>"Master Chief, you mind telling me what are you doing on that battlefield?"
>"Sir, finishing this fight"
"Master Chief, you mind telling me what are you doing on that battlefield?"
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sir, virtue signalling for trannies
I could see him having a fun moveset honestly.
What skins could he have that aren't just plain recolors though?
Only boomers seethe at the thought of this kino pick. If Microsoft is smart they would have only given Banjo if they add Master Chief.
His different armors, I think he can have armors from most halo games with each one having a different color.
Would anyone really willingly use 343's armor if given the option to not, though?
every character needs a bad skin
An Arbiter skin would be cool
Halo is old enough to be boomercore while Doom is zoomercore thanks to nuDoom and Brutal Doom
Why are people so autistic about this shitty boomer/zoomer thing, just play what you like.
2000's kids aren't boomers
I can see CE, 2, 3 and maybe Infinite being alt skins.
The marketing for Halo 3 is the only thing that, even to this very day, makes my eyes well up with tears.
this but with amiibos or smash trophies
Stop making me cry.
people for some reason are always trying to prove what they like is superior
Seriously fuck Halo and their Normie Dudebro fanbase.
>MC is revealed at E3
I can't see anything else getting as big of a reaction from westerners. Not Scorpion, not fucking James Bond, no one.
Back off zoomy
Always thought it was funny how Halo would probably do decently in Japan if it wasn't tied down to Xbox. Microsoft made a good few attempts to popularize it over there and despite that, it was the fact it's only on Microsoft consoles that made it so unpopular there.
Wow. Crazy how this is true now. What the fuck.
the dudebro dorito pope and gamefuel normalfag crowd that just wanted to play gears, halo, and madden was the fucking good old days compared to the people actively trying to sanitize and undermine gaming as a hobby
no dudebro ever tried to take away your anime titty games or obscure jrpgs, they would just think they're weird and laugh before going back to prestige again in fucking modern warfare 2
No it wouldn't. The Japanese CANNOT INTO FPS. they're all fucking horrible at them, get motion sick or straight up don't understand why they're fun. The closest they can get is third person shooters or House of the Dead type arcade shit
I've never met a dudebro that played Halo.
Every Halo player I've met was a gangly nerdy pimple faced teen.
Most of those people are in their mid-20s to early-30s now.
I Would be ok with master chief getting in (anything that BTFO'S the Stevies even more is an ok in my book) but personally, I'll take pic related over chief
We would have the best crouch in the game, thats for sure. Even better than dedede.
I cant wait to teabag my opponents.
>The Japanese CANNOT INTO FPS. they're all fucking horrible at them, get motion sick or straight up don't understand why they're fun
Why do they love Rainbow Six Siege so much then
the glacial pace of gameplay compared to most fps I would imagine. it's not like nobody in the country plays any fps at all but it's easily the most neglected genre
>YWNA buy shitloads of chips, soda, and pizza for a 16 player custom games lobby on a Friday night
>ever knowing 16 people who are close enough to play games with you
It wasn't like that. They were 16 randos, and you usually got invited by having a fun time with a random you meet in matchmaking. And by the end of the day, you'd be friends with at least 2 more cool dudes
>Smash Game in Progress
>All fighters suddenly see a comet falling from the sky
>It's coming right for them
>The Comet Crashed down right in the middle of the battlefield
>A Cloud of black smoke surrounds the object, as it begins to fade, its clear that the object is a Drop-Pod
Begins Playing
>Door Kicks Open
>Guitar Riff kicks into high gear as Master Cheif kicks the door open
>Title Card Drops
he's in
>be arguably the most intelligent and strongest man in the universe
>still taking orders like the good cuck he is
>y-yes sir
Sakurai mentioned the First Person Shooter Genre when talking about Banjo and his Specials
It's definitely getting a rep, the question is who
BJ Blazkowicz
>the question is who
Imagine the butt devastation if it was Spartan Locke
343 has no intention of trying to make him work. If they did he'd have shown up in the Infinite trailer.
ODST armor
doomguy skin
If I didn't already have Smash, this would make me buy it and the system. Master Chief in Smash? My nigga, yes.
>nucheif design
into the toilet it goes
i wanna live in the timeline where we get more ChiefxSamus art