGS4.
desu a bunch of people started the metal gear series with revengence which is after 4.
I'd recommend emulating Yakuza 1 and 2 over Kiwami at the start, they have a very nice atmosphere that wasn't translated over to the HD era very well.
They're also comparatively barebones combat-wise which may mean if you tried to go back and do them you'd just not feel it.
If you're just gonna play one game and that's it, 0.
Rising was also a stand alone plot with the dev team saying in interviews they asked for it to be post MGS4 so they could do whatever they want with it.
Jesus, this is exactly how I felt
>Bring that shit, Kazuma!
>Ten years in the joint made you a fucking PUSSY!
0 really isn't that special, those who say that are zerofags who got filtered at K1. K2 is in my book much better than 0, much comfier cities. So's Judgment.
Imagine going from K2 to 0. Now that's rough, 0 looks like shit compared to K2.
29 results found.
first localised release on the ps4, thats why its overhyped.
>much comfier cities
this doesn't actually mean anything
wow, and not even refuted once.
0 has PS3 gen cities, K2 has PS4 gen cities. Does that mean anything? it's mostly a tourism simulator, just the fact that I can enter buildings seamlessly in K2 and look out from windows, just that makes it a better game. The fact that it's a generation ahead of 0 in terms of the amount of details is a cherry on top.
>refute the fact that I'm bored because I have to read
Should I prove that you're not a faggot next?
Why are you like this user, surely you have better hobbies than copy pasting something out of a txt in a dead board every day?
eh I mean you're partly true but 0 at least is awesome worth playing. I mean it had tons of legitmently amazing moments. I mean if you didn't chills fighting Kuze then you shouldn't be playing video games
This is why I can't believe there are still retards saying the PS2 games aren't outdated trash
How did Kiryu not shatter his arms when Kuze hit him with the pipe from the motorcycle
he's the dragon of dojima
I won't lie, this was me. Almost bought Kiwami after 0 just to try again. But I have since accepted that it's just not that good a game. Way too overhyped.
>we have this thread everyday.jpg
I know you fucks are worse than children when it comes to repetition and lack of vocabulary but maybe lurk more or start a thread with an actual topic and see where it goes or better yet just play the fucking game and form your own opinion. Do you realize that most shitposting is because people are tired of seeing the same damn thread all the time and decide to take a huge dump in it?
Please don't start spamming those replies again, just go have sex will you.
Even the dragon of dojima is still made of meat and bones
This really hits the nail on the head for me. I played about 13 hours or so before I finally just stopped forcing myself to play through it. It has a lot of great moments, but the amount of repetitive slog between them is too much.
Just play Yakuza 0 and stop there. All the games in the series are rehashes, so you're better off just playing the best one and enjoying it for what it is. Nothing will top playing it for the first time no matter which game you start with, and since 0 is the best one and an ideal starting point you might as well pick that.
Haven't played any Yakuza games and every time it's on sale I'm debating whether to buy it or not.
But this is how I see this game from the outside.
Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games but I think it's quite overrated, but it still has some variety to it and in the end it's just a decent RPG.
Yakuza on the other hand... I don't know. I played a few VNs and I like JRPGs so not that I mind reading a lot, but everything about it sounds very boring and I don't give a fuck about hundred of minigames.
I'm debating it once again if I should bite the bullet but I think I'll get Trails of Cold Steel or something instead.
Did that reply come out of your .txt too, retard?
It's undeniable that there are a bunch of people who only got into this series because it felt "niche" and that made them feel like they had good taste
then they found out the games were "niche" because they were shit and boring
This. I started with Yakuza 4 and the feeling of walking around in rainy urban japan was unforgettable and activated my weebiness 200%.
Even though 0 is my favorite you can't recreate your first time in Kumurocho
Yakuza 1 on ps2 is the best starting place.
those are from two whole generations ago, fuck that
It's like everyone forces themselves to like this piece of shit series, i always found it mediocre as hell in every aspect then out of nowhere people starts hyping as it was the first videogame they ever played.
>Yes, I only fight in beast mode, how could you tell?
Play 1 then 0.
you fucking piece of human garbage
This is what I did and it really made me appreciate all the upgrades to 0.
I'm gonna beat your fairy ass
This. Yakuza outstays its welcome to a ridiculous degree so just pick the one you like the look of best and enjoy. I'd suggest 0.
I used to enjoy Yakuza threads. But they're all just the same fags saying the same things. Hell, there's even the schizo poster that just copy pastes the same exact posts from the previous Yakuza thread, and puts them here. Even without them, it's exactly the same thing.
>"where should I start?"
>"0 not 1 or 1 not 0"
>"this combat is great/trash"
>"you aren't a real fan unless you played PS2"
>"even though i'm obsessed with this game, here's a paragraph on why i hate it"
>that one webm
The PS2 boomers scream at all the 0 babies, the 0 babies become annoying over every small thing we've already enjoyed, and the schizo posts everything you've already read here.
So, tell me. Why do YOU still come here?
I like screaming at the 0 and Kiwami cowards, that's why fucko
I come here because I'm one of those so-called 0 babies and I like the series enough to keep an eye on threads.
Currently at Yakuza 4 and still loving this shit.
I really have absolutely nothing in life. No partner, no job. No prospects. I have to come to every single, and I really do mean every single Yakuza thread on Yea Forums, to complain. The threads bring me no joy, none. But the thought that someone might be saying something critical of any of the games really gets under my skin. I know the threads rarely get more than 30 people in them, but what if someone read one of the criticisms and agreed with it? It doesn't help when a lot of the criticisms are fair and all I can do is try to undermine them with accusations of samefagging or falseflagging. In a pinch I can always call it a reddit opinion or just imply the poster is a tranny.
Any interest I had in this series was lost as soon as I saw what a joke the combat is. You all failed to mention that while hyping this series up as the best shit ever.
>In a pinch I can always call it a reddit opinion or just imply the poster is a tranny.
Solid tactics. But what can someone do in a situation where the poster replies 'Dialate'?
I... I don't know...
I am outspoken in that I love Kiwami and Meme-jima everywhere. I personally love the fact that they fleshed out Nishiki more in Kiwami. It’s too bad he never really was a real threat by the time I decided to go and fight his ass.
Tortoise spirit. You can’t be phased when you block
Why are we supposed to know what you want and care about your opinion?
I started with 0 and went on to Kiwami. I was kind of baffled Nishikiyama was such an unlikable little pissant in the latter despite all the effort to make him look sympathetic.
>beast mode
>only good for picking off simps on the street
>can’t do shit against Shakedowns, Collesium Fighters, and Mad Dog style
>good heat moves
>trash meter gain
just remember the unlikable fag came before the best friend, despite what 0 wants you to believe.
What matters is you aren't interested in proving the combat isn't a joke and refuting my point.
>can’t do shit against Shakedowns
You're not supposed to punch in beast style, you dumdum. You're supposed to take out your shotgun and shoot people to death.
That’s a reference to the hilarious English voice acting in the originals
Just play on easy mode and enjoy the story, side quests and minigames.
>using weapons
I’ll give you the benefit of being new on this. Weapons were fine up until INVEST IN YOURSELF and got good. Maxed brawler Kiryu can stomp the shit out of Shakdown ez pz. It was laughable when my FISTS did more damage than the weapons themselves.
Another easy tactic was to use quick-change clothes. The moment you have all styles maxed and you had this, you no longer needed weapons my guy.
I don't have to prove anything to you. In fact, everything is online, so you can prove it to yourself without having to come here. Besides, you sound like someone that plays ignorant just to have the high ground, so you aren't worth the time. Everyone is free to enjoy what I want without engaging fags who come into threads just to scream about how much they don't like it. You feel like you're entitled to someone to prove you wrong, but really, you're just sitting around like an idiot waiting to scream at someone with a different opinion. So congrats on accomplishing whatever you're trying to do. I'm sure everyone is really proud of you.
Just play 0 and skip the rest, the other kiwami games feel like rushed out trash.
You're absolutely right. But I'll remind you that you literally asked me to expand on my point, which you are very mad about, but refuse to even say you think is wrong.
As long as we're jumping to conclusions about each other, I'm willing to bet you also think the combat in Yakuza is poor, but just don't want me to say so.
>tfw you fight Nishiki in Zero
>it’s supposed to be serious
>Hits like a mosquito
>Has to try and rely on Reina for backup
>Same shit in Kiwami minus Reina
I took my time and dicked around on this fight and Nishiki was still too ez even on legend. It’s like you almost feel bad for the guy
Kiwami 1 would have been phenomenally awesome if you could play as Nishiki in his descent to darkness. Especially while Kiryu in jail.
Maxing up Nishki’s character then having to fight a strong Nishiki as Strong Kiryu would have been much better
Maybe it's because I've played so many Dynasty Warriors games, but I don't see a problem with Yakuza combat in general. It's mostly you dispatching non-threatening enemies in flashy fashion. Like DW, the problem comes with bosses. Either the boss has next to no super armor and can be beaten with ease, or the boss has super armor coupled with slow telegraphed attacks that make the fight a slog of hit and run, or the boss is a goddamn nightmare.
I am looking at you, Arase.
Dead Souls is boring as fuck
Really weird that the final fight against Nishiki was so easy when the fight right before it is the hardest fight in the game by a mile.
Fuck, that flew right over me. Havent played the original release of 1 in forever.
Being a mainline Yakuza fan means you'll appreciate the lower points as comfy games but not necessarily exciting nor kino to the core, although they have those moments sprinkled throughout, as well as some feels
As a new player and one that's unsure, I would just do as you said
Start with 0 and play the Kiwami games at the minimum
Kiwami 1 is the litmus test being a low point in the new titles and you should keep that in mind as it's a remake of the original PS2 title
If you can stomach that, consider going on with the rest of the series
Even if you don't like it, just soldier on through anyway, get it beat by whatever means and go on to Kiwami 2
If you're doing 0-K2, think of it like Metal Gear, where it was pretty much supposed to end after each new title, K2 is a strong point to leave off on, even
I say this because 3 wasn't very exciting to me and I didn't care for the boss, but I loved being Dadzuma, Ryukyu culture and my boy Rikiya, some things to consider
Also, give yourself time between games and take breaks, the format remains and you'll get fatigued, especially if you want to do lots of completion stuff
>you'll appreciate the lower points as comfy
I knew "comfy" was just a codeword for "I know it's shit but I don't mind" and here's the proof
No, it's not necessarily shit, it's that tepid zone no one talks about, like 6-7 on an out of 10 scale
If it was shit, why play?
Don't fall for false dichotomies
these posts really are important for new players. I feel the reason a lot of people end up thinking yakuza is shit is they go in with high expectations because of their reputation, when the reality is they're low budget assetflips that are more like VNs than CUHRAYZEE action games, which is how they're often represented. yakuza has always been mediocre at best and nobody is going to become a fan if they come in expecting more than that.
well said
just play zero and skip the rest, until 7 comes out
"comfy" = it feels familiar which I like. That's literally all it is. When someone says something is "comfy" it just means they like it because it's similar to something else they like. in this case the shitty Yakuza games are "comfy" because they're similar to the good ones.
because you fucking stink bitch
yeah, but it's only hard because you're fighting 3 niggers at once while 2 of them respawn midway through, and through that the last nigger keeps throwing grenades.